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This study examined both changing call volume and type with resulting effect of TeleHealth Nurse, the Houston Fire Department's (HFD) telephone nurse line, on call burden during Hurricane Ike. On September 13, 2008, Hurricane Ike made landfall in the Galveston area and continued north through Houston resulting in catastrophic damages in infrastructure and posing a public health threat. The overall goal of this study looked at data from Houston Fire Department to obtain a better understanding of the needs of citizens before, during, and after a hurricane. This study looked at four aspects of emergency response from HFD. The first section looked at call volumes surrounding the time of Hurricane Ike in 2008 compared to the same time period in 2007. The data showed a 12% increase in calls surrounding Hurricane Ike compared to previous years with a p value <.001. Next, the study evaluated the types of calls prevalent during Hurricane Ike compared to the same time period in 2007. The data showed a statistically significant increase in chronic health problems such as diabetes and cardiac events, Obstetric calls and an increase in breathing problems, falls, and lacerations during the days following Hurricane Ike. There was also a statistically significant increase in auto med alerts and check patients surrounding Hurricane Ike's landfall. The third section analyzed the change in call volume sent to HFD's Telephone Nurse Line during Hurricane Ike and compares this to earlier time periods while the fourth and final section looks at the types of calls sent to the nurse line during Hurricane Ike. The data showed limited use of the TeleHealth Nurse line before Hurricane Ike, but when the winds were at their strongest and ambulances were unable to leave the station, the nurse line was the only functioning medical help some people were able to receive. These studies bring a better understanding to the number and types of calls that a city might experience during a natural disaster, such as a hurricane. This study also shows the usefulness of an EMS Telephone Nurse Line during a natural disaster.^


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This study focused on the instruments that are currently being used by fire department personnel to identify and classify juvenile firesetters, these instruments, as published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (F.E.M.A.) have never been empirically validated as to their ability to discriminate between first time and multiple firesetters and to predict the degree of risk for future firesetting by juveniles that come to the attention of authorities for firesetting behaviors. The study was descriptive in nature and not designed to test the validity of these instruments. The study was designed to test the ability of the instruments to discriminate between first time and multiple firesetters and to categorize known firesetters, based on the motive for firesetting, as to their degree or risk for future firesetting.^ The results suggest that the F.E.M.A. instruments are of little use in discriminating between first time and multiple firesetters. The F.E.M.A. instruments were not able to categorize juvenile firesetters as to their potential risk for future firesetting. A subset of variables from the F.E.M.A. instruments was identified that may be useful in discriminating between youth that are troubled firesetters and those that are not. ^


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Major objectives within Healthy People 2010 include improving hypertension and mental health management of the American population. Both mental health issues and hypertension exist in the military which may decrease the health status of military personnel and diminish the ability to complete assigned missions. Some cases may be incompatible with military service even with optimum treatment. In the interest of maintaining a fit fighting force, the Department of Defense regularly conducts a survey of health related behaviors among active duty military personnel. The 2005 DoD Survey was conducted to obtain information regarding health and behavioral readiness among active duty military personnel to assess progress toward selected Healthy People 2010 objectives. ^ This study is a cross-sectional prevalence design looking at the association of hypertension treatment with mental health issues (either treatment or perceived need for treatment) within the military population sampled in the 2005 DoD Survey. There were 16,946 military personnel in the final cross-sectional sample representing 1.3 million active duty service members. The question is whether there is a significant association between the self-reported occurrence of hypertension and the self-reported occurrence of mental health issues in the 2005 DoD Survey. In addition to these variables, this survey examined the contribution of various sociodemographic, occupational, and behavioral covariates. An analysis of the demographic composition of the study variables was followed by logistic analysis, comparing outcome variables with each of the independent variables. Following univariate regression analysis, multivariate regression was performed with adjustment (for those variables with an unadjusted alpha level less than or equal to 0.25). ^ All the mental health related indicators were associated with hypertension treatment. The same relationship was maintained after multivariate adjustment. The covariates remaining as significant (p < 0.05) in the final model included gender, age, race/ethnicity and obesity. There is a need to recognize and treat co-morbid medical diagnoses among mental health patients and to improve quality of life outcomes, whether in the military population or the general population. Optimum health of the individual can be facilitated through discovery of treatable cases, to minimize disruptions of military missions, and even allow for continued military service. ^


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A life table methodology was developed which estimates the expected remaining Army service time and the expected remaining Army sick time by years of service for the United States Army population. A measure of illness impact was defined as the ratio of expected remaining Army sick time to the expected remaining Army service time. The variances of the resulting estimators were developed on the basis of current data. The theory of partial and complete competing risks was considered for each type of decrement (death, administrative separation, and medical separation) and for the causes of sick time.^ The methodology was applied to world-wide U.S. Army data for calendar year 1978. A total of 669,493 enlisted personnel and 97,704 officers were reported on active duty as of 30 September 1978. During calendar year 1978, the Army Medical Department reported 114,647 inpatient discharges and 1,767,146 sick days. Although the methodology is completely general with respect to the definition of sick time, only sick time associated with an inpatient episode was considered in this study.^ Since the temporal measure was years of Army service, an age-adjusting process was applied to the life tables for comparative purposes. Analyses were conducted by rank (enlisted and officer), race and sex, and were based on the ratio of expected remaining Army sick time to expected remaining Army service time. Seventeen major diagnostic groups, classified by the Eighth Revision, International Classification of Diseases, Adapted for Use In The United States, were ranked according to their cumulative (across years of service) contribution to expected remaining sick time.^ The study results indicated that enlisted personnel tend to have more expected hospital-associated sick time relative to their expected Army service time than officers. Non-white officers generally have more expected sick time relative to their expected Army service time than white officers. This racial differential was not supported within the enlisted population. Females tend to have more expected sick time relative to their expected Army service time than males. This tendency remained after diagnostic groups 580-629 (Genitourinary System) and 630-678 (Pregnancy and Childbirth) were removed. Problems associated with the circulatory system, digestive system and musculoskeletal system were among the three leading causes of cumulative sick time across years of service. ^


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The Health Belief Model (HBM) provided the theoretical framework for examining Universal Precautions (UP) compliance factors by Firefighter, EMTs and Paramedics (prehospital care providers). A convenient sample of prehospital care providers (n = 4000) from two cities (Houston and Washington DC), were surveyed to explore the factors related to their decision to comply with Universal Precautions. Eight hundred and sixty-five useable questionnaires were analyzed. The responders were primarily male (95.7%) eight hundred and twenty-eight and thirty-seven were female, prehospital based (100%), EMTs (60.0%) and paramedics (12.8%) who had a mean 13 years of prehospital care experience. ^ Linear regression was used to evaluate the four hypotheses. The first hypothesis evaluating perceived susceptibility and seriousness with reported UP use was statistically significant (p = < .05). Perceived susceptibility, when considered independently, did not make a significant contribution (t = −4.2852; p = 0.0000) to the stated use of Universal precautions. The hypothesis is not supported as stated. The data indicates the opposite effect. Supported is the premise that as perceived susceptibility and perceived seriousness increase the use of Universal Precautions decreases. Hypothesis two tested perceived benefits with internal and external barriers. Both perceived benefits and internal and external barriers as well as the overall regression were significant (F = 112.6, p = 0.0000). The contribution of internal and external barriers was statistically significant (t = 0.0175; p = 0.0000) and (t = 0.0128; p = 0.0000). Hypothesis three which tested modifying factors, cues to action, select demographic variables, and the main effects of the HBM with self reported UP compliance overall was significant. The variables gender, birth, education, job type, EMS certification, years of service, years of experience providing patient care, Universal Precautions training hours, type of apparatus assigned to and the number of EMS related incidents responded to in a month were found to have a significant contribution to the stated use of Universal Precautions. ^ The additive effects were tested by use of a stepwise regression that assessed the contribution of each of the significant variables. Three variables in the equation were statistically significant. Internal barriers (t = −8.5507; p = 0.0000), external barriers (t = −6.2862; p = 0.000) and job type 2 & 3. Job type two (t = −2.8464; p = 0.0045 is titled Engineer/Operator. Job type three (t = −2.5730; p = 0.0103) is titled captain. The overall regression was significant (F = 24.06; p = 0.000). The Hypothesis is supported in the certain demographic variables do influence the stated use of Universal precautions and that as internal and external barriers are decreased, there is an increase in the stated use of Universal Precautions. ^ In summary, this study demonstrated that internal and external barriers have a significant impact on the stated use of Universal Precautions. Internal barriers are those factors within the individual that require an internal change (i.e., forgetfulness, freedom, perception of the urgency of the patient's needs etc.) and external barriers are things in the environment that can be altered (i.e., equipment design, availability of equipment, ease of use). These two model variables explained 23%–30% of the variance. ^