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Species variations in formaldehyde solutions and gases were investigated by means of infrared spectral analysis. Double beam infrared spectrometry in conjunction with sodium chloride wafer technique and solvent compensation technique were employed. Formaldehyde species in various solutions were investigated. Formalin 37% was stable for many months. Refrigeration had no effects on its stability. Spectral changes were detected in 1000 ppm formaldehyde solutions. The absorbances of very diluted solutions up to 100 ppm were lower than the detection limit of the instruments. Solvent compensation improved resolution, but was associated with an observed lack of repeatability. Formaldehyde species in animal chambers containing animals and in mobile home air were analyzed with the infrared spectrophotometer equipped with a 10 cm gas cell. Spectra were not different from the spectrum of clean air. A portable single beam infrared spectrometer with a 20 meter pathlength was used for reinvestigation. Indoor formaldehyde could not be detected in the spectral; conversely, an absorption peak at 3.58 microns was found in the spectra of 3 and 15 ppm formaldehyde gas in animal chambers. This peak did not appear in the spectrum of the control chamber. Because of concerns over measurement bias among various analytical methods for formaldehyde, side-by-side comparisons were conducted in both laboratory and field measurements. The chromotropic acid method with water and 1% sodium bisulfite as collection media, the pararosaniline method, and a single beam infrared spectrometer were compared. Measurement bias was elucidated and the extent of the effects of temperature and humidity was also determined. The problems associated with related methods were discussed. ^


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Objective. The purpose of the study is to provide a holistic depiction of behavioral & environmental factors contributing to risky sexual behaviors among predominantly high school educated, low-income African Americans residing in urban areas of Houston, TX utilizing the Theory of Gender and Power, Situational/Environmental Variables Theory, and Sexual Script Theory. Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted via questionnaires among 215 Houston area residents, 149 were women and 66 were male. Measures used to assess behaviors of the population included a history of homelessness, use of crack/cocaine among several other illicit drugs, the type of sexual partner, age of participant, age of most recent sex partner, whether or not participants sought health care in the last 12 months, knowledge of partner's other sexual activities, symptoms of depression, and places where partner's were met. In an effort to determine risk of sexual encounters, a risk index employing the variables used to assess condom use was created categorizing sexual encounters as unsafe or safe. Results. Variables meeting the significance level of p<.15 for the bivariate analysis of each theory were entered into a binary logistic regression analysis. The block for each theory was significant, suggesting that the grouping assignments of each variable by theory were significantly associated with unsafe sexual behaviors. Within the regression analysis, variables such as sex for drugs/money, low income, and crack use demonstrated an effect size of ≥ ± 1, indicating that these variables had a significant effect on unsafe sexual behavioral practices. Conclusions. Variables assessing behavior and environment demonstrated a significant effect when categorized by relation to designated theories.


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Ultraviolet (UV) radiation produces immunological alterations in both humans and animals that include a decrease in the delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) response to complex antigens, and to the induction of the suppressor T cell pathway. Cell-mediated immunity of the type that is altered by UV radiation has been shown to be important in host resistance against microorganisms. My dissertation addresses questions concerning the effects of UV radiation on the pathogenesis of opportunistic fungal pathogens such as Candida albicans.^ The (DTH) response of C3H mice exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation before (afferent arm of DTH) or after (efferent arm of DTH) infection with Candida albicans was markedly and systemically suppressed. Although suppression of both the afferent and efferent phases of DTH were caused by similar wavebands within the ultraviolet region, the dose of UV radiation that suppressed the efferent arm of DTH was 10-fold higher than the dose that suppressed the afferent arm of the DTH reaction.^ The DTH response of C57BL/6 mice was also suppressed by UV radiation; however the suppression was accomplished by exposure to significantly lower doses UV radiation compared to C3H mice. In C57BL/6 mice, the dose of UV radiation that suppressed the afferent phase of DTH was 5-fold higher than the dose that suppressed the efferent phase.^ Exposure of C3H mice to UV radiation before sensitization induced splenic suppressor T cells that upon transfer to normal recipients, impaired the induction of DTH to Candida. In contrast, the suppression caused by UV irradiation of mice after sensitization was not transferable. Spleen cells from sensitized mice exhibited altered homing patterns in animals that were exposed to UV radiation shortly before receiving cells, suggesting that UV-induced suppression of the efferent arm of DTH could result from an alteration in the distribution of effector cells.^ UV radiation decreased the survival of Candida-infected mice; however, no correlation was found between suppression of the DTH response and the course of lethal infection. This suggested that DTH was not protective against lethal disease with this organism. UV radiation also changed the persistence of the organism in the internal organs. UV-irradiated, infected animals had increased numbers of Candida in their kidneys compared to non-irradiated mice. Sensitization prior to UV irradiation aided clearance of the organism from the kidneys of UV-irradiated mice.^ These data show that UV radiation suppresses cell-mediated immunity to Candida albicans in mice and increases mortality of Candida-infected mice. Moreover, the data suggest that an increase in environmental UV radiation could increase the severity of pathogenic infections. ^


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Objectives. The purpose of this study was to identify the psychosocial and environmental predictors and the pathways they use to influence calcium intake, physical activity and bone health among adolescent girls. Methods. A secondary data analysis using a cross-sectional and longitudinal study design was implemented to examine the associations of interest. Data from the Incorporating More Physical Activity and Calcium in Teens (IMPACT) study collected in 2001-2003 were utilized for the analyses. IMPACT was a 1½ year nutrition and physical activity intervention study conducted among 718 middle-school girls in central Texas. Hierarchical regression modeling and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were used to determine the psychosocial predictors of calcium intake, physical activity and bone health at baseline. Hierarchical regression was used to determine if psychosocial factors at baseline were significant predictors of calcium intake and physical activity at follow-up. Data was adjusted for included BMI, lactose intolerance, ethnicity, menarchal status, intervention and participation in 7th grade PE/athletics. Results. Results of the baseline regression analysis revealed that calcium self-efficacy and milk availability at home were the strongest predictors of calcium intake. Friend engagement in physical activity, physical activity self-efficacy and participation in sports teams were the strongest predictors of physical activity. Finally, physical activity outcome expectations, social support and participation in sports teams were significant predictors of stiffness index at baseline. Results of the baseline SEM path analysis found that outcome expectations and milk availability at home directly influenced calcium intake. Knowledge and calcium self-efficacy indirectly influenced calcium intake with outcome expectations as the mediator. Physical activity self-efficacy and social support had significant direct and indirect influence on physical activity with participation in sports teams as the mediator. Participation in sports teams had a direct effect on both physical activity and stiffness index. Results of regression analysis for baseline predicting follow-up showed that participation in sports teams, self-efficacy, outcome expectations and social support at baseline were significant predictors of physical activity at follow-up. Conclusion. Results of this study reinforce the relevance of addressing both, psychosocial and environmental factors which are critical when developing interventions to improve bone health among adolescent girls. ^


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Objective. The purpose of the study is to provide a holistic depiction of behavioral & environmental factors contributing to risky sexual behaviors among predominantly high school educated, low-income African Americans residing in urban areas of Houston, TX utilizing the Theory of Gender and Power, Situational/Environmental Variables Theory, and Sexual Script Theory. ^ Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted via questionnaires among 215 Houston area residents, 149 were women and 66 were male. Measures used to assess behaviors of the population included a history of homelessness, use of crack/cocaine among several other illicit drugs, the type of sexual partner, age of participant, age of most recent sex partner, whether or not participants sought health care in the last 12 months, knowledge of partner's other sexual activities, symptoms of depression, and places where partner's were met. In an effort to determine risk of sexual encounters, a risk index employing the variables used to assess condom use was created categorizing sexual encounters as unsafe or safe. ^ Results. Variables meeting the significance level of p<.15 for the bivariate analysis of each theory were entered into a binary logistic regression analysis. The block for each theory was significant, suggesting that the grouping assignments of each variable by theory were significantly associated with unsafe sexual behaviors. Within the regression analysis, variables such as sex for drugs/money, low income, and crack use demonstrated an effect size of ≥±1, indicating that these variables had a significant effect on unsafe sexual behavioral practices. ^ Conclusions. Variables assessing behavior and environment demonstrated a significant effect when categorized by relation to designated theories. ^


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This study is a secondary analysis of a survey developed by Dr. Jimmy Perkins and administered by San Antonio/Bexar County Metropolitan Health District. The survey was developed subsequent to the implementation of the city smoking ordinance effective January 1, 2004. The survey had a multi-purpose plan to establish the number of restaurants having smoke free status prior to and following the ordinance, determine compliance as it relates to a necessary smoking section and proper signage, and expose the rationale for restaurants to become smoke free. The data resulting from the survey was presented to the San Antonio/Bexar County Metropolitan Health District. The summary presented the types of establishments surveyed, smoking status of the establishment, reasons for the establishment becoming smoke free, compliance with smoking sections, compliance with signage requirements, awareness of ordinance, and chain status of the establishment. ^ The results of this study display the relationships among the variables previously mentioned. The following relationships have been examined and the outcomes have determined whether each is significant. After careful analysis, knowledge translates into compliance with signage regulations, which then translate into ordinance compliance. Size does matter as it relates to an establishment's number of employees and seating capacity. The smaller the establishment the more likely the establishment is to have become smoke free before the ordinance went into effect. Restaurants, rather than fast food establishments most commonly cited their reason for becoming smoke free was to comply with the ordinance and only ten percent of restaurants gave policy as the main reason for becoming smoke free. ^ This study is important for public health because the negative health effects of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) are still an overwhelming problem in the United States (3). ETS is a Known Human Group A Carcinogen (5). The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has estimated that around 3,000 non-smoking Americans die every year from lung cancer caused by ETS (6). This information illustrates the importance of providing smoke free establishments, especially to non-smoking patrons. ^


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The disparate burden of breast cancer-related morbidity and mortality experienced by African American women compared with women of other races is a topic of intense debate in the medical and public health arenas. The anomaly is consistently attributed to the fact that at diagnosis, a large proportion of African American women have advanced-stage disease. Extensive research has documented the impacts of cultural factors and of socioeconomic factors in shaping African American women's breast-health practices; however, there is another factor of a more subtle influence that might have some role in establishing these women's vulnerability to this disease: the lack of or perceived lack of partner support. Themes expressed in the research literature reflect that many African American breast cancer patients and survivors consider their male partners as being apathetic and nonsupportive. ^ The purpose of this study was to learn how African American couples' ethnographic paradigms and cultural explanatory model of breast cancer frame the male partners' responses to the women's diagnosis and to assess his ability to cope and willingness to adapt to the subsequent challenges. The goal of the study was to determine whether these men's coping and adaptation skills positively or negatively affect the women's self-care attitudes and behaviors. ^ This study involved 4 African American couples in which the woman was a breast cancer survivor. Participants were recruited through a community-based cancer support group and a church-based cancer support group. Recruitment sessions were held at regular meetings of these organizations. Accrual took 2 months. In separate sessions, each male partner and each survivor completed a demographic survey and a questionnaire and were interviewed. Additionally, the couples were asked to participate in a communications activity (Adinkra). This activity was not done to fulfill any part of the study purpose and was not included in the data analysis; rather, it was done to assess its potential use as an intervention to promote dialogue between African American partners about the experience of breast cancer. ^ The questionnaire was analyzed on the basis of a coding schema and the interview responses were analyzed on the principles of hermeneutic phenomenology. In both cases, the instruments were used to determine whether the partner's coping skills reflected a compassionate attitude (positive response) versus an apathetic attitude (negative response) and whether his adaptation skills reflected supportive behaviors (the positive response) versus nonsupportive behaviors (the negative response). Overall, the women's responses showed that they perceived of their partners as being compassionate, yet nonsupportive, and the partner's perceived of themselves likewise. Only half of the women said that their partners' coping and adaptation abilities enabled them to relinquish traditional concepts of control and focus on their own well-being. ^ The themes that emerged indicate that African American men's attitudes and behaviors regarding his female partner's diagnosis of breast cancer and his ability to cope and willingness to adapt are influenced by their ritualistic mantras, folk beliefs, religious teachings/spiritual values, existential ideologies, socioeconomic status, and environmental factors and by their established perceptions of what causes breast cancer, what the treatments and outcomes are, and how the disease affects the entire family, particularly him. These findings imply that a culturally specific intervention might be useful in educating African American men about breast cancer and their roles in supporting their female partners, physically and psychologically, during diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. ^


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Triglyceride levels are a component of plasma lipids that are thought to be an important risk factor for coronary heart disease and are influenced by genetic and environmental factors, such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), alcohol intake, and smoking. This study used longitudinal data from the Bogalusa Heart Study, a biracial community-based survey of cardiovascular disease risk factors. A sample of 1191 individuals, 4 to 38 years of age, was measured multiple times from 1973 to 2000. The study sample consisted of 730 white and 461 African American participants. Individual growth models were developed in order to assess gene-environment interactions affecting plasma triglycerides over time. After testing for inclusion of significant covariates and interactions, final models, each accounting for the effects of a different SNP, were assessed for fit and normality. After adjustment for all other covariates and interactions, LIPC -514C/T was found to interact with age3, age2, and age and a non-significant interaction of CETP -971G/A genotype with smoking status was found (p = 0.0812). Ever-smokers had higher triglyceride levels than never smokers, but persons heterozygous at this locus, about half of both races, had higher triglyceride levels after smoking cessation compared to current smokers. Since tobacco products increase free fatty acids circulating in the bloodstream, smoking cessation programs have the potential to ultimately reduce triglyceride levels for many persons. However, due to the effect of smoking cessation on the triglyceride levels of CETP -971G/A heterozygotes, the need for smoking prevention programs is also demonstrated. Both smoking cessation and prevention programs would have a great public health impact on minimizing triglyceride levels and ultimately reducing heart disease. ^


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Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is a well established health hazard, being causally associated to lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. ETS regulations have been developed worldwide to reduce or eliminate exposure in most public places. Restaurants and bars constitute an exception. Restaurants and bar workers experience the highest ETS exposure levels across several occupations, with correspondingly increased health risks. In Mexico, previous exposure assessment in restaurants and bars showed concentrations in bars and restaurants to be the highest across different public and workplaces. Recently, Mexico developed at the federal level the General Law for Tobacco Control restricting indoors smoking to separated areas. AT the local level Mexico City developed the Law for the Protection of Non-smokers Health, completely banning smoking in restaurants and bars. Studies to assess ETS exposure in restaurants and bars, along with potential health effects were required to evaluate the impact of these legislative changes and to set a baseline measurement for future evaluations.^ A large cross-sectional study conducted in restaurants and bars from four Mexican cities was conducted from July to October 2008, to evaluate the following aims: Aim 1) Explore the potential impact of the Mexico City ban on ETS concentrations through comparison of Mexico City with other cities. Aim 2). Explore the association between ETS exposure, respiratory function indicators and respiratory symptoms. Aim 3). Explore the association between ETS exposure and blood pressure and heart rate.^ Three cities with no smoking ban were selected: Colima (11.5% smoking prevalence), Cuernavaca (21.5% smoking prevalence) and Toluca (27.8% smoking prevalence). Mexico City (27.9% smoking prevalence), the only city with a ban at the time of the study, was also selected. Restaurants and bars were randomly selected from municipal records. A goal of 26 restaurants and 26 bars per city was set, 50% of them under 100 m2. Each establishment was visited during the highest occupancy shift, and managers and workers answered to a questionnaire. Vapor-phase nicotine was measured using passive monitors, that were activated at the beginning and deactivated at the end of the shift. Also, workers participated at the beginning and end of the shift in a short physical evaluation, comprising the measurement of Forced Expiratory Volume in the first second (FEV1) and Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF), as well as blood pressure and heart rate.^ A total of 371 establishments were invited, 219 agreed to participate for a 60.1% participation rate. In them, 828 workers were invited, 633 agreed to participate for a 76% participation rate. Mexico City had at least 4 times less nicotine compared to any of the other cities. Differences between Mexico City and other cities were not explained by establishment characteristics, such as ventilation or air extraction. However, differences between cities disappeared when ban mechanisms, such as policy towards costumer's smoking, were considered in the models. An association between ETS exposure and respiratory symptoms (cough OR=1.27, 95%CI=1.04, 1.55) and respiratory illness (asthma OR=1.97, 95%CI=1.20, 3.24; respiratory illness OR=1.79, 95%CI=1.10, 2.94) was observed. No association between ETS and phlegm, wheezing or respiratory infections was observed. No association between ETS and any of the spirometric indicators was observed. An association between ETS exposure and increased systolic and diastolic blood pressure at the end of the shift was observed among non-smokers (systolic blood pressure beta=1.51, 95%CI=0.44, 2.58; diastolic blood pressure beta=1.50, 95%CI=0.72, 2.28). The opposite effect was observed in heavy smokers, were increased ETS exposure was associated with lower blood pressure at the end of the shift (systolic blood pressure beta=1.90, 95%CI=-3.57, -0.23; diastolic blood pressure beta=-1.46, 95%CI=-2.72, -0.02). No association in light smokers was observed. No association for heart rate was observed. ^ Results from this dissertation suggest Mexico City's smoking ban has had a larger impact on ETS exposure. Ventilation or air extraction, mechanisms of ETS control suggested frequently by tobacco companies to avoid smoking bans were not associated with ETS exposure. This dissertation suggests ETS exposure could be linked to changes in blood pressure and to increased respiratory symptoms. Evidence derived from this dissertation points to the potential negative health effects of ETS exposure in restaurants and bars, and provides support for the development of total smoking bans in this economic sector. ^


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Problem. Recent statistics show that over a fifth of children aged 2-5 years in 2006-2008 were overweight, with 7% above the 97 th percentile of the BMI-for-age growth charts (extreme obesity). Because poor diet is an important environmental determinant of obesity and the preschool years are crucial developmentally, examination of factors related to diet in the pre-school years is important for obesity prevention efforts. ^ Objective. The goals of this study were to determine the association between BMI of the parents and the number of servings of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains (FVWG) packed; the nutrient content of preschool children’s lunches; and norms and expectations about FVWG intake.^ Methods. This study was a cross sectional analysis of parents enrolled in the Lunch is in the Bag program at baseline. The independent measure was weight status of the parents/caregivers, which was determined using body mass index (BMI) calculated from self-reported height and weight. BMI was classified as healthy weight (BMI <25) or overweight/obese (BMI ≥25). Outcomes for the study included the number of servings of fruits, vegetables and whole grains (FVWG) in sack lunches, as well as the nutrient content of the lunches, and psychosocial constructs related to FVWG consumption. Linear regression analysis was conducted and adjusted for confounders to examine the associations of these outcomes with parental weight status, the main predictor. ^ Results. A total of 132 parent/child dyads were enrolled in the study; 59.09% (n=78) of the parents/caregivers were healthy weight and 39.01% (n=54) of the parents/caregivers were overweight/obese. Parents/caregivers in the study were predominantly white (68%, n=87) and had at least some college education (98%, n=128). No significant associations were found between the weight status of the parents and the servings of fruits, vegetables and whole grain packed in preschool children’s lunchboxes. The results were similar for the association of parental weight status and the nutrient contents of the packed lunches. Both healthy weight and overweight/obese parents packed less than the recommended amounts of vegetables (mean servings = 0.49 and 0.534, respectively) and whole grains (mean servings = 0.58 and 0.511, respectively). However, the intentions of the obese/overweight parents were higher compare to the healthy for vegetables and whole grains.^ Conclusion. Results from this study indicate that there are few differences in the servings of fruits, vegetables and whole grains packed by healthy weight parents/caregivers compared to overweight/obese parents/caregivers in a high income, well-educated population, although neither group met the recommended number of servings of vegetables or whole grains. Thus, results indicate the need for behaviorally-based health promotion programs for parents, regardless of their weight status; however, this study should be replicated with larger and more diverse populations to determine if these results are similar with less homogenous populations.^


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This study evaluated the administration-time-dependent effects of a stimulant (Dexedrine 5-mg), a sleep-inducer (Halcion 0.25-mg) and placebo (control) on human performance. The investigation was conducted on 12 diurnally active (0700-2300) male adults (23-38 yrs) using a double-blind, randomized sixway-crossover three-treatment, two-timepoint (0830 vs 2030) design. Performance tests were conducted hourly during sleepless 13-hour studies using a computer generated, controlled and scored multi-task cognitive performance assessment battery (PAB) developed at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. Specific tests were Simple and Choice Reaction Time, Serial Addition/Subtraction, Spatial Orientation, Logical Reasoning, Time Estimation, Response Timing and the Stanford Sleepiness Scale. The major index of performance was "Throughput", a combined measure of speed and accuracy.^ For the Placebo condition, Single and Group Cosinor Analysis documented circadian rhythms in cognitive performance for the majority of tests, both for individuals and for the group. Performance was best around 1830-2030 and most variable around 0530-0700 when sleepiness was greatest (0300).^ Morning Dexedrine dosing marginally enhanced performance an average of 3% with reference to the corresponding in time control level. Dexedrine AM also increased alertness by 10% over the AM control. Dexedrine PM failed to improve performance with reference to the corresponding PM control baseline. With regard to AM and PM Dexedrine administrations, AM performance was 6% better with subjects 25% more alert.^ Morning Halcion administration caused a 7% performance decrement and 16% increase in sleepiness and a 13% decrement and 10% increase in sleepiness when administered in the evening compared to corresponding in time control data. Performance was 9% worse and sleepiness 24% greater after evening versus morning Halcion administration.^ These results suggest that for evening Halcion dosing, the overnight sleep deprivation occurring in coincidence with the nadir in performance due to circadian rhythmicity together with the CNS depressant effects combine to produce performance degradation. For Dexedrine, morning administration resulted in only marginal performance enhancement; Dexedrine in the evening was less effective, suggesting the 5-mg dose level may be too low to counteract the partial sleep deprivation and nocturnal nadir in performance. ^


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This study addressed two purposes: (1) to determine the effect of person-environment fit on the psychological well-being of psychiatric aides and (2) to determine what role the coping resources of social support and control have on the above relationship. Two hundred and ten psychiatric aides working in a state hospital in Texas responded to a questionnaire pertaining to these issues.^ Person-environment fit, as a measure of occupational stress, was assessed through a modified version of the Work Environment Scale (WES). The WES subscales used in this study were: involvement, autonomy, job pressure, job clarity, and physical comfort. Psychological well-being was measured with the General Well-Being Schedule which was developed by the National Center for Health Statistics. Co-worker and supervisor support were measured through the WES and finally, control was assessed through Rotter's Locus of Control Scale.^ The results of this study were as follows: (1) all person-environment (p-e) dimensions appeared to have linear relationships with psychological well-being; (2) the p-e fit - well-being relationship did not appear to be confounded by demographic factors; (3) all p-e fit dimensions were significantly related to well-being except for autonomy; (4) p-e fit was more strongly related to well-being than the environmental measure alone; (5) supervisor support and non-work related support were found to have additive effects on the relationship between p-e fit and well-being, however no interaction or buffering effects were observed; (6) locus of control was found to have additive effects in the prediction of well-being and showed interactive effects with work pressure, involvement and physical comfort; and (7) the testing of the overall study model which included many of the components mentioned above yielded an R('2) = .27.^ Implications of these findings are discussed, future research suggested and applications proposed. ^


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The purpose of this study was to investigate whether an incongruence between personality characteristics of individuals and concomitant charcteristics of health professional training environments on salient dimensions contributes to aspects of mental health. The dimensions examined were practical-theoretical orientation and the degree of structure-unstructure. They were selected for study as they are particularly important attributes of students and of learning environments. It was proposed that when the demand of the environment is disparate from the proclivities of the individual, strain arises. This strain was hypothesized to contribute to anxiety, depression, and subjective distress.^ Select subscales on the Omnibus Personality Inventory (OPI) were the operationalized measures for the personality component of the dimensions studied. An environmental index was developed to assess students' perceptions of the learning environment on these same dimensions. The Beck Depression Inventory, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and General Well-Being schedule measured the outcome variables.^ A congruence model was employed to determine person-environment (P-E) interaction. Scores on the scales of the OPI and the environmental index were divided into high, medium, and low based on the range of scores. Congruence was defined as a match between the level of personality need and the complementary level of the perception of the environment. Alternatively, incongruence was defined as a mismatch between the person and the environment. The consistent category was compared to the inconsistent categories by an analysis of variance procedure. Furthermore, analyses of covariance were conducted with perceived supportiveness of the learning environment and life events external to the learning environment as the covariates. These factors were considered critical influences affecting the outcome measures.^ One hundred and eighty-five students (49% of the population) at the College of Optometry at the University of Houston participated in the study. Students in all four years of the program were equally represented in the study. However, the sample differed from the total population on representation by sex, marital status, and undergraduate major.^ The results of the study did not support the hypotheses. Further, after having adjusted for perceived supportiveness and life events external to the learning environment, there were no statistically significant differences between the congruent category and incongruent categories. Means indicated than the study sample experienced significantly lower depression and subjective distress than the normative samples.^ Results are interpreted in light of their utility for future study design in the investigation of the effects of P-E interaction. Emphasized is the question of the feasibility of testing a P-E interaction model with extant groups. Recommendations for subsequent research are proposed in light of the exploratory nature of the methodology. ^


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Excessively high, accelerating lung cancer rates among women in Harris County, Texas, prompted this case-comparison study. Objectives were to compare patterns of employment, indirect exposures, and sociodemographic variables of lung cancer cases with comparison subjects (compeers) after standardizing for possible confounders, such as age and cigarette smoking. Lung cancer cases were microscopically confirmed, white, Harris County residents. Compeers, chosen from Medicare records and Texas Department of Public Safety records, were matched on gender, race, age, resident and vital status. Personal interviews were conducted with study subjects or next-of-kin. Industries and occupations were categorized as high risk, based on previous studies.^ Almost all cases (95.0%) and 60.0% of compeers smoked cigarettes. The odds ratio for lung cancer and smoking is 13.9. Stopping smoking between ages 30-50 years carries a lower risk than stopping at age 58 or more years. Women's employment in a high risk industry or occupation results in consistently elevated, smoking-adjusted odds ratios. Frequency and duration of employment demonstrate a moderate dose-response effect. A temporal association exists with employment in a high risk occupation during 1940-1949.^ No increased risk appeared with passive smoking. Husband's employment in a construction industry or a structural occupation significantly increased the smoking-adjusted odds ratios among cases and compeers (O.R. = 2.9, 2.2). Smoking-adjusted odds ratios increased significantly when women had resided with persons employed in cement (O.R. = 3.2) or insulation (O.R. = 5.5) manufacturing, or a high rise construction industry (O.R. = 2.4). A family history of lung cancer resulted in a two-fold increase in smoking-adjusted odds ratios. Vital status of compeers affected the odds ratios.^ Work-related exposures appear to increase the risk of lung cancer in women although cigarette smoking has the single highest odds ratio. Indirect exposure to certain employment also plays a significant role in lung cancer in women. Investigations of specific direct and indirect hazardous exposures in the workplace and home are needed. Cigarette smoking is as hazardous for women as for men. Smoking should be prevented and eliminated. ^


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Background: As obesity increases among U.S. workers, employers are implementing programs to increase physical activity and improve diets. Although programs to address individual determinants of obesity have been evaluated, less is known about the effects of workplace programs that change environmental factors, because most reviews have not isolated environmental programs; the one that did was published in 2005. ^ Objective: To update the 2005 review to determine the effectiveness of workplace environmental interventions. ^ Methods: The Medline database was searched for published English language reports (2003-2011) of randomized controlled (RCTs) or quasi-experimental trials (NRCTs) that evaluated strategies to modify physical activity opportunities or food services, targeting employees at least 18 years, not including retirees and that provided data for at least one physical activity, dietary, or health risk indicator. Three coders independently extracted study characteristics and scored the quality of study methods. Program effectiveness was determined using the 2005 review's best evidence approach. ^ Results: Seven studies represented in nine reports met eligibility criteria; three focused on diet and the remainder targeted diet and physical activity interventions. All but one study received a high quality score for internal validity. The evidence for the effectiveness of workplace environmental interventions was at best, inconclusive for diet and physical activity and limited for health risk indicators. The outcome constructs were inconsistent across the studies. ^ Conclusions: Limitations in the methods of the 2005 review made it challenging to draw conclusions about findings for this review that include: variation in outcome measures, reliance on distal measures without proximal behavior change measures, no distinction between changes at the workplace versus outside the workplace, and inappropriate analyses of cluster designs that biased findings toward statistical significance. The best evidence approach relied on vote-counting, using statistical significance alone rather than effect size and confidence intervals. Future research should address these limitations and use more rigorous methods; systematic reviews should use methods of meta-analysis to summarize study findings. These recommendations will help employers to better understand how environmental modifications in the workplace can support their efforts to combat the effects of obesity among employees.^