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Introduction and objective. A number of prognostic factors have been reported for predicting survival in patients with renal cell carcinoma. Yet few studies have analyzed the effects of those factors at different stages of the disease process. In this study, different stages of disease progression starting from nephrectomy to metastasis, from metastasis to death, and from evaluation to death were evaluated. ^ Methods. In this retrospective follow-up study, records of 97 deceased renal cell carcinoma (RCC) patients were reviewed between September 2006 to October 2006. Patients with TNM Stage IV disease before nephrectomy or with cancer diagnoses other than RCC were excluded leaving 64 records for analysis. Patient TNM staging, Furhman Grade, age, tumor size, tumor volume, histology and patient gender were analyzed in relation to time to metastases. Time from nephrectomy to metastasis, TNM staging, Furhman Grade, age, tumor size, tumor volume, histology and patient gender were tested for significance in relation to time from metastases to death. Finally, analysis of laboratory values at time of evaluation, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (ECOG), UCLA Integrated Staging System (UISS), time from nephrectomy to metastasis, TNM staging, Furhman Grade, age, tumor size, tumor volume, histology and patient gender were tested for significance in relation to time from evaluation to death. Linear regression and Cox Proportional Hazard (univariate and multivariate) was used for testing significance. Kaplan-Meier Log-Rank test was used to detect any significance between groups at various endpoints. ^ Results. Compared to negative lymph nodes at time of nephrectomy, a single positive lymph node had significantly shorter time to metastasis (p<0.0001). Compared to other histological types, clear cell histology had significant metastasis free survival (p=0.003). Clear cell histology compared to other types (p=0.0002 univariate, p=0.038 multivariate) and time to metastasis with log conversion (p=0.028) significantly affected time from metastasis to death. A greater than one year and greater than two year metastasis free interval, compared to patients that had metastasis before one and two years, had statistically significant survival benefit (p=0.004 and p=0.0318). Time from evaluation to death was affected by greater than one year metastasis free interval (p=0.0459), alcohol consumption (p=0.044), LDH (p=0.006), ECOG performance status (p<0.001), and hemoglobin level (p=0.0092). The UISS risk stratified the patient population in a statistically significant manner for survival (p=0.001). No other factors were found to be significant. ^ Conclusion. Clear cell histology is predictive for both time to metastasis and metastasis to death. Nodal status at time of nephrectomy may predict risk of metastasis. The time interval to metastasis significantly predicts time from metastasis to death and time from evaluation to death. ECOG performance status, and hemoglobin levels predicts survival outcome at evaluation. Finally, UISS appropriately stratifies risk in our population. ^


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Agrobacterium VirB2 pilin is required for assembly of the VirB/VirD4 type IV secretion system (T4SS). The propilin is processed by signal sequence cleavage and covalent linkage of the N and C termini, and the cyclized pilin integrates into the inner membrane (IM) as a pool for assembly of the secretion channel and T pilus. Here, by use of the substituted cysteine accessibility method (SCAM), we defined the VirB2 IM topology and then identified distinct contributions of the T4SS ATPase subunits to the pilin structural organization. Labeling patterns of Cys-substituted pilins exposed to the membrane-impermeative, thiol-reactive reagent 3-(N-maleimidopropionyl)biocytin (MPB) supported a topology model in which two hydrophobic stretches comprise transmembrane domains, an intervening hydrophilic loop (residues 90 to 94) is cytoplasmic, and the hydrophilic N and C termini joined at residues 48 and 121 form a periplasmic loop. Interestingly, the VirB4 ATPase, but not a Walker A nucleoside triphosphate (NTP) binding motif mutant, induced (i) MPB labeling of Cys94, a residue that in the absence of the ATPase is located in the cytoplasmic loop, and (ii) release of pilin from the IM upon osmotic shock. These findings, coupled with evidence for VirB2-VirB4 complex formation by coimmunoprecipitation, support a model in which VirB4 functions as a dislocation motor to extract pilins from the IM during T4SS biogenesis. The VirB11 ATPase functioned together with VirB4 to induce a structural change in the pilin that was detectable by MPB labeling, suggestive of a role for VirB11 as a modulator of VirB4 dislocase activity.


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A patient classification system was developed integrating a patient acuity instrument with a computerized nursing distribution method based on a linear programming model. The system was designed for real-time measurement of patient acuity (workload) and allocation of nursing personnel to optimize the utilization of resources.^ The acuity instrument was a prototype tool with eight categories of patients defined by patient severity and nursing intensity parameters. From this tool, the demand for nursing care was defined in patient points with one point equal to one hour of RN time. Validity and reliability of the instrument was determined as follows: (1) Content validity by a panel of expert nurses; (2) predictive validity through a paired t-test analysis of preshift and postshift categorization of patients; (3) initial reliability by a one month pilot of the instrument in a practice setting; and (4) interrater reliability by the Kappa statistic.^ The nursing distribution system was a linear programming model using a branch and bound technique for obtaining integer solutions. The objective function was to minimize the total number of nursing personnel used by optimally assigning the staff to meet the acuity needs of the units. A penalty weight was used as a coefficient of the objective function variables to define priorities for allocation of staff.^ The demand constraints were requirements to meet the total acuity points needed for each unit and to have a minimum number of RNs on each unit. Supply constraints were: (1) total availability of each type of staff and the value of that staff member (value was determined relative to that type of staff's ability to perform the job function of an RN (i.e., value for eight hours RN = 8 points, LVN = 6 points); (2) number of personnel available for floating between units.^ The capability of the model to assign staff quantitatively and qualitatively equal to the manual method was established by a thirty day comparison. Sensitivity testing demonstrated appropriate adjustment of the optimal solution to changes in penalty coefficients in the objective function and to acuity totals in the demand constraints.^ Further investigation of the model documented: correct adjustment of assignments in response to staff value changes; and cost minimization by an addition of a dollar coefficient to the objective function. ^


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A management information system (MIS) provides a means for collecting, reporting, and analyzing data from all segments of an organization. Such systems are common in business but rare in libraries. The Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library developed an MIS that operates on a system of networked IBM PCs and Paradox, a commercial database software package. The data collected in the system include monthly reports, client profile information, and data collected at the time of service requests. The MIS assists with enforcement of library policies, ensures that correct information is recorded, and provides reports for library managers. It also can be used to help answer a variety of ad hoc questions. Future plans call for the development of an MIS that could be adapted to other libraries' needs, and a decision-support interface that would facilitate access to the data contained in the MIS databases.


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The Agrobacterium tumefaciens VirB/D4 type IV secretion system (T4SS) delivers oncogenic T-DNA and effector proteins to susceptible plant cells. This leads to the formation of tumors termed Crown Galls. The VirB/D4 T4SS is comprised of 12 subunits (VirB1 to VirB11 and VirD4), which assemble to form two structures, a secretion channel spanning the cell envelope and a T-pilus extending from the cell surface. In A. tumefaciens, the VirB2 pilin subunit is required for assembly of the secretion channel and is the main subunit of the T-pilus. The focus of this thesis is to define key reactions associated with the T4SS biogenesis pathway involving the VirB2 pilin. Topology studies demonstrated that VirB2 integrates into the inner membrane with two transmembrane regions, a small cytoplasmic loop, and a long periplasmic loop comprised of covalently linked N and C termini. VirB2 was shown by the substituted cysteine accessibility method (SCAM) to adopt distinct structural states when integrated into the inner membrane and when assembled as a component of the secretion channel and the T-pilus. The VirB4 and VirB11 ATPases were shown by SCAM to modulate the structural state of membrane-integrated VirB2 pilin, and evidence was also obtained that VirB4 mediates extraction of pilin from the membrane. A model that VirB4 functions as a pilin dislocase by an energy-dependent mechanism was further supported by coimmunoprecipitation and osmotic shock studies. Mutational studies identified two regions of VirB10, an N-terminal transmembrane domain and an outer membrane-associated domain termed the antennae projection, that contribute selectively to T-pilus biogenesis. Lastly, characterization of a VirB10 mutant that confers a ‘leaky’ channel phenotype further highlighted the role of VirB10 in gating substrate translocation across the outer membrane as well as T-pilus biogenesis. Results of my studies support a working model in which the VirB4 ATPase catalyzes dislocation of membrane-integrated pilin, and distinct domains of VirB10 coordinate pilin incorporation into the secretion channel and the extracellular T-pilus.


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We have developed a novel way to assess the mutagenicity of environmentally important metal carcinogens, such as nickel, by creating a positive selection system based upon the conditional expression of a retroviral transforming gene. The target gene is the v-mos gene in MuSVts110, a murine retrovirus possessing a growth temperature dependent defect in expression of the transforming gene due to viral RNA splicing. In normal rat kidney cells infected with MuSVts110 (6m2 cells), splicing of the MuSVts110 RNA to form the mRNA from which the transforming protein, p85$\sp{\rm gag-mos}$, is translated is growth-temperature dependent, occurring at 33 C and below but not at 39 C and above. This splicing "defect" is mediated by cis-acting viral sequences. Nickel chloride treatment of 6m2 cells followed by growth at 39 C, allowed the selection of "revertant" cells which constitutively express p85$\sp{\rm gag-mos}$ due to stable changes in the viral RNA splicing phenotype, suggesting that nickel, a carcinogen whose mutagenicity has not been well established, could induce mutations in mammalian genes. We also show by direct sequencing of PCR-amplified integrated MuSVts110 DNA from a 6m2 nickel-revertant cell line that the nickel-induced mutation affecting the splicing phenotype is a cis-acting 70-base duplication of a region of the viral DNA surrounding the 3$\sp\prime$ splice site. These findings provide the first example of the molecular basis for a nickel-induced DNA lesion and establish the mutagenicity of this potent carcinogen. ^


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Vertical integration is grounded in economic theory as a corporate strategy for reducing cost and enhancing efficiency. There were three purposes for this dissertation. The first was to describe and understand vertical integration theory. The review of the economic theory established vertical integration as a corporate cost reduction strategy in response to environmental, structural and performance dimensions of the market. The second purpose was to examine vertical integration in the context of the health care industry, which has greater complexity, higher instability, and more unstable demand than other industries, although many of the same dimensions of the market supported a vertical integration strategy. Evidence on the performance of health systems after integration revealed mixed results. Because the market continues to be turbulent, hybrid non-owned integration in the form of alliances have increased to over 40% of urban hospitals. The third purpose of the study was to examine the application of vertical integration in health care and evaluate the effects. The case studied was an alliance formed between a community hospital and a tertiary medical center to facilitate vertical integration of oncology services while maintaining effectiveness and preserving access. The economic benefits for 1934 patients were evaluated in the delivery system before and after integration with a more detailed economic analysis of breast, lung, colon/rectal, and non-malignant cases. A regression analysis confirmed the relationship between the independent variables of age, sex, location of services, race, stage of disease, and diagnosis, and the dependent variable, cost. The results of the basic regression model, as well as the regression with first-order interaction terms, were statistically significant. The study shows that vertical integration at an intermediate health care system level has economic benefits. If the pre-integration oncology group had been treated in the post-integration model, the expected cost savings from integration would be 31.5%. Quality indicators used were access to health care services and research treatment protocols, and access was preserved in the integrated model. Using survival as a direct quality outcome measure, the survival of lung cancer patients was statistically the same before and after integration. ^


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Objective. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that nearly 450 million people suffer from a mental disorder in the world. Developing countries do not have the health system structure in place to support the demand of mental health services. This study will conduct a review of mental health integration in primary care research that is carried out in low-income countries identified as such from the World Bank economic analysis. The research follows the standard of care that WHO has labeled appropriate in treatment of mental health populations. Methods. This study will use the WHO 10 principles of mental health integration into primary care as the global health standard of care for mental health. Low-income countries that used these principles in their national programs will be analyzed for effectiveness of mental health integration in primary care. Results. This study showed that mental health service integration in primary care did have an effect on health outcomes of low-income countries. However, information did not lead to significant quantitative results that determined how positive the effect was. Conclusion. More ethnographic research is needed in low-income countries to truly assess how effective the program is in integrating with the health system currently in place.^ ^


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Two respirable coal fly ash samples ((LESSTHEQ) 3(mu)m), one from a pressurized fluidized-bed combustion miniplant and one from a conventional combustion power plant, were investigated for physical properties, chemical composition and biological activity. Electron microscopy illustrated irregularity in fluidized-bed combustion fly ash and sphericity in conventional combustion fly ash. Elemental analysis of these samples showed differences in trace elements. Both fly ash samples were toxic in rabbit alveolar macrophage and Chinese hamster ovary cell systems in vitro. The macrophages were more sensitive to toxicity of fly ash than the ovary cells. For measuring the cytotoxicity of fly ash, the most sensitive parameters were adenosine triphosphate in the alveolar macrophage system and viability index in the hamster ovary system. Intact fluidized-bed combustion fly-ash particles showed mutagenicity only in strains TA98 and TA1538 without metabolic activation in the Ames Salmonella assay. No mutagenicity was detected in bioassay of conventional combustion fly ash particles. Solvent extraction yielded more mass from fluidized-bed combustion fly ash than from conventional combustion fly ash. The extracts of fluidized-bed combustion fly ash showed higher mutagenic activity than conventional combustion fly ash. These samples contained direct-acting, frameshift mutagens.^ Fly ash samples collected from the same fluidized-bed source by cyclones, a fabric filter, and a electrostatic precipitator at various temperatures were compared for particle size, toxicity, and mutagenicity. Results demonstrated that the biological activity of coal fly ash were affected by the collection site, device, and temperature.^ Coal fly ash vapor-coated with 1-nitropyrene was developed as a model system to study the bioavailability and recovery of nitroaromatic compounds in fly ash. The effects of vapor deposition on toxicity and mutagenicity of fly ash were examined. The nitropyrene coating did not significantly alter the ash's cytotoxicity. Nitropyrene was bioavailable in the biological media, and a significant percentage was not recovered after the coated fly ash was cultured with alveolar macrophages. 1-Nitropyrene loss increased as the number of macrophages was increased, suggesting that the macrophages are capable of metabolizing or binding 1-nitropyrene present in coal fly ash. ^