6 resultados para Electrodes, Implanted

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Subfields of the hippocampus display differential dynamics in processing a spatial environment, especially when changes are introduced to the environment. Specifically, when familiar cues in the environment are spatially rearranged, place cells in the CA3 subfield tend to rotate with a particular set of cues (e.g., proximal cues), maintaining a coherent spatial representation. Place cells in CA1, in contrast, display discordant behaviors (e.g., rotating with different sets of cues or remapping) in the same condition. In addition, on average, CA3 place cells shift their firing locations (measured by the center of mass, or COM) backward over time when the animal encounters the changed environment for the first time, but not after that first experience. However, CA1 displays an opposite pattern, in which place cells exhibit the backward COM-shift only from the second day of experience, but not on the first day. Here, we examined the relationship between the environment-representing behavior (i.e., rotation vs. remapping) and the COM-shift of place fields in CA1 and CA3. Both in CA1 and CA3, the backward (as well as forward) COM-shift phenomena occurred regardless of the rotating versus remapping of the place cell. The differential, daily time course of the onset/offset of backward COM-shift in the cue-altered environment in CA1 and CA3 (on day 1 in CA1 and from day 2 onward in CA3) stems from different population dynamics between the subfields. The results suggest that heterogeneous, complex plasticity mechanisms underlie the environment-representating behavior (i.e., rotate/remap) and the COM-shifting behavior of the place cell.


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An experimental procedure was developed using the Brainstem Evoked Response (BER) electrophysiological technique to assess the effect of neurotoxic substances on the auditory system. The procedure utilizes Sprague-Dawley albino rats who have had dural electrodes implanted in their skulls, allowing neuroelectric evoked potentials to be recorded from their brainstems. Latency and amplitude parameters derived from the evoked potentials help assess the neuroanatomical integrity of the auditory pathway in the brainstem. Moreover, since frequency-specific auditory stimuli are used to evoke the neural responses, additional audiometric information is obtainable. An investigation on non-exposed control animals shows the BER threshold curve obtained by tests at various frequencies very closely approximates that obtained by behavioral audibility tests. Thus, the BER appears to be a valid measure of both functional and neuroanatomical integrity of the afferent auditory neural pathway.^ To determine the usefulness of the BER technique in neurobehavioral toxicology research, a known neurotoxic agent, Pb, was studied. Female Sprague-Dawley rats were dosed for 45 days with low levels of Pb acetate in their drinking water, after which BER recordings were obtained. The Pb dosages were determined from the findings of an earlier pilot study. One group of 6 rats received normal tap water, one group of 7 rats received a solution of 0.1% Pb, and another group of 7 rats received a solution of 0.2% Pb. After 45 days, the three groups exhibited blood Pb levels of 4.5 (+OR-) 0.43 (mu)g/100 ml, 37.8 (+OR-) 4.8 (mu)g/100 ml and 47.3 (+OR-) 2.7 (mu)g/100 ml, respectively.^ The results of the BER recording indicated evoked response waveform latency abnormalities in both the Pb-treated groups when midrange frequency (8 kHz to 32 kHz) stimuli were used. For the most part, waveform amplitudes did not vary significantly from control values. BER recordings obtained after a 30-day recovery period indicated the effects seen in the 0.1% Pb group had disappeared. However, those anomalies exhibited by the 0.2% Pb group either remained or increased in number. This outcome indicates a longer lasting or possibly irreversible effect on the auditory system from the higher dose of Pb. The auditory pathway effect appears to be in the periphery, at the level of the cochlea or the auditory (VIII) nerve. The results of this research indicate the BER technique is a valuable and sensitive indicator of low-level toxic effects on the auditory system.^


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BACKGROUND: Methylphenidate (MPD) is a psychostimulant commonly prescribed for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The mode of action of the brain circuitry responsible for initiating the animals' behavior in response to psychostimulants is not well understood. There is some evidence that psychostimulants activate the ventral tegmental area (VTA), nucleus accumbens (NAc), and prefrontal cortex (PFC). METHODS: The present study was designed to investigate the acute dose-response of MPD (0.6, 2.5, and 10.0 mg/kg) on locomotor behavior and sensory evoked potentials recorded from the VTA, NAc, and PFC in freely behaving rats previously implanted with permanent electrodes. For locomotor behavior, adult male Wistar-Kyoto (WKY; n = 39) rats were given saline on experimental day 1 and either saline or an acute injection of MPD (0.6, 2.5, or 10.0 mg/kg, i.p.) on experimental day 2. Locomotor activity was recorded for 2-h post injection on both days using an automated, computerized activity monitoring system. Electrophysiological recordings were also performed in the adult male WKY rats (n = 10). Five to seven days after the rats had recovered from the implantation of electrodes, each rat was placed in a sound-insulated, electrophysiological test chamber where its sensory evoked field potentials were recorded before and after saline and 0.6, 2.5, and 10.0 mg/kg MPD injection. Time interval between injections was 90 min. RESULTS: Results showed an increase in locomotion with dose-response characteristics, while a dose-response decrease in amplitude of the components of sensory evoked field responses of the VTA, NAc, and PFC neurons. For example, the P3 component of the sensory evoked field response of the VTA decreased by 19.8% +/- 7.4% from baseline after treatment of 0.6 mg/kg MPD, 37.8% +/- 5.9% after 2.5 mg/kg MPD, and 56.5% +/- 3.9% after 10 mg/kg MPD. Greater attenuation from baseline was observed in the NAc and PFC. Differences in the intensity of MPD-induced attenuation were also found among these brain areas. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that an acute treatment of MPD produces electrophysiologically detectable alterations at the neuronal level, as well as observable, behavioral responses. The present study is the first to investigate the acute dose-response effects of MPD on behavior in terms of locomotor activity and in the brain involving the sensory inputs of VTA, NAc, and PFC neurons in intact, non-anesthetized, freely behaving rats previously implanted with permanent electrodes.


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The electrophysiological properties of acute and chronic methylphenidate (MPD) on neurons of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and caudate nucleus (CN) have not been studied in awake, freely behaving animals. The present study was designed to investigate the dose-response effects of MPD on sensory evoked potentials recorded from the PFC and CN in freely behaving rats previously implanted with permanent electrodes, as well as their behavioral (locomotor) activities. On experimental day 1, locomotor behavior of rats was recorded for 2 h post-saline injection, and sensory evoked field potentials were recorded before and after saline and 0.6, 2.5, and 10 mg/kg, i.p., MPD administration. Animals were injected for the next five days with daily 2.5 mg/kg MPD to elicit behavioral sensitization. Locomotor recording was resumed on experimental days 2 and 6 after the MPD maintenance dose followed by 3 days of washout. On experimental day 10, rats were connected again to the electrophysiological recording system and rechallenged with saline and the identical MPD doses as on experimental day 1. On experimental day 11, rat's locomotor recording was resumed before and after 2.5 mg/kg MPD administration. Behavioral results showed that repeated administration of MPD induced behavioral sensitization. Challenge doses (0.6, 2.5, and 10.0 mg/kg) of MPD on experimental day 1 elicited dose-response attenuation in the response amplitude of the average sensory evoked field potential components recorded from the PFC and CN. Chronic MPD administration resulted in attenuation of the PFC's baseline recorded on experimental day 10, while the same treatment did not modulate the baseline recorded from the CN. Treatment of MPD on experimental day 10 resulted in further decrease of the average sensory evoked response compared to that obtained on experimental day 1. This observation of further decrease in the electrophysiological responses after chronic administration of MPD suggests that the sensory evoked responses on experimental day 10 represent neurophysiological sensitization. Moreover, two different response patterns were obtained from PFC and CN following chronic methylphenidate administration. In PFC, the baseline and effect of methylphenidate expressed electrophysiological sensitization on experimental day 10, while recording from CN did not exhibit any electrophysiological sensitization.


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We postulated that neuromuscular disuse results in deleteriously affected tissue-vascular fluid exchange processes and subsequently damages the important oxidative bioenergetic process of intramuscular lipid metabolism. The in-depth research reported in the literature is somewhat limited by the ex vivo nature and sporadic time-course characterization of disuse atrophy and recovery. Thus, an in vivo controlled, localized animal model of disuse atrophy was developed in one of the hindlimbs of laboratory rabbits (employing surgically implanted tetrodotoxin (TTX)-filled mini-osmotic pump-sciatic nerve superfusion system) and tested repeatedly with magnetic resonance (MR) throughout the 2-week period of temporarily induced disuse and during the recovery period (following explantation of the TTX-filled pump) for a period of 3 weeks. Controls consisted of saline/"sham"-implanted rabbit hindlimbs. The validity of this model was established with repeated electrophysiologic nerve conduction testing using a clinically appropriate protocol and percutaneously inserted small needle stimulating and recording electrodes. Evoked responses recorded from proximal (P) and distal (D) sites to the sciatic nerve cuff in the TTX-implanted group revealed significantly decreased (p $<$ 0.001) proximal-to-distal (P/D) amplitude ratios (as much as 50-70% below Baseline/pre-implanted and sham-implanted group values) and significantly increased (p $<$ 0.01) differential latency (PL-DL) values (as much as 1.5 times the pre- and sham-implanted groups). By Day 21 of recovery, observed P/D and PL-DL levels matched Baseline/sham-implemented levels. MRI-determined cross-sectional area (CSA) values of Baseline/pre-implanted, sham- or TTX-implanted, and recovering/explanted and the corresponding contralateral hindlimb tibialis anterior (TA) muscles normalized to tibial bone (TB) CSA (in TA/TB ratios) revealed that there was a significant decline (indicative of atrophic response) from pre- and sham-implanted controls by as much as 20% (p $<$ 0.01) at Day 7 and 50-55% (p $<$ 0.001) at Day 13 of TTX-implantation. In the non-implanted contralaterals, a significant increase (indicative of hypertrophic response) by as much as 10% (p $<$ 0.025) at Day 7 and 27% (p $<$ 0.001) at Day 13 + TTX was found. The induced atrophic/hypertrophic TA muscles were observed to be fully recovered by Day 21 post-explantation as evidenced by image TA/TB ratios. End-point biopsy results from a small group of rabbits revealed comprehensive atrophy of both Type I and Type II fibers, although the heterogeneity of the response supports the use of image-guided, volume-localized proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to noninvasively assess tissue-level metabolic changes. MRS-determined results of a 0.25cc volume of tissue within implanted limb TA muscles under resting/pre-ischemic, ischemic-stressed, and post-ischemic conditions at timepoints during and following disuse atrophy/recovery revealed significantly increased intramuscular spectral lipid levels, as much as 2-3 times (p $<$ 0.01) the Baseline/pre-implanted values at Day 7 and 6-7 times (p $<$ 0.001) at Day 13 + TTX, which approached normal levels (compared to pre- and sham-implanted groups) by Day 21 of post-explanation recovery. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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The rheoencephalogram (REG) is the change in the electrical impedance of the head that occurs with each heart beat. Without knowledge of the relationship between cerebral blood flow (Q) and the REG, the utility of the REG in the study of the cerebral vasculature is greatly limited. The hypothesis is that the relationship between the REG and Q when venous outflow is nonpulsatile is^ (DIAGRAM, TABLE OR GRAPHIC OMITTED...PLEASE SEE DAI)^ where K is a proportionality constant and Q is the mean Q.^ Pulsatile CBF was measured in the goat via a chronically implanted electromagnetic flowmeter. Electrodes were implanted in the ipsilateral cerebral hemisphere, and the REG was measured with a two electrode impedance plethysmograph. Measurements were made with the animal's head elevated so that venous flow pulsations were not transmitted from the heart to the cerebral veins. Measurements were made under conditions of varied cerebrovascular resistance induced by altering blood CO(,2) levels and under conditions of high and low cerebrospinal fluid pressures. There was a high correlation (r = .922-.983) between the REG calculated from the hypothesized relationship and the measured REG under all conditions.^ Other investigators have proposed that the REG results from linear changes in blood resistivity proportional to blood velocity. There was little to no correlation between the measured REG and the flow velocity ( r = .022-.306). A linear combination of the flow velocity and the hypothesized relationship between the REG and Q did not predict the measured REG significantly better than the hypothesized relationship alone in 37 out of 50 experiments.^ Jacquy proposed an index (F) of cerebral blood flow calculated from amplitudes and latencies of the REG. The F index was highly correlated (r = .929) with measured cerebral blood flow under control and hypercapnic conditions, but was not as highly correlated under conditions of hypocapnia (r = .723) and arterial hypotension (r = .681).^ The results demonstrate that the REG is not determined by mean cerebral blood flow, but by the pulsatile flow only. Thus, the utility of the REG in the determination of mean cerebral blood flow is limited. ^