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em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center
Racial/ethnic disparities in diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypertension (HTN) have been observed and explained by socioeconomic status (education level, income level, etc.), screening, early diagnosis, treatment, prognostic factors, and adherence to treatment regimens. To the author's knowledge, there are no studies addressing disparities in hypertension and diabetes mellitus utilizing Hispanics as the reference racial/ethnic group and adjusting for sociodemographics and prognostic factors. This present study examined racial/ethnic disparities in HTN and DM and assessed whether this disparity is explained by sociodemographics. To assess these associations, the study utilized a cross-sectional design and examined the distribution of the covariates for racial/ethnic group differences, using the Pearson Chi Square statistic. The study focused on Non-Hispanic Blacks since this ethnic group is associated with the worst health outcomes. Logistic regression was used to estimate the prevalence odds ratio (POR) and to adjust for the confounding effects of the covariates. Results indicated that except for insurance coverage, there were statistically significant differences between Non-Hispanic Blacks and Non-Hispanic Whites, as well as Hispanics with respect to study covariates. In the unadjusted logistic regression model, there was a statistically significant increased prevalence of hypertension among Non-Hispanic Blacks compared to Hispanics, POR 1.36, 95% CI 1.02-1.80. Low income was statistically significantly associated with increased prevalence of hypertension, POR 0.38, 95% CI 0.32-0.46. Insurance coverage, though not statistically significant, was associated with an increase in the prevalence of hypertension, p>0.05. Concerning DM, Non-Hispanic Blacks were more likely to be diabetic, POR 1.10, 95% CI 0.85-1.47. High income was statistically significantly associated with decreased prevalence of DM, POR 0.47, 95% CI 0.39-0.57. After adjustment for the relevant covariates, the racial disparities between Hispanics and Non-Hispanic Blacks in HTN was removed, adjusted prevalence odds (APOR) 1.21, 95% CI 0.88-1.67. In this sample, there was racial/ethnic disparity in hypertension but not in diabetes mellitus between Hispanics and Non-Hispanic Blacks, with disparities in hypertension associated with socioeconomic status (family income, education, marital status) and also by alcohol, physical activity and age. However, race, education and BMI as class variables were statistically significantly associated with hypertension and diabetes mellitus p<0.0001. ^
Aim: The goal of this study was to evaluate the change in hemoglobin A1C and glycemic control after nutrition intervention among a population of type 1 diabetic pediatric patients. Methods: Data was collected from all type 1 diabetic patients who were scheduled for a consultation with the diabetes/endocrine RD from January 2006 through December 2006. Two groups were compared, those who kept their RD appointment and those who did not keep their appointment. The main outcome measure was HgbA1C. An independent samples t-test compared the two groups with respect to change in HbgA1C before and after the most recent scheduled appointment with the RD. Baseline characteristics were used as covariates and analyzed and controlled for using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Results: There was no difference in HgbA1c after either attending an RD appointment or not having attended an RD appointment. Those who arrived for and attended their RD appointment and those who did not arrive for and attend their RD appointment, had statistically different HgbA1C's before their scheduled appointment as well as after the RD appointment. However, the two groups were not equal at the beginning of the study period. Discussion: A study design with inclusion criteria of a specified range of HgbA1C values within which the study subjects needed to fall, would have potentially eliminated the difference between the two groups at the beginning of the study period. Conducting either another retrospective study that controlled for the initial HgbA1C value or conducting a prospective study that designated a range of HgbA1C values would be worth investigating to evaluate the impact of medical nutrition therapy intervention and the role of the RD in diabetes management. It is an interesting finding that there was a significant difference in the initial HgbA1c for those who came to the RD appointment compared to those who did not come. The fact that in this study those who did not arrive for their RD appointment had worse control of their diabetes suggests that this is a high-risk group. Targeting diabetes education toward this group of patients may prove to be beneficial. ^
Background. Vascular dementia (VaD) is the second most common of dementia. Multiple risk factors are associated with VaD, but the individual contribution of each to disease onset and progression is unclear. We examined the relationship between diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM) and the clinical variables of VaD.^ Methods. Data from 593 patients evaluated between June, 2003 and June, 2008 for cognitive impairment were prospectively entered into a database. We retrospectively reviewed the charts of 63 patients who fit the NINDS-AIREN criteria of VaD. The patients were divided into those with DM (VaD-DM, n=29) and those without DM (VaD, n=34). The groups were compared with regard to multiple variables.^ Results. Patients with DM had a significantly earlier onset of VaD (71.9±6.54 vs. 77.2±6.03, p<0.001), a faster rate of decline per year on the mini mental state examination (MMSE; 3.60±1.82 vs. 2.54±1.60 points, p=0.02), and a greater prevalence of neuropsychiatric symptoms (62% vs. 21%, p=0.02) at the time of diagnosis.^ Conclusions. This study shows that a history of pre-morbid DM is associated with an early onset and faster cognitive deterioration in VaD. Moreover, the presence of DM predicts the presence of neuropsychiatric symptoms in patients with VaD. A larger study is needed to verify these associations. It will be important to investigate whether better glycemic control will mitigate the potential effects of DM on VaD.^
This project is based on secondary analyses of data collected in Starr County, Texas from 1981 till 1991 to determine the prevalence, incidence and risk factors for macular edema in Hispanics with non-insulin-dependent diabetes in Starr County, Texas. Two studies were conducted. The first study examined the prevalence of macular edema in this population. Of the 310 diabetics that were included in the study 22 had macular edema. Of these 22 individuals 9 had clinically significant macular edema. Fasting blood glucose was found to be significantly associated with macular edema. For each 10 mg/dl increase in fasting blood glucose there was a 1.07 probability of an increase in the risk of having macular edema. Individuals with fasting blood glucose $\ge$200 mg/dl were found to be more than three times at risk of having macular edema compared to those with fasting blood glucose $<$200 mg/dl.^ In the second study the incidence and the risk factors that could cause macular edema in this Hispanic population were examined. 240 Hispanics with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and without macular edema were followed for 1223 person-years. During the follow-up period 27 individuals developed macular edema (2.21/100 person-years). High fasting blood glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin were found to be strong and independent risk factors for macular edema. Participants taking insulin were 3.9 times more at risk of developing macular edema compared to those not taking insulin. Systolic blood pressure was significantly related to macular edema, where each 10 mmHg increase in systolic blood pressure was associated with a 1.3 increase in the risk of macular edema.^ In summary, this study suggests that hyperglycemia is the main underlying factor for retinal pathological changes in this diabetic population, and that macular edema probably is not the result of sudden change in the blood glucose level. It also determined that changes in blood pressure, particularly systolic blood pressure, could trigger the development of macular edema.^ Based on the prevalence reported in this study, it is estimated that 35,500 Hispanic diabetics in the US have macular edema. This imposes a major public health challenge particularly in areas with high concentration of Mexican Americans. It also highlights the importance of public health measures directed to Mexican Americans such as health education, improved access to medical care, and periodic and careful ophthalmologic examination by ophthalmologists knowledgeable and experienced in the management of diabetic macular edema. ^
This cross-sectional study examines the prevalence of selected potential risk factors by stage of diabetic retinopathy (DR) among Black American women with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) followed at a university diabetes clinic. DR was assessed by ophthalmoscopy and five-field retinography, and graded on counts of microaneurysms, hemorrhages and/or exudates, and presence of proliferative DR. Prevalence of other vascular diseases was assessed from medical records. Potential risk factors included age, known duration of diabetes, type of hypoglycemic treatment, concentrations of random capillary blood glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, urine protein and fibrinogen, body mass index, and blood pressure. Prevalence of these risk factors is reported for three categories: No DR, mild background DR, severe background or proliferative DR (including surgically treated DR). Duration, age at diagnosis and treatment of diabetes, concentration of urine protein and average blood glucose, hypertension and cardiovascular disease were significantly associated with DR in univariate analysis. The covariance analysis employed stratification on duration, age at diagnosis and therapy of diabetes. The highest DR scores were calculated for those diagnosed before age 45, regardless of duration, therapy, or average blood glucose. Only individuals diagnosed before age 45 had high blood glucose concentrations in all categories of duration. These findings suggest that in this clinic population of Black women, those diagnosed with NIDDm before age 45 who eventually required insulin treatment were at the greatest risk of developing DR and that longterm poor glucose control is a contributing factor. These results suggest that greater emphasis be placed on this subgroup in allocating the limited resources available to improve the quality of glucose regulation, particularly through measures affecting compliance behavior.^ Findings concerning the association of DR with concentration of blood glucose and urine protein, blood pressure/hypertension and weight were compared with those reported from American Indian and Mexican American populations of the Southwestern United States where prevalence of NIDDM, hypertension and obesity is also high. Additional comparative analyses are outlined to substantiate the preliminary finding that there are systematic differences between these ethnic populations. ^