4 resultados para Quantum Chromodynamics, Helicity Rates, One-Loop Corrections, Bremsstrahlung Contributions, Heavy Quarks, Standard Model

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Hierarchically clustered populations are often encountered in public health research, but the traditional methods used in analyzing this type of data are not always adequate. In the case of survival time data, more appropriate methods have only begun to surface in the last couple of decades. Such methods include multilevel statistical techniques which, although more complicated to implement than traditional methods, are more appropriate. ^ One population that is known to exhibit a hierarchical structure is that of patients who utilize the health care system of the Department of Veterans Affairs where patients are grouped not only by hospital, but also by geographic network (VISN). This project analyzes survival time data sets housed at the Houston Veterans Affairs Medical Center Research Department using two different Cox Proportional Hazards regression models, a traditional model and a multilevel model. VISNs that exhibit significantly higher or lower survival rates than the rest are identified separately for each model. ^ In this particular case, although there are differences in the results of the two models, it is not enough to warrant using the more complex multilevel technique. This is shown by the small estimates of variance associated with levels two and three in the multilevel Cox analysis. Much of the differences that are exhibited in identification of VISNs with high or low survival rates is attributable to computer hardware difficulties rather than to any significant improvements in the model. ^


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The objective of this research has been to study the molecular basis for chromosome aberration formation. Predicated on a variety of data, Mitomycin C (MMC)-induced DNA damage has been postulated to cause the formation of chromatid breaks (and gaps) by preventing the replication of regions of the genome prior to mitosis. The basic protocol for these experiments involved treating synchronized Hela cells in G(,1)-phase with a 1 (mu)g/ml dose of MMC for one hour. After removing the drug, cells were then allowed to progress to mitosis and were harvested for analysis by selective detachment. Utilizing the alkaline elution assay for DNA damage, evidence was obtained to support the conclusion that Hela cells can progress through S-phase into mitosis with intact DNA-DNA interstrand crosslinks. A higher level of crosslinking was observed in those cells remaining in interphase compared to those able to reach mitosis at the time of analysis. Dual radioisotope labeling experiments revealed that, at this dose, these crosslinks were associated to the same extent with both parental and newly replicated DNA. This finding was shown not to be the result of a two-step crosslink formation mechanism in which crosslink levels increase with time after drug treatment. It was also shown not to be an artefact of the double-labeling protocol. Using neutral CsCl density gradient ultracentrifugation of mitotic cells containing BrdU-labeled newly replicated DNA, control cells exhibited one major peak at a heavy/light density. However, MMC-treated cells had this same major peak at the heavy/light density, in addition to another minor peak at a density characteristic for light/light DNA. This was interpreted as indicating either: (1) that some parental DNA had not been replicated in the MMC treated sample or; (2) that a recombination repair mechanism was operational. To distinguish between these two possibilities, flow cytometric DNA fluorescence (i.e., DNA content) measurements of MMC-treated and control cells were made. These studies revealed that the mitotic cells that had been treated with MMC while in G(,1)-phase displayed a 10-20% lower DNA content than untreated control cells when measured under conditions that neutralize chromosome condensation effects (i.e., hypotonic treatment). These measurements were made under conditions in which the binding of the drug, MMC, was shown not to interfere with the stoichiometry of the ethidium bromide-mithramycin stain. At the chromosome level, differential staining techniques were used in an attempt to visualize unreplicated regions of the genome, but staining indicative of large unreplicated regions was not observed. These results are best explained by a recombinogenic mechanism. A model consistent with these results has been proposed.^


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Cytochromes P450 4Fs (CYP4F) are a subfamily of enzymes involved in arachidonic acid metabolism with highest catalytic activity towards leukotriene B 4 (LTB4), a potent chemoattractant involved in prompting inflammation. CYP4F-mediated metabolism of LTB4 leads to inactive ω-hydroxy products incapable of initiating chemotaxis and the inflammatory stimuli that result in the influx of inflammatory cells. Our hypothesis is based on the catalytic ability of CYP4Fs to inactivate pro-inflammatory LTB4 which assures these enzymes a pivotal role in the process of inflammation resolution. ^ To test this hypothesis and evaluate the changes in CYP4F expression under complex inflammatory conditions, we designed two mouse models, one challenged with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) as a sterile model of sepsis and the other challenged with a systemic live bacterial infection of Citrobacter rodentium, an equivalent of the human enterobacterium E. coli pathogen invasion. Based on the evidence that Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptors (PPARs) play an active role in inflammation regulation, we also examined PPARs as a regulation mechanism in CYP4F expression during inflammation using PPARα knockout mice under LPS challenge. Using the Citrobacter rodentium model of inflammation, we studied CYP4F levels to compare them to those in LPS challenged animals. LPS-triggered inflammation signal is mediated by Toll-like 4 (TLR4) receptors which specifically respond to LPS in association with several other proteins. Using TLR4 knockout mice challenged with Citrobacter rodentium we addressed possible mediation of CYP4F expression regulation via these receptors. ^ Our results show isoform- and tissue-specific CYP4F expression in all the tissues examined. The Citrobacter rodentium inflammation model revealed significant reduction in liver expression of CYP4F14 and CYP4F15 and an up-regulation of gene expression of CYP4F16 and CYP4F18. TLR4 knockout studies showed that the decrease in hepatic CYP4F15 expression is TLR4-dependent. CYP4F expression in kidney shows down-regulation of CYP4F14 and CYP4F15 and up-regulation of CYP4F18 expression. In the LPS inflammation model, we showed similar patterns of CYP4F changes as in Citrobacter rodentium -infected mice. The renal profile of CYP4Fs in PPARα knockout mice with LPS challenge showed CYP4F15 down-regulation to be PPARα dependent. Our study confirmed tissue- and isoform-specific regulation of CYP4F isoforms in the course of inflammation. ^


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Purpose. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of a motivational weight management DVD on knowledge of obesity related diseases, readiness, motivation, and self-efficacy to lose weight, connectedness to their care provider, and patients return to clinic. Design. A randomized control trial was conducted in which 40 overweight/obese adolescents and their parents/caregivers were randomly assigned to standard care alone or standard care plus DVD. Subjects completed a set of pre- and post-questionnaire measures. A group of 22 patients was also formed as a historical control group in order to account for the potential effect of extra attention given to subjects prospectively enrolled. Methods. The adolescents and their parent/caregiver were placed into a patient room. Consent was obtained and a set of written pre-questionnaires were given to both the parent and the adolescent. Standard care was provided to all patients by the Registered Dietitian and physician; the DVD was shown in addition to standard care among the intervention group. A set of post-questionnaires were given and compensation was provided. Analysis. Groups were compared to determine equivalence at baseline. Analysis of covariance was used to evaluate changes over time, while controlling for pre-test scores and race/ethnicity. Results. Parents who viewed the DVD experienced greater changes in correct knowledge as compared to parents who did not view the DVD. Conclusion. Our study found only one substantial benefit of the DVD beyond standard clinical practices. This is an important area for change as it increased awareness of obesity as a serious disease and has future clinical implications.^