16 resultados para Loneliness and isolation

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A method employing isotopically- and photoaffinity-labeled probes and polyclonal and monoclonal antibody to the probes for the identification, isolation and recovery of protein receptors is described. Antibody was raised against N-(3-(p-azido-m-($\sp{125}$I) -iodophenyl)) propionate (AIPP) coupled to and photolyzed to BSA. The antibodies specifically bound AIPP-derivatized proteins. An isolation system was developed utilizing this probe and two antigenically identical reversible analogues. N-(3-((p-azido-m-($\sp{125}$I) -iodo-phenyl)propionyl)amidoethyl-1,3-dithiopropionyl) succinimide (Reversible $\sp{125}$I-AIPPS) reacts with primary amines and N-(((3-p-azido-m-($\sp{125}$I) -iodophenyl)propionyl)amidoethyl)dithiopyridine ($\sp{125}$I-AIPP-PDA) reacts with reduced thiols. The applicability of the system was established by derivatizing known ligands (Transferrin and Interferon-alpha) with one of the probes. The ligand-probe was then allowed to interact with its receptor by incubation with SS5 lymphoma cells and cross-linked by photolysis at 300 nm. The photolyzed ligand/probe/receptor preparation was then recovered with AIPP antibody. Utilization of N-(3-((p-azido-m-($\sp{125}$I) -iodo-phenyl-propionyl)-amidoethyl-1,3-dithiopropionyl) succinimide (Reversible $\sp{125}$I-AIPPS) allowed the components of the photolyzed complex to be separated by treatment with 2-mercaptoethanol in the SDS-PAGE solubilization buffer. Ligand and receptor labeling were then assessed by Coomassie staining and autoradiography. Results of receptor assays suggest that $\sp{125}$I-AIPP was, indeed, transferred to moieties that represent the receptors for both Transferrin and Interferon-alpha. ^


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Homogenous detergent-solubilized NADPH-Cytochrome P-450 reductase was incorporated into microsomes and liposomes. This binding occurred spontaneously at temperatures between 4(DEGREES) and 37(DEGREES) and appeared to involve hydrophobic forces as the binding was not disrupted by 0.5 M sodium chloride. This exogenously-added reductase was active catalytically towards native cytochrome P-450, suggesting an association with the microsomal membrane similar to endogenous reductase. Homogeneous detergent-solubilized reductase was disaggregated by Renex-690 micelles, confirming the presence of a hydrophobic combining region on the enzyme. In contrast to these results, steapsin protease-solubilized reductase was incapable of microsomal attachment and did not interact with Renex-690 micelles. Detergent-solubilized reductase (76,500 daltons) was converted into a form with the electrophoretic mobility of steapsin protease-solubilized reductase (68,000 daltons) and a 12,500 dalton peptide (as determined by polyacrylamide-SDS gel electrophoresis) when the liposomal-incorporated enzyme was incubated with steapsin protease. The 68,000 dalton fragment thus obtained had properties identical with steapsin protease-solubilized reductase, i.e. it was catalytically active towards cytochrome c but inactive towards cytochrome P-450 and did not bind liposomes. The 12,500 dalton fragment remained associated with the liposomes when the digest was fractionated by gel filtration, suggesting that this is the segment of the enzyme which is embedded in the phospholipid bilayer. Thus, detergent-solubilized reductase appears to contain a soluble catalytic domain and a separate and separable membrane-binding domain. This latter domain is required for attaching the enzyme to the membrane and also to facilitate the catalytic interaction between the reductase and its native electron acceptor, cytochrome P-450. The membrane-binding segment of the reductase was isolated by preparative gel electrophoresis in SDS following its generation by proteolytic treatment of liposome-incorporated reductase. The peptide has a molecular weight of 6,400 as determined by gel filtration in 8 M guanidine hydrochloride and has an amino acid composition which is not especially hydrophobic. Following removal of SDS and dialysis out of 6 M urea, the membrane-binding peptide was unable to inhibit the activity of a reconstituted system containing purified reductase and cytochrome P-450. Moreover, when reductase and cytochrome P-450 were added to liposomes which contained the membrane-binding peptide, it was determined that mixed function oxidase activity was reconstituted as effectively as when vesicles without the membrane-binding peptide were used. Thus, the membrane-binding peptide was ineffective as an inhibitor of mixed function oxidase activity, suggesting perhaps that it facilitates catalysis by anchoring the catalytic domain of the reductase proximal to cytochrome P-450 (i.e. in the same mixed micelle) rather than through a specific interaction with cytochrome P-450. ^


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In this study, we present a trilocus sequence typing (TLST) scheme based on intragenic regions of two antigenic genes, ace and salA (encoding a collagen/laminin adhesin and a cell wall-associated antigen, respectively), and a gene associated with antibiotic resistance, lsa (encoding a putative ABC transporter), for subspecies differentiation of Enterococcus faecalis. Each of the alleles was analyzed using 50 E. faecalis isolates representing 42 diverse multilocus sequence types (ST(M); based on seven housekeeping genes) and four groups of clonally linked (by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis [PFGE]) isolates. The allelic profiles and/or concatenated sequences of the three genes agreed with multilocus sequence typing (MLST) results for typing of 49 of the 50 isolates; in addition to the one exception, two isolates were found to have identical TLST types but were single-locus variants (differing by a single nucleotide) by MLST and were therefore also classified as clonally related by MLST. TLST was also comparable to PFGE for establishing short-term epidemiological relationships, typing all isolates classified as clonally related by PFGE with the same type. TLST was then applied to representative isolates (of each PFGE subtype and isolation year) of a collection of 48 hospital isolates and demonstrated the same relationships between isolates of an outbreak strain as those found by MLST and PFGE. In conclusion, the TLST scheme described here was shown to be successful for investigating short-term epidemiology in a hospital setting and may provide an alternative to MLST for discriminating isolates.


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Purpose. The focus of maternal role development, historically, has been on the tasks and processes during pregnancy as they relate to postpartum role transition. The purpose of this study was to investigate how women hospitalized with high-risk pregnancy cognitively construct pregnancy and impending motherhood. ^ Design. The study employed a triangulation design using a convergence model with a dominant focused ethnographic approach. ^ Setting. The antepartum units of two tertiary care centers in a large metropolitan city in southeast Texas. ^ Sample. Data saturation was determined with thirteen (13) primigravid women who had been hospitalized more than 72 hours with preterm labor (PTL) or preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) who subsequently delivered seventeen (17) infants which included 4 sets of twins. ^ Methods. Open-ended, semi-structured interviews and field work were used to explore the development of maternal role in this population. After collecting descriptive data, long individual interviews were conducted and the Prenatal Self Evaluation Questionnaire (PSEQ), an instrument to measure prenatal adaptation to pregnancy, was administered. The interview focused on exploring the woman's experiences of pregnancy and impending motherhood while hospitalized. Interview data and field notes were coded and analyzed using qualitative thematic analytic techniques. The PSEQ was scored and the findings of the qualitative data and PSEQ data were compared. ^ Findings. Thematic analysis of the qualitative data provided an understanding of the cognitive process that occurs as the pregnant woman builds a relationship with the fetus. Thematic analysis resulted in a conceptual model with two complementary components that occur throughout the pregnancy: Establishing a Relationship and Dynamic Equilibrium. Establishing a Relationship includes subthemes of: Courting, Building a Connection, and Engagement. Dynamic equilibrium is the balance between expectations and reality and exists regardless of pregnancy complications. The negotiation of this potential imbalance is triggered by uncertainty, loss of autonomy and control, and isolation and is exacerbated by the high-risk pregnancy and subsequent hospitalization. These triggers can serve as obstacles to maternal role development, but may be mediated by external support from friends and family or health care providers. Support from others may come in the form of anticipatory guidance, presence, or activities that promote self-agency. PSEQ scores were similar to previous reports, but due to the small sample, scores were used primarily for comparison to qualitative data. The qualitative findings were congruent with the PSEQ findings in all of the subscales except in the concern for the well-being of the baby. Interview reports included comments demonstrating significant concern for the well-being of the infant, yet the related subscale did not demonstrate such concern. ^ Conclusions. An understanding of the cognitive process involved in establishing a relationship with the developing fetus related to impending motherhood and the importance of dynamic equilibrium can allow healthcare providers and those who interact with pregnant women to support development of the maternal role and anticipate those barriers that may impede that process. Findings from this study identify those triggers and mediators that influence development of the maternal role and suggest potential intervening strategies for those involved in the care of childbearing families. ^


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The recA gene is essential for homologous recombination and for inducible DNA repair in Escherichia coli. The level of recA expression is important for these functions. The growth defect of a lambda phage carrying a recA-lacZ fusion was used to select mutations that reduced recA expression. Nine of these mutations were single base changes in the recA promoter; each reduced both induced and basal (repressed) levels of expression, indicating that only one promoter is used under both circumstances. Deletion analysis of the promoter region and S1 mapping of transcripts confirmed that there is only one promoter responsible for both basal and induced expression. Some of the mutants, however, displayed a ratio of induced to repressed expression that was much lower than wild-type. For one of these mutants (recA1270) LexA binding studies showed that this was not due to a change in the affinity of LexA repressor for the operator site. The extent of binding of RNA polymerase to this mutant promoter, however, was much reduced, and the complexes formed were qualitatively different. Further binding experiments provided some evidence that LexA does not block RNA polymerase binding to the recA promoter, but inhibits a later step in initiation. Behavior of the mutants with altered induction ratios could be explained if LexA binding to the operator actually increases RNA polymerase binding to the promoter in a closed complex compensating for defects in polymerase binding caused by the mutations.^ In a study of mutations in the recA structural gene, site-directed mutagenesis was used to replace cysteine codons at positions 90, 116, and 129 with a number of different codons. In vivo analysis of the replacements showed that none of the cysteines is absolutely essential and that they do not have a direct role as catalysts in ATP hydrolysis. Some amino acid substitutions abolished all RecA functions, while a few resulted in partial or altered function. Amino acids at positions 90 and 129 tended to affect all functions equally, while the amino acid at position 116 appeared to have a particular effect on the protease activity of the protein. ^


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Cyclosporine (CsA) has shown great benefit to organ transplant recipients, as an immunosuppressive drug. To optimize CsA immunosuppressive therapy, pharmacodynamic evaluation of serial patient serum samples after CsA administration, using mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) assays, revealed in vitro serum immunosuppressive activity of a CsA-like, ether-extractable component, associated with good clinical outcome in vivo. Since the in vitro immunosuppressive CsA metabolites, M-17 and M-1, are erythrocyte-bound, the immunosuppressive activity demonstrated in patient serum suggests that other immunosuppressive metabolites need exist. To test this hypothesis and obtain CsA metabolites for study, ether-extracted bile from tritiated and nonradioactive CsA-treated pigs was processed by novel high performance liquid and thin-layer chromatography (HPLC and HPTLC) techniques. Initial MLC screening of potential metabolites revealed a component, designated M-E, to have immunosuppressive activity. Pig bile-derived M-E was characterized as a CsA metabolite, by radioactive CsA tracer studies, by 56% crossreactivity in CsA radioimmunoassay, and by mass spectrometric (MS) analysis. MS revealed a CsA ring structure, hydroxylated at a site other than at amino acid one. M-E was different than M-1 and M-17, as demonstrated by different retention properties for each metabolite, using HPTLC and a novel rhodamine B/ $\alpha$-cyclodextrin stain, and using HPLC, performed by Sandoz, that revealed M-E to be different than previously characterized metabolites. The immunosuppressive activity of M-E was quantified by determination of mean metabolite potency ratio in human MLC assays, which was found to be 0.79 $\pm$ 0.23 (CsA, 1.0). Similar to parent drug, M-E revealed inter-individual differences in its immunosuppressive activity. M-E demonstrates inhibition of IL-2 production by concanavalin A stimulated C3H mouse spleen cells, similar to CsA, as determined with an IL-2 dependent mouse cytotoxic T-cell line. ^


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I have cloned cDNAs corresponding to two distinct genes, Xlmf1 and Xlmf25, which encode skeletal muscle-specific, transcriptional regulatory proteins. These proteins are members of the helix-loop-helix family of DNA binding factors, and are most homologous to MyoD1. These two genes have disparate temporal expression patterns during early embryogenesis; although, both transcripts are present exclusively in skeletal muscle of the adult. Xlmf1 is first detected 7 hours after fertilization, shortly after the midblastula transition. Xlmf25 is detected in maternal stores of mRNA, during early cleavage stages of the embryo and throughout later development. Both Xlmf1 and Xlmf25 transcripts are detected prior to the expression of other, previously characterized, muscle-specific genes. The ability of Xlmf1 and Xlmf25 to convert mouse 10T1/2 fibroblasts to a myogenic phenotype demonstrates their activity as myogenic regulatory factors. Additionally, Xlmf1 and Xlmf25 can directly transactivate a reporter gene linked to the muscle-specific, muscle creatine kinase (MCK) enhancer. The functional properties of Xlmf1 and Xlmf25 proteins were further explored by investigating their interactions with the binding site in the MCK enhancer. Analysis of dissociation rates revealed that Xlmf25-E12 dimers had a two-fold lower avidity for this site than did Xlmf1-E12 dimers. Clones containing genomic sequence of Xlmf1 and Xlmf25 have been isolated. Reporter gene constructs containing a lac-z gene driven by Xlmf1 regulatory sequences were analyzed by embryo injections and transfections into cultured muscle cells. Elements within $-$200 bp of the transcription start site can promote high levels of muscle specific expression. Embryo injections show that 3500 bp of upstream sequence is sufficient to drive somite specific expression. EMSAs and DNAse I footprint analysis has shown the discrete interaction of factors with several cis-elements within 200 bp of the transcription start site. Mutation of several of these elements shows a positive requirement for two CCAAT boxes and two E boxes. It is evident from the work performed with this promoter that Xlmf1 is tightly regulated during muscle cell differentiation. This is not surprising given the fact that its gene product is crucial to the determination of cell fate choices. ^


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A fundamental problem in developmental biology concerns the mechanisms involved in the establishment of the embryonic axis. We are studying Xenopus nuclear factor 7 (xnf7) which we believe to be involved in dorsal-ventral patterning in Xenopus laevis. Xnf7 is a maternal gene product that is retained in the cytoplasm during early embryogenesis until the mid-blastula transition (MBT) when it reenters the nuclei. It is a member of a novel zinc finger proteins, the B-box family, consisting mainly of transcription factors and protooncogenes.^ The xnf7 gene is reexpressed during embryogenesis at the gastrula-neurula stage of development, with its zygotic expression limited to the central nervous system (CNS). In this study we showed that there are two different cDNAs coding for xnf7, xnf7-O and xnf7-B. They differ by 39 amino acid changes scattered throughout the cDNA. The expression of both forms of xnf7 is limited primarily to the central nervous system (CNS) and dorsal axial structures during later stages of embryogenesis.^ In order to study the spatial and temporal regulation of the gene, we screened a Xenopus genomic library using part of xnf7 cDNA as a probe. A genomic clone corresponding to the xnf7-O type was isolated, its 5$\sp\prime$ putative regulatory region sequenced, and its transcriptional initiation site mapped. The putative promoter region contained binding sites for Sp1, E2F, USF, a Pu box and AP1. CAT/xnf7 fusion genes were constructed containing various 5$\sp\prime$ deleted regions of the xnf7 promoter linked to a CAT (Chloramphenicol Acetyl Transferase) reporter vector. These constructs were injected into Xenopus oocytes and embryos to study the regions of the xnf7 promoter responsible for basal, temporal and spatial regulation of the gene. The activity of the fusion genes was measured by the conversion of chloramphenicol to its acetylated forms, and the spatial distribution of the transcripts by whole mount in situ hybridization. We showed that the elements involved in basal regulation of xnf7 lie within 121 basepairs upstream of the transcriptional inititiation site. A DNase I footprint analysis performed using oocyte extract showed that a E2F and 2 Sp1 sites were protected. During development, the fusion genes were expressed following the MBT, in accordance with the timing of the endogenous xnf7 gene. Spatially, the expression of the fusion gene containing 421 basepairs of the promoter was localized to the dorsal region of the embryo in a pattern that was almost identical to that detected with the endogenous transcripts. Therefore, the elements involved in spatial and temporal regulation of the xnf7 gene during development were contained within 421 basepairs upstream of the transcriptional initiation site. Future work will further define the elements involved in the spatial and temporal regulation and the trans-factors that interact with them. ^


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Unlike most carbohydrates, sialic acids have a restricted distribution in nature, being present in higher animals and in certain bacteriae. Unfortunately, most studies have not taken into account the fact that the parent sialic acid molecules, N-acetyl(or N-glycolyl)-neuraminic acid can be O-substituted at the 4, 7, 8 and 9 positions, generating many compounds and isomers. The approach and results of this research study demonstrates that proportions of non-, mono-, di-, and tri-O-acetylated sialic acids can be identified and quantitated on normal and malignant human cells. This was accomplished using a paper chromatographic technique to isolate and resolve individual species of non and O-substituted sialic acids. The chemical nature of these O-substituents, as an acetyl ester, was determined on the basis of chemical degradation, enzymatic and fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry analysis.^ The working hypothesis of this study, that O-acetylated sialic acids are expressed in a restricted manner on normal and malignant cells, was confirmed using the above experimental approach; which identified mono-, di-, and tri-O-acetylated sialic acids on a variety of normal and malignant human cells. These O-acetylated sialic acids were expressed in restricted manner on subpopulations and subcellular fractions of PHL melanoma cells. Aberrant expression of O-acetylated sialic acids was associated with adenocarcinoma of the colon, leading to a nearly complete loss of di- and tri-O-acetylated sialic acids.^ Thus, the ability to isolate and identify biosynthetically radiolabeled O-acetylated sialic acids offers an efficient method of monitoring the expression of O-acetylated sialic acids in biochemical and cellular interactions. Furthermore, the ability to identify abnormal ratios of O-acetylated sialic acids in the human colon, represents a possible diagnostic tool to evaluate and identify patients who may be genetically or culturally predisposed to the development of adenocarcinoma of the colon. ^


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Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) contained six major proteins, identified as gp55, gp33, p25, pp20, p12, and p10. Immunoprecipitation of cytoplasmic extracts from MMTV-infected, pulse-labeled cells identified three MMTV core-specific precursor proteins, termed Pr78('gag), Pr110('gag), Pr110('gag), and Pr180('gag+). The major intracellular core-specific precursor polyprotein, Pr78('gag), contained antigenic determinants and tryptic peptides characteristic of p25, p12, and p10. Pr110('gag) contained all but one of the leucine-containing tryptic peptides of Pr78('gag), plus several additional peptides. In addition to Pr78('gag) and Pr110('gag), monospecific antisera to virion p12 and p25 also precipitated from pulse-labeled cells a small amount of Pr180('gag+). This large polyprotein contained nearly all of the leucine-containing tryptic peptides of Pr78('gag) and Pr110('gag) plus several additional peptides. By analogy to type-C viral systems, Pr180('gag+) is presumed to represent a gag-pol-specific common precursor which is the major translation product in the synthesis of MMTV RNA-dependent-DNA polymerase. Immunoprecipitation of cytoplasmic extracts from pulse-labeled cells with antisera to gp55 identified two envelope-specific proteins, designated gPr76('env) and gP79('env). The major envelope-specific precursor, gPr76('env), could be labeled with radioactive glucosamine and contained antigenic determinants and tryptic peptides characteristic of gp55 and gp33. A quantitatively minor glycoprotein, gP79('env), contained both fucose and glucosamine and was precipitable from cytoplasmic extracts with monospecific serum to gp55. It is suggested that gP79('env) represents fucosylated gPr76('env) which is transiently synthesized and cleaved rapidly into gp55 and gp33.^ A glycoprotein of 130,00 molecular weight (gP130) was precipitable from the cytoplasm of GR-strain mouse mammary tumor cells by a rabbit antiserum (anti-MMTV) to Gr-strain mouse mammary tumors virus (GR-MMTV). Two dimensional thin layer analysis of ('35)S-methionine-containing peptides revealed that five of nine gp33 peptides and one of seven gp55 peptides were shared by gP130 and gPr76('env). Six of ten p25 peptides and four more core-related peptides were shared by Pr78('gag) and gP130. Protein gP130 also contained several tryptic peptides not found in gPr76('env), or in the core protein precursors Pr78('gag), Pr110('gag), or Pr180('gag+). both gP130 and a second protein, p30, were found in immunoprecipitates of detergent disrupted, isotopically labeled GR-MMTV treated with anti-MMTV serum. Results suggest that antibodies to gP130 in the anti-MMTV serum are capable of recognizing those protein sequences which are not related to viral structural proteins. These gP130-unique peptides are evidently host specific. Polyproteins consisting of juxtaposed host- and virus-related protein tracts have been implicated in the process of cell transformation in other mammalian systems. Therefore, gP130 may be instrinsic to the oncogenic potential of MMTV. ^


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Loneliness is a pervasive, rather common experience in American culture, particularly notable among adolescents. However, the phenomenon is not well documented in the cross-cultural psychiatric literature. For psychiatric epidemiology to encompass a wide array of psychopathologic phenomena, it is important to develop useful measures to characterize and classify both non-clinical and clinical dysfunction in diverse subgroups and cultures.^ The goal of this research was to examine the cross-cultural reliability and construct validity of a scale designed to measure loneliness. The Roberts Loneliness Scale (RLS-8) was administered to 4,060 adolescents ages 10-19 years enrolled in high schools along either side of the Texas-Tamaulipas border region between the U.S. and Mexico. Data collected in 1988 from a study focusing on substance use and psychological distress among adolescents in these regions were used to examine the operating characteristics of the RLS-8. A sample stratified by nationality and language, age, gender, and grade was used for analysis.^ Results indicated that in general the RLS-8 has moderate reliability in the U.S. sample, but not in the Mexican sample. Validity analyses demonstrated that there was evidence for convergent validity of the RLS-8 in the U.S. sample, but none in the Mexican sample. Discriminant validity of the measures in neither sample could be established. Based on the factor structure of the RLS-8, two subscales were created and analyzed for construct validity. Evidence for convergent validity was established for both subscales in both national samples. However, the discriminant validity of the measure remains unsubstantiated in both national samples. Also, the dimensionality of the scale is unresolved.^ One primary goal for future cross-cultural research would be to develop and test better defined culture-specific models of loneliness within the two cultures. From such scientific endeavor, measures of loneliness can be developed or reconstructed to classify the phenomenon in the same manner across cultures. Since estimates of prevalence and incidence are contingent upon reliable and valid screening or diagnostic measures, this objective would serve as an important foundation for future psychiatric epidemiologic inquiry into loneliness. ^


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Bone morphogenesis is a complex biological process. The multistep process of chondrogenesis is the most important aspect of endochondral bone formation. To study the mechanisms which control this multistep pathway of chondrogenesis during embryonic development, I started by isolating cDNAs encoding novel transcriptional factors from chondrocytes. Several such cDNAs encoding putative homeoproteins were identified from a rat chondrosarcoma cDNA preparation. I have been concentrating on characterizing two of these cDNAs. The deduced amino acid sequence of the first homeoprotein, Cart-1, contains a prd-type homeodomain. Northern hybridization and RNase protection analysis revealed that Cart-1 RNAs were present at high levels in a well differentiated rat chondrosarcoma tumor and in a cell line derived from this tumor. Cart-1 transcripts were also detected in primary chondrocytes, but not in numerous other cell types except very low levels in testis. In situ hybridization of rat embryos at different stages of development revealed relatively high levels of Cart-1 RNAs in prechondrocytic mesenchymal cells and in early chondrocytes of cartilage primordia. It is speculated that Cart-1 might play an important role in chondrogenesis. The second putative homeoprotein, rDlx, contains a Distal-less-like homeodomain. rDlx RNAs were also present at high levels in the rat chondrosarcoma tumor and in the cell line derived from this tumor. In situ hybridization of rat embryos revealed high levels of rDlx transcripts in the developing cartilages and perichondria of mature cartilages. rDlx transcripts were also detected in a number of nonchondrogenic tissues such as forebrain, otic vesicles, olfactory epithelia, apical ectodermal ridge (AER) of limb buds, the presumptive Auerbach ganglia of gastrointestinal tract. The unique expression pattern of rDlx suggests that it might play important roles in chondrogenesis and other aspects of embryogenesis. ^


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The neu gene encodes the transmembrane tyrosine kinase growth factor receptor, p185. To study neu induced cellular transformation, we developed revertant cells from the neu transformed NIH 3T3 cell line, B104-1-1, by treating the cells with the chemical mutagen ethylmethane sulfonate. The morphologically normal revertant cells were first selected by their ability to either attach to culture plates or survive in the presence of the cytotoxic reagents colchicine or 5-fluoro-2deoxyuridine. Two of the 21 candidate revertant cell lines isolated were further characterized and were found to lose their anchorage independence and ability to grow in 1% calf serum, indicating that they were nontransformed even though they still expressed p185 oncoprotein. The tyrosine residues of p185 in these two revertants were underphosphorylated, which may have contributed to their nontransformed status. Also, the p185 oncoprotein lacked significant tyrosine kinase activity. In addition, these revertants also resisted transformation by neu and several additional oncogenes (H-ras, N-ras, v-mos, v-abl, and v-fos) as determined by focus forming assays. These results indicated that we had successfully developed, from neu transformed cells, revertants which exhibited defective tyrosine phosphorylation and kinase activity of the neu oncoprotein. The results also suggested that neu and several other oncogenes may share common elements in their pathways for the induction of cellular transformation. ^