4 resultados para Recetores A1 e A2A

em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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Bacillus anthracis, an organism ubiquitous in the soil and the causative agent of anthrax, utilizes multiple mechanisms to regulate secreted factors; one example is the activity of secreted proteases. One of the most abundant proteins in the culture supernates of B. anthracis is the Immune Inhibitor A1 (InhA1) protease. Here, I demonstrate that InhA1 modulates the abundance of approximately half of the proteins secreted into the culture supernates, including substrates that are known to contribute to the ability of the organism to cause virulence. For example, InhA1 cleaves the anthrax toxin proteins, PA, LF, and EF. InhA1 also targets a number of additional proteases, including Npr599, contributing to a complex proteolytic regulatory cascade with far-reaching affects on the secretome. Using an intra-tracheal mouse model of infection, I found that an inhA-null strain is attenuated in relation to the parent strain. The data indicate that reduced virulence of the inhA mutant strain may be the result of toxin protein deregulation, decreased association with macrophages, and/or the inability to degrade host antimicrobial peptides. Given the significant modulation of the secretome by InhA1, it is likely that expression of the protease is tightly regulated. To test this I examined inhA1 transcript and protein levels in the parent and various isogenic mutant strains and found that InhA1 expression is regulated by several mechanisms. First, the steady state levels of inhA1 transcript are controlled by the regulatory protein SinR, which inhibits inhA1 expression. Second, InhA1 abundance is inversely proportional to the SinR-regulated protease camelysin, indicating the post-transcriptional regulation of InhA1 by camelysin. Third, InhA1 activity is dependent on a conserved zinc binding motif, suggesting that zinc availability regulates InhA1 activity. The convergence of these regulatory mechanisms signifies the importance of tight regulation of InhA1 activity, activity that substantially affects how B. anthracis interacts with its environment.


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Adenosine has been implicated to play a role in inflammatory processes associated with asthma. Most notable is adenosine's ability to potentiate mediator release from mast cells. Mast cells are bone marrow derived inflammatory cells that can release mediators that have both immediate and chronic effects on airway constriction and inflammation. Most physiological roles of adenosine are mediated through adenosine receptors. Four subtypes of adenosine receptors have been identified, A1, A2A, A2B and A 3. The mechanisms by which adenosine can influence the release of mediators from lung tissue mast cells is not understood due to lack of in vivo models. Mice deficient in the enzyme adenosine deaminase (ADA) have been generated. ADA controls the levels of adenosine in tissues and cells, and consequently, adenosine accumulates in the lungs of ADA-deficient mice. ADA-deficient mice develop features seen in asthmatics, including lung eosinophilia and mucus hypersecretion. In addition, lung tissue mast cell degranulation was associated with elevated adenosine in ADA-deficient lungs and can be prevented by ADA enzyme therapy. We established primary murine lung mast cell cultures, and used real time RT-PCR and immunofluorescence to demonstrate that A 2A, A2B and A3 receptors are expressed on murine lung mast cells. Studies using selective adenosine receptor agonists and antagonists and A3 receptor deficient (A3−/−) mast cells suggested that activation of A3 receptors could induce mast cell mediator release in vitro. Furthermore, this mediator release was associated with increases in intracellular Ca++ that appeared to be mediated through a Gi and PI3K pathway. In addition, nebulized A3 receptor agonist directly induced lung mast cell degranulation in wild type mice while having no effect in A3−/− mice. These results demonstrate that the A3 receptor plays an important role in adenosine mediated murine lung mast cell degranulation. Therefore, the A3 adenosine receptor and its signaling pathways may represent novel therapeutic targets for the treatment and prevention of asthma. ^


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Adenosine has been implicated in chronic lung diseases such as asthma and COPD. Most physiological actions of adenosine are mediated through G-protein coupled adenosine receptors. Four subtypes of adenosine receptors have been identified, A1, A2A, A2B, and A 3. However, the specific roles of the various adenosine receptors in processes central to asthma and COPD are not well understood in part due to the lack of adequate animal models that examine the effect of adenosine on the development of lung disease. In this study we have investigated the expression and function of the A3 adenosine receptor in pulmonary eosinophilia and mucus production/secretion in adenosine deaminase (ADA)-deficient mice in which adenosine levels are elevated. ADA-deficient mice develop features of asthma and COPD, including lung eosinophilia and mucus hyperplasia in association with elevated lung adenosine levels. The A3 receptor was found to be expressed in eosinophils and mucus producing cells in the airways of ADA-deficient. Disruption of A3 receptor signaling in ADA-deficient mice by genetic removal of the receptor or treatment with MRS 1523, a selective A3 adenosine receptor antagonist, prevented airway eosinophilia and mucus production. Although eosinophils were decreased in the airways of ADA-deficient mice with disrupted A3 receptor signaling, elevations in circulating and lung interstitial eosinophils persisted, suggesting signaling through the A3 receptor is needed for the migration of eosinophils into the airways. Further examination of the role of the A3 receptor in mucus biology demonstrated that the A3 receptor is neither required nor is overexpression of the receptor in clara cells sufficient for mucus production in naive mice. Transgenic overexpression of the A3 receptor did elucidate a role for the A3 receptor in the secretion of mucus into the airways of ovalbumin challenged mice. These findings identify an important role for the A3 adenosine receptor in regulating lung eosinophilia and mucus secretion in inflammatory lung diseases. Therefore, the A3 adenosine receptor may represent a novel therapeutic target for the treatment and prevention of asthma. ^


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Studies on the transcriptional regulation of serum amyloid A1 (SAA1) gene, a liver specific acute-phase gene, identified a regulatory element in its promoter that functioned to repress (SAA1) gene transcription in nonliver cells. This silencer element interacts with a nuclear protein that is detectable in HeLa cells, fibroblasts and placental tissues but not in liver or liver-derived cells. As the expression pattern of this repressor is consistent with its potential regulatory role in repressing SAA1 expression, and that many other liver gene promoters also contain this repressor binding site, we sought to investigate whether this repressor may have a broader functional role in repressing liver genes. ^ We have utilized protein purification, cell culture, transient and stable gene transfection, and molecular biology approaches to identify this protein and investigate its possible function in the regulation of (SAA1) and other liver genes. Analyses of amino acid sequence of the purified nuclear protein, and western blot and gel shift studies identified the repressor as transcription factor AP-2 or AP-2-like protein. Using transient transfection of DNA into cultured cells, we demonstrate that AP-2 can indeed function as a repressor to inhibit transcription of SAA1 gene promoter. This conclusion is supported by the following experimental results: (1) overexpression of AP-2 in hepatoma cells inhibits conditioned medium (CM)-induced expression of SAA1 promoter; (2) binding of AP-2 to the SAA1 promoter is required for AP-2 repression function; (3) one mechanism by which AP-2 inhibits SAA1 may be by antagonizing the activation function of the strong transactivator NFκB; (4) mutation of AP-2 binding sites results in derepression of SAM promoter in HeLa cells; and (5) inhibition of endogenous AP-2 activity by a dominant-negative mutant abolishes AP-2's inhibitory effect on SAM promoter in HeLa cells. In addition to the SAM promoter, AP-2 also can bind to the promoter regions of six other liver genes tested, suggesting that it may have a broad functional role in restricting the expression of many liver genes in nonliver cells. Consistent with this notion, ectopic expression of AP-2 also represses CM-mediated activation of human third component of complement 3 promoter. Finally, in AP-2-expressing stable hepatoma cell lines, AP-2 inhibits not only the expression of endogenous SAA, but also the expression of several other endogenous liver genes including albumin, α-fetoprotein. ^ Our findings that AP-2 has the ability to repress the expression of liver genes in nonliver cells opens a new avenue of investigation of negative regulation of gene transcription, and should improve our understanding of tissue-specific expression of liver genes. In summary, our data provide evidence suggesting a novel role of AP-2 as a repressor, inhibiting the expression of liver genes in nonliver cells. Thus, the tissue-specific expression of AP-2 may constitute an important mechanism contributing to the liver-specific expression of liver genes. ^