em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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BACKGROUND: Obesity is a systemic disorder associated with an increase in left ventricular mass and premature death and disability from cardiovascular disease. Although bariatric surgery reverses many of the hormonal and hemodynamic derangements, the long-term collective effects on body composition and left ventricular mass have not been considered before. We hypothesized that the decrease in fat mass and lean mass after weight loss surgery is associated with a decrease in left ventricular mass. METHODS: Fifteen severely obese women (mean body mass index [BMI]: 46.7+/-1.7 kg/m(2)) with medically controlled hypertension underwent bariatric surgery. Left ventricular mass and plasma markers of systemic metabolism, together with body mass index (BMI), waist and hip circumferences, body composition (fat mass and lean mass), and resting energy expenditure were measured at 0, 3, 9, 12, and 24 months. RESULTS: Left ventricular mass continued to decrease linearly over the entire period of observation, while rates of weight loss, loss of lean mass, loss of fat mass, and resting energy expenditure all plateaued at 9 [corrected] months (P <.001 for all). Parameters of systemic metabolism normalized by 9 months, and showed no further change at 24 months after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Even though parameters of obesity, including BMI and body composition, plateau, the benefits of bariatric surgery on systemic metabolism and left ventricular mass are sustained. We propose that the progressive decrease of left ventricular mass after weight loss surgery is regulated by neurohumoral factors, and may contribute to improved long-term survival.


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Due to the clinical success of left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) used for short term "bridge to transplant" and the limited availability of donor organs, heart assist devices are being considered for long term implantation as an alternative to heart transplantation. In an effort to improve biocompatibility, a nonthrombogenic cellular lining was developed from genetically engineered smooth muscle cells (GE-SMC) for the Thermocardiosystems Heartmate$\sp{\rm TM}$ LVAD. SMCs have been transduced with the genes for endothelial nitric oxide synthase (NOS III) and GTP cyclohydrolase (GTPCH) with subsequent stable expression of the NOS III protein via an Epstein Barr based DNA expression vector. Transduced SMCs produce nitric oxide at concentrations that reduce platelet deposition and smooth muscle cell proliferation when tested in vitro. In addition, the adhesive capabilities of GE-SMC linings were also examined, and optimized in physical environments mimicking typical in vivo LVAD operation. Preliminary investigations examining cell adhesion during constant shear stress exposure demonstrated an acute phase of cell loss corresponding to cytoskeletal F-actin rearrangement. Subsequently, an in vitro circulatory loop was designed to expose cell lined LVADs to in vivo operating conditions. Cumulative cell loss from cell lined LVADs was less than 10% after 24 hours of flow. Using a protocol for "preconditioning" the cell lining within the mock circulatory loop, the first implantation of an LVAD containing a genetically engineered SMC lining was successfully implemented in a bovine model. Results from this 24 hour study indicate that the flow-conditioned cellular lining remained intact with no evidence of thromboembolization and only minimal changes in coagulation studies. ^


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Left ventricular mass (LVM) is a strong predictor of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in adults. However, normal growth of LVM in healthy children is not well understood, and previous results on independent effects of body size and body fatness on LVM have been inconsistent. The purpose of this study was (1) to establish the normal growth curve of LVM from age 8 to age 18, and evaluate the determinants of change in LVM with age, and (2) to assess the independent effects of body size and body fatness on LVM.^ In Project HeartBeat!, 678 healthy children aged 8, 11 and 14 years at baseline were enrolled and examined at 4-monthly intervals for up to 4 years. A synthetic cohort with continuous observations from age 8 to 18 years was constructed. A total of 4608 LVM measurements was made from M-mode echocardiography. The multilevel linear model was used for analysis.^ Sex-specific trajectories of normal growth of LVM from age 8 to 18 was displayed. On average, LVM was 15 g higher in males than females. Average LVM increased linearly in males from 78 g at age 8 to 145 g at age 18. For females, the trajectory was curvilinear, nearly constant after age 14. No significant racial differences were found. After adjustment for the effects of body size and body fatness, average LVM decreased slightly from age 8 to 18, and sex differences in changes of LVM remained constant.^ The impact of body size on LVM was examined by adding to a basic LVM-sex-age model one of 9 body size indicators. The impact of body fatness was tested by further introducing into each of the 9 LVM models (with one or another of the body size indicators) one of 4 body fatness indicators, yielding 36 models with different body size and body fatness combinations. The results indicated that effects of body size on LVM can be distinguished between fat-free body mass and fat body mass, both being independent, positive predictors. The former is the stronger determinant. When a non-fat-free body size indicator is used as predictor, the estimated residual effect of body fatness on LVM becomes negative. ^


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Hypertension in adults is defined by risk for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, but in children, hypertension is defined using population norms. The diagnosis of hypertension in children and adolescents requires only casual blood pressure measurements, but the use of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring to further evaluate patients with elevated blood pressure has been recommended in the Fourth Report on the Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents. The aim of this study is to assess the association between stage of hypertension (using both casual and 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure measurements) and target organ damage defined by left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) in a sample of children and adolescents in Houston, TX. A retrospective analysis was performed on the primary de-identified data from the combination of participants in two, IRB approved, cross-sectional studies. The studies collected basic demographic data, height, weight, casual blood pressures, ambulatory blood pressures, and left ventricular measurements by echocardiography on children age 8 to 18 years old. Hypertension was defined and staged using the criteria for ambulatory blood pressure reported by Lurbe et al. [1] with some modification. Left ventricular hypertrophy was defined using left ventricular mass index (LVMI) criteria specific for children and adults. The pediatric criterion was LVMI2.7 > 95th percentile for gender and the adult criterion was LVMI2.7 > 51g/m2.7. Participants from the original studies were included in this analysis if they had complete demographic information, anthropometric measures, casual blood pressures, ambulatory blood pressures, and echocardiography data. There were 241 children and adolescents included: 19.1% were normotensive, 17.0% had white coat hypertension, 11.6% had masked hypertension, and 52.4% had confirmed hypertension. Of those with hypertension, 22.4% had stage 1 hypertension, 5.8% had stage 2 hypertension, and 24.1% had stage 3 hypertension. Participants with confirmed hypertension were more likely to have LVH by pediatric criterion than those who were normotensive [OR 2.19, 95% CI (1.04–4.63)]; LVH defined by adult criterion did not differ significantly in normotensives compared with hypertensives [OR 2.08, 95% CI (0.58–7.52)]. However, there was a significant trend in the increased prevalence of LVH across the six blood pressure categories for LVH defined by both pediatric and adult criteria (p < 0.001 and p = 0.02, respectively). Additionally, the mean LVM indexed by height 2.7 had a significantly increased trend across blood pressure stages from normal to stage 3 hypertension (p < 0.02). Pediatric hypertension is defined using population norms, and although children with mild hypertension are not at increased odds of having target organ damage defined by LVH, those with severe hypertension are more likely to have LVH. Staging hypertension by ambulatory blood pressure further describes an individual's risk for LVH target organ damage. ^


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Chronic β-blocker treatment improves survival and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) in patients with systolic heart failure (HF). Data on whether the improvement in LVEF after β-blocker therapy is sustained for a long term or whether there is a loss in LVEF after an initial gain is not known. Our study sought to determine the prevalence and prognostic role of secondary decline in LVEF in chronic systolic HF patients on β-blocker therapy and characterize these patients. Retrospective chart review of HF hospitalizations fulfilling Framingham Criteria was performed at the MEDVAMC between April 2000 and June 2006. Follow up vital status and recurrent hospitalizations were ascertained until May 2010. Three groups of patients were identified based on LVEF response to beta blockers; group A with secondary decline in LVEF following an initial increase, group B with progressive increase in LVEF and group C with progressive decline in LVEF. Covariate adjusted Cox proportional hazard models were used to examine differences in heart failure re-hospitalizations and all cause mortality between the groups. Twenty five percent (n=27) of patients had a secondary decline in LVEF following an initial gain. The baseline, peak and final LVEF in this group were 27.6±12%, 40.1±14% and 27.4±13% respectively. The mean nadir LVEF after decline was 27.4±13% and this decline occurred at a mean interval of 2.8±1.9 years from the day of beta blocker initiation. These patients were older, more likely to be whites, had advanced heart failure (NYHA class III/IV) more due to a non ischemic etiology compared to groups B & C. They were also more likely to be treated with metoprolol (p=0.03) compared to the other two groups. No significant differences were observed in combined risk of all cause mortality and HF re-hospitalization [hazard ratio 0.80, 95% CI 0.47 to 1.38, p=0.42]. No significant difference was observed in survival estimates between the groups. In conclusion, a late decline in LVEF does occur in a significant proportion of heart failure patients treated with beta blockers, more so in patients treated with metoprolol.^


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Left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) defects are an important group of congenital heart defects (CHDs) because of their associated mortality and long-term complications. LVOT defects include aortic valve stenosis (AVS), coarctation of aorta (CoA), and hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS). Despite their clinical significance, their etiology is not completely understood. Even though the individual component phenotypes (AVS, CoA, and HLHS) may have different etiologies, they are often "lumped" together in epidemiological studies. Though "lumping" of component phenotypes may improve the power to detect associations, it may also lead to ambiguous findings if these defects are etiologically distinct. This is due to potential for effect heterogeneity across component phenotypes. ^ This study had two aims: (1) to identify the association between various risk factors and both the component (i.e., split) and composite (i.e., lumped) LVOT phenotypes, and (2) to assess the effect heterogeneity of risk factors across component phenotypes of LVOT defects. ^ This study was a secondary data analysis. Primary data were obtained from the Texas Birth Defect Registry (TBDR). TBDR uses an active surveillance method to ascertain birth defects in Texas. All cases of non complex LVOT defects which met our inclusion criteria during the period of 2002–2008 were included in the study. The comparison groups included all unaffected live births for the same period (2002–2008). Data from vital statistics were used to evaluate associations. Statistical associations between selected risk factors and LVOT defects was determined by calculating crude and adjusted prevalence ratio using Poisson regression analysis. Effect heterogeneity was evaluated using polytomous logistic regression. ^ There were a total of 2,353 cases of LVOT defects among 2,730,035 live births during the study period. There were a total of 1,311 definite cases of non-complex LVOT defects for analysis after excluding "complex" cardiac cases and cases associated with syndromes (n=168). Among infant characteristics, males were at a significantly higher risk of developing LVOT defects compared to females. Among maternal characteristics, significant associations were seen with maternal age > 40 years (compared to maternal age 20–24 years) and maternal residence in Texas-Mexico border (compared to non-border residence). Among birth characteristics, significant associations were seen with preterm birth and small for gestation age LVOT defects. ^ When evaluating effect heterogeneity, the following variables had significantly different effects among the component LVOT defect phenotypes: infant sex, plurality, maternal age, maternal race/ethnicity, and Texas-Mexico border residence. ^ This study found significant associations between various demographic factors and LVOT defects. While many findings from this study were consistent with results from previous studies, we also identified new factors associated with LVOT defects. Additionally, this study was the first to assess effect heterogeneity across LVOT defect component phenotypes. These findings contribute to a growing body of literature on characteristics associated with LVOT defects. ^


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In previous studies, we found that the improved contractile ability of cardiac myocytes from patients who have had left ventricular assist device (LVAD) support was due to a number of beneficial changes, most notably in calcium handling (increased sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium binding and uptake), improved integrity of cell membranes due to phospholipid reconstruction (reduced lysophospholipid content), and an upregulation of adrenoreceptors (increased adrenoreceptor numbers). However, in the case presented here, there was no increase in adrenoreceptor number, which is something that we usually find in core tissue at the time of LVAD removal or organ transplantation; also, there was no homogeneous postassist device receptor distribution. However, the patient was well maintained for 10 months following LVAD implantation, until a donor organ was available, regardless of the lack of adrenoreceptor improvement. We conclude from these studies that cardiac recovery is the result of the initiation of multiple repair mechanisms, and that the lack of expected changes, in this case increased adrenoreceptors, is not always an accurate indicator of anticipated outcome. We suggest that interventions and strategies have to consider multiple, beneficial changes due to unloading and target a number of biochemical and structural areas to produce improvement, even if not all of these improvements occur.