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Three hundred fifty-four registered nurses from an urban acute care hospital were examined through self-report questionnaires. Nurses from trauma care, critical care and non-critical care nursing specialties participated in the study. The study focuses were (1) whether sociodemographic characteristics were significantly related to burnout; (2) what was the prevalence estimate of burnout among the population; (3) whether burnout levels differed depending upon nursing specialties and; (4) whether burnout as related to nursing stress, work environment, and work relations was mediated by sociodemographic characteristics.^ Race, age, marital status, education, seniority, rank, nursing education, and birthplace were significantly related to one or more aspects of burnout in the total population. With emotional exhaustion alone the prevalence of burnout was 62%. Using emotional exhaustion and depersonalization combined with reduced sense of personal accomplishment as a measure of burnout, thirty-four percent of the nurses were either in the pre-burnout phase or burned out. The relative importance of sociodemographic characteristics indicated that experience and race were highly significant risk factors.^ Burnout levels differed significantly depending upon nursing specialty. Specifically, levels of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization differed significantly between trauma care and critical care, and trauma care and non-critical care. Personal accomplishment did not differ depending upon nursing specialty. Critical care nurses did not differ significantly from non-critical care nurses on aspect of burnout.^ Race, marital status, education, seniority and rank were significant mediators of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. The study offers possible explanations for the mediating effect of sociodemographic characteristics on nursing stress, work environment, work relations, emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. ^
This study examined the level of patient satisfaction and nursing staff work satisfaction at an urban public hospital in the Southwestern United States. The primary objectives of this study were to determine: (1) the level of overall patient satisfaction and satisfaction with specific dimensions of hospital care; (2) the differences in patient satisfaction according to demographic characteristics (age, gender, ethnicity, and education completed) and predispositional factors (perceived health status, perceived level of pain, prior contact with the hospital, and hospital image) and the relative importance of each variable on patient satisfaction; (3) the level of overall work satisfaction and satisfaction with specific dimensions of work experienced by the medical/surgical nursing staff; (4) the differences in work satisfaction experienced by the nursing staff based on demographic variables (age, gender, ethnicity, and marital status) and professional factors (education completed, staff position, the number of years employed with the hospital, and number of years employed in nursing) and the relative importance of each variable on work satisfaction; and (5) to determine the effect of the nursing work milieu on patient and staff satisfaction.^ The study findings showed that patients experienced a moderate to low level of satisfaction with the dimensions of hospital care (admission process, daily care, information, nursing care, physician care, other hospital staff, living arrangements, and overall care). Of the eight dimensions of care, patients reported a relatively positive level of satisfaction (75 percent or better) with only one dimension: physician care. Ethnicity, perceived health status, and hospital image were significantly related to patient satisfaction. Hispanic patients, those who were in good health, and those who felt the hospital had a good image in their community were most satisfied with hospital care. Patients also reported areas of hospital care that needed the most improvement. Responses included: rude staff, better nursing care, and better communication.^ Findings from the nursing satisfaction survey indicated a low level of satisfaction with the dimensions of work (autonomy, pay, professional status, interaction, task requirements, and organizational policies). Only one dimension of work, professional status, received a mean satisfaction score in the positive range. Additionally, staff members were unanimously dissatisfied with their salaries. Frequently mentioned work-related problems reported by the staff included: staffing shortages, heavy patient loads. and excessive paperwork.^ The nursing milieu appeared to have had a significant effect on the satisfaction levels of patients nursing staff employees. The nursing staff were often short staffed, which increased the patient-to-nurse ratio. Consequently, patients did not receive the amount of attention and care they expected from the nursing staff. Crowded patient rooms allowed for little personal space and privacy. Dissatisfaction with living conditions served to influence patients' attitudes and satisfaction levels. These frustrations were often directed toward their primary caregivers, the nursing staff. Consequently, the nursing milieu appeared to directly affect and influence the satisfaction levels of both patients and staff. (Abstract shortened by UMI). ^
Approximately 10 to 15% of breast cancer patients develop a primary cancer in the contralateral breast. This study examined differences between women with unilateral compared with bilateral primary breast cancer. It focused on hormonal factors and family history, and evaluated the prevalences of invasive lobular histology and the replication error phenotype in the tumors. ^ Cases (n = 82) were patients at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC) in Houston, Texas diagnosed with primary breast cancer in each breast between 1985 and 1994 inclusive. Controls (n = 82) were MDACC patients with primary cancer in a single breast diagnosed during the same interval, individually matched to cases. Data were obtained by in-person and/or telephone interview with the patient and/or proxy. Replication error phenotype was determined from archival tissue. ^ Diagnosis of breast, but not ovarian, cancer in a female first-degree relative (FFDR) was a strong risk factor for bilateral cancers. Cases had a significantly 3-fold higher excess of familial breast cancer than did controls (cases: O/E = 2.65, 95% CI = 1.85–3.69; controls: 0.86, 0.46–1.47; homogeneity: p = 0.00). Risk did not vary with menopausal status of the patient, but was greatest if a relative was diagnosed before age 45 (O/E = 38.9; 95% CI = 21.7–64.1). By implication, young first-degree relatives of patients with bilateral breast cancer are at very high risk of breast cancer themselves. Cases also had significantly fewer siblings than did controls. ^ Earlier menarche, and parity in the absence of lactation, were associated with bilateral cancers; age at menopause and parity with lactation were not. A history of alcohol consumption, particularly if heavy, carried a 3.4-fold risk (p = 0.03). The data suggested a slightly different pattern in risk factors according to menopausal status and interval between cancers. ^ Replication error phenotype was available for 59 probands. It was associated with bilateral cancers (particularly if diagnosed within one year of each other), increased age (p = 0.02) and negative nodal status. Invasive lobular histology was associated with bilateral disease but numbers were small. ^ These data suggest bilateral breast cancer arises in the context of a combination of familial and hormonal factors, and alcohol consumption. The relative importance of each factor may vary by age of the patient. ^
The focus of the study was to identify variables that African American women who delivered at a teaching hospital in Houston, Harris County, Texas, between January 12, 1998 and April 24, 1998 perceived to prevent them from receiving adequate prenatal care. The research was based on Aday and Andersen's Framework for the Study of Access to Medical Care. A self-administered questionnaire, using realized and potential access indicators, was developed and administered to 161 African American patients at the study hospital. ^ The objectives of the study were (1) to describe the demographic characteristics of African American women who delivered at a large urban teaching hospital between January 12, 1998 and April 24, 1998; and to determine the relationships between (2) predisposing factors such as age, race, educational level, marital status, family structure, social support and attitude toward prenatal care and prenatal care utilization; (3) enabling factors such as income, employment, insurance status, transportation, appointment, and regular source of care; (4) need factors such as perceived health status, number of past pregnancies, pregnancy occurrence; and (5) the relative importance of predisposing, enabling and need factors as predictors of utilization of prenatal care. The indicators of prenatal care utilization examined included the trimester in which the women initiated prenatal care, number of visits, and numbers and types of services received during pregnancy. Barriers cited included low income and inadequate insurance coverage, problems of transportation and child care, unawareness of pregnancy, delays in the scheduling of appointments, and having too many other problems. ^ The results of the study have implications for well-defined public health promotion campaigns, social support system enhancement, and appointment scheduling reform with an emphasis on prenatal care. ^
The purpose of this study is to examine the prevalence of drug abuse among welfare recipients in Houston, TX and compare the work activities and employment barriers of drug abusers in order to better understand the potential effects of welfare reform for this population. Four hypotheses were tested comparing the work activities and employment barriers of drug abusers to others on welfare and the relative importance of drug abuse and employment barriers in predicting work activity. ^ This cross-sectional study examined the characteristics and work activities of 447 welfare recipients (81 drug abusers and 366 non-abusers) who were surveyed between October 1998 and April 1999 in Houston, TX. Subjects were introduced and recruited to participate in the study through a flyer, door to door visits, and peer driven recruitment/referral. ^ About 18% were found to be drug abusers, which is consistent with the national average (10–33%) among welfare recipients. Compared to others on welfare, drug abusers were less involved in work activities, and had more employment barriers. Employment barriers were found to be more predictive of welfare to work activities than drug abuse. The results suggest that alleviating employment barriers should be stressed in programs aimed at welfare recipients with drug abuse problems. ^
This study has the purpose of determining the barriers and facilitators to nurses' acceptance of the Johnson and Johnson Protectiv®* Plus IV catheter safety needle device and implications for needlestick injuries at St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Houston, Texas. A one-time cross-sectional survey of 620 responding nurses was conducted by this researcher during December, 2000. The study objectives were to: (1) describe the perceived (a) organizational and individual barriers and facilitators and (b) acceptance of implementation of the IV catheter device; (2) examine the relative importance of these predictors; (3) describe (a) perceived changes in needlestick injuries after implementation of the device; (b) the reported incidence of injuries; and (c) the extent of underreporting by nurses; and (4) examine the relative importance of (a) the preceding predictors and (b) acceptance of the device in predicting perceived changes in needlestick injuries. Safety climate and training were evaluated as organizational factors. Individual factors evaluated were experience with the device, including time using it and frequency of use, and background information, including nursing unit, and length of time as a nurse in this hospital and in total nursing career. The conceptual framework was based upon the safety climate model. Descriptive statistics and multiple and logistic regression were utilized to address the study objectives. ^ The findings showed widespread acceptance of the device and a strong perception that it reduced the number of needlesticks. Acceptance was notably predicted by adequate training, appropriate time between training and device use, solid safety climate, and short length of service, in that order. A barrier to acceptance was nurses' longtime of use of previous needle technologies. Over four-fifths of nurses were compliant in always using the device. Compliance had two facilitators: length of time using device and, to a lesser extent, safety climate. Rates of compliance tended to be lower among nurses in units in which the device was frequently used. ^ High quality training and an atmosphere of caring about nurse safety stand out as primary facilitators that other institutions would need to adopt in order to achieve maximum success in implementing safety programs involving utilization of new safety devices. ^
Over the years, substantial increases have occurred in the number of children being raised by their grandparents. A small number of studies have reported that grandparents raising grandchildren experience an increase in stress due to the demands of caregiving. The primary objectives of this study were to: (1) determine the degree of stress in African American (AA) grandparents who are raising their grandchildren age 12 years or younger; (2) identify the variables pertaining to the demographic characteristics of the grandparent caregiver and characteristics of the caregiving situation; (3) identify the coping strategies reported by AA grandparents; and (4) identify the relative importance of demographic and situational variables pertaining to the grandparent caregiver and caregiving situation, and coping strategies in influencing the degree of stress experienced. ^ An exploratory, descriptive, cross sectional design was used to study stress and coping in 50 AA grandparents who ranged in age from 44–87 years (M = 63.12). Data were collected via one personal interview in January/February 2001 at area senior centers or churches which the grandparent attends in Harris County, Texas. Five home interviews were done as requested by grandparents. ^ The instruments used to measure stress and coping were the Parenting Stress Index developed by Abidin and Folkman and Lazarus' Ways of Coping Questionnaire. Results of the study found that the grandparents is this study were a highly stressed group. Ninety-four percent of the sample demonstrated a “clinically significant” level of stress. Situational variables associated with lower stress levels were use of counseling, use of special school programs such as tutoring and special education, and increased length of caregiving (>5 years). ^ The most frequently used coping strategies overall were seeking social support and positive reappraisal. Six coping strategies were significantly correlated to lower reported stress: positive reappraisal, accepting responsibility, confrontive coping, self-control, planful problem solving, and distancing. ^ The findings from this study have limited generalizability. Nonetheless, this study was useful in adding to the limited amount of literature on AA grandparents who are rearing their grandchildren. The results clearly suggest the need for affordable counseling, support groups, education related to available resources, stress management, and interventions that increase the use of coping strategies found to reduce perceived stress. Future research should investigate levels of stress in AA and other grandparent caregivers longitudinally, as well as focus on stress and coping in grandparents raising grandchildren with special needs. ^
Trust is important in medical relationships and for the achievement of better health outcomes. Developments in managed care in the recent years are believed to affect the quality of healthcare services delivery and to undermine trust in the healthcare provider. Physician choice has been identified as a strong predictor of provider trust but has not been studied in detail. Consumer satisfaction with primary care provider (PCP) choice includes having or not having physician choice. This dissertation developed a conceptual framework that guided the study of consumer satisfaction with PCP choice as a predictor of provider trust, and conducted secondary data analyses examining the association between PCP choice and trust, by identifying factors related to PCP choice satisfaction, and their relative importance in predicting provider trust. The study specific aims were: (1) to determine variables related to the factors: consumer characteristics and health status, information and consumer decision-making, consumer trust in providers in general and trust in the insurer, health plan financing and plan characteristics, and provider characteristics that may relate to PCP choice satisfaction; (2) to determine if the factors in aim one are related to PCP choice satisfaction; and (3) to analyze the association between PCP choice satisfaction and provider trust, controlling for potential confounders. Analyses were based on secondary data from a random national telephone survey in 1999, of residential households in the United States which included respondents aged over 20 and who had at least two visits with a health professional in the past two years. Among 1,117 eligible households interviewed (response rate 51.4%), 564 randomly selected to respond to insurer related questions made up the study sample. Analyses using descriptive statistics, and linear and logistic regressions found continual effective care and interaction with the PCP beyond the medical setting most predictive of PCP choice satisfaction. Four PCP choice satisfaction factors were also predictive of provider trust. Findings highlighted the importance of the PCP's professional and interpersonal competencies for the development of sustainable provider trust. Future research on the access, utilization, cognition, and helpfulness of provider specific information will further our understanding of consumer choice and trust. ^
Based on asthma prevalence data collected from the 2000 BRFSS survey, approximately 14.7 million U.S. adults had current asthma, accounting for 7.2% of the total U.S. population. In Texas alone, state data extrapolated from the 1999-2003 Texas BRFSS suggested that approximately 1 million Texas adults were reporting current asthma and approximately 11% of the adult population has been diagnosed with the illness during their lifetime. From a public health perspective, the disease is manageable. Comprehensive state-specific asthma surveillance data are necessary to identify disparities in asthma prevalence and asthma-control characteristics among subpopulations and to develop targeted public health interventions. The purpose of this study was to determine the relative importance of various risk factors of asthma and to examine the impact of asthma on health-related quality of life among adult residents of Texas. ^ The study employed a cross-sectional study of respondents in Texas. The study extracted all the variables related to asthma along with their associated demographic, socioeconomic, and quality of life variables from the 2007 BRFSS data for 17,248 adult residents of Texas aged 18 and older. Chi-square test and logistic regression using SPSS were used in various data analyses on weighted data, adjusting for the complex sample design of the BRFSS data. All chi-square analyses were carried out using SPSS's CSTABULATE command. In addition, logistic regression models were fitted using SPSS's CSLOGISTIC command. ^ Risks factors significantly associated with reporting current asthma included BMI, race/ethnicity, gender, and income. Holding all other variables constant, obese adults were almost twice as likely to report current asthma as those adults who were normal weight (odds ratio [OR], 1.78; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.25 to 2.53). Other non-Hispanic adults were significantly more likely to report current asthma than non-Hispanic Whites (OR, 2.43; 95% CI, 1.38 to 4.25), while Hispanics were significantly less likely to report current asthma than non-Hispanic Whites (OR, 0.38; 95% CI, 0.25 to 0.60), after controlling for all other variables. After adjusting for all other variables, adult females were almost twice as likely to report current asthma as males (OR, 1.97; 95% CI, 1.49 to 2.60). Adults with household income of less than $15,000 were almost twice as likely to report current asthma as those persons with an annual household income of $50,000 or more (OR, 1.98; 95% CI, 1.33 to 2.94). In regards to the association between asthma and health-related quality of life, after adjusting for age, race/ethnicity, gender, tobacco use, body mass index (BMI), exercise, education, and income, adults with current asthma compared to those without asthma were more likely to report having more than 15 days of unhealthy physical health (OR, 1.84; 95% CI, 1.29 to 2.60). ^ Overall, the findings of this study provide insight and valuable information into the populations in Texas most adversely affected by asthma and health-related consequences of the disease condition. Further research could build on the findings of this study by replicating this study as closely as possible in other asthma settings, and look at the relationship for hospitalization rates, asthma severity, and mortality.^
BACKGROUND: We recently demonstrated that the ubiquitous Enterococcus faecalis ebp (endocarditis- and biofilm-associated pilus) operon is important for biofilm formation and experimental endocarditis. Here, we assess its role in murine urinary tract infection (UTI) by use of wild-type E. faecalis OG1RF and its nonpiliated, ebpA allelic replacement mutant (TX5475). METHODS: OG1RF and TX5475 were administered transurethrally either at an ~1 : 1 ratio (competition assay) or individually (monoinfection). Kidney pairs and urinary bladders were cultured 48 h after infection. These strains were also tested in a peritonitis model. RESULTS: No differences were observed in the peritonitis model. In mixed UTIs, OG1RF significantly outnumbered TX5475 in kidneys (P=.0033) and bladders (P< or =.0001). More OG1RF colony-forming units were also recovered from the kidneys of monoinfected mice at the 4 inocula tested (P=.015 to P=.049), and 50% infective doses of OG1RF for kidneys and bladder (9.1x10(1) and 3.5x10(3) cfu, respectively) were 2-3 log(10) lower than those of TX5475. Increased tropism for the kidney relative to the bladder was observed for both OG1RF and TX5475. CONCLUSION: The ebp locus, part of the core genome of E. faecalis, contributes to infection in an ascending UTI model and is the first such enterococcal locus shown to be important in this site.
The purpose of this research is to examine the relative profitability of the firm within the nursing facility industry in Texas. An examination is made of the variables expected to affect profitability and of importance to the design and implementation of regulatory policy. To facilitate this inquiry, specific questions addressed are: (1) Do differences in ownership form affect profitability (defined as operating income before fixed costs)? (2) What impact does regional location have on profitability? (3) Do patient case-mix and access to care by Medicaid patients differ between proprietary and non-profit firms and facilities located in urban versus rural regions, and what association exists between these variables and profitability? (4) Are economies of scale present in the nursing home industry? (5) Do nursing facilities operate in a competitive output market characterized by the inability of a single firm to exhibit influence over market price?^ Prior studies have principally employed a cost function to assess efficiency differences between classifications of nursing facilities. The inherent weakness in this approach is that it only considers technical efficiency. Not both technical and price efficiency which are the two components of overall economic efficiency. One firm is more technically efficient compared to another if it is able to produce a given quantity of output at the least possible costs. Price efficiency means that scarce resources are being directed towards their most valued use. Assuming similar prices in both input and output markets, differences in overall economic efficiency between firm classes are assessed through profitability, hence a profit function.^ Using the framework of the profit function, data from 1990 Medicaid Costs Reports for Texas, and the analytic technique of Ordinary Least Squares Regression, the findings of the study indicated (1) similar profitability between nursing facilities organized as for-profit versus non-profit and located in urban versus rural regions, (2) an inverse association between both payor-mix and patient case-mix with profitability, (3) strong evidence for the presence of scale economies, and (4) existence of a competitive market structure. The paper concludes with implications regarding reimbursement methodology and construction moratorium policies in Texas. ^
The relative influence of race, income, education, and Food Stamp Program participation/nonparticipation on the food and nutrient intake of 102 fecund women ages 18-45 years in a Florida urban clinic population was assessed using the technique of multiple regression analysis. Study subgroups were defined by race and Food Stamp Program participation status. Education was found to have the greatest influence on food and nutrient intake. Race was the next most influential factor followed in order by Food Stamp Program participation and income. The combined effect of the four independent variables explained no more than 19 percent of the variance for any of the food and nutrient intake variables. This would indicate that a more complex model of influences is needed if variations in food and nutrient intake are to be fully explained.^ A socioeconomic questionnaire was administered to investigate other factors of influence. The influence of the mother, frequency and type of restaurant dining, and perceptions of food intake and weight were found to be factors deserving further study.^ Dietary data were collected using the 24-hour recall and food frequency checklist. Descriptive dietary findings indicated that iron and calcium were nutrients where adequacy was of concern for all study subgroups. White Food Stamp Program participants had the greatest number of mean nutrient intake values falling below the 1980 Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs). When Food Stamp Program participants were contrasted to nonparticipants, mean intakes of six nutrients (kilocalories, calcium, iron, vitamin A, thiamin, and riboflavin) were below the 1980 RDA compared to five mean nutrient intakes (kilocalories, calcium, iron, thiamin and riboflavin) for the nonparticipants. Use of the Index of Nutritional Quality (INQ), however, revealed that the quality of the diet of Food Stamp Program participants per 1000 kilocalories was adequate with exception of calcium and iron. Intakes of these nutrients were also not adequate on a 1000 kilocalorie basis for the nonparticipant group. When mean nutrient intakes of the groups were compared using Student's t-test oleicacid intake was the only significant difference found. Being a nonparticipant in the Food Stamp Program was found to be associated with more frequent consumption of cookies, sweet rolls, doughnuts, and honey. The findings of this study contradict the negative image of the Food Stamp Program participant and emphasize the importance of education. ^