7 resultados para Galaxy: open clusters and associations: general

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While clinical studies have shown a negative relationship between obesity and mental health in women, population studies have not shown a consistent association. However, many of these studies can be criticized regarding fatness level criteria, lack of control variables, and validity of the psychological variables.^ The purpose of this research was to elucidate the relationship between fatness level and mental health in United States women using data from the First National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES I), which was conducted on a national probability sample from 1971 to 1974. Mental health was measured by the General Well-Being Schedule (GWB), and fatness level was determined by the sum of the triceps and subscapular skinfolds. Women were categorized as lean (15th percentile or less), normal (16th to 84th percentiles), or obese (85th percentile or greater).^ A conceptual framework was developed which identified the variables of age, race, marital status, socioeconomic status (education), employment status, number of births, physical health, weight history, and perception of body image as important to the fatness level-GWB relationship. Multiple regression analyses were performed separately for whites and blacks with GWB as the response variable, and fatness level, age, education, employment status, number of births, marital status, and health perception as predictor variables. In addition, 2- and 3-way interaction terms for leanness, obesity and age were included as predictor variables. Variables related to weight history and perception of body image were not collected in NHANES I, and thus were not included in this study.^ The results indicated that obesity was a statistically significant predictor of lower GWB in white women even when the other predictor variables were controlled. The full regression model identified the young, more educated, obese female as a subgroup with lower GWB, especially in blacks. These findings were not consistent with the previous non-clinical studies which found that obesity was associated with better mental health. The social stigma of being obese and the preoccupation of women with being lean may have contributed to the lower GWB in these women. ^


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Research on lifestyle physical activity interventions suggests that they help individuals meet the new recommendations for physical activity made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). The purpose of this research was to describe the rates of adherence to two lifestyle physical activity intervention arms and to examine the association between adherence and outcome variables, using data from Project PRIME, a lifestyle physical activity intervention based on the transtheoretical model and conducted by the Cooper Institute of Aerobics Research, Dallas, Texas. Participants were 250 sedentary healthy adults, aged 35 to 70 years, primarily non-Hispanic White, and in the contemplation and preparation stages of readiness to change. They were randomized to a group (PRIME G) or a mail- and telephone-delivered condition (PRIME C). Adherence measures included attending class (PRIME G), completing a monthly telephone call with a health educator (PRIME C), and completing homework assignments and self-monitoring minutes of moderate- to vigorous physical activity (both groups). In the first results paper, adherence over time and between conditions was examined: Attendance in group, completing the monthly telephone call, and homework completion decreased over time, and participants in PRIME G were more likely to complete homework than those in PRIME C. Paper 2 aimed to determine whether the adherence measures predicted achievement of the CDC/ACSM physical activity guideline. In separate models for the two conditions, a latent variable measuring adherence was found to predict achievement of the guideline. Paper 3 examined the association between adherence measures and the transtheoretical model's processes of change within each condition. For both, participants who completed at least two thirds of the homework assignments improved their use of the processes of change more than those who completed less than that amount. These results suggest that encouraging adherence to a lifestyle physical activity intervention, at least among already motivated volunteers, may increase the likelihood of beneficial changes in the outcomes. ^


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Over the past several decades, the prevalence of obesity has dramatically increased. Cause for concern has increased because overweight and obesity are major contributors to morbidity and mortality. Intervention research aimed at reducing the prevalence of obesity has identified the family, specifically the parent, as a key component of the home environment. However, findings from dietary behavior change interventions have been disheartening because few studies have reported meaningful change, suggesting methodological and/or measurement issues within the intervention process. A lack of appropriate mediators and cross-cultural equivalence may partially explain the reason for little change.^ The study aims were to (1) evaluate the psychometric properties and assess the cross cultural equivalence of the Food Insecurity Scale (paper 1) and the modified Parent Feeding Practices Questionnaire (paper 2) and to assess the overall relationships among food insecurity, parent mediators, and parent behaviors towards children's dietary behavior (paper 3) through structural equation modeling and tests of invariance. The study aims were accomplished through conducting secondary analyses using baseline data from English- and Spanish-speaking Hispanic women who participated in the Healthy Families: Step by Step (BHF) study.^ Results indicated that although the FIS and the mPFPQ exhibited sound psychometric properties, the instruments exhibited a lack of invariance across language spoken groups. The lack of invariance was more pronounced in the FIS. Results also supported the theoretical framework identifying parent's perceived barriers and self-efficacy as mediators of parent's behaviors toward improving children's health eating. Results did not suggest that the relationships were moderated by food insecurity.^ In conclusion, the identification of differential item functioning in food insecurity and parent feeding practices may be beneficial in enhancing tailored interventions through the incorporation of cultural differences into the change mechanisms. However, future research needs to be conducted to determine if the lack of invariance demonstrates the existence of item bias or if it is a reflection of true difference among the language spoken groups. Additionally, obesity intervention studies targeting parent/family barriers and parent self-efficacy to provide/encourage healthy diets may result in an increase in parent behaviors which promote healthy eating behaviors among children. Future research should also examine a more complete causal pathway to determine whether parental changes in the mediators ultimately lead to an increase in healthy dietary behavior among children.^


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Body fat distribution is a cardiovascular health risk factor in adults. Body fat distribution can be measured through various methods including anthropometry. It is not clear which anthropometric index is suitable for epidemiologic studies of fat distribution and cardiovascular disease. The purpose of the present study was to select a measure of body fat distribution from among a series of indices (those traditionally used in the literature and others constructed from the analysis) that is most highly correlated with lipid-related variables and is independent of overall fatness. Subjects were Mexican-American men and women (N = 1004) from a study of gallbladder disease in Starr County, Texas. Multivariate associations were sought between lipid profile measures (lipids, lipoproteins, and apolipoproteins) and two sets of anthropometric variables (4 circumferences and 6 skinfolds). This was done to assess the association between lipid-related measures and the two sets of anthropometric variables and guide the construction of indices.^ Two indices emerged from the analysis that seemed to be highly correlated with lipid profile measures independent of obesity. These indices are: 2*arm circumference-thigh skinfold in pre- and post-menopausal women and arm/thigh circumference ratio in men. Next, using the sum of all skinfolds to represent obesity and the selected body fat distribution indices, the following hypotheses were tested: (1) state of obesity and centrally/upper distributed body fat are equally predictive of lipids, lipoproteins and apolipoproteins, and (2) the correlation among the lipid-related measures is not altered by obesity and body fat distribution.^ With respect to the first hypothesis, the present study found that most lipids, lipoproteins and apolipoproteins were significantly associated with both overall fatness and anatomical location of body fat in both sex and menopausal groups. However, within men and post-menopausal women, certain lipid profile measures (triglyceride and HDLT among post-menopausal women and apos C-II, CIII, and E among men) had substantially higher correlation with body fat distribution as compared with overall fatness.^ With respect to the second hypothesis, both obesity and body fat distribution were found to alter the association among plasma lipid variables in men and women. There was a suggestion from the data that the pattern of correlations among men and post-menopausal women are more comparable. Among men correlations involving apo A-I, HDLT, and HDL$\sb2$ seemed greatly influenced by obesity, and A-II by fat distribution; among post-menopausal women correlations involving apos A-I and A-II were highly affected by the location of body fat.^ Thus, these data point out that not only can obesity and fat distribution affect levels of single measures, they also can markedly influence the pattern of relationship among measures. The fact that such changes are seen for both obesity and fat distribution is significant, since the indices employed were chosen because they were independent of one another. ^


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Few recent estimates of childhood asthma incidence exist in the literature, although the importance of incidence surveillance for understanding asthma risk factors has been recognized. Asthma prevalence, morbidity and mortality reports have repeatedly shown that low-income children are disproportionately impacted by the disease. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the utility of Medicaid claims data for providing statewide estimates of asthma incidence. Medicaid Analytic Extract (MAX) data for Texas children ages 0-17 enrolled in Medicaid between 2004 and 2007 were used to estimate incidence overall and by age group, gender, race and county of residence. A 13+ month period of continuous enrollment was required in order to distinguish incident from prevalent cases identified in the claims data. Age-adjusted incidence of asthma was 4.26/100 person-years during 2005-2007, higher than reported in other populations. Incidence rates decreased with age, were higher for males than females, differed by race, and tended to be higher in rural than urban areas. With this study, we were able to demonstrate the utility of MAX data for estimating asthma incidence, and create a dataset of incident cases to use in further analysis. ^ In subsequent analyses, we investigated a possible association between ambient air pollutants and incident asthma among Medicaid-enrolled children in Harris County Texas between 2005 and 2007. This population is at high risk for asthma, and living in an area with historically poor air quality. We used a time-stratified case-crossover design and conditional logistic regression to calculate odds ratios, adjusted for weather variables and aeroallergens, to assess the effect of increases in ozone, NO2 and PM2.5 concentrations on risk of developing asthma. Our results show that a 10 ppb increase in ozone was significantly associated with asthma during the warm season (May-October), with the strongest effect seen when a 6-day cumulative lag period was used to compute the exposure metric (OR=1.05, 95% CI, 1.02–1.08). Similar results were seen for NO2 and PM 2.5 (OR=1.07, 95% CI, 1.03–1.11 and OR=1.12, 95% CI, 1.03–1.22, respectively). PM2.5 also had significant effects in the cold season (November-April), 5-day cumulative lag: OR=1.11, 95% CI, 1.00–1.22. When compared with children in the lowest quartile of O3 exposure, the risk for children in the highest quartile was 20% higher. This study indicates that these pollutants are associated with newly-diagnosed childhood asthma in this low-income urban population, particularly during the summer months. ^


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Nuclear morphometry (NM) uses image analysis to measure features of the cell nucleus which are classified as: bulk properties, shape or form, and DNA distribution. Studies have used these measurements as diagnostic and prognostic indicators of disease with inconclusive results. The distributional properties of these variables have not been systematically investigated although much of the medical data exhibit nonnormal distributions. Measurements are done on several hundred cells per patient so summary measurements reflecting the underlying distribution are needed.^ Distributional characteristics of 34 NM variables from prostate cancer cells were investigated using graphical and analytical techniques. Cells per sample ranged from 52 to 458. A small sample of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), representing non-cancer cells, was used for general comparison with the cancer cells.^ Data transformations such as log, square root and 1/x did not yield normality as measured by the Shapiro-Wilks test for normality. A modulus transformation, used for distributions having abnormal kurtosis values, also did not produce normality.^ Kernel density histograms of the 34 variables exhibited non-normality and 18 variables also exhibited bimodality. A bimodality coefficient was calculated and 3 variables: DNA concentration, shape and elongation, showed the strongest evidence of bimodality and were studied further.^ Two analytical approaches were used to obtain a summary measure for each variable for each patient: cluster analysis to determine significant clusters and a mixture model analysis using a two component model having a Gaussian distribution with equal variances. The mixture component parameters were used to bootstrap the log likelihood ratio to determine the significant number of components, 1 or 2. These summary measures were used as predictors of disease severity in several proportional odds logistic regression models. The disease severity scale had 5 levels and was constructed of 3 components: extracapsulary penetration (ECP), lymph node involvement (LN+) and seminal vesicle involvement (SV+) which represent surrogate measures of prognosis. The summary measures were not strong predictors of disease severity. There was some indication from the mixture model results that there were changes in mean levels and proportions of the components in the lower severity levels. ^


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Adult monkeys (Macaca mulatta) with lesions of the hippocampal formation, perirhinal cortex, areas TH/TF, as well as controls were tested on tasks of object, spatial and contextual recognition memory. ^ Using a visual paired-comparison (VPC) task, all experimental groups showed a lack of object recognition relative to controls, although this impairment emerged at 10 sec with perirhinal lesions, 30 sec with areas TH/TF lesions and 60 sec with hippocampal lesions. In contrast, only perirhinal lesions impaired performance on delayed nonmatching-to-sample (DNMS), another task of object recognition memory. All groups were tested on DNMS with distraction (dDNMS) to examine whether the use of active cognitive strategies during the delay period could enable good performance on DNMS in spite of impaired recognition memory (revealed by the VPC task). Distractors affected performance of animals with perirhinal lesions at the 10-sec delay (the only delay in which their DNMS performance was above chance). They did not affect performance of animals with areas TH/TF lesions. Hippocampectomized animals were impaired at the 600-sec delay (the only delay at which prevention of active strategies would likely affect their behavior). ^ While lesions of areas TH/TF impaired spatial location memory and object-in-place memory, hippocampal lesions impaired only object-in-place memory. The pattern of results for perirhinal cortex lesions on the different task conditions indicated that this cortical area is not critical for spatial memory. ^ Finally, all three lesions impaired contextual recognition memory processes. The pattern of impairment appeared to result from the formation of only a global representation of the object and background, and suggests that all three areas are recruited for associating information across sources. ^ These results support the view that (1) the perirhinal cortex maintains storage of information about object and the context in which it is learned for a brief period of time, (2) areas TH/TF maintain information about spatial location and form associations between objects and their spatial relationship (a process that likely requires additional time) and (3) the hippocampal formation mediates associations between objects, their spatial relationship and the general context in which these associations are formed (an integrative function that requires additional time). ^