8 resultados para Portuguese high-skilled people

em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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Many patient educational documents are written at a grade level higher than the level at which most individuals can read. This discrepancy can lead to treatment noncompliance and negative health outcomes. Therefore, it is important that patients receive readable health information. The Texas "A Woman's Right to Know" booklet is a state mandated informational document provided to women seeking abortion services. Given the significance of the abortion procedure, it is imperative that women considering having an abortion receive accurate and readable health materials. However, no published studies were found that evaluated the readability of the "A Woman's Right to Know" booklet. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess the readability of the "A Woman's Right to Know" booklet. To assess the readability, the Flesch-Kincaid readability test was used to evaluate the reading grade level of the entire "A Woman's Right to Know" booklet and each of the 7 sections of the booklet. The results showed that the readability of the entire booklet as well as each section of the booklet was written below the 8th grade reading level. Although the booklet was written below the estimated United States reading level (8th grade), the reading level of this booklet may still be too high for people in Texas who read below the 8th grade level. Based on these results, it is recommended that health care professionals involved in the distribution and explanation of the "A Woman's Right to Know" booklet provide their patients with both written and verbal medical information. The patients should be allowed to ask questions about the abortion procedure so that they can make the most informed choice.^


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Hepatitis B infection is a major public health problem of global proportions. It is estimated that 2 billion people worldwide are infected by the Hepatitis B virus (HBV) at some point, and 350 million are chronic carriers. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report an incidence in the United States of 140,000–320,000 infections each year (asymptomatic and symptomatic), and estimate 1–1.25 million people are chronically infected. Hepatitis B and its chronic complications (cirrhosis of the liver, liver failure, hepatocellular carcinoma) responsible for 4,000–5,000 deaths in America each year. ^ One quarter of those who become chronic carriers develop progressive liver disease, and chronic HBV infection is thought to be responsible for 60 million cases of cirrhosis worldwide, surpassing alcohol as a cause of liver disease. Since there are few treatment options for the person chronically infected with Hepatitis B, and what is available is expensive, prevention is clearly best strategy for combating this disease. ^ Since the approval of the Hepatitis B vaccine in 1981, national and international vaccination campaigns have been undertaken for the prevention of Hepatitis B. Despite encouraging results, however, studies indicate that prevalence rates of Hepatitis B infection have not been significantly reduced in certain high risk populations because vaccination campaigns targeting those groups do not exist and opportunities for vaccination by individual physicians in clinical settings are often missed. Many of the high-risk individuals who go unvaccinated are women of childbearing age, and a significant proportion of these women become infected with the Hepatitis B virus (HBV) during pregnancy. Though these women are often seen annually or for prenatal care (because of the close spacing of their children and their high rate of fertility), the Hepatitis B vaccine series is seldom recommended by their health care provider. In 1993, ACOG issued a statement recommending Hepatitis B vaccination of pregnant women who were defined as high-risk by diagnosis of a sexually transmitted disease. ^ Hepatitis B vaccine has been extensively studied in the non-pregnant population. The overall efficacy of the vaccine in infants, children and adults is greater than 90%. In the small clinical trials to date, the vaccine seemed to be effective in those pregnant women receiving 3 doses; however, by using the usual 0, 1 and 6 month regimen, most pregnant women were unable to complete a full series during pregnancy. There is data now available supporting the use of an "accelerated" dosing schedule at 0, 1 and 4 months. This has not been evaluated in pregnant women. A clinical trial proving the efficacy of the 0, 1, 4 schedule and its feasibility in this population would add significantly to the body of research in this area, and would have implications for public health policy. Such a trial was undertaken in the Parkland Memorial Hospital Obstetrical Infectious Diseases clinic. In this study, the vaccine was very well tolerated with no major adverse events reported, 90% of fully vaccinated patients achieved immunity, and only Body Mass Index (BMI) was found to be a significant factor affecting efficacy. This thesis will report the results of the trial and compare it to previous trials, and will discuss barriers to implementation, lessons learned and implications for future trials. ^


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The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between condom use and emotional intimacy. The study was a gonorrhea case-comparison ('Cases and Places') study with the samples being drawn from the public health clinics (cases) and select bars/nightclubs (places) of Houston, TX (N=215). Data were collected by questionnaires administered on a laptop computer. The majority of respondents were African-American (97.7%), female (69.3%) and either had high school or GED education (72.6%). Condom use with last sexual partner was analyzed along with intimacy with that partner assessed on a 3-point scale. Analysis showed that higher intimacy was related to greater condom use which was significant in males (χ2=7.85, p=.00) but not females (χ2=1.46, p=.15). These data were opposite to previous studies which showed an inverse relationship between condom use and emotional intimacy. We hypothesize that in a high-risk environment, people make more effort to protect those they feel closer to. These data suggest a need to further explore the complex relationship between emotional intimacy and condom use.^


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Objective. The risk of complications and deaths related to pneumococcal infections is high among high risk population (i.e. those with chronic diseases such as diabetes or asthma), despite current immunization recommendations. The aim of this study is to evaluate the use of pneumonia vaccine in adults with and without diabetes or asthma by year of age and whether immunization practices conform to policy recommendations. ^ Methods. Data were drawn from 2005 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Study. Age specific estimated counts and proportions of pneumonia vaccination status were computed. The association of socio-demographic factors with vaccination status was estimated from multiple logistic regression and results were presented for adults (18-64yrs) and elderly (65 or older). ^ Results. Overall 12.3% of the adults and 61.5% of elderly reported ever received pneumonia vaccine. 66.8% of diabetics and 72.6% of asthmatics received the vaccine among elderly. 33.4% of diabetics and 21.6% of asthmatics received the vaccine among adults. These numbers are far away from Healthy people 2010 objective coverage rates of 90% for elderly and 60% for high risk adults. Though diabetes was one of the recommendations for the pneumonia vaccine still the status was less than 70% even at older ages. Although asthma was not an indication for pneumonia vaccine, asthmatics still achieved 50% level by an early age of 60 and reached up to 80% at as early as 75 years. In those having both asthma and diabetes, although the curve reaches to 50% level at a very early age of 40yrs, it is not stable until the age of 55 and percentages reached to as high as 90% in older ages. Odds of receiving pneumonia vaccine were high in individuals with diabetes or asthma in both the age groups. But the odds were stronger for diabetics in adults compared to those in the elderly [2.24 CI (2.08-2.42) and 1.32 CI (1.18-1.47)]. The odds were slightly higher in adults than in elderly for asthmatics [1.92 CI (1.80-2.04) and 1.73 CI (1.50-2.00)].The likelihood of vaccination also differed by gender, ethnicity, marital status, income category, having a health insurance, current employment, physician visit in last year, reporting of good to excellent health and flu vaccine status. ^ Conclusion. There is a very high proportion of high risk adults and elderly that remain unvaccinated. Given the proven efficacy and safety of vaccine there is a need for interventions targeting the barriers for under-vaccination with more emphasis on physician knowledge and practice as well as the recipient attitudes.^


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Though a lot of progress has been made in the treatment, prevention, and in increasing the knowledge and awareness of HIV/AIDS, the CDC reports that over 21% of the people infected with HIV are unaware of their HIV serostatus. Thirty-one percent of people infected with HIV are diagnosed late in the disease progression, often too late to prevent the transmission or the progression of HIV to AIDS. CDC has set a goal to increase by the year 2010, the number of people aware of the HIV serostatus by 5%. ^ This study examined the association between decision-making and risk-taking (assessed using the decision-making confidence and risk-taking scales of the Texas Christian University Self Rating Form) and HIV testing behaviors within a population of heterosexuals at risk for HIV infections living in Harris County, Texas (N=923). Data used in the study was obtained during the first cycle of the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance among heterosexuals at risk for HIV infection (NHBS-HET1), conducted from October, 2006 to June, 2007. Eighty percent of the study population reported testing for HIV at some point in their lives. The results showed that individuals who scored high (>3.3) on the decision-making confidence scale of the TCU/SRF were more likely to be tested for HIV when compared to those who scored low on the scale (OR= 2.02, 95% CI= 1.44–2.84), and that individuals who score low on the risk-taking scale of the TCU/SRF were more likely to have been tested for HIV when compared to those who scored high on the scale (OR= 1.65, 95% CI= 1.2–2.31). Several demographic factors were also assessed for their association with HIV testing behaviors. Only sex was found to be associated with HIV testing. ^ The findings suggest that risk-taking and decision-making are predictors of HIV testing behaviors such as prior HIV testing within heterosexuals living in high-risk areas of Houston, Texas, and that intervention designed to improve the risk-taking and decision-making attributes of this population might improve HIV testing within this population.^


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The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of traditional psychiatric services with case management services on the functioning of people with schizophrenia. Traditional services were defined as routine clinic services consisting of medication follow-along, psychotherapy, and support services. Case management consisted of activities involved in linking, planning, and monitoring services for the outpatient client who has schizophrenia. The target population was adult schizophrenics who had been receiving outpatient clinic services for a minimum of six months. Structured interviews were conducted using standardized scales (e.g., Quality of Life, Self-Efficacy, and Brief Symptom Inventory) with 78 outpatient client volunteers from two sites: Nova Scotia (Canada) and Texas (USA). The researcher tested for differences in psychiatric symptomatology, recidivism, and quality of life for persons with schizophrenia receiving traditional psychiatric services in Nova Scotia and traditional plus case management services in Texas. Data were collected from the structured interviews and medical records review forms. Types of services were blocked into low and high levels of Intensity (frequency x minutes) and compared to determine the relative contribution of each. Finally, the role of clients' self-efficacy was tested as an intervening variable. Although the findings did not support the hypotheses in the direction anticipated, there were some interesting and useful results. From the Nova Scotia site, clients who received low levels of services were hospitalized less compared to the Texas site. The more psychotic a patient was the higher their involvement in medication follow-along and the more monitoring they received. The more psychotherapy received, the lower the reported satisfaction with social relationships. Of particular interest is the role that self-efficacy played in improved client outcomes. Although self-efficacy scores were related to improved functioning, the mechanism for this still needs to be clarified through subsequent research. ^


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Background: HIV/AIDS has remained one of Nigeria's biggest health and social issues for decades. People aged between 10 and 24 are the most affected. Research into why this population subset is affected is very pertinent. We therefore conducted a systematic review of the Knowledge and Attitudes of young people in Nigeria about HIV/AIDS to understand where the gaps between knowledge and attitudes can be bridged. ^ Methods: We conducted searches in Medline, PubMed, African Index Medicus, Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health. WHO and UNAIDS documents were also searched. Other journals were hand searched. Searches were for studies between 1986 (when HIV/AIDS was first reported in Nigeria) till date. In addition, data abstraction and quality assessment were done. ^ Results: 279 titles and abstracts were found and 33 articles in full text were appraised critically and 17 articles were selected based on our criteria. This revealed a dearth of well conducted studies in the literature despite the enormity of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Constructs for Knowledge and attitudes were itemized on two tables for each article based on the Health Belief Model. Even though many of the studies showed high level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS, it did not impact attitudes about the disease. Also fear and anxiety prevented participants from acquiring knowledge. These recurring themes arguably were not limited to any region or area, background or group. ^ Conclusion: There is a need for future research to be culturally sensitive with a focus on attitudes and correction of misconceptions about HIV/AIDS among our youth.^


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Effective family support strategies offer early intervention and help for families and children at risk of experiencing social exclusion and maltreatment. This paper reports a study which evaluated client outcomes from participation in an Intensive Family Support Service by comparing views of workers and service users on perceived benefits. It profiles the characteristics and circumstances of families recruited to service, services and interventions delivered and the potential of IFSS to lead to safe and positive outcomes for children and families. Findings discussed highlight the individualized and collaborative approach and the high degree of engagement with service users that facilitated gains in the domains of child and family functioning targeted. Implications of the findings for policy and practice in responding to vulnerable families and children are discussed.