13 resultados para In-utero
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Data derived from 1,194 gravidas presenting at the observation unit of a city/county hospital between October 11, 1979 through December 7, 1979 were evaluated with respect to the proportion ingesting drugs during pregnancy. The mean age of the mother at the time of the interview was 22.0 years; 43.0 percent were Black; 34.0 percent Latin-American, 21.0 percent White and 2.0 percent other; mean gravida was 2.5 pregnancies; mean parity was 1.0; and mean number of previous abortions was 0.34. Completed interview data was available for 1,119 gravida, corresponding urinalyses for 997 subjects. Ninety and one-tenth percent (90.1 percent) of the subjects reported ingestion of one or more drug preparation(s) (prescription, OTC, or substances used for recreational purposes) during pregnancy with a range of 0 to 11 substances and a mean of 2.7. Dietary supplements (vitamins and minerals) were most frequently reported followed by non-narcotic analgesics. Seventy-six and one tenth percent (76.1 percent) of the population reported consumption of prescription medication, 42.5 percent reported consumption of over-the-counter medications, 45.7 percent reported consumption of a substance for recreational purposes and 4.3 percent reported illicit consumption of a substance. For selected substances, no measurable difference was found between obtaining the information from the interview method or from a urinalysis assay. ^
There is not a large body of evidence on in-utero exposure to chemotherapy for pregnancy-associated cancers to help determine the long term effects on offspring. This study is a systematic review of long term follow-up to find evidence for adverse outcomes in exposed offspring. In order for studies to be eligible for this systematic review, they had to have a median follow up of at least 24 months with the resulting child. PubMed, Medline, and Scopus were the databases used, and we included all eligible articles, regardless of the date of publication. The search resulted in six articles meeting the eligibility requirements. The review of findings of these studies suggested that there is not enough evidence to make a determination of the risk of chemotherapy for the offspring. Exposed children in the sample of reviewed papers did have some medical conditions, but the rate and type did not differ from the non-exposed population. However, a limitation of this literature review is the very small sample size of publications on this important topic. This finding of few studies on this topic is an important result of this systematic review. More research and long term follow-up studies must be conducted to address this issue.^
Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a multisystem, autosomal dominant disorder affecting approximately 1 in 6000 births. Developmental brain abnormalities cause substantial morbidity and mortality and often lead to neurological disease including epilepsy, cognitive disabilities, and autism. TSC is caused by inactivating mutations in either TSC1 or TSC2, whose protein products are known inhibitors of mTORC1, an important kinase regulating translation and cell growth. Nonetheless, neither the pathophysiology of the neurological manifestations of TSC nor the extent of mTORC1 involvement in the development of these lesions is known. Murine models would greatly advance the study of this debilitating disorder. This thesis will describe the generation and characterization of a novel brain-specific mouse model of TSC, Tsc2flox/ko;hGFAP-Cre. In this model, the Tsc2 gene has been removed from most neurons and glia of the cortex and hippocampus by targeted Cre-mediated deletion in radial glial neuroprogenitor cells. The Tsc2flox/ko;hGFAP-Cre mice fail to thrive beginning postnatal day 8 and die from seizures around 23 days. Further characterization of these mice demonstrated megalencephaly, enlarged neurons, abnormal neuronal migration, altered progenitor pools, hypomyelination, and an astrogliosis. The similarity of these defects to those of TSC patients establishes this mouse as an excellent model for the study of the neuropathology of TSC and testing novel therapies. We further describe the use of this mouse model to assess the therapeutic potential of the macrolide rapamycin, an inhibitor of mTORC1. We demonstrate that rapamycin administered from postnatal day 10 can extend the life of the mutant animals 5 fold. Since TSC is a neurodevelopmental disorder, we also assessed in utero and/or immediate postnatal treatment of the animals with rapamycin. Amazingly, combined in utero and postnatal rapamycin effected a histologic rescue that was almost indistinguishable from control animals, indicating that dysregulation of mTORC1 plays a large role in TSC neuropathology. In spite of the almost complete histologic rescue, behavioral studies demonstrated that combined treatment resulted in poorer learning and memory than postnatal treatment alone. Postnatally-treated animals behaved similarly to treated controls, suggesting that immediate human treatment in the newborn period might provide the most opportune developmental timepoint for rapamycin administration.
Many of the tumorigenic effects that result from neonatal exposure to both natural and synthetic estrogens resemble those found in humans exposed to diethylstilbestrol (DES) in utero. Using this established DES neonatal mouse model, my goal was to investigate long-term molecular and morphological effects of certain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) that are weakly estrogenic in adult mice. Focusing on the cervicovaginal (CV) tract, since this is where tumors develop in the BALB/c mouse, I first assessed the 17β-estradiol (E2) dose-response for expression of lactoferrin (LTF). LTF is a highly inducible estrogen biomarker that is permanently altered in uteri from neonatally treated mice. Treatments were administered via 5 subcutaneous injections beginning within 16 hrs after birth, days 1–5. ^ The ontogeny of LTF expression from mouse CV tracts was determined by examining three different stages of life: pups, immature, and mature mice. Northern RNA analysis and immunohistochemistry showed that neonatal E 2 treatment both increases and decreases LTF expression. Early expression of LTF in the CV tract at all doses occurred in pups. In both immature and adult mice, increased LTF expression was dependent on whether E2 induced ovary-dependent or ovary-independent persistent vaginal cornification. ^ Next, I studied biological responses from neonatally PCB exposed adult mice. As expected, using a neonatal uterine bioassay I showed that 2 ′4′6′-trichloro-4-biphenylol (OH-PCB-30), 2′3′4′ 5-tetrachloro-4-biphenyloI (OH-PCB-61), and OH-PCB-30/61 (50/50 mixture), were estrogenic causing a dose-dependent increase in uterine weight. ^ Long-term effects of OH-PCB 30 [200 μg/pup/day] were most similar to E2 as seen by an increased uterine wet weight in day 50 mice similar to E2 [5 μg/pup/day] (141% and 140% of control, respectively). Another similarity between OH-PCB 30 and E2 neonatally treated mice was found in those sacrificed at 20 months of age. At these same doses CV tract squamous cell carcinoma induction was 43% of E2 treated mice and 47% of OH-PCB 30 treated mice. Differences were noted in adenoaquamous; cell carcinoma development, where 16% of OH-PCB-30 neonatally treated mice developed tumors versus 8% for E2. Based on these results using the neonatal mouse model, I conclude that the OH-PCBs tested are strongly estrogenic and tumorigenic showing dose-response relationships when exposure occurs during development of the reproductive tract in mice. These results may have important implications for risk assessment in determining the effects of xenoestrogens exposure early versus later in life. ^
Transcriptional regulation is fundamental for the precise development of all organisms. Through tight regulation, necessary genes are activated at proper spatial and temporal patterns, while unnecessary genes are repressed. A large family of regulator proteins that have been demonstrated to be involved in various developmental processes by activation and repression of target genes is the homeodomain family of proteins. To date, the function of many of these homeoproteins has been elucidated in diverse species. However, the molecular mechanism underlying the function of these proteins has not been fully understood. In this study, the molecular mechanism of the function of a LIM-homeoprotein, Lim1, was examined. In addition to the homeodomain, Lim1 contains two LIM domains that are highly conserved among species. This high conservation along with data from in vitro studies on Xenopus Lim1 suggests that the LIM domains might be important for the function of Lim1 as a transcriptional regulator. Here, the functional importance of the LIM domains of Lim1 was determined by using a novel gene-targeting strategy in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells. A cre-loxP system was used in conjunction with the unique genomic organization of Lim1 to obtain four types of mutant ES cell lines that would allow for the in vivo analysis of the function of both the LIM domains of Lim1 together and also singularly. These four mutant Lim1 alleles either contained base-pair changes at the LIM encoding exons that alters zinc-binding amino acids of the LIM domains or contained only exogenous loxP sequences in the first intron of Lim1, which serves as the control allele. These mutations in the LIM domains would presumably abolish the zinc-finger tertiary structure of the domain and thus render the domain non-functional. Mice carrying mutations at both the LIM domains of Lim1, L1L2, die around E10 without anterior head structures anterior to rhombomere 3, identical in phenotype to the Lim1 null mutants in spite of the presence of mutant Lim1 RNA. This result demonstrates that the integrity of both the LIM domains are essential for the function of Lim1. This is further supported by the phenotype of mice carrying mutation at only the second LIM domain of Lim1, L2. The L2 mice although still carrying one intact Lim1 LIM domain, also die in utero. The L2 mice die at varying times, from around E8 to E10 with anterior defects in addition to other axial defects which have yet to be fully characterized. The results of this study so far demonstrates that the integrity of both LIM domains are required for the function of Lim1. ^
Diethylstilbestrol (DES) exposed women are well known to be at increased risk of gynecologic cancers and infertility. Infertility may result from DES associated abnormalities in the shape of women's uteri, yet little research has addressed the effect of uterine abnormalities on risk of infertility and reproductive tract infection. Changes in uterine shape may also influence the risk of autoimmune disease and women's subsequent mental health. A sample of consenting women exposed in utero to hormone who were recruited into the DESAD project, underwent hysterosalpingogram (HSG) from 1978 to 1984. These women also completed a comprehensive health questionnaire in 1994 which included women's self-reports of chronic conditions. HSG data were used to categorize uterine shape abnormalities as arcuate shape, hypoplastic, wide lower segment, and constricted. Women were recruited from two of the four DESAD study sites in Houston (Baylor) and Minnesota (Mayo). All women were DES-exposed. Adjusted relative risk estimates were calculated comparing the range of abnormal uterine shaped to women with normal shaped uteri for each of the four outcomes: infertility, reproductive tract infection, autoimmune disease and depressive symptoms. Only the arcuate shape (n=80) was associated with a higher risk of infertility (relative risk [RR]= 1.53, 95% CI = 1.09, 2.15) as well as reproductive tract infection (RR= 1.74, 95% CI = 1.11, 2.73). In conclusion, DES-associated arcuate shaped uteri appeared to be associated with the higher risk of a reproductive tract infection and infertility while no other abnormal uterine shapes were associated with these two outcomes.^
The approach to the diagnosis and treatment of congenital toxoplasmosis has been one of flux and debate, fueled by lack of knowledge, lack of consensus, different methods of screening and different national policies for screening in different parts of the world. Countries with higher prevalence of disease such as in Europe and South America have a heightened awareness of the need to screen and treat for this parasitic infection during pregnancy. In contrast, in the United States, it is a condition scarcely discussed and has been largely ignored except in some large centers and by a few researchers. Policies and research strategies for any condition should start with obtaining good data. The aims of this thesis included a review of prevalence studies conducted in the United States, focused on the past 20 years, combined with a description of original research conducted by the author several years ago. The latter was a cross-sectional study performed in Houston, one of the largest American cities with a great ethnic mix. The study analyzed prevalence rates of Toxoplasma gondii IgG antibody in sera of women of reproductive age. Overall seroprevalence was 12.3%. In keeping with other studies, higher prevalence correlated with lower socioeconomic status, Black and Hispanic and Asian ethnicities, and increasing age. A literature search revealed only three prevalence studies performed in the United States over the past 20 years, with another four studies only referred to as personal communications or within a textbook, without further study detail available. The literature review also revealed a lack of consensus on whether or not to screen for toxoplasmosis in pregnancy, and even whether or not treatment in utero is worthwhile.^ Proponents of screening and treatment in pregnancy site studies both in the United States and France, emphasize that treatment reduces disease manifestations in infants. Opponents cite other studies that show only marginal benefits, together with potential side effects of medication regimens and generation of anxiety in parents. What is agreed on so far is the value of educating pregnant women on how to avoid contracting toxoplasmosis, and educating physicians on making the best use of reference laboratories before major treatment decisions are made. Further research to reevaluate the literature critically, review new treatment regimens and examine costs and benefits of screening and treatment of toxoplasmosis in pregnancy, bringing together European and American researchers, is needed.^
This research examined the relation between prenatal exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES) and subsequent reproductive performance in females. Although previous studies have agreed that unfavorable pregnancy outcomes (spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, ectopic pregnancies, and premature births) occur with greater frequency in the exposed as compared to unexposed women, the role of exposure to DES in-utero on subsequent fertility (pregnancy achievement) remains controversial. Also, the possibility that the reproductive dysfunction reported in exposed women might be due to familial predisposition to reproductive dysfunction rather than to DES exposure has not been examined heretofore.^ The purposes of the research were to: (1) measure the overall differences in rates of live births between exposed and unexposed women; (2) determine if infertility or early unrecognized spontaneous miscarriages (as opposed to recognized fetal death) contributes to poor reproductive performance in the exposed; and (3) determine if constitutional predisposition contributes to poor reproductive performance in exposed daughters.^ The study population comprised those participants in the National Cooperative Diethylstilbestrol Adenosis (DESAD) Project who were identified through review of prenatal records. Birth interval curves (survival analyses) were used to compare the reproductive performance of exposed daughters and unexposed women. Birth interval curves were also constructed for unexposed siblings (of exposed participants) and unexposed nonsiblings to determine the role of constitutional predisposition in the reproductive performance of exposed daughters.^ The DES-daughters, as compared to unexposed women, were found to be at a reproductive disadvantage when the overall differences in rates of live births were compared.^ When the differences in rates of live births due specifically to infertility or early unrecognized spontaneous miscarriages (as opposed to recognized fetal death) were examined, the exposed maintained the reproductive disadvantage. This analysis was suggestive but not statistically significant for the first-birth-interval and was neither suggestive nor significant in the second-birth-interval. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^
Histone acetylation is a central event in transcriptional activation. The importance of this modification in mammalian development is highlighted by knockout studies that revealed loss of the histone acetyltransferases GCN5, p300, or CBP results in embryonic lethality. Furthermore, early embryogenesis is sensitive to the dosage of p300 and CBP since double p300 +/−CBP+/− heterozygotes die in utero, although either single heterozygote survives. PCAF and GCN5 physically interact with p300 and CBP in vitro. To determine whether these two groups of HATs interact functionally in vivo, we created mice lacking one or more allele of p300, GCN5 or PCAF. As expected, we found that mice heterozygous for any one of these null alleles are viable. The majority of GCN5 p300 double heterozygotes also survive to adulthood with no apparent abnormalities. However, a portion of these mice die prior to birth. These embryos are developmentally stunted and exhibit increased apoptosis compared to wild type or single GCN5 or p300 heterozygous littermates at E8.5. Tissue specification is unaffected in these embryos but organ formation is compromised. In contrast, no abnormalities were observed in mice harboring mutations in both PCAF and p300 , emphasizing the specificity of HAT functions in mammalian development. ^ Since GCN5 null embryos die early in embryogenesis because of a marked increase in apoptosis, studies of its function and mechanism in late development and in tissue specific differentiation are precluded. Here, we also report the establishment of a GCN5 null embryonic stem cell line and a conditional floxGCN5 mouse line, which will serve as powerful genetic tools to examine in depth the function of GCN5 in mammalian development and in adult tissues. ^
The myogenin gene encodes an evolutionarily conserved basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor that regulates the expression of skeletal muscle-specific genes and its homozygous deletion results in mice who die of respiratory failure at birth. The histology of skeletal muscle in the myogenin null mice is reminiscent of that found in some severe congenital myopathy patients, many of whom also die of respiratory complications and provides the rationale that an aberrant human myogenin (myf4) coding region could be associated with some congenital myopathy conditions.^ With PCR, we found similarly sized amplimers for the three exons of the myogenin gene in 37 patient and 40 control samples. In contrast to the GeneBank sequence for human myogenin, we report several differences in flanking and coding regions plus an additional 659 and 498 bps in the first and second introns, respectively, in all patients and controls. We also find a novel (CA)-dinucleotide repeat in the second intron. No causative mutations were detected in the myogenin coding regions of genomic DNA from patients with severe congenital myopathy.^ Severe congenital myopathies in humans are often associated with respiratory complications and pulmonary hypoplasia. We have employed the myogenin null mouse, which lacks normal development of skeletal muscle fibers as a genetically defined severe congenital myopathy mouse model to evaluate the effect of absent fetal breathing movement on pulmonary development.^ Significant differences are observed at embryonic days E14, E17 and E20 of lung:body weight, total DNA and histologically, suggesting that the myogenin null lungs are hypoplastic. RT-PCR, in-situ immunofluorescence and EM reveal pneumocyte type II differentiation in both null and wild lungs as early as E14. However, at E14, myogenin null lungs have decreased BrdU incorporation while E17 through term, augmented cell death is detected in the myogenin null lungs, not seen in wild littermates. Absent mechanical forces appear to impair normal growth, but not maturation, of the developing lungs in myogenin null mouse.^ These investigations provide the basis for delineating the DNA sequence of the myogenin gene and and highlight the importance of skeletal muscle development in utero for normal lung organogenesis. My observation of no mutations within the coding regions of the human myogenin gene in DNA from patients with severe congenital myopathy do not support any association with this condition. ^
Birth defects occur in 1 of every 33 babies born in the United States, and are the leading cause of infant death. Mothers using contraceptives that become pregnant may continue to use their contraceptives after their first missed menstrual period, thus exposing their baby in utero to the contraceptive product. Progesterone is also sometimes prescribed during the first trimester of pregnancy to mothers with a history of miscarriages or infertility problems. To ensure the safety of these products, it is important to investigate whether there is an increased occurrence of babies born with birth defects to mothers using various contraceptive methods or progesterone in early pregnancy. Using data from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study (NBDPS), an ongoing multi-state, population based case-control study, this study assessed maternal exposures to IUDs, spermicides, condoms and progesterone in early pregnancy. ^ Progesterone used for threatened miscarriage during the first three months of pregnancy was associated with an increased occurrence of hypoplastic left heart (adjusted odds ratios (OR) 2.24, 95% CI 1.13-4.21), perimembranous ventricular septal defects (OR 1.64, 95% CI 1.10-2.41), septal associations (OR 2.52, 95% CI 1.45-4.24), esophageal atresia (OR 1.82, 95% CI 1.04-3.08), and hypospadias (OR 2.12, 95% CI 1.41-3.18). Mothers using progesterone for injectable contraception had increased (OR > 2.5), but insignificant odds ratios for anencephaly, septal associations, small intestinal atresias and omphalocel. Progesterone used for fertility was not associated with an increased occurrence of any birth defects examined. ^ Mothers using progesterone for fertility assistance and threatened miscarriage were very similar with respect to their demographics and pregnancy history. They also both reported similar types of progesterone. Thus, if progesterone was a causal risk factor for birth defects we would have expected to observe similar increases in risk among mothers using progesterone for both indications. Because we predominantly observed increased associations among mothers using progesterone for threatened miscarriage but not fertility assistance, it is possible the increased associations we observed were confounded by indication (i.e. progesterone was administered for vaginal bleeding which occurred as a sequelae to the formation of a congenital anomaly. ^ No significant increased associations were observed between maternal spermicide use during pregnancy and 26 of 27 types of structural malformations. While multiple statistical tests were performed we observed first trimester maternal spermicide use to be associated with a significant increased occurrence of perimembranous ventricular septal defects (OR 2.21, 95% CI 1.16-4.21). A decreased occurrence (OR < 1.0) was observed for several categories of birth defects among mothers who conceived in the first cycle after discontinuing the use of spermicides (22 of 28) or male condoms (23 of 33). ^ Overall the percent of IUD use was similar between mothers of controls and mothers of all cases in aggregate (crude OR 1.05, 95% CI 0.61-1.84). Power was limited to detect significant associations between IUD use and birth defects, however mothers using an IUD in the month immediately prior to conception or during pregnancy were not associated with an increase of birth defects. Limb defects and amniotic band sequence previously reported to be associated with IUD use during pregnancy were not found to occur among any mothers reporting the use of an IUD during pregnancy.^
A population-based case-control study of risk factors for ectopic pregnancy has been conducted. The investigation includes 274 cases diagnosed in Rochester, Minnesota residents from 1935 through 1982, and 548 matched controls selected from live birth deliveries. Risk factor information documented prior to the last index menstrual period was obtained via medical record abstract for 22 potential risk factor variables.^ Univariate matched analyses revealed nine variables with significantly elevated odds ratios (ORs). Following conditional logistic regression for matched sets, four variables remained as significant risk factors for ectopic pregnancy. These risk factors with ORs and 95% confidence intervals (Cls) were: current intrauterine device use (OR = 13.7, Cl = 1.6 - 120.6), infertility (OR = 2.6, Cl = 1.6 - 4.2), pelvic inflammatory disease (OR = 3.3, Cl = 1.6 - 6.6), and tubal surgery (OR = 4.5, Cl = 1.5 - 13.9). After adjusting for these four major risk factors, the following variables did not have statistically significant ORs: abdominal/pelvic surgery (OR = 2.0), acute appendicitis (OR = 2.0), anovulation (OR = 1.2), clomiphene citrate use during the index conception (OR = 3.5), induced abortion (OR = 2.1), in utero exposure to diethylstilbestrol (OR = 1.6), myomas (OR = 0.7), ovarian cysts (OR = 1.0), and past intrauterine device use (OR = 1.2). ^
The extent to which antiepileptic drugs (AED) in utero exposure are related to prenatal and postnatal growth is investigated in an retrospective, cohort study of children of AED treated mothers with epilepsy (N = 89) and children of women without epilepsy (N = 89). The study groups were obtained from a population based health care facility.^ Major finding was that birth head circumference of AED exposed children are significantly smaller than control children, notably male children. Other findings include birth length and weight of exposed children was slightly but not significantly smaller. Postnatal growth as measured by two velocity terms, rate of growth, and deceleration, was not significantly different between exposed and control children for height, weight, and head circumference, indicating no catch up growth. Morphologic defects, neonatal and infant mortality was more frequent in exposed children. Mothers with epilepsy reported significantly fewer spontaneous abortions. ^