4 resultados para GROWTH REGULATORS

em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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Expression of the structural genes for the anthrax toxin proteins is coordinately controlled by host-related signals such as elevated CO2 , and the trans-acting positive regulator, AtxA. No specific binding of AtxA to the toxin gene promoters has been demonstrated and no sequence-based similarities are apparent in the promoter regions of toxin genes. We hypothesized that the toxin genes possess common structural features that are required for positive regulation. To test this hypothesis, I performed an extensive characterization of the toxin gene promoters. I determined the minimal sequences required for atxA-mediated toxin gene expression and compared these sequences for structural similarities. In silico modeling and in vitro experiments indicated significant curvature within these regions. Random mutagenesis revealed that point mutations associated with reduced transcriptional activity, mostly mapped to areas of high curvature. This work enabled the identification of two potential cis-acting elements implicated in AtxA-mediated regulation of the toxin genes. In addition to the growth condition requirements and AtxA, toxin gene expression is under growth phase regulation. The transition state regulator AbrB represses atxA expression to influence toxin synthesis. Here I report that toxin gene expression also requires sigH, a gene encoding the RNA polymerase sigma factor associated with development in B. subtilis. In the well-studied B. subtilis system, σH is part of a feedback control pathway that involves AbrB and the major response regulator of sporulation initiation, Spo0A. My data indicate that in B. anthracis, regulatory relationships exist between these developmental regulators and atxA . Interestingly, during growth in toxin-inducing conditions, sigH and abrB expression deviates from that described for B. subtilis, affecting expression of the atxA gene. These findings, combined with previous observations, suggest that the steady state level of atxA expression is critical for optimal toxin gene transcription. I propose a model whereby, under toxin-inducing conditions, control of toxin gene expression is fine-tuned by the independent effects of the developmental regulators on the expression of atxA . The growth condition-dependent changes in expression of these regulators may be crucial for the correct timing and uninterrupted expression of the toxin genes during infection. ^


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Overexpression of the thrombin receptor (Protease-Activated-Receptor-1), PAR-1, in cell lines and tissue specimens correlates with the metastatic potential of human melanoma. Utilizing lentiviral shRNA to stably silence PAR-1 in metastatic melanoma cell lines results in decreased tumor growth and lung metastasis in vivo. Since the use of viral technology is not ideal for clinical therapies, neutral liposomes (DOPC) were utilized as a delivery vehicle for PAR-1 siRNA. Our data suggest that PAR-1 siRNA-DOPC treatment by systemic delivery significantly decreases tumor growth and lung metastasis in nude mice. Concomitant decreases in angiogenic and invasive factors (IL-8, VEGF, MMP-2) were observed in PAR-1 siRNA-DOPC-treated mice. Utilizing a cDNA microarray platform, several novel PAR-1 downstream target genes were identified, including Connexin 43 (Cx-43) and Maspin. Cx-43, known to be involved in tumor cell diapedesis and attachment to endothelial cells, is decreased after PAR-1 silencing. Furthermore, the Cx-43 promoter activity was significantly inhibited in PAR-1-silenced cells suggesting transcriptional regulation of Cx-43 by PAR-1. ChIP analysis revealed a reduction in SP-1 and AP-1 binding to the Cx-43 promoter. Moreover, melanoma cell attachment to HUVEC was significantly decreased in PAR-1-silenced cells as well as in Cx-43 shRNA transduced cells. As both SP-1 and AP-1 transcription factors act as positive regulators of Cx-43, our data provide a novel mechanism for the regulation of Cx-43 expression by PAR-1. Maspin, a serine protease inhibitor with tumor-suppressor function, was found to be upregulated after PAR-1 silencing. Our results indicate that PAR-1 transcriptionally regulates Maspin, as the promoter activity was significantly increased after PAR-1 silencing. ChIP analysis revealed that silencing PAR-1 increased binding of Ets and c-Jun to the Maspin promoter. As Maspin was recently found to be a tumor-suppressor in melanoma by reducing the invasive capacity of melanoma cells, invasion assays revealed a decrease in invasion after PAR-1 silencing and in cells transduced with a Maspin expression vector. We propose that PAR-1 is key to the progression and metastasis of melanoma in part by regulating the expression of Cx-43 and Maspin. Taken together, we propose that PAR-1 is an attractive target for the treatment of melanoma.^


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Adherens junctions (AJs) and basolateral modules are important for the establishment and maintenance of apico-basal polarity. Loss of AJs and basolateral module members lead to tumor formation, as well as poor prognosis for metastasis. Recently, in mammalian studies it has been shown that loss of either AJ or basolateral module members deregulate Yorkie activity, the downstream transcriptional effector of the Hippo pathway. Importantly, it is unclear if AJ and basolateral components act through the same or parallel mechanisms to regulate Yorkie activity. Here, we dissect how loss of AJ and basolateral components affects Hippo signaling in Drosophila. Surprisingly, while scrib knock-down tissue displays increased reporter activity autonomously, α-cat knock-down tissue shows a cell autonomous decrease and a cell non-autonomous increase of Hippo reporter activity. We provided several lines of evidence to show the differential regulation in polarity protein localizations and oncogenic cooperative overgrowth by AJs and basolateral complexes. Finally, we show that Hippo pathway activity is induced in α-cat and scrib double knocked-down tissue. Taken together, our results provide evidence to show that basolateral modules and AJs act in parallel to modulate Hippo pathway activity. Non-muscle myosin II is an actomyosin component that interacts with the actin. Non-muscle myosin II also interacts with lgl, though the function of this interaction is not clear. Our lab demonstrated that modulating F-actin regulates Hippo pathway activity, and lgl also has been described as a Hippo pathway regulator. Therefore we suspect that myosin II is also involved in Hippo pathway regulation. We first characterized non-muscle Myosin II as a novel tumor suppressor gene by affecting Hippo pathway activity. Upstream regulators of Myosin II, members in the Rho signaling pathway, also displayed similar phenotypes as the Myosin II knock-down tissues. Apoptosis is also induced in myosin II knock-down tissues, however, blocking cell death does not affect myosin II knock-down induced Hippo activation. Our data suggested hyperactivating myosin II induced F-actin accumulation so therefore induces Hippo target activation. Unexpectedly, we also observed that reducing F-actin activity induced Hippo target activation in vivo. These controversial data indicated that actomyosin may regulate the Hippo pathway through multiple mechanisms.


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Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas are common tumors of the human immune system, primarily of B cell lineage (NHL-B). Negative growth regulation in the B cell lineage is mediated primarily through the TGF-β/SMAD signaling pathway that regulates a variety of tumor suppressor genes. Ski was originally identified as a transforming oncoprotein, whereas SnoN is an isoform of the Sno protein that shares a large region of homology with Ski. In this study, we show that Ski/SnoN are endogenously over-expressed both in patients' lymphoma cells and NHL-B cell lines. Exogenous TGF-β1 treatment induces down-regulation of Ski and SnoN oncoprotein expression in an NHL-B cell line, implying that Ski and SnoN modulate the TGF-β signaling pathway and are involved in cell growth regulation. Furthermore, we have developed an NHL-B cell line (DB) that has a null mutation in TGF-β receptor type II. In this mutant cell line, Ski/SnoN proteins are not down-regulated in response to TGF-β1 treatment, suggesting that downregulation of Ski and SnoN proteins in NHL-B require an intact functional TGF-β signaling pathway Resting normal B cells do not express Ski until activated by antigens and exogenous cytokines, whereas a low level of SnoN is also present in peripheral blood Go B cells. In contrast, autonomously growing NHL-B cells over-express Ski and SnoN, implying that Ski and SnoN are important cell cycle regulators. To further investigate a possible link between reduction of the Ski protein level and growth inhibition, Ski antisense oligodeoxynucleotides were transfected into NHL-B cells. The Ski protein level was found to decrease to less than 40%, resulting in restoring the effect of TGF-β and leading to cell growth inhibition and G1 cell cycle arrest. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated that Ski associates with Smad4 in the nucleus, strongly suggesting that over-expression of the nuclear protein Ski and/or SnoN negatively regulates the TGF-β pathway, possibly by modulating Smad-mediated tumor suppressor gene expression. Together, in NHL-B, the TGF-β/SMAD growth inhibitory pathway is usually intact, but over-expression of the Ski and/or SnoN, which binds to Smad4, abrogates the negative regulatory effects of TGF-β/SMAD in lymphoma cell growth and potentiates the growth potential of neoplastic B cells. ^