4 resultados para GROWTH TEMPERATURE

em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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Cells infected with MuSVts110 express a viral RNA which contains an inherent conditional defect in RNA splicing. It has been shown previously that splicing of the MuSVts110 primary transcript is essential to morphological transformation of 6m2 cells in vitro. A growth temperature of 33$\sp\circ$C is permissive for viral RNA splicing,and, consequently, 6m2 cells appear morphologically transformed at this temperature. However, 6m2 cells appear phenotypically normal when incubated at 39$\sp\circ$C, the non-permissive temperature for viral RNA splicing.^ After a shift from 39$\sp\circ$C to 33$\sp\circ$C, the coordinate splicing of previously synthesized and newly transcribed MuSVts110 RNA was achieved. By S1 nuclease analysis of total RNA isolated at various times, 5$\sp\prime$ splice site cleavage of the MuSVts110 transcript appeared to occur 60 minutes after the shift to 33$\sp\circ$C, and 30 minutes prior to detectable exon ligation. In addition, consistent with the permissive temperatures and the kinetic timeframe of viral RNA splicing after a shift to 33$\sp\circ$C, four temperature sensitive blockades to primer extension were identified 26-75 bases upstream of the 3$\sp\prime$ splice site. These blockades likely reflect four branchpoint sequences utilized in the formation of MuSVts110 lariat splicing-intermediates.^ The 54-5A4 cell line is a spontaneous revertant of 6m2 cells and appears transformed at all growth temperatures. Primer extension sequence analysis has shown that a five base deletion occurred at the 3$\sp\prime$ splice site in MuSVts110 RNA allowing the expression of a viral transforming protein in 54-5A4 in the absence of RNA splicing, whereas in the parental 6m2 cell line, a splicing event is necessary to generate a similar transforming protein. As a consequence of this deletion, splicing cannot occur and the formation of the four MuSVts110 branched-intermediates were not observed at any temperature in 54-5A4 cells. However, 5$\sp\prime$ splice site cleavage was still detected at 33$\sp\circ$C.^ Finally, we have investigated the role of the 1488 bp deletion which occurred in the generation of MuSVts110 in the activation of temperature sensitive viral RNA splicing. This deletion appears solely responsible for splice site activation. Whether intron size is the crucial factor in MuSVts110 RNA splicing or whether inhibitory sequences were removed by the deletion is currently unknown. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^


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We have developed a novel way to assess the mutagenicity of environmentally important metal carcinogens, such as nickel, by creating a positive selection system based upon the conditional expression of a retroviral transforming gene. The target gene is the v-mos gene in MuSVts110, a murine retrovirus possessing a growth temperature dependent defect in expression of the transforming gene due to viral RNA splicing. In normal rat kidney cells infected with MuSVts110 (6m2 cells), splicing of the MuSVts110 RNA to form the mRNA from which the transforming protein, p85$\sp{\rm gag-mos}$, is translated is growth-temperature dependent, occurring at 33 C and below but not at 39 C and above. This splicing "defect" is mediated by cis-acting viral sequences. Nickel chloride treatment of 6m2 cells followed by growth at 39 C, allowed the selection of "revertant" cells which constitutively express p85$\sp{\rm gag-mos}$ due to stable changes in the viral RNA splicing phenotype, suggesting that nickel, a carcinogen whose mutagenicity has not been well established, could induce mutations in mammalian genes. We also show by direct sequencing of PCR-amplified integrated MuSVts110 DNA from a 6m2 nickel-revertant cell line that the nickel-induced mutation affecting the splicing phenotype is a cis-acting 70-base duplication of a region of the viral DNA surrounding the 3$\sp\prime$ splice site. These findings provide the first example of the molecular basis for a nickel-induced DNA lesion and establish the mutagenicity of this potent carcinogen. ^


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The murine sarcoma virus MuSVts110 exhibits an alternative RNA splicing pattern. Like other simple retroviruses, MuSVts110 pre-mRNA splicing is balanced to allow the production of both spliced and unspliced RNA during the replicative cycle. In addition to balance, MuSVts110 RNA splicing exhibits a unique growth-temperature restriction to splicing; temperatures below 33$\sp\circ$C are permissive for splicing while temperatures of 37$\sp\circ$C or above are non-permissive. Previous work has established that this thermosensitive splicing phenotype is mediated in cis by viral transcript features. Here we show that at least three sequence elements regulate the MuSVts110 splicing phenotype. First, the MuSVts110 branchpoint (BP) and poly-pyrimidine tract (PPT) were found to be determinants of overall splicing efficiency. Wild-type MuSVts110 possesses a weak BP and PPT adjacent to the 3$\sp\prime$ splice site. Introduction of a strong BP caused MuSVts110 splicing to proceed to virtual completion in vivo, thus losing any vestige of balance or thermosensitivity. In in vitro splicing extracts, the strong BP overcame a blockade to wt MuSVts110 splicing at both the first and second catalytic steps. Weakening the consensus nature of the strong BP allowed the recovery of thermosensitive splicing in vivo, and reinstated the blockades to splicing in vitro, arguing that a suboptimal BP is an unusual manifestation of the proportional splicing pattern of retroviruses. The PPT is essential for accurate recognition of the BP sequence by the splicing machinery. Lengthening the PPT of MuSVts110 from 9 to 19 consecutive pyrimidines increased the overall efficiency of splicing in vivo dramatically, but was less effective than the strong BP in overriding the restriction on splicing imposed by high growth temperatures. Finally, decreasing gradually the overall size of the intron unexpectedly reduced splicing efficiency at growth temperatures permissive for splicing, suggesting that non-conserved sequences within the intron of MuSVts110 participate in splicing regulation as well. Taken together, these results suggest a mechanism of control in which MuSVts110 splicing is modulated by the entire intron, but principally by suboptimal signals at the splice acceptor site. Furthermore, this retroviral system provides a powerful genetic method for selection and analysis of mutations that affect splicing. ^


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Maximal amounts of prodigiosin were synthesized in either minimal or complete medium after incubation of cultures at 27 C for 7 days. Biosynthesis of prodigiosin began earlier and the range of temperature for formation was greater in complete medium. No prodigiosin was formed in either medium when cultures were incubated at 38 C; however, after a shift to 27 C, pigmentation ensued, provided the period of incubation at 38 C was not longer than 36 hr for minimal medium or 48 hr for complete medium. Washed, nonpigmented cells grown in either medium at 38 C for 72 hr could synthesize prodigiosin when suspended in saline at 27 C when casein hydrolysate was added. These suspensions produced less prodigiosin at a slower rate than did cultures growing in casein hydrolysate at 27 C without prior incubation at 38 C. Optimal concentration of casein hydrolysate for pigment formation by suspensions was 0.4%; optimal temperature was 27 C. Anaerobic incubation, shift back to 38 C, killing cells by heating, or chloramphenicol (25 mug/ml) inhibited pigmentation. Suspensions of washed cells forming pigment reached pH 8.0 to 8.3 rapidly and maintained this pH throughout incubation for 7 days. Measurements of viable count and of protein, plus other data, indicated that cellular multiplication did not occur in suspensions of washed cells during pigment formation. By this procedure utilizing a shift down in temperature, biosynthesis of prodigiosin by washed cells could be separated from multiplication of bacteria.