23 resultados para HUMAN PROSTATE

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Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related death and the most common non-skin cancer in men in the USA. Considerable advancements in the practice of medicine have allowed a significant improvement in the diagnosis and treatment of this disease and, in recent years, both incidence and mortality rates have been slightly declining. However, it is still estimated that 1 man in 6 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime, and 1 man in 35 will die of the disease. In order to identify novel strategies and effective therapeutic approaches in the fight against prostate cancer, it is imperative to improve our understanding of its complex biology since many aspects of prostate cancer initiation and progression still remain elusive. The study of tumor biomarkers, due to their specific altered expression in tumor versus normal tissue, is a valid tool for elucidating key aspects of cancer biology, and may provide important insights into the molecular mechanisms underlining the tumorigenesis process of prostate cancer. PCA3, is considered the most specific prostate cancer biomarker, however its biological role, until now, remained unknown. PCA3 is a long non-coding RNA (ncRNA) expressed from chromosome 9q21 and its study led us to the discovery of a novel human gene, PC-TSGC, transcribed from the opposite strand and in an antisense orientation to PCA3. With the work presented in this thesis, we demonstrate that PCA3 exerts a negative regulatory role over PC-TSGC, and we propose PC-TSGC to be a new tumor suppressor gene that contrasts the transformation of prostate cells by inhibiting Rho-GTPases signaling pathways. Our findings provide a biological role for PCA3 in prostate cancer and suggest a new mechanism of tumor suppressor gene inactivation mediated by non-coding RNA. Also, the characterization of PCA3 and PC-TSGC led us to propose a new molecular pathway involving both genes in the transformation process of the prostate, thus providing a new piece of the jigsaw puzzle representing the complex biology of prostate cancer.


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Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer mortality in American men. The distinction between those cases of prostate cancer destined to progress rapidly to lethal metastatic disease and those with little likelihood of causing morbidity and mortality is a major goal of current research. Some type of diagnostic method is urgently needed to identify which histological prostate cancers have completed the progression to a stage that will produce a life-threatening disease, thus requiring immediate therapeutic intervention. The objectives of this dissertation are to delineate a novel genetic region harboring tumor suppressor gene(s) and to identify a marker for prostate tumorigenesis. I first established an in vitro cell model system from a human prostate epithelial cells derived from tissue fragments surrounding a prostate tumor in a patient with prostatic adenocarcinoma. Since chromosome 5 abnormality was present in early, middle and late passages of this cell model system, I examined long-term established prostate cancer cell lines for this chromosome abnormality. The results implicated the region surrounding marker D5S2068 as the locus of interest for further experimentation and location of a tumor suppressor gene in human prostate cancer. ^ Cancer is a group of complex genetic diseases with uncontrolled cell; division and prostate cancer is no exception. I determined if telomeric DNA, and telomerase activity, alone or together, could serve as biomarkers of prostate tumorigenesis. I studied three newly established human prostate cancer cell lines and three fibroblast cell cultures derived from prostate tissues. In conclusion, my data reveal that in the presence of telomerase activity, telomeric repeats are maintained at a certain optimal length, and analysis of telomeric DNA variations might serve as early diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for prostate cancer. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^


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15-Lipoxygenase 2 (15-LOX2) is a recently cloned human lipoxygenase that shows tissue-restricted expression in prostate, lung, skin, and cornea. The protein level and enzymatic activity of 15-LOX2 have been shown to be down-regulated in prostate cancers compared with normal and benign prostate tissues. We report the cloning and functional characterization of 15-LOX2 and its three splice variants (termed 15-LOX2sv-a, 15-LOX2sv-b, and 15-LOX2sv-c) from primary prostate epithelial (NHP) cells. Western blotting with multiple NHP cell strains and prostate cancer (PCa) cell lines reveals that the expression of 15-LOX2 is lost in all PCa cell lines, accompanied by decreased enzymatic activity. 15-LOX2 is expressed at multiple subcellular locations, including cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, cell-cell border, and nucleus. Surprisingly, the three splice variants of 15-LOX2 are mostly excluded from the nucleus. To elucidate the relationship between nuclear localization, enzymatic activity, and tumor suppressive functions, we established PCa cell clones stably expressing 15-LOX2 or 15-LOX2sv-b. The 15-LOX2 clones express 15-LOX2 in the nuclei and possess robust enzymatic activity, whereas 15-LOX2sv-b clones show neither nuclear protein localization nor arachidonic acid-metabolizing activity. Interestingly, both 15-LOX2- and 15-LOX2sv-b-stable clones proliferate much slower in vitro when compared with control clones. When orthotopically implanted in nude mouse prostate, both 15-LOX2 and 15-LOX2sv-b suppress PC3 tumor growth in vivo. Finally, cultured NHP cells lose the expression of putative stem/progenitor cell markers, slow down in proliferation, and enter senescence. Several pieces of evidence implicate 15-LOX2 plays a role in replicative senescence of NHP cells: (1) promoter activity and the mRNA and protein levels of 15-LOX2 and its splice variants are upregulated in serially passaged NHP cells, which precede replicative senescence and occur in a cell-autonomous manner; (2) PCa cells stably expressing 15-LOX2 or 15-LOX2sv-b show a passage-related senescence-like phenotype; (3) enforced expression of 15-LOX2 or 15-LOX2sv-b in young NHP cells induce partial cell-cycle arrest and senescence-like phenotypes. Together, these results suggest that 15-LOX2 suppress prostate tumor development and do not necessarily depend on arachidonic acid-metabolizing activity and nuclear localization. Also, 15-LOX2 may serve as an endogenous prostate senescence gene and its tumor-suppressing functions might be associated with its ability to induce cell senescence. ^


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The proteasome degrades approximately 80% of intracellular proteins to maintain homeostasis. Proteasome inhibition is a validated therapeutic strategy, and currently, proteasome inhibitor bortezomib is FDA approved for the treatment of MM and MCL. Specific pathways affected by proteasome inhibition have been identified, but mechanisms of the anti-tumor effects of proteasome inhibition are not fully characterized and cancer cells display marked heterogeneity in terms of their sensitivity to proteasome inhibitor induced cell death. ^ The antitumor effects of proteasome inhibition involve suppression of tumor angiogenesis and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression, but the mechanisms involved have not been clarified. In this dissertation I investigated the mechanisms underlying the effects of two proteasome inhibitors, bortezomib and NPI-0052, on VEGF expression in human prostate cancer cells. I found that proteasome inhibitors selectively downregulated hypoxia inducible factor 1alpha (HIF-1α) protein and its transcriptional activity to inhibit VEGF expression. Mechanistic studies demonstrated that proteasome inhibitors mediate the induction of the unfolded protein response (UPR) and that downregulation of HIF-1α is caused by eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2α (eIF2α) phosphorylation and translation repression. Importantly, I showed that proteasome inhibitors activated the UPR in some cells but not in others. My observation may have implications for the design of combination regimens that are based on exploiting proteasome inhibitor-induced ER stress.^ Although proteasome inhibitors have shown modest activity on prostate cancer, there is general consensus that no single agent is likely to have significant activity in prostate cancer. In the second part of this dissertation I attempted to exploit the effects of proteasome inhibition on the UPR to design a combination therapy that would enhance cancer cell death. Autophagy is a lysosome dependent degradation pathway that functions to eliminate long-lived protein and subcellular structures. Targeting autophagy has been shown to inhibit tumors in preclinical studies. I found that inhibition of autophagy with chloroquine or 3-methyladenine enhanced proteasome inhibitor induced cell death and the effects were associated with increased intracellular stress as marked by aggresome formation. Multiple cancers appear to be resistant to proteasome inhibition treatment alone. The implications of synergy for the combined inhibition of autophagy and the proteasome would likely apply to other cancers aside from prostate cancer. ^


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The vertebrate $\beta$-galactoside-binding lectins galectin-1 and galectin-3 have been proposed to function in diverse cellular processes such as adhesion, proliferation, differentiation, and tumorigenesis. Experiments were initiated to further study the functional properties of these molecules. A prostate cancer cell line, LNCaP, was identified which expressed neither galectin. This line was stably transfected with cDNA for either galectin-1 or galectin-3. The resultant clones were used to study effects on critical cell processes. LNCaP cells expressing galectin-1 on the surface were found to bind more rapidly than control lines to the human extracellular matrix proteins laminin and fibronectin, although overall binding was not increased. To analyze effects on differentiation, LNCaP cells were studied which had either been transfected with galectin-1 or which had been induced to express endogenous galectin-1 by treatment with the differentiation agent sodium butyrate. In both cases, cells displayed a slower rate of growth and increased rate of apoptosis. A transient decrease in expression of prostate specific antigen was seen in the butyrate treated cells but not in the transfected cells. To investigate the role of galectins in the process of malignant transformation and progression, immunohistochemical analysis was performed on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections of human prostate tissue, the premalignant lesion prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, primary adenocarcinoma of the prostate, and foci of metastatic prostate cancer. Galectin-1 expression was relatively constant throughout in contrast to galectin-3 which demonstrated significantly less expression in primary and metastatic tumors. LNCaP cells transfected with galectin-3 cDNA displayed lower proliferation rates, increased spontaneous apoptosis, and G1 growth phase arrest compared to controls. Four of six galectin-3 lines tested were less tumorigenic in nude mice than controls. The following conclusions are drawn regarding the role of galectin-1 and galectin-3 expression in the context of prostate cancer: (1) galectin-1 may participate in the early stages of cancer cell adhesion to extracellular matrix proteins; (2) galectin-1 expression results in a differentiated phenotype and may contribute to differentiation induction by butyrate; (3) galectin-3 expression correlates inversely with prostate cell tumorigenesis and prostate cancer metastasis. ^


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Osseous metastases account for most of the morbidity and mortality associated with prostate cancer, for which there are currently no effective therapies. In the skeletal metastatic environment, neoplastic prostatic epithelial cells interact in a bidirectional stimulatory manner with osteoblastic stromal cells. Similarly, the presence of osteoblastic cells is essential for the survival and maintenance of intraosseous prostate cancer cells. In this thesis, I have developed novel gene therapy strategies for the treatment of androgen-independent human prostate cancers in experimental animal models. First, Ad-CMV-p53, a recombinant adenovirus (Ad) containing p53 tumor suppressor gene driven by the universal cytomegalovirus promoter, was effective in inhibiting prostate cancer cell growth, and direct intratumoral injections of Ad-CMV-p53 resulted in tumor regression. Second, because prostate cancer cells as well as osteoblastic cells produce osteocalcin (OC), OC promoter mediated tissue/tumor specific toxic gene therapy is developed to interrupt stromal-epithelial communications by targeting both cell types. Ad-OC-TK, a recombinant Ad containing the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (TK) gene driven by the OC promoter, was generated to inhibit the growth of osteoblastic osteosarcoma with prodrug acyclovir (ACV). Ad-OC-TK/ACV also inhibited the growth of prostate cancer cells and suppressed the growth of subcutaneous and intraosseous prostate tumor. In order to combine treatment modalities to maximize tumor cell-kill with minimized host toxicities, Ad-OC-TK/ACV was applied in combination with low dose methotrexate to eradicate osteoblastic osteosarcoma. In targeting of micrometastatic disease, intravenous Ad-OC-TK/ACV treatment resulted in significant tumor nodule reduction and prolonged the survival of animals harboring osteosarcoma lung metastases without significant host toxicity. Ad-OC-TK is a rational choice for the treatment of prostate cancer skeletal metastasis because OC is uniformly detected in both primary and metastatic human prostate cancer specimens by immunohistochemistry. Ad-OC-TK/ACV inhibits the growth not only of prostate cancer cells but also of their supporting bone stromal cells. Targeting both prostate cancer epithelium and its supporting stroma may be most efficacious for the treatment of prostate cancer osseous metastases. ^


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Aberrant expression and/or activation of Src Family of non-receptor protein tyrosine kinases (SFKs) occur frequently during progressive stages of multiple types of human malignancies, including prostate cancer. Two SFKs, Src and Lyn, are expressed and implicated in prostate cancer progression. Work in this dissertation investigated the specific roles of Src and Lyn in the prostate tumor progression, and the effects of SFK inhibition on prostate tumor growth and lymph node metastasis in pre-clinical mouse models. ^ Firstly, using a pharmacological inhibitor of SFKs in clinical trials, dasatinib, I demonstrated that SFK inhibition affects both cellular migration and proliferation in vitro. Systemic administration of dasatinib reduced primary tumor growth, as well as development of lymph node metastases, in both androgen-sensitive and -resistant orthotopic prostate cancer mouse models. Immunohistochemical analysis of the primary tumors revealed that dasatinib treatment decreased SFK phosphorylation but not expression, resulting in decreased cellular proliferation and increased apoptosis. For this analysis of immunohistochemical stained tissues, I developed a novel method of quantifying immunohistochemical stain intensity that greatly reduced the inherent bias in analyzing staining intensity. ^ To determine if Src and Lyn played overlapping or distinct roles in prostate cancer tumor growth and progression, Src expression alone was inhibited by small-interfering RNA. The resulting stable cell lines were decreased in migration, but not substantially affected in proliferation rates. In contrast, an analogous strategy targeting Lyn led to stable cell lines in which proliferation rates were significantly reduced. ^ Lastly, I tested the efficacy of a novel SFK inhibitor (KX2-391) targeting peptide substrate-binding domain, on prostate cancer growth and lymph node metastasis in vivo. I demonstrated that KX2-391 has similar effects as dasatinib, an ATP-competitive small molecular inhibitor, on both the primary tumor growth and development of lymph node metastasis in vivo, work that contributed to the first-in-man Phase I clinical trial of KX2-391. ^ In summary, studies in this dissertation provide the first demonstration that Src and Lyn activities affect different cellular functions required for prostate tumor growth and metastasis, and SFK inhibitors effectively reduce primary tumor growth and lymph node metastasis. Therefore, I conclude that SFKs are promising therapeutic targets for treatment of human prostate cancer. ^


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Investigations into the molecular basis of glioblastoma multiforme led to the identification of a putative tumor suppressor gene, MMAC/ PTEN. Initial studies implicated MMAC/PTEN in many different tumor types, and identified a protein phosphatase motif in its sequence. This project aimed to identify the biological and biochemical functions of MMAC/PTEN by transiently expressing the gene in cancer cells that lack a functional gene product. ^ Expression of MMAC/PTEN mildly suppressed the growth of U251 human glioma cells and abrogated the growth advantage mediated by overexpression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Immunoblotting demonstrated that MMAC/PTEN expression did not affect the phosphorylation of the EGFR itself, or the intermediates of several downstream signaling pathways. However, MMAC/PTEN expression significantly reduced the phosphorylation and catalytic activity of the proto-oncogene Akt/PKB. While Akt/PKB regulates the survival of many cell types, expression of MMAC/PTEN did not induce apoptosis in adherent U251 cells. Instead, MMAC/PTEN expression sensitized the cells to apoptosis when maintained in suspension (anoikis). As the survival of suspended cells is one of the hallmarks leading to metastasis, MMAC/PTEN expression was examined in a system in which metastasis is more clinically relevant, prostate cancer. ^ Expression of MMAC/PTEN in both LNCaP and PC3-P human prostate cancer cells specifically inhibited Akt/PKB phosphorylation. MMAC/PTEN expression in LNCaP cells resulted in a profound inhibition of growth that was significantly greater than that achieved with expression of p53. Expression of MMAC/PTEN in PC3-P cells resulted in greater growth inhibition than was observed in U251 glioma cells, but less than was observed in LNCaP cells, or upon p53 expression. To determine if MMAC/PTEN could function as a tumor suppressor in vivo, the effects of MMAC/PTEN expression on PC3-P cells implanted orthotopically in nude mice were examined. The ex-vivo expression of MMAC/PTEN did not decrease tumor incidence, but it did significantly decrease tumor size and metastasis. In-vivo expression of MMAC/PTEN in pre-established PC3-P tumors did not significantly inhibit tumor incidence or size, but did inhibit metastasis formation. ^ These studies demonstrate that MMAC/PTEN is a novel and important tumor suppressor gene, which functions to downregulate an important cell survival signaling pathway. ^


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Prostate cancer represents the most commonly diagnosed malignancies in American men and is the second leading cause of male cancer deaths. The overall objectives of this research were designed to understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms of prostatic carcinoma growth and progression. This dissertation was divided into two major parts: (1) to clone and characterize soluble factor(s) associated with bone that may mediate prostatic carcinoma growth and progression; (2) to investigate the roles of extracellular matrix in prostatic carcinogenesis.^ The propensity of prostate cancer cells to metastasize to the axial skeleton and the subsequent osteoblastic reactions observed in the bone indicate the possible reciprocal cellular interaction between prostate cancer cells and the bone microenvironment. To understand the molecular and cellular basis of this interaction, I focused on the identification and cloning of soluble factor(s) from bone stromal cells that may exert direct mitogenic action on cultured prostate cells. A novel BPGF-1 gene expressed specifically by bone and male accessory sex organs (prostate, seminal vesicles, and coagulating gland) was identified and cloned.^ The BPGF-1 was identified and cloned from a cDNA expression library prepared from a human bone stromal cell line, MS. The conditioned medium (CM) of this cell line contains mitogenic materials that induce human prostate cancer cell growth both in vivo and in vitro. The cDNA expression library was screened by an antibody prepared against the mitogenic fraction of the CM.^ The cloned BPGF-1 cDNA comprises 3171 nucleotides with a single open reading frame of 1620 nucleotides encoding 540 amino acids. The BPGF-1 gene encodes two transcripts (3.3 and 2.5 kb) with approximately equal intensity in human cells and tissues, but only one transcript (2.5 kb) in rat and mouse tissues. Southern blot analysis of human genomic DNA revealed a single BPGF-1 gene. The BPGF-1 gene is expressed predominantly in bone and seminal vesicles, but at a substantially lower level in prostate. Polyclonal antibodies generated from synthetic peptides that correspond to the nucleotide sequences of the cloned BPGF-1 cDNA reacted with a putative BPGF-1 protein with an apparent molecular weight of 70 kDa. The conditioned media isolated from COS cells transfected with BPGF-1 cDNA stimulated the proliferation and increased the anchorage-independent growth of prostate epithelial cells. These findings led us to hypothesize that BPGF-1 expression in relevant organs, such as prostate, seminal vesicles, and bone, may lead to local prostate cancer growth, metastasis to the seminal vesicles, and subsequently dissemination to the skeleton.^ To assess the importance of extracellular matrix in prostatic carcinogenesis, the role of extracellular matrix in induction of rat prostatic carcinoma growth in vivo was evaluated. NbE-1, a nontumorigenic rat prostatic epithelial cell line, was induced to form carcinoma in athymic nude hosts by coinjecting them with Matrigel and selected extracellular matrix components. Induction of prostatic tumor formation by laminin and collagen IV was inhibited by their respective antibodies. Prostatic epithelial cells cloned from the tumor tissues were found to form tumors in athymic nude hosts in the absence of exogenously added extracellular matrix. These results suggest that extracellular matrix induce irreversibly prostatic epithelial cells that behave distinctively different from the parental prostatic epithelial cell line. ^


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OPN is a secreted phosphate containing protein which is expressed by osteoblasts and a variety of other cells in vivo. Data from in vitro studies has accumulated which relates OPN to cellular transformation. We hypothesize that OPN expression is associated with neoplastic disease in humans as suggested by cell culture models. The overall objective of the current study was to determine the tissue distribution of OPN in human malignancy and to determine whether or not a correlation exists between OPN serum levels and malignancy. At the inception of this project, no study had been made demonstrating the relevance of OPN expression with naturally occurring neoplastic disease in humans. To date, few studies have reported OPN distribution in human neoplasia and are limited by either the number of specimens analyzed or the technique used in analysis. In this dissertation study, OPN was purified from human milk and $\alpha$-OPN antiserum developed and characterized. Following antibody development, the distribution and prevalence of OPN in human oral squamous cell carcinoma and human prostate carcinoma was evaluated using immunohistochemical localization. OPN immunolocalization was found in a high percentage of oral epithelial dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma in humans. One oral squamous cell carcinoma cells line, UMSCC-1, was found to express OPN mRNA using Northern blotting. OPN localized to a high percentage of primary prostate adenocarcinomas. OPN localized to 52% of androgen dependent cases and 100% of androgen independent cases. Androgen dependent cell lines such as LNCap and NbE showed minimal OPN mRNA expression while the androgen independent lines C4-2 and PC3 produced ample OPN mRNA. An OPN sandwich assay was developed and used to determine the serum level of OPN in normal males, patients with BPH (benign prostate hypertrophy), and patients with prostate carcinoma. No statistically significant difference was found in OPN serum levels among the three groups. However, a trend of increasing OPN in the serum was noted in patients with BPH and prostate cancer. ^


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Interferons (IFNs) have been shown to exert antiviral, cell growth regulatory, and immunomodulatory effects on target cells. Both type I (α and β) and type II (γ) IFNs regulate cellular activities by specifically inducing the expression or activation of endogenous proteins that perform distinct biological functions. p202 is a 52 kDa nuclear phosphoprotein known to be induced by IFNs. p202 interacts with a variety of cellular transcription and growth regulatory factors and affects their functions. ^ In this report, we showed that the expression of p202 was associated with an anti-proliferative effect on human prostate cancer cells. Cells that expressed p202 showed reduced ability to grow in soft-agar, indicating a loss of transformation phenotype. More importantly, p202 expression reduced the tumorigenicity of human prostate cancer cells. p202-expressing cells exhibit an elevated level of hypophosphorylated form of pRb, and reduced level of cyclin B1 and p55CDC. ^ Our data suggest that p202 is a growth inhibitor gene in prostate cancer cells and its expression may also suppress transformation phenotype and tumorigenicity of prostate cancer cells. ^ In addition to inhibiting in vitro cell growth, suppressing the tumorigenicity of breast cancer cells in vivo, p202 expression could sensitize breast cancer cells to apoptosis induced by TNF-α treatment. One possible mechanism contributing to this sensitization is the inactivation of NF-κB by its interaction with p202. These results provide a scientific basis for a novel therapeutic strategy that combines p202 and TNF-α treatment against breast cancer. ^ It has been reported that NF-κB is constitutively active in human pancreatic cancer cells. Since p202 interacts with NF-κB and inhibits its activity, we examined a potential p202-mediated anti-tumor activity in pancreatic cancer. We used both ectopic and orthotopic xenograft models and demonstrated that p202 expression is associated with multiple anti-tumor activities that include inhibition of tumor growth, reduced tumorigenicity, prolonged survival, and remarkably, suppression of metastasis and angiogenesis. In vitro invasion assay also showed that p202-expressing pancreatic cancer cells are less invasive than those without p202 expression. That observation was supported by the findings that p202-expressing tumors showed reduced expression of angiogenic factors such as IL-8, and VEGF by inhibiting their transcription, and p202-expressing pancreatic cancer cells have reduced level of MAP-2 activity, a secreted protease activity important for metastasis. Together, our results strongly suggest that p202 expression mediates multiple anti-tumor activities against pancreatic cancer, and that may provide a scientific basis for developing a p202-based gene therapy in pancreatic cancer treatment. ^ Importantly, we demonstrated a treatment efficacy by using p202/SN2 liposome complex in a nude mice orthotopic breast cancer, and an ectopic pancreatic cancer xenograft model, through systemic and intra-tumor injection respectively. These results suggest a feasibility of using p202/SN2 liposome in future pre-clinical gene therapy experiments. ^


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Akt (also known as protein kinase B) serves a central regulator in PI3K/Akt signaling pathways to regulate numerous physiological functions including cell proliferation, survival and metabolism. Akt activation requires the binding of Akt to phospholipid PIP3 on the plasma membrane and subsequent phosphorylation of Akt by its kinases. Growth factor-mediated membrane recruitment of Akt is a crucial step for Akt activation. However, the mechanism of Akt membrane translocation is unclear. Protein ubiquitination is a significant posttranslational modification that controls many biological functions such as protein trafficking and signaling activation. Therefore, we hypothesize that ubiquitination may be involved in Akt signaling activation. We have demonstrated that Akt could be conjugated with non-proteolytic K63-linked ubiquitination by TRAF6 ubiquitin E3 ligase. This modification on Akt was required for membrane recruitment, phosphorylation and activation of Akt in response to growth factor stimulation. The human cancer-associated Akt E17K mutant exhibited an increase in K63-linked ubiquitination, which contributes to the enrichment of membrane recruitment and phosphorylation of Akt. Thus, we conclude that K63-linked ubiquitination is a critical step for oncogenic Akt activation and also involved in human cancer development. Notably, the process of protein ubiquitination can be reversed by deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs), which play a critical role to terminate signaling activation induced by ubiquitination. To further investigate how ubiquitination cycles regulate Akt activation, we have identified that CYLD as a DUB for Akt, and CYLD inhibited growth factor-induced ubiquitination and activation of Akt. Under serum-depletion condition, CYLD interacts with Akt and keep Akt under inactive state by directly removing K63-linked ubiquitination of Akt. CYLD disassociates with Akt upon growth factor stimulation, thereby allowing E3 ligases to induce ubiquitination and activation of Akt. We also demonstrated that CYLD deficiency promoted cancer cell proliferation, survival, glucose metabolism and human prostate cancer development. Therefore, we conclude that CYLD plays a critical role for negatively regulating Akt signaling activation through deubiquitination of Akt. In summary, this study delineated the important mechanism of cycles of ubiquitination and deubiquitination of Akt in regulating membrane translocation and activation of Akt, and TRAF6 and CYLD as central switches for these processes.


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Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (Apo2L/TRAIL) is a member of the TNF superfamily of cytokines that can induce cell death through engagement of cognate death receptors. Unlike other death receptor ligands, it selectively kills tumor cells while sparing normal cells. Preclinical studies in non-human primates have generated much enthusiasm regarding its therapeutic potential. However, many human cancer cell lines exhibit significant resistance to TRAIL-induced apoptosis, and the molecular mechanisms underling this are controversial. Possible explanations are typically cell-type dependent, but include alterations of receptor expression, enhancement of pro-apoptotic intracellular signaling molecules, and reductions in anti-apoptotic proteins. We show here that the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib (Velcade, PS-341) produces synergistic apoptosis in both bladder and prostate cancer cell lines within 4-6 hours when co-treated with recombinant human TRAIL which is associated with accumulation of p21 and cdk1/2 inhibition. Our data suggest that bortezomib's mechanism of action involves a p21-dependent enhancement of caspase maturation. Furthermore, we found enhanced tumor cell death in in vivo models using athymic nude mice. This is associated with increases in caspase-8 and caspase-3 cleavage as well as significant reductions in microvessel density (MVD) and proliferation. Although TRAIL alone had less of an effect, its biological significance as a single agent requires further investigations. Toxicity studies reveal that the combination of bortezomib and rhTRAIL has fatal consequences that can be circumvented by altering treatment schedules. Based on our findings, we conclude that this strategy has significant therapeutic potential as an anti-cancer agent. ^


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Alterations in oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) are considered to be critical steps in oncogenesis. Consistent deletions and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of polymorphic markers in a determinate chromosomal fragment are known to be indicative of a closely mapping TSG. Deletion of the long arm of chromosome 7 (hchr 7) is a frequent trait in many kinds of human primary tumors. LOH was studied with an extensive set of markers on chromosome 7q in several types of human neoplasias (primary breast, prostate, colon, ovarian and head and neck carcinomas) to determine the location of a putative TSG. The extent of LOH varied depending the type of tumor studied but all the LOH curves we obtained had a peak at (C-A)$\sb{\rm n}$ microsatellite repeat D7S522 at 7q31.1 and showed a Gaussian distribution. The high incidence of LOH in all tumor types studied suggests that a TSG relevant to the development of epithelial cancers is present on the 7q31.1. To investigate whether the putative TSG is conserved in the syntenic mouse locus, we studied LOH of 30 markers along mouse chromosome 6 (mchr 6) in chemically induced squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs). Tumors were obtained from SENCAR and C57BL/6 x DBA/2 F1 females by a two-stage carcinogenesis protocol. The high incidence of LOH in the tumor types studied suggests that a TSG relevant to the development of epithelial cancers is present on mchr 6 A1. Since this segment is syntenic with the hchr 7q31, these data indicate that the putative TSG is conserved in both species. Functional evidence for the existence of a TSG in hchr 7 was obtained by microcell fusion transfer of a single hchr 7 into a murine SCC-derived cell line. Five out of seven hybrids had two to three-fold longer latency periods for in vivo tumorigenicity assays than parental cells. One of the unrepressed hybrids had a deletion in the introduced chromosome 7 involving q31.1-q31.3, confirming the LOH data. ^


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Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of male cancer-related deaths in the United States. Interestingly, prostate cancer preferentially metastasizes to skeletal tissue. Once in the bone microenvironment, advanced prostate cancer becomes highly resistant to therapeutic modalities. Several factors, such as extracellular matrix (ECM) components, have been implicated in the spread and propagation of prostatic carcinoma. In these studies, we have utilized the PC3 cell line, derived from a human bone metastasis, to investigate the influence of the predominant bone ECM protein, type I collagen, on prostate cancer cell proliferation and gene expression. We have also initiated the design and production of ribozymes to specific gene targets that may influence prostate cancer bone metastasis. ^ Our results demonstrate that PC3 cells rapidly adhere and spread on collagen I to a greater degree than on fibronectin (FN) or poly-L-lysine (PLL). Flow cytometry analysis reveals the presence of the α1, α2 and α3 collagen binding integrin subunits. The use of antibody function blocking studies reveals that PC3 cells can utilize α2β 1 and α3β1 integrins to adhere to collagen I. Once plated on collagen I, the cells exhibit increased rates of proliferation compared with cells plated on FN or tissue culture plastic. Additionally, cells plated on collagen I show increased expression of proteins associated with progression through G1 phase of the cell cycle. Inhibitor studies point to a role for phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), MAP kinase (MAPK), and p70 S6 kinase in collagen I-mediated PC3 cell proliferation and cyclin D1 expression. To further characterize the effect of type I collagen on prostate cancer bone metastasis, we utilized a cDNA microarray strategy to monitor type I collagen-mediated changes in gene expression. Results of this analysis revealed a gene expression profile reflecting the increased proliferation occurring on type I collagen. Microarray analysis also revealed differences in the expression of specific gene targets that may impact on prostate cancer metastasis to bone. ^ As a result of our studies on the interaction of prostate cancer cells and the skeletal ECM, we sought to develop novel molecular tools for future gene therapy of functional knockdown experiments. To this end, we developed a series of ribozymes directed against the α2 integrin and at osteopontin, a protein implicated in the metastasis of various cancers, including prostate. These ribozymes should facilitate the future study of the mechanism of prostate cancer cell proliferation, and disease progression occurring at sites of skeletal metastasis where a type I collagen-based environment predominates. ^ Together these studies demonstrate the involvement of bone ECM proteins on prostate cancer cell proliferation and suggest that they may play a significant role on the growth of prostate metastases once in the bone microenvironment. ^