9 resultados para NUCLEAR RECEPTORS

em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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In several species, a family of nuclear receptors, the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) composed of three isotypes, is expressed in somatic cells and germ cells of the ovary as well as the testis. Invalidation of these receptors in mice or stimulation of these receptors in vivo or in vitro showed that each receptor has physiological roles in the gamete maturation or the embryo development. In addition, synthetic PPAR gamma ligands are recently used to induce ovulation in women with polycystic ovary disease. These results reveal the positive actions of PPAR in reproduction. On the other hand, xenobiotics molecules (in herbicides, plasticizers, or components of personal care products), capable of activating PPAR, may disrupt normal PPAR functions in the ovary or the testis and have consequences on the quality of the gametes and the embryos. Despite the recent data obtained on the biological actions of PPARs in reproduction, relatively little is known about PPARs in gametes and embryos. This review summarizes the current knowledge on the expression and the function of PPARs as well as their partners, retinoid X receptors (RXRs), in germ cells and preimplantation embryos. The effects of natural and synthetic PPAR ligands will also be discussed from the perspectives of reproductive toxicology and assisted reproductive technology.


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Arginine methylation has been implicated in the regulation of gene expression. The coactivator-associated arginine methyltransferase 1 (CARMI/PRMT4) binds the p160 family of steroid receptor coactivators (SRCs). This association enhances transcriptional activation by nuclear receptors. Here, we generated and characterized CARM1 knockout mice. Embryos with a targeted disruption of CARM1 are 35% smaller in size than the wild-type littermates and die perinatally. We also generated Carm1-/- and Carm1+/+ mouse embryonic fibroblasts and tested gene expression in response to estrogen. Estrogenresponsive gene expression was aberrant in Carm1-/- fibroblasts and embryos, thus emphasizing the role of arginine methylation as a transcription activation tag. We subsequently studied the role of CARM1 in estrogen signaling in viva in the mammary gland. Conditional knockout of CARM1 in mammary gland and Carml-1-embryonic mammary anlagen transplant experiments did not show any defects in growth and development of the glands. To further dissect the role of CARM1 in estrogen receptor mediated transactivation, we performed cDNA microarray and serial analysis of gene expression on Carm1-/- and Carm1+/+ embryos treated with the estrogen analog, DES. Our results indicate global changes in estrogen regulated genes as well as genes involved in lipid homeostasis. Marker genes for Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor γ (PPARγ) activity, adipsin and aP2, are downregulated in the Carm1-/- embryos. Furthermore, OCT frozen sections of 18.5dpc embryos, processed simultaneously for oil red O staining to look for neutral fat, reveals greatly reduced brown fat accumulation in the Carm1-/- embryos in contrast to wild-type and gain-of-function Carm1 transgenic (ubiquitous) embryo. We used a well-established 3T3-L1 preadipocyte cell line to knockdown CARM1 by short hairpin RNA. 3T3-L1 cells with CARM1 knockdown showed greatly reduced potential to differentiate into mature lipid accumulating adipocytes upon administration of adipogenic stimuli. Ligand-dependent activation of reporter genes by the PPARγ receptor showed that PPRE-luciferase reporter activity was enhanced in the presence of CARM1, additionally, luciferase activity was reduced to background levels when enzyme dead CARM1 (CARM1-VLD) was used. Thus, in this study, we have identified novel pathways that use CARM1 as coactivator and showed that CARM1 functions as a key component of PPARγ receptor mediated gene expression. ^


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CD4+ T helper (Th) lymphocytes are vital for integrating immune responses by orchestrating the function of other immune cell types. Naïve Th cells can differentiate into different effector subsets that are characterized by their cytokine profile and immune regulatory functions. These subsets include Th1, Th2, Th17, natural and inducible regulatory T cells (nTreg and iTreg respectively), among others. We focused our investigation on two Th lineages, Th17 and regulatory T cells, with opposing functions in the immune system. These subsets have been suggested to be reciprocally regulated since they both require TGF-b for their development. We investigated the role of the Treg-associated master transcription factor Foxp3, and found that Foxp3 inhibits Th17 cell generation by preventing the transcriptional activity of the two main Th17-specific transcription factors, nuclear orphan receptors RORa and RORgt. At the molecular level, we identified two different functional domains in Foxp3 required for such inhibition: the LQALL sequence in exon 2 and the TIP60/HDAC7 binding domain. These domains could be crucial to either prevent the association of the nuclear receptors to coactivators or to recruit histone deacetylases to RORa- or RORgt-target genes. Since TGF-b is a common cytokine required for the commitment towards both Th lineages, we determined the role of the TGF-b-dependent signaling pathway in the generation of each subset. By using mice with deficiencies in signaling molecules downstream of TGF-b, we found that while Smad2, Smad3 and Smad4 are required for the generation of iTreg cells, only Smad2 is indispensable for the induction of IL-17-producing cells, suggesting that TGF-b induces these T helper lineages through differential signaling pathways. Thus, our findings describe novel transcriptional regulatory mechanisms that control the generation of two T helper lineages with opposing functions. These findings could provide novel therapeutic targets to treat diseases where the balance of these T cells is dysregulated, such as in autoimmunity, chronic infectious diseases and cancer.


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Dissecting the Interaction of p53 and TRIM24 Aundrietta DeVan Duncan Supervisory Professor, Michelle Barton, Ph.D. p53, the “guardian of the genome”, plays an important role in multiple biological processes including cell cycle, angiogenesis, DNA repair and apoptosis. Because it is mutated in over 50% of cancers, p53 has been widely studied in established cancer cell lines. However, little is known about the function of p53 in a normal cell. We focused on characterizing p53 in normal cells and during differentiation. Our lab recently identified a novel binding partner of p53, Tripartite Motif 24 protein (TRIM24). TRIM24 is a member of the TRIM family of proteins, defined by their conserved RING, B-box, and coiled coil domains. Specifically, TRIM24 is a member of the TIF1 subfamily, which is characterized by PHD and Bromo domains in the C-terminus. Between the Coiled-coil and PHD domain is a linker region, 437 amino acids in length. This linker region houses important functions of TRIM24 including it’s site of interaction with nuclear receptors. TRIM24 is an E3-ubiquitin ligase, recently discovered to negatively regulate p53 by targeting it for degradation. Though it is known that Trim24 and p53 interact, it is not known if the interaction is direct and what effect this interaction has on the function of TRIM24 and p53. My study aims to elucidate the specific interaction domains of p53 and TRIM24. To determine the specific domains of p53 required for interaction with TRIM24, we performed co-immuoprecipitation (Co-IP) with recombinant full-length Flag-tagged TRIM24 protein and various deletion constructs of in vitro translated GST-p53, as well as the reverse. I found that TRIM24 binds both the carboxy terminus and DNA binding domain of p53. Furthermore, my results show that binding is altered when post-translational modifications of p53 are present, suggesting that the interaction between p53 and TRIM24 may be affected by these post-translational modifications. To determine the specific domains of TRIM24 required for p53 interaction, we performed GST pull-downs with in vitro translated, Flag-TRIM24 protein constructs and recombinant GST-p53 protein purified from E. coli. We found that the Linker region is sufficient for interaction of p53 and TRIM24. Taken together, these data indicate that the interaction between p53 and TRIM24 does occur in vitro and that interaction may be influenced by post-translational modifications of the proteins.


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Retinoids, important modulators of squamous epithelial differentiation and proliferation, are effective in the treatment and prevention of squamous epithelial cancers, including squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) of the skin. However, the mechanism is not well understood. Retinoids exert their effects primarily through two nuclear receptor families, retinoic acid receptors (RARα, β and γ) and retinoid X receptors (RXR(α, β and γ), ligand-dependent DNA-binding transcription factors that are members of the steroid hormone receptor superfamily. Retinoid receptor loss has been correlated with squamous epithelial malignancy. This has lead to the hypothesis that reduced RARγ expression and the resulting suppression of retinoid signaling contributes to squamous epithelial malignancy. To test this hypothesis, I attempted to reduce or abolish expression of RARγ, the predominant RAR in squamous epithelia, in several nontumorigenic human squamous epithelial cell lines. The most useful of these cell lines has been SqCCY1, the human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell line, along with several subclones stably transfected with RARγ sense and antisense expression constructs. By several criteria, we observed an overall suppression of squamous differentiation in RARγ sense transfectants and an enhancement in RARγ antisense transfectants, relative to parental SqCCY1 cells. We also observed that both sense and antisense cells could form tumors in athymic mice in vivo, while parental SqCCY1 cells could not. Although these results appear contradictory, several conclusions can be drawn. First, loss of RARγ contributes to squamous epithelial tumorigenesis. Second, overexpression of RARγ leads to tumor formation, suppressing differentiation and promoting proliferation, possibly due to a competitive inhibition of limiting concentrations of RXRα, a common heterodimeric partner for many nuclear receptors in addition to RARs, representing a mechanism for RARγ to modulate squamous epithelial homeostasis. The cause for tumorigenesis in the two conditions is likely due to different mechanisms/roles of RARγ in the cell, with the former as a retinoid signaling regulator; and the latter as an RXRα concentration modulator. Finally, High level of RARγ expression sensitizes cells to environmental RA, enhancing RARγ/RXRα-mediated RA signaling. Therefore, RA should be used in skin lesions with suppressed RARγ expression levels, not in skin lesions with overexpressed RARγ levels. ^


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CYP4F enzymes metabolize endogenous molecules including arachidonic acid, leukotrienes and prostaglandins. The involvement of these eisosanoids in inflammation has led to the hypothesis that CYP4Fs may modulate inflammatory conditions after traumatic brain injury (TBI). In rat, TBI elicited changes in mRNA expression of CYP4Fs as a function of time in the cerebrum region. These changes in CYP4F mRNA levels inversely correlated with the cerebral leukotriene B4 (LTB4) level following injury at the same time points. TBI also resulted in changes in CYP4F protein expression and localization around the injury site, where CYP4F1 and CYP4F6 immunoreactivity increased in surrounding astrocytes and CYP4F4 immunoreactivity shifted from endothelia of cerebral vessels to astrocytes. The study with rat primary astrocytes indicated that pro-inflammatory cytokines TNFα and IL-1β could affect the transcription of CYP4Fs to a certain degree, whereas the changing pattern in the primary astrocytes appeared to be different from that in the in vivo TBI model.^ In addition, the regulation of CYP4F genes has been an unsolved issue although factors including cytokines and fatty acids appear to affect CYP4Fs expression in multiple models. In this project, HaCaT cells were used as an in vitro cellular model to define signaling pathways involved in the regulation of human CYP4F genes. Retinoic acids inhibited CYP4F11 expression, whereas cytokines TNFα and IL-1β induced transcription of CYP4F11 in HaCaT cells. The induction of CYP4F11 by both cytokines could be blocked by a JNK specific inhibitor, indicating the involvement of the JNK pathway in the up-regulation of CYP4F11. Retinoic acids are known to function in gene regulation through nuclear receptors RARs and RXRs. The RXR agonist LG268 greatly induced transcription of CYP4F11, whereas RAR agonist TTNPB obviously inhibited CYP4F11 transcription, indicating that the down-regulation of CYP4F11 by retinoic acid was mediated by RARs, and that inhibition of CYP4F11 by retinoic acid may also be related to the competition for RXR receptors. Thus, the CYP4F11 gene is regulated by signaling pathways including the RXR pathway and the JNK pathway. In contrast, the regulation mechanism of other CYP4Fs by retinoic acids appears to be different from that of CYP4F11.^


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Retinoic acid has profound effects on the cellular growth and differentiation of a variety of cells. However, the molecular basis of retinoic acid action has, until recently, not been well understood. The identification of retinoic acid receptors which bear a high degree of homology to members of the steroid receptor super-family has dramatically altered our understanding of the biology of retinoids. The focus of this dissertation has been toward identification of retinoic acid binding proteins responsible for the effects of this molecule on gene expression.^ We have characterized in detail the retinoic acid-dependent induction of tissue transglutaminase gene expression in a myeloid cell line, human promyelocytic leukemia cells (HL-60 cells). Using cDNA probes specific for tissue transglutaminase, we have determined that the retinoic acid induced increase in enzyme level is due to an increase in the level of tissue transglutaminase mRNA. We have used this model as a probe to investigate the molecular basis of retinoid regulated gene expression.^ This thesis demonstrates that retinoic acid receptors are expressed in cells which induce tissue transglutaminase expression in response to retinoic acid. In Hl-60 cells retinoic acid-induced transglutaminase expression is associated with saturable nuclear retonic acid binding. Transcripts for both the alpha and beta forms of the retinoic acid receptors can be detected in these cells. Pretreatment of HL-60 cells with agents that potentiate retinoic acid-induced transglutaminase expression also modestly induced the alpha form of the retinoic acid receptor. Studies in macrophages and umbilical vein endothelial cells have also associated expression of the beta form of the retinoic acid with retinoic acid induced tissue transglutaminase expression.^ To investigate directly if retinoic acid receptors regulate retinoic acid-induced tissue transglutaminase expression we developed a series of stably transfected Balb-c 3T3 cells expressing different levels of the beta or gamma form of the retinoic acid receptor. These studies indicated that either the beta or gamma receptor can stimulate endogenous tissue transglutaminase expression in response to retinoic acid. These are among the first studies in the steroid field to describe regulation of an endogenous gene by a transfected receptor. ^


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Retinoid therapy has been successful for the treatment of skin squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). A suppression of the predominant retinoid X receptor expressed in skin, retinoid X receptor α (RXRα), has been reported in skin SCC. These observations have led to the hypothesis that retinoid receptor loss contributes to the tumorigenic phenotype of epithelial cancers. To test this hypothesis, the RXRα gene was mapped in order to generate a targeting construct. Additionally the transcriptional regulation of the human RXRα a gene in keratinocytes was characterized after identifying the transcription initiation sites, the promoter, and enhancer regions of this gene. The structure is highly conserved between human and mouse. A nontumorigenic human skin-derived cell line called near diploid immortalized keratinocytes (NIKS) has the advantage of growing as organotypic raft cultures, under physiological conditions closely resembling in-vivo squamous stratification. We have exploited the raft culture technique to develop an in-vitro model for skin SCC progression that includes the NIKS cells, HaCaT cells, a premalignant cell line, and SRB 12-p9 cells, a tumorigenic SCC skin cell line. The differentiation, proliferation and nuclear receptor ligand response characteristics of this system were studied and significant and novel results were obtained. RXRs are obligate heterodimerization partners with many of the nuclear hormone receptors, including retinoic acid receptors (RARs), vitamin D3 receptors (VDR), thyroid hormone receptors (T3 R) and peroxisome proliferator activate receptors (PPARs), which are all known to be active in skin. Treatment of the three cell lines in raft culture with the RXR specific ligand BMS649, BMS961 (RARγ-specific), vitamin D3 (VDR ligand), thryoid hormone (T3R ligand) and clofibrate (PPARa ligand), and the combination of BMS649 with each of the 4 receptor partner ligands, resulted in distinct effects on differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis. The effects of activation of RXRs in each of the four-receptor pathways; in the context of skin SCC progression, with an emphasis on the VDR/RXR pathway, are discussed. These studies will lead to a better understanding of RXRα action in human skin and will help determine its role in SCC tumorigenesis, as well as its potential as a target for the prevention, treatment, and control of skin cancer. ^


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Receptor-mediated endocytosis is well known for its degradation and recycling trafficking. Recent evidence shows that these cell surface receptors translocate from cell surface to different cellular compartments, including the Golgi, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and the nucleus to regulate physiological and pathological functions. Although some trafficking mechanisms have been resolved, the mechanism of intracellular trafficking from cell surface to the Golgi is not yet completed understood. Here we report a mechanism of Golgi translocation of EGFR in which EGF-induced EGFR travels to the Golgi via microtubule (MT)-dependent movement by interacting with dynein and fuses with the Golgi through syntaxin 6 (Syn6)-mediated membrane fusion. We also demonstrate that the Golgi translocation of EGFR is necessary for its consequent nuclear translocation and transcriptional activity. Interestingly, foreign protein such as bacterial cholera toxin, which is known to activate its pathological function through the Golgi/ER retrograde pathway, also utilizes the MT/Syn6 pathway. Thus, the MT, and syntaxin 6 mediated trafficking pathway from cell surface to the Golgi and ER defines a comprehensive retrograde trafficking route for both cellular and foreign molecules to travel from cell surface to the Golgi and the nucleus.