10 resultados para Lian Gong
em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center
Technological and cultural factors influence access to health information on the web in multifarious ways. We evaluated structural differences and availability of communication services on the web in three diverse language and cultural groups: Chinese, English, and Spanish. A total of 382 web sites were analyzed: 144 were English language sites (38%), 129 were Chinese language sites (34%), and 108 were Spanish language sites (28%). We did not find technical differences in the number of outgoing links per domain or the total availability of communication services between the three groups. There were differences in the distribution of available services between Chinese and English sites. In the Chinese sites, there were more communication services between consumers and health experts. Our results suggest that the health-related web presence of these three cultural groups is technologically comparable, but reflects differences that may be attributable to cultural factors.
People often use tools to search for information. In order to improve the quality of an information search, it is important to understand how internal information, which is stored in user’s mind, and external information, represented by the interface of tools interact with each other. How information is distributed between internal and external representations significantly affects information search performance. However, few studies have examined the relationship between types of interface and types of search task in the context of information search. For a distributed information search task, how data are distributed, represented, and formatted significantly affects the user search performance in terms of response time and accuracy. Guided by UFuRT (User, Function, Representation, Task), a human-centered process, I propose a search model, task taxonomy. The model defines its relationship with other existing information models. The taxonomy clarifies the legitimate operations for each type of search task of relation data. Based on the model and taxonomy, I have also developed prototypes of interface for the search tasks of relational data. These prototypes were used for experiments. The experiments described in this study are of a within-subject design with a sample of 24 participants recruited from the graduate schools located in the Texas Medical Center. Participants performed one-dimensional nominal search tasks over nominal, ordinal, and ratio displays, and searched one-dimensional nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio tasks over table and graph displays. Participants also performed the same task and display combination for twodimensional searches. Distributed cognition theory has been adopted as a theoretical framework for analyzing and predicting the search performance of relational data. It has been shown that the representation dimensions and data scales, as well as the search task types, are main factors in determining search efficiency and effectiveness. In particular, the more external representations used, the better search task performance, and the results suggest the ideal search performance occurs when the question type and corresponding data scale representation match. The implications of the study lie in contributing to the effective design of search interface for relational data, especially laboratory results, which are often used in healthcare activities.
Ciliary locomotion in the nudibranch mollusk Hermissenda is modulated by the visual and graviceptive systems. Components of the neural network mediating ciliary locomotion have been identified including aggregates of polysensory interneurons that receive monosynaptic input from identified photoreceptors and efferent neurons that activate cilia. Illumination produces an inhibition of type I(i) (off-cell) spike activity, excitation of type I(e) (on-cell) spike activity, decreased spike activity in type III(i) inhibitory interneurons, and increased spike activity of ciliary efferent neurons. Here we show that pairs of type I(i) interneurons and pairs of type I(e) interneurons are electrically coupled. Neither electrical coupling or synaptic connections were observed between I(e) and I(i) interneurons. Coupling is effective in synchronizing dark-adapted spontaneous firing between pairs of I(e) and pairs of I(i) interneurons. Out-of-phase burst activity, occasionally observed in dark-adapted and light-adapted pairs of I(e) and I(i) interneurons, suggests that they receive synaptic input from a common presynaptic source or sources. Rhythmic activity is typically not a characteristic of dark-adapted, light-adapted, or light-evoked firing of type I interneurons. However, burst activity in I(e) and I(i) interneurons may be elicited by electrical stimulation of pedal nerves or generated at the offset of light. Our results indicate that type I interneurons can support the generation of both rhythmic activity and changes in tonic firing depending on sensory input. This suggests that the neural network supporting ciliary locomotion may be multifunctional. However, consistent with the nonmuscular and nonrhythmic characteristics of visually modulated ciliary locomotion, type I interneurons exhibit changes in tonic activity evoked by illumination.
A Pavlovian-conditioning procedure may produce modifications in multiple behavioral responses. As an example, conditioning may result in the elicitation of a specific somatomotor conditioned response (CR) and, in addition, other motor and visceral CRs. In the mollusk Hermissenda conditioning produces two conditioned responses: foot-shortening and decreased locomotion. The neural circuitry supporting ciliary locomotion is well characterized, although the neural circuit underlying foot-shortening is poorly understood. Here we describe efferent neurons in the pedal ganglion that produce contraction or extension of specific regions of the foot in semi-intact preparations. Synaptic connections between polysensory type Ib and type Is interneurons and identified foot contractile efferent neurons were examined. Type Ib and type Is interneurons receive synaptic input from the visual, graviceptive, and somatosensory systems. Depolarization of type Ib interneurons evoked spikes in identified tail and lateral foot contractile efferent neurons. Mechanical displacement of the statocyst evoked complex excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) and spikes recorded from type Ib and type Is interneurons and complex EPSPs and spikes in identified foot contractile efferent neurons. Depolarization of type Ib interneurons in semi-intact preparations produced contraction and shortening along the rostrocaudal axis of the foot. Depolarization of Is interneurons in semi-intact preparations produced contraction of the anterior region of the foot. Taken collectively, the results suggest that type Ib and type Is polysensory interneurons may contribute to the neural circuit underlying the foot-shortening CR in Hermissenda.
The sensory neurons (photoreceptors) in the visual system of Hermissenda are one site of plasticity produced by Pavlovian conditioning. A second site of plasticity produced by conditioning is the type I interneurons in the cerebropleural ganglia. Both photoreceptors and statocyst hair cells of the graviceptive system form monosynaptic connections with identified type I interneurons. Two proposed neurotransmitters in the graviceptive system, serotonin (5-HT) and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), have been shown to modify synaptic strength and intrinsic neuronal excitability in identified photoreceptors. However, the potential role of 5-HT and GABA in plasticity of type I interneurons has not been investigated. Here we show that 5-HT increased the peak amplitude of light-evoked complex excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs), enhanced intrinsic excitability, and increased spike activity of identified type I(e(A)) interneurons. In contrast, 5-HT decreased spike activity and intrinsic excitability of type I(e(B)) interneurons. The classification of two categories of type I(e) interneurons was also supported by the observation that 5-HT produced opposite effects on whole cell steady-state outward currents in type I(e) interneurons. Serotonin produced a reduction in the amplitude of light-evoked complex inhibitory PSPs (IPSPs), increased spontaneous spike activity, decreased intrinsic excitability, and depolarized the resting membrane potential of identified type I(i) interneurons. In contrast to the effects of 5-HT, GABA produced inhibition in both types of I(e) interneurons and type I(i) interneurons. These results show that 5-HT and GABA can modulate the intrinsic excitability of type I interneurons independent of the presynaptic effects of the same transmitters on excitability and synaptic efficacy of photoreceptors.
Mutations in smooth muscle cell (SMC)-specific isoforms of α-actin and β-myosin heavy chain, two major components of the SMC contractile unit, cause familial thoracic aortic aneurysms leading to acute aortic dissections (FTAAD). To investigate whether mutations in the kinase that controls SMC contractile function (myosin light chain kinase [MYLK]) cause FTAAD, we sequenced MYLK by using DNA from 193 affected probands from unrelated FTAAD families. One nonsense and four missense variants were identified in MYLK and were not present in matched controls. Two variants, p.R1480X (c.4438C>T) and p.S1759P (c.5275T>C), segregated with aortic dissections in two families with a maximum LOD score of 2.1, providing evidence of linkage of these rare variants to the disease (p = 0.0009). Both families demonstrated a similar phenotype characterized by presentation with an acute aortic dissection with little to no enlargement of the aorta. The p.R1480X mutation leads to a truncated protein lacking the kinase and calmodulin binding domains, and p.S1759P alters amino acids in the α-helix of the calmodulin binding sequence, which disrupts kinase binding to calmodulin and reduces kinase activity in vitro. Furthermore, mice with SMC-specific knockdown of Mylk demonstrate altered gene expression and pathology consistent with medial degeneration of the aorta. Thus, genetic and functional studies support the conclusion that heterozygous loss-of-function mutations in MYLK are associated with aortic dissections.
Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a genetic disorder with pleiotropic manifestations caused by heterozygous mutations in either TSC1 or TSC2. One of the less investigated complications of TSC is the formation of aneurysms of the descending aorta, which are characterized on pathologic examination by smooth muscle cell (SMC) proliferation in the aortic media. SMCs were explanted from Tsc2(+/-) mice to investigate the pathogenesis of aortic aneurysms caused by TSC2 mutations. Tsc2(+/-) SMCs demonstrated increased phosphorylation of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), S6 and p70S6K and increased proliferation rates compared with wild-type (WT) SMCs. Tsc2(+/-) SMCs also had reduced expression of SMC contractile proteins compared with WT SMCs. An inhibitor of mTOR signaling, rapamycin, decreased SMC proliferation and increased contractile protein expression in the Tsc2(+/-) SMCs to levels similar to WT SMCs. Exposure to alpha-elastin fragments also decreased proliferation of Tsc2(+/-) SMCs and increased levels of p27(kip1), but failed to increase expression of contractile proteins. In response to artery injury using a carotid artery ligation model, Tsc2(+/-) mice significantly increased neointima formation compared with the control mice, and the neointima formation was inhibited by treatment with rapamycin. These results demonstrate that Tsc2 haploinsufficiency in SMCs increases proliferation and decreases contractile protein expression and suggest that the increased proliferative potential of the mutant cells may be suppressed in vivo by interaction with elastin. These findings provide insights into the molecular pathogenesis of aortic disease in TSC patients and identify a potential therapeutic target for treatment of this complication of the disease.
A fundamental problem in developmental biology concerns the mechanisms involved in the establishment of the embryonic axis. We are studying Xenopus nuclear factor 7 (xnf7) which we believe to be involved in dorsal-ventral patterning in Xenopus laevis. Xnf7 is a maternal gene product that is retained in the cytoplasm during early embryogenesis until the mid-blastula transition (MBT) when it reenters the nuclei. It is a member of a novel zinc finger proteins, the B-box family, consisting mainly of transcription factors and protooncogenes.^ The xnf7 gene is reexpressed during embryogenesis at the gastrula-neurula stage of development, with its zygotic expression limited to the central nervous system (CNS). In this study we showed that there are two different cDNAs coding for xnf7, xnf7-O and xnf7-B. They differ by 39 amino acid changes scattered throughout the cDNA. The expression of both forms of xnf7 is limited primarily to the central nervous system (CNS) and dorsal axial structures during later stages of embryogenesis.^ In order to study the spatial and temporal regulation of the gene, we screened a Xenopus genomic library using part of xnf7 cDNA as a probe. A genomic clone corresponding to the xnf7-O type was isolated, its 5$\sp\prime$ putative regulatory region sequenced, and its transcriptional initiation site mapped. The putative promoter region contained binding sites for Sp1, E2F, USF, a Pu box and AP1. CAT/xnf7 fusion genes were constructed containing various 5$\sp\prime$ deleted regions of the xnf7 promoter linked to a CAT (Chloramphenicol Acetyl Transferase) reporter vector. These constructs were injected into Xenopus oocytes and embryos to study the regions of the xnf7 promoter responsible for basal, temporal and spatial regulation of the gene. The activity of the fusion genes was measured by the conversion of chloramphenicol to its acetylated forms, and the spatial distribution of the transcripts by whole mount in situ hybridization. We showed that the elements involved in basal regulation of xnf7 lie within 121 basepairs upstream of the transcriptional inititiation site. A DNase I footprint analysis performed using oocyte extract showed that a E2F and 2 Sp1 sites were protected. During development, the fusion genes were expressed following the MBT, in accordance with the timing of the endogenous xnf7 gene. Spatially, the expression of the fusion gene containing 421 basepairs of the promoter was localized to the dorsal region of the embryo in a pattern that was almost identical to that detected with the endogenous transcripts. Therefore, the elements involved in spatial and temporal regulation of the xnf7 gene during development were contained within 421 basepairs upstream of the transcriptional initiation site. Future work will further define the elements involved in the spatial and temporal regulation and the trans-factors that interact with them. ^
Atherosclerosis is widely accepted as a complex genetic phenotype and is the usual cause of cardiovascular disease, the world’s leading killer. Genetic factors have been proven to be important risk contributors for atherosclerosis and much work has been done to identify promising candidates that might play a role in the development of atherosclerosis. It is well known that many independent replications are needed to unequivocally establish a valid genotype-phenotype association across different populations before the findings are extended to clinical settings and to the expensive follow-up studies designed to identify causal genetic variants. Aiming to replicate the association with atherosclerosis in the Pathobiological Determinants of Atherosclerosis in Youth (PDAY) study, we assessed the relationship of 32 atherosclerosis candidate SNPs to atherosclerosis in the PDAY cohort, consisting of AA and EA young people aged 15-34 years who died of non-medical causes. Two association studies, a whole sample study and a 1:1 matched case control study were performed by use of multiple linear regression and logistic regression analyses, respectively. For the whole sample association study, 32 SNPs among 2,650 individuals (1,369 AA and 1,281 EA) were tested for the association with six early atherosclerosis phenotypes: abdominal aorta fatty streaks, abdominal aorta raised lesions, right coronary artery fatty streaks, right coronary artery raised lesions, thoracic aorta fatty streaks, and thoracic aorta raised lesions. For the matched case-control association study, 337 case-control paired samples were included; cases were chosen with the highest total raised lesion scores from the studied population, while controls were randomly selected from individuals that had no raised lesions and matched to cases by age, gender and race. Sixteen SNPs in 13 genes were found to be significantly associated with atherosclerosis in at least one of the PDAY association studies. Among these 16 findings: eight SNPs (rs9579646, rs6053733, rs3849150, rs10499903, rs2148079, rs5073691, rs10116277, and rs17228212) successfully replicated previous results, six SNPs (rs17222814, rs10811661, rs7028570, rs7291467, rs16996148 and rs10401969) were reported as new findings exclusive to our study, the last two of the 16 SNPs, rs501120 and rs6922269, showed either intriguing or conflicting result. SNP rs17222814 in ALOX5AP and SNP rs3849150 in LRRC18 were consistently associated with atherosclerosis in both prior and the two PDAY association studies. SNP rs3849150 was also identified to be highly correlated with a non-synonymous coding SNP, rs17772611, which may damage the protein (polyphen score = 0.996), suggesting that SNP rs17772611 may be the causal functional variant.^ In conclusion, our study added more support for the association of these candidate genes with atherosclerosis. SNPs rs3849150 and rs17772611 of LRRC18, as well as SNP rs17222814 of ALOX5AP, were the most significant findings from our study, and may be ranked among the best for further study.^