6 resultados para Gene isolation

em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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The recA gene is essential for homologous recombination and for inducible DNA repair in Escherichia coli. The level of recA expression is important for these functions. The growth defect of a lambda phage carrying a recA-lacZ fusion was used to select mutations that reduced recA expression. Nine of these mutations were single base changes in the recA promoter; each reduced both induced and basal (repressed) levels of expression, indicating that only one promoter is used under both circumstances. Deletion analysis of the promoter region and S1 mapping of transcripts confirmed that there is only one promoter responsible for both basal and induced expression. Some of the mutants, however, displayed a ratio of induced to repressed expression that was much lower than wild-type. For one of these mutants (recA1270) LexA binding studies showed that this was not due to a change in the affinity of LexA repressor for the operator site. The extent of binding of RNA polymerase to this mutant promoter, however, was much reduced, and the complexes formed were qualitatively different. Further binding experiments provided some evidence that LexA does not block RNA polymerase binding to the recA promoter, but inhibits a later step in initiation. Behavior of the mutants with altered induction ratios could be explained if LexA binding to the operator actually increases RNA polymerase binding to the promoter in a closed complex compensating for defects in polymerase binding caused by the mutations.^ In a study of mutations in the recA structural gene, site-directed mutagenesis was used to replace cysteine codons at positions 90, 116, and 129 with a number of different codons. In vivo analysis of the replacements showed that none of the cysteines is absolutely essential and that they do not have a direct role as catalysts in ATP hydrolysis. Some amino acid substitutions abolished all RecA functions, while a few resulted in partial or altered function. Amino acids at positions 90 and 129 tended to affect all functions equally, while the amino acid at position 116 appeared to have a particular effect on the protease activity of the protein. ^


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A fundamental problem in developmental biology concerns the mechanisms involved in the establishment of the embryonic axis. We are studying Xenopus nuclear factor 7 (xnf7) which we believe to be involved in dorsal-ventral patterning in Xenopus laevis. Xnf7 is a maternal gene product that is retained in the cytoplasm during early embryogenesis until the mid-blastula transition (MBT) when it reenters the nuclei. It is a member of a novel zinc finger proteins, the B-box family, consisting mainly of transcription factors and protooncogenes.^ The xnf7 gene is reexpressed during embryogenesis at the gastrula-neurula stage of development, with its zygotic expression limited to the central nervous system (CNS). In this study we showed that there are two different cDNAs coding for xnf7, xnf7-O and xnf7-B. They differ by 39 amino acid changes scattered throughout the cDNA. The expression of both forms of xnf7 is limited primarily to the central nervous system (CNS) and dorsal axial structures during later stages of embryogenesis.^ In order to study the spatial and temporal regulation of the gene, we screened a Xenopus genomic library using part of xnf7 cDNA as a probe. A genomic clone corresponding to the xnf7-O type was isolated, its 5$\sp\prime$ putative regulatory region sequenced, and its transcriptional initiation site mapped. The putative promoter region contained binding sites for Sp1, E2F, USF, a Pu box and AP1. CAT/xnf7 fusion genes were constructed containing various 5$\sp\prime$ deleted regions of the xnf7 promoter linked to a CAT (Chloramphenicol Acetyl Transferase) reporter vector. These constructs were injected into Xenopus oocytes and embryos to study the regions of the xnf7 promoter responsible for basal, temporal and spatial regulation of the gene. The activity of the fusion genes was measured by the conversion of chloramphenicol to its acetylated forms, and the spatial distribution of the transcripts by whole mount in situ hybridization. We showed that the elements involved in basal regulation of xnf7 lie within 121 basepairs upstream of the transcriptional inititiation site. A DNase I footprint analysis performed using oocyte extract showed that a E2F and 2 Sp1 sites were protected. During development, the fusion genes were expressed following the MBT, in accordance with the timing of the endogenous xnf7 gene. Spatially, the expression of the fusion gene containing 421 basepairs of the promoter was localized to the dorsal region of the embryo in a pattern that was almost identical to that detected with the endogenous transcripts. Therefore, the elements involved in spatial and temporal regulation of the xnf7 gene during development were contained within 421 basepairs upstream of the transcriptional initiation site. Future work will further define the elements involved in the spatial and temporal regulation and the trans-factors that interact with them. ^


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Molecular events involved in specification of early hematopoietic system are not well known. In Xenopus, a paired-box homeodomain family (Mix.1–4) has been implicated in this process. Although Mix-like homeobox genes have been isolated from zebrafish (bon), chicken (CMIX) and mice (MmI/MIXL1), isolation of a human Mix-like gene has remained elusive. ^ We have recently isolated and characterized a novel human Mix-like homeobox gene with a predicted open reading frame of 232 amino acids designated the Mix.1 homeobox (Xenopus laevis)-like gene (MIXL). The overall identity of this novel protein to CMIX and MmI/MIXL1 is 41% and 69%, respectively. However, the identity in the homeodomain is 66% to that of Xenopus Mix.1, 79% to that of CMIX, and 94% to that of MmI/MIXL1. In normal hematopoiesis, MIXL expression appears to be restricted immature B and T lymphoid cells. Several acute leukemic cell lines of B, T and myeloid lineages express MIXL suggesting a survival/block in differentiation advantage. Furthermore, Xenopus animal cap assay revealed that MIXL could induce expression of the α-globin gene, suggesting a functional conservation of the homeodomain. ^ Biochemical analysis revealed that MIXL proteins are phosphorylated at multiple sites. Immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting confirmed that MIXL is tyrosine phosphorylated. Mutational analysis determined that Tyr20 appears to be the site for phosphorylation. However, deletion analysis preliminarily showed that the proline-rich domain appears not to be necessary for tyrosine phosphorylation. The novel finding will help us make a deeper understanding of the regulation on homeodomain proteins by rarely reported tyrosine phosphorylation. ^ Taken together, isolation of the MIXL gene is the first step toward understanding novel regulatory circuits in early hematopoietic differentiation and malignant transformation. ^


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I have cloned cDNAs corresponding to two distinct genes, Xlmf1 and Xlmf25, which encode skeletal muscle-specific, transcriptional regulatory proteins. These proteins are members of the helix-loop-helix family of DNA binding factors, and are most homologous to MyoD1. These two genes have disparate temporal expression patterns during early embryogenesis; although, both transcripts are present exclusively in skeletal muscle of the adult. Xlmf1 is first detected 7 hours after fertilization, shortly after the midblastula transition. Xlmf25 is detected in maternal stores of mRNA, during early cleavage stages of the embryo and throughout later development. Both Xlmf1 and Xlmf25 transcripts are detected prior to the expression of other, previously characterized, muscle-specific genes. The ability of Xlmf1 and Xlmf25 to convert mouse 10T1/2 fibroblasts to a myogenic phenotype demonstrates their activity as myogenic regulatory factors. Additionally, Xlmf1 and Xlmf25 can directly transactivate a reporter gene linked to the muscle-specific, muscle creatine kinase (MCK) enhancer. The functional properties of Xlmf1 and Xlmf25 proteins were further explored by investigating their interactions with the binding site in the MCK enhancer. Analysis of dissociation rates revealed that Xlmf25-E12 dimers had a two-fold lower avidity for this site than did Xlmf1-E12 dimers. Clones containing genomic sequence of Xlmf1 and Xlmf25 have been isolated. Reporter gene constructs containing a lac-z gene driven by Xlmf1 regulatory sequences were analyzed by embryo injections and transfections into cultured muscle cells. Elements within $-$200 bp of the transcription start site can promote high levels of muscle specific expression. Embryo injections show that 3500 bp of upstream sequence is sufficient to drive somite specific expression. EMSAs and DNAse I footprint analysis has shown the discrete interaction of factors with several cis-elements within 200 bp of the transcription start site. Mutation of several of these elements shows a positive requirement for two CCAAT boxes and two E boxes. It is evident from the work performed with this promoter that Xlmf1 is tightly regulated during muscle cell differentiation. This is not surprising given the fact that its gene product is crucial to the determination of cell fate choices. ^


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Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is an inherited retinal degenerative disease that is the leading cause of inherited blindness worldwide. Characteristic features of the disease include night blindness, progressive loss of visual fields, and deposition of pigment on the retina in a bone spicule-like pattern. RP is marked by extreme genetic heterogeneity with at least 19 autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive and X-linked loci identified. RP10, which maps to chromosome 7q, was the fifth autosomal dominant RP locus identified, and accounts for the early-onset disease in two independent families. Extensive linkage and haplotype analyses have been performed in these two families which have allowed the assignment of the disease locus to a 5-cM region on chromosome 7q31.3. In collaboration with Dr. Eric Green (National Center for Human Genome Research, National Institutes of Health), a well-characterized physical map of the region was constructed which includes YAC, BAC and cosmid coverage. The entire RP10 critical region resides within a 9-Mb well-characterized YAC contig. These physical maps not only provided the resources to undertake the CAIGES (cDNA amplification for identification of genomic expressed sequences) procedure for identification of retinal candidate genes within the critical region, but also identified a number of candidate genes, including transducin-$\gamma$ and blue cone pigment genes. All candidate genes examined were excluded. In addition, a number of ESTs were mapped within the critical region. EST20241, which was isolated from an eye library, corresponded to the 3$\sp\prime$ region of the ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) 5 gene. ARF5, with its role in vesicle transport and possible participation in the regulation of the visual transduction pathway, became an extremely interesting candidate gene. Using a primer walking approach, the entire 3.2 kb genomic sequence of the ARF5 gene was generated and developed intronic primers to screen for coding region mutations in affected family members. No mutations were found in the ARF5 gene, however, a number of additional ESTs have been mapped to the critical region, and, as the large-scale sequencing projects get underway, megabases of raw sequence data from the RP10 region are becoming available. These resources will hasten the isolation and characterization of the RP10 gene. ^


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The neu gene encodes the transmembrane tyrosine kinase growth factor receptor, p185. To study neu induced cellular transformation, we developed revertant cells from the neu transformed NIH 3T3 cell line, B104-1-1, by treating the cells with the chemical mutagen ethylmethane sulfonate. The morphologically normal revertant cells were first selected by their ability to either attach to culture plates or survive in the presence of the cytotoxic reagents colchicine or 5-fluoro-2deoxyuridine. Two of the 21 candidate revertant cell lines isolated were further characterized and were found to lose their anchorage independence and ability to grow in 1% calf serum, indicating that they were nontransformed even though they still expressed p185 oncoprotein. The tyrosine residues of p185 in these two revertants were underphosphorylated, which may have contributed to their nontransformed status. Also, the p185 oncoprotein lacked significant tyrosine kinase activity. In addition, these revertants also resisted transformation by neu and several additional oncogenes (H-ras, N-ras, v-mos, v-abl, and v-fos) as determined by focus forming assays. These results indicated that we had successfully developed, from neu transformed cells, revertants which exhibited defective tyrosine phosphorylation and kinase activity of the neu oncoprotein. The results also suggested that neu and several other oncogenes may share common elements in their pathways for the induction of cellular transformation. ^