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Poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) stimulates translation initiation by binding simultaneously to the mRNA poly(A) tail and eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4G (eIF4G). PABP activity is regulated by PABP-interacting (Paip) proteins. Paip1 binds PABP and stimulates translation by an unknown mechanism. Here, we describe the interaction between Paip1 and eIF3, which is direct, RNA independent, and mediated via the eIF3g (p44) subunit. Stimulation of translation by Paip1 in vivo was decreased upon deletion of the N-terminal sequence containing the eIF3-binding domain and upon silencing of PABP or several eIF3 subunits. We also show the formation of ternary complexes composed of Paip1-PABP-eIF4G and Paip1-eIF3-eIF4G. Taken together, these data demonstrate that the eIF3-Paip1 interaction promotes translation. We propose that eIF3-Paip1 stabilizes the interaction between PABP and eIF4G, which brings about the circularization of the mRNA.


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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) inhibit mRNA expression in general by base pairing to the 3'UTR of target mRNAs and consequently inhibiting translation and/or initiating poly(A) tail deadenylation and mRNA destabilization. Here we examine the mechanism and kinetics of miRNA-mediated deadenylation in mouse Krebs-2 ascites extract. We demonstrate that miRNA-mediated mRNA deadenylation occurs subsequent to initial translational inhibition, indicating a two-step mechanism of miRNA action, which serves to consolidate repression. We show that a let-7 miRNA-loaded RNA-induced silencing complex (miRISC) interacts with the poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) and the CAF1 and CCR4 deadenylases. In addition, we demonstrate that miRNA-mediated deadenylation is dependent upon CAF1 activity and PABP, which serves as a bona fide miRNA coactivator. Importantly, we present evidence that GW182, a core component of the miRISC, directly interacts with PABP via its C-terminal region and that this interaction is required for miRNA-mediated deadenylation.


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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) silence the expression of their mRNA targets mainly by promoting mRNA decay. The mechanism, kinetics and participating enzymes for miRNA-mediated decay in mammalian cells remain largely unclear. Combining the approaches of transcriptional pulsing, RNA tethering, overexpression of dominant-negative mutants, and siRNA-mediated gene knockdown, we show that let-7 miRNA-induced silencing complexes (miRISCs), which contain the proteins Argonaute (Ago) and TNRC6 (also known as GW182), trigger very rapid mRNA decay by inducing accelerated biphasic deadenylation mediated by Pan2-Pan3 and Ccr4-Caf1 deadenylase complexes followed by Dcp1-Dcp2 complex-directed decapping in mammalian cells. When tethered to mRNAs, all four human Ago proteins and TNRC6C are each able to recapitulate the two deadenylation steps. Two conserved human Ago2 phenylalanines (Phe470 and Phe505) are critical for recruiting TNRC6 to promote deadenylation. These findings indicate that promotion of biphasic deadenylation to trigger mRNA decay is an intrinsic property of miRISCs.


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Bortezomib (VELCADE™, formerly known as PS-341) is a selective and potent inhibitor of the proteasome that was recently FDA-approved for the treatment of multiple myeloma. Despite its success in multiple myeloma and progression into clinical trials for other malignancies, bortezomib's exact mechanism of action remains undefined. The major objective of this study was to evaluate the anticancer activity of this drug using in vitro and in vivo pancreatic cancer models and determine whether bortezomib-induced apoptosis occurs via induction of endoplasmic reticular (ER) stress. The investigation revealed that bortezomib inhibited tumor cell proliferation via abrogation of cdk activity and induced apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cell lines. I hypothesized that bortezomib-induced apoptosis was triggered by a large accumulation ubiquitin-conjugated proteins that resulted in ER stress. My data demonstrated that bortezomib induced a unique type of ER stress in that it inhibited PKR-like ER kinase (PERK) and subsequent phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation factor 2α (eif2α), a key event in translational suppression. The combined effects of proteasome inhibition and the failure to attenuate translation resulted in an accumulation of aggregated proteins (proteotoxicity), JNK activation, cytochrome c release, caspase-3 activation, and DNA fragmentation. Bortezomib also enhanced apoptosis induced by other agents that stimulated the unfolded protein response (UPR), demonstrating that translational suppression is a critical cytoprotective mechanism during ER stress. Tumor cells attempt to survive bortezomib-induced ER stress by sequestering aggregated proteins into large structures, termed aggresomes. Since histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) is essential for aggresome formation, tumor cells may be sensitized to bortezomib-induced apoptosis by blocking HDAC function. My results demonstrated that HDAC inhibitors disrupted aggresome formation and synergized with bortezomib to induce apoptosis in pancreatic cancer or multiple myeloma cells in vitro and in orthotopic pancreatic tumors in vivo. Taken together, my data establish a mechanistic link between bortezomib-induced aggresome formation, ER stress, and apoptosis and identify a novel therapeutic strategy for the treatment of pancreatic cancer and other hematologic and solid malignancies. ^


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The mechanisms underlying cellular response to proteasome inhibitors have not been clearly elucidated in solid tumor models. Evidence suggests that the ability of a cell to manage the amount of proteotoxic stress following proteasome inhibition dictates survival. In this study using the FDA-approved proteasome inhibitor bortezomib (Velcade®) in solid tumor cells, we demonstrated that perhaps the most critical response to proteasome inhibition is repression of global protein synthesis by phosphorylation of the eukaryotic initiation factor 2-α subunit (eIF2α). In a panel of 10 distinct human pancreatic cancer cells, we showed marked heterogeneity in the ability of cancer cells to induce eIF2α phosphorylation upon stress (eIF2α-P); lack of inducible eIF2α-P led to excessive accumulation of aggregated proteins, reactive oxygen species, and ultimately cell death. In addition, we examined complementary cytoprotective mechanisms involving the activation of the heat shock response (HSR), and found that induction of heat shock protein 70 kDa (Hsp72) protected against proteasome inhibitor-induced cell death in human bladder cancer cells. Finally, investigation of a novel histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6)-selective inhibitor suggested that the cytoprotective role of the cytoplasmic histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) in response to proteasome inhibition may have been previously overestimated.


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The urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (u-PAR) promotes extracellular matrix degradation, invasion and metastasis. A first objective of this dissertation was to identify cis-elements and trans-acting factors activating u-PAR gene expression through a previously footprinted (–148/–124) promoter region. Mobility shifting experiments on nuclear extracts of a high u-PAR-expressing colon cancer cell line (RKO) indicated Sp1, Sp3 and a factor similar to, but distinct from, AP-2α bound to an oligonucleotide spanning –152/–135. Mutations preventing the binding of the AP-2α-related factor reduced u-PAR promoter activity. In RKO, the expression of a dominant negative AP-2 (AP-2αB) diminished u-PAR promoter activity, protein and u-PAR mediated laminin degradation. Conversely, u-PAR promoter activity in low u-PAR-expressing GEO cells was increased by AP-2αA expression. PMA treatment, which induces u-PAR expression, caused an increased amount of the AP-2α-related factor-containing complex in GEO, and mutations preventing AP-2α-like and Sp1/Sp3 binding reduced the u-PAR promoter stimulation by PMA. In resected colon cancers, u-PAR protein amounts were related to the amount of the AP-2α-related factor-containing complex. In conclusion, constitutive and PMA- inducible u-PAR gene expression and -proteolysis are mediated partly through transactivation via a promoter sequence (–152/435) bound with an AP-2α-related factor and Sp1/Sp3. ^ A second interest of this dissertation was to determine if a constitutively active Src regulates the transcription of the u-PAR gene, since c-src expression increases invasion in colon cancer. Increased u-PAR protein and laminin degradation paralleling elevated Src activity was evident in SW480 colon cancer cells stably expressing a constitutively active Src (Y- c-src527F). Nuclear run-on experiments indicated that this was due largely to transcriptional activation. While transient transfection of SW480 cells with Y-c-src527F induced a u-PAR-CAT-reporter, mutations preventing Sp1-binding to promoter region –152/435 abolished this induction. Mobility shift assays revealed increased Sp1 binding to region –152/135 with nuclear extracts of Src-transfected SW480 cells. Finally, the amounts of endogenous u-PAR in resected colon cancers significantly correlated with Src-activity. These data suggest that u-PAR gene expression and proteolysis are regulated by Src, this requiring the promoter region (–152/–135) bound with Sp1, thus, demonstrating for the first time that transcription factor Sp1 is a downstream effector of Src. ^


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The proteasome degrades approximately 80% of intracellular proteins to maintain homeostasis. Proteasome inhibition is a validated therapeutic strategy, and currently, proteasome inhibitor bortezomib is FDA approved for the treatment of MM and MCL. Specific pathways affected by proteasome inhibition have been identified, but mechanisms of the anti-tumor effects of proteasome inhibition are not fully characterized and cancer cells display marked heterogeneity in terms of their sensitivity to proteasome inhibitor induced cell death. ^ The antitumor effects of proteasome inhibition involve suppression of tumor angiogenesis and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression, but the mechanisms involved have not been clarified. In this dissertation I investigated the mechanisms underlying the effects of two proteasome inhibitors, bortezomib and NPI-0052, on VEGF expression in human prostate cancer cells. I found that proteasome inhibitors selectively downregulated hypoxia inducible factor 1alpha (HIF-1α) protein and its transcriptional activity to inhibit VEGF expression. Mechanistic studies demonstrated that proteasome inhibitors mediate the induction of the unfolded protein response (UPR) and that downregulation of HIF-1α is caused by eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2α (eIF2α) phosphorylation and translation repression. Importantly, I showed that proteasome inhibitors activated the UPR in some cells but not in others. My observation may have implications for the design of combination regimens that are based on exploiting proteasome inhibitor-induced ER stress.^ Although proteasome inhibitors have shown modest activity on prostate cancer, there is general consensus that no single agent is likely to have significant activity in prostate cancer. In the second part of this dissertation I attempted to exploit the effects of proteasome inhibition on the UPR to design a combination therapy that would enhance cancer cell death. Autophagy is a lysosome dependent degradation pathway that functions to eliminate long-lived protein and subcellular structures. Targeting autophagy has been shown to inhibit tumors in preclinical studies. I found that inhibition of autophagy with chloroquine or 3-methyladenine enhanced proteasome inhibitor induced cell death and the effects were associated with increased intracellular stress as marked by aggresome formation. Multiple cancers appear to be resistant to proteasome inhibition treatment alone. The implications of synergy for the combined inhibition of autophagy and the proteasome would likely apply to other cancers aside from prostate cancer. ^


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In this issue of Molecular Cell, Fukao et al. (2009) report that HuD upregulates mRNA translation through direct interaction with eIF4A in the 5' cap-binding complex, revealing a posttranscriptional role for HuD in neuronal development and plasticity.


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TNF-α is a pleiotropic cytokine involved in normal homeostasis and plays a key role in defending the host from infection and malignancy. However when deregulated, TNF-α can lead to various disease states. Therefore, understanding the mechanisms by which TNF-α is regulated may aid in its control. In spite of the knowledge gained regarding the transcriptional regulation of TNF-α further characterization of specific TNF-α promoter elements remains to be elucidated. In particular, the T&barbelow;NF-α A&barbelow;P-1/C&barbelow;RE-like (TAC) element of the TNF-α promoter has been shown to be important in the regulation of TNF-α in lymphocytes. Activating transcription factor-2 (ATF-2) and c-Jun were shown to bind to and transactivate the TAC element However, the role of TAC and transcription factors ATF-2 and c-Jun in the regulation of TNF-α in monocytes is not as well characterized. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a potent activator of TNF-α in monocytes, provides a good model to study the involvement of TAC in TNF-α regulation. On the other hand, all-tram retinoic acid (ATRA), a physiological monocyte-differentiation agent, is unable to induce TNF-α protein release. ^ To delineate the functional role of TAC, we transfected the wildtype or the TAC deleted TNF-α promoter-CAT construct into THP-1 promonocytic cells before stimulating them with LPS. CAT activity was induced 17-fold with the wildtype TNF-α promoter, whereas the CAT activity was uninducible when the TAC deletion mutant was used. This daft suggests that TAC is vital for LPS to activate the TNF-α promoter. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays using the TAC element as a probe showed a unique pattern for LPS-activated cells: the disappearance of the upper band of a doublet seen in untreated and ATRA treated cells. Supershift analysis identified c-Jun and ATF-2 as components of the LPS-stimulated binding complex. Transient transfection studies using dominant negative mutants of JNK, c-Jun, or ATF-2 suggest that these proteins we important for LPS to activate the TNF-α promoter. Furthermore, an increase in phosphorylated or activated c-Jun was bound to the TAC element in LPS-stimulated cells. Increased c-Jun activation was correlated with increased activity of Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), a known upstream stimulator of c-Jun and ATF-2, in LPS-stimulated monocytes. On the other hand, ATRA did not induce TNF-α protein release nor changes in the phosphorylation of c-Jun or JNK activity, suggesting that pathways leading to ATRA differentiation of monocytic cells are independent of TNF-α activation. Together, the induction of TNF-α gene expression seems to require JNK activation, and activated c-Jun binding to the TAC element of the TNF-α promoter in THP-1 promonocytic cells. ^


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Transcription factors must be able to access their DNA binding sites to either activate or repress transcription. However, DNA wrapping and compaction into chromatin occludes most binding sites from ready access by proteins. Pioneer transcription factors are capable of binding their DNA elements within a condensed chromatin context and then reducing the level of nucleosome occupancy so that the chromatin structure is more accessible. This altered accessibility increases the probability of other transcription factors binding to their own DNA binding elements. My hypothesis is that Foxa1, a ‘pioneer’ transcription factor, activates alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) expression by binding DNA in a chromatinized environment, reducing the nucleosome occupancy and facilitating binding of additional transcription factors.^ Using retinoic-acid differentiated mouse embryonic stem cells, we illustrate a mechanism for activation of the tumor marker AFP by the pioneer transcription factor Foxa1 and TGF-β downstream effector transcription factors Smad2 and Smad4. In differentiating embryonic stem cells, binding of the Foxa1 forkhead box transcription factor to chromatin reduces nucleosome occupancy and levels of linker histone H1 at the AFP distal promoter. The more accessible DNA is subsequently bound by the Smad2 and Smad4 transcription factors, concurrent with activation of transcription. Chromatin immunoprecipitation analyses combined with siRNA-mediated knockdown indicate that Smad protein binding and the reduction of nucleosome occupancy at the AFP distal promoter is dependent on Foxa1. In addition to facilitating transcription factor binding, Foxa1 is also associated with histone modifications related to active gene expression. Acetylation of lysine 9 on histone H3, a mark that is associated active transcription, is dependent on Foxa1, while methylation of H3K4, also associated with active transcription, is independent of Foxa1. I propose that Foxa1 potentiates a region of chromatin to respond to Smad proteins, leading to active expression of AFP.^ These studies demonstrate one mechanism whereby a transcription factor can alter the accessibility of additional transcription factors to chromatin, by altering nucleosome positions. Specifically, Foxa1 exposes DNA so that Smad4 can bind to its regulatory element and activate transcription of the tumor-marker gene AFP.^


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Background. Among Hispanics, the HPV vaccine has the potential to eliminate disparities in cervical cancer incidence and mortality but only if optimal rates of vaccination are achieved. Media can be an important information source for increasing HPV knowledge and awareness of the vaccine. Very little is known about how media use among Hispanics affects their HPV knowledge and vaccine awareness. Even less is known about what differences exist in media use and information processing among English- and Spanish-speaking Hispanics.^ Aims. Examine the relationships between three health communication variables (media exposure, HPV-specific information scanning and seeking) and three HPV outcomes (knowledge, vaccine awareness and initiation) among English- and Spanish-speaking Hispanics.^ Methods. Cross-sectional data from a survey administered to Hispanic mothers in Dallas, Texas was used for univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses. Sample used for analysis included 288 mothers of females aged 8-22 recruited from clinics and community events. Dependent variables of interest were HPV knowledge, HPV vaccine awareness and initiation. Independent variables were media exposure, HPV-specific information scanning and seeking. Language was tested as an effect modifier on the relationship between health communication variables and HPV outcomes.^ Results. English-speaking mothers reported more media exposure, HPV-specific information scanning and seeking than Spanish-speakers. Scanning for HPV information was associated with more HPV knowledge (OR = 4.26, 95% CI = 2.41 - 7.51), vaccine awareness (OR = 10.01, 95% CI = 5.43 - 18.47) and vaccine initiation (OR = 2.54, 95% CI = 1.09 - 5.91). Seeking HPV-specific information was associated with more knowledge (OR = 2.27, 95% CI = 1.23 - 4.16), awareness (OR = 6.60, 95% CI = 2.74 - 15.91) and initiation (OR = 4.93, 95% CI = 2.64 - 9.20). Language moderated the effect of information scanning and seeking on vaccine awareness.^ Discussion. Differences in information scanning and seeking behaviors among Hispanic subgroups have the potential to lead to disparities in vaccine awareness.^ Conclusion. Findings from this study underscore health communication differences among Hispanics and emphasize the need to target Spanish language media as well as English language media aimed at Hispanics to improve knowledge and awareness.^


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Patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) demonstrate abnormal cell-mediated immunity which is most pronounced at the primary tumor site. Therefore, we tested whether this aberrant immunity could be due to tumor-derived cytokines. We investigated the presence of cytokine mRNA and protein in 8 HNSCC-derived cell lines; RT-PCR results indicated mRNA's for IL-1$\alpha$ and TGF-$\alpha$ (8/8), TGF-$\beta$ (7/8), IL-1$\beta$ (7/8), IL-4 and IL-6 (4/8). IL-2, IFN-$\gamma,$ and TNF-$\alpha$ mRNA was not detected. Supernatants from 6 of these cell lines were analyzed by ELISA and IL-1$\alpha,$ IL-1$\beta,$ and IL-6 were markedly increased compared to HPV-16 immortalized human oral keratinocytes. IL-1$\alpha$ was found in the highest concentration $>$IL-6 $>$ IL-1$\beta.$^ To approach the mechanisms of cytokine regulation, 4 cell lines were compared for HPV DNA presence, p53 status, and cytokine expression. An association between HPV DNA and cytokine expression was not found. However, cell lines secreting the most IL-6 had mutant p53 and/or HPV 16 E6/E7 expression. Further regulatory investigations revealed that exogenous IL-1$\alpha$ and/or IL-1$\beta$ minimally stimulated the proliferation of 2/3 cell lines, as well as strongly induced IL-6 production in 3/3; this effect was completely abrogated by IL-1Ra. IL-1Ra also inhibited the secretion of IL-1$\alpha$ and IL-1$\beta$ in 2/3 cell lines. These data suggest an IL-1 autocrine loop in certain HNSCC cell lines. Because IL-2 induces IL-1 and is used in therapy of HNSCC, the expression of IL-2 receptor was also investigated; IL-2 $\alpha$ and $\beta$ subunits were detected in 3/3 cell lines and $\gamma$ subunits was detected in one. Exogenous IL-2 inhibited the proliferation, but stimulated the secretion of IL-1$\alpha$ in 2/3, and IL-1$\beta$ and IL-6 in 1/3 cell lines.^ To determine if our cell line findings were applicable to patients, immunohistochemistry was performed on biopsies from 12 invasive tumors. Unexpectedly, universal intracellular production of IL-1$\alpha,$ IL-1$\beta,$ and IL-6 protein was detected. Therefore, the aberrant elaboration of biologically active IL-1 and IL-6 may contribute to altered immune status in HNSCC patients. ^


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The degradation of proteins by the ubiquitin proteasome system is essential for cellular homeostasis in the heart. An important regulator of metabolic homeostasis is AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). During nutrient deprivation, AMPK is activated and intracellular proteolysis is enhanced through the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS). Whether AMPK plays a role in protein degradation through the UPS in the heart is not known. Here I present data in support of the hypothesis that AMPK transcriptionally regulates key players in the UPS, which, under extreme conditions can be detrimental to the heart. The ubiquitin ligases MAFbx /Atrogin-1 and MuRF1, key regulators of protein degradation, and AMPK activity are increased during nutrient deprivation. Pharmacologic and genetic activation of AMPK is sufficient for the induction of MAFbx/Atrogin-1 and MuRF1 in cardiomyocytes and in the heart in vivo. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that the molecular mechanism by which AMPK regulates MuRF1 expression is through the transcription factor myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2), which is involved in stress response and cardiomyocyte remodeling. MuRF1 is required for AMPK-mediated protein degradation through the UPS in cardiomyocytes. Consequently, the absence of MuRF1 during chronic fasting preserves cardiac function, possibly by limiting degradation of critical metabolic enzymes. Furthermore, during cardiac hypertrophy, chronic activation of AMPK also leads to cardiac dysfunction, possibly through enhanced protein degradation and metabolic dysregulation. Collectively, my findings demonstrate that AMPK regulates expression of ubiquitin ligases which are required for UPS-mediated protein degradation in the heart. Based on these results, I propose that specific metabolic signals may serve as modulators of intracellular protein degradation in the heart.


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The degradation of proteins by the ubiquitin proteasome system is essential for cellular homeostasis in the heart. An important regulator of metabolic homeostasis is AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). During nutrient deprivation, AMPK is activated and intracellular proteolysis is enhanced through the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS). Whether AMPK plays a role in protein degradation through the UPS in the heart is not known. Here I present data in support of the hypothesis that AMPK transcriptionally regulates key players in the UPS, which, under extreme conditions can be detrimental to the heart. The ubiquitin ligases MAFbx /Atrogin-1 and MuRF1, key regulators of protein degradation, and AMPK activity are increased during nutrient deprivation. Pharmacologic and genetic activation of AMPK is sufficient for the induction of MAFbx/Atrogin-1 and MuRF1 in cardiomyocytes and in the heart in vivo. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that the molecular mechanism by which AMPK regulates MuRF1 expression is through the transcription factor myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2), which is involved in stress response and cardiomyocyte remodeling. MuRF1 is required for AMPK-mediated protein degradation through the UPS in cardiomyocytes. Consequently, the absence of MuRF1 during chronic fasting preserves cardiac function, possibly by limiting degradation of critical metabolic enzymes. Furthermore, during cardiac hypertrophy, chronic activation of AMPK also leads to cardiac dysfunction, possibly through enhanced protein degradation and metabolic dysregulation. Collectively, my findings demonstrate that AMPK regulates expression of ubiquitin ligases which are required for UPS-mediated protein degradation in the heart. Based on these results, I propose that specific metabolic signals may serve as modulators of intracellular protein degradation in the heart.


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Background: Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is rare and accounts for 2.5% of all invasive breast cancers. The 5-year survival rates are significantly lower than for other types of breast cancer, highlighting the significance of cancer prevention in IBC. The comprehensive multi-disciplinary team Morgan Welch Inflammatory Breast Cancer Research Program and Clinic at University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center treats the largest number of Inflammatory Breast patients in a single center. Because of this unique center, large patient resources, and good medical and epidemiological records, we were able to conduct the largest single center case-control and case-case study on IBC. Methods: We identified 246 patients diagnosed with IBC and 397 cancer free patients seen at the Dan L Duncan Cancer Prevention Clinic. Breast cancer reproductive risk factors and lifestyle risk factors were compared between tumor subtypes of IBC patients (Estrogen Receptor positive (ER+) and/or Progesterone Receptor positive (PR+), Human Epidermal Growth Factor 2 positive (HER2+)), and (ER -/PR-/HER2-)) and cancer free controls. Results: Breastfeeding was the only significant risk factor (p<0.01) between tumor subtypes in IBC patients. In the case-control study that included all IBC patients and cancer free patients the descriptive statistics indicate significant difference in BMI, history of smoking, number of children, age of first pregnancy, any breastfeeding and total time breastfeeding (p<0.05). No differences were found in the frequency of other breast cancer risk factors. Conclusion: The associations determined between cancer free controls and IBC patients have identified previously unknown risk factors for IBC. The risk factors identified by the case control study suggest BMI, history of smoking, and the protective effect of breastfeeding as potential modifiable risk factors that can be used to decrease the incidence of IBC. Impact: These results highlight the importance of evaluating epidemiologic risk factors of IBC, which could lead to the identification of distinct etiologic pathways that could be targeted for prevention.^