12 resultados para N-glycosylation

em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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In this study, we tested the hypothesis that the glycosylation of the pathogenic isoform of the prion protein (PrP(Sc)) might encode the selective neurotropism of prion strains. We prepared unglycosylated cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) substrate molecules from normal mouse brain by treatment with PNGase F and used reconstituted serial protein cyclic misfolding amplification reactions to produce RML and 301C mouse prions containing unglycosylated PrP(Sc) molecules. Both RML- and 301C-derived prions containing unglycosylated PrP(Sc) molecules were infectious to wild-type mice, and neuropathological analysis showed that mice inoculated with these samples maintained strain-specific patterns of PrP(Sc) deposition and neuronal vacuolation. These results show that PrP(Sc) glycosylation is not necessary for strain-dependent prion neurotropism.


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Post-translational protein modifications are critical regulators of protein functions as they expand the signaling potentials of the modified proteins, leading to diverse physiological consequences. Currently, increasing evidence suggests that protein methylation is as important as other post-translational modifications in the regulation of various biological processes. This drives us to ask whether methylation is involved in the EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) signaling, a biological process extensively regulated by multiple post-translational modifications including phosphorylation, glycosylation and ubiquitination. We found that EGFR R1175 is methylated by a protein arginine methyltransferase named PRMT5. During EGFR activation, PRMT5-mediated R1175 methylation specifically enhances EGF-induced EGFR autophosphorylation at Y1173 residue. This novel modification crosstalk increases SHP1 recruitment to EGFR and suppresses EGFR-mediated ERK activation, resulting in inhibition of cell proliferation, migration, and invasion of EGFR-expressing cells. Based on these findings, we provide the first link between arginine methylation and tyrosine phosphorylation and identify R1175 methylation as an inhibitory modification specifically against EGFR-mediated ERK activation.


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Interleukin-2 activated lymphocytes, designated lymphokine-activated killers (LAK), acquire the unique capacity to express potent cytologic activity against a broad spectrum of abnormal and/or transformed NK-sensitive and NK-resistant target cells while sparing normal cell types. Investigations into the target spectra exhibited by cloned effector cells indicate that LAK cells express a polyspecific recognition mechanism that identifies an undefined class of cell surface-associated molecules expressed on susceptible targets. This report extends our previous investigations into the biochemical nature of these molecules by characterizing the functional role of two tumor cell-surface-associated epitopes implicated in conferring target cells with susceptibility to LAK-mediated cytotoxicity. The first moiety is implicated in the formation of effector/target cell conjugates. This binding ligand is preferentially expressed on tumor cells relative to LAK-resistant PBL target cells, sensitive to trypsin treatment, resistant to functional inactivation by heat- and detergent-induced conformational changes, and does not require N-linked glycosylation to maintain binding activity. In contrast, a carbohydrate-associated epitope represents the second tumor-associated molecule required for target cell susceptibility to LAK cells. Specifically, N-linked glyoprotein synthesis represents an absolute requirement for post-trypsin recovery of target cell susceptibility. The minimal N-linked oligosaccharide residue capable of restoring this second signal has been identified as a high mannose structure. Although ultimately required for tumor cell susceptibility, as measured in $\sp{51}$Cr-release assays, this N-glycan-associated molecule is not required for the differential tumor cell binding expressed by LAK cells. Furthermore, N-glycan expression is not adequate in itself to confer target cell susceptibility. Additional categories of cell surface components have been investigated, including O-linked oligosaccharides, and glycosaminoglycans, without identifying additional moieties relevant to target cell recognition. Collectively, these data suggest that tumor cell recognition by LAK cells is dependent on cell surface presentation of two epitopes: a trypsin-sensitive molecule that participates in the initial conjugate formation and an N-glycan-associated moiety that is involved in a post-binding event required for target cell killing. ^


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Heparan sulfate proteoglycans and their corresponding binding sites have been suggested to play an important role during the initial attachment of blastocysts to uterine epithelium and human trophoblastic cell lines to uterine epithelial cell lines. Previous studies on RL95 cells, a human uterine epithelial cell line, characterized a single class of cell surface heparin/heparan sulfate (HP/HS)-binding sites. Three major HP/HS-binding peptide fragments were isolated from RL95 cell surfaces by tryptic digestion and partial amino-terminal amino acid sequence from each peptide fragment was obtained. In the current study, using the approaches of reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and cDNA library screening, a novel cell surface $\rm\underline{H}$P/HS $\rm\underline{i}$nteracting $\rm\underline{p}$rotein (HIP) has been isolated from RL95 cells. The full-length cDNA of HIP encodes a protein of 259 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 17,754 Da and pI of 11.75. Transfection of HIP cDNA into NIH-3T3 cells demonstrated cell surface expression and a size similar to that of HIP expressed by human cells. Predicted amino acid sequence indicates that HIP lacks a membrane spanning region and has no consensus sites for glycosylation. Northern blot analysis detected a single transcript of 1.3 kb in both total RNA and poly(A$\sp+$) RNA. Examination of human cell lines and normal tissues using both Northern blot and Western blot analysis revealed that HIP is differentially expressed in a variety of human cell lines and normal tissues, but absent in some cell lines examined. HIP has about 80% homology, at the level of both mRNA and protein, to a rodent protein, designated as ribosomal protein L29. Thus, members of the L29 family may be displayed on cell surfaces where they participate in HP/HS binding events. Studies on a synthetic peptide derived from HIP demonstrate that HIP peptide binds HS/HP with high selectivity and has high affinity (Kd = 10 nM) for a subset of polysaccharides found in commercial HIP preparations. Moreover, HIP peptide also binds certain forms of cell surface, but not secreted or intracellular. HS expressed by RL95 and JAR cells. This peptide supports the attachment of several human trophoblastic cell lines and a variety of mammalian adherent cell lines in a HS-dependent fashion. Furthermore, studies on the subset of HP specifically recognized by HIP peptide indicate that this high-affinity HP (HA-HP) has a larger median MW and a greater negative charge density than bulk HP. The minimum size of oligosaccharide required to bind to HIP peptide with high affinity is a septa- or octasaccharide. HA-HP also quantitatively binds to antithrombin-III (AT-III) with high affinity, indicating that HIP peptide and AT-III may recognize the same or similar oligosaccharide structure(s). Furthermore, HIP peptide antagonizes HP action and promotes blood coagulation in both factor Xa- and thrombin-dependent assays. Finally, HA-HP recognized by HP peptide is highly enriched with anticoagulant activity relative to bulk HP. Collectively, these results demonstrate that HIP may play a role in the HP/HS-involved cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions and recognizes a motif in HP similar or identical to that recognized by AT-III and therefore, may modulate blood coagulation. ^


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Despite much attention, the function of oligosaccharide chains of glycoproteins remains largely unknown. Our understanding of oligosaccharide function in vivo has been limited to the use of reagents and targeted mutations that eliminate entire oligosaccharide chains. However, most, if not all biological functions for oligosaccharides have been attributed to specific terminal sequences on these oligosaccharides, yet there have been few studies to examine the consequences of modifying terminal oligosaccharide structures in vivo. To address this issue, mice were created bearing a targeted mutation in $\beta$1,4-galactosyltransferase, an enzyme responsible for elaboration of many of the proposed biologically-active carbohydrate epitopes. Most galactosyltransferase-null mice died within the first few weeks after birth and were characterized by stunted growth, thin skin, sparse hair, and dehydration. In addition, the adrenal cortices were poorly stratified and spermatogenesis was delayed. The few surviving adults had puffy skin (myxedema), difficulty delivering pups at birth (dystocia), and failed to lactate (agalactosis). All of these defects are consistant with endocrine insufficiency, which was confirmed by markedly decreased levels of serum thyroxine. The anterior pituitary gland appeared functionally delayed in newborn mutant mice, since the constituent cells were quiescent and nonsecretory, unlike that of control littermates. However, the anterior pituitary acquired a normal secretory phenotype during neonatal development, although it remained abnormally small and its glycoprotein hormones were devoid of $\beta$1,4-galactosyl residues. These results support in vitro studies suggesting that incomplete glycosylation of pituitary hormones leads to the creation of hormone antagonists that down regulate subsequent endocrine function producing polyglandular endocrine insufficiency. More surprisingly, the fact that some mice survive this neonatal period indicates the presence of a previously unrecognized compensatory pathway for glycoprotein hormone glycosylation and/or action.^ In addition to its well-studied biosynthetic function in the Golgi complex, a GalTase isoform is also expressed on the sperm surface where it functions as a gamete receptor during fertilization by binding to its oligosaccharide ligand on the egg coat glycoprotein, ZP3. Aggregation of GalTase by multivalent ZP3 oligosaccharides activates a G-protein cascade leading to the acrosome reaction. Although GalTase-null males are fertile, the mutant sperm bind less ZP3 than wild-type sperm, and are unable to undergo the acrosome reaction in response to either zona pellucida glycoproteins or to anti-GalTase anti-serum, as do wild-type sperm. However, mutant and wild-type sperm undergo the acrosome reaction normally in response to calcium ionophore which bypasses the requirement for ZP3 binding. Interestingly, the phenotype of the GalTase-null sperm is reciprocal to that of sperm that overexpress surface GalTAse and which bind more ZP3 leading to precocious acrosome reactions. These results confirm that GalTase functions as at least one of the sperm receptors for ZP3, and that GalTase participates in the ZP3-induced signal transduction pathway during zona pellucida-induced acrosome reactions. ^


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By the use of Moloney murine sarcoma virus (Mo-MSV)-induced rat bone tumor (RBT) cells as immunogens, and the hybridoma technique, a mouse hybridoma clone was isolated in Dr. Chan's lab (Chan et al., 1983), which produced a monoclonal antibody, designated MC. MC detected specific antigens in three different Mo-MSV-transformed rat cell lines: 78A1 WRC, RBT and 6M2 (NRK cells infected with the ts110 mutant of Mo-MSV), but not in their untransformed counterparts. These antigens are tentatively termed transformation associated proteins (TAP). In this study, TAP were hypothesized to be the rat specific proteins which are activated by Mo-MSV and play an important role in cellular transformation, and were further investigated. Their properties are summarized as follows: (1) TAP may represent cellular products localized in the cytoplasm of 6M2 cells. (2) The expression of TAP is temperature-sensitive and related to cellular transformation, and probably activated by the v-mos gene products. The optimal temperature for the expression of both P85('gag-mos), the only known viral transforming protein in 6M2 cells, and TAP was 28(DEGREES)C. The expression of both P85('gag-mos) and TAP was proportional to the degree of transformation of 6M2 cells. (3) There were four antigenically-related forms of intracellular TAP (P66, P63, P60 and P58) in 6M2 cells. After synthesis, the 58Kd TAP was probably converted to one of the other three forms. These three polypeptides (P66, P63 and P60) were rapidly converted to two (P68 and P64) and subsequently secreted to the extracellular medium with a 50% secretion rate of 78 min. The conversion of these molecular sizes of TAP is probably related to glycosylation. Inhibition of TAP glycosylation by 0.5 ug/ml of tunicamycin could retard the secretion rate of TAP by 39%. (4) TAP are phosphoproteins, but not associated with any protein kinase activity. (5) TAP have been purified, and found to be mitogenic NRK-2 cells. TAP can bind to the receptors of NRK-2 cells with a K(,d) of 1.4 pM and with about 2 x 10('5) binding sites for TAP per NRK-2 cell. (6) Some weak proteolytic activity was found to associate with purified TAP. ^


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This research characterized a serologically indistinguishable form of HLA-DR1 that: (1) cannot stimulate some DR1-restricted or specific T-lymphocyte clones; (2) displays an unusual electrophoretic pattern on two dimensional gels; and (3) is marked by a polymorphic restriction site of the alpha gene. Inefficient stimulation of some DR1-restricted clones was a property of DR1$\sp{+}$ cells that shared HLA-B14 on the same haplotype and/or were carriers of 21-hydroxylase (21-OH) deficiency. Nonclassical 21-OH deficiency frequently demonstrates genetic linkage with HLA-B14;DR1 haplotypes and associates with duplications of C4B and one 21-OH gene. Cells having both stimulatory (DR1$\sb{\rm n}$) and nonstimulatory (DR1$\sb{\rm x}$) parental haplotypes did not mediate proliferation of these clones. However, heterozygous DR1$\sb{\rm x}$, 2 and DR1$\sb{\rm x}$, 7 cells were efficient stimulators of DR2 and DR7 specific clones, respectively, suggesting that a trans acting factor may modify DR1 alleles or products to yield a dominant DR1$\sb{\rm x}$ phenotype. Incompetent stimulator populations did not secrete an intercellular soluble or contact dependent suppressor factor nor did they express interleukin-2 receptors competing for T-cell growth factors. Two dimensional gel analysis of anti-DR immunoprecipitates revealed, in addition to normal DR$\alpha$ and DR$\beta$ chains, a 50kD species from DR1$\sb{\rm x}$ but not from the majority of DR1$\sb{\rm n}$ or non-DR1 cells. The 50kD structure was stable under reducing conditions in SDS and urea, had antigenic homology with DR, and dissociated after boiling into 34kD and 28kD peptide chains apparently identical with DR$\alpha$ and DR$\beta$ as shown by limited digest peptide maps. N-linked glycosylation and sialation of DRgp50 appeared to be unchanged from normal DR$\alpha$ and DR$\beta$. Bg1II digestion and $DR\alpha$ probing of DR1$\sb{\rm x}$ genomic DNA revealed a 4.5kb fragment while DR1$\sb{\rm n}$ DNA yielded 3.8 and 0.76kb fragments; all restriction sites mapped to the 3$\sp\prime$ untranslated region of $DR\alpha$. Collectively, these data suggest that DRgp50 represents a novel combinatorial association between constitutive chains of DR that may interfere with or compete for normal T cell receptor recognition of DR1 as both an alloantigen and restricting element. Furthermore, extensive chromosomal abnormalities previously mapped to the class III region of B14;DR1 haplotypes may extend into the adjacent class II region with consequent intrusion on immune function. ^


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A series of studies were undertaken to analyze and compare various aspects of murine class I glycoproteins. An initial area of investigation characterized the Qa-1 alloantigens using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Analysis of the products of the Qa-1('b), Qa-1('c) and Qa-1('d) alleles indicated that these were distinct molecules as determined by their lack of comigration upon comparative two-dimensional gel analysis. The importance of asparagine-linked glycosylation in the cell surface expression of class I molecules was also examined. These studies employed tunicamycin, an inhibitor of N-linked glycosylation. Tunicamycin treatment of activated T lymphocytes diminished the surface expression of Qa-1 to undetectable levels; the levels of other class I molecules exhibited little or no decrease. These results indicated that N-linked glycosylation has a differential importance in the cell surface expression of various class I molecules. The molecular weight diversity of class I molecules was also investigated. Molecular weight determination of both the fully glycosylated and unglycosylated forms of H-2 and Qa/Tla region encoded molecules established that there is a significant variation in the sizes of these forms of various class I molecules. The most significant difference ((TURN)9,000 daltons) exists between the unglycosylated forms of H-2K('b) and Qa-2, suggesting that the structural organization of these two molecules may be very different. A comparative two-dimensional gel analysis of various class I glycoproteins isolated from resting and activated T and B lymphocytes indicated that class I molecules expressed on activated T cells exhibited an isoelectrophoretic pattern that was distinct from the isoelectrophoretic pattern of class I molecules expessed on the other cell populations. This difference was attributed to a lower sialic acid content of the molecules expressed on activated T cells. Analysis of cell homogenates determined that activated T cells contained a higher level of endogenous neuraminidase activity than was detected in the other populations, suggesting that this may be the basis of the lower sialic acid content. The relationship of the Qa-4 and Qa-2 alloantigens was also examined. It was established that upon mitogen activation, the expression of Qa-4 was greatly decreased, whereas Qa-2 expression was not decreased. However, an anti-Qa-2 monoclonal antibody blocked the binding of an anti-Qa-4 monoclonal antibody to resting cells. These studies established that Qa-4 is a determinant restricted to resting cells, which is closely associated on the surface with the Qa-2 molecule. ^


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The goal of this study was to investigate the properties of human acid (alpha)-glucosidase with respect to: (i) the molecular heterogeneity of the enzyme and (ii) the synthesis, post-translational modification, and transport of acid (alpha)-glucosidase in human fibroblasts.^ The initial phase of these investigations involved the purification of acid (alpha)-glucosidase from the human liver. Human hepatic acid (alpha)-glucosidase was characterized by isoelectric focusing and native and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Four distinct charge forms of hepatic acid (alpha)-glucosidase were separated by chromatofocusing and characterized individually. Charge heterogeneity was demonstrated to result from differences in the polypeptide components of each charge form.^ The second aspect of this research focused on the biosynthesis and the intracellular processing and transport of acid (alpha)-glucosidase in human fibroblasts. These experiments were accomplished by immune precipitation of the biosynthetic intermediates of acid (alpha)-glucosidase from radioactively labeled fibroblasts with polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies raised against human hepatic acid (alpha)-glucosidase. The immune precipitated biosynthetic forms of acid (alpha)-glucosidase were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and autoradiography. The pulse-chase experiments demonstrated the existence of several transient, high molecular weight precursors of acid (alpha)-glucosidase. These precursors were demonstrated to be intermediates of acid (alpha)-glucosidase at different stages of transport and processing in the Golgi apparatus. Other experiments were performed to examine the role of co-translational glycosylation of acid (alpha)-glucosidase in the transport and processing of precursors of this enzyme.^ A specific immunological assay for detecting acid (alpha)-glucosidase was developed using the monoclonal antibodies described above. This method was modified to increase the sensitivity of the assay by utilization of the biotin-avidin amplification system. This method was demonstrated to be more sensitive for detecting human acid (alpha)-glucosidase than the currently used biochemical assay for acid (alpha)-glucosidase activity. It was also demonstrated that the biotin-avidin immunoassay could discriminate between normal and acid (alpha)-glucosidase deficient fibroblasts, thus providing an alternative approach to detecting this inborn error in metabolism. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^


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The current studies were undertaken to examine the effect of retinoic acid (RA)-induced differentiation of the murine embryonal carcinoma cell line, F-9, on the glycosylation of specific cellular glycoproteins and on the expression of two members of the family of endogenous lactoside-binding lectins. It was found that RA-induced differentiation of these cells into cells with the properties of primitive endoderm results in the increased fucosylation of 3 glycoproteins with molecular weights of 175 (gp175), 250 (gp250), and 400 (pg400) kDa. These three fucose-containing glycoproteins can be considered as new markers of differentiation in this system. The increased fucosylation of these glycoproteins preceded the 3-fold increase in fucosyltransferase (FT) activity that was seen upon RA-induced differentiation of these cells, indicating that an increase in fucosyltransferase activity alone cannot explain the increased fucosylation of these glycoproteins.^ The effect of RA and Ch55, a chalcone carboxylic acid with retinoid-like properties, induced differentiation of a variety of murine embryonal carcinoma cell lines on the activities of both FT and sialyltransferase (ST) was examined. The effect of differentiation on the activities of both glycosyltransferases was modulated and most probably is dependent upon the differentiation pathway that is triggered by the retinoids for each of the embryonal carcinoma cell lines.^ Two glycoproteins, Lysosomal Associated Membrane Glycoproteins 1 and 2 (LAMP-1 and LAMP-2) were examined in more detail during the course of RA-induced differentiation of F-9 cells. Both the levels and glycosylation of both glycoproteins are increased following differentiation of these cells. Differentiation results in the increased binding of $\sp{125}$l-labelled L-phytohemagglutinin to bind to LAMP-1 which indicates increased GlcNAc $\beta$1,6 branching of the oligosaccharide side chains.^ We found that RA-induced differentiation of F-9 cells results in the decreased expression of the 34 kDa lectin 24 h after addition of the retinoid to the medium. Additionally, 48 h of RA-treatment results in the increased expression of the 14.5 kDa lectin. By indirect immunofluorescence we were able to colocalize the 14.5 kDa lectin and laminin which suggests that laminin may be a ligand for the lectin in the F-9 cells. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^


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Heregulins constitute a family of growth factors belonging to the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family. Breast cancers that overexpress specific members of the EGF receptor family (EGFR, ErbB2, ErbB3, ErbB4) have increased metastatic potential, and Heregulin-β1 (HRGβ1), a ligand for ErbB3 and ErbB4, has also been shown to induce metastasis-related properties in breast cancer cells in vitro. The secreted form of the HRGβ1 is composed of five distinct structural domains, including the N-terminal domain, an immunoglobulin-like domain (IgG-like), a glycosylation domain, an EGF-like domain, and a β1-specific domain. Of these, the EGF-like domain is well characterized for its function in metastasis-related properties as well as its structure. However, the contributions of the other HRGβ1 domains in breast cancer metastasis remains unclear. ^ To investigate this, HRGβ1 proteins with targeted domain deletions were purified and subjected to assays for metastasis-related properties, including aggregation, invasion, activation of EGFR family members, and motility of breast cancer cells. These assays showed that retaining the EGF-like domain of HRGβ1 is important for activation of EGFRs. Interestingly, the HRGβ1 protein lacking the IgG-like domain (NGEB) led to a decrease in breast cancer cell motility, indicating the IgG-like domain modulates cell motility, an important step in cancer metastasis. ^ To understand the underlying mechanisms, I performed protein sequence and structural analysis of HRGβ1 and identified that the IgG-like domain of HRGβ1 shares sequence homology and three-dimensional structural similarity with the IgG-like domain of TRIO. TRIO is a cytoplasmic protein that directly associates with RhoA, a GTPase involved in cell reorganization and cell motility. Therefore, I hypothesized that HRGβ1 may translocate inside the breast cancer cells through receptor mediated endocytosis and bind to RhoA via its IgG-like domain. I show wild type HRGβ1 but not NGEB binds RhoA in vitro and in vivo, leading to RhoA activation. Inhibition of HRG-β1 internalization via endocytosis disrupted HRGβ1 binding to RhoA. Additionally, breast cancer cell motility induced by HRG-β1 is reduced after treatment with inhibitors to both endocytosis and RhoA function, similar to levels seen with NGEB treatment. ^ Thus, in addition to the well-known role of HRGβ1 as an extracellular stimulator of the EGFR family members, HRGβ1 also functions within the cell as a binding partner and activator of RhoA to modulate cancer cell motility. ^


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IL-24 is an unusual member of the IL-10 family, which is considered a Th1 cytokine that exhibits tumor cell cytotoxicity. I describe the purification of this novel cytokine from the supernatant of IL-24 gene transfected human embryonic kidney cells and define the biochemical and functional properties of the soluble, human IL-24 protein. ^ I showed IL-24 non-covalently associates with bovine albumin. Immunoaffinity purification followed by cation exchange chromatography resulted in the significant enrichment of N-glycosylated IL-24. This protein elicited dose-dependent secretion of TNF-α and IL-6 from purified human monocytes and TNF-α secretion from PMA differentiated U937 cells. I showed this same protein was cytotoxic to melanoma tumor cells via the induction of IFN-α. ^ I reported IL-24 associates as at least two disulfide linked, N-glycosylated dimers. Enzymatic removal of N-linked-glycosylation from purified IL-24 partially diminished its cytokine and cytotoxic functions. Disruption of IL-24 dimers via reduction and alkylation of intermolecular disulfide bonds nearly abolished IL-24s cytokine function. ^ I elucidated IL-24 induced TNF-α secretion was pSTAT1, pSTAT3 as well as the class II heterodimeric receptors IL-20R1/IL-22R2 independent. I identified a requirement for the heterodimer of Toll-like Receptors 1 and 2 for IL-24s cytokine function and show a physical interaction between IL-24 and the extracellular domain of TLR-1. ^ Thus, I demonstrated that purified N-glycosylated, soluble, dimeric, human IL-24 exhibits both immunomodulatory and anti-cancer activities and these functions remain associated during purification. IL-24 induced TNF-α secretion required an interaction with the heterodimeric receptor TLR-1/2 and IL-24s cytotoxic affect to melanoma tumor cells was in part due to its induction of IFN-β. ^