14 resultados para Ligand Titration
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We have previously shown that vasculogenesis, the process by which bone marrow-derived cells are recruited to the tumor and organized to form a blood vessel network de novo, is essential for the growth of Ewing’s sarcoma. We further demonstrated that these bone marrow cells differentiate into pericytes/vascular smooth muscle cells(vSMC) and contribute to the formation of the functional vascular network. The molecular mechanisms that control bone marrow cell differentiation into pericytes/vSMC in Ewing’s sarcoma are poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that the Notch ligand Delta like ligand 4 (DLL4) plays a critical role in this process. DLL4 is essential for the formation of mature blood vessels during development and in several tumor models. Inhibition of DLL4 causes increased vascular sprouting, decreased pericyte coverage, and decreased vessel functionality. We demonstrate for the first time that DLL4 is expressed by bone marrow-derived pericytes/vascular smooth muscle cells in two Ewing’s sarcoma xenograft models and by perivascular cells in 12 out of 14 patient samples. Using dominant negative mastermind to inhibit Notch, we demonstrate that Notch signaling is essential for bone marrow cell participation in vasculogenesis. Further, inhibition of DLL4 using either shRNA or the monoclonal DLL4 neutralizing antibody YW152F led to dramatic changes in blood vessel morphology and function. Vessels in tumors where DLL4 was inhibited were smaller, lacked lumens, had significantly reduced numbers of bone marrow-derived pericyte/vascular smooth muscle cells, and were less functional. Importantly, growth of TC71 and A4573 tumors was significantly inhibited by treatment with YW152F. Additionally, we provide in vitro evidence that DLL4-Notch signaling is involved in bone marrow-derived pericyte/vascular smooth muscle cell formation outside of the Ewing’s sarcoma environment. Pericyte/vascular smooth muscle cell marker expression by whole bone marrow cells cultured with mouse embryonic stromal cells was reduced when DLL4 was inhibited by YW152F. For the first time, our findings demonstrate a role for DLL4 in bone marrow-derived pericyte/vascular smooth muscle differentiation as well as a critical role for DLL4 in Ewing’s sarcoma tumor growth.
Ionotropic glutamate receptors are important excitatory neurotransmitter receptors in the mammalian central nervous system that have been implicated in a number of neuropathologies such as epilepsy, ischemia, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Glutamate binding to an extracellular ligand binding domain initiates a series of structural changes that leads to the formation of a cation selective transmembrane channel, which consequently closes due to desensitization of the receptor. The crystal structures of the AMPA subtype of the glutamate receptor have been particularly useful in providing initial insight into the conformational changes in the ligand binding domain; however, these structures are limited by crystallographic constraint. To gain a clear picture of how agonist binding is coupled to channel activation and desensitization, it is essential to study changes in the ligand binding domain in a dynamic, physiological state. In this dissertation, a technique called Luminescence Resonance Energy Transfer was used to determine the conformational changes associated with activation and desensitization in a functional AMPA receptor (ÄN*-AMPA) that contains the ligand binding domain and transmembrane segments; ÄN*-AMPA has been modified such that fluorophores can be introduced at specific sites to serve as a readout of cleft closure or to establish intersubunit distances. Previous structural studies of cleft closure of the isolated ligand binding domain in conjunction with functional studies of the full receptor suggest that extent of cleft closure correlates with extent of activation. Here, LRET has been used to show that a similar relationship between cleft closure and activation is observed in the “full length” receptor showing that the isolated ligand binding domain is a good model of the domain in the full length receptor for changes within a subunit. Similar LRET investigations were used to study intersubunit distances specifically to probe conformational changes between subunits within a dimer in the tetrameric receptor. These studies show that the dimer interface is coupled in the open state, and decoupled in the desensitized state, similar to the isolated ligand binding domain crystal structure studies. However, we show that the apo state dimer interface is not pre-formed as in the crystal structure, hence suggesting a mechanism for functional transitions within the receptor based on LRET distances obtained.
Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic bacterial pathogen that can infect humans and other species. It utilizes an arsenal of virulence factors to cause disease, including secreted and cell wall anchored factors. Secreted toxins attack host cells, and pore-forming toxins destroy target cells by causing cell lysis. S. aureus uses cell-surface adhesins to attach to host molecules thereby facilitating host colonization. The Microbial Surface Components Recognizing Adhesive Matrix Molecules (MSCRAMMs) are a family of cell-wall anchored proteins that target molecules like fibronectin and fibrinogen. The Serine-aspartate repeat (Sdr) proteins are a subset of staphylococcal MSCRAMMs that share similar domain organization. Interestingly, the amino-terminus, is composed of three immunoglobulin-folded subdomains (N1, N2, and N3) that contain ligand-binding activity. Clumping factors A and B (ClfA and ClfB) and SdrG are Sdr proteins that bind to fibrinogen (Fg), a large, plasma glycoprotein that is activated during the clotting cascade to form fibrin. In addition to recognizing fibrinogen, ClfA and ClfB can bind to other host ligands. Analysis of S. aureus strains that cause osteomyelitis led to the discovery of the bone-sialoprotein-binding protein (Bbp), an Sdr protein. Because several MSCRAMMs target more than one molecule, I hypothesized that Bbp may recognize other host proteins. A ligand screen revealed that the recombinant construct BbpN2N3 specifically recognizes human Fg. Surface plasmon resonance was used to determine the affinity of BbpN2N3 for Fg, and a dissociation constant of 540 nM was determined. Binding experiments performed with recombinant Fg chains were used to map the binding of BbpN2N3 to the Fg Aalpha chain. Additionally, Bbp expressed on the surface of Lactococcus lactis and S. aureus Newman bald mediated attachment of these bacteria to Fg Aalpha. To further characterize the interaction between the two proteins, isothermal titration calorimetry and inhibition assays were conducted with synthetic Fg Aalpha peptides. To determine the physiological implications of Bbp binding to Fg, the effect of Bbp on fibrinogen clotting was studied. Results show that Bbp binding to Fg inhibits the formation of fibrin. The consequences of this interaction are currently under investigation. Together, these data demonstrate that human Fg is a novel ligand for Bbp. This study indicates that the MSCRAMM Bbp may aid in staphylococcal attachment by targeting both an extracellular matrix and a blood plasma protein. The implications of these novel findings are discussed.
BACKGROUND: TRAIL plays an important role in host immunosurveillance against tumor progression, as it induces apoptosis of tumor cells but not normal cells, and thus has great therapeutic potential for cancer treatment. TRAIL binds to two cell-death-inducing (DR4 and DR5) and two decoy (DcR1, and DcR2) receptors. Here, we compare the expression levels of TRAIL and its receptors in normal oral mucosa (NOM), oral premalignancies (OPM), and primary and metastatic oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC) in order to characterize the changes in their expression patterns during OSCC initiation and progression. METHODS: DNA microarray, immunoblotting and immunohistochemical analyses were used to examine the expression levels of TRAIL and its receptors in oral epithelial cell lines and in archival tissues of NOM, OPM, primary and metastatic OSCC. Apoptotic rates of tumor cells and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) in OSCC specimens were determined by cleaved caspase 3 immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: Normal oral epithelia constitutively expressed TRAIL, but expression was progressively lost in OPM and OSCC. Reduction in DcR2 expression levels was noted frequently in OPM and OSCC compared to respective patient-matched uninvolved oral mucosa. OSCC frequently expressed DR4, DR5 and DcR1 but less frequently DcR2. Expression levels of DR4, DR5 and DcR1 receptors were not significantly altered in OPM, primary OSCC and metastatic OSCC compared to patient-matched normal oral mucosa. Expression of proapoptotic TRAIL-receptors DR4 and DR5 in OSCC seemed to depend, at least in part, on whether or not these receptors were expressed in their parental oral epithelia. High DR5 expression in primary OSCC correlated significantly with larger tumor size. There was no significant association between TRAIL-R expression and OSSC histology grade, nodal status or apoptosis rates of tumor cells and TIL. CONCLUSION: Loss of TRAIL expression is an early event during oral carcinogenesis and may be involved in dysregulation of apoptosis and contribute to the molecular carcinogenesis of OSCC. Differential expressions of TRAIL receptors in OSCC do not appear to play a crucial role in their apoptotic rate or metastatic progression.
Enterococcus faecalis, the third most frequent cause of bacterial endocarditis, appears to be equipped with diverse surface-associated proteins showing structural-fold similarity to the immunoglobulin-fold family of staphylococcal adhesins. Among the putative E. faecalis surface proteins, the previously characterized adhesin Ace, which shows specific binding to collagen and laminin, was detectable in surface protein preparations only after growth at 46 degrees C, mirroring the finding that adherence was observed in 46 degrees C, but not 37 degrees C, grown E. faecalis cultures. To elucidate the influence of different growth and host parameters on ace expression, we investigated ace expression using E. faecalis OG1RF grown in routine laboratory media (brain heart infusion) and found that ace mRNA levels were low in all growth phases. However, quantitative reverse transcription-PCR showed 18-fold-higher ace mRNA amounts in cells grown in the presence of collagen type IV compared to the controls. Similarly, a marked increase was observed when cells were either grown in the presence of collagen type I or serum but not in the presence of fibrinogen or bovine serum albumin. The production of Ace after growth in the presence of collagen type IV was demonstrated by immunofluorescence microscopy, mirroring the increased ace mRNA levels. Furthermore, increased Ace expression correlated with increased collagen and laminin adhesion. Collagen-induced Ace expression was also seen in three of three other E. faecalis strains of diverse origins tested, and thus it appears to be a common phenomenon. The observation of host matrix signal-induced adherence of E. faecalis may have important implications on our understanding of this opportunistic pathogen.
Among the first white blood cells to respond to bacterial and fungal infections, neutrophils are produced in the bone marrow, released into circulating blood, and recruited to inflamed tissue. The cytokine granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G
Skin cancer is the most common malignancy in humans. Although highly treatable, non-melanoma skin cancer is commonly followed by other non-cutaneous malignancies. Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) acts as both tumor initiator and promoter, and also results in the suppression of specific immune responses. The systemic suppression of immune responses is initiated by DNA damage, which promotes IL-10 production, an important cytokine as anti-IL-10 can abrogate the suppression, and upregulates the pro-apoptotic proteins Fas and Fas ligand (FasL). FasL is a critical factor for UV-induced immune suppression, and the suppressor cell induced by UV expresses FasL. ^ We hypothesized that the microenvironment affects Fas/FasL interactions, and that these interactions are important to the phenomenon of UV induced immune suppression. To determine the effects of the interaction of FasL and IL-10, splenocytes isolated from C57Bl/6 mice were cultured in the presence or absence of IL-10 post-mitogenic activation. We determined that IL-10 protects from Fas-mediated apoptosis by lowering Fas sensitivity and lowering the levels of either Fas or FasL. This protection is stronger when IL-10 is given immediately after mitogenic activation, and does not increase any of the inhibitors of apoptosis studied. In vivo, splenocytes from UV-irradiated mice are resistant to Fas-mediated apoptosis and present very high levels of IL-10, lowered Fas sensitivity and lowered caspase cleavage despite higher expression of Fas and FasL than non-irradiated mice. ^ UV-induced immune suppression affects female mice preferentially, which led us to look at prolactin as a possible component of this suppression since this hormone has also been associated with increased skin carcinogenesis. The interaction of FasL and prolactin results in suppression of the delayed type hypersensitivity response to Candida albicans. This lack of response depends on FasL as is not seen in gld mice. Similar to UV-induced immune suppression, the suppression is caused by a Th2 deviation, and correlates with a significant increase in Fas expression. In the presence of UV, the effects of prolactin seemed to be protective, and UV actually restores the DTH response.^ Taken together, these observations suggest that the microenvironment dictates the outcome of the interaction of FasL with Fas going from promoting apoptosis to preventing apoptosis or mediating a Th2 deviation and suppression of a Th1 response. ^
Exposure to UVB radiation induces local and systemic immune suppression, evidenced by inhibition of the contact hypersensitivity response (CHS). Epidermal dendritic cells, the primary antigen presenting cells responsible for the induction of CHS, are profoundly altered in phenotype and function by UVB exposure and possess UV-specific DNA damage upon migrating to skin-draining lymph nodes. Expression of the proapoptotic protein FasL has been demonstrated in both skin and lymph node cells following UVB exposure. Additionally, functional FasL expression has recently been demonstrated to be required in the phenomenon of UV-induced immune suppression. To test the hypothesis that FasL expression by DNA-damaged Langerhans cells migrating to the skin-draining lymph nodes is a crucial event in the generation of this phenomenon, mice were given a single 5KJ/m2 UV-B exposure and sensitized to 0.5% FITC through the exposed area. Dendritic cells (DC) harvested from skin-draining lymph nodes (DLN) 18 hours following sensitization by magnetic CD11c-conjugated microbeads expressed high levels of Iab, CD80 and CD86, DEC-205 and bore the FITC hapten, suggesting epidermal origin. Radioimmunoassay of UV-specific DNA damage showed that DC contained the vast majority of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) found in the DLN after UVB and exhibited increased FasL mRNA expression, a result which correlated with greatly increased FasL-mediated cytotoxicity. The ability of DCs to transfer sensitization to naïve hosts was lost following UVB exposure, a phenomenon which required DC FasL expression, and was completely reversed by cutaneous DNA repair. Collectively, these results demonstrate the central importance of DNA damage-induced FasL expression on migrating dendritic cells in mediating UV-induced suppression of contact hypersensitivity. ^
The dramatic poor survival of patients diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a reflection of the struggles that accompany traditional treatments. Thus, the development of molecular-based targeted therapies represents new windows for intervention. In this study, we hypothesized that we could select peptide-ligands that selectively target GBM based on the idea that the glioma microenvironment may induce or modify the expression of cell surface receptors that could be accessed by circulating peptides. To select the peptides we employed two distinct in vivo screenings. First, a random phage-displayed peptide library was injected into mice bearing intracranial tumors. Phage that bound to tumor were recovered and sequenced. We found that the tumor-derived phage CLSYKGRC, CNKVSTKC and CQSSREKC were recovered with the highest frequencies and used for subsequent targeting experiments. Second, the phage peptide library was injected into mice without tumors and phage were recovered from brain and sequenced. A phage-displayed peptide (CRTIGPSVC) with homology to transferrin (Tf) was selected and injected into brain tumor-bearing mice. Results showed that after 6 hours of circulation, the CLSYKGRC, CNKVSTKC and CQSSREKC-phage selectively targeted GBM vasculature. In contrast, Tf-like phage accumulated outside the tumor blood vessels in the cytoplasm of cells located within GBM, suggesting it was internalized in vivo. However, after short periods of circulation this phage was restricted to the tumor vasculature. Importantly, none of the selected phage targeted normal brain cells in animals bearing intracranial tumors. An affinity column coupled to the CNKVSTKC zpeptide was used to identify receptors from GBM. Using mass-spectrometry Vimentin, a marker of glial malignancy, was identified as a potential receptor. Other studies showed that the Tf-like phage bound selectively to Apo-Tf (iron free), with no binding to Holo-Tf (iron loaded) or to Tf receptor (TfR). However, the binding of Tf-like phage to glioma cells that express TfR increased in the presence of Apo-Tf. Thus, the Tf-like phage could indirectly target TfR using the endogenous Tf pathway. We propose that the novel peptides identified in this study could be conjugated to therapeutic or imaging agents for use GBM. ^
The social amoeba, Dictyostelium discoideum, undergoes a remarkable starvation-induced program of development that transforms a population of unicellular amoebae into a fruiting body composed of resistant spores suspended on a stalk. During this development, secreted cAMP drives chemotaxis of the amoebae, leading to their aggregation, and subsequent differentiation and morphogenesis. Four sequentially expressed G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) for cAMP play critical roles in this process. The first of these, cAR1, is essential for aggregation as it mediates chemotaxis as well as the propagation of secreted cAMP waves throughout aggregating populations. Ligand-induced internalization has been shown to regulate a variety of GPCRs. However, little was known at the outset of this study about the role of internalization in the regulation of cAR1 function or, for that matter, in developmental systems in general. For this study, cAMP-induced cAR1 internalization was assessed by measuring (1) the reduction of cell surface binding sites for [ 3H]cAMP and (2) the redistribution of YFP-tagged receptors to the cell's interior, cAMP was found to induce little or no loss of ligand binding (LLB) in vegetative cells. However, the ability to induce LLB increased progressively over the initial 6 hrs of development, reaching ∼70% in cells undergoing aggregation. Despite these reductions in surface binding, detectable cAR1-YFP redistribution could be induced by cAMP only after the cells reached the mound stage (10 hrs) and was found to occur naturally by the ensuing slug stage (18 hrs). Site-directed substitution of a cluster of 5 serines in the receptor's cytoplasmic tail that was previously shown to be the principal site of cAMP-induced cAR1 phosphorylation impaired both LLB and receptor redistribution and furthermore resulted in mound-stage developmental arrest, suggesting that phosphorylation of cAR1 is a prerequisite for its internalization and that cAR1 internalization is required for post-aggregative development. To assess the involvement of clathrin mediated endocytosis, Dictyostelium cells lacking the clathrin light chain gene (clc-) or either of two dynamin genes were examined and found to be defective in LLB and, in the case of clc- cells, also cAR1 redistribution and turnover. Furthermore, cAR1 overexpression in clc- cells (like the serine mutant in wild-type cells) promoted developmental arrest in mounds. The mound-arrest phenotype was also recapitulated in a wild-type background by the specific expression of cAR1 in prestalk cells (but not prespore cells), suggesting that development depends critically on internalization and clearance of cAR1 from these cells. Persistent cAR1 expression following aggregation was found to be associated with aberrant expression of prestalk and prespore genes, which may adversely affect development in the prestalk cell lineage. The PI3 kinase-TORC2 signal transduction pathway, known to be important for Dictyostelium chemotaxis and internalization of yeast pheromone receptors, was examined using chemical inhibitors and null cells and found to be necessary for cAR1 internalization. In conclusion, cAR1 was shown to be similar to other GPCRs in that its internalization depends on phosphorylation of cytoplasmic domain serines, utilizes clathrin and dynamin, and involves the TORC2 complex. In addition, the findings presented here that cAR1 internalization is both developmentally regulated and required for normal development represent a novel regulatory paradigm that might pertain to other GPCRs known to play important roles in the development of humans and other metazoans. ^
Wound healing is a conserved survival response whose function is to restore the integrity of the tissue after physical trauma. Despite numerous studies in the wound healing field, the signals and pathways that orchestrate and control the wound healing program are still not entirely known. To identify additional signals and pathways that regulate epidermal wound repair in Drosophila larvae, we performed a pilot in vivo RNAi screen using a live reporter for epidermal morphology and a wounding assay. From our pilot screen we identified Pvr, the Drosophila homolog of the vertebrate PDGF/VEGF receptors, and six other genes as epidermal wound healing genes. Morphological analysis of wound-edge cells lacking Pvr or the Drosophila Jun N-terminal Kinase (JNK), previously implicated in larval wound closure, suggest that Pvr signaling leads to cell process extension into the wound site while JNK mediates transient dedifferentiation of wound-edge epidermal cells. Furthermore, we found that one of the three known Pvr ligands, Pvf1, is also required for epidermal wound closure. Through tissue-specific knock down and rescue experiments, we propose a model in which epidermally-produced Pvf1 may be sequestered into the hemolymph (blood) and that tissue damage locally exposes blood-borne Pvf1 to Pvr receptors on epidermal cells at the wound edge, thus initiating epidermal cell process extension and migration into the wound gap. Together, our data suggest that the Pvr and JNK signaling pathways act in parallel to control different aspects of wound closure and that PDGF/VEGF ligands and receptors may have a conserved autocrine role in epidermal wound closure. ^
NKG2D (natural killer group 2, member D) and its ligands interaction in tumor microenvironment directs tumor infiltrating immune cells to recognize tumor cells, stimulate cytotoxic effector immune cells, and therefore eradicate tumor cells. IL-12, a cytokine produced by antigen presenting cells, has remarkable antitumor effect by activating innate and adaptive immunity. Doxorubicin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic agent also boosts the host antitumor immune response to cause tumor cell death. Our previous publication suggests that IL-12 plus doxorubicin enhances NKG2D function-dependent inhibition of tumor progression and promotes CD8+T cells infiltrating into tumors. The purpose of this study is to determine the underlying mechanism. Our study reveals a novel function of doxorubicin, which is to augment IL-12–induced NKG2D expression in CD8+T cells but not in NK or CD4+T cells. This observation was further validated by NK and CD8+T cell-depletion studies, in which only depletion of CD8+T cells abolished the expression of NKG2D in lymphocytes. The induced NKG2D expression in CD8+T cells is tightly associated with tumor-specific localization of CD8+T cells and improved antitumor efficacy. The IL-12 plus doxorubicin treatment-induced antitumor efficacy is also due to NKG2D ligand Rae-1 induction in tumors. Rae-1 induction in tumors is a long term effect in multiple tumor models, but not in normal tissues. A novel CD8+T cell direct contact dependent mechanism accounts for Rae-1 induction in vivo and in vitro, and CD80 is the receptor through which CD8+T cells interplay with tumor cells to upregulate Rae-1 on tumor cells. In summary, increased NKG2D expression in CD8+T cells in response to IL-12 plus doxorubicin was closely associated with tumor-specific localization of CD8+T cells and greater antitumor efficacy of the combined regimen than either agent alone. NKG2D ligand Rae-1 induction is triggered by the interaction of CD80 on tumor cells with tumor infiltrating CD+8 T cells.
Despite multiple changes in the adjuvant chemotherapy regimens used to treat osteosarcoma (OS), the 2-year metastasis-free survival has remained at 65–70% for the past 10 years. Characterizing the molecular determinants that permit metastatic spread of tumor cells is a crucial element in developing new approaches for the treatment of osteosarcoma. Since OS metastasizes almost exclusively to the lung, an organ with constitutive Fas ligand (FasL) expression, we hypothesized that the expression of Fas (CD95, APO-1) by OS cells may play a role in the ability of these cells to form lung metastases. Fas expression was quantified in human SAOS-2 OS cells and selected variants (LM2, LM4, LM5, LM6, LM7). Using northern blot, FACS and RT-PCR analysis, low Fas expression was found to correlate with higher metastatic potential in these cell lines. The highly metastatic LM7 cell line was transfected with the full-length human Fas gene and injected into athymic nude mice. The median number of metastatic nodules per mouse fell from over 200 to 1.1 and the size of the nodules decreased from a range of 0.5–9.0 mm to less than 0.5 mm in the Fas-transfected cell line compared to the native LM7 cell line. Additionally, the subsequent incidence of lung metastases was lower in the Fas-expressing cell line. IL-12 was seen to upregulate Fas expression in the highly metastatic LM sublines in vitro. To visualize the effects of IL-12 in vivo, nude mice were injected with LM7 cells and treated biweekly for 4 weeks with Ad.mIL-12, saline control or Ad.βgal. Lung sections were analyzed via immunchistochemistry for Fas expression. A higher expression of Fas was found in tumors from mice receiving IL-12. To study the mechanism by which IL-12 upregulates Fas, LM7 cells were transfected with a luciferase reporter gene construct containing the full-length human fas promoter. Treatment with IL-12 increased luciferase activity. We therefore conclude that IL-12 influences the metastatic potential of OS cells by upregulating the fas promoter, resulting in increased cell surface Fas expression and susceptibility to Fas-induced cell death. ^
Deregulation of apoptotic cell death can result in aberrant accumulation of cells and increased tumor incidence. Fas (CD95) and Fas ligand (FasL) are a receptor-ligand pair whose activation induces apoptosis in many cell types. Previously, we demonstrated that low metastatic, Fas+ K1735-P murine melanoma cells spontaneously metastasize to the lung following orthotopic injection into FasL-deficient (gld) mice compared to wild-type (wt) controls. We further demonstrated that the expression of the Fas antagonist soluble Fas (sFas) directly correlates with disease stage in patients with melanoma, breast, and colon cancer. These findings document a role for host-derived FasL, in the control of metastatic disease and suggest a role for tumor-associated sFas in acquiring metastatic potential. To directly test whether FasL expressed on lymphocytes or on lung stromal cells restricts metastasis, bone marrow chimeras were generated between C3H wt and C3H gld mice. Chimeric animals were injected subcutaneously with 5 × 105 K1735-P and the incidence and number of spontaneous lung metastases scored. The data show that wt mice receiving gld marrow had a greater number of lung metastases (median 9.5, range 2–31) than gld mice reconstituted with wt marrow (median 1, range 0–31; p < 0.016). Interestingly, both groups had fewer metastases compared to gld controls (median 18.5, range 0–46) but more than wt controls (median 2, range 0–7). These observations provide the first evidence that both hematopoietic- and nonhematopoietic-host derived FasL, are important in the control of melanoma metastasis to the lung. To directly test whether tumor-associated sFas expression can enhance metastasis, K1735-P cells were transfected with three isoforms of sFas (Exo4Del, Exo6Del, and Exo3, 4, 6Del). RT-PCR and ELISA analysis confirmed the expression of sFas RNA and protein respectively. Following intravenous injection of 5 × 104 cells, sFas transfected cells formed significantly more experimental lung metastases [Exo6Del clone 3 (median 22, range 0–36), Exo6Del clone 7 (median 31, range 4–50), Exo3, 4, 6Del (median 22.5, range 13–48)] compared to vector control cells (median 6.5, range 3–29). Together, these data provide the first evidence that sFas is sufficient to enhance the metastatic potential of Fas+ melanoma cells. ^