8 resultados para Melanocytes

em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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Angiomyolipomas are benign tumors of the kidney which express phenotypes of smooth muscle, fat, and melanocytes. These tumors appear with increased frequency in the autosomal dominant disorder tuberous sclerosis and are the leading cause of morbidity in adults with tuberous sclerosis. While benign, these tumors are capable of provoking life threatening hemorrhage and replacement of the kidney parenchyma, resulting in renal failure. The histogenesis of these tumors is currently unclear, although currently, we believe these tumors arise from "perivascular epithelioid cells" of which no normal counterpart has been convincingly demonstrated. Recently, stem cell precursors have been recognized that can give rise to smooth muscle and melanocytes. These precursors have been shown to express the neural stem cell marker NG2 and L1. In order to determine whether angiomyolipomas, which exhibit smooth muscle and melanocytic phenotypes, express NG2 and L1, we performed immunocytochemistry on a cell line derived from a human angiomyolipoma, and found that these cells are uniformly positive. Immunohistochemistry of human angiomyolipoma specimens revealed uniform staining of tumor cells, while renal cell carcinomas revealed positivity only of angiogenic vessels. These results support a novel histogenesis of angiomyolipoma as a defect in differentiation of stem cell precursors.


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The BRAF oncogene demonstrates a characteristic mutation (V600E) in a significant fraction of cutaneous melanomas, leading to constitutive activation of the MAP kinase pathway. This genetic lesion endows tumor cells with proliferative and survival advantages, and metastatic melanoma patients treated with the BRAF(V600E)-specific inhibitor, Vemurafenib, have shown dramatic clinical responses. Here, I show that BRAF(V600E) induces transcription of the IL-1α and IL-1β genes in both melanocytes and melanoma cell lines and that this upregulation is specifically abrogated by targeted BRAF(V600E) inhibitors. Furthermore, treatment of melanoma tumor-associated fibroblasts (TAFs) with IL-1α/β significantly enhanced the ability of TAFs to suppress the proliferation and function of melanoma antigen-specific cytotoxic T cells. IL-1α/β treatment of TAFs upregulated multiple immunosuppressive factors, including COX-2 and the PD-1 ligands PD-L1 and PD-L2. Specific BRAF(V600E) inhibitors largely abrogated the ability of melanoma cells to confer T cell-suppressive properties on TAFs. These results support a model in which BRAF(V600E) promotes immune suppression in the melanoma tumor environment through an IL-1-mediated mechanism involving resident stromal fibroblasts. Based on these findings, combination therapies involving targeted BRAF inhibition and T cell-based immunotherapies are warranted.


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Human pigmentation is a complex trait with the observed variation caused by the varied production of eumelanin (brown/black melanins) and phaeomelanin (red/yellow melanins) by the melanocytes. The melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R), a G protein-coupled receptor expressed in the melanocytes, is a regulator eu- and phaeomelanin synthesis, and MC1R mutations causing skin and coat color changes are known in many mammals. To understand the role of MC1R in human pigmentation variation, I have sequenced the MC1R gene in 121 individuals sampled from world populations. In addition, I have sequenced the MC1R gene in common and pygmy chimpanzees, gorilla, orangutan, and baboon to study the evolution of MC1R and to infer the ancestral human MC1R sequence. The ancestral MC1R sequence is observed in all 25 African individuals studied, but at lower frequencies in the other populations examined, especially in East and Southeast Asians. The Arg163Gln variant is absent in the Africans studied, almost absent in Europeans, and at a low frequency in Indians, but is at an exceptionally high frequency (70%) in East and Southeast Asians. To further evaluate the role of MC1R variants in human pigmentation variation, I have combined these molecular evolution and population studies with functional assays on MC1R variants and primate MC1Rs. ^


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Cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) is the cancer of the melanocytes, the cells that produce the pigment melanin, and is an aggressive skin cancer that is most prevalent in the white population. Although most cases of malignant melanoma are white, black and other non-white populations also develop this disease. However, the etiologic factors involved in the development of melanoma in these lower-risk populations are not well known. Generally, survival rates of malignant melanoma have been found to be lower in blacks than for whites with similar stage of disease at diagnosis. ^ This study presents an analysis of the differences in survival between black and white cases with malignant melanoma of the skin as the only or first primary cancer, found in the National Cancer Institute Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) cancer registry from 1973 to 1997. A total of 54,193 cases of CMM were diagnosed in black and white patients between 1973 and 1997. Black patients tended to be older, with a mean age of 64.46 years, compared to 53.14 years for white patients. Eighty-nine percent of patients were diagnosed with CMM as the only cancer. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^


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Increasing evidence demonstrates that the thrombin receptor (protease activated receptor-1, PAR-1) plays a major role in tumor invasion and contributes to the metastatic phenotype of human melanoma. We demonstrate that the metastatic potential of human melanoma cells correlates with overexpression of PAR-1. The promoter of the PAR-1 gene contains multiple putative AP-2 and Sp1 consensus elements. We provide evidence that an inverse correlation exists between the expression of AP-2 and the expression of PAR-1 in human melanoma cells. Re-expression of AP-2 in WM266-4 melanoma cells (AP-2 negative) resulted in decreased mRNA and protein expression of PAR-1 and significantly reduced the tumor potential in nude mice. ChIP analysis of the PAR-1 promoter regions bp −365 to −329 (complex 1) and bp −206 to −180 (complex 2) demonstrates that in metastatic cells Sp1 is predominantly binding to the PAR-1 promoter, while in nonmetastatic cells AP-2 is bound. In vitro analysis of complex 1 demonstrates that AP-2 and Sp1 bind to this region in a mutually exclusive manner. Transfection experiments with full-length and progressive deletions of the PAR-1 promoter luciferase constructs demonstrated that metastatic cells had increased promoter activity compared to low and nonmetastatic melanoma cells. Our data shows that exogenous AP-2 expression decreased promoter activity, while transient expression of Sp1 further activated expression of the reporter gene. Mutational analysis of complex 1 within PAR-1 luciferase constructs further demonstrates that the regulation of PAR-1 is mediated through interactions with AP-2 and Sp1. Moreover, loss of AP-2 in metastatic cells alters the AP-2 to Sp1 ratio and DNA-binding activity resulting in overexpression of PAR-1. In addition, we evaluated the expression of AP-2 and PAR-1 utilizing a tissue microarray of 93 melanocytic lesions spanning from benign nevi to melanoma metastasis. We report loss of AP-2 expression in malignant tumors compared to benign tissue while PAR-1 was expressed more often in metastatic melanoma cells than in benign melanocytes. We propose that loss of AP-2 results in increased expression of PAR-1, which in turn results in upregulation of gene products that contribute to the metastatic phenotype of melanoma. ^


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Melanoma patients with metastases have a very low survival rate and limited treatment options. Therefore, the targeting of melanoma cells when they begin to invade and metastasize would be beneficial. A specific adhesion molecule that is upregulated at the vertical growth phase is the melanoma cell adhesion molecule (MCAM/MUC18). MUC18 is expressed in late primary and metastatic melanoma with little or no expression on normal melanocytes. MUC18 has been demonstrated to have a role in the progression and metastasis of human melanoma. We utilized the alphavirus-based DNA plasmid, SINCp, encoding full length human MUC18 for vaccination against B16F10 murine melanoma cells expressing human MUC18. The alphavirus-based DNA plasmid leads to the expression of large quantities of heterologous protein as well as danger signals due to dsRNA intermediates produced during viral replication. In a preventative primary tumor model and an experimental tumor model, mice vaccinated against human MUC18 had decreased tumor incidence and reduced lung metastases when challenged with B16F10 murine melanoma cells expressing human MUC18. In a therapeutic tumor model, vaccination against human MUC18 reduced the tumor burden in mice with pre-existing lung metastases but did not have a significant effect on therapeutic vaccination in a primary tumor model. We next cloned murine MUC18 into SINCp for use in determining the efficacy of vaccination against murine MUC18 in a syngeneic animal model. Mice were vaccinated and challenged in a primary tumor and experimental metastasis model. In both models, vaccination significantly reduced tumor incidence and lung metastases. Humoral and cell-mediated responses were then determined. Flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry showed that specific antibodies were developed from vaccination against both human and murine MUC18. IgG2a antibody isotype was also developed indicating a Th1 type response. ELISPOT results showed that mice vaccinated against human MUC18 created a specific T cell response to targets expressing human MUC18. Mice vaccinated against murine MUC18 raised specific effector cells against target cells expressing murine MUC18 in a cell killing assay. These results indicate that vaccination against MUC18 developed specific immune responses against MUC18 and were effective in controlling tumor growth in melanoma expressing MUC18. ^


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Primary cutaneous melanoma is a cancer arising from melanocytes in the skin. In recent decades the incidence of this malignancy has increased significantly. Mortality rates are high for patients with tumors measuring over a few millimeters in thickness. Response rates to conventional radiation and chemotherapy are very low in patients with metastatic melanoma. New therapies targeting melanoma’s aberrant cell signaling pathways such as the MAP Kinase pathway are being developed. Mutations of NRAS and BRAF genes are quite common in cutaneous melanoma and lead to constitutive activation of the MAP Kinase pathway. This study tests the hypothesis that NRAS and BRAF mutations increase as a tumor progresses from the noninvasive radial growth phase (RGP) to the invasive vertical growth phase (VGP). Laser capture microdissection was used to obtain separate, pure tumor DNA samples from the RGP and VGP of thirty primary cutaneous melanomas. PCR was used to amplify NRAS exon 2 and BRAF exon 15 tumor DNA. The amplified DNA was sequenced and analyzed for mutations. An overall mutation rate of 74% was obtained for the twenty-three melanomas in which there were complete sequence results. With the exception of one melanoma NRAS and BRAF mutations were mutually exclusive. All seven NRAS exon 2 mutations involved codon 61. Three of these melanomas had mutations in both the RGP and VGP. The remaining four tumors were wild type for NRAS exon 2 in the RGP but mutated in the VGP. Of the fifteen BRAF exon 15 mutated melanomas all but one involved codon 600. Twelve of the fifteen BRAF exon 15 mutations were the T1799A type. Nine of the fifteen BRAF mutated tumors had the same mutation in both the RGP and VGP. Five of fifteen melanomas had wild type RGP DNA and BRAF exon 15 mutated VGP DNA. A single melanoma had BRAF exon 15 mutated DNA in the RGP and wild type DNA in the VGP. Overall, these results suggest a trend toward the acquisition of NRAS and BRAF mutations as cutaneous melanomas change from a noninvasive to an invasive, potentially deadly cancer.^


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The availability of transplantable, syngeneic murine melanomas made it possible to study the potential effects of UV radiation on the growth and progression of melanomas in an animal model. The purpose of my study was to determine how UV-irradiation increases the incidence of melanoma out-growth, when syngeneic melanoma cells are transplanted into a UV-irradiated site. Short term intermittent UVB exposure produces a transitory change in the mice which allows the increased outgrowth of melanoma cells injected into the UV-irradiated site. One possible mechanism is an immunomodulatory effect of UVR on the host. An alternative mechanism to account for the increased tumor incidence in the UV-irradiated site, is the release of inflammatory mediators from UV-irradiated epidermal cells. A third possibility is that UVR could induce the production and/or release of melanoma-specific growth factors resulting in increased melanoma outgrowth.^ My first step in distinguishing among these different possible mechanisms was to characterize further the conditions leading to increased development of melanoma cells in UV-irradiated mouse skin. Next, I attempted to determine which of the 3 proposed mechanisms was most likely. To do this, I defined the specificity of the effect by examining the growth of additional C3H tumorigenic cell lines in UV-irradiated skin. Second, I determined the immunogenicity of these tumor cell lines. The tumor cell lines exhibiting increased tumor incidence are restricted to those tumor cell lines which are immunogenic in normal C3H mice. Third, I determined the effect of UVR on melanoma development did not occur in immunosuppressed mice.^ Because of results from these three lines of investigation suggested that the effect was immunologically mediated, I then investigated whether specific immune reactions were affected by local UV irradiation. To accomplish this, I investigated the effect of UVR on cutaneous immune cells and on induction of contact hypersensitivity (CHS), and I also determined the effect of UVR on the development and the expression of systemic immunity against the melanoma cells. There is no clear cut relationship between the number of Langerhans or Thy1+ cells and the UV effect on tumor incidence. Furthermore, there was no suppression of CHS in the UV-irradiated mice. While the development of systemic immunity is significantly reduced, it appears to be sufficient to provide in vivo immunity to tumor challenge. However the elicitation of tumor immunity in immunized mice can be abrogated if tumor challenge occurs in the site of UV irradiation. This investigation provides new information on an effect of UVR on the elicitation of tumor immunity. Furthermore, it indicates that UV radiation can play a role in the development of melanoma other than just in the transformation of melanocytes. ^