7 resultados para Mount Moriah Cemetary

em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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Morphogenesis is the process by which the 3-dimensional structure of the developing embryo takes shape. We are studying xlcaax-1, a gene whose product can be used as a molecular marker for several morphogenetic events. We report here the cellular and subcellular localization of the xlcaax-1 protein during development of Xenopus laevis. Whole mount immunocytochemistry and immunoperoxidase staining of tissue sections showed that during development the xlcaax-1 protein accumulation was coincident with the differentiation of the epidermis, pronephros and mesonephros. In the pronephros and mesonephros the xlcaax-1 protein was localized to the basolateral membrane of differentiated tubule epithelial cells. Thus, the xlcaax-1 protein served as a marker for tubule formation and polarization during Xenopus kidney development. Xlcaax-1 may also be used as a marker for the functional differentiation of the epidermis and the epidermally derived portions of the lens and some cranial nerves. The xlcaax-1 protein was most abundant in kidney and immunogold EM analysis showed that the xlcaax-1 protein was highly enriched in the basal infoldings of the basolateral membrane of the epithelial cells in adult kidney distal tubules. The xlcaax-1 protein was also localized in other ion transporting epithelia. The localization pattern and preliminary functional assays of xlcaax-1 suggest that the protein may function in association with an ion transport channel or pump.^ Cell migration and cell-cell interactions play important roles in numerous processes during morphogenesis. One of these is the formation of the pronephric (wolffian) duct (PD), which connects the pronephros to the cloaca. It is currently accepted that in most amphibians the pronephric duct is formed by active migration of the pronephric duct rudiment (PDR) cells along a pre-determined pathway. However, there is evidence that in Xenopus, the PD may be formed entirely by in situ segregation of cells out of the lateral mesoderm. In this study, we showed, using PDR ablation and X. laevis - X. borealis chimeras, that PD elongation in Xenopus required both active cell migration and an induced recruitment of cells from the posterior lateral plate mesoderm. We also showed that PDR cell migration was limited to only a few stages during development and that this temporal control is due, at least in part, to changes in the competence of the PD pathway to support cell migration. In addition, our data suggested that an alkaline phosphatase (APase) adhesion gradient may be involved in determining this competence. ^


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The recognition of the skin as an immunocompetent organ has focused attention on the complex interaction between ultraviolet radiation and the immune system. How UV-radiation, which hardly penetrates past the epidermis, induces systemic immune suppression is not entirely clear. We propose that suppressive cytokines, released by UV-irradiated keratinocytes, play a role in the induction of immune suppression. Injecting supernatants from UV-exposed murine keratinocytes into mice impairs their ability to mount a delayed-type hypersensitivity response against allogeneic histocompatibility antigens. We tested the hypothesis that the down regulation of the immune response by UV is precipitated by the release of IL-10 after keratinocytes are UV-irradiated. After UV exposure IL-10 mRNA was upregulated. Western analysis indicated immunoreactive IL-10 was secreted by UV-exposed keratinocytes. The addition of supernatants from UV-irradiated keratinocytes to Th1 clones diminished their IFN production, whereas the addition of supernatants from normal keratinocytes had no suppressive effect on IFN production. Furthermore, treating supernatants from UV-irradiated keratinocytes with anti-IL-10 antibodies blocked the induction of immune suppression. To determine if IL-10 was responsible for the immunosuppression seen after total-body UV irradiation, UV-exposed mice were treated with anti-IL-10 antibodies. Treating UV-irradiated mice with anti-IL-10 reversed the induction of immune suppression. These findings suggest that keratinocyte-derived IL-10 was mediating UV-induced suppression in vivo. We also tested the hypothesis that UV-induced suppressor cells are Th2 cells. Mice were injected with spleen cells from either normal or UV-exposed donor mice immunized with alloantigen. At the time of spleen cell infusion, the recipient mice were then resensitized. Spleen cells from UV-exposed mice suppressed DTH. Mice treated identically and injected with anti-IL-10 antibodies were able to generate a DTH response. Taken together these data suggest that the suppressor cells that are induced by UV radiation are Th2 cells which mediate their suppressive effect by release of IL-10. ^


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A fundamental problem in developmental biology concerns the mechanisms involved in the establishment of the embryonic axis. We are studying Xenopus nuclear factor 7 (xnf7) which we believe to be involved in dorsal-ventral patterning in Xenopus laevis. Xnf7 is a maternal gene product that is retained in the cytoplasm during early embryogenesis until the mid-blastula transition (MBT) when it reenters the nuclei. It is a member of a novel zinc finger proteins, the B-box family, consisting mainly of transcription factors and protooncogenes.^ The xnf7 gene is reexpressed during embryogenesis at the gastrula-neurula stage of development, with its zygotic expression limited to the central nervous system (CNS). In this study we showed that there are two different cDNAs coding for xnf7, xnf7-O and xnf7-B. They differ by 39 amino acid changes scattered throughout the cDNA. The expression of both forms of xnf7 is limited primarily to the central nervous system (CNS) and dorsal axial structures during later stages of embryogenesis.^ In order to study the spatial and temporal regulation of the gene, we screened a Xenopus genomic library using part of xnf7 cDNA as a probe. A genomic clone corresponding to the xnf7-O type was isolated, its 5$\sp\prime$ putative regulatory region sequenced, and its transcriptional initiation site mapped. The putative promoter region contained binding sites for Sp1, E2F, USF, a Pu box and AP1. CAT/xnf7 fusion genes were constructed containing various 5$\sp\prime$ deleted regions of the xnf7 promoter linked to a CAT (Chloramphenicol Acetyl Transferase) reporter vector. These constructs were injected into Xenopus oocytes and embryos to study the regions of the xnf7 promoter responsible for basal, temporal and spatial regulation of the gene. The activity of the fusion genes was measured by the conversion of chloramphenicol to its acetylated forms, and the spatial distribution of the transcripts by whole mount in situ hybridization. We showed that the elements involved in basal regulation of xnf7 lie within 121 basepairs upstream of the transcriptional inititiation site. A DNase I footprint analysis performed using oocyte extract showed that a E2F and 2 Sp1 sites were protected. During development, the fusion genes were expressed following the MBT, in accordance with the timing of the endogenous xnf7 gene. Spatially, the expression of the fusion gene containing 421 basepairs of the promoter was localized to the dorsal region of the embryo in a pattern that was almost identical to that detected with the endogenous transcripts. Therefore, the elements involved in spatial and temporal regulation of the xnf7 gene during development were contained within 421 basepairs upstream of the transcriptional initiation site. Future work will further define the elements involved in the spatial and temporal regulation and the trans-factors that interact with them. ^


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The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of cancer in Titus County, Texas, through the identification of all cases of cancer that occurred in residents of the county during the period from 1977 to 1984. Data gathered from Texas Cancer Registry, hospital records, and death certificates were analyzed with regard to anatomic site, race, sex, age, city of residence, and place of birth. Adjustment of incidence rates by sex and race allowed comparisons with U.S. rates provided by the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program (SEER).^ Seven hundred sixty-six (766) cancer cases were identified for the eight year period during 171,536 person-years of observation. In whites, statistically significant standardized incidence ratios (SIR) were found for leukemia (males SIR = 2.70 and females SIR = 2.26), melanoma (males SIR = 1.90 and females SIR = 2.25), lung (males SIR = 1.45) and for multiple myeloma (both sexes combined SIR = 1.86). In blacks, significant excess numbers of cases were found for Hodgkin's disease (males SIR = 8.33 and females SIR = 13.3) and for esophagus and bone considering both sexes together (SIR = 2.68 and 12.54, respectively). Rates for blacks were based on a small population and therefore unstable. A statistically significant excess number of cases for all sites combined was found in Mount Pleasant residents (age-adjusted incidence rate = 563.6 per 100,000 per year).^ A review of possible environmental risk factors in the area: hazardous waste disposal site, lignite deposits, and petrochemical and poultry industries are presented. A need for further epidemiological and environmental studies to identify etiological factors that could be responsible for the excess number of leukemia cases are recommended. For melanoma, a public health educational program to teach the population methods of protection from sun exposure is also suggested. ^


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African-Americans make up twelve percent of the United States population, yet they experience morbidity and mortality at a rate that, in some cases, is disproportionate to their numbers. There are numerous health areas, including cancer, in which disparities exist. There are also numerous reasons which have been suggested to explain the high rates of cancer morbidity and mortality experienced by African-Americans. Among the reasons given to explain these differences are lack of knowledge and lack of access to medical care (1). This study sought to increase the knowledge, attitudes, and behavioral intentions of African-American women attending a Baptist church in Houston with regard to cervical cancer, breast cancer, Pap smear, and mammography. It was hypothesized that a church-based cancer education program would produce the desired change in knowledge, attitudes, and behavioral intentions.^ The quasi-experimental design of the study was untreated control group with pretest and posttest and untreated control group with posttest only. Female members of Mount Ararat Baptist Church took part in an eight-week, cancer education program based on social cognitive theory. Baseline data were collected before the start of the program at Mount Ararat and at Solid Rock Baptist Church, control group one. At the end of the program, the follow-up survey was administered at the program church, control church one, and in a third church, Damascus Missionary Baptist Church, which served as the posttest only group. The data were analyzed by Fisher's exact and paired t-test to determine if the program supported the project's hypotheses.^ Results of data analyses supported the major study hypotheses, the exception being behavioral intention to have Pap smear performed. Although the program appeared to have generally influenced changes in the desired direction, the results are limited due to the quasi-experimental design and small sample size. Longer term studies with larger sample sizes are needed to more fully develop and evaluate programs which impact the health of African-Americans. ^


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A community bioassay of copper was performed using benthic macroinvertebrates colonized on multiplate substrate samplers. Five copper concentrations ranging from 0.080-2.20 mg/l total copper were administered to five artificial streams by a Mount and Brungs proportional dilutor. Free copper ion as Cu('++) ranged from .002-.053 mg/l. A sixth stream received no copper and served as a control. Substrates were sampled at days 0, 14, and 28, and the results were used to compare 13 indices used or proposed to assess aquatic environmental impact. Sensitivity of the indices to changes in communities with respect to concentration and time was the basis for the comparison.^ Results indicated that all of the 8 diversity or richness indices tested gave approximately the same result (with the exception of number of species); they increased over the first 2-3 concentrations, then declined. Included among these was the Shannon index which gave false positive results, i.e., it increased, indicating enrichment, when in fact perturbation had occurred. This result was due to the disproportionate effect on the most abundant taxa, which caused a more even distribution of individuals among species. Number of species and individuals declined with increased concentration and time, with only one exception in the case of species, indicating perturbation.^ Results of five community comparison indices were varied at day 14 but by day 28 the results indicated a clear, nearly monotonic, trend due to copper impact. It was assumed that day 28 observations, though probably still changing, were nearer stability than at day 14 and therefore more representative of natural conditions. The changes in community comparison indices showed good agreement at 28 days and reflected the general decline in species and individuals. No single community comparison index could be set apart as superior to the others. ^


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The purpose of this research was to better understand the impact of the terrorist attacks in 2001 on public health, particularly for Texas public health. This study employed mixed methods to examine changes to public health culture within Texas local public health agencies, important attitudes of public health workers toward responding to a disaster, and the funding policies that might ensure our investment in public health emergency preparedness is protected. ^ A qualitative analysis of interviews conducted with a large sample of public health officials in Texas found that all the constituent parts of a peculiar culture for public health preparedness existed that spanned the state's local health departments regardless of size, or funding level. The new preparedness culture in Texas had the hallmarks necessary for a robust public health preparedness and emergency response system. ^ The willingness of public health workers, necessary to make these kinds of changes and mount a disaster response was examined in one of Texas' most experienced disaster response teams—the public health workers for the City of Houston. A hypothesized latent variable model showed that willingness mediated all other factors in the model (self-efficacy, knowledge, barriers, and risk perception) for self-reported likelihood of reporting to work for a disaster. The RMSEA for the final model was 0.042 with a confidence interval of 0.036—0.049 and the chi-squared difference test was P=0.08, indicating a well-fitted model that suggests willingness is an important factor for consideration by preparedness planners and researchers alike. ^ Finally, with disasters on the rise and federal funding for preparedness dwindling, a review of states' policies for the distribution of these funds and their advantages and disadvantages were examined through a review of current literature and public documents, and a survey of state-level public health officials, emergency management professionals and researchers. Although the base plus per-capita method is the most common, it is not necessarily perceived to be the most effective. No clear "optimal" method emerged from the study, but recommendations for a strategic combination of three methods were made that has the potential to maximize the benefits of each method, while minimizing the weaknesses.^