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Mounting an effective response to tissue damage requires a concerted effort from a number of systems, including both the immune and nervous systems. Immune-responsive blood cells fight infection and clear debris from damaged tissues, and specialized pain receptors become hypersensitive to promote behavior that protects the damaged area while it heals. To uncover the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying these processes, we have developed a genetically tractable invertebrate model of damage-induced inflammation and pain hypersensitivity using Drosophila larvae. To study wound-induced inflammation, we generated transgenic larvae with fluorescent epidermal cells and blood cells (hemocytes). Using live imaging, we monitored the circulatory dynamics of hemocytes and the methods by which they accumulate at epidermal wounds. We found that circulating hemocytes attach to wound sites directly from circulation, a mechanism once thought to work exclusively in species with a closed circulatory system. To study damage-induced pain hypersensitivity, we developed a “sunburn assay” and found that larvae have a lowered pain threshold (allodynia) and an exaggerated response to noxious stimuli (hyperalgesia) following UV damage. We screened for genes required for hypersensitivity in pain receptors (nociceptors), and discovered a number of novel mediators that have well conserved mammalian homologs. Together, these results help us to understand how various cell types in the immune and nervous systems both detect and respond to tissue damage.


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Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-induced inflammation plays an important role in the progression of many diseases, such as type II diabetes, insulin resistance, cancers, and so on. NF-κB is believed to be a central regulator of ER stress-induced inflammation. However, studies on how ER stress induces NF-κB activation are limited and, in some cases, controversial. In the present study, we utilized two commonly used ER stress inducers, thapsigargin and tunicamycin, to study the mechanism. We found that two caspase-recruitment domain (CARD)-containing proteins, CARMA3 and BCL10, play a crucial roles on ER stress-induced NF-κB activation by regulating IκBα kinase activity. Consistently, we observed that a physiological ER stress inducer, hypoxia, could activate NF-κB in a CARMA3-dependent manner. Additionally, we showed that the activation of the UPR signaling pathways were intact in both CARMA3- and BCL10-deficient cells under ER stress. Together, this study provides insight into the mechanism of how ER stress induces NF-κB activation. It allows us to better understand ER stress-induced inflammation and develop the corresponding therapeutic interference to treat diseases


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Retinoids are Vitamin A derivatives that are effective chemopreventative and chemotherapeutic agents for head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC). Despite the wide application of retinoids in cancer treatment, the mechanism by which retinoids inhibit head and neck squamous cell carcinomas is not completely understood. While in vitro models show that drugs affect cell proliferation and differentiation, in vivo models, such as tumor xenografts in nude mice drugs affect more complex parameters such as extracellular matrix formation, angiogenesis and inflammation. Therefore, we studied the effects of retinoids on the growth of the 22B HNSCC tumors using a xenograft model. In this system, retinoids had no effect on tumor cell differentiation but caused invasion of the tumor by inflammatory cells. Retinoid induced inflammation lead to tumor cell death and tumor regression. Therefore, we hypothesized that retinoids stimulated the 22B HNSCC xenografts to produce a pro-inflammatory signal such as chemokines that in turn activated host inflammatory responses. ^ We used real time quantitative RT-PCR to measure cytokine and chemokine expression in retinoid treated tumors. Treatment of tumors with an RAR-specific retinoid, LGD1550, had no effect on the expression of TNFα, IL-1α, GROα, IP-10, Rantes, MCP-1 and MIP-1α but induced IL-8 mRNA 5-fold. We further characterized the retinoid effect on IL-8 expression on the 22B HNSCC and 1483 HNSCC cells in vitro. Retinoids increased IL-8 expression and enhanced TNFα-dependent IL-8 induction. In addition, retinoids increased the basal and TNFα-dependent expression of MCP-1 but decreased the basal and TNFα dependent expression of IP-10. The effect of retinoids on IL-8 and MCP-1 expression was very rapid with increased levels of mRNA detected within 1–2 hours. This effect did not require new protein synthesis and did not result from mRNA stabilization. Both RAR and RXR ligands increased IL-8 expression whereas only RAR ligands activated MCP-1 expression. ^ We identified a functional retinoid response element in the IL-8 promoter that was located adjacent to the C/EBP-NFkB response element. TNFα treatment of the 22B cells caused rapid, transient and selective acetylation of regions of the IL-8 promoter associated with the NFkB response element. Co-treatment of the cells with retinoids plus TNF increased the acetylation of chromatin in this region without altering the kinetics of acetylation. These results demonstrate that ligand activated retinoid receptors can cooperate with NFkB in histone acetylation and chromatin remodeling. We believe that in certain HNSCC tumors this cooperation and the resulting enhancement of IL-8 expression can induce an inflammatory response that leads to tumor regression. We believe that the induction of inflammation in susceptible tumors, possibly coupled with cytotoxic interventions may be an important component in the use of retinoids to treat human squamous cancers. ^


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Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is the most insidious form of locally advanced disease. Although rare and less than 2% of all breast cancer, IBC is responsible for up to 10% of all breast cancer deaths. Despite the name, very little is known about the role of inflammation or immune mediators in IBC. Therefore, we analyzed blood samples from IBC patients and non-IBC patients, as well as healthy donor controls to establish an IBC-specific profile of peripheral blood leukocyte phenotype and function of T cells and dendritic cells and serum inflammatory cytokines. Emerging evidence suggests that host factors in the microenviromement may interact with underlying IBC genetics to promote the aggressive nature of the tumor. An integral part of the metastatic process involves epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) where primary breast cancer cells gain motility and stem cell-like features that allow distant seeding. Interestingly, the IBC consortium microarray data found no clear evidence for EMT in IBC tumor tissues. It is becoming increasingly evident that inflammatory factors can induce EMT. However, it is unknown if EMT-inducing soluble factors secreted by activated immune cells in the IBC microenvironment canπ account for the absence of EMT in studies of the tumor cells themselves. We hypothesized that soluble factors from immune cells are capable of inducing EMT in IBC. We tested the ability of immune conditioned media to induce EMT in IBC cells. We found that soluble factors from activated immune cells are able to induce the expression of EMT-related factors in IBC cells along with increased migration and invasion. Specifically, the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-6 and TGF-β were able to induce EMT and blocking these factors in conditioned media abated the induction of EMT. Surprisingly, unique to IBC cells, this process was related to increased levels of E-cadherin expression and adhesion, reminiscent of the characteristic tightly packed tumor emboli seen in IBC samples. This data offers insight into the unique pathology of IBC by suggesting that tumor immune interactions in the tumor microenvironment contribute to the aggressive nature of IBC implying that immune induced inflammation can be a novel therapeutic target. Specifically, we showed that soluble factors secreted by activated immune cells are capable of inducing EMT in IBC cells and may mediate the persistent E-cadherin expression observed in IBC. This data suggests that immune mediated inflammation may contribute to the highly aggressive nature of IBC and represents a potential therapeutic target that warrants further investigation.


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Psoralen plus UVA (PUVA) is used as a very effective treatment modality for various diseases, including psoriasis and cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. PUVA-induced immune suppression and/or apoptosis are thought to be responsible for the therapeutic action. However, the molecular mechanisms by which PUVA acts are not well understood. We have previously identified platelet-activating factor (PAF), a potent phospholipid mediator, as a crucial substance triggering ultraviolet B radiation-induced immune suppression. In this study, we used PAF receptor knockout mice, a selective PAF receptor antagonist, a COX-2 inhibitor (presumably blocking downstream effects of PAF), and PAF-like molecules to test the role of PAF receptor binding in PUVA treatment. We found that activation of the PAF pathway is crucial for PUVA-induced immune suppression (as measured by suppression of delayed type hypersensitivity to Candida albicans) and that it plays a role in skin inflammation and apoptosis. Downstream of PAF, interleukin-10 was involved in PUVA-induced immune suppression but not inflammation. Better understanding of PUVA's mechanisms may offer the opportunity to dissect the therapeutic from the detrimental (ie, carcinogenic) effects and/or to develop new drugs (eg, using the PAF pathway) that act like PUVA but have fewer side effects.


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Mucus secretion is an important protective mechanism for the luminal lining of open tubular organs, but mucin overproduction in the respiratory tract can exacerbate the inflammatory process and cause airway obstruction. Production of MUC5AC, a predominant gel-forming mucin secreted by airway epithelia, can be induced by various inflammatory mediators such as prostaglandins. The two major prostaglandins involved in inflammation are PGE(2) and PGF(2alpha). PGE(2)-induced mucin production has been well studied, but the effect of PGF(2alpha) on mucin production remains poorly understood. To elucidate the effect and underlying mechanism of PGF(2alpha) on MUC5AC production, we investigated the signal transduction of PGF(2alpha) associated with this effect using normal human tracheobronchial epithelial cells. Our results demonstrated that PGF(2alpha) induces MUC5AC overproduction via a signaling cascade involving protein kinase C, ERK, p90 ribosomal S6 protein kinase, and CREB. The regulation of PGF(2alpha)-induced MUC5AC expression by CREB was further confirmed by cAMP response element-dependent MUC5AC promoter activity and by interaction between CREB and MUC5AC promoter. The abrogation of all downstream signaling activities via suppression of each signaling molecule along the pathway indicates that a single pathway from PGF(2alpha) receptor to CREB is responsible for inducing MUC5AC overproduction. As CREB also mediates mucin overproduction induced by PGE(2) and other inflammatory mediators, our findings have important clinical implications for the management of airway mucus hypersecretion.


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Endotoxemia from sepsis can injure the gastrointestinal tract through mechanisms that have not been fully elucidated. We have shown that LPS induces an increase in gastric permeability in parallel with the luminal appearance of secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) and its product, lysophosphatidylcholine (lyso-PC). We proposed that sPLA2 acted on the gastric hydrophobic barrier, composed primarily of phosphatidylcholine (PC), to degrade it and produce lyso-PC, an agent that is damaging to the mucosa. In the present study, we have tested whether lyso-PC and/or sPLA2 have direct damaging effects on the hydrophobic barriers of synthetic and mucosal surfaces. Rats were administered LPS (5 mg/kg, i.p.), and gastric contents were collected 5 h later for analysis of sPLA2 and lyso-PC content. Using these measured concentrations, direct effects of sPLA2 and lyso-PC were determined on (a) surface hydrophobicity as detected with an artificial PC surface and with intact gastric mucosa (contact angle analysis) and (b) cell membrane disruption of gastric epithelial cells (AGS). Both lyso-PC and sPLA2 increased significantly in the collected gastric juice of LPS-treated rats. Using similar concentrations to the levels in gastric juice, the contact angle of PC-coated slides declined after incubation with either pancreatic sPLA2 or lyso-PC. Similarly, gastric contact angles seen in control rats were significantly decreased in sPLA2 and lyso-PC-treated rats. In addition, we observed dose-dependent injurious effects of both lyso-PC and sPLA2 in gastric AGS cells. An LPS-induced increase in sPLA2 activity in the gastric lumen and its product, lyso-PC, are capable of directly disrupting the gastric hydrophobic layer and may contribute to gastric barrier disruption and subsequent inflammation.


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Adenosine has been implicated in the pathogenesis of chronic lung diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In vitro studies suggest that activation of the A2B adenosine receptor (A2BAR) results in proinflammatory and profibrotic effects relevant to the progression of lung diseases; however, in vivo data supporting these observations are lacking. Adenosine deaminase-deficient (ADA-deficient) mice develop pulmonary inflammation and injury that are dependent on increased lung adenosine levels. To investigate the role of the A2BAR in vivo, ADA-deficient mice were treated with the selective A2BAR antagonist CVT-6883, and pulmonary inflammation, fibrosis, and airspace integrity were assessed. Untreated and vehicle-treated ADA-deficient mice developed pulmonary inflammation, fibrosis, and enlargement of alveolar airspaces; conversely, CVT-6883-treated ADA-deficient mice showed less pulmonary inflammation, fibrosis, and alveolar airspace enlargement. A2BAR antagonism significantly reduced elevations in proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines as well as mediators of fibrosis and airway destruction. In addition, treatment with CVT-6883 attenuated pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis in wild-type mice subjected to bleomycin-induced lung injury. These findings suggest that A2BAR signaling influences pathways critical for pulmonary inflammation and injury in vivo. Thus in chronic lung diseases associated with increased adenosine, antagonism of A2BAR-mediated responses may prove to be a beneficial therapy.


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The cytochrome P450 4F subfamily comprises a group of enzymes that metabolize derivatives of arachidonic acid such as prostaglandins, lipoxins leukotrienes and hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids, which are important mediators involved in the inflammatory response. Therefore, we speculate that CYP4Fs might be able to modulate the extent of the inflammation by controlling of the tissue levels of these inflammatory mediators, especially, leukotriene B4. One way to provide support for this hypothesis is to test whether the expression of CYP4Fs changes under inflammatory conditions, since these changes are required to adjust the levels of inflammatory mediators. ^ A lipopolysacchride (LPS) induced rat inflammation model was used to analyze the expressions of rat CYP4F4 and CYP4F5 in liver and kidney. LPS administration did not change the constitutive expression level of CYP4F4 and CYP4F5. In liver, the expressions of CYP4F4 and CYP4F5 decreased to 50–60% of the untreated level. The same effect of LPS on CYP4F4 and CYP4F5 expression can be mimicked in hepatocyte primary cultures treated with LPS, indicating a direct of effect of LPS on hepatocytes. LPS treatment also decreased the activity of liver microsomes towards chlorpromazine, however, antibody inhibition study revealed that liver CYP4Fs are not the only players in metabolizing chlorpromazine. To study further the underlying mechanism, CYP4F5 gene was isolated, characterized, and the promoter region was defined. ^ Accumulating evidence showed that peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) play an active role in inflammation. To investigate the possible role of PPARα in regulating CYP4F expression by inflammation or by clofibrate treatment, the expressions of two new mouse 4F isoforms were analyzed in PPARα knockout mice upon LPS or clofibrate challenge. A novel induction of CYP4F15 by LPS and clofibrate was observed in kidney, and this effect is totally dependent on the presence of PPARα. Renal CYP4F16 expression was not affected by LPS or clofibrate in both (+/+) and (−/−) mice. In contrast, hepatic expressions of CYP4F15 and CYP4F16 were reduced significantly in (+/+) mice, but much less in (−/−) mice, suggesting that PPARα is partially responsible for this down-regulation. Clofibrate treatment reduced the expression of CYP4F16 in liver, but has no effect on CYP4F15 and PPARα does not have a role in hepatic CYP4F expression regulated by clofibrate. In general, CYP4Fs are regulated in an isoform-, tissue- and species-specific manner. ^ A human CYP4F isoform, CYP4F11, was isolated. The genomic structure was also solved by using database mining and bioinformatics tools. Localization of CYP4F11 to chromosome 19, 16 kb upstream of CYP4F2, suggests that human CYP4F genes may form a cluster on chromosome 19. This novel human 4F is highly expressed in liver, as well as in kidney, heart and skeletal muscle. Further study of the activity and gene regulation on CYP4F11 will provide us more insights into the physiological functions of CYP4F subfamily. ^


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Chronic inflammation leading to pulmonary fibrosis develops in response to environmental pollutants, radiotherapy, or certain cancer chemotherapeutic agents. Studies have shown that several cell types accumulate during the inflammatory process, but little information is known about what actually triggers and stimulates persistent inflammation culminating in fibrosis. As a first step in defining the events that precipitate inflammation in the lung, the biological mechanism(s) mediating apoptosis and cellular targets must be identified. The purpose of this study was to determine the molecular mechanism(s) of bleomycin-induced apoptosis in the lung using mice deficient in genes that we hypothesized to play a key role in apoptosis. Intratracheal administration of bleomycin led to caspase-mediated DNA fragmentation characteristic of apoptosis. The effects of bleomycin were associated with translocation of p53 from the cytosol to the nucleus only in alveolar macrophages that had been exposed to the drug in vivo, suggesting that the lung microenvironment regulated p53 activation. Experiments with a thiol antioxidant (N-acetylcysteine) in vivo and nitric oxide donors in vitro confirmed that reactive oxygen species were required for p53 activation. A specific role for NO was demonstrated in experiments with iNOS−/− macrophages, which failed to demonstrate nuclear p53 localization after in vivo bleomycin exposure. Strikingly, rates of bleomycin-induced apoptosis were at least two-fold higher in iNOS−/− and p53−/− C57BL/6 mice compared to wild-type controls. Laser Scanning Cytometry (LSC) analysis revealed that bleomycin exposure resulted in a 2-fold induction in Fas and FasL expression in wild-type mice but not iNOS−/− or p53−/− mice. Experiments using gld mice confirmed that the Fas/FasL pathway was the primary mechanism of bleomycin-induced apoptosis in the lung. LSC-mediated analysis indicated that bleomycin exposure resulted in a 2-fold induction in Bax expression in iNOS−/− and P53−/− mice but not wild-type mice. Furthermore, LSC analysis revealed that bleomycin exposure induced a 3-fold increase in thrombospondin expression in wild-type mice. However, thrombospondin was not expressed in either the iNOS−/− or p53−/− mice, implicating a thrombospondin-mediated apoptotic cell clearance mechanism in the lung. Together, these results demonstrate that iNOS and p53 positively regulate apoptosis via the Fas/FasL pathway and mediate a novel apoptosis-suppressing pathway in the lung. ^


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Motility responses of the small intestine of iNOS deficient mice (iNOS −/−) and their wildtype littermates (iNOS+/+) to the inflammatory challenge of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were investigated. LPS administration failed to attenuate intestinal transit in iNOS−/− mice but depressed transit in their iNOS+/+ littermates. Supporting an inhibitory role for sustained nitric oxide (NO) synthesis in the regulation of intestinal motility during inflammation, iNOS immunoreactivity was upregulated in all regions of the small intestine of iNOS+/+ mice. In contrast, neuronal NOS was barely affected. Cyclooxygenase activation was determined by prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) concentration. Following LPS challenge, PGE2 levels were elevated in all intestinal segments in both animal groups. Moreover, COX-1 and COX-2 protein levels were elevated in iNOS+/+ mice in response to LPS, while COX-2 levels were similarly increased in iNOS −/− intestine. However, no apparent relationship was observed between increased prostaglandin concentrations and attenuated intestinal transit. The presence of heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1) in the murine small intestine was also investigated. In both animal groups HO-1 immunoreactivity in the proximal intestine increased in response to treatment, while the constitutive protein levels detected in the middle and distal intestine were unresponsive to LPS administration. No apparent correlation of HO-1 to the suppression of small intestinal motility induced by LPS administration was detected. The presence of S-nitrosylated contractile proteins in the small intestine was determined. γ-smooth muscle actin was basally nitrosylated as well as in response to LPS, but myosin light chain kinase and myosin regulatory chain (MLC20) were not. In conclusion, in a model of acute intestinal inflammation, iNOS-produced NO plays a significant role in suppressing small intestinal motility while nNOS, COX-1, COX-2 and HO-1 do not participate in this event. S-nitrosylation of γ-smooth muscle actin is associated with elevated levels of nitric oxide in the smooth muscle of murine small intestine. ^


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Breast cancer is the second most common farm of cancers and the second leading cause of cancer death for American women. Clinical studies indicate inflammation is a risk factor for breast cancer development. Among the cytokines and chemokines secreted by the infiltrating inflammatory cells, tumor necrosis factor a (TNFα) is considered one of the most important inflammatory factors involved in inflammation-mediated tumorigenesis. ^ Here we found that TNFα/IKKβ signaling pathway is able to increase tumor angiogenesis through activation of mTOR pathway. While investigating which molecule in the mTOR pathway involved in TNFα/IKKβ-mediated mTOR activation, our results showed that IKKβ physically interacts with and phosphorylates TSC1 at Ser487 and Ser511 in vitro and in vivo. Phosphorylation of TSC1 by IKKβ inhibits its association with TSC2, alters TSC2 membrane localization, and thereby activates mTOR. In vitro angiogenesis assays and orthotopic breast cancer model reveals that phosphorylation of TSC1 by IKKβ enhances VEGF expression, angiogenesis and culminates in tumorigenesis. Furthermore, expression of activated IKKβ is associated with TSC1 Ser511 phosphorylation and VEGF production in multiple tumor types and correlates with poor clinical outcome of breast cancer patients. ^ Furthermore, dysregulation of tumor suppressor FOXO3a contributes to the development of breast cancer. We found that overexpression of IKKβ led to inhibition of FOXO3a-mediated transactivation activity. While investigating the underlying mechanisms of IKKβ-mediated dysregulation of FOXO3a, our results showed that IKKβ physically associated with FOXO3a and phosphorylated FOXO3a at Ser644 in vitro and in vivo. The phosphorylation of FOXO3a by IKKβ altered its subcellular localization from nucleus to cytoplasm and promoted its degradation through ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Mutation of FOXO3a at Ser644 prevented IKKβ-induced ubiquitination and degradation. In vitro cell proliferation assay and orthotopic breast cancer model revealed that phosphorylation of FOXO3a by IKKβ overrode FOXO3a-mediated repression of tumor progression. ^ In conclusion, our findings identify IKKβ-mediated suppressions of both TSC1 and FOXO3a are critical for inflammation-mediated breast cancer development through increasing tumor angiogenesis and evading apoptosis, respectively. Understanding the role of IKKβ in both FOXO3a and TSC/mTOR signaling pathways provides a critical insight of inflammation-mediated diseases and may provide a target for clinical intervention in human breast cancer. ^


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Pulmonary fibrosis is a devastating and lethal lung disease with no current cure. Research into cellular signaling pathways able to modulate aspects of pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis will aid in the development of effective therapies for its treatment. Our laboratory has generated a transgenic/knockout mouse with systemic elevations in adenosine due to the partial lack of its metabolic enzyme, adenosine deaminase (ADA). These mice spontaneously develop progressive lung inflammation and severe pulmonary fibrosis suggesting that aberrant adenosine signaling is influencing the development and/or progression of the disease in these animals. These mice also show marked increases in the pro-fibrotic mediator, osteopontin (OPN), which are reversed through ADA therapy that serves to lower lung adenosine levels and ameliorate aspects of the disease. OPN is known to be regulated by intracellular signaling pathways that can be accessed through adenosine receptors, particularly the low affinity A2BR receptor, suggesting that adenosine receptor signaling may be responsible for the induction of OPN in our model. In-vitro, adenosine and the broad spectrum adenosine receptor agonist, NECA, were able to induce a 2.5-fold increase in OPN transcripts in primary alveolar macrophages. This induction was blocked through antagonism of the A2BR receptor pharmacologically, and through the deletion of the receptor subtype in these cells genetically, supporting the hypothesis that the A2BR receptor was responsible for the induction of OPN in our model. These findings demonstrate for the first time that adenosine signaling is an important modulator of pulmonary fibrosis in ADA-deficient mice and that this is in part due to signaling through the A2BR receptor which leads to the induction of the pro-fibrotic molecule, otseopontin. ^


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To understand how the serum amyloid A (SAA) genes are regulated, the cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors involved in the regulation of mouse SAA3 and rat SAA1 genes expression during inflammation were analyzed.^ To identify DNA sequences involved in the liver-specific expression of the mouse SAA3 gene, the 5$\sp\prime$ flanking region of this gene was analyzed by transient transfection studies. Results suggest that C/EBP, a liver-enriched transcription factor, plays an important role for the enhanced expression of the mouse SAA3 gene in hepatocytes.^ Transfection studies of the regulation of the expression of rat SAA1 gene indicated that a 322 bp fragment ($-$304 to +18) of the gene contains sufficient information for cytokine-induced expression of the reporter gene in a liver cell-specific manner. Further functional analysis of the 5$\sp\prime$ flanking region of the rat SAA1 gene demonstrated that a 65 bp DNA fragment ($-$138/$-$73) can confer cytokine-inducibility onto a heterologous promoter both in liver and nonliver cells. DNase I footprint and gel retardation assays identified five putative cis-regulatory elements within the 5$\sp\prime$ flanking region of the gene: one inducible element, a NF$\kappa$B binding site and four constitutive elements. Two constitutive elements, footprint regions I and III, were identified as C/EBP binding sites with region III having over a 10-fold higher affinity for C/EBP binding than region I. Functional analysis of the cis-elements indicated that C/EBP(I) and C/EBP(III) confer liver cell-specific activation onto a heterologous promoter, while sequences corresponding to the NF$\kappa$B element and C/EBP(I) impart cytokine responsiveness onto the heterologous promoter. These results suggest that C/EBP(I) possesses two functions: liver-specific activation and cytokine responsiveness. The identification of two cytokine responsive elements (NF$\kappa$B and C/EBP(I)), and two liver-specific elements (C/EBP(I) and C/EBP(III)) implies that multiple cis-acting elements are involved in the regulation of the expression of the rat SAA1 gene. The tissue-specific and cytokine-induced expression of rat SAA1 gene is likely the result of the interactions of these cis-acting elements with their cognate trans-acting factors as well as the interplay between the different cis-acting elements and their binding factors. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^