34 resultados para Family centred practice

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The author uses a clinical case study, in which he works with a teenager and his adoptive parents to illustrate how placement and adoption decisions can provide physical safety while at the same time exacerbating and extending overlooked and destructive effects of child abuse. The case study highlights the continuing impact of childhood trauma on the interpersonal patterns of behavior within the family, whether biological, kinship, foster or adoptive. The tendency for patterns of aggression and reactivity to be repeated by the victim and his or her caregivers in a foster or adoptive home, and then to extend into the next generation, is an integral aspect of the cycle of child abuse and underscores a critical challenge for skilled and patient staff in family-based service programs.


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The renewed interest in Family Centered Practice, prompted by the funding of Family Preservation and Support Programs, has created a need for training practitioners at a number of different levels and for a variety of roles. This paper will describe a training program for Family Centered Practice. Building on an empowerment model, the author presents an approach for working with families and children that views the tragedies of the past as resources, rather than the major cause of present problems. Collaborative Conversations for Change adapts the solution-focused therapy model to nontherapy roles that are required for a program to be family centered. Although these roles are not therapy, they are nevertheless therapeutic and reinforce clients' strengths. These collaborative conversations, however brief they may be, recognize that the client is the expert on his/her pain and struggles and the practitioner is the expert on assisting her/him plan change. Additionally, illustrations from a cross-cultural perspective demonstrate the utility of collaborative conversation in enhancing cultural competence.


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An earlier version of this manuscript was prepared for the Chapin Hall invitational seminar on family preservation, The Chapin Hall Center for Children at the University of Chicago, September 16 & 17, 1999. The author wishes to acknowledge the comments and helpful suggestions of seminar participants-Jacqueline McCroskey, Martha Shirk, Fran Jacobs, John Schuerman, Lee Schorr, Charlotte Booth, Kristi Nelson, Susan Kelly, Frank Farrow, and Susan Notkin. These comments, as indeed many of their prior contributions, have had a seminal effect on my thinking about family preservation services over the years. Clark Peters and other Chapin Hall staff deserve special thanks for creating the conditions necessary to produce a lively and productive discussion. As always, Harold Richman, Executive Director of Chapin Hall, and Hermon Dunlap, Smith Professor at the School of Social Service Administration of the University of Chicago, as seminar convenor combined perfectly the skills of gracious host and incisive critic. We in the child welfare field are in his debt for continually raising the level of discourse in our field. In the end, as it should be, the thoughts and opinions in the following paper are wholly my own.


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The outcomes of family preservation practice have been researched and debated. The effectiveness of family preservation is still inconclusive and many of the findings may only be inferred to specific situations. Few studies have addressed the assessment techniques or outcome factors from a qualitative perspective. This article synthesizes current literature, research and practice, and proposes a practice framework with questioning techniques to assist practitioners in assessing the strengths and characteristics of a family, and making decisions on whether or not familybased services are appropriate for the family. Two actual cases are presented to illustrate how the worker can benefit from having the assessment data derived from this model.


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Entire issue (large pdf file) Articles include: The Role of Consistency and Diversity in Building Knowledge in Family Preservation. Debora J. Cavazos Dylla and Marianne Berry The Weekly Adjustment Indicators Checklist: An Application in the Child Welfare Field. Michael H. Epstein, Madhavi Jayanthi, Janet McKelvey, Deborah Holderness, Erin Frankenberry, Cassandra Lampkin, Molly McGrath, and Kari White Intensive Family Preservation Services: a Short History but a Long Past. Kellie B. Reed and Raymond S. Kirk Collaborative Conversations for Change: A Solution-Focused Approach to Family Centered Practice. Donald F. Fausel


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The vast majority of Bangladesh are poor and are unable even to provide for the most basic human needs. These are the landless and marginal farmers of Bangladesh. They constitute 70% of the rural population, which in turn constitute about 90% of the country's population.^ Effective development of Bangladesh would largely mean the development of the landless and marginal farmers. Past efforts of development in this section of the population, including that of the government, have not succeeded. One of the development goals of the government of Bangladesh is to improve the quality of life of the rural population through health and population control measures. Overpopulation, malnutrition and diarrhea are the major impediments to socioeconomic development in Bangladesh.^ The current study was designed to identify whether there is effective opinion leadership among the marginal and landless peasants affecting decisions on acceptance or nonacceptance of family planning methods and oral rehydration therapy (ORT) in the selected rural areas of Bangladesh. The study was conducted in eight randomly selected villages with funding from the Ministry of Health and Family Planning, government of Bangladesh. One hundred twenty-five opinion leaders were interviewed after they were identified by 408 rural couples owning land less than 2 acres and wives' age below 50. The study was conducted in two phases; couples' interview preceded that of the leaders.^ Findings of the study reveal that the opinion leaders influencing adoption of health and family planning among the landless and marginal farmers belong to the same class. Theses opinion leaders own land much less than the rich farmers and the formal leaders in the rural areas. Majority of these of opinion leaders are friends, neighbors and relatives, some are other persons who are businessmen and professionals like doctors, while the rest few are the field workers of health and family planning. Source of influence as a factor contribute most in differentiating use and non-use of family planning and ORT among both couples and leaders. The most frequent sources of influence referred by the couples and the leaders are the field workers of health and family planning, followed by the peer opinion leaders (friends, neighbors, relatives) and spouse.^ The opinion leaders do not differ much from the poor couples on land holding, a strong indicator of economic status, they however differ considerably on social factors such as family planning practice, education, and exposure to mass media.^ The study suggests that future development efforts in Bangladesh have to ensure community participation by the landless and marginal farmers and opinion leaders belonging to their class. ^


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The philosophy and principles of family preservation have emerged in new forms over the past eight years. From the Family Preservation and Support Act of 1993 to the Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA) of today, the value of the family to individuals and society is clear. While family preservation "programs" per se may not be as plentiful, the principals are founding almost every array of services from children, corrections, D.D. to mental health and work with the elderly. The Administration's priorities of healthy marriage, fatherhood, incarcerated parents, and faith-based programs reflect a family-centered approach to social issues. This redefining of the village will require our renewed efforts to articulate the importance of family centered practice and policy.


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This exploratory, qualitative study examined practitioners' perceptions about family preservation practice. Findings reveal a wide range of identified strengths as well as the limitations of such a model. Interestingly, the most frequently identified strengths were value based rather than practice based in perspective whereas limitations were practice based. Keeping families together was the most common perceived strength but concern about children's safety by keeping the family intact was a frequently reported limitation. Further, lack of support and a lack of theoretical clarity were identified as considerable limitations. Implications suggest these practitioners (mostly child welfare/mental health workers) believe in the approach for the sake of keeping families together but are concerned with endangering the child in the process and recognize the need for theoretical guidance.


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This issue of the Journal of Family Strengths is an opportunity for a fresh start, as the Family Preservation Journal is renewed and revived under a new name and a new format. Still keen on being a definitive record on developments in family strengths and parenting, the Journal is devoted to presenting theory, practice and evaluation articles on the strengths perspective in family preservation practice, all to assure and improve services and programs that promote and sustain family systems.


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Reviews include: Family Centered Services: A Handbook for Practitioners.Bonnie K. Williams (Ed.). The National Resource Center for Family Centered Practice, School of Social Work, The University of Iowa. Iowa City, Iowa.Reviewed by Lois Wright Building Skills in High-Risk Families: Strategies for the Home-Based Practitioner. Jane Peterson, Paula E. Kohrt, Linda M. Shadoin, Karen J. Authier. Boys Town, Nebraska. Boys Town Press. Reviewed by Sharon Alpert


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The roles of the child welfare supervisor in guiding practice and in retaining child welfare workers are well established in the literature. In this article, we discuss a framework for child welfare supervision that was developed and implemented in the state of Iowa with support from the Children’s Bureau through a five-year grant to improve recruitment and retention in public child welfare. The framework supports family centered practice through a parallel process of supervision reflecting these guiding principles: strength-based, competency-based, culturally competent, reflective, individualized to workers’ learning styles and stages of development, and aimed at enhancing worker skill, autonomy, teamwork, and commitment to the organization. We present key elements of the framework, an overview of implementation, and evaluation results regarding knowledge gain, use of skills, and rates of worker retention.


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The purpose of this study was twofold: (1) To see if there was any difference in screening for hypercholesterolemia in a Family Practice setting after two national recommendations of 1985 and 1988. (2) To see if presence of coronary heart disease (CHD) risk factors e.g. smoking, hypertension, family history of heart disease, diabetes mellitus, and obesity influenced screening for hypercholesterolemia.^ A retrospective chart auditing was done at the Baylor College of Medicine, Family Practice Center, Houston for the years of 1985, 1986 and 1989. Statistically significant improvement in screening was observed in 1989 (after the second NCEP recommendations of 1988) compared to 1986 data (after the first national recommendations of 1985). But the proportion of target population screened (about 35%) was still far below the NCEP recommendations. Probably due to the small number of patients with CHD risk factors, no significant statistical differences were found in screening for hypercholesterolemia in 1985, 1986 and 1989 in patients with any CHD risk factor. ^


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Reported is a research study to assess the opinions of family practitioners on the status of families in Oklahoma. Researchers employed the Delphi method to achieve consensus among key informants in the family practice field about the strengths and weaknesses of Oklahoma families, threats facing families in the state, and means to strengthening family life in Oklahoma. The study yielded qualitative data from the key informants, which the researchers then condensed into response categories to feed back to informants to rate. Family practitioners identified resilience, spirituality, and access to support systems as the greatest strengths, and listed substance abuse, poverty, and generational cycles of dysfunction as the greatest weaknesses of Oklahoma families. Recommendations by these practitioners are given for improvements in addressing family needs.


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Starting with the premise that extended family members often have great influence on family functioning, this article describes social work practice techniques for helping families utilize resources available in the extended family network. Two key concepts are presented: "parenting pioneers," who, while attempting newly learned parenting skills, may struggle with resistance from extended family members; and "parenting teams," in which the focal family is giving to or receiving from extended family members substantial family support. The article presents these practice techniques in the context of family support services, which are characterized as voluntary, preventive, developmental, and based in the concept of empowerment and the ecological perspective.


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Family preservation is generally viewed in terms of a rather narrow practice definition. However, it's underlying philosophy offers a strong framework for building a positive, nonbiased helping alliance with lesbian clients in a therapeutic setting. The family preservation philosophy offers a unique heuristic for helping professionals to work with lesbians. Family preservation values teach that the therapist must start with the client's reality, recognize the particular needs of that client, and use the client's strengths in treatment. Also inherent in this perspective is respect and sensitivity to the lesbian client's "cultural context, experience, and history" (Family Preservation Institute, 1995). In other words, in the family preservation philosophy there is no assumption of heterosexuality in the therapeutic relationship; rather there is an assumption of unconditional positive regard. Further, clients are engaged in a dialogue and encouraged to name the challenges they encounter in their own words, from their own perspective. All of these principles will help empower lesbian clients. Lesbians may avoid traditional mental health services in times of need, preferring to depend on alternative services or friendship support networks. The choice not to seek help through mainstream agencies may be based on previous negative experience or on an assumption of the homophobic attitudes which are often inherent in such services. Traditional services are usually based on the medical model. Services based on the family preservation philosophy, however, have the capability of creating therapeutic relationships in which there is no assumption of heterosexuality, where the lesbian client is respected and viewed as a whole, healthy individual.