22 resultados para OR-join, Synchronizing Merge, Cancelation, YAWL, Workflow Patterns, Reset Nets

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OBJECTIVE: To identify and describe unintended adverse consequences related to clinical workflow when implementing or using computerized provider order entry (CPOE) systems. METHODS: We analyzed qualitative data from field observations and formal interviews gathered over a three-year period at five hospitals in three organizations. Five multidisciplinary researchers worked together to identify themes related to the impacts of CPOE systems on clinical workflow. RESULTS: CPOE systems can affect clinical work by 1) introducing or exposing human/computer interaction problems, 2) altering the pace, sequencing, and dynamics of clinical activities, 3) providing only partial support for the work activities of all types of clinical personnel, 4) reducing clinical situation awareness, and 5) poorly reflecting organizational policy and procedure. CONCLUSIONS: As CPOE systems evolve, those involved must take care to mitigate the many unintended adverse effects these systems have on clinical workflow. Workflow issues resulting from CPOE can be mitigated by iteratively altering both clinical workflow and the CPOE system until a satisfactory fit is achieved.


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The tonotopic organization of the mammalian cochlea is accompanied by structural gradients which include the somatic lengths of outer hair cells (OHCs). These receptors rest upon the vibrating portion of the basilar membrane and have been reported to exhibit motile responses following chemical and electrical stimulation. These movements were examined in detail in this dissertation. It was found that isolated OHCs cultured in vitro respond to chemical depolarization with slow tonic movements, and to electrical waveforms with bi-directional, frequency following movements extending from DC to at least 10 kHz.^ Slow contractions were also elicited following electrical stimulation, bath incubation in carbachol (a cholinergic agonist), and increases in extracellular K+ concentration as little as 50 mM.^ Isolated OHCs display anatomical features which are remarkable when contrasted with those prepared from intact receptor organs. A complex structure located between the cuticular plate and the nuclear membrane was consistently observed and was examined by serial cross-sections which revealed a network of non-membrane bound densities. This corresponded to a granular complex seen at the light microscope level. The complex was composed of dense regions of organelles, striated structures embedded within the core, and a circumferential network of microtubules residing in the peri-nuclear portion of the cell. In cells which had lost their nuclear attachment to the terminal synaptic body, the granular complex could be made to contract without effecting any change in cellular length, implying that the complex may be the driving force behind certain aspects of the motile response.^ Most cells displayed movements which revealed asymmetries analogous to those reported for OHC receptor potentials in vivo. The contraction phase (for longer cells) was shown to have a small time constant (approximately 400 microseconds) and saturated with limited displacements. The expansion phase had time constants as large as 1.3 milliseconds but yielded displacements as much as 60 percent larger than those seen for contractions.^ Additional waveform characteristics seen in the in vivo response could be emulated either by biasing the cell's resting length with either direct current, triggering contractions via large electrical displacements, or incubation with depolarizing compounds.^ Alternatively, short (20-30 um) cells revealed more linear response characteristics to the probe stimulus. Partial saturation was achieved and revealed a DC component which was opposite in polarity to that seen in longer cells. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^


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Morphogenesis is the process by which the 3-dimensional structure of the developing embryo takes shape. We are studying xlcaax-1, a gene whose product can be used as a molecular marker for several morphogenetic events. We report here the cellular and subcellular localization of the xlcaax-1 protein during development of Xenopus laevis. Whole mount immunocytochemistry and immunoperoxidase staining of tissue sections showed that during development the xlcaax-1 protein accumulation was coincident with the differentiation of the epidermis, pronephros and mesonephros. In the pronephros and mesonephros the xlcaax-1 protein was localized to the basolateral membrane of differentiated tubule epithelial cells. Thus, the xlcaax-1 protein served as a marker for tubule formation and polarization during Xenopus kidney development. Xlcaax-1 may also be used as a marker for the functional differentiation of the epidermis and the epidermally derived portions of the lens and some cranial nerves. The xlcaax-1 protein was most abundant in kidney and immunogold EM analysis showed that the xlcaax-1 protein was highly enriched in the basal infoldings of the basolateral membrane of the epithelial cells in adult kidney distal tubules. The xlcaax-1 protein was also localized in other ion transporting epithelia. The localization pattern and preliminary functional assays of xlcaax-1 suggest that the protein may function in association with an ion transport channel or pump.^ Cell migration and cell-cell interactions play important roles in numerous processes during morphogenesis. One of these is the formation of the pronephric (wolffian) duct (PD), which connects the pronephros to the cloaca. It is currently accepted that in most amphibians the pronephric duct is formed by active migration of the pronephric duct rudiment (PDR) cells along a pre-determined pathway. However, there is evidence that in Xenopus, the PD may be formed entirely by in situ segregation of cells out of the lateral mesoderm. In this study, we showed, using PDR ablation and X. laevis - X. borealis chimeras, that PD elongation in Xenopus required both active cell migration and an induced recruitment of cells from the posterior lateral plate mesoderm. We also showed that PDR cell migration was limited to only a few stages during development and that this temporal control is due, at least in part, to changes in the competence of the PD pathway to support cell migration. In addition, our data suggested that an alkaline phosphatase (APase) adhesion gradient may be involved in determining this competence. ^


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Objective: To determine the prevalence of and the relationships between the degree and source of hyperandrogenemia, ovulatory patterns and cardiovascular disease risk indicators (blood pressure, indices or amount of obesity and fat distribution) in women with menstrual irregularities seen at endocrinologists' clinic. Design: A cross-sectional study design. Participants: A sample of 159 women with menstrual irregularities, aged 15-44, seen at endocrinologists' clinic. Main Outcome Measures: androgen levels, body mass index (BMI), waist-hip ratio (WHR), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP & DBP), source of androgens, ovulatory activity. Results: The prevalence of hyperandrogenemia was 54.7% in this study sample. As expected, women with acne or hirsutism had an odds ratio 12.5 (95%CI = 5.2-25.5) times and 36 (95%CI = 12.9-99.5) times more likely to have hyperandrogenemia than those without acne or hirsutism. The main findings of this study were the following: Hyperandrogenemic women were more likely to have oligomenorrheic cycles (OR = 3.8, 95%CI = 1.5-9.9), anovulatory cycles (OR = 6.6, 95%CI = 2.8-15.4), general obesity (BMI $\ge$ 27) (OR = 6.8, 95%CI = 2.2-27.2) and central obesity (WHR $\ge$ 127) (OR = 14.5, 95%CI = 6.1-38.7) than euandrogenemic women. Hyperandrogenemic women with non-suppressible androgens had a higher mean BMI (29.3 $\pm$ 8.9) than those with suppressible androgens (27.9 $\pm$ 7.9); the converse was true for abdominal adiposity (WHR). Hyperandrogenemic women had a 2.4 odds ratio (95%CI = 1.0-6.2) for an elevated SBP and a 2.7 odds ratio (95%CI = 0.8-8.8) for elevated DBP. When age differences were accounted for, this relationship was strengthened and further strengthened when sources of androgens were controlled. When the differences in BMI were controlled, the odds ratio for elevated SBP in hyperandrogenemic women increased to 8.8 (95%CI = 1.1-69.9). When the age, the source of androgens, the amount of obesity and the type of obesity were controlled, hyperandrogenemic women had 13.5 (95%CI = 1.1-158.9) odds ratio for elevated SBP. Conclusions: In this study population, the presence of menstrual irregularities are highly predictive for the presence of elevated androgens. Women with elevated androgens have a high risk for obesity, more specifically for central obesity. The androgenemic status is an independent predictor of blood pressure elevation. It is probable that in the general population, the presence of menstrual irregularities are predictive of hyperandrogenemia. There is a great need for a population study of the prevalence of hyperandrogenemia and for longitudinal studies in hyperandrogenemic women (adrenarche to menopause) to investigate the evolution of these relationships. ^


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This research examines prevalence of alcohol and illicit substance use in the United States and Mexico and associated socio-demographic characteristics. The sources of data for this study are public domain data from the U.S. National Household Survey of Drug Abuse, 1988 (n = 8814), and the Mexican National Survey of Addictions, 1988 (n = 12,579). In addition, this study discusses methodologic issues in cross-cultural and cross-national comparison of behavioral and epidemiologic data from population-based samples. The extent to which patterns of substance abuse vary among subgroups of the U.S. and Mexican populations is assessed, as well as the comparability and equivalence of measures of alcohol and drug use in these national samples.^ The prevalence of alcohol use was somewhat similar in the two countries for all three measures of use: lifetime, past year and past year heavy use, (85.0%, 68.1%, 39.6% and 72.6%, 47.7% and 45.8% for the U.S. and Mexico respectively). The use of illegal substances varied widely between countries, with U.S. respondents reporting significantly higher levels of use than their Mexican counterparts. For example, reported use of any illicit substance in lifetime and past year was 34.2%, 11.6 for the U.S., and 3.3% and 0.6% for Mexico. Despite these differences in prevalence, two demographic characteristics, gender and age, were important correlates of use in both countries. Men in both countries were more likely to report use of alcohol and illicit substances than women. Generally speaking, a greater proportion of respondents in both countries 18 years of age or older reported use of alcohol for all three measures than younger respondents; and a greater proportion of respondents between the ages of 18 and 34 years reported use of illicit substances during lifetime and past year than any other age group.^ Additional substantive research investigating population-based samples and at-risk subgroups is needed to understand the underlying mechanisms of these associations. Further development of cross-culturally meaningful survey methods is warranted to validate comparisons of substance use across countries and societies. ^


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DNA sequence variation is currently a major source of data for studying human origins, evolution, and demographic history, and for detecting linkage association of complex diseases. In this dissertation, I investigated DNA variation in worldwide populations from two ∼10 kb autosomal regions on 22q11.2 (noncoding) and 1q24 (introns). A total of 75 variant sites were found among 128 human sequences in the 22q11.2 region, yielding an estimate of 0.088% for nucleotide diversity (π), and a total of 52 variant sites were found among 122 human sequences in the 1q24 region with an estimated π value of 0.057%. The data from these two regions and a 10 kb noncoding region on Xq13.3 all show a strong excess of low-frequency variants in comparison to that expected from an equilibrium population, indicating a relatively recent population expansion. The effective population sizes estimated from the three regions were 11,000, 12,700, and 8,600, respectively, which are close to the commonly used value of 10,000. In each of the two autosomal regions, the age of the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) was estimated to be older than 1 million years among all the sequences and ∼600,000 years among non-African sequences, providing first evidence from autosomal noncoding or intronic regions for a genetic history of humans much more ancient than the emergence of modern humans. The ancient genetic history of humans indicates no severe bottleneck during the evolution of humans in the last half million years; otherwise, much of the ancient genetic history would have been lost during a severe bottleneck. This study strongly suggests that both the “out of Africa” and the multiregional models are too simple for explaining the evolution of modern humans. A compilation of genome-wide data revealed that nucleotide diversity is highest in autosomal regions, intermediate in X-linked regions, and lowest in Y-linked regions. The data suggest the existence of background selection or selective sweep on Y-linked loci. In general, the nucleotide diversity in humans is low compared to that in chimpanzee and Drosophila populations. ^


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The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of predictor variable correlations and patterns of missingness with dichotomous and/or continuous data in small samples when missing data is multiply imputed. Missing data of predictor variables is multiply imputed under three different multivariate models: the multivariate normal model for continuous data, the multinomial model for dichotomous data and the general location model for mixed dichotomous and continuous data. Subsequent to the multiple imputation process, Type I error rates of the regression coefficients obtained with logistic regression analysis are estimated under various conditions of correlation structure, sample size, type of data and patterns of missing data. The distributional properties of average mean, variance and correlations among the predictor variables are assessed after the multiple imputation process. ^ For continuous predictor data under the multivariate normal model, Type I error rates are generally within the nominal values with samples of size n = 100. Smaller samples of size n = 50 resulted in more conservative estimates (i.e., lower than the nominal value). Correlation and variance estimates of the original data are retained after multiple imputation with less than 50% missing continuous predictor data. For dichotomous predictor data under the multinomial model, Type I error rates are generally conservative, which in part is due to the sparseness of the data. The correlation structure for the predictor variables is not well retained on multiply-imputed data from small samples with more than 50% missing data with this model. For mixed continuous and dichotomous predictor data, the results are similar to those found under the multivariate normal model for continuous data and under the multinomial model for dichotomous data. With all data types, a fully-observed variable included with variables subject to missingness in the multiple imputation process and subsequent statistical analysis provided liberal (larger than nominal values) Type I error rates under a specific pattern of missing data. It is suggested that future studies focus on the effects of multiple imputation in multivariate settings with more realistic data characteristics and a variety of multivariate analyses, assessing both Type I error and power. ^


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Usual food choices during the past year, self-reported changes in consumption of three important food groups, and weight changes or stability were the questions addressed in this cross-sectional survey and retrospective review. The subjects were 141 patients with Hodgkin's disease or other B-cell types of lymphoma within their first three years following completion of initial treatments for lymphoma at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. ^ The previously validated Block-98 Food Frequency Questionnaire was used to estimate usual food choices during the past year. Supplementary questions asked about changes breads and cereals (white or whole grain) and relative amounts of fruits and vegetables compared with before diagnosis and treatment. Over half of the subjects reported consuming more whole grains, fruits, and/or vegetables and almost three quarters of those not reporting such changes had been consuming whole grains before diagnosis and treatment. ^ Various dietary patterns were defined in order to learn whether proportionately more patients who changed in healthy directions fulfilled recognized nutritional guidelines such as 5-A-day fruits and vegetables and Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIB) for selected nutrients. ^ Small sizes of dietary pattern sub-groups limited the power of this study to detect differences in meeting recommended dietary guidelines. Nevertheless, insufficient and excessive intakes were detected among individuals with respect to fruits and vegetables, fats, calcium, selenium, iron, folate, and Vitamin A. The prevalence of inadequate or excess intakes of foods or nutrients even among those who perceived that they had increased or continued to eat whole grains and/or fruits and vegetables is of concern because of recognized effects upon general health and potential cancer related effects. ^ Over half of the subjects were overweight or obese (by BMI category) on their first visit to this cancer center and that proportion increased to almost three-quarters by their last follow-up visits. Men were significantly heavier than women, but no other significant differences in BMI measures were found even after accounting for prescribed steroids and dietary patterns. ^


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Background. Different individual (demographic) characteristic and health system related characteristics have been identified in the literature to contribute to different rates of maternal health care utilization in developing countries. This study is going to evaluate the individual and quality of health predictors of maternal health care utilization in rural Jordanian villages. ^ Methods. Data from a 2004 survey was used. Individual (predisposing and enabling) variables, quality of health care variables, and maternal care utilization variables were selected for 477 women who had a live birth during the last 5 years. The conceptual framework used in this study will be the Aday-Andersen model for health services utilization. ^ Results. 82.4% of women received at least one antenatal care visit. Individually, village of residence (p=0.036), parity (p=0.048), education (p=0.006), and health insurance (p=0.029) were found to be significant; in addition to respectful treatment (p=0.045) and clean facilities (p=0.001) were the only quality of health care factors found to be significant in predicting antenatal care use. Using logistic regression, living in southern villages (OR=4.7, p=0.01) and availability of transportation (sometimes OR=3.2, p=0.01 and never OR=2.4, p<0.05) were the only two factors to influence maternal care use. ^ Conclusions. Living in the South and transportation are major barriers to maternal care utilization in rural Jordan. Other important cultural factors of interest in some villages should be addressed in future research. Perceptions of women regarding quality of health services should be seriously taken into account. ^


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Although dietary patterns and their association with health outcomes is not a new topic, they have not been widely studied in Mexican-American populations. There are no studies of fruit and vegetable dietary patterns related to weight loss in Mexican-American women. This study aims to examine whether a change in proportion of fruit and vegetable consumption results in a change in weight. A secondary data analysis of 208 overweight or obese Mexican-American women from the Unidos en Salud weight loss intervention study was performed to investigate this relationship. Through regression analysis, the change in weight for every unit change in proportion of fruits and vegetables was tested with appropriate adjustment for age. The results showed a significant inverse association between fruit and vegetable intake densities and weight change. These results support previous studies and provide a possible effective and efficient method to reduce body mass index (BMI) among overweight or obese Mexican-American women. ^


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There has been very little research that has studied the effects of alcohol on biochemical markers in ethnic populations. This particular study is designed to identify the association, if any, between drinking patterns and high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels in a Hispanic population. Most of what we know about the association between alcohol and HDL-C deals specifically with volume of alcohol consumed on a daily basis. Frequency, or how often alcohol consumption occurs within a given time period, is a variable that has rarely been studied. The results of this study showed how both volume and frequency of alcohol consumption affect HDL-C levels in a predominantly middle-aged Hispanic population. Ultimately, we will be able to apply these findings to future studies concerning risk of CHD in Hispanics. ^


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Background. It is important to understand the association between diet and risk of pancreatic cancer in order to better understand the etiology of pancreatic cancer.^ Objectives. Describe the dietary patterns of cases of adenocarcinoma of the pancreas and non-cancer controls and evaluate the odds of having a healthy eating pattern among cases and non-cancer controls.^ Design and Methods. An ongoing hospital-based case-control study was conducted in Houston, Texas from 2000-2008 with 678 pancreatic adenocarcinoma cases and 724 controls. Participants completed a food frequency questionnaire and a risk factor questionnaire. Dietary patterns were derived by principal component analysis and associations between dietary patterns and pancreatic cancer risk were assessed using unconditional logistic regression.^ Results. Two dietary patterns were derived: fruit-vegetable and high fat-meat. There were no statistically significant associations between the fruit-vegetable pattern and pancreatic cancer. An inverse association was seen between the high fat-meat pattern and pancreatic cancer risk when comparing those in the upper intake quintile to those scoring in the lowest quintile after adjusting for demographic and risk factor variables (OR=0.67, p=0.03). In sex-stratified analysis adjusted for demographic and risk factor variables, females scoring in the upper intake quintile of the fruit-vegetable pattern had a 49% lower risk of pancreatic cancer compared to females scoring in the lowest quintile (OR=0.51, p=0.03). An inverse relationship was also seen for the high fat-meat pattern when comparing females in the upper intake quintile to females in the lowest quintile (OR=0.50, p=0.03). In males, neither dietary pattern was significantly associated with pancreatic cancer.^ Conclusions. The current findings for the fruit-vegetable pattern are similar to those of previous studies and support the hypothesis that there is an inverse association between a “healthy” diet (comprised of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains) and risk of having pancreatic cancer (in females only). However, the inverse relationship with the high fat-meat pattern and risk of pancreatic cancer is contrary to other results. Further research on dietary patters and pancreatic cancer risk may lead to better understanding of the etiologic cause of pancreatic cancer.^


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Background. Health care associated catheter related blood stream infections (CRBSI) represent a significant public health concern in the United States. Several studies have suggested that precautions such as maximum sterile barrier and use of antimicrobial catheters are efficacious at reducing CRBSI, but there is concern within the medical community that the prolonged use of antimicrobial catheters may be associated with increased bacterial resistance. Clinical studies have been done showing no association and a significant decrease in microbial resistance with prolonged minocycline/rifampin (M/R) catheter use. One explanation is the emergence of community acquired methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which is more susceptible to antibiotics, as a cause of CRBSI.^ Methods. Data from 323 MRSA isolates cultured from cancer patients at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer center from 1997-2007 displaying MRSA infection were analyzed to determine whether there is a relationship between resistance to minocycline and rifampin and prolonged wide spread use of minocycline (M/R) catheters. Analysis was also conducted to determine whether there was a significant change in the prevalence community acquired MRSA (CA-MRSA) during this time period and if this emergence act as a confounder masquerading the true relationship between microbial resistance and prolonged M/R catheter use.^ Results. Our study showed that the significant (p=0.008) change in strain type over time is a confounding variable; the adjusted model showed a significant protective effect (OR 0.000281, 95% CI 1.4x10 -4-5.5x10-4) in the relationship between MRSA resistance to minocycline and prolonged M/R catheter use. The relationship between resistance to rifampin and prolonged M/R catheter use was not significant.^ Conclusion. The emergence of CA-MRSA is a confounder and in the relationship between resistance to minocycline and rifampin and prolonged M/R catheter use. However, despite the adjustment for the more susceptible CA-MRSA the widespread use of M/R catheters does not promote microbial resistance. ^


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Supermarket nutrient movement, a community food consumption measure, aggregated 1,023 high-fat foods, representing 100% of visible fats and approximately 44% of hidden fats in the food supply (FAO, 1980). Fatty acid and cholesterol content of foods shipped from the warehouse to 47 supermarkets located in the Houston area were calculated over a 6 month period. These stores were located in census tracts with over 50% of a given ethnicity: Hispanic, black non-Hispanic, or white non-Hispanic. Categorizing the supermarket census tracts by predominant ethnicity, significant differences were found by ANOVA in the proportion of specific fatty acids and cholesterol content of the foods examined. Using ecological regression, ethnicity, income, and median age predicted supermarket lipid movements while residential stability did not. No associations were found between lipid movements and cardiovascular disease mortality, making further validation necessary for epidemiological application of this method. However, it has been shown to be a non-reactive and cost-effective method appropriate for tracking target foods in populations of groups, and for assessing the impact of mass media nutrition education, legislation, and fortification on community food and nutrient purchase patterns. ^


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The situational and interpersonal characteristics of homicides occurring in Houston, Texas, during 1987 were investigated. A total of 328 cases were ascertained from the linking of police computer data, medical examiner's records, and death certificate information. The medical examiner's records contained all of the ascertained cases. The comparability ratio between the medical examiner's records and police and vital statistic data was 1.03 and 0.966, respectively. Data inconsistencies were found between the three information sources on Spanish surname, age, race/ethnicity, external cause of death coding, alcohol and drug involvement, weapon/method used, and Hispanic immigration status. Recommendations for improving the quality of homicide information gathered and for linking homicide surveillance systems were made.^ Males constituted 82% of all victims. The age-adjusted homicide rate for Blacks was 31.1 per 100,000 population, for Hispanics 19.2, and for Anglos 5.4. Among males, Blacks had an age-adjusted rate of 54.5, Hispanics, 31.0, and Anglos 7.5. Among females, Blacks had an age-adjusted rate of 9.3, Hispanics 6.1, and Anglos 3.1. Black males, ages 25-34, had the highest homicide rate, at 96.5.^ Half of all homicides occurred in a residence. Among Hispanic males, homicides occurred most often in the street. Firearms were used to commit 64% of the homicides. Arguments preceded 58% of all cases. Nearly two-thirds of the victims knew their assailant. Only 15% of males compared to 62% of females were killed by a spouse, an intimate acquaintance, or a family member. Blacks (93%) and Hispanics (88%) were more likely than Anglos (70%) to have been killed by persons of the same race/ethnicity. Nearly three-fourths of all Houston Hispanic homicide victims were foreign born.^ Alcohol was detected in 47% of the victims tested. Nearly one-third of those tested had blood alcohol concentrations (BACs) greater than 100 mg%. Males (53%) were more likely than females (20%) to have positive BACs. Hispanic males (64%) were more likely to have detectable BACs than either Black (51%) or Anglo (44%) males.^ Illegal drugs were detected in 20% of the victims tested. One-fourth of the victims who tested positive for drugs had more than one drug in their system at death. The stimulant cocaine was the most commonly detected drug, comprising 53% of all illegal drugs identified.^ Recommendations for the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention of homicide and for future homicide research are made. ^