22 resultados para Human Symbolic Thinking and Acting

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Given the increased awareness and attention to human trafficking, including the establishment of federal laws and policies, federally funded task forces that provide law enforcement responses, and specialized victim services, it is important to assess the impact of these procedures and services on survivors/victims of international human trafficking and their immigrant children. By federal definition, certified victims of international human trafficking are eligible for all services provided to refugees in this country, including reunification with their minor children. This research is based on a qualitative study conducted in Austin and Houston, Texas with human trafficking victims/survivors. The project’s goal was to gain an understanding of the needs of human trafficking survivors after their rescue, their overall integration into American life, and the subsequent needs of their immigrant children after reunification. The project objectives examined the factors that either promote or hinder self-sufficiency, the determination of social service needs, and policy and practice recommendations to strengthen survivors, their children and their families living both locally and abroad. For this project, nine (n = 9) in-depth interviews were conducted with adult foreign-born victims of human trafficking. Researchers gathered data using a semi-structured questionnaire that queried about factors that promote or hinder victims’ services and needs. Interviews were conducted in participants’ homes using bilingual research staff and/or trained interpreters, were digitally-recorded, and subsequently transcribed. Participation in this study was completely voluntary. Specific steps were taken to ensure that the participants’ identities were protected. Open coding of data was utilized and the data were subsequently organized or grouped into properties and later developed into contextual themes around the research questions. The findings are grounded with the use of direct quotes from participants. As a result of progressive U.S. policy, many victims of human trafficking are being reunited with their minor children. Immigrant children are one of the largest and fastest growing populations in the U.S. and for a variety of reasons are vulnerable to exploitation. Research also indicates that victims of trafficking are identified by traffickers because of their perceived “vulnerabilities” or lack of opportunities (Clark, 2003). Therefore, it is important that practices and policies are developed to address the unique needs of these families with an eye toward positive outcomes for parent and child safety and well-being. Social service providers are provided a toolkit that may be utilized before and during the reunification period.


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A commentary on Busch-Armendariz, Nsonwu, and Heffron’s article, “Human Trafficking Victims and Their Children: Assessing Needs, Vulnerabilities, Strengths, and Survivorship,” noting key findings and calling for further research.


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Heparanase, an endo-$\beta$-D-glucuronidase, has been associated with melanoma metastasis. Polyclonal antibodies directed against the murine N-terminal heparanase peptide detected a M$\sb{\rm r}\sim 97,000$ protein upon SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of mouse melanoma and human melanoma cell lysates. In an indirect immunocytochemical study, metastatic human A375-SM and mouse B16-BL6 melanoma cells were stained with the anti-heparanase antibodies. Heparanase antigen was localized in the cytoplasm of permeabilized melanoma cells as well as at the cell surface of unpermeabilized cells. Immunohistochemical staining of frozen sections from syngeneic mouse organs containing micrometastases of B16-BL6 melanoma demonstrated heparanase localized in metastatic melanoma cells, but not in adjacent normal tissues. Similar studies using frozen sections of malignant melanomas resected from patients indicated that heparanase is localized in invading melanoma cells, but not in adjacent connective tissues.^ Monoclonal antibodies directed against murine heparanase were developed and characterized. Monoclonal antibody 10E5, an IgM, precipitated and inhibitated the enzymatic activity of heparanase. A 2.6 kb cDNA was isolated from a human melanoma $\lambda$gt11 cDNA library using the monoclonal antibody 10E5. Heparan sulfate cleavage activity was detected in the lysogen lysates from E. Coli Y1089 infected with the $\lambda$gt11 cDNA and this activity was inhibited in the presence of 10-fold excess of heparin, a potent inhibitor of heparanase. The nucleotide sequence of the cDNA was determined and insignificant homology was found with the gene sequences currently known. The cDNA hybridized to a 3.2-3.4 kb mRNA in human A375 melanoma, WI-38 fibroblast, and THP-1 leukemia cells using Northern blots.^ Heparanase expression was examined using Western and Northern blots. In comparison to human A375-P melanoma cells, the quantity of 97,000 protein recognized by the polyclonal anti-heparanase antibodies doubled in the metastatic variant A375-SM cells and the quantity of 3.2-3.4 kb mRNA doubled in A375MetMix, a metastatic variant similar to A375-SM cells. In B16 murine melanoma cell, the intensity of the 97,000 protein increased more than 2 times comparing with B16-F1 cells. The extent in the increase of the protein and the mRNA levels is comparable to the change of heparanase activity observed in those cells.^ In summary, the studies suggest that (a) the N-terminus of the heparanase molecule in mouse and human is antigenically related; (b) heparanase antigens are localized at the cell surface and in the cytoplasm of metastatic human and mouse melanoma cells; (c) heparanase antigens are localized in invasive and metastatic murine and human melanomas in vivo, but not in adjacent normal tissues; (d) heparanase molecule appeared to be differentially expressed at the transcriptional as well as at the translational level; and (e) the size of human heparanase mRNA is 3.2-3.4 kilobase. ^


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Heparan sulfate proteoglycans and their corresponding binding sites have been suggested to play an important role during the initial attachment of blastocysts to uterine epithelium and human trophoblastic cell lines to uterine epithelial cell lines. Previous studies on RL95 cells, a human uterine epithelial cell line, characterized a single class of cell surface heparin/heparan sulfate (HP/HS)-binding sites. Three major HP/HS-binding peptide fragments were isolated from RL95 cell surfaces by tryptic digestion and partial amino-terminal amino acid sequence from each peptide fragment was obtained. In the current study, using the approaches of reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and cDNA library screening, a novel cell surface $\rm\underline{H}$P/HS $\rm\underline{i}$nteracting $\rm\underline{p}$rotein (HIP) has been isolated from RL95 cells. The full-length cDNA of HIP encodes a protein of 259 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 17,754 Da and pI of 11.75. Transfection of HIP cDNA into NIH-3T3 cells demonstrated cell surface expression and a size similar to that of HIP expressed by human cells. Predicted amino acid sequence indicates that HIP lacks a membrane spanning region and has no consensus sites for glycosylation. Northern blot analysis detected a single transcript of 1.3 kb in both total RNA and poly(A$\sp+$) RNA. Examination of human cell lines and normal tissues using both Northern blot and Western blot analysis revealed that HIP is differentially expressed in a variety of human cell lines and normal tissues, but absent in some cell lines examined. HIP has about 80% homology, at the level of both mRNA and protein, to a rodent protein, designated as ribosomal protein L29. Thus, members of the L29 family may be displayed on cell surfaces where they participate in HP/HS binding events. Studies on a synthetic peptide derived from HIP demonstrate that HIP peptide binds HS/HP with high selectivity and has high affinity (Kd = 10 nM) for a subset of polysaccharides found in commercial HIP preparations. Moreover, HIP peptide also binds certain forms of cell surface, but not secreted or intracellular. HS expressed by RL95 and JAR cells. This peptide supports the attachment of several human trophoblastic cell lines and a variety of mammalian adherent cell lines in a HS-dependent fashion. Furthermore, studies on the subset of HP specifically recognized by HIP peptide indicate that this high-affinity HP (HA-HP) has a larger median MW and a greater negative charge density than bulk HP. The minimum size of oligosaccharide required to bind to HIP peptide with high affinity is a septa- or octasaccharide. HA-HP also quantitatively binds to antithrombin-III (AT-III) with high affinity, indicating that HIP peptide and AT-III may recognize the same or similar oligosaccharide structure(s). Furthermore, HIP peptide antagonizes HP action and promotes blood coagulation in both factor Xa- and thrombin-dependent assays. Finally, HA-HP recognized by HP peptide is highly enriched with anticoagulant activity relative to bulk HP. Collectively, these results demonstrate that HIP may play a role in the HP/HS-involved cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions and recognizes a motif in HP similar or identical to that recognized by AT-III and therefore, may modulate blood coagulation. ^


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The myogenin gene encodes an evolutionarily conserved basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor that regulates the expression of skeletal muscle-specific genes and its homozygous deletion results in mice who die of respiratory failure at birth. The histology of skeletal muscle in the myogenin null mice is reminiscent of that found in some severe congenital myopathy patients, many of whom also die of respiratory complications and provides the rationale that an aberrant human myogenin (myf4) coding region could be associated with some congenital myopathy conditions.^ With PCR, we found similarly sized amplimers for the three exons of the myogenin gene in 37 patient and 40 control samples. In contrast to the GeneBank sequence for human myogenin, we report several differences in flanking and coding regions plus an additional 659 and 498 bps in the first and second introns, respectively, in all patients and controls. We also find a novel (CA)-dinucleotide repeat in the second intron. No causative mutations were detected in the myogenin coding regions of genomic DNA from patients with severe congenital myopathy.^ Severe congenital myopathies in humans are often associated with respiratory complications and pulmonary hypoplasia. We have employed the myogenin null mouse, which lacks normal development of skeletal muscle fibers as a genetically defined severe congenital myopathy mouse model to evaluate the effect of absent fetal breathing movement on pulmonary development.^ Significant differences are observed at embryonic days E14, E17 and E20 of lung:body weight, total DNA and histologically, suggesting that the myogenin null lungs are hypoplastic. RT-PCR, in-situ immunofluorescence and EM reveal pneumocyte type II differentiation in both null and wild lungs as early as E14. However, at E14, myogenin null lungs have decreased BrdU incorporation while E17 through term, augmented cell death is detected in the myogenin null lungs, not seen in wild littermates. Absent mechanical forces appear to impair normal growth, but not maturation, of the developing lungs in myogenin null mouse.^ These investigations provide the basis for delineating the DNA sequence of the myogenin gene and and highlight the importance of skeletal muscle development in utero for normal lung organogenesis. My observation of no mutations within the coding regions of the human myogenin gene in DNA from patients with severe congenital myopathy do not support any association with this condition. ^


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Background. There are 200,000 HIV/HCV co-infected people in the US and IDUs are at highest risk of exposure. Between 52-92% of HIV infected IDUs are chronically infected with HCV. African Americans and Hispanics bear the largest burden of co-infections. Furthermore HIV/HCV co-infection is associated with high morbidity and mortality if not treated. The present study investigates the demographic, sexual and drug related risk factors for HIV/HCV co-infection among predominantly African American injecting and non-injecting drug users living in two innercity neighborhoods in Houston, Texas. ^ Methods. This secondary analysis used data collected between February 2004 and June 2005 from 1,889 drug users. Three case-comparison analyses were conducted to investigate the risk factors for HIV/HCV co-infection. HIV mono-infection, HCV mono-infection and non-infection were compared to HIV/HCV co-infection to build multivariate logistic regression models. Race/ethnicity and age were forced into each model regardless of significance in the univariate analysis. ^ Results. The overall prevalence of HIV/HCV co-infection was 3.9% while 39.8% of HIV infected drug users were co-infected with HCV and 10.7% of HCV infected drug users were co-infected with HIV. Among HIV infected IDUs the prevalence of HCV was 71.7% and among HIV infected NIDUs the prevalence of HCV was 24%. In the multivariate analysis, HIV/HCV co-infection was associated with injecting drug use when compared to HIV mono-infection, with MSM when compared to HCV mono-infection and with injecting drug use as well as MSM when compared to non-infection. ^ Conclusion. HIV/HCV co-infection was associated with a combination of sexual and risky injecting practices. More data on the prevalence and risk factors for co-infection among minority populations is urgently needed to support the development of targeted interventions and treatment options. Additionally there should be a focus on promoting safer sex and injecting practices among drug users as well as the expansion of routine testing for HIV and HCV infections in this high risk population.^


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DNA ligase and DNA polymerase play important roles in DNA replication, repair, and recombination. Frequencies of spontaneous and chemical- and physical-induced mutations are correlated to the fidelity of DNA replication. This dissertation elucidates the mechanisms of the DNA ligation reaction by DNA ligases and demonstrates that human DNA ligase I and DNA polymerase $\alpha$ are the molecular targets for two metal ions, Zn$\sp{2+}$ and Cd$\sp{2+},$ and an anticancer drug, F-ara-ATP.^ Human DNA ligases were purified to homogeneity and their AMP binding domains were mapped. Although their AMP-binding domains are similar, there could be difference between the two ligases in their DNA binding domains.^ The formation of the AMP-DNA intermediate and the successive ligation reaction by human DNA ligases were analyzed. Both reactions showed their substrate specificity for ligases I and II, required Mg2+, and were inhibited by ATP.^ A protein inhibitor from HeLa cells and specific for human DNA ligase I but not ligase II and T4 ligase was discovered. It reversibly inhibited DNA ligation activity but not the AMP-binding activity due to the formation of a reversible ligase I-inhibitor complex.^ F-ara-ATP inhibited human DNA ligase I activity by competing with ATP for the AMP-binding site of DNA ligase I, forming a ligase I-F-ara-AMP complex, as well as when it was incorporated at 3$\sp\prime$-terminus of DNA nick by DNA polymerase $\alpha.$^ All steps of the DNA ligation reaction were inhibited by Zn$\sp{2+}$ and Cd$\sp{2+}$ in a concentration-dependent manner. Both ions did not show the ability to change the fidelity of DNA ligation reaction catalyzed by human DNA ligase I. However, Zn$\sp{2+}$ and Cd$\sp{2+}$ showed their contradictory effects on the fidelity of the reaction by human DNA polymerase $\alpha.$ Zn$\sp{2+}$ decreased the frequency of misinsertion but less affected that of mispair extension. On the contrary, Cd$\sp{2+}$ increased the frequencies of both misinsertion and mispair extension at very low concentration. Our data provided strong evidence in the molecular mechanisms for the mutagenicity of zinc and cadmium, and were comparable with the results previously reported. ^


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HER-2/neu is a receptor tyrosine kinase highly homologous with epidermal growth factor receptor. Overexpression and/or amplification of HER-2/neu has been implicated in the genesis of a number of human cancers, especially breast and ovarian cancers. Transcriptional upregulation has been shown to contribute significantly to the overexpression of this gene. Studies on the transcriptional regulation of HER-2/neu gene are important for understanding the mechanism of cell transformation and developing the therapeutic strategies to block HER-2/neu-mediated cancers. PEA3 is a DNA binding transcriptional factor and its consensus sequence exists on the HER-2/neu promoter. To examine the role of PEA3 in HER-2/neu expression and cell transformation, we transfected PEA3 into the human breast and ovarian cancer cells that overexpress HER-2/neu and showed that PEA3 dramatically represses HER-2/neu transcription. PEA3 suppresses the oncogenic neu-mediated transformation in mouse fibroblast NIH 3T3 cells. Expression of PEA3 selectively blocks the growth of human cancer cells that overexpress HER-2/neu and inhibits their colony formation. It does not occur in the cancer cells expressing basal level of HER-2/neu. Further studies in the orthotopic ovarian cancer model demonstrated that expression of PEA3 preferentially inhibits growth and tumor development of human cancer cells that overexpress HER-2/neu, the tumor-bearing mice survived significantly longer if treated by injection of the PEA3-liposome complex intraperitoneally. Immunoblotting and immunohistochemical analysis of the tumor tissues indicated that PEA3 mediates the tumor suppression activity through targeting HER-2/neu-p185. Thus, PEA3 is a negative regulator of HER-2/neu gene expression and functions as a tumor suppressor gene in the HER-2/neu-overexpressing human cancer cells.^ The molecular mechanisms of PEA3 mediated transcriptional repression were investigated. PEA3 binds specifically at the PEA3 site on HER-2/neu promoter and this promoter-binding is required for the PEA3 mediated transcriptional repression. Mutation of the PEA3 binding site on HER-2/neu promoter causes decreased transcriptional activity, indicating that the PEA3 binding site is an enhancer-like element in the HER-2/neu-overexpressing cells. We therefore hypothesized that in the HER-2/neu-overexpressing cells, PEA3 competes with a transactivator for binding to the PEA3 site, preventing the putative factor from activating the transcription of HER-2/neu. This hypothesis was supported by the data which demonstrate that PEA3 competes with another nuclear protein for binding to the HER-2/neu promoter in vitro, and expression of a truncated protein which encodes the DNA binding domain of PEA3 is sufficient to repress HER-2/neu transcription in the HER-2/neu-overexpressing human cancer cells. ^


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Human trafficking is a complex and multifaceted problem that takes the form of economic, physical and sexual exploitation of people, both adults and children, who are reduced to simple products for commerce. Human trafficking in the United States also has both a domestic and an international aspect. Health care providers are in a unique position to screen for victims of trafficking and may provide important medical and psychological care for victims while in captivity and thereafter. Trafficked persons are likely to suffer a wide spectrum of health risks that reflect the unique circumstances and experiences in a trafficked victim’s life. Although trafficked victims typically have experienced inadequate medical care, once contact is made by the victim with the health care professionals, the opportunity then exists to identify, treat, and assist such victims. The range of services and supports required to appropriately respond to human trafficking victims once identified is broad and typically goes beyond just what is immediately provided by the health care professional and includes safe housing, legal advice, income support, and, for international victims, immigration status related issues. An informed and responsive community is necessary to serve both the international and domestic victims of human trafficking, and needs assessments demonstrated a number of barriers that hindered the delivery of effective services to human trafficking victims. One of the consistent needs identified to combat these barriers was enhanced training among all professionals who might come in contact with human trafficking victims. We highlight the efforts of the Houston Rescue and Restore Coalition (HRRC), a local grassroots non-profit organization whose mission focuses on raising awareness of human trafficking in the Greater Houston Metropolitan area. HRRC responded to the consistent recommendation from various community needs assessments for additional training of front line professionals who would have the opportunity to identify human trafficking victims and supported the design and pilot testing of a health professions training program around human trafficking. Dissemination of this type of training along with careful evaluation and continued refinement will be one way for health care professionals to engage in a positive manner with human trafficking victims.


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Our recent studies have shown that the FoxM1B transcription factor is overexpressed in human glioma tissues and that the level of its expression correlates directly with glioma grade. However, whether FoxM1B plays a role in the early development of glioma (i.e., in transformation) is unknown. In this study, we found that the FoxM1B molecule causes cellular transformation and tumor formation in normal human astrocytes (NHA) immortalized by p53 and pRB inhibition. Moreover, brain tumors that arose from intracranial injection of FoxM1B-expressing immortalized NHAs displayed glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) phenotypes, suggesting that FoxM1B overexpression in immortalized NHAs not only transforms the cells but also leads to GBM formation. Mechanistically, our results showed that overexpression of FoxM1B upregulated NEDD4-1, an E3 ligase that mediates the degradation and downregulation of phosphatase and tensin homologue (PTEN) in multiple cell lines. Decreased PTEN in turn resulted in the hyperactivation of Akt, which led to phosphorylation and cytoplasmic retention of FoxO3a. Blocking Akt activation with phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt inhibitors inhibited the FoxM1B-induced transformation of immortalized NHAs. Furthermore, overexpression of FoxM1B in immortalized NHAs increased the expression of survivin, cyclin D1, and cyclin E, which are important molecules for tumor growth. Collectively, these results indicate that overexpression of FoxM1B, in cooperation with p53 and pRB inhibition in NHA cells, promotes astrocyte transformation and GBM formation through multiple mechanisms.


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The human endogenous retrovirus K (HERV-K) env gene encodes envelope protein comprising surface (SU) and transmembrane (TM) domains. Having shown the exclusive expression of SU in human breast cancer and the stimulation of SU-specific immune responses in patients with breast cancer, our research here confirmed and extended the data by investigating the expression of HERV-K TM envelope domain and the induction of specific immune responses against TM in breast cancer patients. We found HERV-K TM mRNA and protein expression only in human breast cancer cells but not in normal controls. The specific immune responses against TM domain were induced in mice determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and IFN-γ enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot (ELISPOT) assay. Furthermore, ELISA detected higher titers of anti-HERV-K TM Env IgG antibodies in sera of breast cancer patients. In addition, the magnitude of the anti-HERV TM B cell response was correlated with the disease stage. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) before and after in vitro stimulation (IVS) with HERV-K TM from patients with breast cancer as well as healthy controls were tested for T cell responses against HERV-K TM domain by ELISPOT assay. Breast cancer patients (n=21) had stronger HERV-K TM-specific cellular responses than healthy controls (n=12) (P < 0.05). These findings suggest, for the first time, that HERV-K TM expression was enhanced in human breast cancer cells and was able to induce specific B cell and T cell immune responses in breast cancer patients. This study provides support for HERV-K TM as a promising source of antigen for anti-tumor immunotherapy, prevention, diagnosis, and prognosis.


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Human x rodent somatic cell hybrids have played an important role in human genetics research. They have been especially useful for assigning genes to chromosomes and isolating DNA markers from specific regions of the human genome.^ By employing a combination of somatic cell genetic, recombinant DNA, and cytogenetic techniques, human DNA excision repair gene ERCC4 was mapped regionally to human 16p13.13-13.2, even though the gene has not been cloned. Human x Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell hybrids selected for human ERCC4 activity and containing 16p13.1-p13.3 as the only human genetic material were identified. These hybrids were used to order DNA markers located in 16p13.1-p13.3. New DNA markers physically close to ERCC4 were isolated from such hybrids. Using amplified human DNA from the hybrids as probe in fluorescent in situ hybridization, the short arm breakpoint in the chromosome 16 inversion associated with acute myelomonocytic leukemia (AMML) was found to be physically close to the ERCC4 gene. The physical mapping and eventually, the cloning of the ERCC4 gene, will benefit the understanding of the DNA repair system and the study of other important biomedical problems such as tumorigenesis.^ To facilitate the cloning of ERCC4 gene and, in general, the cloning of genes from any defined regions of the human genome, a method was developed for the direct isolation of human transcribed genes ffom somatic cell hybrids. cDNA was prepared from human x rodent hybrid by using consensus 5$\sp\prime$ splice site sequences as primers. These primers were designed to select immature, unspliced messenger RNA (still retaining species specific repeat sequences) as templates. Screening of a derived cDNA library for human repeat sequences resulted in the isolation of human clones at the anticipated frequency with characteristics expected of exons of transcribed human genes. The usefulness of the splice site specific primers was analyzed and the cDNA synthesis conditions with these primers were optimized. The procedure was shown to be sensitive enough to clone weakly expressed genes. Studying the expression of the represented genes with the isolated clones was shown to be feasible. Such regional specific human gene fragments will be very valuable for many human genetic studies such as the search of inherited disease genes and the construction of a cDNA map of the human genome. ^


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A series of human-rodent somatic cell hybrids were investigated by Southern blot analysis for the presence or absence of twenty-six molecular markers and three isozyme loci from human chromosome 19. Based on the co-retention of these markers in the various independent hybrid clones containing portions of human chromosome 19 and on pulsed field mapping, chromosome 19 is divided into twenty ordered regions. The most likely marker order for the chromosome is: (LDLR, C3)-(cen-MANNB)-D19S7-PEPD-D19S9-GPI-TGF$ \beta$-(CYP2A, NCA, CGM2, BCKAD)-PSG1a-(D19S8, XRCC1)-(D19S19, ATP1A3)-(D19S37, APOC2)-CKMM-ERCC2-ERCC1-(D19S62, D19S51)-D19S6-D19S50-D19S22-(CGB, FTL)-qter.^ The region of 19q between the proximal marker D19S7 and the distal gene coding for the beta subunit of chorionic gonadotropin (CGB) is about 37 Mb in size and covers about 37 cM genetic distance. The ration of genetic to physical distance on 19q is therefore very close to the genomic average OF 1 cM/Mb. Estimates of physical distances for intervals between chromosome 19 markers were calculated using a mapping function which estimates distances based on the number of breaks in hybrid clone panels. The consensus genetic distances between individual markers (established at HBM10) were compared to these estimates of physical distances. The close agreement between the two estimates suggested that spontaneously broken hybrids are as appropriate for this type of study as radiation hybrids.^ All three DNA repair genes located on chromosome 19 were found to have homologues on Chinese hamster chromosome 9, which is hemizygous in CHO cells, providing an explanation for the apparent ease with which mutations at these loci were identified in CHO cells. Homologues of CKMM and TGF$\beta$ (from human chromosome 19q) and a mini-satellite DNA specific to the distal region of human chromosome 19q were also mapped to Chinese hamster 9. Markers from 19p did not map to this hamster chromosome. Thus the q-arm of chromosome 19, at least between the genes PEPD and ERCC1, appears to be a linkage group which is conserved intact between humans and Chinese hamsters. ^