23 resultados para EPIDERMIS

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Bcl-2, a crucial regulator of cell survival, is frequently overexpressed in basal cell carcinomas (BCCs), the most commonly diagnosed cancers. Regulation of bcl-2 expression in epidermal keratinocytes is not well characterized. In the epidermis, bcl-2 is expressed only in keratinocytes of the basal layer and the outer root sheath of hair follicles and no bcl-2 expression in suprabasalar keratinocytes. The calcium gradient in the epidermis is a potent regulator of keratinocyte differentiation. Increasing calcium concentrations associated with differentiation, resulted in the downregulation of a 2.9 kb bcl-2 promoter luciferase construct. The AP-1 family of transcription factors is differentially expressed in the strata of the epidermis and has been shown to be involved in the stage specific expression of numerous differentiation markers in the epidermis. In silico analysis of the bcl-2 promoter and gene reporter assays showed that co-transfection of JUNB and JUND, but not other AP-1 dimers, caused a significant upregulation of the bcl-2 promoter in primary keratinocytes. Immunoelectrophoretic mobility shift assays, in vivo chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) studies and mutational analysis of AP-1 binding site 3 on the bcl-2 promoter identified it as the site involved in bcl-2 regulation. Utilizing site directed mutants, we determined that phosphorylation at Ser90/Ser100 residues of JUND is required for the activation of the bcl-2 promoter. ^ The sonic hedgehog (SHH) pathway is frequently deregulated in BCCs and, we have shown that GLI1 upregulates bcl-2 in keratinocytes. While examining potential regulation of the SHH pathway extracellular calcium, we found that higher calcium concentrations are associated with lowered HH pathway activity and upregulation of suppressor of fused (SUFU) which negatively regulates the SHH pathway. ChIP assays, and in vivo mouse models, show that ΔNp63α, a crucial regulator of epidermal development, binds and activates the SUFU promoter in differentiating keratinocytes. Increasing SUFU levels prevent transactivation of the bcl-2 promoter. In vitro SUFU knockdown along with in vivo SUFU+/− murine models demonstrate a significant upregulation of bcl-2 expression. ^ In conclusion, the spatial and temporal expression of bcl-2 during keratinocyte differentiation in the epidermis is a complex process requiring cooperative interactions of specific signaling cascades and transcription factors. ^


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The JAK-STAT pathway is a major signaling pathway involved in many biological processes including proliferation, apoptosis, and differentiation. Aberrant expression of STATs has been reported in multiple human cancers and murine mouse models of tumorigenesis. Previous studies from our lab and others have established a critical role for Stat3 in epithelial tumorigenesis, but the role of Stat1 is largely unknown. The current study was designed to explore the role of Stat1 during multistage skin carcinogenesis. Topical treatment with both TPA and the anthrone derivative chrysarobin (CHRY) led to rapid phosphorylation of Stat1 on both tyrosine (Tyr701) and serine (Ser727) residues in epidermis. CHRY treatment also led to upregulation of unphosphorylated Stat1 (uStat1) at later time points. In addition, CHRY treatment also led to upregulation of IRF-1 mRNA and protein which was dependent on Stat1. Further analyses demonstrated that topical treatment with CHRY but not TPA upregulated interferon-gamma (IFNg) mRNA in the epidermis and that the induction of both IRF-1 and uStat1 was dependent on IFNg signaling. Stat1 deficient (Stat1-/-) mice were highly resistant to skin tumor promotion by CHRY. In contrast, the tumor response (in terms of both papillomas and squamous cell carcinomas) was similar in Stat1-/- mice and wild-type littermates with TPA as the promoter. Histological evaluation of the proliferative response confirmed the data obtained from the tumor study for both TPA and CHRY. In addition, maximal induction of both cyclooxygenase-2 and inducible nitric oxide synthase in epidermis following treatment with CHRY was also dependent on the presence of functional Stat1. Following CHRY treatment, Stat1-/- mice exhibited reduced macrophage infiltration and reduced production of many immune cell derived chemokines/cytokines. These studies define a novel mechanism associated with skin tumor promotion by the anthrone class of tumor promoters involving upregulation of IFNg signaling in the epidermis and downstream signaling through activated (phosphorylated) Stat1 and subsequent upregulation of IRF-1 and uStat1.


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E2F1 is a multi-faceted protein that has roles in a number of important cellular processes including cell cycle regulation, apoptosis, proliferation, and the DNA damage response (DDR). Moreover, E2F1 has opposing roles in tumor development, acting as either a tumor suppressor or an oncogene depending on the context. In human cancer, E2F1 is often deregulated through aberrations in the Rb-p16INK4a-cyclin D1 pathway. In these studies we examined three mechanisms by which E2F1 might mediate its tumor suppressive properties: p21-induced senescence, miRNAs, and the DNA damage response. We found that E2F1 acts as a tumor suppressor in response to ras activation through a non-apoptotic mechanism requiring ARF and p53, but not p21. However, p21-loss inhibited two-stage chemical carcinogenesis in FVB mice. In response to E2F1 overexpression, we found that 22 miRNAs are differentially regulated in mouse epidermis, including let-7a, let-7c, and miR-301. Additionally, regulation of miR-301 involves binding of E2F1 to its promoter. Finally, our data indicate a role for E2F1 at sites of DNA damage requiring E2F1’s phosphorylation at serine 31 which may involve DNA repair. Further, this role in the DDR may affect tumor aggressiveness and multiplicity. In all, we have explored three mechanisms for E2F1-induced tumor suppression and identified E2F1’s role in the DNA damage response as a likely contributor to this phenomenon.


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The skin is composed of two major compartments, the dermis and epidermis. The epidermis forms a barrier to protect the body. The stratified epithelium has self-renewing capacity throughout life, and continuous turnover is mediated by stem cells in the basal layer. p63 is structurally and functionally related to p53. In spite of their structural similarities, p63 is critical for the development and maintenance of stratified epithelial tissues, unlike p53. p63 is highly expressed in the epidermis and previously has been shown to play a critical role in the development and maintenance of the epidermis. The study of p63 has been complicated due to the existence of multiple isoforms: those with a transactivation domain (TAp63) and those lacking this domain (ΔNp63). Mice lacking p63 cannot form skin, have craniofacial and skeletal defects and die within hours after birth. These defects are due to the ability of p63 to regulate multiple processes in skin development including epithelial stem cell proliferation, differentiation, and adherence programs. To determine the roles of these isoforms in skin development and maintenance, isoform specific p63 conditional knock out mice were generated by our lab. TAp63-/- mice age prematurely, develop blisters, and display wound-healing defects that result from hyperproliferation of dermal stem cells. That results in premature depletion of these cells, which are necessary for wound repair, that indicates TAp63 plays a role in dermal/epidermal maintenance. To study the role of ΔNp63, I generated a ΔNp63-/- mouse and analyzed the skin by performing immunofluorescence for markers of epithelial differentiation. The ΔNp63-/- mice developed a thin, disorganized epithelium but differentiation markers were expressed. Interestingly, the epidermis from ΔNp63-/- mice co-expressed K14 and K10 in the same cell suggesting defects in epidermal differentiation and stratification. This phenotype is reminiscent of the DGCR8fl/fl;K14Cre and Dicerfl/fl;K14Cre mice skin. Importantly, DGCR8-/- embryonic stem cells (ESCs) display a hyperproliferation defect by failure to silence pluripotency genes. Furthermore, I have observed that epidermal cells lacking ΔNp63 display a phenotype reminiscent of embryonic stem cells instead of keratinocytes. Thus, I hypothesize that genes involved in maintaining pluripotency, like Oct4, may be upregulated in the absence of ΔNp63. To test this, q-RT PCR was performed for Oct4 mRNA with wild type and ΔNp63-/- 18.5dpc embryo skin. I found that the level of Oct4 was dramatically increased in the absence of ΔNp63-/-. Based on these results, I hypothesized that ΔNp63 induces differentiation by silencing pluripotency regulators, Oct4, Sox2 and Nanog directly through the regulation of DGCR8. I found that DGCR8 restoration resulted in repression of Oct4, Sox2 and Nanog in ΔNp63-/- epidermal cells and rescue differentiation defects. Loss of ΔNp63 resulted in pluripotency that caused defect in proper differentiation and stem cell like phenotype. This led me to culture the ΔNp63-/- epidermal cells in neuronal cell culture media in order to address whether restoration of DGCR8 can transform epidermal cells to neuronal cells. I found that DGCR8 restoration resulted in a change in cell fate. I also found that miR470 and miR145 play a role in the induction of pluripotency by repressing Oct4, Sox2 and Nanog. This indicates that ΔNp63 induces terminal differentiation through the regulation of DGCR8.


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Background: Pagetoid reticulosis is a rare variant of mycosis fungoides. This rare condition typically presents as a solitary plaque located on the extremities with an indolent clinical course (Woringer-Kolopp disease) or as a more generalized presentation with diffuse cutaneous involvement and a more aggressive clinical course (Ketron-Goodman disease). Purpose: To review the cutaneous manifestations, pathology, and treatment of localized pagetoid reticulosis. Methods: The authors describe a 24-year-old woman with a slowly enlarging, localized plaque of seven months duration, representing the localized form of pagetoid reticulosis with CD8+ immunophenotype. Results: The histological, immunohistochemical, and clinical features of the patient's skin lesion were characteristic for a diagnosis of Woringer-Kolopp disease. Systemic work-up for lymphoma was negative. Conclusion: Woringer-Kolopp disease is most commonly seen in middle-aged men as a solitary lesion of the extremities, and it should always be considered in the differential diagnosis when a patient presents with such a lesion. A histological analysis demonstrated atypical lymphocytes preferentially localized to the epidermis with a CD4+, CD8+, or CD4-/CD8- phenotype. The treatment of choice for a solitary lesion may be localized radiation therapy, but newer therapies, such as bexarotene, may warrant further investigation.


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The skin immune system is believed to be a crucial site of contact between immunocompetent cells and invading organisms. A novel T cell component of murine epidermis is the Thy-1$\sp+$ dendritic epidermal cell (Tdec). To assess the immunocompetence of Tdec, the ability of Tdec to induce immune responses was tested. Tdec were unable to induce positive immune responses in three models of immunocompetence. Subsequent studies were designed to test the hypothesis that Tdec are involved in the down-regulation of cell-mediated immunity against cutaneous antigens. Cultured Tdec lines were conjugated in vitro with the hapten, fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC). The intrafootpad (ifp.) or intravenous (i.v.) injection of FTIC-conjugated Tdec induced immunologic tolerance to subsequent epicutaneous sensitization with FITC. This induction of tolerance was antigen-specific, and injection of unconjugated Tdec had no effect on the contact hypersensitivity response to FITC. Tolerance was not H-2-restricted, since it could be induced in both syngeneic and allogeneic recipients of FITC-conjugated Tdec. No suppressive activity could be detected in lymphoid organs of animals tolerized by the ifp. injection of hapten-conjugated Tdec. In contrast, suppressor T cells were present in the spleens of mice injected i.v. with hapten-conjugated Tdec. These results indicate that Ts cells are not involved in the induction of tolerance by the ifp. injection of hapten-conjugated Tdec. To investigate the mechanism by which the ifp. injection of hapten-conjugated Tdec induced tolerance to contact sensitization, the activity of these cells was measured in vitro. The addition of hapten-conjugated Tdec inhibited the proliferation of Con A-stimulated lymphocytes. In addition, FITC-conjugated Tdec abrogated the proliferation of normal lymphocytes in response to FITC-labeled stimulator cells. These studies suggest that specific T cell-mediated immunity is the target of the inhibitory effect of Tdec in vitro. In summary, these results demonstrate that while Tdec are unable to induce positive immune responses, they can produce a state of specific immunologic tolerance when injected ifp. or i.v. These results also suggest that the induction of immunologic tolerance by hapten-conjugated Tdec may occur through the inactivation or elimination of activated T lymphocytes resulting in down-regulation of cell-mediated immunity against cutaneous antigens. ^


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Morphogenesis is the process by which the 3-dimensional structure of the developing embryo takes shape. We are studying xlcaax-1, a gene whose product can be used as a molecular marker for several morphogenetic events. We report here the cellular and subcellular localization of the xlcaax-1 protein during development of Xenopus laevis. Whole mount immunocytochemistry and immunoperoxidase staining of tissue sections showed that during development the xlcaax-1 protein accumulation was coincident with the differentiation of the epidermis, pronephros and mesonephros. In the pronephros and mesonephros the xlcaax-1 protein was localized to the basolateral membrane of differentiated tubule epithelial cells. Thus, the xlcaax-1 protein served as a marker for tubule formation and polarization during Xenopus kidney development. Xlcaax-1 may also be used as a marker for the functional differentiation of the epidermis and the epidermally derived portions of the lens and some cranial nerves. The xlcaax-1 protein was most abundant in kidney and immunogold EM analysis showed that the xlcaax-1 protein was highly enriched in the basal infoldings of the basolateral membrane of the epithelial cells in adult kidney distal tubules. The xlcaax-1 protein was also localized in other ion transporting epithelia. The localization pattern and preliminary functional assays of xlcaax-1 suggest that the protein may function in association with an ion transport channel or pump.^ Cell migration and cell-cell interactions play important roles in numerous processes during morphogenesis. One of these is the formation of the pronephric (wolffian) duct (PD), which connects the pronephros to the cloaca. It is currently accepted that in most amphibians the pronephric duct is formed by active migration of the pronephric duct rudiment (PDR) cells along a pre-determined pathway. However, there is evidence that in Xenopus, the PD may be formed entirely by in situ segregation of cells out of the lateral mesoderm. In this study, we showed, using PDR ablation and X. laevis - X. borealis chimeras, that PD elongation in Xenopus required both active cell migration and an induced recruitment of cells from the posterior lateral plate mesoderm. We also showed that PDR cell migration was limited to only a few stages during development and that this temporal control is due, at least in part, to changes in the competence of the PD pathway to support cell migration. In addition, our data suggested that an alkaline phosphatase (APase) adhesion gradient may be involved in determining this competence. ^


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The recognition of the skin as an immunocompetent organ has focused attention on the complex interaction between ultraviolet radiation and the immune system. How UV-radiation, which hardly penetrates past the epidermis, induces systemic immune suppression is not entirely clear. We propose that suppressive cytokines, released by UV-irradiated keratinocytes, play a role in the induction of immune suppression. Injecting supernatants from UV-exposed murine keratinocytes into mice impairs their ability to mount a delayed-type hypersensitivity response against allogeneic histocompatibility antigens. We tested the hypothesis that the down regulation of the immune response by UV is precipitated by the release of IL-10 after keratinocytes are UV-irradiated. After UV exposure IL-10 mRNA was upregulated. Western analysis indicated immunoreactive IL-10 was secreted by UV-exposed keratinocytes. The addition of supernatants from UV-irradiated keratinocytes to Th1 clones diminished their IFN production, whereas the addition of supernatants from normal keratinocytes had no suppressive effect on IFN production. Furthermore, treating supernatants from UV-irradiated keratinocytes with anti-IL-10 antibodies blocked the induction of immune suppression. To determine if IL-10 was responsible for the immunosuppression seen after total-body UV irradiation, UV-exposed mice were treated with anti-IL-10 antibodies. Treating UV-irradiated mice with anti-IL-10 reversed the induction of immune suppression. These findings suggest that keratinocyte-derived IL-10 was mediating UV-induced suppression in vivo. We also tested the hypothesis that UV-induced suppressor cells are Th2 cells. Mice were injected with spleen cells from either normal or UV-exposed donor mice immunized with alloantigen. At the time of spleen cell infusion, the recipient mice were then resensitized. Spleen cells from UV-exposed mice suppressed DTH. Mice treated identically and injected with anti-IL-10 antibodies were able to generate a DTH response. Taken together these data suggest that the suppressor cells that are induced by UV radiation are Th2 cells which mediate their suppressive effect by release of IL-10. ^


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Dendritic epidermal T cells (DETC) comprise a unique population of T cells that reside in mouse epidermis and whose function remains unclear. Most DETC express a $\gamma\delta$ TCR, although some, including our DETC line, AU16, express an $\alpha\beta$ TCR. Additionally, AU16 cells express CD3, Thy-1, CD45, CD28, B7, and AsGM-1. Previous studies in our laboratory demonstrated that hapten-conjugated AU16 could induce specific immunologic tolerance in vivo and inhibit T cell proliferation in vitro. Both these activities are antigen-specific, and the induction of tolerance is non-MHC-restricted. In addition, AU16 cells are cytotoxic to a number of tumor cell lines in vitro. These studies suggested a role for these cells in immune surveillance. The purpose of my studies was to test the hypothesis that these functions of DETC (tolerance induction, inhibition of T cell proliferation, and tumor cell killing) were mediated by a cytotoxic mechanism. My specific aims were (1) to determine whether AU16 could prevent or delay tumor growth in vivo; and (2) to determine the mechanism whereby AU16 induce tolerance, using an in vitro proliferation assay. I first showed that AU16 cells killed a variety of skin tumor cell lines in vitro. I then demonstrated that they prevented melanoma growth in C3H mice when both cell types were mixed immediately prior to intradermal (i.d.) injection. Studies using the in vitro proliferation assay confirmed that DETC inhibit proliferation of T cells stimulated by hapten-bearing, antigen-presenting cells (FITC-APC). To determine which cell was the target, $\gamma$-irradiated, hapten-conjugated AU16 were added to the proliferation assay on d 4. They profoundly inhibited the proliferation of naive T cells to $\gamma$-irradiated, FITC-APC, as measured by ($\sp3$H) TdR uptake. This result strongly suggested that the T cell was the target of the AU16 activity because no APC were present by d 4 of the in vitro culture. In contrast, the addition of FITC-conjugated splenic T cells (SP-T) or lymph node T cells (LN-T) was less inhibitory. Preincubation of the T cells with FITC-AU16 cells for 24 h, followed by removal of the AU16 cells, completely inhibited the ability of the T cells to proliferate in response to FITC-APC, further supporting the conclusion that the T cell was the target of the AU16. Finally, AU16 cells were capable of killing a variety of activated T cells and T cell lines, arguing that the mechanism of proliferation inhibition, and possibly tolerance induction is one of cytotoxicity. Importantly, $\gamma\delta$ TCR$\sp+$ DETC behaved, both in vivo and in vitro like AU16, whereas other T cells did not. Therefore, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that AU16 cells are true DETC and that they induce tolerance by killing T cells that are antigen-activated in vivo. ^


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Since the anthrone chrysarobin oxidizes and generates free radicals, investigations were conducted to assess a possible role for free radicals or reactive oxygen species (ROS) in skin tumor promotion by chrysarobin. Epidermal glutathione levels were not noticeably altered by chrysarobin, nor did a glutathione-depleting agent enhance promotion by chrysarobin. Multiple applications of chrysarobin increased lipid peroxide levels in mouse epidermis two-fold as compared with controls. The antioxidant $\alpha$-tocopherol and the lipoxygenase inhibitor nordihydroguaiaretic acid both inhibited production of lipid peroxides by chrysarobin. The antioxidants $\alpha$-tocopherol acetate and ascorbyl palmitate effectively inhibited promotion and promoter-related effects induced by chrysarobin. Since prooxidant states can lead to increases in intracellular Ca$\sp{2+}$, the effect of two Ca$\sp{2+}$ antagonists, verapamil and TMB-8, on chrysarobin-induced promotion and promoter-related effects were investigated. Both Ca$\sp{2+}$ antagonists inhibited promotion and promoter-related effects induced by chrysarobin, suggesting a possible role for intracellular Ca$\sp{2+}$ alterations in chrysarobin-tumor promotion. Since radical generating compounds are reported to possess the ability to enhance progression of papillomas to squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs), the effects of chrysarobin on papilloma development were tested. Growth kinetics and regression of papillomas generated with limited promotion with chrysarobin were similar to what was reported for the nonradical generating promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) (Aldaz et al., 1991). To test the chrysarobin's ability to enhance progression of pre-existing papillomas to SCCs, tumors were generated by initiation with dimethylbenz (a) anthracene and promotion with TPA. Then mice were treated with chrysarobin, TPA or acetone for 45 weeks. When mice treated with chrysarobin were compared to mice treated continually with TPA with similar numbers of papillomas, the number of papillomas that progressed to SCCs was similar, suggesting that papilloma burden influences the progression of papillomas to SCCs, rather than radical production. In summary, the present study suggests that chrysarobin produces oxidative stress in mouse epidermis as indicated by the generation of lipid peroxides. Antioxidants inhibited production of lipid peroxides and tumor promotion by chrysarobin. Collectively, these data suggest a role for free radicals or ROS in tumor promotion by chrysarobin. ^


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Non-melanoma skin cancer is the most frequently diagnosed malignancy in the United States of which basal cell carcinoma (BCC) accounts for 65%. It has recently been determined that deregulation of the sonic hedgehog (shh) pathway leads to the development of BCC. Shh, gli-1, gli-2 gli-3, ptc and smo are overexpressed in BCC and overexpression of these genes in the epidermis results in formation of BCC-like tumors. Despite these observations, the mechanisms by which the pathway controls epidermal homeostasis and the development of the malignant phentotype are unknown. This study assessed the role of the shh pathway in epidermal homeostasis through regulation of apoptosis and differentiation. ^ The anti-apoptotic protein, bcl-2 is overexpressed in BCC, however transcriptional regulators of bcl-2 in the epidermis are unknown. Transient transfection of primary keratinocytes with gli-1 resulted in an increase of bcl-2 expression. Database analysis revealed seven candidate gli binding sites on the bcl-2 promoter. Cotransfection of increasing amounts of gli-1 in keratinoycytes resulted in a corresponding dose-dependent increase in bcl-2 promoter luciferase activity. An N-terminal mutant of gli-3 inhibited gli-1 transactivation of the bcl-2 promoter. The region −428 to −420 was found to be important for gli-1 regulation through gel shift, luciferase assays and site-directed mutagenesis. ^ In order to assess the ability of the shh pathway to regulate keratinocyte differentiation, HaCaT keratinocytes overexpressing sonic hedgehog, were grown in organotypic raft culture. Overexpression of shh induced a basal cell phenotype compared to vector control, as evidenced by transmural staining of cytokeratin 14 and altered Ki67 staining. Shh also induced keratinocyte invasion into the underlying collagen. This was associated with increased phosphorylation of EGFR, jnk and raf and increased expression of c-jun, mmp-9 and Ki67. Interestingly, shh overexpression in HaCaTs did not induce the typical downstream effects of shh signaling, suggesting a gli-independent mechanism. Sonic hedgehog's ability to induce an invasive phenotype was found to be dependent on activation of the EGF pathway as inhibition of EGFR activity with AG1478 and c-225 was able to reduce the invasiveness of HaCaT shh keratinocytes, whereas treatment with EGF augmented the invasiveness of the HaCaT shh clones. ^ These studies reveal the importance of the sonic hedgehog pathway in epidermal homeostasis by regulation of apoptosis through bcl-2, and control of keratinocyte differentiation and invasion through activation of the EGF pathway. They further suggest potential mechanisms by which deregulation of the shh pathway may lead to the development of the malignant phenotype. ^


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Though E2F1 is deregulated in most human cancers by mutations of the p16-cyclin D-Rb pathway, it also exhibits tumor suppressive activity. A transgenic mouse model overexpressing E2F1 under the control of the bovine keratin 5 (K5) promoter exhibits epidermal hyperplasia and spontaneously develops tumors in the skin and other epithelial tissues after one year of age. In a p53-deficient background, aberrant apoptosis in K5 E2F1 transgenic epidermis is reduced and tumorigenesis is accelerated. In sharp contrast, K5 E2F1 transgenic mice are resistant to papilloma formation in the DMBA/TPA two-stage carcinogenesis protocol. K5 E2F4 and K5 DP1 transgenic mice were also characterized and both display epidermal hyperplasia but do not develop spontaneous tumors even in cooperation with p53 deficiency. These transgenic mice do not have increased levels of apoptosis in their skin and are more susceptible to papilloma formation in the two-stage carcinogenesis model. These studies show that deregulated proliferation does not necessarily lead to tumor formation and that the ability to suppress skin carcinogenesis is unique to E2F1. E2F1 can also suppress skin carcinogenesis when okadaic acid is used as the tumor promoter and when a pre-initiated mouse model is used, demonstrating that E2F1's tumor suppressive activity is not specific for TPA and occurs at the promotion stage. E2F1 was thought to induce p53-dependent apoptosis through upregulation of p19ARF tumor suppressor, which inhibits mdm2-mediated p53 degradation. Consistent with in vitro studies, the overexpression of E2F1 in mouse skin results in the transcriptional activation of the p19ARF and the accumulation of p53. Inactivation of either p19ARF or p53 restores the sensitivity of K5 E2F1 transgenic mice to DMBA/TPA carcinogenesis, demonstrating that an intact p19ARF-p53 pathway is necessary for E2F1 to suppress carcinogenesis. Surprisingly, while p53 is required for E2F1 to induce apoptosis in mouse skin, p19ARF is not, and inactivation of p19ARF actually enhances E2F1-induced apoptosis and proliferation in transgenic epidermis. This indicates that ARF is important for E2F1-induced tumor suppression but not apoptosis. Senescence is another potential mechanism of tumor suppression that involves p53 and p19ARF. K5 E2F1 transgenic mice initiated with DMBA and treated with TPA show an increased number of senescence cells in their epidermis. These experiments demonstrate that E2F1's unique tumor suppressive activity in two-stage skin carcinogenesis can be genetically separated from E2F1-induced apoptosis and suggest that senescence utilizing the p19ARF-p53 pathway plays a role in tumor suppression by E2F1. ^


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The importance of IGF-1/IGF-1R signaling is evident in human cancers including breast, colon, prostate, and lung which have been shown to overexpress IGF-1. Also, serum levels of IGF-1 have been identified as a risk factor for these cancers. IGF-1 has been primarily shown to mediate its mitogenic effects through signaling pathways such as MAPK and PI3K/Akt. In this regard, BK5.IGF-1 transgenic mice were generated and these mice displayed hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis in the epidermis. In addition, these mice were also found to have elevated MAPK, PI3K, and Akt activities. Furthermore, overexpression of IGF-1 in epidermis can act as a tumor promoter. BK5.IGF-1 transgenic mice developed papillomas after initiation with DMBA without further treatment with a tumor promoter such as TPA. Previous data has also shown that inhibition of the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway by the inhibitor LY294002 was able to reduce the number of tumors formed by IGF-1 mediated tumor promotion. The current studies presented demonstrate that Akt may be the critical effector molecule in IGF-1/IGF-1R mediated tumor promotion. We have found that inhibition of PI3K/Akt by LY294002 inhibits cell cycle components, particularly those associated with G1 to S phase transition including Cyclin D1, Cyclin E, E2F1, and E2F4, that are elevated in epidermis of BK5.IGF-1 transgenic mice. We have also demonstrated that Akt activation may be a central theme in early tumor promotion. In this regard, treatment with diverse tumor promoters such as TPA, okadaic acid, chrysarobin, and UVB was shown to activate epidermal Akt and its downstream signaling pathways after a single treatment. Furthermore, overexpression of Akt targeted to the basal cells of the epidermis led to hyperplasia and increased labeling index as determined by BrdU staining. These mice also had constitutively elevated levels of cell cycle components, particularly Cyclin D1, Cyclin E, E2F1, E2F4, and Mdm-2. These mice developed skin tumors following initiation with DMBA and were hypersensitive to the tumor promoting effects of TPA. Collectively, these studies provide evidence that Akt activation plays an important role in the process of mouse skin tumor promotion. ^


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The ultraviolet radiation (UVR) present in sunlight is the primary cause of nonmelanoma skin cancer and has been implicated in the development of cutaneous malignant melanoma. Ultraviolet radiation also suppresses the immune response. In the majority of studies investigating the mechanisms regulating UV-induced immune suppression, UV is used to suppress the induction of immune responses. Equally important, is the ability of UVR to suppress established immune responses, such as the recall reaction in humans, which protects against microbial infections. We established a murine model to help elucidate the immunological mechanisms governing UV-induced suppression of the elicitation of immune responses. 80 kJ/m2 of UVR nine days after sensitization consistently suppressed the elicitation of delayed type hypersensitivity reaction to C. albicans . We found ultraviolet A (320±400 nm) radiation was as effective as solar-simulated ultraviolet A + B (290±400 nm) in suppressing the elicitation of an established immune response. The mechanisms involved in UV-induced suppression of the induction & elicitation of the immune response are similar. For example, mice irradiated with UV after immunization generated antigen-specific T suppressor cells. Injection of monoclonal antibodies to IL-10 or recombinant IL-12 immediately after exposure to UVR blocked immune suppression. Liposomes containing bacteriophage T4N5 to the skin of mice also prevented immune suppression, demonstrating an essential role for ultraviolet-induced DNA damage in the suppression of established immune reactions. ^ In addition to damaging DNA, UV initiates immune suppression through the isomerization of urocanic acid in the epidermis. Here we provide evidence that cis-UCA induces systemic immunosuppression via the serotonin (5-hydroxyyryptamine; 5-HT) receptor. Biochemical and immunological analysis indicate that cis-UCA binds to, and activates, the serotonin receptor. Moreover, serotonin specific antibodies block UV- and/or cis-UCA-induced immune suppression. Our findings identify cis-UCA as novel serotonin receptor ligand and indicate that serotonin receptor engagement can activate immune suppression. Cumulatively, our data suggest that similar immune regulatory mechanisms are activated regardless of whether we expose mice to solar-simulated UV (UVA + UVB) radiation or UVA only, and that ultraviolet radiation activates similar immunologic pathways to suppress the induction or the elicitation of the immune response. ^


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IκB kinase α (IKKα) is one kinase subunit of the IKK complex that is responsible for NF-κB activation. Previous studies have shown that IKKα determines mouse keratinocyte terminal differentiation independent of the NF-κB pathway. Accumulating evidence suggests that IKKα functions as a tumor suppressor in skin carcinogenesis; however, the downstream pathways mediating this function are largely unknown. By using primary cultured keratinocytes, we found that Ikkα-/- cells developed aneuploidy and underwent spontaneous immortalization and transformation while wild type cells underwent terminal differentiation in the same culture condition. Using proteomic analysis we identified nucleophosmin (NPM), a centrosome duplication regulator, as an IKKα substrate. We further demonstrated that IKKα interacted with NPM and colocalized with NPM on the centrosome, suggesting that NPM is a physiological substrate of IKKα. Loss of IKKα reduced centrosome-bound NPM and promoted abnormal centrosome amplification, which contributed to aneuploidy development. Detailed analysis revealed that ablation of IKKα target site serine-125 of NPM induced destabilization of NPM hexamers, disrupted NPM association with centrosomes, and resulted in abnormal centrosome amplification. Re-introduction of IKKα rescued the defect in Ikkα-/- keratinocytes. Thus, IKKα is required for maintaining proper centrosome duplication by phosphorylating NPM. ^ UV is the major etiological agent for human skin cancer and UV-induced mouse skin carcinogenesis is one of the most relevant experimental models for human skin carcinogenesis. Thus, we further evaluated IKKα function in UV-induced skin carcinogenesis in Ikkα+/- mice. We demonstrated that IKKα is also critical in UV skin carcinogenesis, as evidenced by increased tumor multiplicity and reduced tumor latency in Ikkα+/- mice after chronic UVB treatment. Reduced expression of IKKα decreased UV-induced apoptosis and promoted accumulation of P53 mutations in the epidermis. This indicates that IKKα is critical for UV-induced apoptosis in vivo and thus prevents mutation accumulation that is important for tumor development. ^ Together, these findings uncover previously unknown in vivo functions of IKKα in centrosome duplication and apoptosis, thus providing a possible mechanism of how loss of IKKα may contribute to skin carcinogenesis. ^