40 resultados para HPV incidence

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Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States. Although HPV prevalence is high in the United States, there are a limited number of research studies that focus on Hispanics, who have higher incidence rates of cervical cancer than their non-Hispanic counterparts. The HPV vaccine introduced in 2006 may offer a feasible solution to the issues surrounding high prevalence of HPV. Due to the high prevalence of HPV infection among adolescents and young adults it has been suggested that HPV vaccination begin prior to onset sexual activity and focus on non-sexually active adolescents and pre-adolescents. Consequently, it has become increasingly important to assess knowledge and awareness of HPV in order to develop effective intervention strategies. This pilot study evaluated the knowledge and health beliefs of Hispanic parents regarding HPV and the HPV vaccine using a newly developed questionnaire based on the constructs of the Health Belief Model. The sample was recruited from an ob-gyn office in El Paso, Texas. Descriptive data show that the majority of the sample was female (94.1%), Hispanic (76.5%), Catholic (64.7%), and had at least a high school education (55.9%). Chi-square analysis revealed that the following variables differed amongst parents who intended to vaccinate their child against HPV and those who did not: religion (p=0.038), perceived severity item "HPV infections are easily treated" (p=0.052), perceived benefits item "It is better to vaccinate a child against an STI before they become sexually active" (p=0.014) and perceived barriers item "The HPV vaccine may have serious side effects that could harm my child" (p=0.004). Univariate logistic regression indicated that religion (OR = 4.8, CI: 1.04, 21.8) and "The HPV vaccine may have serious side effects that could harm my child" (OR = 15.9, CI: 1.73, 145.8) were significant predictors of parental intention to vaccinate. Multivariate logistic regression, using backwards elimination, indicated that religion (OR = 7.7, CI: 1.25, 47.8) and "The HPV vaccine may have serious side effects that may harm my child" (OR = 7.6, CI: 1.15, 50.2) were the best predictive variables for parental intention to vaccinate. ^


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Background. HPV is the underlying cause of cervical cancer, a malignant tumor of the female genital tract. Each year, cervical cancer is newly diagnosed in approximately 10,000 women, and over 3,000 women die from the malignancy. In addition, HPV is implicated as a cause of other cancers involving the genital tract, male and female, and the head and neck. ^ Gardasil, a vaccine against HPV, was licensed by the FDA in June 2006. Early study results have shown Gardasil to be safe and effective at preventing HPV infections that are commonly associated with the development of cervical cancer, as well as other HPV-related cancers and genital warts. The vaccine is most effective when administered in childhood, before initial exposure to HPV, which typically occurs shortly after the onset of sexual activity. Accordingly, the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has recommended routine vaccination of females aged 11-12 years. ^ Taking the ACIP recommendation one step further, many states have considered school-based mandates of the HPV vaccine in an attempt to reduce the burden of HPV-related illness, in particular to reduce the disparately high incidence of cervical cancer in medically underserved populations. These mandate attempts have sparked heated debate—highlighting public concerns regarding adolescent sexuality, corporate greed, and vaccines in general. ^ Methods. My research focuses on publicly available sources of information such as medical journals, government reports (federal and state), NGO reports, newspapers, and books. I begin with a background discussion of HPV, cervical cancer, and the HPV vaccine. I then discuss public health policy issues related to vaccines, vaccine mandates, and HPV-related illness. Specifically, I discuss the public health benefit of previous vaccine mandates, the legality of vaccine mandates, and the undue corporate influence on the politics of instituting HPV vaccine mandates. In addition, I examine some of the causes behind the anti-vaccine movement and the controversy surrounding adolescent sexuality as it pertains to the HPV vaccine. In the final section, I focus on the recent failed attempt by Governor Rick Perry to mandate the HPV vaccine in Texas. A retrospective analysis of Governor Perry's policy decisions is undertaken and recommendations are made regarding future attempts to mandate the HPV vaccine, or other vaccines under development for similar sexually transmitted viral diseases such as HIV and herpes simplex. ^ Results. In Texas, as in other states across the country, HPV vaccine mandates faced opposition from those who, while they may support mandates of other vaccines, oppose mandates for the HPV vaccine based largely on the idea that HPV is a sexually transmitted disease—they see responsible sexual behavior as the appropriate method for preventing HPV-related illness. A second major group of opposition comes from those who are generally opposed to all vaccine mandates, due to concerns that mandates are intended primarily for the financial benefit of the pharmaceutical industry or due to concerns—largely unfounded—that vaccines pose a greater health threat than the illnesses they are designed to prevent. ^ Conclusion. In order to reduce opposition to vaccine mandates, care must be taken to educate the public regarding the benefits of vaccination by mobilizing the public health sector, avoid the impression that the decision to institute mandates is rash or pressured by allowing time for open debate, and minimize lobbying efforts by vaccine manufacturers. ^


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Background. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Cancer Society (ACS), and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) all recommend the HPV vaccine for girls 11-12. The vaccine has the potential to reduce cervical cancer disparities if it is used by populations that do not participate in screening. Evidence suggests that incidence and mortality are higher among Hispanic women compared to non-Hispanic white women because they do not participate in screening. Past literature has found that acculturation has a mixed effect on cervical cancer screening and immunization. Little is known about whether parental acculturation is associated with adolescent HPV vaccine uptake among Hispanics and the mechanisms through which acculturation may affect vaccine uptake.^ Aims. To examine the association between parental acculturation and adolescent HPV uptake among Hispanics in California and test the structural hypothesis of acculturation by determining if socioeconomic status (SES) and health care access mediate the association between acculturation and HPV vaccine uptake.^ Methods. Cross-sectional data from the 2007 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) were used for bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses. The sample used for analysis included 1,090 Hispanic parents, with a daughter age 11-17, who answered questions about the HPV vaccine. Outcome variable of interest was HPV vaccine uptake (≥1dose). Independent variables of interest were language spoken at home (a proxy variable for acculturation), household income (percent of federal poverty level), education level, and health care access (combined measure of health insurance coverage and usual source of care).^ Results. Parents who spoke only English or English and Spanish in the home were more likely to get the HPV vaccine for their daughter than parents who only spoke Spanish (Odds Ratio [OR]: 0.55, 95% Confidence Interval [CI]: 0.31-0.98). When SES and health care access variables were added to the logistic regression model, the association between language acculturation and HPV vaccine uptake became non-significant (OR: 0.68, 95% CI: 0.35-1.29). Both income and health care access were associated with uptake. Parents with lower income or who did not have insurance and a usual source of care were less likely to have a vaccinated daughter.^ Discussion. Socioeconomic status and health care access have a more proximal effect on HPV vaccine uptake than parental language acculturation among Hispanics in California.^ Conclusion. This study found support for the structural hypothesis of acculturation and suggest that interventions focus on informing low SES parents who lack access to health care about programs that provide free HPV vaccines.^


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Background. Among Hispanics, the HPV vaccine has the potential to eliminate disparities in cervical cancer incidence and mortality but only if optimal rates of vaccination are achieved. Media can be an important information source for increasing HPV knowledge and awareness of the vaccine. Very little is known about how media use among Hispanics affects their HPV knowledge and vaccine awareness. Even less is known about what differences exist in media use and information processing among English- and Spanish-speaking Hispanics.^ Aims. Examine the relationships between three health communication variables (media exposure, HPV-specific information scanning and seeking) and three HPV outcomes (knowledge, vaccine awareness and initiation) among English- and Spanish-speaking Hispanics.^ Methods. Cross-sectional data from a survey administered to Hispanic mothers in Dallas, Texas was used for univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses. Sample used for analysis included 288 mothers of females aged 8-22 recruited from clinics and community events. Dependent variables of interest were HPV knowledge, HPV vaccine awareness and initiation. Independent variables were media exposure, HPV-specific information scanning and seeking. Language was tested as an effect modifier on the relationship between health communication variables and HPV outcomes.^ Results. English-speaking mothers reported more media exposure, HPV-specific information scanning and seeking than Spanish-speakers. Scanning for HPV information was associated with more HPV knowledge (OR = 4.26, 95% CI = 2.41 - 7.51), vaccine awareness (OR = 10.01, 95% CI = 5.43 - 18.47) and vaccine initiation (OR = 2.54, 95% CI = 1.09 - 5.91). Seeking HPV-specific information was associated with more knowledge (OR = 2.27, 95% CI = 1.23 - 4.16), awareness (OR = 6.60, 95% CI = 2.74 - 15.91) and initiation (OR = 4.93, 95% CI = 2.64 - 9.20). Language moderated the effect of information scanning and seeking on vaccine awareness.^ Discussion. Differences in information scanning and seeking behaviors among Hispanic subgroups have the potential to lead to disparities in vaccine awareness.^ Conclusion. Findings from this study underscore health communication differences among Hispanics and emphasize the need to target Spanish language media as well as English language media aimed at Hispanics to improve knowledge and awareness.^


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The incidence of OSCC in younger population and in those who never smoked or drank has increased since the last decade. This increase may be attributable to increase of infection with HPV. The pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-&agr; has the role in the pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory diseases and was found to control HPV infection in cervical cancer studies. Our study aimed to investigate the association between the four polymorphisms located in TNF-&agr; promoter region, -308(rs1800629), -857(rs1799724), -863(rs1800630) and -1031(rs1799964), and the risk of HPV-related OSCC. In this hospital-based case-control study, 325 cases and 335 controls were included. We found that HPV 16 seropositivity was associated with an increased risk of oral cancer (OR = 3.1, 95% CI, 2.1–4.6). Each of the polymorphism showed to increase the risk of HPV-related OSCC. And after combining the risk genotypes and using the low-risk group (0–1 combined risk genotypes) and HPV16 seronegativity as the reference group, only the high-risk groups (3–4 combined risk genotypes) and HPV16 seronegativity were associated with a low OR of 1.8 (95% CI, 1.1–2.8), while the low-risk and high-risk groups and HPV16 seropositivity were significantly associated with a higher OR of 2.7 (95% CI, 1.3–5.8) and 8.5 (95% CI, 3.7–19.4), respectively. In addition, the joint effects were greater among the young subjects (aged<50), males, never smokers or never drinkers, and patients with oropharyngeal cancer. Overall, the four TNF-&agr; polymorphisms, individually or collectively, would result in a significantly increased risk for HPV16-associated oral cancer in a non-Hispanic white population. More large sized studies are needed for future investigation.^


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Recent attempts to detect mutations involving single base changes or small deletions that are specific to genetic diseases provide an opportunity to develop a two-tier mutation-screening program through which incidence of rare genetic disorders and gene carriers may be precisely estimated. A two-tier survey consists of mutation screening in a sample of patients with specific genetic disorders and in a second sample of newborns from the same population in which mutation frequency is evaluated. We provide the statistical basis for evaluating the incidence of affected and gene carriers in such two-tier mutation-screening surveys, from which the precision of the estimates is derived. Sample-size requirements of such two-tier mutation-screening surveys are evaluated. Considering examples of cystic fibrosis (CF) and medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MCAD), the two most frequent autosomal recessive disease in Caucasian populations and the two most frequent mutations (delta F508 and G985) that occur on these disease allele-bearing chromosomes, we show that, with 50-100 patients and a 20-fold larger sample of newborns screened for these mutations, the incidence of such diseases and their gene carriers in a population may be quite reliably estimated. The theory developed here is also applicable to rare autosomal dominant diseases for which disease-specific mutations are found.


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This study describes the patterns of occurrence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and parkinsonism-dementia complex (PDC) of Guam during 1950-1989. Both ALS and PDC occur with high frequency among the indigenous Chamorro population, first recognized in the early 1950's. Reports in the early 1980's indicated that both ALS and PDC were disappearing, due to a purported reduction in exposure to harmful environmental factors as a result of the dramatic changes in lifestyle that took place after World War II. However, this study provides compelling evidence that ALS and PDC have not disappeared on Guam and that rates for both are higher during 1980-1989 than previously reported.^ The patterns of occurrence for both ALS and PDC overlap in most respects: (1) incidence and mortality are decreasing; (2) median age at onset is increasing; (3) males are at increased risk for developing disease; (4) risk is higher for those residing in the south compared to the non-south; and (5) age-specific incidence is decreasing over time except in the oldest age groups.^ Age-specific incidence of ALS and PDC, separately and together, is generally higher for cohorts born before 1920 than for those born after 1920. A significant birth cohort effect on the incidence of PDC for the 1906-1915 birth cohort was found, but not for ALS and for ALS and PDC together. Whether or not a cohort effect, period effect, or both are associated with incidence of ALS and PDC cannot be determined from the data currently available and will require additional follow-up of individuals born after 1920.^ The epidemiological data amassed over this 40-year period provide evidence that supports an environmental exposure model for disease occurrence as opposed to a simple genetic or infectious disease model. Whether neurodegenerative disease in this population occurs as a consequence of a single exposure or is explained by a multifactorial model such as a genetic predisposition with some environmental interaction is yet to be determined. However, descriptive studies such as this can provide clues concerning timing and location of potential adverse exposures but cannot determine etiology, underscoring the urgent need for analytic studies of ALS and PDC to further investigate existing etiologic hypotheses and to test new hypotheses. ^


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This study was conducted to determine the incidence and etiology of neonatal seizures, and evaluate risk factors for this condition in Harris County, Texas, between 1992 and 1994. Potential cases were ascertained from four sources: discharge diagnoses at local hospitals, birth certificates, death certificates, and a clinical study of neonatal seizures conducted concurrent with this study at a large tertiary care center in Houston, Texas. The neonatal period was defined as the first 28 days of life for term infants, and up to 44 weeks gestation for preterm infants.^ There were 207 cases of neonatal seizures ascertained among 116,048 live births, yielding and incidence of 1.8 per 1000. Half of the seizures occurred by the third day of life, 70% within the first week, and 93% within the first 28 days of life. Among 48 preterm infants with seizures 15 had their initial seizure after the 28th day of life. About 25% of all seizures occurred after discharge from the hospital of birth.^ Idiopathic seizures occurred most frequently (0.5/1000 births), followed by seizures attributed to perinatal hypoxia/ischemia (0.4/1000 births), intracranial hemorrhage (0.2/1000 births), infection of the central nervous system (0.2/1000 births), and metabolic abnormalities (0.1/1000 births).^ Risk factors were evaluated based on birth certificate information, using univariate and multivariate analysis (logistic regression). Factors considered included birth weight, gender, ethnicity, place of birth, mother's age, method of delivery, parity, multiple birth and, among term infants, small birth weight for gestational age (SGA). Among preterm infants, very low birth weight (VLBW, $<$1500 grams) was the strongest risk factor, followed by birth in private/university hospitals with a Level III nursery compared with hospitals with a Level II nursery (RR = 2.9), and male sex (RR = 1.8). The effect of very low birth weight varied according to ethnicity. Compared to preterm infants weighing 2000-2999 grams, non-white VLBW infants were 12.0 times as likely to have seizures; whereas white VLBW infants were 2.5 times as likely. Among term infants, significant risk factors included SGA (RR = 1.8), birth in Level III nursery private/university hospitals versus hospitals with Level II nursery (RR = 2.0), and birth by cesarean section (RR = 2.2). ^


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Infection with certain types of HPV is a necessary event in the development of cervical carcinoma; however, not all women who become infected will progress. While much is known about the molecular influence of HPV E6 and E7 proteins on the malignant transformation, little is known about the additional factors needed to drive the process. Currently, conventional cervical screening is insufficient at identifying women who are likely to progress from premalignant lesions to carcinoma. Aneuploidy and chromatin texture from image cytometry have been suggested as quantitative measures of nuclear damage in premalignant lesions and cancer, and traditional epidemiologic studies have identified potential factors to aid in the discrimination of those lesions likely to progress. ^ In the current study, real-time PCR was used to quantitate mRNA expression of the E7 gene in women exhibiting normal epithelium, LSIL, and HSIL. Quantitative cytometry was used to gather information about the DNA index and chromatin features of cells from the same women. Logistic regression modeling was used to establish predictor variables for histologic grade based on the traditional epidemiologic risk factors and molecular markers. ^ Prevalence of mRNA transcripts was lower among women with normal histology (27%) than for women with LSIL (40%) and HSIL (37%) with mean levels ranging from 2.0 to 4.2. The transcriptional activity of HPV 18 was higher than that of HPV 16 and increased with increasing level of dysplasia, reinforcing the more aggressive nature of HPV 18. DNA index and mRNA level increased with increasing histological grade. Chromatin score was not correlated with histology but was higher for HPV 18 samples and those with both HPV 18 and HPV 16. However, chromatin score and DNA index were not correlated with mRNA levels. The most predictive variables in the regression modeling were mRNA level, DNA index, parity, and age, and the ROC curves for LSIL and HSIL indicated excellent discrimination. ^ Real-time PCR of viral transcripts could provide a more efficient method to analyze the oncogenic potential within cells from cervical swabs. Epidemiological modeling of malignant progression in the cervix should include molecular markers, as well as the traditional epidemiological risk factors. ^


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Objectives. This hospital-based case-case study compared the characteristics of sexual behavior in patients with cancer of the oropharynx to patients with cancers of other head and neck sites. Additionally, the prevalence of certain sexual behaviors of HPV-16 seropositive head and neck cancer patients was compared to that of seronegative patients. ^ Methods. One hundred sixty five oropharyngeal cancer patients and 86 patients with cancers of other head and neck sites completed a sexual history questionnaire. ^ Results. Oropharyngeal cancer patients were significantly more likely to have had a greater number of lifetime sex partners, to have engaged in oral-genital sex, and to have had a greater number of oral-genital sex partners than non-oropharyngeal cancer patients. Oral-genital sex was significantly more common in the HPV-16 seropositive group. ^ Conclusion. These findings add to the evidence that HPV-16 is sexually transmitted to the upper aerodigestive tract and that certain sexual behaviors increase the risk for HPV-associated oropharyngeal cancer. ^


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It is claimed often in the H. pylori literature that spontaneous clearance (infection loss without attempts to treat) is uncommon, though little evidence supports this claim. Emerging evidence suggests that spontaneous clearance may be frequent in young children; however, factors that determine persistence of untreated H. pylori infection in childhood are not well understood. The author hypothesized that antibiotics taken for common infections cause spontaneous clearance of H. pylori infection in children. The Pasitos Cohort Study (19982005) investigated predictors of acquisition and persistence of H. pylori infection in children from El Paso, Texas, and Juarez, Mexico, enrolled prenatally at maternal-child clinics. Children were screened for infection at target intervals of 6 months from 6-84 months of age by the 13C-urea breath test corrected for body-size-dependent variation in CO2 production. This dissertation aimed to estimate the risk of spontaneous clearance at the next test following an initial detected H. pylori infection (first detected clearance), estimate the effect of antibiotic exposure on the risk of first detected clearance (risk difference), and estimate the effect of antibiotic exposure on the rate of first detected infection (rate ratio). Data on infection status and medication history were available for 608 children followed for a mean of 3.5 years. Among 265 subjects with a first detected infection, 218 had a subsequent test, and among them, the risk of first detected clearance was 68% (95% CI: 61-74%). Children who took antibiotics during the interval between first detected infection and next test had an increased probability (risk difference of 10 percentage points) of a first detected clearance. However, there was also a similar effect of average antibiotic use >0 courses across all intervals preceding the next test. Average antibiotic exposure across all intervals preceding the first detected infection appeared to have a much stronger protective effect than interval/specific exposure when estimating incidence rate ratios (0.45 vs. 1.0). Incidental antibiotic exposure appears to influence the acquisition and duration of childhood H. pylori infection, however, given that many exposed children acquired the infection and many unexposed children cleared the infection, antibiotic exposure does not explain all infection events. ^


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Genital human papillomavirus (HPV) is of public health concern because persistent infection with certain HPV types can cause cervical cancer. In response to a nationwide push for cervical cancer legislation, Texas Governor Rick Perry bypassed the traditional legislative process and issued an executive order mandating compulsory HPV vaccinations for all female public school students prior to their entrance in the sixth grade. By bypassing the legislative process Governor Perry did not effectively mitigate the risk perception issues that arose around the need for and usefulness of the vaccine mandate. This policy paper uses a social policy paradigm to identify perception as the key intervening factor on how the public responds to risk information. To demonstrate how the HPV mandate failed, it analyzes four factors, economics, politics, knowledge and culture, that shape perception and influence the public's response. By understanding the factors that influence the public's perception, public health practitioners and policy makers can more effectively create preventive health policy at the state level. ^


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The purpose of this dissertation was to estimate HIV incidence among the individuals who had HIV tests performed at the Houston Department of Health and Human Services (HDHHS) public health laboratory, and to examine the prevalence of HIV and AIDS concurrent diagnoses among HIV cases reported between 2000 and 2007 in Houston/Harris County. ^ The first study in this dissertation estimated the cumulative HIV incidence among the individuals testing at Houston public health laboratory using Serologic Testing Algorithms for Recent HIV Seroconversion (STARHS) during the two year study period (June 1, 2005 to May 31, 2007). The HIV incidence was estimated using two independently developed statistical imputation methods, one developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the other developed by HDHHS. Among the 54,394 persons who tested for HIV during the study period, 942 tested HIV positive (positivity rate=1.7%). Of these HIV positives, 448 (48%) were newly reported to the Houston HIV/AIDS Reporting System (HARS) and 417 of these 448 blood specimens (93%) were available for STARHS testing. The STARHS results showed 139 (33%) out of the 417 specimens were newly infected with HIV. Using both the CDC and HDHHS methods, the estimated cumulative HIV incidences over the two-year study period were similar: 862 per 100,000 persons (95% CI: 655-1,070) by CDC method, and 925 per 100,000 persons (95% CI: 908-943) by HDHHS method. Consistent with the national finding, this study found African Americans, and men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for most of the new HIV infections among the individuals testing at Houston public health laboratory. Using CDC statistical method, this study also found the highest cumulative HIV incidence (2,176 per 100,000 persons [95%CI: 1,536-2,798]) was among those who tested in the HIV counseling and testing sites, compared to the sexually transmitted disease clinics (1,242 per 100,000 persons [95%CI: 871-1,608]) and city health clinics (215 per 100,000 persons [95%CI: 80-353]. This finding suggested the HIV counseling and testing sites in Houston were successful in reaching high risk populations and testing them early for HIV. In addition, older age groups had higher cumulative HIV incidence, but accounted for smaller proportions of new HIV infections. The incidence in the 30-39 age group (994 per 100,000 persons [95%CI: 625-1,363]) was 1.5 times the incidence in 13-29 age group (645 per 100,000 persons [95%CI: 447-840]); the incidences in 40-49 age group (1,371 per 100,000 persons [95%CI: 765-1,977]) and 50 or above age groups (1,369 per 100,000 persons [95%CI: 318-2,415]) were 2.1 times compared to the youngest 13-29 age group. The increased HIV incidence in older age groups suggested that persons 40 or above were still at risk to contract HIV infections. HIV prevention programs should encourage more people who are age 40 and above to test for HIV. ^ The second study investigated concurrent diagnoses of HIV and AIDS in Houston. Concurrent HIV/AIDS diagnosis is defined as AIDS diagnosis within three months of HIV diagnosis. This study found about one-third of the HIV cases were diagnosed with HIV and AIDS concurrently (within three months) in Houston/Harris County. Using multivariable logistic regression analysis, this study found being male, Hispanic, older, and diagnosed in the private sector of care were positively associated with concurrent HIV and AIDS diagnoses. By contrast, men who had sex with men and also used injection drugs (MSM/IDU) were 0.64 times (95% CI: 0.44-0.93) less likely to have concurrent HIV and AIDS diagnoses. A sensitivity analysis comparing difference durations of elapsed time for concurrent HIV and AIDS diagnosis definitions (1-month, 3-month, and 12-month cut-offs) affected the effect size of the odds ratios, but not the direction. ^ The results of these two studies, one describing characteristics of the individuals who were newly infected with HIV, and the other study describing persons who were diagnosed with HIV and AIDS concurrently, can be used as a reference for HIV prevention program planning in Houston/Harris County. ^


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Objective. In June 2006, the first vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV) was approved by the FDA and shortly after approval, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to recommend the HPV vaccine for young girls. As a result of ACIP recommendations, state legislators introduced bills to mandate the vaccine. Policies related to public health issues, such as vaccination mandates, are often influenced by news coverage of these issues. News media, particularly in times of controversies, reinforce specific messages and plays an essential role in framing issues for the public. The objective of this study is to examine the quality, content, and scope of policies for the HPV vaccine before and after Texas Governor Rick Perry issued an executive order mandating the vaccine for middle school girls.^ Methods. The Lexis-Nexis database was used to identify 335 articles on HPV vaccination mandate policies that were published in U.S. newspapers from February 1, 2006 to February 2, 2008. The coding instrument captured information about article type, main news story concern, general information about HPV, HPV vaccine mandate policies, arguments for and against HPV vaccination mandates, arguments for and against the HPV vaccine, and sources of information.^ Results. Most news articles (82.4%) occurred after Governor Rick Perry issued an executive order mandating the HPV vaccine. Most articles mentioned that HPV is sexually transmitted (90.7%) and linked HPV infection to cervical cancer (96.1%). Only 63.9% of the articles reported that the HPV vaccine protects against types of HPV that cause cervical cancer and 18.8% of the articles reported that the vaccine protects against genital warts. Only 18.2% of the news articles presented a balanced argument regarding mandatory HPV vaccinations, and only 39.4% of the news articles presented a balanced argument for the HPV vaccine.^ Conclusions. Our study revealed that news coverage regarding mandating the HPV vaccine and issues related to the vaccine itself is biased, unbalanced, and incomplete. Since the public pays a great deal of attention to health in the media, it is essential that news stories are balanced, complete, and accurate. In order to ensure that future vaccination mandates are not covered in the same way the HPV vaccination was, public health officials, health care providers and scientists should work effectively with the media to ensure that balanced information is provided.^


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Background. A few studies have reported gender differences along the colorectal cancer (CRC) continuum but none has done so longitudinally to compare a cancer and a non-cancer populations.^ Objectives and Methods. To examine gender differences in colorectal cancer screening (CRCS); to examine trends in gender differences in CRC screening among two groups of patients (Medicare beneficiaries with and without cancer); to examine gender differences in CRC incidence; and to examine for any differences over time. In Paper 1, the study population consisted of men and women, ages 67–89 years, with CRC (73,666) or without any cancer (39,006), residing in 12 U.S. Surveillance Epidemiology and End-Results (SEER) regions. Crude and age-adjusted percentages and odds ratios of receiving fecal occult blood test (FOBT), sigmoidoscopy (SIG), or colonoscopy (COL) were calculated. Multivariable logistic regression was used to assess gender on the odds of receiving CRC screening over time.^ In Paper 2, age-adjusted incidence rates and proportions over time were reported across race, CRC subsite, CRC stage and SEER region for 373,956 patients, ages 40+ years, residing in 9 SEER regions and diagnosed with malignant CRC. ^ Results. Overall, women had higher CRC screening rates than men and screening rates in general were higher in the SEER sample of persons with CRC diagnosis. Significant temporal divergence in FOBT screening was observed between men and women in both cohorts. Although the largest temporal increases in screening rates were found for COL, especially among the cohort with CRC, little change in the gender gap was observed over time. Receipt of FOBT was significantly associated with female gender especially in the period of full Medicare coverage. Receipt of COL was also significantly associated with male gender, especially in the period of limited Medicare coverage.^ Overall, approximately equal numbers of men (187,973) and women (185,983) were diagnosed with malignant CRC. Men had significantly higher age-adjusted CRC incidence rates than women across all categories of age, race, subsite, stage and SEER region even though rates declined in all categories over time. Significant moderate increases in rate difference occurred among 40-59 year olds; significant reductions occurred among patients age 70+, within subsite rectum, unstaged and distant stage CRC, and eastern and western SEER regions. ^ Conclusions. Persistent gender differences in CRC incidence across time may have implications for gender-based interventions that take age into consideration. A shift toward proximal cancer was observed over time for both genders, but the high proportion of men who develop rectal cancer suggests that a greater proportion of men may need to be targeted with newer screening methods such as fecal DNA or COL. Although previous reports have documented higher CRC screening among men, higher incidence of CRC observed among men suggests that higher risk categories of men are probably not being reached. FOBT utilization rates among women have increased over time and the gender gap has widened between 1998 and 2005. COL utilization is associated with male gender but the differences over time are small.^