12 resultados para INTERPHASE

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The mitotic kinase Aurora B plays a pivotal role in mitosis and cytokinesis and governs the spindle assembly checkpoint which ensures correct chromosome segregation and normal progression through mitosis. Aurora B is overexpressed in breast and other cancers and may be an important molecular target for chemotherapy. Tumor suppressor p53 is the guardian of the genome and an important negative regulator of the cell cycle. Previously, it was unknown whether Aurora B and p53 had mutual regulation during the cell cycle. A small molecule specific inhibitor of Aurora B, AZD1152, gave us an indication that Aurora B negatively impacted p53 during interphase and mitosis. Here, we show the antineoplastic activity of AZD1152 in six human breast cancer cell lines, three of which overexpress HER2. AZD1152 specifically inhibited Aurora B kinase activity, thereby causing mitotic catastrophe, polyploidy and apoptosis, which in turn led to apoptotic death. Further, AZD1152 administration efficiently suppressed tumor growth in orthotopic and metastatic breast cancer cell xenograft models. Notably, it was found that the protein level of Aurora B kinase declined after inhibition of Aurora B kinase activity. Investigation of the underlying mechanism suggested that AZD1152 accelerated the protein turnover of Aurora B by enhancing its ubiquitination. As a consequence of inhibition of Aurora B, p53 levels were increased in tissue culture and murine models. This hinted at a possible direct interaction between p53 and Aurora B. Indeed, it was found that p53 and Aurora B exist in complex and interact directly during interphase and at the centromere in mitosis. Further, Aurora B was shown to phosphorylate p53 at several serine/threonine residues in the DNA binding domain and these events caused downregulation of p53 levels via ubiquitination mediated by Mdm2. Importantly, phosphorylation of threonine 211 was shown to reduce p53’s transcriptional activity while other phosphorylation sites did not. On a functional level, Aurora B was shown to reduce p53’s capacity to mediate apoptosis in response to the DNA damaging agent, cisplatin. These results define a novel mechanism for p53 inactivation by Aurora B and imply that oncogenic hyperactivation or overexpression of Aurora B may compromise p53’s tumor suppressor function.


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Maturation promoting factor (MPF), which is functionally defined by its ability to induce Xenopus oocyte maturation, is an M phase (meiosis and mitosis) specific activity that is present in all species tested. It was hypothesized that MPF is a universal trigger of the interphase to M phase transition during the cell cycle. The current model for the molecular basis of MPF is that MPF is a protein kinase having the cdc2 protein as its catalytic subunit and is identical to the M phase-specific histone H1 kinase. In the present study, I have shown that more than just cdc2 kinase contributes to MPF activity, and M phase-specific H1 kinase is composed of at least two entities, instead of just cdc2 kinase. Therefore, the simple model of MPF = cdc2 kinase = M phase-specific H1 kinase should be ruled out.^ My study began with the characterization of the mitosis-specific monoclonal antibody MPM-2. MPM-2 reacts specifically with M phase cells from different species by recognizing a discrete set of proteins once they are phosphorylated at the G$\sb2$/M transition. I found that phosphorylation of MPM-2 antigens coincided with the appearance of MPF activity during oocyte maturation stimulated by progesterone. If MPM-2 was injected into oocytes before the stimulation, MPF activity failed to appear, and the oocytes could not mature. Furthermore, MPM-2 was able to deplete MPF activity from M phase extracts. These results identified MPM-2 as a probe that recognizes either MPF itself or a regulator of MPF.^ Since M phase-specific H1 kinase was believed to be identical to cdc2 kinase and MPF, I proceeded to determine whether MPM-2 recognized the M phase-specific H1 kinase. I found that MPM-2 did recognize an M phase-specific H1 kinase. However, this kinase was not cdc2 kinase. This kinase (MPM-2 kinase) is present in a latent form in immature oocytes and is activated in tandem with the activation of MPF during oocyte maturation. It appears to accelerate progesterone-induced oocyte maturation. Therefore, MPM-2 kinase may be a novel positive regulator of MPF activation.^ MPM-2 depletes MPF activity, but not cdc2 kinase activity. This discrepancy caused me to question the equivalency of MPF with cdc2 kinase. I found that when a high percentage of MPF activity was recovered from gel filtration of mature oocyte extract, the recovered MPF activity was due to two factors, cdc2 kinase and a factor recognized by MPM-2. This factor might activate and stabilize cdc2 kinase. Identification of this factor in the present study may contribute to the understanding of the autoactivation of MPF. ^


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The v-mos gene of Moloney murine sarcoma virus (Mo-MuSv) encodes a serine/threonine protein kinase capable of inducing cellular transformation. The c-mos protein is an important cell cycle regulator that functions during meiotic cell division cycles in germ cells. The overall function of c-mos in controlling meiosis is becoming better understood but the role of v-mos in malignant transformation of cells is largely unknown.^ In this study, v-mos protein was shown to be phosphorylated by M phase kinase in vitro and in vivo. The kinase activity and neoplastic transforming ability of v-mos is positively regulated by the phosphorylation. Together with the earlier finding of activation of M phase kinase by c-mos, these results raise the possibility of mutual regulation between M phase kinase and mos kinases.^ In addition to its functional interaction with the M phase kinase, the v-mos protein was shown to be present in the same protein complex with a cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk). In addition, an antibody that recognizes the cdk proteins was shown to co-precipitate the v-mos proteins in the interphase and mitotic cells transformed by p85$\sp{\rm gag-mos}$. Cdk proteins have been shown to be associated with nonmitotic cyclins which are potential oncogenes. The perturbation of cdk kinase or the activation of non-mitotic cyclins as oncogenes by v-mos could contribute directly to v-mos induced cellular transformation. v-mos proteins were also shown to interact with tubulin and vimentin, the essential components of microtubules and type IV intermediate filaments, respectively. The organizations of both microtubules and intermediate filaments are cell cycle-regulated. These results suggest that the v-mos kinase could be directly involved in inducing morphological changes typically seen in transformed cells.^ The interactions between the v-mos protein and these cell cycle control elements in regards to v-mos induced neoplastic transformation are discussed in detail in the text. ^


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The technique of premature chromosome condensation (PCC) has been used primarily to study interphase chromosomes of somatic cells. In this study, mitotic cells were fused to cells from the mouse testes to examine the chromosomes of germ cells. The testes contain various types of cells, both germinal and nongerminal. In these initial studies, four types of PCC morphologies were observed. Chromosome morphology of the PCC and labeling experiments demonstrated the mouse cell origin of various PCC. Attempts were next made to determine the cell types producing the PCC. Spermatogonia, diplotene spermatocytes, secondary spermatocytes and round spermatids are proposed to be the origin of the PCC morphologies. Some PCC could be banded by G and C banding techniques and the mouse chromosomes identified.^ Studies were subsequently undertaken to evaluate this technique as a method of evaluating damage to germ cells. Testicular cells from irradiated mice were fused to mitotic cells and the PCC examined. Both round spermatids and secondary spermatocytes exhibited chromosome damage in the form of chromatid breaks. A linear correlation was found between the dose of irradiation and the number of breaks per cell. This technique may develop into a useful method for evaluating the clastogenic effect of agents on the germ cells. ^


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Red Blood cell mediated and glass needle mediated microinjection technology was used to introduce macromolecules into mammalian somatic cells. The biological activities of DNA synthesis inducing factor(s) (Chapter 1), mitotic factor(s) (Chapter 2), and DNA coding for ovalbumin and thymidine kinase (Chapter 3) were studied following injection into mammalian somatic cells.^ Chapter 1. A cell undergoing DNA replication (S phase) contains a factor(s) that induces DNA synthesis prematurely in a G(,1) nucleus when an S phase cell is fused to a G(,1) cell. An assay for the active factor(s) was developed in which a mixture of s phase extract loaded red blood cells (RBC) and synchronous G(,1) HeLa cells was centrifuged onto Concanavalin A (Con A) treated coverslips and fused by PEG. This technique is called "Centrifusion". The synchronous G(,1) HeLa cells injected with S phase extract initiated DNA synthesis earlier than the control G(,1) cells mock injected with RBC loaded with buffer.^ Chapter 2. It has been demonstrated that fusion between a mitotic and an interphase cell usually leads to breakdown of the interphase nucleus, followed by condensation of the interphase chromatin into discrete chromosomes, a process termed premature chromosome condensation. I wanted to develop an assay for the mitotic factor(s) that induces premature chromosome condensation. Experiments were performed utilizing glass needle mediated microinjection of HeLa cell mitotic extract into interphase somatic mammalian cells in an attempt to induce premature chromosome condensation. However, I was not able to induce premature chromosome condensation in the interphase cells, probably because of an inability to introduce sufficient mitotic factor(s) into the cells.^ Chapter 3. A recombinant plasmid containing the chicken ovalbumin gene and three copies of the Herpes thymidine Kinase gene (pOV12-TK) was introduced into mouse LMTK('-) cell nuclei using glass needle mediated gene transfer resulting in LMTK('+) clones that were selected for in HAT medium. Restriction enzyme analysis of the high molecular weight DNA from 6 HAT medium survivor cell clones revealed the presence of one or at best only a few copies of the 12kb ovalbumin gene per mouse genome. Further analysis showed the ovalbumin DNA was not rearranged and was associated with high molecular weight mouse cell DNA. Each of the analyzed cell clones produced ovalbumin demonstrating that the biological activity of the microinjected ovalbumin was retained. ^


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The phenomenon of premature chromosome condensation, resulting from fusion between mitotic and interphase cells, includes dissolution of the interphase nuclear framework, thus allowing a direct visualization of interphase chromosomes. Light microscope morphology of prematurely condensed chromosomes (PCC) from synchronized HeLa cells supports the model of an interphase "chromosome condensation cycle". PCC are increasingly attenuated as cells progress through G(,1). A maximum degree of decondensation is observed at active sites of DNA replication during S phase, and a condensed morphology is rapidly resumed following completion of replication of a chromosome segment.^ To permit ultrastructural and biochemical studies of PCC, a procedure was developed to induce premature chromosome condensation at high frequency. This was achieved by polyethylene glycol (PEG)-mediated fusion of a dense monolayer of mitotic and interphase cells induced by centrifugation onto lectin-coated culture dishes. Using this method, PCC induction frequencies of 60-90% are routinely obtained.^ Scanning electron microscope analysis of PCC spreads revealed that the extension of PCC during progression through G(,1) is accompanied by a transition of the basic 30 nm chromatin fiber from tightly packed looping fibers to extended longitudinal fibers. Sites of active DNA replication is S-PCC were indicated to be organized a single longitudinal fibers. Following replication of a chromosome segment, a rapid reorganization from the extended longitudinal fiber to packed looping fibers occurs. The postreplication maturation process appears to include the assembly of a chromosome core consisting of multiple longitudinal fibers.^ The role of histone H1 phosphorylation in PCC formation was investigated by acidurea polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of total histone extracted from metaphase chromosomes and PCC following high frequency fusion. This investigation failed to demonstrate an extensive phosphorylation of H1 associated with PCC formation. However, significant dephosphorylation of superphosphorylated metaphase chromosome H1 was observed, indicating that interphase H1-phosphatase activity is dominant over metaphase H1 kinase activity. These observations provide evidence against models suggesting a role for H1 superphosphorylation in triggering mitotic condensation of chromosomes. ^


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The objective of this research has been to study the molecular basis for chromosome aberration formation. Predicated on a variety of data, Mitomycin C (MMC)-induced DNA damage has been postulated to cause the formation of chromatid breaks (and gaps) by preventing the replication of regions of the genome prior to mitosis. The basic protocol for these experiments involved treating synchronized Hela cells in G(,1)-phase with a 1 (mu)g/ml dose of MMC for one hour. After removing the drug, cells were then allowed to progress to mitosis and were harvested for analysis by selective detachment. Utilizing the alkaline elution assay for DNA damage, evidence was obtained to support the conclusion that Hela cells can progress through S-phase into mitosis with intact DNA-DNA interstrand crosslinks. A higher level of crosslinking was observed in those cells remaining in interphase compared to those able to reach mitosis at the time of analysis. Dual radioisotope labeling experiments revealed that, at this dose, these crosslinks were associated to the same extent with both parental and newly replicated DNA. This finding was shown not to be the result of a two-step crosslink formation mechanism in which crosslink levels increase with time after drug treatment. It was also shown not to be an artefact of the double-labeling protocol. Using neutral CsCl density gradient ultracentrifugation of mitotic cells containing BrdU-labeled newly replicated DNA, control cells exhibited one major peak at a heavy/light density. However, MMC-treated cells had this same major peak at the heavy/light density, in addition to another minor peak at a density characteristic for light/light DNA. This was interpreted as indicating either: (1) that some parental DNA had not been replicated in the MMC treated sample or; (2) that a recombination repair mechanism was operational. To distinguish between these two possibilities, flow cytometric DNA fluorescence (i.e., DNA content) measurements of MMC-treated and control cells were made. These studies revealed that the mitotic cells that had been treated with MMC while in G(,1)-phase displayed a 10-20% lower DNA content than untreated control cells when measured under conditions that neutralize chromosome condensation effects (i.e., hypotonic treatment). These measurements were made under conditions in which the binding of the drug, MMC, was shown not to interfere with the stoichiometry of the ethidium bromide-mithramycin stain. At the chromosome level, differential staining techniques were used in an attempt to visualize unreplicated regions of the genome, but staining indicative of large unreplicated regions was not observed. These results are best explained by a recombinogenic mechanism. A model consistent with these results has been proposed.^


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Mammalian cells express 7 β-tubulin isotypes in a tissue specific manner. This has long fueled the speculation that different isotypes carry out different functions. To provide direct evidence for their functional significance, class III, IVa, and VI β-tubulin cDNAs were cloned into a tetracycline regulated expression vector and stably transfected Chinese hamster ovary cell lines expressing different levels of ectopic β-tubulin were compared for effects on microtubule organization, microtubule assembly and sensitivity to antimitotic drugs. It was found that all three isotypes coassembled with endogenous β-tubulin. βVI expression caused distinct microtubule rearrangements including microtubule dissociation from the centrosome and accumulation at the cell periphery; whereas expression of βIII and βVIa caused no observable changes in the interphase microtubule network. Overexpression of all 3 isotypes caused spindle malformation and mitotic defects. Both βIII and βIVa disrupted microtubule assembly in proportion to their abundance and thereby conferred supersensitivity to microtubule depolymerizing drugs. In contrast, βVI stabilized microtubules at low stoichiometry and thus conferred resistance to many microtubule destabilizing drugs but not vinblastine. The 3 isotypes caused differing responses to microtubule stabilizing drugs. Expression of βIII conferred paclitaxel resistance while βVI did not. Low expression of βIVa caused supersensitivity to paclitaxel, whereas higher expression resulted in the loss of supersensitivity. The results suggest that βIVa may possess an enhanced ability to bind paclitaxel that increases sensitivity to the drug and acts substoichiometrically. At high levels of βVIa expression, however, microtubule disruptive effects counteract the assembly promoting pressure exerted by increased paclitaxel binding, and drug supersensitivity is lost. From this study, I concluded that β-tubulin isotypes behave differently from each other in terms of microtubule organization, microtubule assembly and dynamics, and antimitotic drug sensitivity. The isotype composition of cell can impart subtle to dramatic effects on the properties of microtubules leading to potential functional consequences and opening the opportunity to exploit differences in microtubule isotype composition for therapeutic gain. ^


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The p21-activated kinase, Shk1, is an essential serine/threonine kinase required for normal cell polarity, proper mating response, and hyperosmotic stress response, in the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. This study has established a novel role for Shk1 as a microtubule regulator in fission yeast and, in addition, characterized a potential biological substrate of Shk1. Cells defective in Shk1 function were found to exhibit malformed interphase and mitotic microtubules, are hypersensitive to the microtubule disrupting drug thiabendazole (TBZ), and are cold sensitive for growth. Microtubule disruption by TBZ results in a significant reduction of Shk1 kinase activity, which is restored after cells are released from the drug, thus providing a correlation between Shk1 kinase activity and active microtubule polymerization. Consistent with a role for Shk1 as a microtubule regulator, GFP-Shk1 fusion proteins localize to interphase microtubules and mitotic microtubule spindles. Furthermore, loss of Tea1, a presumptive microtubule regulator in fission yeast, exacerbates the growth and microtubule defects of cells deficient in Shk1 function, and results in illicit Shk1 localization. Moreover, loss of the Cdc2 inhibitory kinase Wee1, which has been implicated as a mediator of the Shk1 pathway, leads to significant microtubule defects. Intriguingly, Wee1 protein levels are markedly reduced both by partial loss of Shk1 function and by treatment with TBZ. These results suggest that Shk1 is required for proper regulation of microtubule dynamics in fission yeast and may interact with Tea1 and Wee1 in this regulatory process. ^ To further understand Shk1 function in fission yeast, a yeast two-hybrid screen for proteins that interact with the Shk1 catalytic domain was performed. This screen led to the identification of a novel protein, Skb10 (for S&barbelow;hk1 k&barbelow;inase b&barbelow;inding protein 10). Coprecipitation experiments demonstrated that Skb10 associates with Shk1 in S. pombe cells. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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The BCR-ABL fusion gene is the molecular hallmark of Philadelphia-positive leukemias. Normal Bcr is a multifunctional protein, originally localized to the cytoplasm. It has serine kinase activity and has been implicated in cellular signal transduction. Recently, it has been reported that Bcr can interact with xeroderma pigmentosum group B (XPB/ERCC3)—a nuclear protein active in UV-induced DNA repair. Two major Bcr proteins (p160 Bcr and p130Bcr) have been characterized, and our preliminary results using metabolic labeling and immunoblotting demonstrated that, while both the p160 and p130 forms of Bcr localized to the cytoplasm, the p130 form (and to a lesser extent p160) could also be found in the nucleus. Furthermore, electron microscopy confirmed the presence of Bcr in the nucleus and demonstrated that this protein associates with metaphase chromatin as well as condensed interphase heterochromatin. Since serine kinases that associate with condensed DNA are often cell cycle regulatory, these observations suggested a novel role for nuclear Bcr in cell cycle regulation and/or DNA repair. However, cell cycle synchronization analysis did not demonstrate changes in levels of Bcr throughout the cell cycle. Therefore we hypothesized that BCR serves as a DNA repair gene, and its function is altered by formation of BCR-ABL. This hypothesis was investigated using cell lines stably transfected with the BCR-ABL gene, and their parental counterparts (MBA-1 vs. M07E and Bcr-AblT1 vs. 4A2+pZAP), and several DNA repair assays: the Comet assay, a radioinimunoassay for UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs), and clonogenic assays. Comet assays demonstrated that, after exposure to either ultraviolet (UV)-C (0.5 to 10.0 joules m −2) or to gamma radiation (200–1000 rads) there was greater efficiency of DNA repair in the BCR-ABL-transfected cells compared to their parental controls. Furthermore, after UVC-irradiation, there was less production of CPDs, and a more rapid disappearance of these adducts in BCR-ABL-bearing cells. UV survival, as reflected by clonogenic assays, was also greater in the BCR-ABL-transfected cells. Taken together, these results indicate that, in our systems, BCR-ABL confers resistance to UVC-induced damage in cells, and increases DNA repair efficiency in response to both UVC- and gamma-irradiation. ^


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The essential p21-activated kinase (PAK), Shk1, is a critical component of a Ras/Cdc42/PAK complex required for cell viability, normal cell polarity, proper regulation of cytoskeletal dynamics, and sexual differentiation in the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. While cellular functions of PAKs have been described in eukaryotes from yeasts to mammals, the molecular mechanisms of PAK regulation and function are poorly understood. This study has characterized a novel Shk1 inhibitor, Skb15, and, in addition, identified the cell polarity regulator, Tea1, as a potential biological substrate of Shk1 in S. pombe. Skb15 is a highly conserved WD repeat protein that was discovered from a two-hybrid screen for proteins that interact with the catalytic domain of Shk1. Molecular data indicate that Skb15 negatively regulates Shk1 kinase activity in S. pombe cells. A null mutation in the skb15 gene is lethal and results in deregulation of actin polymerization and localization, microtubule biogenesis, and the cytokinetic machinery, as well as a substantial uncoupling of these processes from the cell cycle. Loss of Skb15 function is suppressed by partial loss of Shk1, demonstrating that negative regulation of Shk1 by Skb15 is required for proper execution of cytoskeletal remodeling and cytokinetic functions. A mouse homolog of Skb15 can substitute for its counterpart in fission yeast, demonstrating that Skb15 protein function has been substantially conserved through evolution. ^ Our laboratory has recently demonstrated that Shk1, in addition to regulating actin cytoskeletal organization, is required for proper regulation of microtubule dynamics in S. pombe cells. The Shk1 protein localizes to interphase and mitotic microtubules, the septum-forming region, and cell ends. This pattern of localization overlaps with that of the cell polarity regulator, Tea1, in S. pombe cells. The tea1 gene was identified by Paul Nurse's laboratory from a screen for genes involved in the control of cell morphogenesis in S. pombe. In contrast to wild type S. pombe cells, which are rod shaped, tea1 null cells are often bent and/or branched in shape. The Tea1 protein localizes to the cell ends, like Shk1, and the growing tips of interphase microtubules. Thus, experiments were performed to investigate whether Tea1 interacts with Shk1. The tea1 null mutation strongly suppresses the loss of function of Skb15, an essential inhibitor of Shk1 function. All defects associated with the skb15 mutation, including defects in F-actin organization, septation, spindle elongation, and chromosome segregation, are suppressed by tea1Δ, suggesting that Tea1 may function in these diverse processes. Consistent with a role for Tea1 in cytokinesis, tea1Δ cells have a modest cell separation defect that is greatly exacerbated by a shk1 mutation and, like Shk1, Tea1 localizes to the septation site. Molecular analyses showed that Tea1 phosphorylation is significantly dependent on Shk1 function in vivo and that bacterially expressed Tea1 protein is directly phosphorylated by recombinant Shk1 kinase in vitro. Taken together, these results identify Tea1 as a potential biological substrate of Shk1 in S. pombe. ^ In summary, this study provides new insights into a conserved regulatory mechanism for PAKs, and also begins to uncover the molecular mechanisms by which the Ras/Cdc42/PAK complex regulates the microtubule and actin cytoskeletons and cell growth polarization in fission yeast. ^