8 resultados para Fungal Alpha-Amylase - Production

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The 90-kDa heat-shock protein (Hsp90) operates in the context of a multichaperone complex to promote maturation of nuclear and cytoplasmic clients. We have discovered that Hsp90 and the cochaperone Sba1/p23 accumulate in the nucleus of quiescent Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. Hsp90 nuclear accumulation was unaffected in sba1Delta cells, demonstrating that Hsp82 translocates independently of Sba1. Translocation of both chaperones was dependent on the alpha/beta importin SRP1/KAP95. Hsp90 nuclear retention was coincident with glucose exhaustion and seems to be a starvation-specific response, as heat shock or 10% ethanol stress failed to elicit translocation. We generated nuclear accumulation-defective HSP82 mutants to probe the nature of this targeting event and identified a mutant with a single amino acid substitution (I578F) sufficient to retain Hsp90 in the cytoplasm in quiescent cells. Diploid hsp82-I578F cells exhibited pronounced defects in spore wall construction and maturation, resulting in catastrophic sporulation. The mislocalization and sporulation phenotypes were shared by another previously identified HSP82 mutant allele. Pharmacological inhibition of Hsp90 with macbecin in sporulating diploid cells also blocked spore formation, underscoring the importance of this chaperone in this developmental program.


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Non-pregnant, female adult rats pretreated with either phenobarbital (PB) or (beta)-naphthoflavone ((beta)NF) through short-course intraperitoneal injections were shown by sodium dithionite-reduced carbon monoxide difference spectroscopy and NADPH-cytochrome c in vitro assay to contain cytochrome P-450 and NADPH-dependent reductase associated with the microsomal fraction of colon mucosa. These two protein components of the mixed function oxidase system were released from the microsomal membrane, resolved from each other, and partially purified by using a combination of techniques including solubilization in nonionic detergent followed by ultracentrifugation, anion exchange and adsorption column chromatographies, native gel electrophoresis, polyethylene glycol fractionation and ultrafiltration.^ In vitro reconstitution assays demonstrated the cytochrome P-450 fraction as the site of substrate and molecular oxygen binding. By the use of immunochemical techniques including radial immunodiffusion, Ouchterlony double diffusion and protein electroblotting, the cytochrome P-450 fraction was shown to contain at least 5 forms of the protein, having molecular weights as determined by SDS gel electrophoresis identical to the corresponding hepatic cytochrome P-450. Estimation of total cytochrome P-450 content confirmed the preferential induction of particular forms in response to the appropriate drug pretreatment.^ The colonic NADPH-dependent reductase was isolated from native gel electrophoresis and second dimensional SDS gel electrophoresis was performed in parallel to that for purified reductase from liver. Comparative electrophoretic mobilities together with immunochemical analysis, as with the cytochrome P-450s, reconstitution assays, and kinetic characterization using artificial electron acceptors, gave conclusive proof of the structural and functional homology between the colon and liver sources of the enzyme.^ Drug metabolism was performed in the reconstituted mixed function oxidase system containing a particular purified liver cytochrome P-450 form or partially pure colon cytochrome P-450 fraction plus colon or liver reductase and synthetic lipid vesicles. The two drugs, benzo{(alpha)}pyrene and benzphetamine, which are most representative of the action of system in liver, lung and kidney, were tested to determine the specificity of the reconstituted system. The kinetics of benzo{(alpha)}pyrene hydroxylation were followed fluorimetrically for 3-hydroxybenzo{(alpha)}pyrene production. . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of author.) UMI ^


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Alpha and beta tubulin are essential proteins in all eukaryotic cells. To study how cells maintain coordinate levels of these two interacting proteins, we have used PCR to add a 9 amino acid epitope from influenza hemagglutinin protein onto the carboxyl terminus of $\alpha$1 and $\beta$1-tubulin. The chimeric tubulin genes (HA$\alpha$1 and HA$\beta$1) were transfected into CHO cells and cell lines that stably express each gene were selected. Cells transfected with HA-tubulin do not exhibit any gross changes in growth or morphology. Immunofluorescence analysis demonstrated that HA-tubulins incorporate into both cytoplasmic and spindle microtubules. A quantitative biochemical assay was used to show that HA-tubulins incorporate into microtubules to a normal extent and do not alter the steady state distribution of endogenous tubulin between monomer and polymer pools. Two-dimensional gel analysis of pulse-labeled cells indicated that when HA$\beta$1-tubulin is expressed at high levels, it slightly represses the synthesis of the endogenous $\beta$-tubulin but produces a small increase in the synthesis of $\alpha$-tubulin. Analysis of cells labeled to steady state showed that HA$\beta$1-tubulin accumulates to a similar level as the wild-type gene product, but together these polypeptides produce only a small increase in total tubulin content consistent with the increased synthesis of $\alpha$-tubulin. It thus appears that HA$\beta$1-tubulin successfully competes with endogenous $\beta$-tubulin for heterodimer formation and that free $\beta$-tubulin subunits (endogenous and HA$\beta$1) are selectively degraded to maintain coordinate amounts of $\alpha$- and $\beta$-tubulin. In addition, the increased synthesis of $\alpha$-tubulin suggested the existence of a mechanism to ensure coordinate synthesis of $\alpha$- and $\beta$-tubulin subunits. To analyze whether reciprocal changes in endogenous tubulin synthesis occur when $\alpha$-tubulin is overexpressed, stably transfected CHO cell lines were isolated in which HA$\alpha$1-tubulin represents 50% of the total $\alpha$-tubulin, and its relative abundance can be further increased to 85-90% by treatment with sodium butyrate. In contrast with results obtained using HA$\beta$1-tubulin, transfection of HA$\alpha$1-tubulin decreased the synthesis of endogenous $\alpha$-tubulin to 60% of normal with little or no change in $\beta$-tubulin synthesis. When the transfected cells were treated with sodium butyrate to further increase HA$\beta$1-tubulin production, a larger decrease in the synthesis of endogenous $\alpha$-tubulin (to 30% of normal) was observed. The repression on the synthesis of endogenous $\alpha$-tubulin polypeptide was found to be directly proportional to the expression of HA$\alpha$1-tubulin indicating the existence of an autoregulatory loop, where $\alpha$-tubulin inhibits its own synthesis. To determine whether overproduction of HA$\alpha$1-tubulin affected the transcription, message stability or translation of endogenous $\alpha$-tubulin, the steady state levels of $\alpha$-tubulin mRNA were analyzed by ribonuclease protection assays. The results showed that the steady state level of $\alpha$-tubulin mRNA is not affected by the overexpression of HA$\alpha$1-tubulin, indicating that the repression is translational. The results are compatible with a model in which $\beta$-tubulin synthesis is largely unperturbed by overexpression of other tubulin subunits, and excess $\beta$-tubulin subunits are rapidly degraded to maintain coordinate $\alpha$- and $\beta$-tubulin levels at steady state. In contrast, free $\alpha$-tubulin represses its own synthesis at the translational level, suggesting that its level of production may be controlled by the amount of $\beta$-tubulin available for heterodimer formation. ^


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Mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC) therapy has shown promise for the treatment of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Although the mechanism(s) by which MSCs offer protection is unclear, initial in vivo work has suggested that modulation of the locoregional inflammatory response could explain the observed benefit. We hypothesize that the direct implantation of MSCs into the injured brain activates resident neuronal stem cell (NSC) niches altering the intracerebral milieu. To test our hypothesis, we conducted initial in vivo studies, followed by a sequence of in vitro studies. In vivo: Sprague-Dawley rats received a controlled cortical impact (CCI) injury with implantation of 1 million MSCs 6 h after injury. Brain tissue supernatant was harvested for analysis of the proinflammatory cytokine profile. In vitro: NSCs were transfected with a firefly luciferase reporter for NFkappaB and placed in contact culture and transwell culture. Additionally, multiplex, quantitative PCR, caspase 3, and EDU assays were completed to evaluate NSC cytokine production, apoptosis, and proliferation, respectively. In vivo: Brain supernatant analysis showed an increase in the proinflammatory cytokines IL-1alpha, IL-1beta, and IL-6. In vitro: NSC NFkappaB activity increased only when in contact culture with MSCs. When in contact with MSCs, NSCs show an increase in IL-6 production as well as a decrease in apoptosis. Direct implantation of MSCs enhances neuroprotection via activation of resident NSC NFkappaB activity (independent of PI3 kinase/AKT pathway) leading to an increase in IL-6 production and decrease in apoptosis. In addition, the observed NFkappaB activity depends on direct cell contact.


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Regulation of colonic epithelial cell proliferation and differentiation remains poorly understood due to the inability to design a model system which recapitulates these processes. Currently, properties of "differentiation" are studied in colon adenocarcinoma cell lines which can be induced to express some, but not all of the phenotypes of normal cells. In this thesis, the DiFi human colon adenocarcinoma cell line is utilized as an in vitro model system in which to study mucin production. In response to treatment with tumor necrosis factor-alpha, DiFi cells acquire some properties of mucin-producing goblet cells including altered morphology, increased reactivity to wheat germ agglutinin, and increased mucin production as determined by RNA expression as well as reactivity with the MUC-1 antibodies, HMFG-1 and SM-3. Thus, TNF-treated DiFi cells represent one of the few in vitro systems in which mucin expression can be induced.^ DiFi cells express an activated pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src},$ as do most colon adenocarcinomas and derived cell lines, as well as an amplified epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor. To assess potential changes in these enzymes during induction of differentiation characteristics, potential changes in the levels and activities of these enzymes were examined. For pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src},$ no changes were observed in protein levels, specific activity of the kinase, cellular localization, or phosphorylation pattern as determined by Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease partial proteolytic mapping after induction of goblet cell-like phenotypic changes. These results suggest that pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src}$ is regulated differentially in goblet cells than in absorptive cells, as down-modulation of pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src}$ kinase occurs in the latter. Therefore, effects on pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src}$ may be critical in colon regulation, and may be important in generating the various colonic epithelial cell types.^ In contrast to pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src},$ EGF receptor tyrosine kinase activity decreased ($<$5-fold) after TNF treatment and at the time in which morphologic changes were observed. Similar decreases in tyrosine phosphorylation of EGF receptor were observed as assessed by immunoblotting with an anti-phosphotyrosine antibody. In addition, ($\sp{125}$I) -EGF cell surface binding was reduced approximately 3-fold following TNF treatment with a concomitant reduction in receptor affinity ($<$2-fold). These results suggest that modulation of EGF receptor may be important in goblet cell differentiation. In contrast, other published studies have demonstrated that increases in EGF receptor mRNA and in ($\sp{125}$I) -EGF binding accompany differentiation toward the absorptive cell phenotype. Therefore, differential regulation of both EGF receptor and pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src}$ occur along the goblet cell and absorptive cell differentiation pathways. Thus, my results suggest that TNF-treated DiFi cells represent a unique system in which to study distinct patterns of regulation of pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src}$ and EGF receptor in colonic cells, and to determine if increased MUC-1 expression is an early event in goblet cell differentiation. ^


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Monocyte developmental heterogeneity is reflected at the cellular level by differential activation competence, at the molecular level by differential regulation of gene expression. LPS activates monocytes to produce tumor necrosis factor-$\alpha$ (TNF). Events occurring at the molecular level necessary for TNF regulation have not been elucidated, but depend both on activation signals and the maturation state of the cell: Peripheral blood monocytes produce TNF upon LPS stimulation, but only within the first 72 hours of culture. Expression of c-fos is associated with monocytic differentiation and activation; the fos-associated protein, c-jun, is also expressed during monocyte activation. Increased cAMP levels are associated with down regulation of macrophage function, including LPS-induced TNF transcription. Due to these associations, we studied a region of the TNF promoter which resembles the binding sites for both AP-1(fos/jun) and CRE-binding protein (or ATF) in order to identify potential molecular markers defining activation competent populations of monocytic cells.^ Nuclear protein binding studies using extracts from THP-1 monocytic cells stimulated with LPS, which stimulates, or dexamethasone (Dex) or pentoxyfilline (PTX), which inhibit TNF production, respectively, suggest that a low mobility doublet complex may be involved in regulation through this promoter region. PTX or Dex increase binding of these complexes equivalently over untreated cells; approximately two hours after LPS induction, the upper complex is undetectable. The upper complex is composed of ATF2 (CRE-BP1); the lower is a heterodimer of jun/ATF2. LPS induces c-jun and thus may enhance formation of jun-ATF2 complexes. The simultaneous presence of both complexes may reduce the amount of TNF transcription through competitive binding, while a loss of the upper (ATF2) and/or gain of the lower (jun-ATF2) allow increased transcription. AP-1 elements generally transduce signals involving PKC; the CRE mediates a cAMP response, involving PKA. Thus, this element has the potential of receiving signals through divergent signalling pathways. Our findings also suggest that cAMP-induced inhibition of macrophage functions may occur via down regulation of activation-associated genes through competitive binding of particular cAMP-responsive nuclear protein complexes. ^


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Potent vaccine formulations ideally include adjuvants to activate innate immune responses and enhance antigen-specific adaptive immunity. The synthetic glycolipid alpha-Galactosylceramide (α-GalCer) effectively activates the innate immune mediating NKT cells to produce cytokines and activate downstream immune cells, resulting in development of humoral and cell mediated immune responses to co-administered antigens. While a single intravenous immunization of α-GalCer strongly activates NKT cells, multiple doses by this route are well documented to induce anergy in NKT cells. Anergy is defined as the deficiency in NKT proliferation and cytokine production, including IL-4 and IFNγ. However, our studies have shown that two doses of α-GalCer administered intranasally by the intranasal route leads to reactivation of NKT cells and improved adaptive immune responses after each subsequent dose. I therefore investigated the role of multiple routes of immunization in activation of NKT cells, i.e. anergy versus repeated activation. Specifically, I hypothesized that the differential capacity of NKT cells to produce IFNγ, as a result of route of immunization with α-GalCer, influences the induction of adaptive immune responses to co-administered antigen. Our experimental design utilizes the observation that intranasal immunization primarily induces immune responses in the lungs while intravenous immunization induces responses in the liver. Using intracellular cytokine staining for IFNγ production and Elispot analyses for determining NKT and T cell activation, respectively, it was determined that administering two consecutive intravenous doses resulted in anergy to NKT cells (no IFNγ production) in the liver and lack of adaptive immunity while second immunization by the intranasal route overcame anergy in the lung. The outcome in the other tissues analyzed was mixed and could be the result of tissue microenvironment among others possible reasons. When intranasal dosing preceded systemic, NKT cells were reactivated to produce IFNγ and induced positive adaptive immune responses in the responding lung tissue. These results indicate that the mechanism by which mucosal and systemic immunization routes activate NKT cells may differ in that there is a differential tissue-specific effect induced by each route. Future studies are necessary to determine the reason for these tissue-specific effects and how they relate to NKT cell activation.


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Secondary metabolites are produced by numerous organisms and can either be benign to humans or harmful. Genes involved in the synthesis and transport of these secondary metabolites are frequently found in gene clusters, which are often located in subtelomeric regions of the chromosome. These clusters are often coordinately regulated, being almost exclusively dependent on transcription factors that are located within the clusters themselves. Secondary metabolites are also regulated by a variety of factors, including nutritional factors, environmental factors and developmental processes. Gliotoxin, which is produced by a variety of Aspergillus species, Trichoderma species, and Penicillium species, exhibits immunosuppressive properties and has therefore been the subject of research for many laboratories. There have been a few proteins shown to regulate the gliotoxin cluster, most notably GliZ, a Zn2Cys6 binuclear finger transcription factor that lies within the cluster, and LaeA, a putative methyltransferase that globally regulates secondary metabolism clusters within numerous fungal organisms, although no study has demonstrated the direct binding of any protein to a promoter region in the gliotoxin cluster. I report here two novel proteins, GipA, a C2H2 transcription factor and GipB, a hybrid sensor kinase, which are involved in regulating the gliotoxin biosynthetic cluster. GipA plays an important role in gliotoxin production, as high-copy expression of gipA induces gliotoxin biosynthesis and loss of gipA reduces gliotoxin biosynthesis by 50%. GipB is also involved in regulating gliotoxin production, as high-copy expression of gipB induces gliotoxin biosynthesis, but only during certain stages of asexual development. Furthermore, loss of gipB reduces gliotoxin biosynthesis by 10%. Based on data obtained from this project, I propose a model for the regulation of gliA, the efflux pump of the gliotoxin cluster, which involves GipB signaling through both GliZ and GipA. I propose that GliZ and GipA are interdependent, as mutation of the GipA DNA binding site in the gliA promoter negatively affects both GliZ-mediated and GipA-mediated induction of gliA. This is further supported by the fact that GliZ cannot fully induce gliA in the absence of GipA and vice versa. This is the first time that anyone has shown evidence of a protein directly binding to the gliotoxin cluster. Even though biosynthetic clusters are often coordinately regulated, my model raises the possibility that gliA is independently regulated, as the layout of the binding site in the gliA promoter is not present upstream of any other genes in the gliotoxin cluster, except for gliZ.