5 resultados para Nuclear structure

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Transcription enhancer factor 1 is essential for cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscle development and uses its N-terminal TEA domain (TEAD) to bind M-CAT elements. Here, we present the first structure of TEAD and show that it is a three-helix bundle with a homeodomain fold. Structural data reveal how TEAD binds DNA. Using structure-function correlations, we find that the L1 loop is essential for cooperative loading of TEAD molecules on to tandemly duplicated M-CAT sites. Furthermore, using a microarray chip-based assay, we establish that known binding sites of the full-length protein are only a subset of DNA elements recognized by TEAD. Our results provide a model for understanding the regulation of genome-wide gene expression during development by TEA/ATTS family of transcription factors.


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The phenomenon of premature chromosome condensation, resulting from fusion between mitotic and interphase cells, includes dissolution of the interphase nuclear framework, thus allowing a direct visualization of interphase chromosomes. Light microscope morphology of prematurely condensed chromosomes (PCC) from synchronized HeLa cells supports the model of an interphase "chromosome condensation cycle". PCC are increasingly attenuated as cells progress through G(,1). A maximum degree of decondensation is observed at active sites of DNA replication during S phase, and a condensed morphology is rapidly resumed following completion of replication of a chromosome segment.^ To permit ultrastructural and biochemical studies of PCC, a procedure was developed to induce premature chromosome condensation at high frequency. This was achieved by polyethylene glycol (PEG)-mediated fusion of a dense monolayer of mitotic and interphase cells induced by centrifugation onto lectin-coated culture dishes. Using this method, PCC induction frequencies of 60-90% are routinely obtained.^ Scanning electron microscope analysis of PCC spreads revealed that the extension of PCC during progression through G(,1) is accompanied by a transition of the basic 30 nm chromatin fiber from tightly packed looping fibers to extended longitudinal fibers. Sites of active DNA replication is S-PCC were indicated to be organized a single longitudinal fibers. Following replication of a chromosome segment, a rapid reorganization from the extended longitudinal fiber to packed looping fibers occurs. The postreplication maturation process appears to include the assembly of a chromosome core consisting of multiple longitudinal fibers.^ The role of histone H1 phosphorylation in PCC formation was investigated by acidurea polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of total histone extracted from metaphase chromosomes and PCC following high frequency fusion. This investigation failed to demonstrate an extensive phosphorylation of H1 associated with PCC formation. However, significant dephosphorylation of superphosphorylated metaphase chromosome H1 was observed, indicating that interphase H1-phosphatase activity is dominant over metaphase H1 kinase activity. These observations provide evidence against models suggesting a role for H1 superphosphorylation in triggering mitotic condensation of chromosomes. ^


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Structure-function analysis of human Integrator subunit 4 Anupama Sataluri Advisor: Eric. J. Wagner, Ph.D. Uridine-rich small nuclear RNAs (U snRNA) are RNA Polymerase-II (RNAPII) transcripts that are ubiquitously expressed and are known to be essential for gene expression. snRNAs play a key role in mRNA splicing and in histone mRNA expression. Inaccurate snRNA biosynthesis can lead to diseases related to defective splicing and histone mRNA expression. Although the 3′ end formation mechanism and processing machinery of other RNAPII transcripts such as mRNA has been well studied, the mechanism of snRNA 3′ end processing has remained a mystery until the recent discovery of the machinery that mediates this process. In 2005, a complex of 14 subunits (the Integrator complex) associated with RNA Polymerase-II was discovered. The 14subunits were annotated Integrator 1-14 based on their size. The subunits of this complex together were found to facilitate 3′ end processing of snRNA. Identification of the Integrator complex propelled research in the direction of understanding the events of snRNA 3’end processing. Recent studies from our lab confirmed that Integrator subunit (IntS) 9 and 11 together perform the endonucleolytic cleavage of the nascent snRNA 3′ end to generate mature snRNA. However, the role of other members of the Integrator complex remains elusive. Current research in our lab is focused on deciphering the role of each subunit within the Integrator complex This work specifically focuses on elucidating the role of human Integrator subunit 4 (IntS4) and understanding how it facilitates the overall function of the complex. IntS4 has structural similarity with a protein called “Symplekin”, which is part of the mRNA 3’end processing machinery. Symplekin has been thoroughly researched in recent years and structure-function correlation studies in the context of mRNA 3’end processing have reported a scaffold function for Symplekin due to the presence of HEAT repeat motifs in its N-terminus. Based upon the structural similarity between IntS4 and Symplekin, we hypothesized that Integrator subunit 4 may be behaving as a Symplekin-like scaffold molecule that facilitates the interaction between other members of the Integrator Complex. To answer this question, the two important goals of this study were to: 1) identify the region of IntS4, which is important for snRNA 3′ end processing and 2) determine binding partners of IntS4 which promote its function as a scaffold. IntS4 structurally consists of a highly conserved N-terminus with 8 HEAT repeats, followed by a nonconserved C- terminus. A series of siRNA resistant N and C-terminus deletion constructs as well as specific point mutants within its N-terminal HEAT repeats were generated for human IntS4 and, utilizing a snRNA transcriptional readthrough GFP-reporter assay, we tested their ability to rescue misprocessing. This assay revealed a possible scaffold like property of IntS4. To probe IntS4 for interaction partners, we performed co-immunoprecipitation on nuclear extracts of IntS4 expressing stable cell lines and identified IntS3 and IntS5 among other Integrator subunits to be binding partners which facilitate the scaffold like function of hIntS4. These findings have established a critical role for IntS4 in snRNA 3′ end processing, identified that both its N and C termini are essential for its function, and mapped putative interaction domains with other Integrator subunits.


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The effect of DNA cytosine methylation on H-ras promoter activity was assessed using a transient expression system employing the plasmid H-rasCAT (NaeI H-ras promoter linked to the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene). This 551 bp promoter is 80% GC rich, enriched with 168 CpG dinucleotides, and contains six functional GC box elements which represent major DNA methylation target sites. Prokaryotic methyltransferases HhaI (CGm$\sp5$CG) and HpaII (Cm$\sp5$CGG) alone or in combination with a human placental methyltransferase (HP MTase) were used to introduce methyl groups at different CpG sites within the promoter. To test for functional promoter activity, the methylated plasmids were introduced into CV-1 cells and CAT activity assessed 48 h post-transfection. Methylation at specific HhaI and HpaII sites reduced CAT expression by 70%, whereas more extensive methylation at generalized CpG sites with HP MTase inactivated the promoter $>$95%. The inhibition of H-ras promoter activity was not attributable to methylation-induced differences in DNA uptake or stability in the cell, topological form of the plasmid, or methylation effects in nonpromoter regions. We also observed that DNA cytosine methylation of a 360 bp promoter fragment by HP MTase induced a local change in DNA conformation. Using three independent methodologies (nitrocellulose filter binding assays, gel mobility shifts, and Southwestern blots), we determined that this change in promoter conformation affected the interaction of nuclear proteins with cis-regulatory sequences residing in the promoter region. The results provide evidence to suggest that DNA methylation may regulate gene expression by inducing changes in local promoter conformation which in turn alters the interactions between DNA and protein factors required for transcription. The results provide supportive evidence for the hypothesis of Cedar and Riggs, who postulated that DNA methylation may regulate gene expression by altering the binding affinities of proteins for DNA. ^


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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the United States. One manifestation of CVD known to increase mortality is an enlarged, or hypertrophic heart. Hypertrophic cardiomyocytes adapt to increased contractile demand at the genetic level with a re-emergence of the fetal gene program and a downregulation of fatty acid oxidation genes with concomitant increased reliance on glucose-based metabolism. To understand the transcriptional regulatory pathways that implement hypertrophic directives we analyzed the upstream promoter region of the muscle specific isoform of the nuclear-encoded mitochondrial gene, carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1β (CPT-1β) in cultured rat neonatal cardiac myocytes. This enzyme catalyzes the rate-limiting step of fatty acid entry into β-oxidation and is downregulated in cardiac hypertrophy and failure, making it an attractive model for the study of hypertrophic gene regulation and metabolic adaptations. We demonstrate that the muscle-enriched transcription factors GATA-4 and SRF synergistically activate CPT-1β; moreover, DNA binding to cognate sites and intact protein structure are required. This mechanism coordinates upregulation of energy generating processes with activation of the energy consuming contractile promoter for cardiac α-actin. We hypothesized that fatty acid or glucose responsive transcription factors may also regulate CPT-1β. Oleate weakly stimulates CPT-1β activity; in contrast, the glucose responsive Upstream Stimulatory Factors (USF) dramatically depresses the CPT-1β reporter. USF regulates CPT-1β through a novel physical interaction with the cofactor PGC-1 and abrogation of MEF2A/PGC-1 synergistic stimulation. In this way, USF can inversely regulate metabolic gene programs and may play a role in the shift of metabolic substrate preference seen in hypertrophy. Failing hearts have elevated expression of the nuclear hormone receptor COUP-TF. We report that COUP-TF significantly suppresses reporter transcription independent of DNA binding and specific interactions with GATA-4, Nkx2.5 or USF. In summary, CPT-1β transcriptional regulation integrates mitochondrial gene expression with two essential cardiac functions: contraction and metabolic substrate oxidation. ^