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Signal transduction and activator of transcription 3 (Stat3) is activated by cytokines and growth factors in many cancers. Persistent activation of Stat3 plays important role in cell growth, survival, and transformation through regulating its targeted genes. Previously, we found that mice with a deletion of the G protein-coupled receptor, family C, group 5, member a (Gprc5a) gene develop lung tumors indicating that Gprc5a is a tumor suppressor. In the present study, we examined he mechanism of Gprc5a-mediated tumor suppression. We found that epithelial cells from Gprc5a knockout mouse lung (Gprc5a-/- cells) survive better in vitro in medium deprived of exogenous growth factors and form more colonies in semi-solid medium than their counterparts from wildtype mice (Gprc5a+/+ cells). The phosphorylation of tyrosine 705 on Stat3 and the expression of Stat3-regulated anti-apoptotic genes Bcl-XL, Cryab, Hapa1a, and Mcl1 were higher in the Gprc5a-/- than in Gprc5a+/+ cells. In addition, their responses to Lif were different; Stat3 activation was persistent by Lif treatment in the Gprc5a-/- cells, but was transient in the Gprc5a+/+ cells. The persistent activation of Stat3 by Lif in Gprc5a-/- cells is due to a decreased level of Socs3 protein, a negative inhibitor of the Lif-Stat3 signaling. Restoration of Socs3 inhibited the persistent Stat3 activation in Gprc5a-/- cells. Lung adenocarcinoma cells isolated from Gprc5a-/- mice also exhibited autocrine Lif-mediated Stat3 activation. Treatment of Gprc5a-/- cells isolated from normal and tumor tissue with AG490, a Stat3 signaling inhibitor, or with dominant negative Stat3(Y705F) increased starvation-induced apoptosis and inhibited anchorage-independent growth. These results suggest that persistent Stat3 activation increased the survival and transformation of Gprc5a-/- lung cells. Thus, the tumor suppressive effects of Gprc5a are mediated, at least in part, by inhibition of Stat3 signaling through regulating the stability of the Socs3 protein.


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Much of the craniofacial skeleton, such as the skull vault, mandible and midface, develops through direct, intramembranous ossification of the cranial neural crest (CNC) derived progenitor cells. Bmp-signaling plays critical roles in normal craniofacial development, and Bmp4 deficiency results in craniofacial abnormalities, such as cleft lip and palate. We performed an in depth analysis of Bmp4, a critical regulator of development, disease, and evolution, in the CNC. Conditional Bmp4 overexpression, using a tetracycline regulated Bmp4 gain of function allele, resulted in facial form changes that were most dramatic after an E10.5 Bmp4 induction. Expression profiling uncovered a signature of Bmp4 induced genes (BIG) composed predominantly of transcriptional regulators controlling self-renewal, osteoblast differentiation, and negative Bmp autoregulation. The complimentary experiment, CNC inactivation of Bmp2, Bmp4, and Bmp7, resulted in complete or partial loss of multiple CNC derived skeletal elements revealing a critical requirement for Bmp-signaling in membranous bone and cartilage development. Importantly, the BIG signature was reduced in Bmp loss of function mutants indicating similar Bmp-regulated target genes underlying facial form modulation and normal skeletal morphogenesis. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) revealed a subset of the BIG signature, including Satb2, Smad6, Hand1, Gadd45g and Gata3 that was bound by Smad1/5 in the developing mandible revealing direct, Smad-mediated regulation. These data indicate that Bmp-signaling regulates craniofacial skeletal development and facial form by balancing self-renewal and differentiation pathways in CNC progenitors.


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Nuclear morphometry (NM) uses image analysis to measure features of the cell nucleus which are classified as: bulk properties, shape or form, and DNA distribution. Studies have used these measurements as diagnostic and prognostic indicators of disease with inconclusive results. The distributional properties of these variables have not been systematically investigated although much of the medical data exhibit nonnormal distributions. Measurements are done on several hundred cells per patient so summary measurements reflecting the underlying distribution are needed.^ Distributional characteristics of 34 NM variables from prostate cancer cells were investigated using graphical and analytical techniques. Cells per sample ranged from 52 to 458. A small sample of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), representing non-cancer cells, was used for general comparison with the cancer cells.^ Data transformations such as log, square root and 1/x did not yield normality as measured by the Shapiro-Wilks test for normality. A modulus transformation, used for distributions having abnormal kurtosis values, also did not produce normality.^ Kernel density histograms of the 34 variables exhibited non-normality and 18 variables also exhibited bimodality. A bimodality coefficient was calculated and 3 variables: DNA concentration, shape and elongation, showed the strongest evidence of bimodality and were studied further.^ Two analytical approaches were used to obtain a summary measure for each variable for each patient: cluster analysis to determine significant clusters and a mixture model analysis using a two component model having a Gaussian distribution with equal variances. The mixture component parameters were used to bootstrap the log likelihood ratio to determine the significant number of components, 1 or 2. These summary measures were used as predictors of disease severity in several proportional odds logistic regression models. The disease severity scale had 5 levels and was constructed of 3 components: extracapsulary penetration (ECP), lymph node involvement (LN+) and seminal vesicle involvement (SV+) which represent surrogate measures of prognosis. The summary measures were not strong predictors of disease severity. There was some indication from the mixture model results that there were changes in mean levels and proportions of the components in the lower severity levels. ^


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Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a genetically heterogeneous group of retinal degenerations that affects over one million people worldwide. To date, 11 autosomal dominant, 13 autosomal recessive, and 5 X-linked forms of retinitis pigmentosa have been identified through linkage analysis, but the disease-causing genes and mutations have been found for only half of these loci. My research uses a positional candidate cloning approach to identify the gene and mutations responsible for one type of autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa, RP10. The premise is that identifying the genes and mutations responsible for disease will provide insight into disease mechanisms and provide treatment options. Previous research mapped the RP10 locus to a 5cM region on chromosome 7q31 between markers D7S686 and D7S530. Linkage and fine-point haplotype analysis was used to reduce and refine the RP10 disease interval to a 4cM region located between D7S2471 and a new marker located 45,000bp telomeric of D7S461. In order to identify genes located in the RP10 interval, an extensive EST map was created of this region. Five EST clusters from this map were analyzed to determine if mutations in these genes cause the RP10 form of retinitis pigmentosa. The genomic structure of a known metabotrophic glutamate receptor, GRMS8, was determined first. DNA sequencing of GRM8 in RP10 family members did not identify any disease-causing mutations. Four other EST clusters (A170, A173, A189, and A258) were characterized and determined to be part of the same gene, UBNL1 (ubinuclein-like 1). The full-length mRNA sequence and genomic structure of UBNL1 was determined and then screened in patients. No disease-causing mutations were identified in any of the RP10 family members tested. Recent data made available with the release of the public and Celera genome assemblies indicates that UBNL1 is outside of the RP10 disease region. Despite this complication, characterization of UBNL1 is still important in the understanding of normal visual processes and it is possible that mutations in UBNL1 could cause other forms of retinopathy. The EST map and list of RP10 candidates will continue to aid others in the search for the RP10 gene and mutations. ^


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The POU domain transcription factor Brn3b/POU4F2 plays a critical role regulating gene expression in mouse retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). Previous investigations have shown that Brn3b is not required for initial cell fate specification or migration; however, it is essential for normal RGC differentiation. In contrast to wild type axons, the mutant neurites were phenotypically different: shorter, rougher, disorganized, and poorly fasciculated. Wild type axons stained intensely with axon specific marker tau-1, while mutant projections were weakly stained and the mutant projections showed strong labeling with dendrite specific marker MAP2. Brn-3b mutant axonal projections contained more microtubules and fewer neurofilaments, a dendritic characteristic, than the wild type. The mutant neurites also exhibited significantly weaker staining of neurofilament low-molecular-weight (NF-L) in the axon when compared to the wild type, and NF-L accumulation in the neuron cell body. The absence of Brn-3b results in an inability to form normal axons and enhanced apoptosis in RGCs, suggesting that Brn-3b may control a set of genes involved in axon formation. ^ Brn3b contains several distinct sequence motifs: a glycine/serine rich region, two histidine rich regions, and a fifteen amino acid conserved sequence shared by all Brn3 family members in the N-terminus and a POU specific and POU homeodomain in the C-terminus. Brn3b activates a Luciferase reporter over 25 fold in cell culture when binding to native brn3 binding sites upstream of a minimal promoter. When fused to the Gal4 DNA Binding domain (DBD) and driven by either a strong (CMV) or weaker (pAHD) promoter, the N-terminal of Brn3b is capable of similar activation when binding to Gal4 UAS sites, indicating a presumptive activator of transcription. Both full length Brn3b or the C-terminus fused to the Gal4DBD and driven by pCMV repressed a Luciferase reporter downstream of UAS binding sites. Lower levels of expression of the fusion protein driven by pADH resulted in an alleviation of repression. This repression appears to be a limitation of this system of transcriptional analysis and a potential pitfall in conventional pCMV based transfection assays. ^


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Chronic exposure of the airways to cigarette smoke induces inflammatory response and genomic instability that play important roles in lung cancer development. Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB), the major intracellular mediator of inflammatory signals, is frequently activated in preneoplastic and malignant lung lesions. ^ Previously, we had shown that a lung tumor suppressor GPRC5A is frequently repressed in human non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC) cells and lung tumor specimens. Recently, other groups have shown that human GPRC5A transcript levels are higher in bronchial samples of former than of current smokers. These results suggested that smoking represses GPRC5A expression and thus promotes the occurrence of lung cancer. We hypothesized that cigarette smoking or associated inflammatory response repressed GPRC5A expression through NF-κB signaling. ^ To determine the effect of inflammation, we examined GPRC5A protein expression in several lung cell lines following by TNF-α treatment. TNF-α significantly suppressed GPRC5A expression in normal small airway epithelial cells (SAEC) as well as in Calu-1 cells. Real-time PCR analysis indicated that TNF-α inhibits GPRC5A expression at the transcriptional level. NF-κB, the major downstream effectors of TNF-α signaling, mediates TNF-α-induced repression of GPRC5A because over-expression of NF-κB suppressed GPRC5A. To determine the region in the GPRC5A promoter through which NF-κB acts, we examined the ability of TNF-α to inhibit a series of reporter constructs with different deletions of GPRC5A promoter. The luciferase assay showed that the potential NF-κB binding sites containing region are irresponsible for TNF-α-induced suppression. Further analysis using constructs with different deletions in p65 revealed that NF-κB-mediated repression of GPRC5A is transcription-independent. Co-immunoprecipitation assays revealed that NF-κB could form a complex with RAR/RXR heterodimer. Moreover, the inhibitory effect of NF-κB has been found to be proportional to NF-κB/RAR ratio in luciferase assay. Finally, Chromatin IP demonstrated that NF-κB/p65 bound to GPRC5A promoter as well as RAR/RXR and suppressed transcription. Taken together, we propose that inflammation-induced NF-κB activation disrupts the RA signaling and suppresses GPRC5A expression and thus contributes to the oncogenesis of lung cancer. Our studies shed new light on the pathogenesis of lung cancer and potentially provide novel interventions for preventing and treating this disease. ^