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This study aimed to develop and validate The Cancer Family Impact Scale (CFIS), an instrument for use in studies investigating relationships among family factors and colorectal cancer (CRC) screening when family history is a risk factor. We used existing data to develop the measure from 1,285 participants (637 families) across the United States who were in the Johns Hopkins Colon Cancer Genetic Testing study. Participants were 94% white with an average age of 50.1 years, and 60% were women. None had a personal CRC history, and eighty percent had 1 FDR with CRC and 20% had more than one FDR with CRC. The study had three aims: (1) to identify the latent factors underlying the CFIS via exploratory factor analysis (EFA); (2) to confirm the findings of the EFA via confirmatory factor analysis (CFA); and (3) to assess the reliability of the scale via Cronbach's alpha. Exploratory analyses were performed on a split half of the sample, and the final model was confirmed on the other half. The EFA suggested the CFIS was an 18-item measure with 5 latent constructs: (1) NEGATIVE: negative effects of cancer on the family; (2) POSITIVE: positive effects of cancer on the family; (3) COMMUNICATE: how families communicate about cancer; (4) FLOW: how information about cancer is conveyed in families; and (5) NORM: how individuals react to family norms about cancer. CFA on the holdout sample showed the CFIS to have a reasonably good fit (Chi-square = 389.977, df = 122, RMSEA= 0.058 (.052-.065), CFI=.902, TLI=.877, GF1=.939). The overall reliability of the scale was α=0.65. The reliability of the subscales was: (1) NEGATIVE α = 0.682; (2) POSITIVE α = 0.686; (3) COMMUNICATE α = 0.723; (4) FLOW α = 0.467; and (5) NORM α = 0.732. ^ We concluded the CFIS to be a good measure with most fit levels over 0.90. The CFIS could be used to compare theoretically driven hypotheses about the pathways through which family factors could influence health behavior among unaffected individuals at risk due to family history, and also aid in the development and evaluation of cancer prevention interventions including a family component. ^


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The American Thyroid Association recently classified all MEN2A-associated codons into increasing risk levels A-C and stated that some patients may delay prophylactic thyroidectomy if certain criteria are met. One criterion is a less aggressive family history of MTC but whether families with the same mutated codon have variable MTC aggressiveness is not well described. We developed several novel measures of MTC aggressiveness and compared families with the same mutated codon to determine if there is significant inter-familial variability. Pedigrees of families with MEN2A were reviewed for codon mutated and proportion of RET mutation carriers with MTC. Individuals with MTC were classified as having local or distant MTC and whether they had progressive MTC. MTC status and age were assessed at diagnosis and most advanced MTC stage. For those without MTC, age was recorded at prophylactic thyroidectomy or last follow-up if the patient did not have a thyroidectomy. For each pedigree, the mean age of members without MTC, with MTC, and the proportion of RET mutation carriers with local or distant and progressive MTC were calculated. We assessed differences in these variables using ANOVA and the Fisher’s exact test. Sufficient data for analysis were available for families with mutated codons 609 (92 patients from 13 families), 618 (41 patients from 7 families), and 634 (152 patients from 13 families). The only significant differences found were the mean age of patients without MTC between families with codon 609 and 618 mutations even after accounting for prophylactic thyroidectomy (p=0.006 and 0.001, respectively), and in the mean age of MTC diagnosis between families with codon 618 and 634 mutations even after accounting for symptomatic presentation (p=0.023 and 0.014, respectively). However, these differences may be explained by generational differences in ascertainment of RET carriers and the availability of genetic testing when the proband initially presented.


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Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) is a hereditary cancer syndrome characterized by tumors of the endocrine system. Tumors most commonly develop in the parathyroid glands, pituitary gland, and the gastro-entero pancreatic tract. MEN1 is a highly penetrant condition and age of onset is variable. Most patients are diagnosed in early adulthood; however, rare cases of MEN1 present in early childhood. Expert consensus opinion is that predictive genetic testing should be offered at age 5 years, however there are no evidence-based studies that clearly establish that predictive genetic testing at this age would be beneficial since most symptoms do not present until later in life. This study was designed to explore attitudes about the most appropriate age for predictive genetic testing from individuals at risk of having a child with MEN1. Participants who had an MEN1 mutation were invited to complete a survey and were asked to invite their spouses to participate as well. The survey included several validated measures designed to assess participants’ attitudes about predictive testing in minors. Fifty-eight affected participants and twenty-two spouses/partners completed the survey. Most participants felt that MEN1 genetic testing was appropriate in healthy minors. Younger age and increased knowledge of MEN1 genetics and inheritance predicted genetic testing at a younger age. Additionally, participants who saw more positive than negative general outcomes from genetic testing were more likely to favor genetic testing at younger ages. Overall, participants felt genetic testing should be offered at a younger age than most adult onset conditions and most felt the appropriate time for testing was when a child could understand and participate in the testing process. Psychological concerns seemed to be the primary focus of participants who favored later ages for genetic testing, while medical benefits were more commonly cited for younger age. This exploratory study has implications for counseling patients whose children are at risk of developing MEN1 and illustrates issues that are important to patients and their spouses when considering testing in children.


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Individuals with Lynch syndrome are predisposed to cancer due to an inherited DNA mismatch repair gene mutation. However, there is significant variability observed in disease expression likely due to the influence of other environmental, lifestyle, or genetic factors. Polymorphisms in genes encoding xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes may modify cancer risk by influencing the metabolism and clearance of potential carcinogens from the body. In this retrospective analysis, we examined key candidate gene polymorphisms in CYP1A1, EPHX1, GSTT1, GSTM1, and GSTP1 as modifiers of age at onset of colorectal cancer among 257 individuals with Lynch syndrome. We found that subjects heterozygous for CYP1A1 I462V (c.1384A>G) developed colorectal cancer 4 years earlier than those with the homozygous wild-type genotype (median ages, 39 and 43 years, respectively; log-rank test P = 0.018). Furthermore, being heterozygous for the CYP1A1 polymorphisms, I462V and Msp1 (g.6235T>C), was associated with an increased risk for developing colorectal cancer [adjusted hazard ratio for AG relative to AA, 1.78; 95% confidence interval, 1.16-2.74; P = 0.008; hazard ratio for TC relative to TT, 1.53; 95% confidence interval, 1.06-2.22; P = 0.02]. Because homozygous variants for both CYP1A1 polymorphisms were rare, risk estimates were imprecise. None of the other gene polymorphisms examined were associated with an earlier onset age for colorectal cancer. Our results suggest that the I462V and Msp1 polymorphisms in CYP1A1 may be an additional susceptibility factor for disease expression in Lynch syndrome because they modify the age of colorectal cancer onset by up to 4 years.


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Prostate cancer (PC) is a significant economic and health burden in the U.S. and Europe but its causes are largely unknown. The most significant risk factors (after gender) are age and family history of the disease. A gene with high penetrance but low frequency on chromosome 1q, HPC 1, has been suggested to cause a proportion of the familial aggregation of PC but other more common genes, conferring less risk, are also thought to contribute to disease predisposition. We have pursued a strategy to study both types of genetic risk in PC. To identify high penetrance genes, affected men from thirteen families have been genotyped for genetic linkage analysis at six microsatellite markers spanning 45 cM of 1q24-25. Both LOD score and non-parametric statistics provide no significant support for HPC1 in this genomic region, although 3 of the families did combine to produce a LOD score of 0.9. These families will be included in a genome wide search for other PC predisposition genes as part of a multinational collaboration.^ For study of common genetic factors in PC development, leukocyte DNA samples from an unselected series of 55 patients and 67 controls have been examined for genetic differences in two other candidate genes, the androgen receptor gene, hAR, at Xq11-12, and the vitamin D receptor gene, hVDR, at 12q12-14. hAR was typed for two trinucleotide repeat length polymorphisms, (CAG)$\rm\sb{n}$ and (GGC)$\rm\sb{n},$ encoding polyglutamine and polyglycine tracts, respectively, which have been implicated in PC susceptibility. These data, combined with similarly processed patients and controls from the U.K. show no consistent association of allele length with PC risk. A novel finding, however, has been a significant association between the number of GGC repeats and the length of time between diagnosis and relapse in stage T1-T4 Caucasian patients irrespective of therapy and age of the patient. Of 49 patients who relapsed out of 108 entering the study, those with 16 or fewer GGC repeats had an average relapse-free-period of 101 (+/$-$7.7) months while for those with more than 16 repeats the period averaged 48 (+/$-$2.9) months, a difference of 2.1 fold or 4.4 years.^ The second gene, hVDR, was genotyped at two polymorphisms, a synonymous C/T substitution in exon 9 identified by differential TaqI enzymatic digestion and a variable length polyA tract in the 3$\sp\prime$ UTR. Although these polymorphisms are in strong linkage disequilibrium only the polyA region showed a possible association with PC risk. Men homozygous for alleles with fewer than 18 A's had an increased risk (OR = 3.0, p = 0.0578) compared to controls. This result is opposite to the findings of others and may either indicate off-setting random errors which together balance out to no significant overall effect or reflect more complex genetic and/or environmental associations.^ Overall, this research suggests that single gene familial predisposition may be less prominent in PC than in other cancers and that the characteristics of PC pathology may be useful in identifying the effects of common genetic factors. ^


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Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer mortality in American men. The distinction between those cases of prostate cancer destined to progress rapidly to lethal metastatic disease and those with little likelihood of causing morbidity and mortality is a major goal of current research. Some type of diagnostic method is urgently needed to identify which histological prostate cancers have completed the progression to a stage that will produce a life-threatening disease, thus requiring immediate therapeutic intervention. The objectives of this dissertation are to delineate a novel genetic region harboring tumor suppressor gene(s) and to identify a marker for prostate tumorigenesis. I first established an in vitro cell model system from a human prostate epithelial cells derived from tissue fragments surrounding a prostate tumor in a patient with prostatic adenocarcinoma. Since chromosome 5 abnormality was present in early, middle and late passages of this cell model system, I examined long-term established prostate cancer cell lines for this chromosome abnormality. The results implicated the region surrounding marker D5S2068 as the locus of interest for further experimentation and location of a tumor suppressor gene in human prostate cancer. ^ Cancer is a group of complex genetic diseases with uncontrolled cell; division and prostate cancer is no exception. I determined if telomeric DNA, and telomerase activity, alone or together, could serve as biomarkers of prostate tumorigenesis. I studied three newly established human prostate cancer cell lines and three fibroblast cell cultures derived from prostate tissues. In conclusion, my data reveal that in the presence of telomerase activity, telomeric repeats are maintained at a certain optimal length, and analysis of telomeric DNA variations might serve as early diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for prostate cancer. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^


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The differentiation of the reproductive organs is an essential developmental process required for the proper transmission of the genetic material. Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS) is produced by testes and is necessary for the regression of the Müllerian ducts: the anlagen of the uterus, fallopian tubes and cervix. In vitro and standard transgenic mouse studies indicate that the nuclear hormone receptor Steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) and the transcription factor SOX9 play an essential role in the regulation of Mis. To test this hypothesis, mutations in the endogenous SF-1 and SOX9 binding sites in the mouse Mis promoter were introduced by gene targeting in embryonic stem (ES) cells. In disagreement with cell culture and transgenic mouse studies, male mice homozygous for the mutant SF-1 binding site correctly initiated Mis transcription in the fetal testes, although at significantly reduced levels. Surprisingly, sufficient Mis was produced for complete elimination of the Müllerian duct system. However, when the SF-1 binding site mutation was combined with an Mis -null allele, the further decrease in Mis levels led to a partial retention of uterine tissue, but only at a distance from the testes. In contrast, males homozygous for the mutant SOX9 binding site did not initiate Mis transcription, resulting in pseudohermaphrodites with a uterus and oviducts. These studies suggest an essential role for SOX9 in the initiation of Mis transcription, whereas SF-1 appears to act as a quantitative regulator of Mis transcript levels perhaps for influencing non-Müllerian duct tissues. ^ The Mis type II receptor, a member of the TGF- b superfamily, is also required for the proper regression of the Müllerian ducts. Mis type II receptor-deficient human males and their murine counterparts develop as pseudohermaphrodites. A lacZ reporter cassette was introduced into the mouse Mis type II receptor gene, by homologous recombination in ES cells. Expression studies, based on b -galactosidase activity, show marked expression of the MIS type II receptor in the postnatal Sertoli cells of the testis as well as in the prenatal and postnatal granulosa cells of the ovary. Expression is also seen in the mesenchymal cells surrounding the Müllerian duct and in the longitudinal muscle layer of the uterus. ^


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Prostate cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer among men in the United States. In this study, evidence is presented to support the hypothesis that specific chromosomal aberrations (involving one or more chromosomal regions) are associated with prostate cancer progression from organ-confined to locally advanced tumors and that some aberrations seen in high frequency in metastatic tumors may also be present in a subset of primary tumors. To determine the appropriate approach to address this hypothesis, I have established a modified CGH protocol by microdissection and DOP-PCR for use in detecting chromosomal changes in clinical prostate tumor specimens that is more sensitive and accurate than conventional CGH methods. I have successfully performed the improved CGH protocol to screen for genetic changes of 24 organ confined (pT2) and 21 locally advanced (pT3b) clinical prostate cancer specimens without metastases (N0M0). Comparisons of tumors by stage or Gleason scores following contingency table analysis showed that seven regions of the genome differed significantly between pT2 and pT3b tumors or between low and high Gleason tumors suggesting that these regions may be important in local prostate cancer progression. These included losses on 6p21–25, 6q24–27, 8p, 10q25–26, 15q22–26, and 18cen–q12 as well as gain of 3p13–q13. Multivariate analyses showed that loss of 8p (step1) and loss of 6q25–26 (or 6p21–25 or 10q25–26) (step 2) were predictive of pathologic stage or Gleason groups with 80% accuracy. Additional 5–7 steps in the multivariate model increased the predictive value to 91–95%. Comparison of the CGH data from the primary prostate tumors of this study with those obtained from published literature on metastases and recurrent tumors showed that the clinically more aggressive stage pT3b tumors shared more abnormalities in high frequency with metastases and recurrent tumors than less aggressive stage pT2 tumors. Furthermore, loss of 11cen–q22 was shared only between the primary tumors and metastases while gain of Xcen–q13 and loss of 18cen–q12 were in common between primary and recurrent tumors. These analyses suggest that the multistage model of prostate cancer progression is not linear and that some early primary tumors may be predisposed to metastasize or evolve into recurrent tumors due to the presence of specific genetic alterations. ^


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Up to 10% of all breast and ovarian cancers are attributable to mutations in cancer susceptibility genes. Clinical genetic testing for deleterious gene mutations that predispose to hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) syndrome is available. Mutation carriers may benefit from following high-risk guidelines for cancer prevention and early detection; however, few studies have reported the uptake of clinical genetic testing for HBOC. This study identified predictors of HBOC genetic testing uptake among a case series of 268 women who underwent genetic counseling at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center from October, 1996, through July, 2000. Women completed a baseline questionnaire that measured psychosocial and demographic variables. Additional medical characteristics were obtained from the medical charts. Logistic regression modeling identified predictors of participation in HBOC genetic testing. Psychological variables were hypothesized to be the strongest predictors of testing uptake—in particular, one's readiness (intention) to have testing. Testing uptake among all women in this study was 37% (n = 99). Contrary to the hypotheses, one's actual risk of carrying a BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation was the strongest predictor of testing participation (OR = 15.37, CI = 5.15, 45.86). Other predictors included religious background, greater readiness to have testing, knowledge about HBOC and genetic testing, not having female children, and adherence to breast self-exam. Among the subgroup of women who were at ≥10% risk of carrying a mutation, 51% (n = 90) had genetic testing. Consistent with the hypotheses, predictors of testing participation in the high-risk subgroup included greater readiness to have testing, knowledge, and greater self-efficacy regarding one's ability to cope with test results. Women with CES-D scores ≥16, indicating the presence of depressive symptoms, were less likely to have genetic testing. Results indicate that among women with a wide range of risk for HBOC, actual risk of carrying an HBOC-predisposing mutation may be the strongest predictor of their decision to have genetic testing. Psychological variables (e.g., distress and self-efficacy) may influence testing participation only among women at highest risk of carrying a mutation, for whom genetic testing is most likely to be informative. ^


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Although tobacco exposure remains the prevailing risk factor for bladder cancer (BC), only a small percentage of exposed individuals develop cancer, suggesting that tobacco-related carcinogenesis is modulated by genetic susceptibility and possibly by DNA methylation-related events. Methylation patterns established by DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) are influenced by dietary folate and genetic polymorphisms in the methylene-tetrahydrofolate reductase gene (MTHFR). Therefore, we hypothesized that DNA methylation-related genes, such as DNMT3B and MTHFR, might modulate BC risk. ^ In a study of 514 Caucasian BC cases and 498 healthy Caucasian controls examining the DNMT3B C46359T polymorphism, CC genotype was found to be a risk factor in women (Odds Ratio (OR) = 1.79), but not in men. This risk was further increased among women who were never smokers, consumed low dietary folate, and had adverse variants of MTHFR. In addition, higher DNMT3B expression among smokers was a risk factor (OR = 4.27) and correlated with genetic variants of the DNMT3B C46359T polymorphism, providing salient evidence for the risk associated with the CC variant. This suggests that the DNMT3B CC variant may confer a predisposition toward aberrant de novo methylation of CpG islands in critical tumor suppressor genes. ^ The convergence of alterations in DNMT3B, associated with promoter methylation, and reduced dietary folate consumption, accompanying global hypomethylation and genetic instability, may act synergistically to promote bladder carcinogenesis, especially in women. The results of this study unveiled new gender-specific paradigms of BC risk for women and demonstrated that this risk can be modified by folate consumption as well as polymorphisms in the folate pathway. ^


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It is widely acknowledged in theoretical and empirical literature that social relationships, comprising of structural measures (social networks) and functional measures (perceived social support) have an undeniable effect on health outcomes. However, the actual mechanism of this effect has yet to be clearly understood or explicated. In addition, comorbidity is found to adversely affect social relationships and health related quality of life (a valued outcome measure in cancer patients and survivors). ^ This cross sectional study uses selected baseline data (N=3088) from the Women's Healthy Eating and Living (WHEL) study. Lisrel 8.72 was used for the latent variable structural equation modeling. Due to the ordinal nature of the data, Weighted Least Squares (WLS) method of estimation using Asymptotic Distribution Free covariance matrices was chosen for this analysis. The primary exogenous predictor variables are Social Networks and Comorbidity; Perceived Social Support is the endogenous predictor variable. Three dimensions of HRQoL, physical, mental and satisfaction with current quality of life were the outcome variables. ^ This study hypothesizes and tests the mechanism and pathways between comorbidity, social relationships and HRQoL using latent variable structural equation modeling. After testing the measurement models of social networks and perceived social support, a structural model hypothesizing associations between the latent exogenous and endogenous variables was tested. The results of the study after listwise deletion (N=2131) mostly confirmed the hypothesized relationships (TLI, CFI >0.95, RMSEA = 0.05, p=0.15). Comorbidity was adversely associated with all three HRQoL outcomes. Strong ties were negatively associated with perceived social support; social network had a strong positive association with perceived social support, which served as a mediator between social networks and HRQoL. Mental health quality of life was the most adversely affected by the predictor variables. ^ This study is a preliminary look at the integration of structural and functional measures of social relationships, comorbidity and three HRQoL indicators using LVSEM. Developing stronger social networks and forming supportive relationships is beneficial for health outcomes such as HRQoL of cancer survivors. Thus, the medical community treating cancer survivors as well as the survivor's social networks need to be informed and cognizant of these possible relationships. ^


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Bladder cancer is the fourth most common cancer in men in the United States. There is compelling evidence supporting that genetic variations contribute to the risk and outcomes of bladder cancer. The PI3K-AKT-mTOR pathway is a major cellular pathway involved in proliferation, invasion, inflammation, tumorigenesis, and drug response. Somatic aberrations of PI3K-AKT-mTOR pathway are frequent events in several cancers including bladder cancer; however, no studies have investigated the role of germline genetic variations in this pathway in bladder cancer. In this project, we used a large case control study to evaluate the associations of a comprehensive catalogue of SNPs in this pathway with bladder cancer risk and outcomes. Three SNPs in RAPTOR were significantly associated with susceptibility: rs11653499 (OR: 1.79, 95%CI: 1.24–2.60), rs7211818 (OR: 2.13, 95%CI: 1.35–3.36), and rs7212142 (OR: 1.57, 95%CI: 1.19–2.07). Two haplotypes constructed from these 3 SNPs were also associated with bladder cancer risk. In combined analysis, a significant trend was observed for increased risk with an increase in the number of unfavorable genotypes (P for trend<0.001). Classification and regression tree analysis identified potential gene-environment interactions between RPS6KA5 rs11653499 and smoking. In superficial bladder cancer, we found that PTEN rs1234219 and rs11202600, TSC1 rs7040593, RAPTOR rs901065, and PIK3R1 rs251404 were significantly associated with recurrence in patients receiving BCG. In muscle invasive and metastatic bladder cancer, AKT2 rs3730050, PIK3R1 rs10515074, and RAPTOR rs9906827 were associated with survival. Survival tree analysis revealed potential gene-gene interactions: patients carrying the unfavorable genotypes of PTEN rs1234219 and TSC1 rs704059 exhibited a 5.24-fold (95% CI: 2.44–11.24) increased risk of recurrence. In combined analysis, with the increasing number of unfavorable genotypes, there was a significant trend of higher risk of recurrence and death (P for trend<0.001) in Cox proportional hazard regression analysis, and shorter event (recurrence and death) free survival in Kaplan-Meier estimates (P log rank<0.001). This study strongly suggests that genetic variations in PI3K-AKT-mTOR pathway play an important role in bladder cancer development. The identified SNPs, if validated in further studies, may become valuable biomarkers in assessing an individual's cancer risk, predicting prognosis and treatment response, and facilitating physicians to make individualized treatment decisions. ^


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This case control study was conducted to assess the association between lung cancer risk, mutagen sensitivity (a marker of cancer susceptibility), and a putative lung carcinogen, wood dust exposure. There were 165 cases (98 African-Americans, 67 Mexican-Americans) with newly diagnosed, previously untreated lung cancer, and 239 controls, frequency-matched on age, sex, and ethnicity.^ Mutagen sensitivity ($\ge$1 break/cell) was associated with a statistically significant elevated risk for lung cancer (odds ratio (OR) = 4.1, 95% confidence limits (CL) = 2.3,7.2). Wood dust exposure was also a significant predictor of risk (OR = 2.8, 95% CL = 1.2,6.6) after controlling for smoking and mutagen sensitivity. When stratified by ethnicity, wood dust exposure was a significant risk factor for African-Americans (OR = 4.0, 95% CL = 1.4,11.5), but not for Mexican-Americans (OR = 1.5, 95% CL = 0.3,7.1). Stratified analysis suggested a greater than multiplicative interaction between wood dust exposure and both mutagen sensitivity and smoking.^ The cases had significantly more breaks on chromosomes 4 and 5 than the controls did with ORs of 4.9 (95% CL = 2.0, 11.7) and 3.9 (95% CL = 1.6, 9.3), respectively. Breaks at 4p14, 4q27, 4q31, 5q21-22, 5q31, and 5q33 were significantly more common in lung cancer patients than in controls. Lung cancer risk had a dose-response relationship with breaks on chromosomes 4 and 5. Cigarette smoking had a strong interaction with breaks on chromosomes 2, 4, and 5.^ In a molecular cytogenetic study, using chromosome painting and G-banding, we showed that: (1) the proportion of chromosome 5 abnormalities surviving as chromosome-type aberrations remained significantly higher in cells of lung cancer cases (14%) than in controls (5%) (P $<$ 0.001). However, no significant differences were detected in chromosome 4 abnormalities between cases and controls; (2) the proportion of chromosome 5q13-22 abnormalities was 5.3% in the cases and 0.7% in the controls (P $<$ 0.001). 5q13-22 regions represented 40% of all abnormalities on chromosome 5 in the cases and only 14% in the controls.^ This study suggests that mutagen sensitivity, wood dust exposure, and cigarette smoking were independent risk factors for lung cancer, and the susceptibility of particular chromosome loci to mutagenic damage may be a genetic marker for specific types of lung cancer. ^


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Background. The mTOR pathway is commonly altered in human tumors and promotes cell survival and proliferation. Preliminary evidence suggests this pathway's involvement in chemoresistance to platinum and taxanes, first line therapy for epithelial ovarian cancer. A pathway-based approach was used to identify individual germline single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and cumulative effects of multiple genetic variants in mTOR pathway genes and their association with clinical outcome in women with ovarian cancer. ^ Methods. The case-series was restricted to 319 non-Hispanic white women with high grade ovarian cancer treated with surgery and platinum-based chemotherapy. 135 SNPs in 20 representative genes in the mTOR pathway were genotyped. Hazard ratios (HRs) for death and Odds ratios (ORs) for failure to respond to primary therapy were estimated for each SNP using the multivariate Cox proportional hazards model and multivariate logistic regression model, respectively, while adjusting for age, stage, histology and treatment sequence. A survival tree analysis of SNPs with a statistically significant association (p<0.05) was performed to identify higher order gene-gene interactions and their association with overall survival. ^ Results. There was no statistically significant difference in survival by tumor histology or treatment regimen. The median survival for the cohort was 48.3 months. Seven SNPs were significantly associated with decreased survival. Compared to those with no unfavorable genotypes, the HR for death increased significantly with the increasing number of unfavorable genotypes and women in the highest risk category had HR of 4.06 (95% CI 2.29–7.21). The survival tree analysis also identified patients with different survival patterns based on their genetic profiles. 13 SNPs on five different genes were found to be significantly associated with a treatment response, defined as no evidence of disease after completion of primary therapy. Rare homozygous genotype of SNP rs6973428 showed a 5.5-fold increased risk compared to the wild type carrying genotypes. In the cumulative effect analysis, the highest risk group (individuals with ≥8 unfavorable genotypes) was significantly less likely to respond to chemotherapy (OR=8.40, 95% CI 3.10–22.75) compared to the low risk group (≤4 unfavorable genotypes). ^ Conclusions. A pathway-based approach can demonstrate cumulative effects of multiple genetic variants on clinical response to chemotherapy and survival. Therapy targeting the mTOR pathway may modify outcome in select patients.^


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Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related mortality in the US. Emerging evidence has shown that host genetic factors can interact with environmental exposures to influence patient susceptibility to the diseases as well as clinical outcomes, such as survival and recurrence. We aimed to identify genetic prognostic markers for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), a major (85%) subtype of lung cancer, and also in other subgroups. With the fast evolution of genotyping technology, genetic association studies have went through candidate gene approach, to pathway-based approach, to the genome wide association study (GWAS). Even in the era of GWAS, pathway-based approach has its own advantages on studying cancer clinical outcomes: it is cost-effective, requiring a smaller sample size than GWAS easier to identify a validation population and explore gene-gene interactions. In the current study, we adopted pathway-based approach focusing on two critical pathways - miRNA and inflammation pathways. MicroRNAs (miRNA) post-transcriptionally regulate around 30% of human genes. Polymorphisms within miRNA processing pathways and binding sites may influence patients’ prognosis through altered gene regulation. Inflammation plays an important role in cancer initiation and progression, and also has shown to impact patients’ clinical outcomes. We first evaluated 240 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in miRNA biogenesis genes and predicted binding sites in NSCLC patients to determine associations with clinical outcomes in early-stage (stage I and II) and late-stage (stage III and IV) lung cancer patients, respectively. First, in 535 early-stage patients, after correcting multiple comparisons, FZD4:rs713065 (hazard ratio [HR]:0.46, 95% confidence interval [CI]:0.32-0.65) showed a significant inverse association with survival in early stage surgery-only patients. SP1:rs17695156 (HR:2.22, 95% CI:1.44-3.41) and DROSHA:rs6886834 (HR:6.38, 95% CI:2.49-16.31) conferred increased risk of progression in the all patients and surgery-only populations, respectively. FAS:rs2234978 was significantly associated with improved survival in all patients (HR:0.59, 95% CI:0.44-0.77) and in the surgery plus chemotherapy populations (HR:0.19, 95% CI:0.07-0.46).. Functional genomics analysis demonstrated that this variant creates a miR-651 binding site resulting in altered miRNA regulation of FAS, providing biological plausibility for the observed association. We then analyzed these associations in 598 late-stage patients. After multiple comparison corrections, no SNPs remained significant in the late stage group, while the top SNP NAT1:rs15561 (HR=1.98, 96%CI=1.32-2.94) conferred a significantly increased risk of death in the chemotherapy subgroup. To test the hypothesis that genetic variants in the inflammation-related pathways may be associated with survival in NSCLC patients, we first conducted a three-stage study. In the discovery phase, we investigated a comprehensive panel of 11,930 inflammation-related SNPs in three independent lung cancer populations. A missense SNP (rs2071554) in HLA-DOB was significantly associated with poor survival in the discovery population (HR: 1.46, 95% CI: 1.02-2.09), internal validation population (HR: 1.51, 95% CI: 1.02-2.25), and external validation (HR: 1.52, 95% CI: 1.01-2.29) population. Rs2900420 in KLRK1 was significantly associated with a reduced risk for death in the discovery (HR: 0.76, 95% CI: 0.60-0.96) and internal validation (HR: 0.77, 95% CI: 0.61-0.99) populations, and the association reached borderline significance in the external validation population (HR: 0.80, 95% CI: 0.63-1.02). We also evaluated these inflammation-related SNPs in NSCLC patients in never smokers. Lung cancer in never smokers has been increasingly recognized as distinct disease from that in ever-smokers. A two-stage study was performed using a discovery population from MD Anderson (411 patients) and a validation population from Mayo Clinic (311 patients). Three SNPs (IL17RA:rs879576, BMP8A:rs698141, and STK:rs290229) that were significantly associated with survival were validated (pCD74:rs1056400 and CD38:rs10805347) were borderline significant (p=0.08) in the Mayo Clinic population. In the combined analysis, IL17RA:rs879576 resulted in a 40% reduction in the risk for death (p=4.1 × 10-5 [p=0.61, heterogeneity test]). We also validated a survival tree created in MD Anderson population in the Mayo Clinic population. In conclusion, our results provided strong evidence that genetic variations in specific pathways that examined (miRNA and inflammation pathways) influenced clinical outcomes in NSCLC patients, and with further functional studies, the novel loci have potential to be translated into clinical use.