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In vitro, RecA protein catalyses the exchange of single strands of DNA between different DNA molecules with sequence complementarity. In order to gain insight into this complex reaction and the roles of ATP binding and hydrolysis, two different approaches have been taken. The first is to use short single-stranded deoxyoligonucleotides as the ssDNA in strand exchange. These were used to determine the signal for hydrolysis and the structure of the RecA-DNA complex that hydrolyses ATP. I present a defined kinetic analysis of the nucleotide triphosphatase activity of RecA protein using short oligonucleotides as ssDNA cofactor. I compare the effects of both homopolymers and mixed base composition oligomers on the ATPase activity of RecA protein. I examine the steady state kinetic parameters of the ATPase reaction using these oligonucleotides as ssDNA cofactor, and show that although RecA can both bind to, and utilise, oligonucleotides 7 to 20 residues in length to support the repressor cleavage activity of RecA, these oligonucleotides are unable to efficiently stimulate the ATPase activity of RecA protein. I show that the K$\sb{\rm m}\sp{\rm ATP}$, the Hill coefficient for ATP binding, the extent of reaction, and k$\sb{\rm cat}$ are all a function of ssDNA chain length and that secondary structure may also play a role in determining the effects of a particular chain length on the ATPase activity of RecA protein.^ The second approach is to utilise one of the many mutants of RecA to gain insight into this complex reaction. The mutant selected was RecA1332. Surprisingly, in vitro, this mutant possesses a DNA-dependent ATPase activity. The K$\sb{\rm m}\sp{\rm ATP}$, Hill coefficient for ATP binding, and K$\sb{\rm m}\sp{\rm DNA}$ are similar to that of wild type. k$\sb{\rm cat}$ for the ATPase activity is reduced 3 to 12-fold, however. RecA1332 is unable to use deoxyoligonucleotides as DNA cofactors in the ATPase reaction, and demonstrates an increased sensitivity to inhibition by monovalent ions. It is able to perform strand exchange with ATP and ATP$\lbrack\gamma\rbrack$S but not with UTP, whereas the wild type protein is able to use all three nucleotide triphosphates. RecA1332 appears to be slowed in its ability to form intermediates and to convert these intermediates to products. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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The cellular form of the prion protein (PrP(c)) is necessary for the development of prion diseases and is a highly conserved protein that may play a role in neuroprotection. PrP(c) is found in both blood and cerebrospinal fluid and is likely produced by both peripheral tissues and the central nervous system (CNS). Exchange of PrP(c) between the brain and peripheral tissues could have important pathophysiologic and therapeutic implications, but it is unknown whether PrP(c) can cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Here, we found that radioactively labeled PrP(c) crossed the BBB in both the brain-to-blood and blood-to-brain directions. PrP(c) was enzymatically stable in blood and in brain, was cleared by liver and kidney, and was sequestered by spleen and the cervical lymph nodes. Circulating PrP(c) entered all regions of the CNS, but uptake by the lumbar and cervical spinal cord, hypothalamus, thalamus, and striatum was particularly high. These results show that PrP(c) has bidirectional, saturable transport across the BBB and selectively targets some CNS regions. Such transport may play a role in PrP(c) function and prion replication.


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Pepper (Capsicum annuum) serotonin N-hydroxycinnamoyltransferase (SHT) catalyzes the synthesis of N-hydroxycinnamic acid amides of serotonin, including feruloylserotonin and p-coumaroylserotonin. To elucidate the domain or the key amino acid that determines the amine substrate specificity, we isolated a tyramine N-hydroxycinnamoyltransferase (THT) gene from pepper. Purified recombinant THT protein catalyzed the synthesis of N-hydroxycinnamic acid amides of tyramine, including feruloyltyramine and p-coumaroyltyramine, but did not accept serotonin as a substrate. Both the SHT and THT mRNAs were found to be expressed constitutively in all pepper organs. Pepper SHT and THT, which have primary sequences that are 78% identical, were used as models to investigate the structural determinants responsible for their distinct substrate specificities and other enzymatic properties. A series of chimeric genes was constructed by reciprocal exchange of DNA segments between the SHT and THT cDNAs. Functional characterization of the recombinant chimeric proteins revealed that the amino acid residues 129 to 165 of SHT and the corresponding residues 125 to 160 in THT are critical structural determinants for amine substrate specificity. Several amino acids are strongly implicated in the determination of amine substrate specificity, in which glycine-158 is involved in catalysis and amine substrate binding and tyrosine-149 plays a pivotal role in controlling amine substrate specificity between serotonin and tyramine in SHT. Furthermore, the indisputable role of tyrosine is corroborated by the THT-F145Y mutant that uses serotonin as the acyl acceptor. The results from the chimeras and the kinetic measurements will direct the creation of additional novel N-hydroxycinnamoyltransferases from the various N-hydroxycinnamoyltransferases found in nature.


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Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (RSs) are responsible for the essential connection of amino acids with trinucleotide sequences of tRNA's. The RS family constitutes two structurally dissimilar groups of proteins, class I and class II. Methionyl-tRNA synthetase (MetRS) and isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (IleRS), both members of class I, were the focus of this work. Both enzymes are zinc-containing proteins; show a high degree of amino acid specificity; and edit activated noncognate amino acids, thereby ensuring the fidelity of the genetic code. The goals of this work were to further delineate the molecular basis of catalysis and discrimination in these enzymes by mapping active site geometries using high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR).^ Internuclear distances obtained from transferred nuclear Overhauser effects were used to define the conformations of Mg($\alpha$,$\beta$-methylene)ATP bound to E. coli MetRS and E. coli IleRS in multiple complexes. Identical conformations were found for the bound ATP. Thus, the predicted structural homology between IleRS and MetRS is supported by consensus enzyme-bound nucleotide conformations. The conformation of the bound nucleotide is not sensitive to occupation of the amino acid site of MetRS or IleRS. Therefore, conformational changes known to occur in the synthetases upon ligand binding appear not to alter the bound conformation of the adenosine portion of the nucleotide. Nuclear Overhauser effects on the substrate amino acid L-selenomethionine were also used to evaluate the enzyme-bound conformation of the cognate amino acid. The amino acid assumes a conformation which is consistent with a proposed editing mechanism.^ The E. coli MetRS was shown to catalyze amino acid $\alpha$-proton exchange in the presence of deuterium oxide of all cognate amino acids. It is proposed that the enzyme-bound zinc coordinates the $\alpha$-carboxylate of the amino acid, rendering the $\alpha$-proton more acidic. An enzymic base is responsible for exchange of the $\alpha$-proton. This proposal suggests that the enzyme-bound zinc may have a role in amino acid discrimination in MetRS. However, the role of this exchange reaction in catalysis remains unknown. ^


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An observational study was conducted in a SICU to determine the frequency of subclavian vein catheter-related infection at 72 hours, to identify the hospital cost of exchange via a guidewire and the estimated hospital cost-savings of a 72 hour vs 144 hour exchange policy.^ An overall catheter-related infection ($\geq$15 col. by Maki's technique (1977)) occurred in 3% (3/100) of the catheter tips cultured. Specific infections rates were: 9.7% (3/31) for triple lumen catheters, 0% (0/30) for Swan-Ganz catheters, 0% (0/30) for Cordes catheters, and 0% (0/9) for single lumen catheters.^ An estimated annual hospital cost-savings of $35,699.00 was identified if exchange of 72 hour policy were changed to every 144 hours.^ It was recommended that a randomized clinical trial be conducted to determine the effect of changing a subclavian vein catheter via a guidewire every 72 hours vs 144 hours. ^