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This study assessed if hospital-wide implementation of a needleless intravenous connection system reduces the number of reported percutaneous injuries, overall and those specifically due to intravenous connection activities.^ Incidence rates were compared before and after hospital-wide implementation of a needleless intravenous system at two hospitals, a full service general hospital and a pediatric hospital. The years 1989-1991 were designated as pre-implementation and 1993 was designated as post-implementation. Data from 1992 were not included in the effectiveness evaluation to allow employees to become familiar with use of the new device. The two hospitals showed rate ratios of 1.37 (95% CI = 1.22-1.54, p $\le$.0001) and 1.63 (95% CI = 1.34-1.97, p $\le$.0001), or a 27.1% and a 38.6% reduction in overall injury rate, respectively. Rate ratios for intravenous connection injuries were 2.67 (95% CI = 1.89-3.78, p $\le$.0001) and 3.35 (95% CI = 1.87-6.02, p $\le$.0001), or a 62.5% and a 69.9% reduction in injury rate, respectively. Rate ratios for all non-intravenous connection injuries were calculated to control for factors other than device implementation that may have been operating to reduce the injury rate. These rate ratios were lower, 1.21 and 1.44, demonstrating the magnitude of injury reduction due to factors other than device implementation. It was concluded that the device was effective in reduction of numbers of reported percutaneous injuries.^ Use-effectiveness of the system was also assessed by a survey of randomly selected device users to determine satisfaction with the device, frequency of use and barriers to use. Four hundred seventy-eight surveys were returned for a response rate of 50.9%. Approximately 94% of respondents at both hospitals expressed satisfaction with the needleless system and recommended continued use. The survey also revealed that even though over 50% of respondents report using the device "always" or "most of the time" for intravenous medication administration, flushing lines, and connecting secondary intravenous lines, needles were still being used for these same activities. Compatibility, accessibility and other technical problems were reported as reasons for using needles for these activities. These problems must be addressed, by both manufacturers and users, before the needleless system will be effective in prevention of all intravenous connection injuries. ^
The objective of this study was to determine the impact of different follow-up cystoscopy frequencies on time to development of invasive bladder cancer in a cohort of 3,658 eligible patients 65 and older with an initial diagnosis of superficial bladder cancer between 1994 and 1998. Bladder cancer patients in the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER)-Medicare database were used as the study population. ^ It was hypothesized that superficial bladder cancer patients receiving less frequent cystoscopy follow-up would develop invasive bladder cancer sooner after initial diagnosis and treatment than patients seen more frequently for cystoscopy follow-up. Cox Proportional Hazard Regression revealed that patients seen for cystoscopy every 3 or more months were 83–89% less likely to develop invasive cancer than patients seen every 1 to 2 months. A comparison of the 2 groups (1 to 2 months vs. 3≥ months) revealed that the 1 to 2 month group may have had more aggressive disease, and they are seen more frequently as a result. ^ These findings suggest that there are two groups of superficial bladder cancer patients: those at high risk of developing invasive bladder cancer and those at low risk. Patients who developed invasive bladder cancer sooner after initial diagnosis and treatment were seen more frequently for cystoscopy follow-up. The recommendation is that cystoscopy should be based on disease status at 3 months. Standardized schedules give all patients the same number of cystoscopies regardless of their risk factors. This could lead to unnecessary cystoscopies in low risk patients, and fewer than optimal cystoscopies in high risk patients. ^
The relationship between change in myocardial infarction (MI) mortality rate (ICD codes 410, 411) and change in use of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), adjusted for change in hospitalization rates for MI, and for change in use of aortocoronary bypass surgery (ACBS) from 1985 through 1990 at private hospitals was examined in the biethnic community of Nueces County, Texas, site of the Corpus Christi Heart Project, a major coronary heart disease (CHD) surveillance program. Age-adjusted rates (per 100,000 persons) were calculated for each of these CHD events for the population aged 25 through 74 years and for each of the four major sex-ethnic groups: Mexican-American and Non-Hispanic White women and men. Over this six year period, there were 541 MI deaths, 2358 MI hospitalizations, 816 PTCA hospitalizations, and 920 ACBS hospitalizations among Mexican-American and Non-Hispanic White Nueces County residents. Acute MI mortality decreased from 24.7 in the first quarter of 1985 to 12.1 in the fourth quarter of 1990, a 51.2% decrease. All three hospitalization rates increased: The MI hospitalization rates increased from 44.1 to 61.3, a 38.9% increase, PTCA use increased from 7.1 to 23.2, a 228.0% increase, and ACBS use increased from 18.8 to 29.5, a 56.6% increase. In linear regression analyses, the change in MI mortality rate was negatively associated with the change in PTCA use (beta = $-$.266 $\pm$.103, p = 0.017) but was not associated with the changes in MI hospitalization rate and in ACBS use. The results of this ecologic research support the idea that the increasing use of PTCA, but not ACBS, has been associated with decreases in MI mortality. The contrast in associations between these two revascularization procedures and MI mortality highlights the need for research aimed at clarifying the proper roles of these procedures in the treatment of patients with CHD. The association between change in PTCA use and change in MI mortality supports the idea that some changes in medical treatment may be partially responsible for trends in CHD mortality. Differences in the use of therapies such as PTCA may be related to differences between geographical sites in CHD rates and trends. ^
Implementing the Global Plan of Action on workers' health: Components to protect health care workers
Health care workers are at risk for percutaneous injuries and infection with blood born pathogens due to needle stick injuries with contaminated needles. The most common pathogens transmitted are hepatitis B, and C and HIV/AIDS. According to the WHO Global Plan of Action (GPA) a large gap exist between and within countries with regards to the health status of workers and their exposure to occupational risk. Less than 15% of the world's work forces have access to occupational health services despite the availability of effective interventions that can prevent occupational hazards, or protect and promote health in the workplace. The 2006 World Health Report declared that there is a global crisis in the health care work force. 1 in 400 of the world's health care workers work in Sub-Saharan Africa. 1 in 3 work in the U.S or Canada. The shortage of health care workers is worst in Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. These countries have the highest burden of exposure to contaminated sharps. They rarely, if ever monitor the exposure or health impact of occupational ailments and injuries on workers. Many injuries are unreported. Occupational health services in the developing world are virtually non existent. Many health care workers leave their home countries and go to work in other countries where the working conditions, occupational services included, are better. The inability of countries to provide the necessary numbers of health care workers to provide a high level of health coverage is a threat to national and international public health security. Immunizing health care workers against hepatitis B and providing them PEP, PPE, education and safety training is an essential part of increasing and maintaining the numbers of health care workers in the critical shortage areas. ^
Coronary perfusion with thrombolytic therapy and selective reperfusion by percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) were examined in the Corpus Christi Heart Project, a population-based surveillance program for hospitalized acute myocardial infarction (MI) patients in a biethnic community of Mexican-Americans (MAs) and non-Hispanic whites (NHWs). Results were based on 250 (12.4%) patients who received thromobolytic therapy in a cohort of 2011 acute MI cases. Out of these 107 (42.8%) underwent PTCA with a mean follow-up of 25 months. There were 186 (74.4%) men and 64 (25.6%) women; 148 (59.2%) were NHWs, 86 (34.4%) were MAs. Thrombolysis and PTCA were performed less frequently in women than in men, and less frequently in MAs than in NHWs.^ According to the coronary reperfusion interventions used, patients were divided in two groups, those that received no-PTCA (57.2%) and the other that underwent PTCA (42.8%) after thrombolysis. The case-fatality rate was higher in no-PTCA patients than in the PTCA (7.7% versus 5.6%), as was mortality at one year (16.2% versus 10.5%). Reperfusion was successful in 48.0% in the entire cohort and (51.4% versus 45.6%) in the PTCA and no-PTCA groups. Mortality in the successful reperfusion patients was 5.0% compared to 22.3% in the unsuccessful reperfusion group (p = 0.00016, 95% CI: 1.98-11.6).^ Cardiac catheterization was performed in 86.4% thrombolytic patients. Severe stenosis ($>$75%) obstruction was present most commonly in the left descending artery (52.8%) and in the right coronary artery (52.8%). The occurrence of adverse in-hospital clinical events was higher in the no-PTCA as compared to the PTCA and catheterized patients with the exception of reperfusion arrythmias (p = 0.140; Fisher's exact test p = 0.129).^ Cox regression analysis was used to study the relationship between selected variables and mortality. Apart from successful reperfusion, age group (p = 0.028, 95% CI: 2.1-12.42), site of acute MI index (p = 0.050) and ejection-fraction (p = 0.052) were predictors of long-term survival. The ejection-fraction in the PTCA group was higher than (median 78% versus 53%) in the no-PTCA group. Assessed by logistic regression analysis history of high cholesterol ($>$200mg/dl) and diabetes mellites did have significant prognostic value (p = 0.0233; p = 0.0318) in long-term survival irrespective of treatment status.^ In conclusion, the results of this study support the idea that the use of PTCA as a selective intervention following thrombolysis improves survival of patients with acute MI. The use of PTCA in this setting appears to be safe. However, we can not exclude the possibility that some of these results may have occurred due to the exclusion from PTCA of high risk patients (selection bias). ^
High levels of poverty and unemployment, and low levels of health insurance coverage may pose barriers to obtaining cardiac care by Mexican Americans. We undertook this study to investigate differences in the use of invasive myocardial revascularization procedures received within the 4-month period following hospitalization for a myocardial infarction (MI) between Mexican Americans and non-Hispanic whites in the Corpus Christi Heart Project (CCHP). The CCHP is a population-based surveillance program for hospitalized MI, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), and aortocoronary bypass surgery (ACBS). Medical record data were available for 1706 patients identified over a three-year period. Mexican Americans had significantly lower rates of receiving a PTCA following MI than non-Hispanic Whites (RR: 0.56, 95% CI: 0.44-0.70). No meaningful ethnic difference was seen in the rates of ACBS use. History of PTCA use appeared to interact with ethnicity. Among patients without a history of PTCA use, Mexican Americans were less likely to receive a PTCA than non-Hispanic whites (RR: 0.59; 95% CI: 0.46-0.76). Among patients with a history of PTCA use, however, Mexican Americans were more likely to receive a PTCA than non-Hispanic whites (RR: 1.47; 95% CI: 0.75-2.87).^ Differences in the effectiveness of a first-time PTCA and first-time ACBS between Mexican Americans and non-Hispanic whites in the CCHP were also investigated. Mexican Americans were more likely to receive a 2nd PTCA (RR: 1.56, 95% CI: 1.11-2.17) and suffer a subsequent MI (RR: 1.42, 95% CI: 1.03-1.96) following a first-time PTCA than non-Hispanic whites. No meaningful ethnic differences were found in the rates of death and rates of ACBS following a first-time PTCA. Also, no significant ethnic differences were found in the rates of any of the events following a first-time ACBS. After adjusting for potential demographic, socioeconomic, clinical and angiographic confounders using Cox regression analysis, Mexican Americans were still more likely to receive a 2nd PTCA (HR: 1.38; 95% CI: 0.99-1.93) following a first-time PTCA than non-Hispanic whites. A significant difference in the rates of a subsequent MI following a first-time PTCA persisted (HR: 1.39, 95% CI: 1.01-1.93). (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^
This report describes the development of a Markov model for comparing percutaneous radiofrequency ablation (RFA) and stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) in terms of their cost-utility in treating isolated liver metastases from colorectal cancer. The model is based on data from multiple retrospective and prospective studies, available data on different utility states associated with treatment and complications, as well as publicly available Medicare costs. The purpose of this report is to establish a well-justified model for clinical management decisions. In comparison with SBRT, RFA is the most cost-effective treatment for this patient population. From the societal perspective, SBRT may be an acceptable alternative with an ICER of $28,673/QALY. ^
Cryoablation for small renal tumors has demonstrated sufficient clinical efficacy over the past decade as a non-surgical nephron-sparing approach for treating renal masses for patients who are not surgical candidates. Minimally invasive percutaneous cryoablations have been performed with image guidance from CT, ultrasound, and MRI. During the MRI-guided cryoablation procedure, the interventional radiologist visually compares the iceball size on monitoring images with respect to the original tumor on separate planning images. The comparisons made during the monitoring step are time consuming, inefficient and sometimes lack the precision needed for decision making, requiring the radiologist to make further changes later in the procedure. This study sought to mitigate uncertainty in these visual comparisons by quantifying tissue response to cryoablation and providing visualization of the response during the procedure. Based on retrospective analysis of MR-guided cryoablation patient data, registration and segmentation algorithms were investigated and implemented for periprocedural visualization to deliver iceball position/size with respect to planning images registered within 3.3mm with at least 70% overlap and a quantitative logit model was developed to relate perfusion deficit in renal parenchyma visualized in verification images as a result of iceball size visualized in monitoring images. Through retrospective study of 20 patient cases, the relationship between likelihood of perfusion loss in renal parenchyma and distance within iceball was quantified and iteratively fit to a logit curve. Using the parameters from the logit fit, the margin for 95% perfusion loss likelihood was found to be 4.28 mm within the iceball. The observed margin corresponds well with the clinically accepted margin of 3-5mm within the iceball. In order to display the iceball position and perfusion loss likelihood to the radiologist, algorithms were implemented to create a fast segmentation and registration module which executed in under 2 minutes, within the clinically-relevant 3 minute monitoring period. Using 16 patient cases, the average Hausdorff distance was reduced from 10.1mm to 3.21 mm with average DSC increased from 46.6% to 82.6% before and after registration.