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The adult male golden hamster, when exposed to blinding (BL), short photoperiod (SP), or daily melatonin injections (MEL) demonstrates dramatic reproductive collapse. This collapse can be blocked by removal of the pineal gland prior to treatment. Reproductive collapse is characterized by a dramatic decrease in both testicular weight and serum gonadotropin titers. The present study was designed to examine the interactions of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland during testicular regression, and to specifically compare and contrast changes caused by the three commonly employed methods of inducing testicular regression (BL,SP,MEL). Hypothalamic LHRH content was altered by all three treatments. There was an initial increase in content of LHRH that occurred concomitantly with the decreased serum gonadotropin titers, followed by a precipitous decline in LHRH content which reflected the rapid increases in both serum LH and FSH which occur during spontaneous testicular recrudescence. In vitro pituitary responsiveness was altered by all three treatments: there was a decline in basal and maximally stimulatable release of both LH and FSH which paralleled the fall of serum gonadotropins. During recrudescence both basal and maximal release dramatically increased in a manner comparable to serum hormone levels. While all three treatments were equally effective in their ability to induce changes at all levels of the endocrine system, there were important temporal differences in the effects of the various treatments. Melatonin injections induced the most rapid changes in endocrine parameters, followed by exposure to short photoperiod. Blinding required the most time to induce the same changes. This study has demonstrated that pineal-mediated testicular regression is a process which involves dynamic changes in multiply-dependent endocrine relationships, and proper evaluation of these changes must be performed with specific temporal events in mind. ^
Reproductive hormones have effects on the nervous system not directly related to reproductive function. In the rat, for example, luteinizing hormone releasing hormone has dramatic effects on learning and memory. The present work attempts to examine the effects of reproductive hormones on non-reproductive behaviors and the neural loci and mechanisms underlying these effects in Aplysia, an animal whose behaviors, reproductive hormones and neural circuitry have been well characterized.^ In Aplysia, the neurosecretory bag cells release several peptides that are responsible for eliciting egg laying. The effects of these peptides on the defensive tail-siphon withdrawal reflex, as well as sensitization of this reflex, were examined. Sensitization, a simple form of nonassociative learning, refers to the behavioral enhancement of a response to a test stimulus after the presentation of a strong stimulus, that may last minutes (short-term) or days (long-term). An extract of the bag cells (BCE) inhibited the baseline siphon component of the tail-siphon withdrawal reflex and suppressed long-term, but not short-term, sensitization of the reflex. Preliminary experiments suggest that BCE also affects the tail component of the tail-siphon withdrawal reflex.^ To determine the neural mechanisms underlying the inhibition of the baseline reflex, electrophysiological studies were performed using an in vitro analogue of the tail-siphon withdrawal reflex to examine the ability of BCE, as well as the individual bag cell peptides (BCPs), to modulate the circuitry of the reflex. Bag cell extract attenuated the synaptic strength of the monosynaptic connections between tail sensory neurons and tail motor neurons. When individually applied only $\beta$-BCP produced a similar attenuation. This effect of $\beta$-BCP was not dependent on changes in duration of the presynaptic action potential.^ An in vitro analogue of long-term sensitization training was developed to examine the mechanisms by which the BCPs may affect long-term sensitization of the tail-siphon withdrawal reflex. This analogue exhibited both short- and long-term facilitation of the connections between the tail sensory and motor neurons.^ The results of these behavioral and electrophysiological experiments suggest that the BCPs inhibit the tail-siphon withdrawal reflex, at least in part, by modulating the synaptic strength of the connections between the sensory neurons and motor neurons underlying the reflex. One candidate for this effect is $\beta$-BCP. Thus, the peptides which elicit egg laying may also serve other functions such as the inhibition of defensive reflexes. In addition, these experiments raise the possibility that BCPs may exert a long lasting effect ($>$24 hr), suppressing long-term sensitization of the tail-siphon withdrawal reflex. ^
Neonatal estrogen treatment of BALB/c mice results in the unregulated proliferation of the cervicovaginal epithelium and eventually tumorigenesis. The conversion of the normally estrogen responsive cyclic proliferation of the vaginal epithelium to a continuous estrogen-independent pattern of growth is a complex phenomenon. The aim of this study was to gain an understanding of the mechanism(s) by which steroid hormone administration during a critical period of development alters the cyclic proliferation of vaginal epithelium, ultimately leading to carcinogenesis in the adult animal.^ The LJ6195 murine cervicovaginal tumor was induced by treating newborn female BALB/c mice with 20 $\mu$g 17$\beta$-estradiol plus 100 $\mu$g progesterone for the first 5 days after birth. In contrast to proliferation of the normal vaginal epithelium, proliferation of LJ6195 is not regulated by estradiol. Northern blot analysis of RNA from vaginal tracts of normal mice, neonatal-estrogen treated mice, and LJ6195 indicate that there is an alteration in the expression of several genes such as the estrogen receptor, c-fos, and HER2/neu. In response to neonatal estrogen treatment, the estrogen receptor is down regulated in the murine vaginal tract. Therefore, the estrogen-independent nature of this tissue is established as early as 3 months after treatment. There is strong evidence that the proliferation of LJ6195 is regulated through an autocrine growth pathway. The LJ6195 tumor expresses mRNA for the epidermal growth factor receptor. In addition, conditioned medium from the LJ6195 tumor cell line contains a growth factor(s) with epidermal growth factor-like activity. Conditioned medium from the LJ6195 cell line stimulated the proliferation of the EGF-dependent COMMA D mouse mammary gland cell line in a dose-dependent manner. The addition of an anti-mEGF-antibody to LJ6195 cell cultures significantly decreased growth. These results suggest that the EGF-receptor mediated growth pathway may play a role in regulating the estrogen-independent proliferation of the LJ6195 tumor. ^
Aldosterone plays a major role in the regulation of salt balance and the pathophysiology of cardiovascular and renal diseases. Many aldosterone-regulated genes--including that encoding the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC), a key arbiter of Na+ transport in the kidney and other epithelia--have been identified, but the mechanisms by which the hormone modifies chromatin structure and thus transcription remain unknown. We previously described the basal repression of ENaCalpha by a complex containing the histone H3 Lys79 methyltransferase disruptor of telomeric silencing alternative splice variant a (Dot1a) and the putative transcription factor ALL1-fused gene from chromosome 9 (Af9) as well as the release of this repression by aldosterone treatment. Here we provide evidence from renal collecting duct cells and serum- and glucocorticoid-induced kinase-1 (Sgk1) WT and knockout mice that Sgk1 phosphorylated Af9, thereby impairing the Dot1a-Af9 interaction and leading to targeted histone H3 Lys79 hypomethylation at the ENaCalpha promoter and derepression of ENaCalpha transcription. Thus, Af9 is a physiologic target of Sgk1, and Sgk1 negatively regulates the Dot1a-Af9 repressor complex that controls transcription of ENaCalpha and likely other aldosterone-induced genes.
The progression of hormone responsive to hormone refractory prostate cancer poses a major clinical challenge in the successful treatment of prostate cancer. The hormone refractory prostate cancer cells exhibit resistance not only to castrate levels of testosterone, but also to other therapeutic modalities and hence become lethal. Currently, there is no effective treatment available for managing this cancer. These observations underscore the urgency to investigate mechanism(s) that contribute to the progression of hormone-responsive to hormone-refractory prostate cancer and to target them for improved clinical outcomes. Tissue transglutaminase (TG2) is a multifunctional pro-inflammatory protein involved in diverse physiological processes such as inflammation, tissue repair, and wound healing. Its expression is also implicated in pathological conditions such as cancer and fibrosis. Interestingly, we found that the androgen-independent prostate cancer cell lines, which lacked androgen receptor (AR) expression, contained high basal levels of tissue transglutaminase. Inversely, the cell lines that expressed androgen receptor lacked transglutaminase expression. This attracted our attention to investigate the possible role this protein may play in the progression of prostate cancer, especially in view of recent observations that its expression is linked with increased invasion, metastasis, and drug resistance in multiple cancer cell types. The results we obtained were rather surprising and revealed that stable expression of tissue transglutaminase in androgen-sensitive LNCaP prostate cancer cells rendered these cells independent of androgen for growth and survival by silencing the AR expression. The AR silencing in TG2 expressing cells (TG2-infected LNCaP and PC-3 cells) was due to TG2-induced activation of the inflammatory nuclear transcription factor-kB (NF-kB). Thus, TG2 induced NF-kB was found to directly bind to the AR promoter. Importantly, TG2 protein was specifically recruited to the AR promoter in complex with the p65 subunit of NF-kB. Moreover, TG2 expressing LNCaP and PC-3 cells exhibited epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, as evidenced by gain of mesenchymal (such as fibronectin, vimentin, etc.) and loss of epithelial markers (such as E-cadherin, b-catenin). Taken together, these results suggested a new function for TG2 and revealed a novel mechanism that is responsible for the progression of prostate cancer to the aggressive hormone-refractory phenotype.
Skin cancer is the most common malignancy in humans. Although highly treatable, non-melanoma skin cancer is commonly followed by other non-cutaneous malignancies. Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) acts as both tumor initiator and promoter, and also results in the suppression of specific immune responses. The systemic suppression of immune responses is initiated by DNA damage, which promotes IL-10 production, an important cytokine as anti-IL-10 can abrogate the suppression, and upregulates the pro-apoptotic proteins Fas and Fas ligand (FasL). FasL is a critical factor for UV-induced immune suppression, and the suppressor cell induced by UV expresses FasL. ^ We hypothesized that the microenvironment affects Fas/FasL interactions, and that these interactions are important to the phenomenon of UV induced immune suppression. To determine the effects of the interaction of FasL and IL-10, splenocytes isolated from C57Bl/6 mice were cultured in the presence or absence of IL-10 post-mitogenic activation. We determined that IL-10 protects from Fas-mediated apoptosis by lowering Fas sensitivity and lowering the levels of either Fas or FasL. This protection is stronger when IL-10 is given immediately after mitogenic activation, and does not increase any of the inhibitors of apoptosis studied. In vivo, splenocytes from UV-irradiated mice are resistant to Fas-mediated apoptosis and present very high levels of IL-10, lowered Fas sensitivity and lowered caspase cleavage despite higher expression of Fas and FasL than non-irradiated mice. ^ UV-induced immune suppression affects female mice preferentially, which led us to look at prolactin as a possible component of this suppression since this hormone has also been associated with increased skin carcinogenesis. The interaction of FasL and prolactin results in suppression of the delayed type hypersensitivity response to Candida albicans. This lack of response depends on FasL as is not seen in gld mice. Similar to UV-induced immune suppression, the suppression is caused by a Th2 deviation, and correlates with a significant increase in Fas expression. In the presence of UV, the effects of prolactin seemed to be protective, and UV actually restores the DTH response.^ Taken together, these observations suggest that the microenvironment dictates the outcome of the interaction of FasL with Fas going from promoting apoptosis to preventing apoptosis or mediating a Th2 deviation and suppression of a Th1 response. ^
It is widely accepted that the process of breast cancer tumorigenesis involves estrogen receptor-alpha (ER)-regulated stimulatory pathways, which feed into survival, cell cycle progression and proliferative response. Recent data from Kumar laboratory indicate that dynein light chain 1 (DLC1) plays a role in survival, motility and invasiveness, all of which are required for a successful tumorigenesis process. In the present research, we have discovered a mechanistic bidirectional regulatory link between the DLC1 and ER. We found that DLC1 facilitates ligand-induced ER transactivation involving the recruitment of the DLC1-ER complex to ER-target genes. To gain insights into the mechanism by which DLC1 regulates the ER pathway, we set out to identify novel DLC1-interacting proteins. Among other proteins, we identified KIBRA and Ciz1 as two novel DLC1-interacting proteins. We found that the KIBRA-DLC1 complex is recruited to ER-responsive promoters, and that KIBRA-DLC1 interaction is needed for the recruitment of ER to its targets as well as for ER's transactivation function. Finally, we found that KIBRA utilizes its histone H3interacting glutamic acid-rich region to regulate the transactivation activity of ER. During the course of this work, we also discovered that DLC1 interacts with Cdk2 and Ciz1, and such interactions play a direct accelerating role in the G1-S transition of breast cancer cells. While delineating the role of Ciz1 in hormone-responsive cancer cells, we found that Ciz1 is an estrogen-responsive gene, and acts as a co-regulator of ER. Accordingly, Ciz1 overexpression in breast cancer cells conferred estrogen hypersensitivity, promoted the growth-rate, anchorage-independency and tumorigenic properties. Collectively, findings made during the course of the present dissertation research introduced two new molecular players in the action of ER in breast cancer cells, with a particular focus on cell cycle progression and ER-chromatin target regulation. In addition, findings presented here provide novel mechanistic insight about the contribution of DLC1 and its interacting proteins in amplifying the hormone action and promoting the process of breast cancer tumorigenesis. ^
Despite of much success of breast cancer treatment, basal-like breast cancer subtype still presented as a clinical challenge to mammary oncologist for its lack of available targeted therapy owing to their negative expression of targeted molecules, such as PgR, ERα and Her2. These molecules are all critical regulators in mammary gland development. EZH2, a histone methyltransferase, by forming Polycomb Repressive Complex 2(PRC2) can directly suppress a large array of developmental regulators. Overexpression of cyclin E has also been correlated with basal-like (triple-negative) breast cancer and poor prognosis. We found an important functional link between these two molecules. Cyclin E/Cdk2 can enhance PRC2 function by phosphorylating a specific residue of EZH2, threonine 416 and increasing EZH2's ability to complex with SUZ12. This regulation would further recruit whole PRC2 complex to core promoter regions of these developmental regulators. The local enrichment of PRC2 complex would then trimethylate H3K27 around the core promoter regions and suppress the expression of targeted genes, which included PgR, ERα, erbB2 and BRCA1. This widespread gene suppressive effect imposed by highly active PRC2 complex would then transform the lumina) type cell to adopt a basal-like phenotype. This finding suggested deregulated Cdk2 activity owing to cyclin E overexpression may contribute to basal phenotype through enhancing epigenetic silencing effects by regulating PRC2 function. Inhibition of Cdk2 activity in basal-like cancer cells may help release the suppression, reexpress the silenced genes and become responsive to existing anti-hormone or anti-Her2 therapy. From this study, the mechanisms described here provided a rationale to target basal-like breast cancer by new combinational therapy of Cdk2 inhibitors together with Lapatinib, or Aromatin. ^
Background. Assessment of estrogen receptor (ER) expression has inconsistent utility as a prognostic marker in epithelial ovarian carcinoma. In breast and endometrial cancers, the use of estrogen-induced gene panels, rather than ER expression alone, has shown improved prognostic capability. Specifically, over-expression of estrogen-induced genes in these tumors is associated with a better prognosis and signifies estrogen sensitivity that can be exploited with hormone antagonizing agents. It was therefore hypothesized that estrogen-induced gene expression in ovarian carcinoma would successfully predict outcomes and differentiate between tumors of varying estrogen sensitivities. Methods. Two hundred nineteen (219) patients with ovarian cancer who underwent surgery at M. D. Anderson between 2004 and 2007 were identified. Of these, eighty-three (83) patients were selected for inclusion because they had advanced stage, high-grade serous carcinoma of the ovary or peritoneum, had not received neoadjuvant chemotherapy, and had readily available frozen tissue for study. All patients had also received adjuvant treatment with platinum and taxane agents. The expression of seven genes known to be induced by estrogen in the female reproductive tract (EIG121, sFRP1, sFRP4, RALDH2, PR, IGF-1, and ER) was measured using qRT-PCR. Unsupervised cluster analyses of multiple gene permutations were used to categorize patients as high or low estrogen-induced gene expressors. QPCR gene expression results were then compared to ER and PR immunohistochemical (IHC) expression. Cox proportional hazards models were used to evaluate the effects of both individual genes and selected gene clusters on patient survival. Results. Median follow-up time was 38.7 months (range 1-68 months). In a multivariate model, overall survival was predicted by sFRP1 expression (HR 1.10 [1.02-1.19], p=0.01) and EIG121 expression (HR 1.28 [1.10-1.49], p<0.01). A cluster defined by EIG121 and ER was further examined because that combination appeared to reasonably segregate tumors into distinct groups of high and low estrogen-induced gene expressors. Shorter overall survival was associated with high estrogen-induced gene expressors (HR 2.84 [1.11-7.30], p=0.03), even after adjustment for race, age, body mass index, and residual disease at debulking. No difference in IHC ER or PR expression was noted between gene clusters. Conclusion. In sharp contrast to breast and endometrial cancers, high estrogen-induced gene expression predicts shorter overall survival in patients with high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma. An estrogen-induced gene biomarker panel may have utility as prognostic indicator and may be useful to guide management with estrogen antagonists in this population.^