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The mechanism of tumorigenesis in the immortalized human pancreatic cell lines: cell culture models of human pancreatic cancer Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is the most lethal cancer in the world. The most common genetic lesions identified in PDAC include activation of K-ras (90%) and Her2 (70%), loss of p16 (95%) and p14 (40%), inactivation p53 (50-75%) and Smad4 (55%). However, the role of these signature gene alterations in PDAC is still not well understood, especially, how these genetic lesions individually or in combination contribute mechanistically to human pancreatic oncogenesis is still elusive. Moreover, a cell culture transformation model with sequential accumulation of signature genetic alterations in human pancreatic ductal cells that resembles the multiple-step human pancreatic carcinogenesis is still not established. In the present study, through the stepwise introduction of the signature genetic alterations in PDAC into the HPV16-E6E7 immortalized human pancreatic duct epithelial (HPDE) cell line and the hTERT immortalized human pancreatic ductal HPNE cell line, we developed the novel experimental cell culture transformation models with the most frequent gene alterations in PDAC and further dissected the molecular mechanism of transformation. We demonstrated that the combination of activation of K-ras and Her2, inactivation of p16/p14 and Smad4, or K-ras mutation plus p16 inactivation, was sufficient for the tumorigenic transformation of HPDE or HPNE cells respectively. We found that these transformed cells exhibited enhanced cell proliferation, anchorage-independent growth in soft agar, and grew tumors with PDAC histopathological features in orthotopic mouse model. Molecular analysis showed that the activation of K-ras and Her2 downstream effector pathways –MAPK, RalA, FAK, together with upregulation of cyclins and c-myc were involved in the malignant transformation. We discovered that MDM2, BMP7 and Bmi-1 were overexpressed in the tumorigenic HPDE cells, and that Smad4 played important roles in regulation of BMP7 and Bmi-1 gene expression and the tumorigenic transformation of HPDE cells. IPA signaling pathway analysis of microarray data revealed that abnormal signaling pathways are involved in transformation. This study is the first complete transformation model of human pancreatic ductal cells with the most common gene alterations in PDAC. Altogether, these novel transformation models more closely recapitulate the human pancreatic carcinogenesis from the cell origin, gene lesion, and activation of specific signaling pathway and histopathological features.


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The retinoic acid inducible G protein coupled receptor family C group 5 type A (GPRC5A) is expressed preferentially in normal lung tissue but its expression is suppressed in the majority of human non-small cell lung cancer cell lines and tissues. This differential expression has led to the idea that GPRC5A is a potential tumor suppressor. This notion was supported by the finding that mice with a deletion of the Gprc5a gene develop spontaneous lung tumors. However, there are various tumor cell lines and tissue samples, including lung, that exhibit higher GPRC5A expression than normal tissues and some reports by other groups that GPRC5A transfection increased cell growth and colony formation. Obviously, GPRC5A has failed to suppress the development of the tumors and the growth of the cell lines where its expression is not suppressed. Since no mutations were detected in the coding sequence of GPRC5A in 20 NSCLC cell lines, it’s possible that GPRC5A acts as a tumor suppressor in the context of some cells but not in others. Alternatively, we raised the hypothesis that the GPRC5A protein may be inactivated by posttranslational modification(s) such as phosphorylation. It is well established that Serine/Threonine phosphorylation of G protein coupled receptors leads to their desensitization and in a few cases Tyrosine phosphorylation of GPCRs has been linked to internalization. Others reported that GPRC5A can undergo tyrosine phosphorylation in the cytoplasmic domain after treatment of normal human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) with epidermal growth factor (EGF) or Heregulin. This suggested that GPRC5A is a substrate of EGFR. Therefore, we hypothesized that tyrosine phosphorylation of GPRC5A by activation of EGFR signaling may lead to its inactivation. To test this hypothesis, we transfected human embryo kidney (HEK) 293 cells with GPRC5A and EGFR expression vectors and confirmed that GPRC5A can be tyrosine phosphorylated after activation of EGFR by EGF. Further, we found that EGFR and GPRC5A can interact either directly or through other proteins and that inhibition of the EGFR kinase activity decreased the phosphorylation of GPRA5A and the interaction between GPRC5A and EGFR. In c-terminal of GPRC5A, There are four tyrosine residues Y317, Y320, Y347, Y350. We prepared GPRC5A mutants in which all four tyrosine residues had been replaced by phenylalanine (mutant 4F) or each individual Tyr residue was replaced by Phe and found that Y317 is the major site for EGFR mediated phosphorylation in the HEK293T cell line. We also found that EGF can induce GPRC5A internalization both in H1792 transient and stable cell lines. EGF also partially inactivates the suppressive function of GPRC5A on cell invasion activity and anchorage-independent growth ability of H1792 stable cell lines. These finding support our hypothesis that GPRC5A may be inactivated by posttranslational modification- tyrosine phosphorylation.


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Squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck (SCCHN) is the tenth most common cancer in the world. Unfortunately, the survival of patients with SCCHN has not improved in the last 40 years. Therefore new targets for therapy are needed, and to this end we are studying signaling pathways activated by IL-6 which we have found stimulates cell migration and soft agar growth in SCCHN. Our data show that IL-6 increases TWIST expression in a transcription-independent mechanism in many SCCHN cell lines. Further investigation reveals TWIST can be phosphorylated upon IL-6 treatment. By computation prediction (http://scansite.mit.edu/motifscan_seq.phtml ), we found that TWIST has a putative phosphorylation site for casein kinase 2 (CK2) suggesting that this kinase could serve as a link between IL-6 stimulation and Twist stability. To test this hypothesis, we used a CK2 inhibitor and shRNA to CK2 and found that these interventions inhibited IL-6 stimulation of TWIST stability. In addition, mutation of the putative CK2 phosphorylation site (S18/S20A) in TWIST decreased the amount of phospho-ATP incorporated by TWIST in an in vitro kinase assay, and altered TWIST stability. In Boyd chamber migration assay and wound-healing assay, the CK2 inhibitor, DMAT, was found to decrease the motility of IL-6 stimulated SCCHN cells and over expression of either a wild-type or the hyperphosphorylated mimicking mutant S18/20D –Twist rather than the hypo-phosphorylated mimicking mutant S18/20A-Twist can promote SCCHN cell motility.To our knowledge, this is the first report to identify the importance of IL-6 stimulated CK2 phosphorylation of TWIST in SCCHN. As CK2 inhibitors are currently under phase I clinical trials, our findings indicate that CK2 may be a viable therapeutic target in SCCHN. Therefore, further pre-clinical studies of this inhibitor are underway.


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The mitotic kinase Aurora B plays a pivotal role in mitosis and cytokinesis and governs the spindle assembly checkpoint which ensures correct chromosome segregation and normal progression through mitosis. Aurora B is overexpressed in breast and other cancers and may be an important molecular target for chemotherapy. Tumor suppressor p53 is the guardian of the genome and an important negative regulator of the cell cycle. Previously, it was unknown whether Aurora B and p53 had mutual regulation during the cell cycle. A small molecule specific inhibitor of Aurora B, AZD1152, gave us an indication that Aurora B negatively impacted p53 during interphase and mitosis. Here, we show the antineoplastic activity of AZD1152 in six human breast cancer cell lines, three of which overexpress HER2. AZD1152 specifically inhibited Aurora B kinase activity, thereby causing mitotic catastrophe, polyploidy and apoptosis, which in turn led to apoptotic death. Further, AZD1152 administration efficiently suppressed tumor growth in orthotopic and metastatic breast cancer cell xenograft models. Notably, it was found that the protein level of Aurora B kinase declined after inhibition of Aurora B kinase activity. Investigation of the underlying mechanism suggested that AZD1152 accelerated the protein turnover of Aurora B by enhancing its ubiquitination. As a consequence of inhibition of Aurora B, p53 levels were increased in tissue culture and murine models. This hinted at a possible direct interaction between p53 and Aurora B. Indeed, it was found that p53 and Aurora B exist in complex and interact directly during interphase and at the centromere in mitosis. Further, Aurora B was shown to phosphorylate p53 at several serine/threonine residues in the DNA binding domain and these events caused downregulation of p53 levels via ubiquitination mediated by Mdm2. Importantly, phosphorylation of threonine 211 was shown to reduce p53’s transcriptional activity while other phosphorylation sites did not. On a functional level, Aurora B was shown to reduce p53’s capacity to mediate apoptosis in response to the DNA damaging agent, cisplatin. These results define a novel mechanism for p53 inactivation by Aurora B and imply that oncogenic hyperactivation or overexpression of Aurora B may compromise p53’s tumor suppressor function.


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Genetic analysis is a powerful method for analyzing the function of specific genes in development. I sought to identify novel genes in the mouse using a genetic analysis relying on the expression pattern and phenotype of mutated genes. To this end, I have conducted a gene trap screen using the vector $\rm SA\beta geo,$ a promoterless DNA construct that encodes a fusion protein with lacZ and neomycin resistance activities. Productive integration and expression of the $\beta$geo protein in embryonic stem (ES) cells requires integration into an active transcription unit. The endogenous regulatory elements direct reporter gene expression which reflects the expression of the endogenous gene. Of eight mouse lines generated from gene trap ES cell clones, four showed differential regulation of $\beta$geo activity during embryogenesis. These four were analyzed in more detail.^ Three of the lines RNA 1, RNA2 and RNA 3 had similar expression patterns, within subsets of cells in sites of embryonic hematopoiesis. Cloning of the trapped genes revealed that all three integrations had occurred within 45S rRNA precursor transcription units. These results imply that there exists in these cells some mechanism responsible for the efficient production of the $\beta$geo protein from an RNA polymerase I transcript that is not present in most of the cells in the embryo.^ The fourth line, GT-2, showed widespread, dynamic expression. Many of the sites of expression were important classic embryonic induction systems. Cloning of the sequences fused to the $5\sp\prime$ end of the $\beta$geo sequence revealed that the trapped gene contained significant sequence homology with a previously identified human sequence HumORF5. An open reading frame of this sequence is homologous to a group of eukaryotic proteins that are members of the RNA helicase superfamily I.^ Analysis of the gene trap lines suggests that potentially novel developmental mechanisms have been uncovered. In the case of RNA 1, 2 and 3, the differential production of ribosomal RNAs may be required for differentiation or function of the $\beta$geo positive hematopoietic cells. In the GT-2 line, a previously unsuspected temporal and spatial regulation of a putative RNA helicase implies a role for this activity during specific aspects of mouse development. ^


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Kinases are part of a complex network of signaling pathways that enable a cell to respond to changes in environmental conditions in a regulated and coordinated way. For example, Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 beta (GSK3β) modulates conformational changes, protein-protein interaction, protein degradation, and activation of unique domains in proteins that transduce signals from the extracellular milieu to the nucleus. ^ In this project, I investigated the expression and function that GSK3β exhibits in prostate cells. The capacity of GSK3β to regulate two transcription factors (JUN and CREB), which are known to be inversely utilized in prostate tumor cells, was measured. JUN/AP1 is constitutively activated in PC-3 cells; whereas, CREB/CRE activity is ∼20 fold less than the former. GSK3β overexpression obliterates JUN/AP1 activity. With respect to CREB GSK3β increases CREB/CRE activity. Cellular levels of active GSK3β can determine whether JUN or CREB is preferentially active in the PC-3s. Theoretically, in response to a particular cellular context or stimulus, a cell may coordinate JUN and CREB function by regulating GSK3β.^ A comparison of various prostate cell lines showed that active GSK3β is less expressed in normal prostate epithelial cells than in tumor cells. Differentially expressed active (GSK3β) may correlate with progression of prostate carcinoma. If a known marker associated with carcinoma of the prostate could be shown to be regulated by GSK3β then, further study of GSK3β may lead to a better understanding of both possible prevention of the disease and improved therapy for advanced stages. ^ The androgen receptor (AR) is an intriguing phosphoprotein whose regulation is potentially determined by a variety of kinases. One of these is (GSK3β) I found that (GSK3β) is a regulator of the androgen receptor in both the unliganded and liganded states. It can inhibit AR function as measured by reporter assays. Also, GSK3β associates with the AR at the DNA binding domain because deletion constructs expressing either the n-terminus or the c-terminus (both having the DBD in common) immunoprecipitated with GSK3β. Increased understanding of how GSK3β functions in prostate cancer would provide clues into how (1) certain signal pathways are coordinated and (2) the androgen receptor may be regulated. ^


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The mammalian kidney maintains homeostasis of the extracellular environment and eliminates toxic substances from the body, in part via secretion by the organic cation transporters (OCT). Some nucleosides are also secreted by the kidney. Previous work indicated that the deoxyadenosine analog, 2′ -deoxytubercidin (dTub), is secreted by mouse kidney through the OCTs. This study examines the role of OCTs in the renal secretion of dTub and other nucleoside analogs. ^ Using the Xenopus laevis oocyte expression system, the basolateral type rat organic cation transporter rOCT1 was shown to transport dTub and other nucleosides. The positive charged form of dTub (dTub +) appears to be the substrate for rOCT1. Tetraethylammonium (TEA) and dTub competitively inhibit the other's uptake by rOCT1 in a manner consistent with their interaction at a common site. Although 67% homologous with rOCT1, rOCT2 does not mediate the uptake of these nucleosides. Kinetic studies demonstrated the difference in substrate specificity between rOCT1 and rOCT2 to be largely due to a poor affinity of rOCT2 for dTub+. This difference in affinity is located within transmembrane domains 2–7 as determined by chimeric constructs. ^ OCT1 knockout mice were used to evaluate the role of OCT1 in the renal secretion of dTub. No significant difference in tissue distribution and urinary excretion of dTub was observed between the knockout and wild-type mice, indicating that OCT1 is not necessary for the renal secretion of dTub. Apical transporters are postulated to participate in its active secretion. To characterize a possible apical transporter, we screened several renal cell lines for a nucleoside-sensitive OCT. American opossum kidney proximal tubule cells (OK) express a TEA efflux transporter that is inhibited by dTub and other nucleoside analogs. This carrier is metabolic-dependent and distinct from the cloned OCTs to date, i.e. it is sodium- and proton-independent. In conclusion, dTub is a good substrate for OCT1; however, this OCT is not necessary for its renal secretion in mice. The novel TEA efflux transporter identified in OK cells is likely to participate in the renal secretion of dTub and perhaps other nucleoside analogs. ^


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The uterine endometrium is a major target for the estrogen. However, the molecular basis of estrogen action in the endometrium is largely unknown. I have used two approaches to study the effects of estrogen on the endometrium. One approach involved the study of the interaction between estrogen and retinoic acid (RA) pathways in the endometrium. I have demonstrated that estrogen administration to rodents and estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) in postmenopausal women selectively induced the endometrial expression of retinaldehyde dehydrogenase II (RALDH2), a critical enzyme of RA biosynthesis. RALDH2 was expressed exclusively in the stromal cells, especially in the stroma adjacent to the luminal and glandular epithelia. The induction of RALDH2 by estrogen required estrogen receptor and occurred via a direct increase in RALDH2 transcription. Among the three RA receptors, estrogen selectively induced the expression of RARα. In parallel, estrogen also increased the utilization of all-trans retinol (the substrate for RA biosynthesis) and the expression of two RA-regulated marker genes, cellular retinoic acid binding protein II (CRABP2) and tissue transglutaminase (tTG) in the endometrium. Thus estrogen coordinately upregulated both the production and signaling of RA in both the rodent and human endometrium. This coordinate upregulation of RA system appeared to play a role in counterbalancing the stimulatory effects of estrogen on the endometrium, since the depletion of endogenous RA in mice led to an increase in estrogen-stimulated stromal proliferation and endometrial Akt phosphorylation. In addition, I have also used a systematic approach (DNA microarray) to categorize genes and pathways affected by the ERT in the endometrium of postmenopausal women and identified a novel estrogen-regulated gene EIG121. EIG121 was exclusively expressed in the glandular epithelial cells of the endometrium and induced by estrogen in vivo and in cultured cell lines. Compared with the normal endometrium, EIG121 was highly overexpressed in type 1 endometrial cancer, but profoundly suppressed in type 2 endometrial tumors. Taken together, these studies suggested that estrogen regulates the expression of many genes of both the pro-proliferative and anti-proliferative pathways and the abnormality of these pathways may increase the risks for estrogen-dependent endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer. ^


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The purpose of this study was to characterize the effects of IL-6 on endothelial cells and to investigate the role of IL-6 in the angiogenesis of ovarian carcinomas. We evaluated human ovarian carcinoma clinical specimens and determined that high expression of IL-6 was associated with increased tumor vascularization. Additionally, endothelial cells derived from the ovary and mesentery expressed the IL-6 receptor (IL-6R), and their stimulation with the exogenous ligand activated downstream signaling molecules and enhanced cell migration. Dual immunohistochemical staining for CD-31 and IL-6R revealed IL-6R expression on human endothelial cells within normal ovary and ovarian carcinomas. To further investigate the possible proangiogenic function of IL-6, Gelfoam sponges containing IL-6 or bFGF were implanted into the subcutis of BALB/c mice. IL-6 containing sponges were vascularized to the same extent as bFGF containing sponges. ^ Chronic stress can adversely affect disease progression. Stimulation of ovarian carcinoma cell lines with concentrations of catecholamines achieved in individuals experiencing chronic stress resulted in a substantial increase in IL-6 production. It was determined that stress mediators regulate IL-6 expression through the β-adrenergic receptor and Src. These data illustrate one mechanism by which chronic stress may influence tumor progression. ^ To investigate whether IL-6 contributes to the angiogenesis of ovarian carcinomas, we isolated low IL-6 expressing clones from the SKOV3.ip1 cell line and transfected them with a plasmid encoding the IL-6 gene. We observed no difference in tumor weight between high and low IL-6 expressing cells. However, while low IL-6 expressing tumors were highly vascularized, high IL-6 expressing tumors appeared hypervascularized. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that all tumors exhibited robust expression of additional proangiogenic molecules. ^ Collectively, these studies indicate that IL-6 secreted by ovarian cancer cells is a highly proangiogenic cytokine. However, IL-6 is but one of several proangiogenic molecules produced by ovarian cancer, and its inhibition may not be sufficient to inhibit angiogenesis of ovarian carcinoma. The findings presented in this dissertation provide insight into the function of IL-6 as a regulator of angiogenesis. Understanding of the role of proangiogenic molecules such as IL-6 in ovarian carcinoma may have important implications for therapy directed at the vascular component of this disease. ^


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In the endometrium, hormonal effects on epithelial cells are often elicited through stromal hormone receptors via unknown paracrine mechanisms. Several lines of evidence support the hypothesis that Wnts participate in stromal-epithelial cell communication and thus mediate hormone action. Characterization of specific Wnt signaling components in the endometrium was performed using cellular localization studies and evaluating hormone effects in a rat model. Wnt7a was expressed in the luminal epithelium, whereas the extracellular Wnt modulator, SFRP4, was localized to the endometrial stroma. SFRP4 expression is significantly decreased in endometrial carcinoma and aberrant Wnt7a signaling has been shown to cause uterine defects and contribute to the onset of disease. The specific Fzds and SFRPs that bind Wnt7a and the particular signal transduction pathway each Wnt7a-Fzd pair activates have not been identified. Additionally, the function of Wnt7a and SFRP4 in the endometrium has not been addressed. A survey of all Wnt signaling proteins expressed in the endometrium was conducted and Fzd5 and Fzd10 were identified as two receptors capable of transducing the Wnt7a signal. Biologically active recombinant Wnt7a and SFRP4 proteins were purified for quantitative biochemical studies. In Ishikawa cells, Wnt7a binding to Fzd5 activated β-catenin/canonical Wnt signaling and increased cellular proliferation. Wnt7a signaling mediated by Fzd10 induced a non-canonical/JNK-responsive pathway. SFRP4 suppressed Wnt7a action in both an autocrine and paracrine manner. Treatment with SFRP4 protein and overexpression of SFRP4 inhibited endometrial cancer cell growth and induced apoptosis in vitro. A split-eGFP complementation assay was developed to visually detect Wnt7a-Fzd interactions and subsequent pathway activation in cells. By employing a unique ELISA-based protein-protein binding technique, it was demonstrated that Wnt7a binds to SFRP4 and Fzd5 with equal nanomolar affinity. The development of these novel biological tools could lead to a better understanding of Wnt-protein interactions and the identification of new modulators of Wnt signaling. This study supports a mechanism by which the nature of the Wnt7a signal in the endometrium is dependent upon the Fzd repertoire of the cell and can be regulated by SFRP4. The potential tumor suppressor function of SFRP4 suggests it may serve as a therapeutic target for endometrial carcinoma. ^


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MicroRNAs play roles in various biological processes like development, tumorigenesis, metastasis and pluripotency. My thesis work has demonstrated roles for p63, a p53 family member, in the upstream regulation of microRNA biogenesis. The p63 gene has a complex gene structure and has multiple isoforms. The TAp63 isoforms contain an acidic transcription activation domain. The ΔNp63 isoforms, lack the TA domain, but have a proline rich region critical for gene transactivation. To understand the functions of these isoforms, the Flores lab generated TAp63 and ΔNp63 conditional knock out mice. Using these mice and tissues and cells from these mice we have found that TAp63 transcriptionally regulates Dicer while ΔNp63 transcriptionally regulates DGCR8. TAp63 -/- mice are highly tumor prone. These mice develop metastatic mammary adenocarcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas, and lung adenocarcinomas to distant sites including the liver, lungs, and brain. I found that TAp63 suppresses metastasis by transcriptionally activating Dicer. TAp63 and Dicer levels were very low or lost in high grade human tumors like mammary adenocarcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas, and lung adenocarcinomas. Expression of Dicer in these tumor cell lines reduced their invasiveness. Using ΔNp63 -/- mice, I found that ΔNp63 transcriptionally activates DGCR8, resulting in a miRNA profile that is critical to reprogram cells to pluripotency. Analysis of epidermal cells derived from ΔNp63 -/- mice revealed that these cells expressed markers of pluripotency, including Sox2, Oct 4 and Nanog; however, genome-wide analysis revealed a novel profile of genes that are common between ΔNp63 -/- epidermal cells and embryonic stem cells. I also found that mouse cells depleted of ΔNp63 form chimeric mice and teratomas in SCID mice, demonstrating that ΔNp63 deficient cells are pluripotent. Further, I found that restoration of DGCR8 in ΔNp63 -/- epidermal cells reduces their pluripotency and induces terminal differentiation. I also demonstrated that iMS (induced multipotent stem) cells could be generated using human keratinocytes by knockdown of ∆Np63 or DGCR8. Taken together, my work has placed p63 and its isoforms at a critical node in controlling miRNA biogenesis.


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c-Src, a protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) the specific activity of which is increased $>$20-fold in $\sim$80% of colon tumors and colon tumor cell lines, plays a role in both growth regulation and tumorigenicity of colon tumor cells. To examine the effect of increased c-Src specific activity on colon tumor cells, coumarin-derived tyrosine analog PTK inhibitors were assessed in a standard colon tumor cell line, HT-29. Of the nine compounds tested for inhibiting c-Src activity in a standard immune complex kinase assay from c-Src precipitated from HT-29 cells, the 7,8-dihydroxy-containing compounds daphnetin and fraxetin were most effective, with IC$\sb{50}$s of 0.6 $\pm$ 0.2 mM and 0.6 $\pm$ 0.3 mM, respectively. Treatment of HT-29 cells with daphnetin resulted in inhibition of cell growth in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast, scopoletin, a relatively poor Src inhibitor in vitro, did not inhibit HT-29 cell growth in the concentration range tested. In daphnetin treated cells, a dose-dependent decrease of c-Src activity paralleling cell growth inhibition was also observed; the IC$\sb{50}$ was 0.3 $\pm$ 0.1 mM for c-Src autophosphorylation. In contrast, the IC$\sb{50}$ for c-Src protein level was $>$ 0.6 mM, indicating that the effects of daphnetin were primarily an enzymatic activity of c-Src, rather than protein level in HT-29 cells. These results are the first to demonstrate that c-Src specific activity regulates colon tumor cell growth.^ To elucidate the signaling pathways activated by c-Src in colon tumor cells, the Src family substrate FAK, which has been shown to play a role in both extracellular matrix-dependent cell growth and survival, was examined. Coprecipitation assays showed Src-FAK association in detergent insoluble fractions of both attached and detached HT-29 cells, indicating that Src-FAK association in HT-29 cells is stable and, unlike untransformed cells, not dependent on cell-substratum contact. FAK also coprecipitated with Grb2, an adaptor protein also playing a role in cell proliferation and survival, in both attached and detached HT-29 cells, suggesting that a Src-FAK-Grb2-mediated signaling pathway(s) in HT-29 cells is/are constitutively activated.^ FAK was also analyzed in c-src antisense HT-29 clones AS15 and AS33 in which c-Src is specifically reduced by transfection of an antisense expression vector. FAK protein level is unexpectedly decreased in both AS15 and AS33 cells by 5-fold and 1.5-fold compared to HT-29, respectively, corresponding with the decreased expression of c-Src observed in these cells. FAK protein level was not decreased compared to parental in the c-src "sense" clone S8. Northern blot analyses showed decreased FAK mRNA levels compared to parental in AS15 and AS33, correlating with decreased FAK protein level, indicating that FAK activity in the antisense cells is regulated, at least in part, by altering FAK expression, and that this regulation is Src dependent. Because FAK has been implicated in anoikis, the ability of c-src antisense cells to survive in the absence of cell-substratum contact was examined. Decreased cell survival is seen in both AS15 and AS33, correlating with the decreases in c-Src and FAK levels and tumorigenicity in these cells. These results suggest that at least one mechanism by which activation of c-Src contributes to tumorigenic phenotype of colon tumor cells is by aberrantly promoting a survival signal through unregulated Src-FAK-Grb2 complexes. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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The most common molecular alterations observed in prostate cancer are increased bcl-2 protein expression and mutations in p53. Understanding the molecular alterations associated with prostate cancer are critical for successful treatment and designing new therapeutic interventions. Hormone-ablation therapy remains the most effective nonsurgical treatment; however, most patients will relapse with hormone-independent, refractory disease. This study addresses how hormone-ablation therapy may increase bcl-2, develops a transgenic model to elucidate the role of bcl-2 multistep prostate carcinogenesis, and assesses how bcl-2 may confer resistance to cell death induction using adenoviral wild-type p53 gene therapy. ^ Two potential androgen response elements were identified in the bcl-2 promoter. Bcl-2 promoter luciferase constructs were transfected into the hormone- sensitive LNCaP prostate cell line. In the presence of dihydrotestosterone, the activity of one bcl-2 promoter luciferase construct was repressed 40% compared to control cells grown in charcoal-stripped serum. Additionally, it was demonstrated that both bcl-2 mRNA and protein were downregulated in the LNCaP cells grown in the presence DHT. This suggests that DHT represses bcl-2 expression through possible direct and indirect mechanisms and that hormone-ablation therapy may actually increases bcl-2 protein. ^ To determine the role of bcl-2 in prostate cancer progression in vivo, probasin-bcl-2 mice were generated where human bcl-2 was targeted to the prostate. Increased bcl-2 expression rendered the ventral prostate more resistant to apoptosis induction following castration. When the probasin-bcl-2 mice were crossed with TRAMP mice, the latency to tumor formation was decreased. The expression of bcl-2 in the double transgenic mice did not affect the incidence of metastases. The double transgenic model will facilitate the study of in vivo effects of specific genetic lesions during the pathogenesis of prostate cancer. ^ The effects of increased bcl-2 protein on wild-type adenoviral p53-mediated cell death were determined in prostatic cell lines. Increased bcl-2 protected PC3 and DU145 cell lines, which possess mutant p53, from p53-mediated cell death and reductions in cell viability. Bcl-2 did not provide the same protective effect in LNCaP cell line, which expresses wild-type p53. This suggests that the ability of bcl-2 to protect against p53-mediated cell death is dependent upon the endogenous status of p53. ^


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Regulation of uterine quiescence involves the integration of the signaling pathways regulating uterine contraction and relaxation. Uterine contractants increase intracellular calcium through receptor/GαqPLC coupling, resulting in contraction of the myometrium. Elevation of cAMP concentration has been correlated with relaxation of the myometrium. However, the mechanism of cAMP action in the uterus is unclear. ^ Both endogenous and exogenous increases in cAMP inhibited oxytocin-stimulated phosphatidylinositide turnover in an immortalized pregnant human myometrial cell line (PHM1-41). This inhibition was reversed by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) inhibitors, suggesting the involvement of PKA. cAMP inhibited phosphatidyinositide turnover stimulated by different agonists in different cell lines. These data suggest that the cAMP inhibitory mechanism is neither cell nor receptor dependent, and inhibits Gαq/PLCβ1 and PLCβ3 coupling. ^ The subcellular localization of PKA occurs via PKA binding to A-Kinase-Anchoring-Proteins (AKAP), and peptides that inhibit this association have been developed (S-Ht31). S-Ht31 blocked cAMP-stimulated PKA activity and decreased PKA concentration in PHM1-41 cell plasma membranes. S-Ht31 reversed the ability of CPT-cAMP, forskolin and relaxin to inhibit phosphatidylinositide turnover in PHM1-41 cells. Overlay analysis of both PHM1-41 cell and nonpregnant rat myometrium found an AKAPs of 86 kDa and 150 kDa associated with the plasma membrane, respectively. These data suggest that PKA anchored to the plasma membrane via AKAP150/PKA anchoring is involved in the cAMP inhibitory mechanism. ^ CPT-cAMP and isoproterenol inhibited phosphatidylinositide turnover in rat myometrium from days 12 through 20 of gestation. In contrast, neither agent was effective in the 21 day pregnant rat myometrium. The decrease in the cAMP inhibitory mechanism was correlated with a decrease in PKA and an increase in protein phosphatase 2B (PP2B) concentration in rat myometrial plasma membranes on day 21 of gestation. In myometrial total cell homogenates, both PKA and PP2B concentration increased on day 21. S-Ht31 inhibited cAMP inhibition of phosphatidylinositide turnover in day 19 pregnant rat myometrium. Both PKA and PP2B coimmunoprecipitated with an AKAP150 in a gestational dependent manner, suggesting this AKAP localizes PKA and PP2B to the plasma membrane. ^ These data presented demonstrate the importance of the cAMP inhibitory mechanism in regulating uterine contractility. ^