4 resultados para Hospice
em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center
Purpose/objectives. A grounded theory design was used to identify, describe, and generate a theoretical analysis of the pain experience of elderly hospice patients with cancer. ^ Sample. Eleven participants over the age of 65, receiving services from a for-profit hospice were interviewed in their homes. ^ Methods. Broad unstructured face to face audio-taped interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using constant-comparative method of analysis. ^ Findings. Pain was described as a hierarchy of chronic, acute, and psychological pain with psychological pain as the worst. Suffering was the basic social problem of pain. Participants dealt with suffering by the basic social process of enduring. Enduring had two sub-processes, maintaining hope and adjusting. Trusting in a higher being and finding meaning were mechanisms of maintaining hope. Mechanisms of adjusting were dealing with uncertainty, accepting, and minimizing pain. ^ Implications for nursing practice. Nurses need to recognize and value the hard work of enduring to deal with suffering. Assisting elderly hospice patients with cancer to address the sub-processes of enduring and their mechanisms can foster enduring. ^
Hospice care has existed in the United States for over 20 years yet referral rates to hospice services are still well under the 180 days allowed by the Medicare Hospice Benefit. The average length of stay in El Paso is 56.8. ^ The aim of this study was to ascertain physician’s knowledge and attitudes towards hospice referral in the El Paso County. Particular issues to be addressed were: Physician’s knowledge of patient’s eligibility criteria and perception of the type of services provided by hospice. Other issues included, physician’s comfort level and willingness to determine terminal diagnosis and to discuss hospice services. Furthermore, physician’s perceptions of barriers to hospice referrals and how those perceptions differ between physicians who refer as compared to those who do not refer. ^ There were seven hypothesis tested to determine physicians knowledge and perceptions of hospice services. Using a mail-survey developed by Ogle, Mavis and Wang, this study surveyed 165 cardiologists, pediatric cardiologists, gastroenterologists, pulmonologists, neurologists, nephrologists, family practice, internists, oncologists, and pediatric oncologists. A t-test was used to test a comparison of means of categorical associations for all hypotheses. The data in the current study however, did not support the hypotheses tested. ^ Results indicated that physicians (52%) are knowledgeable with the eligibility criteria for hospice and that 95% are knowledgeable of the services hospice offers. Research findings appear to indicate physicians are not the hindering factor when making referrals to hospice. Physicians (46%) felt that one of the strongest barriers to hospice referrals is the patient/family unwillingness to accept hospice services. This offers an opportunity for future research in patients/families behavioral attitudes and beliefs toward death and dying issues and their perception of hospice services. ^
The intensity of care for patients at the end-of-life is increasing in recent years. Publications have focused on intensity of care for many cancers, but none on melanoma patients. Substantial gaps exist in knowledge about intensive care and its alternative, hospice care, among the advanced melanoma patients at the end of life. End-of-life care may be used in quite different patterns and induce both intended and unintended clinical and economic consequences. We used the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER)-Medicare linked databases to identify patients aged 65 years or older with metastatic melanoma who died between 2000 and 2007. We evaluated trends and associations between sociodemographic and health services characteristics and the use of hospice care, chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation therapy and costs. Survival, end-of-life costs, and incremental cost-effectiveness ratio were evaluated using propensity score methods. Costs were analyzed from the perspective of Medicare in 2009 dollars. In the first journal Article we found increasing use of surgery for patients with metastatic melanoma from 13% in 2000 to 30% in 2007 (P=0.03 for trend), no significant fluctuation in use of chemotherapy (P=0.43) or radiation therapy (P=0.46). Older patients were less likely to receive radiation therapy or chemotherapy. The use of hospice care increased from 61% in 2000 to 79% in 2007 (P =0.07 for trend). Enrollment in short-term (1-3 days) hospice care use increased, while long-term hospice care (≥ 4 days) remained stable. Patients living in the SEER Northeast and South regions were less likely to undergo surgery. Patients enrolled in long-term hospice care used significantly less chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy. In the second journal article, of 611 patients identified for this study, 358 (59%) received no hospice care after their diagnosis, 168 (27%) received 1 to 3 days of hospice care, and 85 (14%) received 4 or more days of hospice care. The median survival time was 181 days for patients with no hospice care, 196 days for patients enrolled in hospice for 1 to 3 days, and 300 days for patients enrolled for 4 or more days (log-rank test, P < 0.001). The estimated hazard ratios (HR) between 4 or more days hospice use and survival were similar within the original cohort Cox proportional hazard model (HR, 0.62; 95% CI, 0.49-0.78, P < 0.0001) and the propensity score-matched model (HR, 0.61; 95% CI, 0.47-0.78, P = 0.0001). Patients with ≥ 4 days of hospice care incurred lower end-of-life costs than the other two groups ($14,298 versus $19,380 for the 1- to 3-days hospice care, and $24,351 for patients with no hospice care; p < 0.0001). In conclusion, Surgery and hospice care use increased over the years of this study while the use of chemotherapy and radiation therapy remained consistent for patients diagnosed with metastatic melanoma. Patients diagnosed with advanced melanoma who enrolled in ≥ 4 days of hospice care experienced longer survival than those who had 1-3 days of hospice or no hospice care, and this longer overall survival was accompanied by lower end-of-life costs.^
A subscale was developed to assess the quality of life of cancer patients with a life expectancy of six months or less. Phase I of this study identified the major concerns of 74 terminally ill cancer patients (19 with breast cancer, 19 with lung cancer, 18 with colorectal cancer, 9 with renal cell cancer, 9 with prostate cancer), 39 family caregivers, and 20 health care professionals. Patients interviewed were being treated at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center or at the Hospice at the Texas Medical Center in Houston. In Phase II, 120 patients (30 with breast cancer, 30 with lung cancer, 30 with colorectal cancer, 15 with prostate cancer, and 15 with renal cell cancer) rated the importance of these concerns for quality of life. Items retained for the subscale were rated as "extremely important" or "very important" by at least 60% of the sample and were reported as being applicable by at least two-thirds of the sample. The 61 concerns that were identified were formatted as a questionnaire for Phase III. In Phase III, 356 patients (89 with breast cancer, 88 with lung cancer, 88 with colorectal cancer, 44 with prostate cancer, and 47 with renal cell cancer) were interviewed to determine the subscale's reliability and sensitivity to change in clinical status. Both factor analysis and item response theory supported the inclusion of the same 35 items for the subscale. Internal consistency reliability was moderate to high for the subscale's domains: spiritual (0.87), existential (0.76), medical care (0.68), symptoms (0.67), social/family (0.66), and emotional (0.61). Test-retest correlation coefficients also were high for the domains: social/family (0.86), emotional (0.83), medical care (0.83), spiritual (0.75), existential (0.75), and symptoms (0.81).^ In addition, concurrent validity was supported by the high correlation between the subscale's symptom domain and symptom items from the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) scale (r = 0.74). Patients' functional status was assessed with the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Performance status rating. When ECOG categories were compared to subscale domains, patients who scored lower in functional status had lower scores in the spiritual, existential, social/family, and emotional domains. Patients who scored lower in physical well-being had higher scores in the symptom domain. Patient scores in the medical care domain were similar for each ECOG category. The results of this study support the subscale's use in assessing quality of life and the outcomes of palliative treatment for cancer patients in their last six months of life. ^