9 resultados para Elder-Vass, Dave
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Introduction: As the population in the United States continues to age, more attention in primary practice settings is now devoted toward managing the care of the elderly. The occurrence of elder abuse is a growing problem. It is a condition many professionals in primary care may be ill prepared with the knowledge or resources to identify and manage. [See PDF for complete abstract]
Context. Healthcare utilization of elder cardiovascular patients in United States will increase in near future, due to an aging population. This trend could burden urban emergency centers, which have become a source of primary care. ^ Objective. The objective of this study was to determine the association of age, gender, ethnicity, insurance and other presenting variables on hospital admission in an emergency center for elder cardiovascular patients. ^ Design, setting and participants. An anonymous retrospective review of emergency center patient login records of an urban emergency center in the years 2004 and 2005 was conducted. Elder patients (age ≥ 65 years) with cardiovascular disease (ICD91 390-459) were included. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to identify independent factors for hospital admission. Four major cardiovascular reasons for hospitalisation – ischemic heart disease, heart failure, hypertensive disorders and stroke were analysed separately. ^ Results. The number of elder patients in the emergency center is increasing, the most common reason for their visit was hypertension. Majority (59%) of the 12,306 elder patients were female. Forty five percent were uninsured and 1,973 patients had cardiovascular disease. Older age (OR 1.10; CI 1.02-1.19) was associated with a marginal increase in hospital admission in elder stroke patients. Elder females compared to elder males were more likely to be hospitalised for ischemic heart disease (OR 2.71; CI 1.22-6.00) and heart failure (OR 1.58; CI 1.001-2.52). Furthermore, insured elder heart failure patients (OR 0.54; CI 0.31-0.93) and elder African American heart failure patients (OR 0.32; CI 0.13-0.75) were less likely to be hospitalised. Ambulance use was associated with greater hospital admissions in elder cardiovascular patients studied, except for stroke. ^ Conclusion. Appropriate health care distribution policies are needed for elder patients, particularly elder females, uninsured, and racial/ethnic minorities. These findings could help triage nurse evaluations in emergency centers to identify patients who were more likely to be hospitalised to offer urgent care and schedule appointments in primary care clinics. In addition, health care plans could be formulated to improve elder primary care, decrease overcrowding in emergency centers, and decrease elder healthcare costs in the future. ^
The objective of this cross-sectional study is to compare the dietary behaviors of children from low food secure (LFS) households with children from very low food secure (VLFS) households over an entire day, and during meals specifically consumed at home —breakfast, snack, and dinner. Parents of the recruited children completed a demographic questionnaire, along with USDA's 6-item short form food security questionnaire. Children completed 24-hour dietary recalls in person. Complete data from 102 children 9 to 12 years old were used. Using ANOVA to assess the differences among groups in intakes over an entire day and during meals consumed at home, no significant differences were found, except for vitamin C intake during breakfast. Based on the definitions of LFS and VLFS, it was hypothesized that children from VLFS group would have lower dietary intakes compared to children from the LFS group. However, this study found little difference. Speculations have been made for these findings and implications for research have been presented.
The observations of Michel Foucault, noted Twentieth Century French philosopher, regarding modern power relations and orders of discourse, form the framework utilized to analyze and interpret the power struggles of AIDS activists and their opponents--the religious and radical right, and the administrative agencies of the 'Liberal' welfare State. Supported by the tools of sociolinguistic inquiry, the analysis highlights the success of a safer sex campaign in Houston, Texas to illustrate the dynamics of cultural and political change by means of discursive transformations initiated by the gay micro-culture. The KS/AIDS Foundation, allied with both the biomedical community and gay entertainment spheres, was successful in conveying biomedical cautions that resulted in altered personal behavior and modified public attitudes by using linguistic conventions consonant with the discourse of the Houston gay micro-culture. The transformation of discursive practices transgressed not only the Houston gay micro-culture's boundaries, but the city boundaries of Houston as well. In addition to cultural and political change, moderate and confrontational gay activists also sought to change the cognitive boundaries surrounding 'the gold standard' for clinical research trials.^ From a Foucauldian perspective, the same-sex community evolved from the subordinated Other to a position of power in a period of five years. Transformations in discursive practices and power relations are exemplified by the changing definitions employed by AIDS policy-makers, the public validation of community-based research and the establishment of parallel track drug studies. Finally, transformations in discursive practices surrounding the issues of HIV antibody testing are interpreted using Foucault's six points of power relations. The Montrose Clinic provides the case study for this investigation. The clinic turned the technical rationalities of the State against itself to achieve its own ends and those of the gay micro-culture--anonymous testing with pre and post test counseling. AIDS Talk portrays a dramatic transformation in discursive practices and power relations that transcends the historical moment to provide a model for future activists. Volume 2 contains copies of fugitive primary source materials largely unavailable elsewhere. Original documents are archived in the Harris County Medical Archives in the Houston Academy of Medicine located in the Texas Medical Center Library, Houston, Texas. ^
Problem/purpose. The specific aim of this focused ethnography was to provide insight into the experience of aging of the American Indian (AI) elder as demonstrated by one tribe, the Zuni of New Mexico. Discovering how Zuni elders construct the experience of aging and the associated behaviors allowed the researcher to deconstruct aging and then re-present it in a cogent description for this population. Such a description is lacking in the literature and will be useful in planning for culturally relevant eldercare services. ^ Methods. Ethnographic field techniques were used to sample from elders, pueblo members-at-large, activities, events and places. Over 1800 hrs were spent in the field spanning 14 months and five site visits, with the longest at almost 4 weeks. Developing codes for transcribed interviews, field notes, supplementary documents, photographs, videos, and artifacts was carried out during analysis. Categories and ultimately a cognitive map and model were developed which represented aging in Zuni Pueblo in 2000. ^ Findings. Zuni elders are aging in two worlds. Their primary world has been described as a sevenfold universe, a complicated structure with seven planes wherein the middle plane refers to themselves, a synthesis of all the other planes. The increasing influence of the white world has formed a ‘new middle’ out of which everyday aspects of aging are viewed. ^ Implications for nursing/gerontology. Nurses and others in gerontology must recognize that vast differences in worldviews are present between themselves and AI elders regarding health practices, spirituality, eating patterns, family roles, medicine, religion and countless other aspects of life. Their centuries old beliefs and practices drive these differences coupled with a collision with the white world. Making a paradigm shift using an appropriate lens with which to view these differences can only increase our understanding and efficacy in delivering culturally relevant care. ^
Persistence of racial and ethnic health disparities and governmental policies based on outdated ideas of aging call for inclusive approaches to the study of elder African Americans. The lived experiences of aging among urban, poor African American women, who comprise a vulnerable population, are not well known, as most studies focus on mainstream populations. Gerontological studies have tended to employ methods that collapse contextual information for ease of analysis, thus failing to capture nuanced information critically relevant to health of marginalized groups. Few researchers have been successful highlighting the importance of local knowledge, resilience, and resources for health by using participatory methods with older Black women. This study utilizes participatory principles to gather discursive data from nine older African American women, engaged in three generational cohorts: those born around World War II, women born after the great depression, and those born before the great depression. Videotaped and transcribed conversations of cohorts were analyzed in search of contextual factors that influence their experience of aging and health. As women responded to general themes that provoked their talk about their lives, they helped answer the study's questions: How do older African American women make sense of their aging experience? What are some of the important social and cultural influences that shape the construction of aging and health by these women? Are generational discourse groups an effective tool for exploring changes in the experiences of aging? A key finding demonstrated rich heterogeneity of experiences with strong generational influences on the construction of aging and health. The participants' moral orders comprised of traditional values of family, reinforced by personal experiences and the church, have guided their lives through oppression and stress but appear to be failing younger women who have greater exposure to new environmental pressures. Limited time and the size of the study were weaknesses although the women's interest in the study and their participation were gratifying. The participants served to highlight the importance of recognizing generational and other contextual factors in formation of ideas of aging and likelihood of additional challenges to the experience of old age among older, poorer, African Americans. ^
The central objective of this dissertation was to determine the feasibility of self-completed advance directives (AD) in older persons suffering from mild and moderate stages of dementia. This was accomplished by identifying differences in ability to complete AD among elderly subjects with increasing degrees of dementia and cognitive incompetence. Secondary objectives were to describe and compare advance directives completed by elders and identified proxy decision makers. Secondary objectives were accomplished by measuring the agreement between advance directives completed by proxy and elder, and comparing that agreement across groups defined by the elder's cognitive status. This cross-sectional study employed a structured interview to elicit AD, followed by a similar interview with a proxy decision maker identified by the elder. A stratified sampling scheme recruited elders with normal cognition, mild, and moderate forms of dementia using the Mini Mental-State Exam (MMSE). The Hopkins Competency Assessment Test (HCAT) was used for evaluation of competency to make medical decisions. Analysis was conducted on "between group" (non-demented $\leftrightarrow$ mild dementia $\leftrightarrow$ moderate dementia, and competent $\leftrightarrow$ incompetent) and "within group" (elder $\leftrightarrow$ family member) variation.^ The 118 elderly subjects interviewed were generally male, Caucasian, and of low socioeconomic status. Mean age was 77. Overall, elders preferred a "trial of therapy" regarding AD rather than to "always receive the therapy". No intervention was refused outright more often than it was accepted. A test-retest of elders' AD revealed stable responses. Eleven logic checks measured appropriateness of AD responses independent of preference. No difference was found in logic error rates between elders grouped by MMSE or HCAT. Agreement between proxy and elder responses showed significant dissimilarity, indicating that proxies were not making the same medical decisions as the elders.^ Conclusions based on these data are: (1) Self reporting AD is feasible among elders showing signs of cognitive impairment and they should be given all opportunities to complete advance directives, (2) variation in preferences for advance directives in cognitively impaired elders should not be assumed to be the effects of their impairment alone, (3) proxies do not appear to forego life-prolonging interventions in the face of increasing impairment in their ward, however, their advance directives choices are frequently not those of the elder they represent. ^
Community health workers (CHWs) can serve as a bridge between healthcare providers and communities to positively impact social determinants of health and, thus, the overall health of the population. The potential to effect lasting change is particularly significant within resource-poor settings with limited access to formally trained health care providers such as the small, rural village of Santa Ana Intibucá, Honduras and surrounding areas—located on the geographically and politically isolated border of Honduras and El Salvador. The Baylor Shoulder to Shoulder Foundation (BSTS) works in conjunction with Santa Ana's volunteer health committee to bring a health brigade that has provided health care and public health projects to the area at least twice a year since 2001. They have also hired a full-time Honduran physician, a Honduran in-country administrative director, and built a clinic; yet, no community health worker program exists. This CHW program model is the response to a clear need for a CHW program within the area served by BSTS and presents a CHW program model specific to Santa Ana Intibucá and surrounding areas to be implemented by BSTS. Methods used to develop this model include reviewing the literature for recommendations from leading authorities as well as successfully implemented CHW programs in comparable regions. This information was incorporated into existing knowledge and materials currently being used in the area. Using the CHW model proposed here, each brigade, in conjunction with the communities served, can help develop new modules to respond to the specific health priorities of the region at that time, incorporating consistent modes of contact with the local physician and the CHWs to provide refresher courses, training in new topics of interest, and to be reminded of the importance of community health workers' role as the critical link to healthy societies. With cooperation, effort, and support, the brigade can continue to help integrate a sustainable CHW system in which communities may be able to maximize the care they receive while also learning to care for their own health and the future of their communities.^
Mistreatment and self-neglect significantly increase the risk of dying in older adults. It is estimated that 1 to 2 million older adults experience elder mistreatment and self-neglect every year in the United States. Currently, there are no elder mistreatment and self-neglect assessment tools with construct validity and measurement invariance testing and no studies have sought to identify underlying latent classes of elder self-neglect that may have differential mortality rates. Using data from 11,280 adults with Texas APS substantiated elder mistreatment and self-neglect 3 studies were conducted to: (1) test the construct validity and (2) the measurement invariance across gender and ethnicity of the Texas Adult Protective Services (APS) Client Assessment and Risk Evaluation (CARE) tool and (3) identify latent classes associated with elder self-neglect. Study 1 confirmed the construct validity of the CARE tool following adjustments to the initial hypothesized CARE tool. This resulted in the deletion of 14 assessment items and a final assessment with 5 original factors and 43 items. Cross-validation for this model was achieved. Study 2 provided empirical evidence for factor loading and item-threshold invariance of the CARE tool across gender and between African-Americans and Caucasians. The financial status domain of the CARE tool did not function properly for Hispanics and thus, had to be deleted. Subsequent analyses showed factor loading and item-threshold invariance across all 3 ethnic groups with the exception of some residual errors. Study 3 identified 4-latent classes associated with elder self-neglect behaviors which included individuals with evidence of problems in the areas of (1) their environment, (2) physical and medical status, (3) multiple domains and (4) finances. Overall, these studies provide evidence supporting the use of APS CARE tool for providing unbiased and valid investigations of mistreatment and neglect in older adults with different demographic characteristics. Furthermore, the findings support the underlying notion that elder self-neglect may not only occur along a continuum, but that differential types may exist. All of which, have very important potential implications for social and health services distributed to vulnerable mistreated and neglected older adults.^