28 resultados para Gene Expression Regulation -- genetics

em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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Vitamin A and its metabolite retinoic acid (RA) are essential elements for normal lung development and the differentiation of lung epithelial cells. We previously showed that RA rapidly activated cyclic AMP response element-binding protein (CREB) in a nonclassical manner in normal human tracheobronchial epithelial (NHTBE) cells. In the present study, we further demonstrated that this nonclassical signaling of RA on the activation of CREB plays a critical role in regulating the expression of airway epithelial cell differentiation markers, the MUC2, MUC5AC, and MUC5B genes. We found that RA rapidly activates the protein kinase Calpha isozyme and transmits the activation signal to CREB via the Raf/MEK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase/p90 ribosomal S6 kinase (RSK) pathway. Activated RSK translocated from the cytoplasm to the nucleus, where it phosphorylates CREB. Activated CREB then binds to a cis-acting replication element motif on the promoter (at nucleotides [nt] -878 to -871) of the MUC5AC gene. The depletion of CREB using small interfering RNA abolished not only the RA-induced MUC5AC but also RA-induced MUC2 and MUC5B. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that CREB activation via this nonclassical RA signaling pathway may play an important role in regulating the expression of mucin genes and mediating the early biological effects of RA during normal mucous differentiation in NHTBE cells.


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Pili in Gram-positive bacteria play a major role in the colonization of host tissue and in the development of biofilms. They are promising candidates for vaccines or drug targets since they are highly immunogenic and share common structural and functional features among various Gram-positive pathogens. Numerous publications have helped build a detailed understanding of pilus surface assembly, yet regulation of pilin gene expression has not been well defined. Utilizing a monoclonal antibody developed against the Enterococcus faecalis major pilus protein EbpC, we identified mutants from a transposon (Tn) insertion library which lack surface-exposed Ebp pili. In addition to insertions in the ebp regulon, an insertion in ef1184 (dapA) significantly reduced levels of EbpC. Analysis of in-frame dapA deletion mutants and mutants with the downstream gene rnjB deleted further demonstrated that rnjB was responsible for the deficiency of EbpC. Sequence analysis revealed that rnjB encodes a putative RNase J2. Subsequent quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) and Northern blotting demonstrated that the ebpABC mRNA transcript level was significantly decreased in the rnjB deletion mutant. In addition, using a reporter gene assay, we confirmed that rnjB affects the expression of the ebpABC operon. Functionally, the rnjB deletion mutant was attenuated in its ability to produce biofilm, similar to that of an ebpABC deletion mutant which lacks Ebp pili. Together, these results demonstrate the involvement of rnjB in E. faecalis pilin gene expression and provide insight into a novel mechanism of regulation of pilus production in Gram-positive pathogens.


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In the United States, endometrial cancer is the leading cancer of the female reproductive tract. There are 40,100 new cases and 7,470 deaths from endometrial cancer estimated for 2008 (47). The average five year survival rate for endometrial cancer is 84% however, this figure is substantially lower in patients diagnosed with late stage, advanced disease and much higher for patients diagnosed in early stage disease (47). Endometrial cancer (EC) has been associated with several risk factors including obesity, diabetes, hypertension, previously documented occurrence of hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), and heightened exposure to estrogen (25). As of yet, there has not been a dependable molecular predictor of endometrial cancer occurrence in women with these predisposing factors. The goal of our lab is to identify genes that are aberrantly expressed in EC and may serve as molecular biomarkers of EC progression. One candidate protein that we are exploring as a biomarker of EC progression is the cell survival protein survivin.


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Tumor Suppressor Candidate 2 (TUSC2) is a novel tumor suppressor gene located in the human chromosome 3p21.3 region. TUSC2 mRNA transcripts could be detected on Northern blots in both normal lung and some lung cancer cell lines, but no endogenous TUSC2 protein could be detected in a majority of lung cancer cell lines. Mechanisms regulating TUSC2 protein expression and its inactivation in primary lung cancer cells are largely unknown. We investigated the role of the 5’- and 3’-untranslated regions (UTRs) of the TUSC2 gene in the regulation of TUSC2 protein expression. We found that two small upstream open-reading frames (uORFs) in the 5’UTR of TUSC2 could markedly inhibit the translational initiation of TUSC2 protein by interfering with the “scanning” of the ribosome initiation complexes. Site-specific stem-loop array reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (SLA-RT-PCR) verified several micoRNAs (miRNAs) targeted at 3’UTR and directed TUSC2 cleavage and degradation. In addition, we used the established let-7-targeted high mobility group A2 (Hmga2) mRNA as a model system to study the mechanism of regulation of target mRNA by miRNAs in mammalian cells under physiological conditions. There have been no evidence of direct link between mRNA downregulation and mRNA cleavages mediated by miRNAs. Here we showed that the endonucleolytic cleavages on mRNAs were initiated by mammalian miRNA in seed pairing style. Let-7 directed cleavage activities among the eight predicted potential target sites have varied efficiency, which are influenced by the positional and the structural contexts in the UTR. The 5’ cleaved RNA fragments were mostly oligouridylated at their 3’-termini and accumulated for delayed 5’–3’ degradation. RNA fragment oligouridylation played important roles in marking RNA fragments for delayed bulk degradation and in converting RNA degradation mode from 3’–5’ to 5’–3’ with cooperative efforts from both endonucleolytic and non-catalytic miRNA-induced silencing complex (miRISC). Our findings point to a mammalian miRNA-mediated mechanism for the regulation of mRNA that miRNA can decrease target mRNA through target mRNA cleavage and uridine addition


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of the c-KIT receptor in the progression of human melanoma and the mechanism(s) for the regulation of c-KIT gene expression in human melanoma.^ The molecular changes associated with the transition of melanoma cells from radial growth phase (RGP) to vertical growth phase (VGP) (metastatic phenotype) are not well-defined. Expression of the tyrosine-kinase receptor c-KIT progressively decreases during local tumor growth and invasion of human melanomas. To provide direct evidence that the metastasis of human melanoma is associated with the loss of c-KIT expression, highly metastatic A375SM cells, which express very low or undetectable levels of c-KIT, were tranduced with the human c-KIT gene. We demonstrated that enforced c-KIT expression in highly metastatic human melanoma cells significantly suppressed their tumorigenicity and metastatic propensity in nude mice. In addition, we showed that the ligand for c-KIT, SCF, induces apoptosis in human melanoma cells expressing c-KIT under both in vitro and in vivo conditions. These results suggest that loss of c-KIT receptor may allow malignant melanoma cells to escape SCF/c-KIT-mediated apoptosis, thus contributing to tumor growth and eventually metastasis.^ Furthermore, we investigated the possible mechanism(s) for the down-regulation of c-KIT gene expression in malignant melanoma. Sequence analysis of the c-KIT promoter indicated that this promoter contains several consensus binding-site sequences including three putative AP2 and two Myb sites. Although Myb was shown to be associated with c-KIT expression in human hemotopoietic cells, we found no correlation between c-KIT expression and Myb expression in human melanoma cell lines. In contrast, we showed that c-KIT expression directly correlates with expression of AP2 in human melanoma cells. We found that highly metastatic cells do not express the transcription factor AP2. Expression of AP2 in A375SM cells (c-KIT-negative and AP2-negative) was enough to restore luciferase activity driven by the c-KIT promoter in a dose-dependent manner. On the other hand, co-expression of the dominant-negative form of AP2 (AP2B) in Mel-501 cells (c-KIT-positive and AP2-positive) resulted in two-fold reduction in luciferase activity. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays revealed that the c-KIT promoter contains functional AP2 binding sites which could associate with AP2 protein. Endogenous c-KIT gene expression levels were elevated in AP2 stably-transfected human melanoma A375SM cells. Expression of exogenous AP2 in A375SM cells inhibited their tumorigenicity and metastatic potential in nude mice. The c-KIT ligand, SCF, also induced apoptosis in the AP2 stably-transfected A375SM cells. The identification of AP2 as an important regulator for c-KIT expression suggests that AP2 may have tumor growth and metastasis inhibitory properties, possibly mediated through c-KIT/SCF effects on apoptosis of human melanoma cells. Since AP2 binding sites were found in the promoters of other genes involved in the progression of human melanoma, such as MMP2 (72 kDa collagenase), MCAM/MUC18 and P21/WAF-1, our findings suggest that loss of AP2 expression might be a crucial event in the development of malignant melanoma. ^


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Previous results indicated that translation of four mitochondrion-encoded genes and one nucleus-encoded gene (COX4) is repressed in mutants (pgs1Delta) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae lacking phosphatidylglycerol and cardiolipin. COX4 translation was studied here using a mitochondrially targeted green fluorescence protein (mtGFP) fused to the COX4 promoter and its 5' and 3' untranslated regions (UTRs). Lack of mtGFP expression independent of carbon source and strain background was established to be at the translational level. The translational defect was not due to deficiency of mitochondrial respiratory function but was rather caused directly by the lack of phosphatidylglycerol and cardiolipin in mitochondrial membranes. Reintroduction of a functional PGS1 gene under control of the ADH1 promoter restored phosphatidylglycerol synthesis and expression of mtGFP. Deletion analysis of the 5' UTR(COX4) revealed the presence of a 50-nucleotide fragment with two stem-loops as a cis-element inhibiting COX4 translation. Binding of a protein factor(s) specifically to this sequence was observed with cytoplasm from pgs1Delta but not PGS1 cells. Using HIS3 and lacZ as reporters, extragenic spontaneous recessive mutations that allowed expression of His3p and beta-galactosidase were isolated, which appeared to be loss-of-function mutations, suggesting that the genes mutated may encode the trans factors that bind to the cis element in pgs1Delta cells.


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Retinoic acid is a small lipophilic molecule that exerts profound effects on the growth and differentiation of both normal and transformed cells. It is also a natural morphogen that is critical in the development of embryonic structures. The molecular effects of retinoic acid involve alterations in the expression of several proteins and these changes are presumably mediated in part by alterations in gene expression. For instance, retinoic acid causes a rapid induction of tissue transglutaminase, an enzyme involved in protein cross-linking. The molecular mechanisms responsible for the effects of retinoic acid on gene expression have not been characterized. To approach this question, I have isolated and characterized tissue transglutaminase of cDNA clones. The deduced amino acid sequences of tissue transglutaminase and of factor XIIIa showed a relatively high degree of homology in their putative calcium binding domains.^ To explore the mechanism of induction of this enzyme, both primary (macrophages) and cultured cells (Swiss 3T3-C2 and CHO fibroblasts) were used. I found that retinoic acid is a general inducer of tissue transglutaminase mRNA in these cells. In murine peritoneal macrophages retinoic acid causes a rapid accumulation of this mRNA and this effect is independent of concurrent protein synthesis. The retinoic acid effect is not mediated by a post-transcriptional increase in the stability of the tissue transglutaminase mRNA, but appears to involve an increase in the transcription rate of the tissue transglutaminase gene. This provides the first example of regulation by retinoic acid of a specific gene, supporting the hypothesis that these molecules act by directly regulating the transcriptional activity of specific genes. A molecular model for the effects of retinoic acid on the expression of genes linked to cellular proliferation and differentiation is proposed. ^


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Using a human terato-carcinoma cell line, PA-1, the functional role of the oncogenes and tumor suppressor gene involved in the multistep process of carcinogenesis have been analyzed. The expression of AP-2 was strongly correlated with the susceptibility to ras transformation. The differential responsiveness to growth factors between stage 1 ras resistant cells and stage 2 ras susceptible cells was observed, indicating that the ability of stage 2 cells to respond to the mutated ras oncogenes in transformation correlated with the ability to be stimulated by certain growth factors. Using differential screening of cDNA libraries, a number of differentially expressed cDNA clones was isolated. One of those, clone 12, is overexpressed in ras transformed stage 3 cells. The amino acid sequence of clone 12 is almost identical to a mouse LLrep3 gene that was growth-regulated, and 78% similar to a yeast ribosomal protein S4. These results suggest that the S4 gene may be involved in regulation of growth. Clone 9 is expressed in stage 1 ras resistant cells (3.5-kb and 3.0-kb transcripts) but the expression of this clone in stage 2 ras susceptible cells and stage 3 ras-transformed cells is greatly diminished. The expression of this cDNA clone was increased to at least five fold in ras resistant cells and nontumorigenic hybrids treated with retinoic acid but not increased in retinoic acid treated ras susceptible cells, ras transformed cells and the tumorigenic segregants. Partial sequence of this clone showed no homology to the sequences in Genbank. These findings suggest that clone 9 could be a suppressor gene or the genes that are involved in the biochemical pathway of tumor suppression or neurogenic differentiation. The apparent pleiotropic effect of the loss of this suppressor gene function support Harris' proposal that tumor suppressor genes regulate differentiation. The tumor suppressor gene may act as negative regulator of tumor growth by controlling gene expression in differentiation. ^


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Cell differentiation are associated with activation of cell lineage-specific genes. The $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ gene of Lytechinus pictus is activated at the late cleavage stage. $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ transcripts accumulate exclusively in aboral ectoderm lineages. Previous studies demonstrated two G-string DNA-elements, proximal and distal G-strings, which bind to an ectoderm-enriched nuclear factor. In order to define the cis-elements which control positive expression of the $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ gene, the regulatory region from $-$108 to +17 bp of the $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ gene promoter was characterized. The ectoderm G-string factor binds to a G/C-rich region larger than the G-string itself and the binding of the G-string factor requires sequences immediately downstream from the G-string. These downstream sequences are essential for full promoter activity. In addition, only 108 bp of $LpS{\it 1}\beta\ 5\sp\prime$ flanking DNA drives $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ gene expression in aboral ectoderm/mesenchyme cells. Therefore, for positive control of $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ gene expression, two regions of 5$\sp\prime$ flanking DNA are required: region I from base pairs $-$762 to $-$511, and region II, which includes the G/C-rich element, from base pairs $-$108 to $-$61. A mesenchyme cell repressor element is located within region I.^ DNA-binding proteins play key roles in determination of cell differentiation. The zinc finger domain is a DNA-binding domain present in many transcription factors. Based on homologies in zinc fingers, a zinc finger-encoding gene, SpKrox-1, was cloned from S. purpuratus. The putative SpKrox-1 protein has all structural characteristics of a transcription factor: four zinc fingers for DNA binding; acidic domain for transactivation; basic domain for nuclear targeting; and leucine zipper for dimerization. SpKrox-1 RNA transcripts showed a transient expression pattern which correlates largely with early embryonic development. The spatial expression of SpKrox-1 mRNA was distributed throughout the gastrula and larva ectodermal wall. However, SpKrox-1 was not expressed in pigment cells. The SpKrox-1 gene is thus a marker of a subset of SMCs or ectoderm cells. The structural features, and the transient temporal and restricted spatial expression patterns suggest that SpKrox-1 plays a role in a specific developmental event. ^


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Bacillus anthracis plasmid pXO1 carries genes for three anthrax toxin proteins, pag (protective antigen), cya (edema factor), and lef (lethal factor). Expression of the toxin genes is enhanced by two signals: CO$\sb2$/bicarbonate and temperature. The CO$\sb2$/bicarbonate effect requires the presence of pXO1. I hypothesized that pXO1 harbors a trans-acting regulatory gene(s) required for CO$\sb2$/bicarbonate-enhanced expression of the toxin genes. Characterization of such a gene(s) will lead to increased understanding of the mechanisms by which B. anthracis senses and responds to host environments.^ A regulatory gene (atxA) on pXO1 was identified. Transcription of all three toxin genes is decreased in an atxA-null mutant. There are two transcriptional start sites for pag. Transcription from the major site, P1, is enhanced in elevated CO$\sb2$. Only P1 transcripts are significantly decreased in the atxA mutant. Deletion analysis of the pag upstream region indicates that the 111-bp region upstream of the P1 site is sufficient for atxA-mediated increase of this transcript. The cya and lef genes each have one apparent transcriptional start site. The cya and lef transcripts are significantly decreased in the atxA mutant. The atxA mutant is avirulent in mice. The antibody response to all three toxin proteins is significantly decreased in atxA mutant-infected mice. These data suggest that the atxA gene product activates expression of the toxin genes and is essential for virulence.^ Since expression of the toxin genes is dependent on atxA, whether increased toxin gene expression in response to CO$\sb2$/bicarbonate and temperature is associated with increased atxA expression was investigated. I monitored steady state levels of atxA mRNA and AtxA protein in different growth conditions. The results indicate that expression of atxA is not influenced by CO$\sb2$/bicarbonate. Steady state levels of atxA mRNA and AtxA protein are higher at 37$\sp\circ$C than 28$\sp\circ$C. However, increased pag expression at high temperature can not be attributed directly to increased atxA expression.^ There is evidence that an additional factor(s) may be involved in regulation of pag. Expression of pag in strains overproducing AtxA is significantly decreased compared to the wildtype strain. A specific interaction of tagged-AtxA with the pag upstream DNA has not been demonstrated. Furthermore, four proteins in B. anthracis extract can be co-immunoprecipitated with tagged-AtxA. Amino-terminal sequence of one protein has been determined and found highly homologous to chaperonins of GroEL family. Studies are under way to determine if this GroEL-like protein interactions with AtxA and plays any role in atxA-mediated activation of toxin genes. ^


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Retinoic acid regulates cellular growth and differentiation by altering the expression of specific sets of genes, but the molecular mechanism by which this is achieved is unknown. We have used the rapid induction of a specific enzyme, tissue transglutaminase in mouse macrophages, human leukemia cells and a variety of other cell types to study the regulation of gene expression by retinoic acid. Soluble retinoic acid binding proteins, such as cellular Retinoic Acid Binding Protein (cRABP), have been proposed as specific mediators of retinoic acid regulation of gene expression. This thesis demonstrates the lack of cRABP in a number of cell lines which are sensitive to retinoic acid regulation of tissue transglutaminase expression. These cells are also devoid of other soluble retinoic acid binding activity. The level of retinoic acid binding activity that could have been detected (6 fmol) is far below that of most cells and tissues which are sensitive to the effects of retinoic acid on growth and differentiation. A mouse melanoma cell line, S91-C2, was found to contain an unusual retinoic acid binding protein which has a lower affinity for retinoic acid than mouse tissue cRABP and also behaves differently on gel filtration HPLC chromatography.^ The induction of tissue transglutaminase by retinoic acid in macrophages is specifically inhibited by pertussis toxin. Pertussis toxin ADP-riblosylates membrane GTP-binding proteins such as N(,i) and interferes with signalling from plasma membrane receptors to regulatory enzymes. Pertussis toxin inhibition of transglutaminase induction is due to inhibition of tissue transglutaminase mRNA accumulation and is paralleled by the ADP-ribosylation of a 41,000 dalton macrophage membrane protein. It is concluded that soluble retinoic acid binding proteins are not essential for retinoic acid induction of tissue transglutaminase and that a membrane GTP-binding protein is closely linked to the sensitive response of macrophages to retinoic acid. ^


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The neu gene (also c-erbB-2 or HER2) encodes a 185 kilodalton protein that is frequently overexpressed in breast, ovarian and non-small cell lung cancers. Study of the regulation of neu indicates that neu gene expression can be modulated by c-myc or by the adenovirus 5 E1a gene product. This study demonstrates that the transforming protein, large T antigen, of the simian virus 40 represses neu promoter activity. Repression of neu by large T antigen is mediated through the region $-$172 to $-$79 (relative to first ATG) of the neu promoter--unlike through $-$312 to $-$172 for c-myc or E1a. This suggests a different pathway for repression of neu by large T antigen. The 10 amino acid region of large T required for binding the tumor suppressor, retinoblastoma gene product, Rb, is not necessary for repression of neu. Moreover, the tumor suppressors, Rb and p53 can independently inhibit neu promoter activity. Rb inhibits neu through a 10 base pair G-rich enhancer (GTG element) ($-$243 to $-$234) and also through regions close to transcription initiation sites ($-$172 to $-$79). Mutant Rb unable to complex large T is able to repress the region close to transcription initiation but not the GTG enhancer. Thus, Rb inhibits the two regulatory domains of the neu gene by different mechanisms. Both Rb and p53 can repress the transforming activity of activated neu in focus forming assays. These data provide evidence that tumor suppressors regulate expression of growth stimulatory genes such as neu. Therefore, one reason for the overexpression of neu that is frequently seen in breast cancer cells may be due to functional inactivation of Rb and p53 which is also a common occurrence in breast cancer cells. ^


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To answer the question whether increased energy demand resulting from myocyte hypertrophy and enhanced $\beta$-myosin heavy chain mRNA, contractile protein synthesis and assembly leads to mitochondrial proliferation and differentiation, we set up an electrical stimulation model of cultured neonatal rat cardiac myocytes. We describe, as a result of increased contractile activity, increased mitochondrial profiles, cytochrome oxidase mRNA, and activity, as well as a switch in mitochondrial carnitine palmitoyltransferase-I (CPT-I) from the liver to muscle isoform. We investigate physiological pathways that lead to accumulation of gene transcripts for nuclear encoded mitochondrial proteins in the heart. Cardiomyocytes were stimulated for varying times up to 72 hr in serum-free culture. The mRNA contents for genes associated with transcriptional activation (c-fos, c-jun, junB, nuclear respiratory factor 1 (Nrf-1)), mitochondrial proliferation (cytochrome c (Cyt c), cytochrome oxidase), and mitochondrial differentiation (carnitine palmitonyltransferase I (CPT-I) isoforms) were measured. The results establish a temporal pattern of mRNA induction beginning with c-fos (0.25-3 hr) and followed by c-jun (0.5-3 hr), junB (0.5-6 hr), NRF-1 (1-12 hr), Cyt c (12-72 hr), cytochrome c oxidase (12-72 hr). Induction of the latter was accompanied by a marked decrease in the liver-specific CPT-I mRNA. Electrical stimulation increased c-fos, $\beta$-myosin heavy chain, and Cyt c promoter activities. These increases coincided with a rise in their respective endogenous gene transcripts. NRF-1, cAMP response element (CRE), and Sp-1 site mutations within the Cyt c promoter reduced luciferase expression in both stimulated and nonstimulated myocytes. Mutations in the Nrf-1 and CRE sites inhibited the induction by electrical stimulation or by transfection of c-jun into non-paced cardiac myocytes whereas mutation of the Sp-1 site maintained or increased the fold induction. This is consistent with the appearance of NRF-1 and fos/jun mRNAs prior to that of Cyt c. Overexpression of c-jun by transfection also activates the Nrf-1 and Cyt c mRNA sequentially. Electrical stimulation of cardiac myocytes activates the c-Jun-N-terminal kinase so that the fold-activation of the cyt c promoter is increased by pacing when either c-jun or c-fos/c-jun are cotransfected. We have identified physical association of Nrf-1 protein with the Nrf-1 enhancer element and of c-Jun with the CRE binding sites on the Cyt c promoter. This is the first demonstration that induction of Nrf-1 and c-Jun by pacing of cardiac myocytes directly mediates Cyt c gene expression and mitochondrial proliferation in response to hypertrophic stimuli in the heart.^ Subsequent to gene activation pathways that lead to mitochondrial proliferation, we observed an isoform switch in CPT-I from the liver to muscle mRNA. We have found that the half-life for the muscle CPT-I is not affected by electrical stimulation, but electrical decrease the T1/2 in the liver CPT-I by greater than 50%. This suggests that the liver CPT-I switch to muscle isoform is due to (1) a decrease in T1/2 of liver CPT-I and (2) activation of muscle CPT-Itranscripts by electrical stimulation. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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The Bacillus anthracis toxin genes, cya, lef , and pag, can be viewed as a regulon, in which transcription of all three genes is activated in trans by the same regulatory gene, atxA, in response to the same signal, CO2. I determined that several phenotypes are associated with the atxA gene. In addition to being toxin-deficient, an atxA -null mutant grows poorly on minimal media and sporulates early compared to the parent strain. Furthermore, an atxA-null mutant has an altered 2-D gel protein profile. I used a genetic approach to find additional atxA-regulated genes. Random transcriptional lacZ fusions were generated in B. anthracis using transposon Tn 917-LTV3. Transposon-insertion libraries were screened for mutants expressing increased β-galactosidase activity in 5% CO2. Introduction of an atxA-null mutation in these mutants revealed that 79% of the CO2-regulated fusions were also atxA-dependent. DNA sequence analysis of transposon insertion sites in mutants carrying CO 2/atxA-regulated fusions revealed ten mutants harboring transposon insertions in loci distinct from the toxin genes. The majority of the tcr (toxin co-regulated) loci mapped within the pXO1 pathogenicity island. These results indicate a clear association of atxA with CO2-enhanced gene expression in B. anthracis and provide evidence that atxA regulates genes other than the structural genes for the anthrax toxin proteins. ^ Characterization of one tcr locus revealed a new regulatory gene, pagR. The pagR gene (300 nt) is located downstream of pag. pagR is cotranscribed with pag and is responsible for autogenous control of the operon. pagR also represses expression of cya and lef. Repression of toxin gene expression by pagR may be mediated by atxA. The steady state level of atxA mRNA is increased in a pagR mutant. Recombinant PagR protein purified from Escherichia coli did not specifically bind the promoter regions of pagA or atxA. An unidentified factor in B. anthracis crude extracts, however, was able to bind the atxA promoter in the absence of PagR or AtxA. These investigations increase our knowledge of virulence regulation in B. anthracis and ultimately will lead to a better understanding of anthrax disease. ^


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Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) expression increases in adrenal chromaffin cells treated with the nicotinic agonist, dimethylphenylpiperazinium (DMPP; 1 μM). We are using this response as a model of the changes in TH level that occur during increased cholinergic neural activity. Here we report a 4-fold increase in TH mRNA half-life in DMPP-treated chromaffin cells that is apparent when using a pulse-chase analysis to measure TH mRNA half-life. No increase is apparent using actinomycin D to measure half-life, indicating a requirement for ongoing transcription. Characterization of protein binding to the TH 3′UTR using RNA electro-mobility shift assays show the presence of two complexes both of which are increased by DMPP-treatment. The faster migrating complex (FMC) increases 2.5-fold and the slower migrating complex (SMC) increases 1.5-fold. Separation of UV crosslinked RNA-protein complexes on SDS polyacrylamide gels shows FMC to contain a single protein whereas SMC contains two proteins. Northwesterns yielded similar results. Transfection studies reveal an increase in expression of the full-length TH transcript due to DMPP-treatment similar to that of endogenous TH mRNA. This finding suggests the increased expression is due primarily to mRNA stabilization. Transfection of luciferase reporter constructs containing regions of the TH 3′UTR reveal only the full-length 3′UTR influenced the expression level of reporter transcripts. ^