8 resultados para H(3) receptors

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BACKGROUND: TRAIL plays an important role in host immunosurveillance against tumor progression, as it induces apoptosis of tumor cells but not normal cells, and thus has great therapeutic potential for cancer treatment. TRAIL binds to two cell-death-inducing (DR4 and DR5) and two decoy (DcR1, and DcR2) receptors. Here, we compare the expression levels of TRAIL and its receptors in normal oral mucosa (NOM), oral premalignancies (OPM), and primary and metastatic oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC) in order to characterize the changes in their expression patterns during OSCC initiation and progression. METHODS: DNA microarray, immunoblotting and immunohistochemical analyses were used to examine the expression levels of TRAIL and its receptors in oral epithelial cell lines and in archival tissues of NOM, OPM, primary and metastatic OSCC. Apoptotic rates of tumor cells and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) in OSCC specimens were determined by cleaved caspase 3 immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: Normal oral epithelia constitutively expressed TRAIL, but expression was progressively lost in OPM and OSCC. Reduction in DcR2 expression levels was noted frequently in OPM and OSCC compared to respective patient-matched uninvolved oral mucosa. OSCC frequently expressed DR4, DR5 and DcR1 but less frequently DcR2. Expression levels of DR4, DR5 and DcR1 receptors were not significantly altered in OPM, primary OSCC and metastatic OSCC compared to patient-matched normal oral mucosa. Expression of proapoptotic TRAIL-receptors DR4 and DR5 in OSCC seemed to depend, at least in part, on whether or not these receptors were expressed in their parental oral epithelia. High DR5 expression in primary OSCC correlated significantly with larger tumor size. There was no significant association between TRAIL-R expression and OSSC histology grade, nodal status or apoptosis rates of tumor cells and TIL. CONCLUSION: Loss of TRAIL expression is an early event during oral carcinogenesis and may be involved in dysregulation of apoptosis and contribute to the molecular carcinogenesis of OSCC. Differential expressions of TRAIL receptors in OSCC do not appear to play a crucial role in their apoptotic rate or metastatic progression.


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A method employing isotopically- and photoaffinity-labeled probes and polyclonal and monoclonal antibody to the probes for the identification, isolation and recovery of protein receptors is described. Antibody was raised against N-(3-(p-azido-m-($\sp{125}$I) -iodophenyl)) propionate (AIPP) coupled to and photolyzed to BSA. The antibodies specifically bound AIPP-derivatized proteins. An isolation system was developed utilizing this probe and two antigenically identical reversible analogues. N-(3-((p-azido-m-($\sp{125}$I) -iodo-phenyl)propionyl)amidoethyl-1,3-dithiopropionyl) succinimide (Reversible $\sp{125}$I-AIPPS) reacts with primary amines and N-(((3-p-azido-m-($\sp{125}$I) -iodophenyl)propionyl)amidoethyl)dithiopyridine ($\sp{125}$I-AIPP-PDA) reacts with reduced thiols. The applicability of the system was established by derivatizing known ligands (Transferrin and Interferon-alpha) with one of the probes. The ligand-probe was then allowed to interact with its receptor by incubation with SS5 lymphoma cells and cross-linked by photolysis at 300 nm. The photolyzed ligand/probe/receptor preparation was then recovered with AIPP antibody. Utilization of N-(3-((p-azido-m-($\sp{125}$I) -iodo-phenyl-propionyl)-amidoethyl-1,3-dithiopropionyl) succinimide (Reversible $\sp{125}$I-AIPPS) allowed the components of the photolyzed complex to be separated by treatment with 2-mercaptoethanol in the SDS-PAGE solubilization buffer. Ligand and receptor labeling were then assessed by Coomassie staining and autoradiography. Results of receptor assays suggest that $\sp{125}$I-AIPP was, indeed, transferred to moieties that represent the receptors for both Transferrin and Interferon-alpha. ^


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The amino acid glutamate is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter for the CNS and is responsible for the majority of fast synaptic transmission. Glutamate receptors have been shown to be involved in multiple forms of synaptic plasticity such as LTP, LTD, and the formation of specific synaptic connections during development. In addition to contributing to the plasticity of the CNS, glutamate receptors also are involved in, at least in part, various pathological conditions such as epilepsy, ischemic damage due to stroke, and Huntington's chorea. The regulation of glutamate receptors, particularly the ionotropic NMDA and AMPA/KA receptors is therefore of great interest. In this body of work, glutamate receptor function and regulation by kinase activity was examined using the Xenopus oocyte which is a convenient and faithful expression system for exogenous proteins. Glutamate receptor responses were measured using the two-electrode voltage clamp technique in oocytes injected with rat total forebrain RNA. NMDA elicited currents that were glycine-dependent, subject to block by Mg$\sp{2+}$ in a voltage-dependent manner and sensitive to the specific NMDA antagonist APV in a manner consistent with those types of responses found in neural tissue. Similarly, KA-evoked currents were sensitive to the specific AMPA/KA antagonist CNQX and exhibited current voltage relationships consistent with the calcium permeable type II KA receptors found in the hippocampus. There is evidence to indicate that NMDA and AMPA/KA receptors are regulated by protein kinase A (PKA). We explored this by examining the effects of activators of PKA (forskolin, 1-isobutyl-3-methylxanthine (IBMX) and 8-Br-cAMP) on NMDA and KA currents in the oocyte. In buffer where Ca$\sp{2+}$ was replaced by 2 mM Ba$\sp{2+},$ forskolin plus IBMX and 8-Br-cAMP augmented currents due to NMDA application but not KA. This augmentation was abolished by pretreating the oocytes in the kinase inhibitor K252A. The use of chloride channel blockers resulted in attenuation of this effect indicating that Ba$\sp{2+}$ influx through the NMDA channel was activating the endogenous calcium-activated chloride current and that the cAMP mediated augmentation was at the level of the chloride channel and not the NMDA channel. This was confirmed by (1) the finding that 8-Br-cAMP increased chloride currents elicited via calcium channel activation while having no effect on the calcium channels themselves and (2) the fact that lowering the Ba$\sp{2+}$ concentration to 200 $\mu$M abolished the augmentation NMDA currents by 8-Br-cAMP. Thus PKA does not appear to modulate ionotropic glutamate receptors in our preparation. Another kinase also implicated in the regulation of NMDA receptors, calcium/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (PKC), was examined for its effects on the NMDA receptor under low Ba$\sp{2+}$ (200 $\mu$M) conditions. Phorbol esters, activators of PKC, induced a robust potentiation of NMDA currents that was blockable by the kinase inhibitor K252A. Furthermore activation of metabotropic receptors by the selective agonist trans-ACPD, also potentiated NMDA albeit more modestly. These results indicate that neither NMDA nor KA-activated glutamate receptors are modulated by PKA in Xenopus oocytes whereas NMDA receptors appear to be augmented by PKC. Furthermore, the endogenous chloride current of the oocyte was found to be responsive to Ba$\sp{2+}$ and in addition is enhanced by PKA. Both of these latter findings are novel. In conclusion, the Xenopus oocyte is a useful expression system for the analysis of ligand-gated channel activity and the regulation of those channels by phosphorylation. ^


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Chronic administration of psychomotor stimulants has been reported to produce behavioral sensitization to its effects on motor activity. This adaptation may be related to the pathophysiology of recurrent psychiatric disorders. Since disturbances in circadian rhythms are also found in many of these disorders, the relationship between sensitization and chronobiological factors became of interest. Therefore, a computerized monitoring system investigated the following: whether repeated exposure to methylphenidate (MPD) and amphetamine (AMP) could produce sensitization to its locomotor effects in the rat; whether sensitization to MPD and AMP was dependent on the circadian time of drug administration; whether the baseline levels of locomotor activity would be effected by repeated exposure to MPD and AMP; whether the expression of a sensitized response could be affected by the photoperiod; and whether MK-801, a non-competitive NMDA antagonist, could disrupt the development of sensitization to MPD. Dawley rats were housed in test cages and motor activity was recorded continuously for 16 days. The first 2 days served as baseline for each rat, and on day 3 each rat received a saline injection. The locomotor response to 0.6, 2.5, or 10 mg/kg of MPD was tested on day 4, followed by five days of single injections of 2.5 mg/kg MPD (days 5–9). After five days without injection (days 10–14) rats were re-challenged (day 15) with the same doses they received on day 4. There were three separate dose groups ran at four different times of administration, 08:00, 14:00, 20:00, or 02:00 (i.e. 12 groups). The same protocol was conducted with AMP with the doses of 0.3, 0.6, and 1.2 mg/kg given on day 4 and 15, and 0.6 mg/kg AMP as the repeated dose on days 5 to 9. In the second set of experiments only sensitization to MPD was investigated. The expression of the sensitized response was dose-dependent and mainly observed with challenge of the lower dose groups. The development of sensitization to MPD and ANT was differentially time-dependent. For MPD, the most robust sensitization occurred during the light phase, with no sensitization during the middle of the dark phase. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (Stat3) is a signaling molecule that transduces signal from cell surface receptors, itself translocates into the nucleus, binds to consensus promoter sequences and activates gene transcription. Here, we showed that Stat3 is constitutively activated in both premalignant tumors (papillomas) and squamous cell carcinomas of mouse skin that is induced by topical treatment with an initiator 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) followed by a tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA). Additional data demonstrated that epidermal growth factor signaling contributes to the activation of Stat3 in this model. Using mice where Stat3 function is abrogated in keratinocytes via the Cre-LoxP system (K5Cre.Stat3 flox/flox), we demonstrated that Stat3 is required for de novo carcinogenesis since Stat3 deficiency leads to a complete abrogation of skin tumor development induced by DMBA and TPA. We subsequently showed that Stat3 plays a role in both the initiation and promotion stages of carcinogenesis. During initiation, Stat3 functions as an anti-apoptotic molecule for maintaining the survival of DNA-damaged keratinocyte stem cells. During promotion, Stat3 functions as a critical regulator for G1 to S phase cell cycle progression to confer selective clonal expansion of initiated cells into papillomas. On the other hand, using transgenic mice over-expressing a constitutively dimerized form of Stat3 (Stat3C) in keratinocytes (K5.Stat3C), we revealed a role for Stat3 in tumor progression. After treatment with DMBA and TPA, K5.Stat3C transgenic mice developed skin tumors with a shorter latency when 100% bypassed the premalignant stage and became carcinoma in situ. Histological and immunohistochemical analysis revealed these tumors as highly vascularized and poorly differentiated. More strikingly, these tumors exhibited invasion into surrounding mesenchymal tissue, some of which metastasized into lung. The tumor-mesenchymal front was characterized by partial loss of E-cadherin and elevation of vimentin, markers characterizing epithelial-mesenchymal transition. On the other hand, inhibition of Stat3 via a decoy oligonucleotide led to a significant reduction of tumor size in approximately 50% of all papillomas tested. In conclusion, we demonstrated that Stat3 plays a critical in all three stages (initiation, promotion and progression) of skin carcinogenesis, and it may potentially become a good target for cancer prevention and anti-cancer therapy. ^


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Ion channels play a crucial role in the functioning of different systems of the body because of their ability to bridge the cell membrane and allow ions to pass in and out of the cell. Ionotropic glutamate receptors are one class of these important proteins and have been shown to be critical in propagating synaptic transmission in the central nervous system and in other diverse functions throughout the body. Because of their wide-ranging effects, this family of receptors is an important target for structure-function investigations to understand their mechanism of action. ^ α-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors are one subtype of glutamate receptors and have been shown to be the primary receptors involved in rapid excitatory signaling in the central nervous system. Agonist binding to the extracellular ligand binding domain of these receptors causes various conformational changes that culminate in formation of the ion channel. Previous structural investigations have provided important information about their mechanism of action, including uncovering a relationship between the degree of cleft closure in the binding domain and activation of the receptor. However, what question remains unanswered is how specific interactions between the agonist and the protein interplay with cleft closure to mediate receptor activation. ^ To investigate this question, I applied a multiscale approach to investigate the effects of agonist binding on various levels. Vibrational spectroscopy was utilized to investigate molecular-level interactions in the binding pocket, and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) was employed to measure cleft closure in the isolated ligand binding domain. The results of these studies in the isolated binding domain were then correlated to activation of the full receptor. These investigations showed a relationship between the strength of the interaction at the α-amine group of the agonist and extent of receptor activation, where a stronger interaction correlated to a larger activation, which was upheld even when the extent of cleft closure did not correlate to activation. These results show that this interaction at the α-amine group is critical in mediating the allosteric mechanism of activation and provide a bit more insight into how agonist binding is coupled to channel gating in AMPA receptors. ^


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Background. Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is the most prevalent precursor to invasive breast cancer (IBC), the second leading cause of death in women in the United States. The three most important prognostic markers for IBC are Estrogen receptor (ER), Progesterone receptor (PR) and HER2/neu. The four groups (IBC) defined as (1) ER and/or PR positive and HER2/neu negative, (2) ER and/or PR positive and HER2/neu positive (3) ER and/or PR negative and HER2/neu positive and (4) negative for all three of these receptors (Triple negative). However, they have not been well studied in DCIS. This is an exploratory study with a primary objective to examine the prevalence of ER, PR, and HER2/neu in DCIS, to explore if the defined groups of IBC occur in DCIS and to consider the biological relationship between these four groups and the proliferative activity of the tumor. A secondary goal of this study is to examine the relationship between grade and proliferative activity. Methods. Using immunohistochemistry, I have measured Ki-67, ER, PR and HER2/neu positivity for a series of cases of DCIS. Results. 20 ER and/or PR positive and HER2/neu negative (50%) with average PI of 0.05, 7 ER and/or PR positive and HER2/neu positive (17.5%) with average PI of 0.14, 10 ER and/or PR negative and HER2/neu positive (25%) with average PI of 0.18, and three triple negative (7.5%) with average PI of 0.18. ER and/or PR positive and HER2/neu positive group has the highest PI (p<0.001). Further, the ER and/or PR positive and HER2/neu positive group show a linear relationship between PI and average ER/PR positivity (R=0.6). PI increases with higher grades. Conclusion. PI appears to depend upon the average fraction of positive ER/PR tumor cells, possibly with a synergistic dependence when HER2/neu is positive. If ER/PR is negative, then both HER2/neu positive and the triple negative cases appear to cluster around an average PI that is higher than the average PI in HER2/neu negative ER/PR positive negative cases. In the triple negative tumors there must be another driver of proliferation.^


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Imatinib mesylate, a selective inhibitor of KIT, PDGFR, and Abl kinases, has shown significant success as a therapy for patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs). However, the underlying mechanisms of imatinib-induced cytotoxicity are not well understood. Using gene expression profiling and real-time PCR for target validation, we identified insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP3) to be to be up-regulated after imatinib treatment in imatinib-sensitive GISTs. IGFBP3 is a multifunctional protein that regulates cell proliferation and survival and mediates the effects of a variety of anti-cancer agents through IGF-dependent and IGF-independent mechanisms. Therefore, we hypothesized that IGFBP3 mediates GIST cell response to imatinib. To test this hypothesis, we manipulated IGFBP3 protein levels in two KIT mutant, imatinib-sensitive GIST cell lines and assessed the resultant changes in cell viability, survival, and imatinib sensitivity. In GIST882 cells, endogenous IGFBP3 was required for cell viability. However, inhibiting imatinib-induced IGFBP3 up-regulation by RNA interference or neutralization resulted in reduced drug sensitivity, suggesting that IGFBP3 sensitizes GIST882 cells to imatinib. GIST-T1 cells, on the other hand, had no detectable levels of endogenous IGFBP3, nor did imatinib induce IGFBP3 up-regulation, in contrast to our previous findings. IGFBP3 overexpression in GIST-T1 cells reduced viability but did not induce cell death; rather, the cells became polyploid through a mechanism that may involve attenuated Cdc20 expression and securin degradation. Moreover, IGFBP3 overexpression resulted in a loss of KIT activation and decreased levels of mature KIT. Consistent with this, GIST-T1 cells overexpressing IGFBP3 were less sensitive to imatinib. Furthermore, as neither GIST882 cells nor GIST-T1 cells expressed detectable levels of IGF-1R, IGFBP3 is likely not exerting its effects by modulating IGF signaling through IGF-1R or IR/IGF-1R hybrid receptors in these cell lines. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that IGFBP3 has cell-dependent effects and would, therefore, not be an ideal marker for identifying imatinib response in GISTs. Nevertheless, our results provide preliminary evidence that IGFBP3 may have some therapeutic benefits in GISTs. ^