17 resultados para Pulmonary fungal disease
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Objective. To determine the prevalence and factors associated with diabetes in tuberculosis patients in Harris County, Texas. ^ Background. Tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus are two diseases of immense public health significance. Various epidemiologic studies have established an association between the two conditions. While many studies have identified factors associated with the conditions individually, few have looked at factors associated with their co-occurrence particularly in the United States. Furthermore, most of those studies are hospital-based and may not be representative of the population. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and distribution of diabetes among tuberculosis patients in Harris County, Texas and to identify the factors associated with diabetes in tuberculosis. ^ Methods. A population-based case control study was performed using secondary data from the Houston Tuberculosis Initiative (HTI) collected from October 1995 to September 2004. Socio-demographic characteristics and clinical variables were compared between tuberculosis patients with diabetes and non-diabetic tuberculosis patients. Logistic regression analysis was performed to identify associations. Survival at 180 days post tuberculosis diagnosis was assessed by Cox regression. ^ Results. The prevalence of diabetes among the tuberculosis (TB) population was 14.4%. The diabetics (cases) with a mean age 53 ± 13.3 years were older than the non-diabetics (controls) with a mean age of 39 ± 18.5 years (p<0.001). Socio-demographic variables that were independently associated with the risk of diabetes were age (OR 1.04, p<0.001) and Hispanic ethnicity (OR 2.04, p<0.001). Diabetes was associated with an increased risk of pulmonary tuberculosis disease (OR 1.33, p<0.028). Among individuals with pulmonary TB, diabetes was associated with positive sputum acid-fast bacilli (AFB) smear (OR 1.47, p<0.005) and culture (OR 1.83, p<0.018). Diabetics were more likely to have cavitary lung disease than non-diabetics (OR 1.50, p<0.002). After adjustment for age and HIV status, the risk of dying within 180 days of TB diagnosis was significantly increased in the diabetics (HR 1.51, p<0.002). ^ Conclusion. Diabetes mellitus was more prevalent in our tuberculosis patients than in the general population. The tuberculous diabetic may be more infectious and has a higher risk of death. It is therefore imperative to screen diabetics for TB and TB patients for diabetes. ^
Background. The population-based Houston Tuberculosis Initiative (HTI) study has enrolled and gathered demographic, social, behavioral, and disease related data on more than 80% of all reported Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (MTB) cases and 90% of all culture positive patients in Houston/Harris County over a 9 year period (from October 1995-September 2004). During this time period 33% (n=1210) of HTI MTB cases have reported a history of drug use. Of those MTB cases reporting a history of drug use, a majority of them (73.6%), are non-injection drug users (NIDUs). ^ Other than HIV, drug use is the single most important risk factor for progression from latent to infectious tuberculosis (TB). In addition, drug use is associated with increased transmission of active TB, as seen by the increased number of clonally related strains or clusters (see definition on page 30) found in this population. The deregulatory effects of drug use on immune function are well documented. Associations between drug use and increased morbidity have been reported since the late 1970's. However, limited research focused on the immunological consequence of non-injection drug use and its relation to tuberculosis infection among TB patients is available. ^ Methods. TB transmission patterns, symptoms, and prevalence of co-morbidities were a focus of this project. Smoking is known to suppress Nitric Oxide (NO) production and interfere with immune function. In order to limit any possible confounding due to smoking two separate analyses were done. Non-injection drug user smokers (NIDU-S) were compared to non-drug user smokers (NDU-S) and non-injection drug user non-smokers (NIDU-NS) were compared to non-drug user non-smokers (NDU-NS) individually. Specifically proportions, chi-square p-values, and (where appropriate) odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals were calculated to assess characteristics and potential associations of co-morbidities and symptoms of TB among NIDUs HTI TB cases. ^ Results. Significant differences in demographic characteristics and risk factors were found. In addition drug users were found to have a decreased risk for cancer, diabetes mellitus, and chronic pulmonary disease. They were at increased risk of having HIV/AIDS diagnosis, liver disease, and trauma related morbidities. Drug users were more likely to have pulmonary TB disease, and a significantly increased amount of clonally related strains of TB or "clusters" were seen in both smokers and non-smoker drug users when compared to their non-drug user counterparts. Drug users are more likely to belong to print groups (clonally related TB strains with matching spoligotypes) including print one and print three and the Beijing family group, s1. Drug users were found to be no more likely to experience drug resistance to TB therapy and were likely to be cured of disease upon completion of therapy. ^ Conclusion. Drug users demographic and behavioral risk factors put them at an increased risk contracting and spreading TB disease throughout the community. Their increased levels of clustering are evidence of recent transmission and the significance of certain print groups among this population indicate the transmission is from within the social family. For these reasons a focus on this "at risk population" is critical to the success of future public health interventions. Successful completion of directly observed therapy (DOT), the tracking of TB outbreaks and incidence through molecular characterization, and increased diagnostic strategies have led to the stabilization of TB incidence in Houston, Harris County over the past 9 years and proven that the Houston Tuberculosis Initiative has played a critical role in the control and prevention of TB transmission. ^
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a bacillus known to cause disease in humans since ancient times, is the etiological agent of tuberculosis (TB). The infection is primarily pulmonary, although other organs may also be affected. The prevalence of pulmonary TB disease in the US is highest along the US-Mexico border, and of the four US states bordering Mexico, Texas had the second highest percentage of cases of TB disease among Mexico-born individuals in 1999 (CDC, 2001). Between the years of 1993 and 1998, the prevalence of drug-resistant (DR) TB was 9.1% among Mexican-born individuals and 4.4% among US-born individuals (CDC, 2001). In the same time period, the prevalence of multi-drug resistant (MDR) TB was 1.4% among Mexican-born individuals and 0.6% among US-born individuals (CDC, 2001). There is a renewed urgency in the quest for faster and more effective screening, diagnosis, and treatment methods for TB due to the resurgence of tuberculosis in the US during the mid-1980s and early 1990s (CDC, 2007a), and the emergence of drug-resistant, multidrug-resistant, and extremely drug-resistant tuberculosis worldwide. Failure to identify DR and MDR-TB quickly leads to poorer treatment outcomes (CDC, 2007b). The recent rise in TB/HIV comorbidity further complicates TB control efforts. The gold standard for identification of DR-TB requires mycobacterial growth in culture, a technique taking up to three weeks, during which time DR/MDR-TB individuals harboring resistant organisms may be receiving inappropriate treatment. The goal of this study was to determine the sensitivity and specificity of real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) using molecular beacons in the Texas population. qPCR using molecular beacons is a novel approach to detect mycobacterial mutations conferring drug resistance. This technique is time-efficient and has been shown to have high sensitivity and specificity in several populations worldwide. Rifampin (RIF) susceptibility was chosen as the test parameter because strains of M. tuberculosis which are resistant to RIF are likely to also be MDR. Due to its status as a point of entry for many immigrants into the US, control efforts against TB and drug-resistant TB in Texas is a vital component of prevention efforts in the US as a whole. We show that qPCR using molecular beacons has high sensitivity and specificity when compared with culture (94% and 87%, respectively) and DNA sequencing (90% and 96%, respectively). We also used receiver operator curve analysis to calculate cutoff values for the objective determination of results obtained by qPCR using molecular beacons. ^
Chronic lung diseases and acute lung injuries are two distinctive pulmonary disorders that result in significant morbidity and mortality. Adenosine is a signaling nucleoside generated in response to injury and can serve both protective and destructive functions in tissues and cells through interaction with four G-protein coupled adenosine receptors: A1R, A2AR, A2BR, and A3R. However, the relationship between these factors is poorly understood. Recent findings suggest the A2BR has been implicated in the regulation of both chronic lung disease and acute lung injury. The work presented in this dissertation utilized the adenosine deaminase-deficient mouse model and the bleomycin-induced pulmonary injury model to determine the distinctive roles of the A2BR at different stages of the disease. Results demonstrate that the A2BR plays a protective role in attenuating vascular leakage in acute lung injuries and a detrimental role at chronic stages of the disease. In addition, tissues from patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis were utilized to examine adenosine metabolism and signaling in chronic lung diseases. Results demonstrate that components of adenosine metabolism and signaling are altered in a manner that promotes adenosine production and signaling in the lungs of these patients. Furthermore, this study provides the first evidence that A2BR signaling can promote the production of inflammatory and fibrotic mediators in patients with these disorders. Taken together, these findings suggest that the A2BR may have a bi-phasic effect at different stages of lung disease. It is protective in acute injury, whereas pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic at the chronic stage. Patients with acute lung injury or chronic lung disease may both benefit from adenosine and A2BR-based therapeutics.
The Pulmonary route has been traditionally used to treat diseases of the respiratory tract. However, important research within the last two decades have shown that in addition to treating local diseases, a wide range of systemic diseases can be treated by delivering drugs to the lungs. The recent FDA approval to market Exubera, an inhalable form of insulin developed by Pfizer, to treat Diabetes, may just be the stepping stone that the pharmaceutical industry needs to market other drugs to treat systemic diseases via the lungs. However, this technology still needs repeated drug doses to control glucose levels, as the inhaled drug is cleared rapidly. Technologies have been developed where inhaled particles are capable of controlled release of drug from the lungs. An important feature of these technologies is the large geometric size of the particles that makes it difficult for the lung macrophages to clear these particles, which results in longer residence times for the particles in the lungs. Owing to the porosity, these particles have lower densities making them deliverable to the deep lungs. However, no modulation of drug release can be achieved with these technologies when more drug release may be required. This additional requirement can only be assuaged by additional dosing of the drug formulation, which can have undesirable effects due to excess loading of excipients in the lungs. In an attempt to bring about modulation of release from long residence time particles, a novel concept was developed in our laboratory that has been termed as the Agglomerated Vesicle Technology (AVT). Liposomes with encapsulated drug were agglomerated using well known cross linking chemistries to form agglomerates in the micron sized range. The large particles exhibited aerodynamic sizes in the respirable size range with minimal damage to the particles upon nebulization. By breaking the cross links between the liposomes with a cleaving agent, it was anticipated that triggered release of drug from the AVT particles could be achieved. In vivo studies done in healthy rabbits showed that post-administration modulation of drug release is possible from the AVT particles after the introduction of the cleaving agent. This study has important implications for the future development of this technology, where the AVT particles can be made “sensitive” to the product of disease. It is envisaged that a single dose of AVT containing the appropriate drug when administered to the lungs would maintain drug levels at a controlled rate over an extended period of time. When the need for more drug arises, the product of the disease would trigger the AVT particles to release more drug as needed to control the condition, thus eliminating the need for repeated drug doses and improved compliance amongst patients.
Adenosine has been implicated in the pathogenesis of chronic lung diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In vitro studies suggest that activation of the A2B adenosine receptor (A2BAR) results in proinflammatory and profibrotic effects relevant to the progression of lung diseases; however, in vivo data supporting these observations are lacking. Adenosine deaminase-deficient (ADA-deficient) mice develop pulmonary inflammation and injury that are dependent on increased lung adenosine levels. To investigate the role of the A2BAR in vivo, ADA-deficient mice were treated with the selective A2BAR antagonist CVT-6883, and pulmonary inflammation, fibrosis, and airspace integrity were assessed. Untreated and vehicle-treated ADA-deficient mice developed pulmonary inflammation, fibrosis, and enlargement of alveolar airspaces; conversely, CVT-6883-treated ADA-deficient mice showed less pulmonary inflammation, fibrosis, and alveolar airspace enlargement. A2BAR antagonism significantly reduced elevations in proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines as well as mediators of fibrosis and airway destruction. In addition, treatment with CVT-6883 attenuated pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis in wild-type mice subjected to bleomycin-induced lung injury. These findings suggest that A2BAR signaling influences pathways critical for pulmonary inflammation and injury in vivo. Thus in chronic lung diseases associated with increased adenosine, antagonism of A2BAR-mediated responses may prove to be a beneficial therapy.
Adenosine is a purinergic signaling molecule that regulates various aspects of inflammation and has been implicated in the pathogenesis of chronic lung diseases. Previous studies have demonstrated that adenosine up-regulates IL-6 production through the engagement of the A2B adenosine receptor in various cell types, including alveolar macrophages. IL-6 is elevated in mouse models and humans with chronic lung disease, suggesting a potential role in disease progression. Furthermore, chronic elevation of adenosine in the lungs of adenosine deaminase deficient (Ada-/-) mice leads to the development of pulmonary inflammation, alveolar destruction, and fibrosis, in conjunction with IL-6 elevation. Thus, it was hypothesized that IL-6 contributes to pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis in this model. To test this hypothesis, Ada/IL-6 double knockout mice (Ada/IL-6-/-) were generated to assess the consequences of genetically removing IL-6 on adenosine-dependent pulmonary injury. Ada/IL-6-/- mice exhibited a significant reduction in inflammation, alveolar destruction, and pulmonary fibrosis. Next, Ada-/- mice were treated systematically with IL-6 neutralizing antibodies to test the efficacy of blocking IL-6 on chronic lung disease. These treatments were associated with decreased pulmonary inflammation, alveolar destruction, and fibrosis. To determine the role of IL-6 in a second model of pulmonary fibrosis, wild type mice and IL-6-/- mice were subjected to intraperitoneal injections of bleomycin twice a week for four weeks. Results demonstrated that IL-6-/- mice developed reduced pulmonary fibrosis. To examine a therapeutic approach in this model, wild type mice exposed to bleomycin were treated with IL-6 neutralizing antibodies. Similar results were observed as with Ada-/- mice, namely diminished pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis. In both models, elevations in IL-6 were associated with increased phosphorylated STAT-3 in the nuclei of numerous cell types in the airways, including type II alveolar epithelial cells (AEC). Genetic removal and neutralization of IL-6 in both models was associated with decreased STAT-3 activation in type II AEC. The mechanism of activation in these cells that lack the membrane bound IL-6Ra suggests IL-6 trans-signaling may play a role in regulating fibrosis. Characterization of this mechanism demonstrated that the soluble IL-6Ra (sIL-6Ra) is upregulated in both models during chronic conditions. In vitro studies in MLE-12 alveolar epithelial cells confirmed that IL-6, in combination with the sIL-6Ra, activates STAT-3 and TWIST in association with enhancement of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, which can contribute to fibrosis. Similarly, patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis demonstrated a similar pattern of increased IL-6 expression, STAT-3 activation, and sIL-6Ra increases. These findings demonstrate that adenosine-dependent elevations in IL-6 contribute to the development and progression of pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis. The implications from these studies are that adenosine and/or IL-6 neutralizing agents represent novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of pulmonary disorders where fibrosis is a detrimental component.
Objective. To investigate the association of the three major genetic groups of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with pulmonary and extra-pulmonary tuberculosis in clustered and non-clustered TB cases in the Houston area. ^ Study design. Secondary analysis of an ambi-directional study. ^ Study population. Three hundred fifty-eight confirmed cases of tuberculosis in the Houston that occurred between October 1995 and May 1997, who had been interviewed by the Houston T13 Initiative staff at Baylor College of Medicine, and whose isolates have had their DNA fingerprint and genetic group determined. ^ Exclusions. Individuals whose mycobacterial genotype was unknown, or whose data variables were unavailable. ^ Source of data. Laboratory results, patient interviews, and medical records at clinics and hospitals of the study population. ^ Results. In clustered cases, the majority of both, pulmonary and extra-pulmonary TB cases were caused by genetic group 1. Independent factors were assessed to determine the interactions that may influence the site of infection or increase the risk for one site or another. HIV negative males were protected against extra-pulmonary TB compared to HIV negative females. Individuals ages 1–14 years were at higher risk of having extra-pulmonary TB. Group 3 organisms were found less frequently in the total population in general, especially in extra-pulmonary disease. This supports the evidence in previous studies that this group is the least virulent and genetically distinct from the other two groups. Group 1 was found more frequently among African Americans than other ethnic groups, a trend for future investigations. ^ Among the non-clustered cases, group 2 organisms were the majority of the organisms found in both sites. They were also the majority of organisms found in African Americans, Caucasians, and Hispanics causing the majority of the infections at both sites. However, group 1 organisms were the overwhelming majority found in Asian/Pacific Islander individuals, which may indicate these organisms are either endemic to that area, or that there is an ethnic biological factor involved. This may also be due to a systematic bias, since isolates from individuals from that geographic region lack adequate copies of the insertion sequence IS6110, which leads to their placement in the non-clustered population. ^ The three genetic groups of Mycobacterium tuberculosis were not found equally distributed between sites of infection in both clustered and non-clustered cases. Furthermore, these groups were not distributed in the same patterns among the clustered and non-clustered cases, but rather in distinct patterns. ^
Background. Research investigating symptom management in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) largely has been undertaken assuming the homeostatic construct, without regard to potential roles of circadian rhythms. Temporal relations among dyspnea, fatigue, peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) and objective measures of activity/rest have not been reported in COPD. ^ Objectives. The specific aims of this study were to (1) explore the 24-hour patterns of dyspnea, fatigue, and PEFR in subjects with COPD; (2) examine the relations among dyspnea, fatigue, and PEFR in COPD; and (3) examine the relations among objective measures of activity/rest and dyspnea, fatigue, and PEFR in COPD. ^ Methods. The repeated-measures design involved 10 subjects with COPD who self-assessed dyspnea and fatigue by 100 mm visual analog scales, and PEFR by peak flow meter in their home 5 times a day for 8 days. Activity/rest was measured by wrist actigraphy. Single and population mean cosinor analyses and correlations were computed for dyspnea, fatigue, and PEFR; correlations were done among these variables and activity/rest. ^ Results. Circadian rhythms were documented by single cosinor analysis in 40% of the subjects for dyspnea, 60% for fatigue, and 60% for PEFR. The population cosinor analysis of PEFR yielded a significant rhythm (p < .05). The 8-day 24-hour means of dyspnea and fatigue was moderately correlated (r = .48, p < .01). Dyspnea and PEFR, and fatigue and PEFR, were weakly correlated in a negative way (r = −.11, p < .05 and r = −.15, p < .01 respectively). Weak to moderate correlations (r = .12–.34, p < .05) were demonstrated between PEFR and mean activity level measured up to 4 hours before PEFR measurement. ^ Conclusions. The findings suggest that (1) the dyspnea and fatigue experienced by COPD patients are moderately related, (2) there is a weak to modest positive relation between PEFR and activity levels, and (3) temporal variation in lung function may not affect the dyspnea and fatigue experienced by patients with COPD. Further research, examining the relations among dyspnea, fatigue, PEFR, and activity/rest is needed. Replication of this study is suggested with a larger sample size. ^
Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) is a ubiquitous organism responsible for most pulmonary and disseminated disease caused by non-tuberculosis (NTM) mycobacteria. Though MAC lung disease without predisposing factors is uncommon, in recent years it has been increasingly described in middle-aged and elderly women. Recognition and correct diagnosis, is often delayed due to the indolent nature of the disease. It is unclear if these women have significant clinical disease as or if their airways are simply colonized by the bacterium. This study describes the clinical presentation, identifies risk factors, and describes the clinical significance of MAC lung disease in HIV-negative women aged 50 or greater. ^ A hybrid study design utilizing both cross-sectional and case-control methodologies was used. A comparison population was selected from previously identified tuberculosis suspects found throughout Harris County. The study population had at least one acid fast bacillus pulmonary culture performed between 1/1/1998 and 12/31/2000 from a pulmonary source. Clinical presentation and symptoms were analyzed using a cross-sectional design. Past medical history and other risk factors were evaluated using a traditional case-control study design. Differences in categorical variables were estimated with the Chi Square or Fisher's Exact test as appropriate. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were utilized to evaluate associations. Multivariate logistic regression was used to identify predictive factors for MAC. All statistical tests were two-sided and P-values <0.05 were considered statistically significant. ^ Culture confirmed MAC pulmonary cases were more likely to be white, have bronchiectasis, scoliosis, evidence of cavitation and pleural changes on chest radiography and granulomas on histopathologic examination than women whose pulmonary cultures were AFB negative. After controlling for selected risk factors, white race continued to be significantly associated with MAC lung disease (OR = 4.6, 95% CI = 2.3, 9.2). In addition, asthma history, smoking history and alcohol use were less likely to be evident among MAC cases in a multivariate analysis. Right upper and right middle lobe disease was further noted among clinically significant cases. Based on population data, MAC lung disease appears to represent a significant clinical syndrome in HIV-negative women thus supporting the theory of the Lady Windermere Syndrome. ^
Adenosine has been implicated in chronic lung diseases such as asthma and COPD. Most physiological actions of adenosine are mediated through G-protein coupled adenosine receptors. Four subtypes of adenosine receptors have been identified, A1, A2A, A2B, and A 3. However, the specific roles of the various adenosine receptors in processes central to asthma and COPD are not well understood in part due to the lack of adequate animal models that examine the effect of adenosine on the development of lung disease. In this study we have investigated the expression and function of the A3 adenosine receptor in pulmonary eosinophilia and mucus production/secretion in adenosine deaminase (ADA)-deficient mice in which adenosine levels are elevated. ADA-deficient mice develop features of asthma and COPD, including lung eosinophilia and mucus hyperplasia in association with elevated lung adenosine levels. The A3 receptor was found to be expressed in eosinophils and mucus producing cells in the airways of ADA-deficient. Disruption of A3 receptor signaling in ADA-deficient mice by genetic removal of the receptor or treatment with MRS 1523, a selective A3 adenosine receptor antagonist, prevented airway eosinophilia and mucus production. Although eosinophils were decreased in the airways of ADA-deficient mice with disrupted A3 receptor signaling, elevations in circulating and lung interstitial eosinophils persisted, suggesting signaling through the A3 receptor is needed for the migration of eosinophils into the airways. Further examination of the role of the A3 receptor in mucus biology demonstrated that the A3 receptor is neither required nor is overexpression of the receptor in clara cells sufficient for mucus production in naive mice. Transgenic overexpression of the A3 receptor did elucidate a role for the A3 receptor in the secretion of mucus into the airways of ovalbumin challenged mice. These findings identify an important role for the A3 adenosine receptor in regulating lung eosinophilia and mucus secretion in inflammatory lung diseases. Therefore, the A3 adenosine receptor may represent a novel therapeutic target for the treatment and prevention of asthma. ^
Angiogenesis is a feature of chronic lung diseases such as asthma and pulmonary fibrosis; however, the pathways controlling pathological angiogenesis during lung disease are not completely understood. Adenosine is a signaling nucleoside that accumulates as a result of tissue hypoxia and damage. Adenosine has been implicated in the exacerbation of chronic lung disease and in the regulation of angiogenesis; however, the relationship between these factors has not been investigated. The work presented in this dissertation utilized adenosine deaminase (ADA)-deficient mice to determine whether chronic elevations of adenosine in vivo result in pulmonary angiogenesis, and to identify factors that could potentially mediate this process. Results demonstrate that there is substantial angiogenesis in the tracheas of ADA-deficient mice in association with adenosine elevations. Replacement enzyme therapy with pegylated ADA resulted in a lowering of adenosine levels and reversal of tracheal angiogenesis, indicating that the increases in vessel number are dependent on adenosine elevations. Levels of the ELR+ angiogenic chemokine CXCL1 were found to be elevated in an adenosine-dependent manner in the lungs of ADA-deficient mice. Neutralization of CXCL1 and its putative receptor, CXCR2, in ADA-deficient lung lysates resulted in the inhibition of angiogenic activity suggesting that CXCL1 signaling through the CXCR2 receptor is responsible for mediating the observed increases in angiogenesis. Taken together, these findings suggest that adenosine plays an important role, via CXCL1, in the induction of pulmonary angiogenesis and may therefore represent an important therapeutic target for the treatment of pathological angiogenesis. ^
Allergic asthma is characterized by airflow obstruction, airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) and chronic airway inflammation. We and others have reported that complement component C3 and the anaphylatoxin C3a receptor promote while C5 protects against the development of the biological and physiological hallmarks of allergic lung disease in mice. In this study, we assessed if the protective responses could be mediated by C5a, an activation-induced C5 cleavage product. Mice with ablation of the C5a receptor (C5aR) either by genetic deletion or by pharmacological blockade exhibited significantly exacerbated AHR compared to allergen-challenged wild-type (WT) mice. However, there were no significant differences in many of the other hallmarks of asthma such as airway infiltration by eosinophils or lymphocytes, pulmonary IL-4-producing cell numbers, goblet cell metaplasia, mucus secretion or total serum IgE levels. In contrast to elevated AHR, numbers of IL-5 and IL-13 producing pulmonary cells, and IL-5 and IL-13 protein levels, were significantly reduced in allergen-challenged C5aR-/- mice compared to allergen-challenged WT mice. Administration of a specific cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1 (cysLT1R) antagonist before each allergen-challenge abolished AHR in C5aR-/- as well as in WT mice. Pretreatment with a C3aR antagonist dose-dependently reduced AHR in allergen-challenged WT and C5aR-/- mice. Additionally, allergen-induced upregulation of pulmonary C3aR expression was exaggerated in C5aR-/- mice compared to WT mice. In summary, deficiency or antagonism of C5aR in a mouse model of pulmonary allergy increased AHR, which was reversed or reduced by blockade of the cysLT1R and C3aR, respectively. In conclusion, this study suggests that C5a and C5aR mediate protection against AHR by suppressing cysLT and C3aR signaling pathways, which are known to promote AHR. This also supports important and opposing roles of complement components C3a/C3aR and C5a/C5aR in AHR. ^
Protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis requires development and maintenance of granulomatous lesions, a feature considered to be the pathological hallmark of Tuberculosis (TB) disease. Upon encountering Mtb or mycobacterial antigens, specifically trehalose 6,6'-dimycolate (TDM), a strong local pro-inflammatory response is initiated. Systemic production of anti-inflammatory glucocorticoids (GCs) is also induced. Emergence of these antagonists at the inflammatory foci is counterproductive to development of the granulomatous structure and detrimental to host protection against TB. Therefore, it was hypothesized that local enzymatic regulation of GCs occurs locally at the site of granulomatous inflammation. The experiments described here strongly suggest that 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (11βHSDs) shuttle GCs between active and inert forms during the acute granulomatous response, supporting the net reduction of corticosterone. The patterns of GC and 11βHSD regulation were specific to the lung (the site of inflammation) and were not observed in other tissues. Furthermore, 11βHSD2, which decreases corticosterone concentrations, was not expressed in models of dysregulated granulomatous inflammation. These findings suggest that cellular exposure to local active GC concentrations is restricted via 11βHSDs as a mechanism to initiate and maintain granuloma formation. The information derived from the experiments outlined in this dissertation provides a better understanding of the events required for establishment and maintenance of the protective granulomatous response. As a practical consequence, exploiting 11βHSD2 modulation of GCs at the site of Mtb infection may lead to improvement of Tuberculosis treatment strategies.^
Pulmonary fibrosis is a devastating and lethal lung disease with no current cure. Research into cellular signaling pathways able to modulate aspects of pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis will aid in the development of effective therapies for its treatment. Our laboratory has generated a transgenic/knockout mouse with systemic elevations in adenosine due to the partial lack of its metabolic enzyme, adenosine deaminase (ADA). These mice spontaneously develop progressive lung inflammation and severe pulmonary fibrosis suggesting that aberrant adenosine signaling is influencing the development and/or progression of the disease in these animals. These mice also show marked increases in the pro-fibrotic mediator, osteopontin (OPN), which are reversed through ADA therapy that serves to lower lung adenosine levels and ameliorate aspects of the disease. OPN is known to be regulated by intracellular signaling pathways that can be accessed through adenosine receptors, particularly the low affinity A2BR receptor, suggesting that adenosine receptor signaling may be responsible for the induction of OPN in our model. In-vitro, adenosine and the broad spectrum adenosine receptor agonist, NECA, were able to induce a 2.5-fold increase in OPN transcripts in primary alveolar macrophages. This induction was blocked through antagonism of the A2BR receptor pharmacologically, and through the deletion of the receptor subtype in these cells genetically, supporting the hypothesis that the A2BR receptor was responsible for the induction of OPN in our model. These findings demonstrate for the first time that adenosine signaling is an important modulator of pulmonary fibrosis in ADA-deficient mice and that this is in part due to signaling through the A2BR receptor which leads to the induction of the pro-fibrotic molecule, otseopontin. ^