8 resultados para Multi factor affine processes

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Cell division or cytokinesis is one of the most fundamental processes in biology and is essential for the propagation of all living species. In Escherichia coli, cell division occurs by ingrowth of the membrane envelope at the cell center and is orchestrated by the FtsZ protein. FtsZ self-assembles into linear protofilaments in a GTP dependent manner to form a cytoskeletal scaffold called the Z-ring. The Z-ring provides the framework for the assembly of the division apparatus and determines the site of cytokinesis. The total amount of FtsZ molecules in a cell significantly exceeds the concentration required for Z-ring formation. Hence, Z-ring formation must be highly regulated, both temporally and spatially. In particular, the assembly of Z-rings at the cell poles and over chromosomal DNA must be prevented. These inhibitory roles are played by two key regulatory systems called the Min and nucleoid occlusion (NO) systems. In E. coli, Min proteins oscillate from pole to pole; the net result of this oscillatory process is the formation of a zone of FtsZ inhibition at the cell poles. However, the replicated nucleoid DNA near the midcell must also be protected from bisection by the Z-ring which is ensured by NO. A protein called SlmA was shown to be the effector of NO in E. coli. SlmA was identified in a screen designed to isolate mutations that were lethal in the absence of Min, hence the name SlmA (synthetic lethal with a defective Min system). Furthers SlmA was shown to bind DNA and localize to the nucleoid fraction of the cell. Additionally, light scattering experiments suggested that SlmA interacts with FtsZ-GTP and alters its polymerization properties. Here we describe studies that reveal the molecular mechanism by which SlmA mediates NO in E. coli. Specifically, we determined the crystal structure of SlmA, identified its DNA binding site specificity, and mapped its binding sites on the E. coli chromosome by chromatin immuno-precipitation experiments. We went on to determine the SlmA-FtsZ structure by small angle X-ray scattering and examined the effect of SlmA-DNA on FtsZ polymerization by electron microscopy. Our combined data show how SlmA is able to disrupt Z-ring formation through its interaction with FtsZ in a specific temporal and spatial manner and hence prevent nucleoid guillotining during cell division.


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Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a cell membrane tyrosine kinase receptor and plays a pivotal role in regulating cell growth, differentiation, cell cycle, and tumorigenesis. Deregulation of EGFR causes many diseases including cancers. Intensive investigation of EGFR alteration in human cancers has led to profound progress in developing drugs to target EGFR-mediated cancers. While exploring possible synergistic enhancement of therapeutic efficacy by combining EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) with other anti-cancer agents, we observed that suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA, a deacetylase inhibitor) enhanced TKI-induced cancer cell death, which further led us to question whether SAHA-mediated sensitization to TKI was associated with EGFR acetylation. What we know so far is that SAHA can inhibit class I and II histone deacetylases (HDACs), which could possibly preserve acetylation of underlying HDAC-targeted proteins including both histone and non-histone proteins. In addition, it has been reported that an HDAC inhibitor, TSA, enhanced EGFR phosphorylation in ovarian cancer cells. EGFR acetylation has also been reported to play a role in the regulation of EGFR endocytosis recently. These observations indicate that there might be an intrinsic correlation between acetylation and phosphorylation of EGFR. In other words, the interplay between EGFR acetylation and phosphorylation may contribute to HDAC inhibitors (HDACi)-augmented EGFR phosphorylation. In this investigation, we showed that CBP acetyltransferase acetylated EGFR in vivo. In response to EGF stimulation, CBP rapidly translocated from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. We also demonstrated protein-protein interaction between CBP and EGFR as well as the enhancement of EGFR acetylation by CBP. Moreover, EGFR acetylation enhanced EGFR tyrosine phosphorylation and augmented its association with Src kinase. Acetylation-deficient EGFR mutant (EGFR-K3R) significantly reduced the function and activity of EGFR. Furthermore, ectopic expression of EGFR-K3R mutant abrogated its ability to respond to EGF-induced cell proliferation, DNA synthesis, and anchorage-independent growth using cell-based assays and tumor growth in nude mice. In addition, we demonstrated that EGFR expression was associated with SAHA resistance in the treatment of cancer cells that overexpress EGFR. The knockdown of EGFR in MDA-MB-468 breast cancer cells could sensitize the cells to respond to SAHA. The overexpression of EGFR in SAHA-sensitive MDA-MB-453 breast cancer cells rendered the cells resistant to SAHA. Together, these findings suggest that EGFR plays an important role in SAHA resistance in breast carcinoma cells that we tested. The combination therapy of HDACi with TKI has been proposed for treating cancers with aberrant expression of EGFR. The evidence from pre-clinical or clinical trials demonstrated significant enhancement of therapeutic efficacy by using such a combination therapy. Our in vivo study also demonstrated that the combination of SAHA and TKI for the treatment of breast cancer significantly reduced tumor burden compared with either SAHA or TKI alone. The significance of our study elucidated another possible underlying molecular mechanism by which HDACi mediated sensitization to TKI. Our results unveiled a critical role of EGFR acetylation that regulates EGFR tyrosine phosphorylation and may further provide an experiment-based rationale for combinatorial targeted therapy.


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Most pancreatic cancer patients present with inoperable disease or develop metastases after surgery. Conventional therapies are usually ineffective in treating metastatic disease. It is evident that novel therapies remain to be developed. Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) plays a key role in cancer metastasis, signaling through the TGF-beta type I/II receptors (TbetaRI/II). We hypothesized that targeting TbetaRI/II kinase activity with the novel inhibitor LY2109761 would suppress pancreatic cancer metastatic processes. The effect of LY2109761 has been evaluated on soft agar growth, migration, invasion using a fibroblast coculture model, and detachment-induced apoptosis (anoikis) by Annexin V flow cytometric analysis. The efficacy of LY2109761 on tumor growth, survival, and reduction of spontaneous metastasis have been evaluated in an orthotopic murine model of metastatic pancreatic cancer expressing both luciferase and green fluorescence proteins (L3.6pl/GLT). To determine whether pancreatic cancer cells or the cells in the liver microenvironment were involved in LY2109761-mediated reduction of liver metastasis, we used a model of experimental liver metastasis. LY2109761 significantly inhibited the L3.6pl/GLT soft agar growth, suppressed both basal and TGF-beta1-induced cell migration and invasion, and induced anoikis. In vivo, LY2109761, in combination with gemcitabine, significantly reduced the tumor burden, prolonged survival, and reduced spontaneous abdominal metastases. Results from the experimental liver metastasis models indicate an important role for targeting TbetaRI/II kinase activity on tumor and liver microenvironment cells in suppressing liver metastasis. Targeting TbetaRI/II kinase activity on pancreatic cancer cells or the cells of the liver microenvironment represents a novel therapeutic approach to prevent pancreatic cancer metastasis.


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Regulation of colonic epithelial cell proliferation and differentiation remains poorly understood due to the inability to design a model system which recapitulates these processes. Currently, properties of "differentiation" are studied in colon adenocarcinoma cell lines which can be induced to express some, but not all of the phenotypes of normal cells. In this thesis, the DiFi human colon adenocarcinoma cell line is utilized as an in vitro model system in which to study mucin production. In response to treatment with tumor necrosis factor-alpha, DiFi cells acquire some properties of mucin-producing goblet cells including altered morphology, increased reactivity to wheat germ agglutinin, and increased mucin production as determined by RNA expression as well as reactivity with the MUC-1 antibodies, HMFG-1 and SM-3. Thus, TNF-treated DiFi cells represent one of the few in vitro systems in which mucin expression can be induced.^ DiFi cells express an activated pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src},$ as do most colon adenocarcinomas and derived cell lines, as well as an amplified epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor. To assess potential changes in these enzymes during induction of differentiation characteristics, potential changes in the levels and activities of these enzymes were examined. For pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src},$ no changes were observed in protein levels, specific activity of the kinase, cellular localization, or phosphorylation pattern as determined by Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease partial proteolytic mapping after induction of goblet cell-like phenotypic changes. These results suggest that pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src}$ is regulated differentially in goblet cells than in absorptive cells, as down-modulation of pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src}$ kinase occurs in the latter. Therefore, effects on pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src}$ may be critical in colon regulation, and may be important in generating the various colonic epithelial cell types.^ In contrast to pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src},$ EGF receptor tyrosine kinase activity decreased ($<$5-fold) after TNF treatment and at the time in which morphologic changes were observed. Similar decreases in tyrosine phosphorylation of EGF receptor were observed as assessed by immunoblotting with an anti-phosphotyrosine antibody. In addition, ($\sp{125}$I) -EGF cell surface binding was reduced approximately 3-fold following TNF treatment with a concomitant reduction in receptor affinity ($<$2-fold). These results suggest that modulation of EGF receptor may be important in goblet cell differentiation. In contrast, other published studies have demonstrated that increases in EGF receptor mRNA and in ($\sp{125}$I) -EGF binding accompany differentiation toward the absorptive cell phenotype. Therefore, differential regulation of both EGF receptor and pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src}$ occur along the goblet cell and absorptive cell differentiation pathways. Thus, my results suggest that TNF-treated DiFi cells represent a unique system in which to study distinct patterns of regulation of pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src}$ and EGF receptor in colonic cells, and to determine if increased MUC-1 expression is an early event in goblet cell differentiation. ^


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Myogenin is a muscle-specific transcription factor essential for skeletal muscle differentiation. A severe reduction in the number of fused myotubes is seen in myogenin-null mice, and the expression of genes characteristic of differentiated skeletal muscle is reduced. Additionally, sternebrae defects are seen in myogenin-null mice, a secondary defect in the sternal cartilage precursors. Very little is known about the quantitative requirement for myogenin in muscle differentiation and thoracic skeletal development in vivo. In this thesis I describe experiments utilizing a mouse line harboring a hypomorphic allele of myogenin, generated by gene targeting techniques in embryonic stem cells. The nature of the hypomorphism was due to lowered levels of myogenin from this allele. In embryos homozygous for the hypomorphic allele, normal sternum formation and extensive muscle differentiation was observed. However, muscle hypoplasia and reduced muscle-specific gene expression were apparent in these embryos, and the mice were not viable after birth. These results suggest skeletal muscle differentiation is highly sensitive to the absolute amounts of myogenin, and reveal distinct threshold requirements for myogenin in skeletal muscle differentiation, sternum formation, and viability in vivo. The hypomorphic allele was utilized as a genetically sensitized background to identify other components of myogenin-mediated processes. Using a candidate gene approach I crossed null mutations in MEF2C and MRF4 into the hypomorphic background and examined whether these mutations affected muscle differentiation and skeleton formation in the myogenin hypomorph. Although MEF2C mutation did not affect any phenotypes seen in the hypomorphic background, MRF4 was observed to be an essential component of myogenin-mediated processes of thoracic skeletal development. Additionally, the hypomorphic allele was very sensitive to genetic effects, suggesting the existence of mappable genetic modifiers of the hypomorphic allele of myogenin. ^


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With substance abuse treatment expanding in prisons and jails, understanding how behavior change interacts with a restricted setting becomes more essential. The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) has been used to understand intentional behavior change in unrestricted settings, however, evidence indicates restrictive settings can affect the measurement and structure of the TTM constructs. The present study examined data from problem drinkers at baseline and end-of-treatment from three studies: (1) Project CARE (n = 187) recruited inmates from a large county jail; (2) Project Check-In (n = 116) recruited inmates from a state prison; (3) Project MATCH, a large multi-site alcohol study had two recruitment arms, aftercare (n = 724 pre-treatment and 650 post-treatment) and outpatient (n = 912 pre-treatment and 844 post-treatment). The analyses were conducted using cross-sectional data to test for non-invariance of measures of the TTM constructs: readiness, confidence, temptation, and processes of change (Structural Equation Modeling, SEM) across restricted and unrestricted settings. Two restricted (jail and aftercare) and one unrestricted group (outpatient) entering treatment and one restricted (prison) and two unrestricted groups (aftercare and outpatient) at end-of-treatment were contrasted. In addition TTM end-of-treatment profiles were tested as predictors of 12 month drinking outcomes (Profile Analysis). Although SEM did not indicate structural differences in the overall TTM construct model across setting types, there were factor structure differences on the confidence and temptation constructs at pre-treatment and in the factor structure of the behavioral processes at the end-of-treatment. For pre-treatment temptation and confidence, differences were found in the social situations factor loadings and in the variance for the confidence and temptation latent factors. For the end-of-treatment behavioral processes, differences across the restricted and unrestricted settings were identified in the counter-conditioning and stimulus control factor loadings. The TTM end-of-treatment profiles were not predictive of drinking outcomes in the prison sample. Both pre and post-treatment differences in structure across setting types involved constructs operationalized with behaviors that are limited for those in restricted settings. These studies suggest the TTM is a viable model for explicating addictive behavior change in restricted settings but calls for modification of subscale items that refer to specific behaviors and caution in interpreting the mean differences across setting types for problem drinkers. ^


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Staphylococcus aureus is a globally prevalent pathogen that can cause a wide variety of acute and chronic diseases in both adults and children, in both immune susceptible populations and healthy individuals. Its ability to cause persistent infections has been linked to multiple immune evasion strategies, including Efb-mediated complement inhibition. As new multi-drug-resistant strains emerge, therapeutic alternatives to traditional antibiotics must be developed. These experiments assessed the ability of healthy patient immunoglobulin to cleave Efb and disable the complement-inhibitory properties of Efb in vitro. Levels of immunoglobulin-mediated Efb catalysis varied both between immunoglobulin isoform/isotype and between individuals. Serum IgG showed the strongest catalytic activity of the immunoglobulin isotypes tested. Additionally, IgG hydrolyzed the virulence factor in a way that enabled only minimal binding to the complement component C3b, effectively blocking Efb-mediated inhibition of complement lysis. Salivary IgA and serum IgM did not block Efb-mediated inhibition of complement. Catalytic IgG selectively cleaved Efb and showed no cleavage of a variety of other proteins tested. Catalytic activity of IgG was inhibited by serine protease inhibitors, but not by other protease inhibitors, suggesting a serine-protease mechanism of catalysis. It is proposed that varying concentrations and activity levels of catalytic IgG between healthy individuals and those with current or recurrent S. aureus infections in both adult and pediatric populations be studied in order to assess the potential effectiveness of passive immunization therapy with catalytic monoclonal IgG. ^


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Significant racial/ethnic differences exist in prevalence of hypertension (HTN) and non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). Hypertension is more common in diabetics than in non-diabetics, and an etiologic link between the two conditions has been proposed. Since there are few longitudinal studies of persons with both HTN and NIDDM, a retrospective cohort study was conducted to determine if ethnicity (Black, Hispanic (Mexican-American), and non-Hispanic White) was related to NIDDM incidence in a low-SES, multi-ethnic clinic population of diagnosed hypertensives. Two thousand nine hundred forty-one hypertensives free of NIDDM at baseline were followed for up to 10 years. Mean baseline age was 56 $\pm$ 12 years, M:F percent was 33:67, and Black:Hispanic:White percent was 63:17:20. There were 236 incident cases of NIDDM. In Cox proportional hazards analysis, the risk of developing NIDDM over 10 years was not related to ethnicity after controlling for significant covariates, including age, baseline blood glucose and body mass index (adjusted RR for Blacks compared to Whites =.82, 95 percent CI =.57-1.18; adjusted RR for Hispanics compared to Whites =.84, 95 percent CI =.51-1.38). This result contrasts with the increased risk of NIDDM among Blacks and Hispanics compared to Whites found in the general population. The study suggests that a diagnosis of hypertension equalizes the risk of developing NIDDM among the three ethnic groups. ^