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A complete physical map of Escherichia coli K-12 strain MG1655 was constructed by digesting chromosomal DNA with the infrequently cutting restriction enzymes NotI, SfiI and XbaI and separating the fragments by pulsed field gel electrophoresis. The map was used to compare six K-12 strains of E. coli. Although several differences were noted and localized, the map of MG1655 was representative of all the K-12 strains tested. The maps were also used to analyze chromosomal rearrangements in the E. coli strain MG1655. The spontaneous and UV induced frequencies of tandem duplication formation were measured at several loci distributed around the chromosome. The spontaneous duplication frequency varied from 10$\sp{-5}$ to 10$\sp{-3}$ and increased at least ten-fold following mild UV irradiation treatment. Duplications of several regions of the chromosome, including the serA region and the metE region, were mapped using pulsed field gel electrophoresis. Duplications of serA were found to be large, ranging in size from 600 kb to 2100 kb. Several of the duplications isolated at serA were caused by ectopic recombination between IS5 elements and between IS186 elements. Duplications of the metE region, however, were almost exclusively the result of ectopic recombination between ribosomal RNA cistrons. Duplication frequencies were determined at both serA and metE in wild type and mismatch repair mutant strains (mutL, mutS, uvrD and recF). Even though all of the mismatch repair mutations increased duplication frequency of metE, the largest increases were observed in the mutL and mutS strains. Duplication frequency of serA was increased less dramatically by mutations in mismatch repair. Several duplications of metE isolated in a wild type and a mismatch repair mutant were mapped. The results showed that the same repeated sequences were used for duplication formation in the mismatch repair mutant as were used in the wild type strain. Several isolates showed evidence of multiple rearrangements indicating that mismatch repair may play a role in stabilizing the genome by controlling chromosomal rearrangement. ^


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The ERCC1 (Excision Repair Cross-Complementing-1) gene is the presumptive mammalian homolog of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD10 gene. In mammalian NER, the Ercc1/XpF complex functions as an endonuclease that specifically recognizes 5$\sp\prime$ double-strand-3$\sp\prime$ single-strand structures. In yeast, the analogous function is performed by the Rad1/Rad10 complex. These observations and the conservation of amino acid homology between the Rad1 and XpF and the Rad10 and Ercc1 proteins has led to a general assumption of functional homology between these genes.^ In addition to NER, the Rad1/Rad10 endonuclease complex is also required in certain specialized mitotic recombination pathways in yeast. However, a similiar requirement for the endonuclease function of the Ercc1/XpF complex during genetic recombination in mammalian cells has not been directly demonstrated. The experiments performed in these studies were designed to determine if ERCC1 deficiency would produce recombination-deficient phenotypes in CHO cells similar to those observed in RAD10 deletion mutants, including: (1) decreased single-reciprocal exchange recombination, and (2) inability to process 5$\sp\prime$ sequence heterology in recombination intermediates.^ Specifically, these studies describe: (1) The isolation and characterization of the ERCC1 locus of Chinese hamster ovary cells; (2) The production of an ERCC1 null mutant cell line by targeted knock-out of the endogenous ERCC1 gene in a Chinese hamster ovary cell line, CHO-ATS49tg, which contains an endogenous locus, APRT, suitable as a chromosomal target for homologous recombination; (3) The characterization of mutant ERCC1 alleles from a panel of Chinese hamster ovary cell ERCC1 mutants derived by conventional mutagenesis; (4) An investigation of the effects of ERCC1 mutation on mitotic recombination through targeting of the APRT locus in an ERCC1 null background.^ The results of these studies strongly suggest that the role of ERCC1 in homologous recombination in mammalian cells is analogous to that of the yeast RAD10 gene. ^


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Lyme disease is a multisystemic disorder caused by tick-borne infection of humans or other mammalian hosts with Borrelia burgdorferi. If untreated, the spirochetes can persist in the mammalian host for months or years. The mechanisms by which Lyme disease spirochetes evade the immune response have not been determined. In this study, we have identified and characterized an elaborate genetic system in the Lyme disease spirochete B. burgdorferi that promotes extensive antigenic variation of a 34-kDa surface-exposed lipoprotein, VlsE. A 28-kilobase linear plasmid of B. burgdorferi B31 (lp28-1) was found to contain a vmp-like sequence (vls) locus that closely resembles the variable major protein (vmp) system for antigenic variation of relapsing fever organisms. The presence of lp28-1 correlates with the high-infectivity phenotype in B. burgdorferi strains tested. Segments of the 15 non-expressed (silent) vls cassette sequences located upstream of vlsE are able to recombine into the centra vlsE cassette region during infection of C3H/HeN mice, resulting in antigenic variation of the expressed lipoprotein. When compared to parental VlsE, VlsE variants progressively accumulate sequence changes during the period of 4, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days post infection in C3H/HeN mice. However, no recombination was detected during the period of 28-day in vitro culture, suggesting in vivo induction of VlsE antigenic variation. Adaptive immune responses do not appear to play a significant role in this induction, since similar recombination events were also observed in immunodeficient SCID mice. The $5\sp\prime$ and $3\sp\prime$ noncassette regions of vlsE are apparently not subject to recombination and sequence variation. The structure and sequence of the silent vls cassette locus is preserved during the process of the VlsE antigenic variation, consistent with a nonreciprocal recombination mechanism. This combinatorial form of antigenic variation could potentially yield millions of VlsE variants in the mammalian host, and thereby contribute to immune evasion, long-term survival, and pathogenesis of B. burgdorferi. ^


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Retroviruses uniquely co-package two copies of their genomic RNA within each virion. The two copies are used as templates for synthesis of the proviral DNA during the process of reverse transcription. Two template switches are required to complete retroviral DNA synthesis by the retroviral enzyme, reverse transcriptase. With two RNA genomes present in the virion, reverse transcriptase can make template switches utilizing only one of the RNA templates (intramolecular) or utilizing both RNA templates (intermolecular) during the process of reverse transcription. The results presented in this study show that during a single cycle of Moloney murine leukemia virus replication, both nonrecombinant and recombinant proviruses predominantly underwent intramolecular minus- and plus-strand transfers during the process of reverse transcription. This is the first study to examine the nature of the required template switches occurring during MLV replication and these results support the previous findings for SNV, and the hypothesis that the required template switches are ordered events. This study also determined rates for deletion and a rate of recombination for a single cycle of MLV replication. The rates reported here are comparable to the rates previously reported for both SNV and MLV. ^


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The Caenorhabditis elegans germline is an excellent model system for studying meiosis, as the gonad contains germ cells in all stages of meiosis I prophase in a linear temporal and spatial pattern. To form healthy gametes, many events must be coordinated. Failure of any step in the process can reduce fertility. Here, we describe a C. elegans Germinal Center Kinase, GCK-1, that is essential for the accurate progression of germ cells through meiosis I prophase. In the absence of GCK-1, germ cells undergo precocious maturation due to the activation of a specific MAP kinase isoform. Furthermore, GCK-1 localizes to P-bodies, RNP particles that have been implicated in RNA degradation and translational control. Like two other components of C. elegans germline P-bodies, GCK-1 functions to limit physiological germ cell apoptosis. This is the first study to identify a role for a GCK-III kinase in metazoan germ cell development and to link P-body function with MAP kinase activation and germ cell maturation. ^


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Lymphocyte development requires the assembly of diversified antigen receptor complexes generated by the genetically programmed V(D)J recombination event. Because germline DNA is cut, introducing potentially dangerous double-stranded breaks (DSBs) and rearranged prior to repair, its activity is limited to the non-cycling stages of the cell cycle, G0/G1. The potential involvement of a key mediator, Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated or ATM, in the DNA damage response (DDR) and cell cycle checkpoints has been implicated in recombination, but its role is not fully understood. Thymic lymphomas from ATM deficient mice contain clonal chromosomal translocations involving the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR). A previous report found ATM and its downstream target p53 associated with V(D)J intermediates, suggesting the DDR senses recombination. In this study, we sought to understand the role of ATM in V(D)J recombination. Developing thymocytes from ATM deficient mice were analyzed according to the cell cycle to detect V(D)J intermediates. Examination of all TCR loci in the non-cycling (G0/G1) and cycling (S/G2/M) fractions revealed the persistence of intermediates in ATM deficient thymocytes, contrary to the wild-type in which intermediates are found only during G0/G1. Further analysis found no defect in end-joining of intermediates, nor were they detected in developed T-cells. Based upon the presence of persisting intermediates, the recombination initiating nuclease Rag-2 was examined; strict regulation limits it to G 0/G1. Rag-2 regulation was not affected by an ATM deficiency as Rag-2 expression remained contained within G0/G 1, indicating recombination is not continuous. To determine if an ATM deficiency affects recognition of V(D)J breaks, sites of recombination identified by a TCR locus or Rag expression were analyzed according to co-localization with a DDR factor phosphorylated immediately after DNA damage, phosphorylated H2AX (γH2AX). No differences in co-localization were found between the wild-type and ATM deficiency, demonstrating ATM deficient lymphocytes retain the ability to recognize DSBs. Together, these results suggest ATM is necessary in the cell cycle regulation of recombination but not essential for the identification of V(D)J breaks. ATM ensures the containment of intermediates within G0/G1 and maintains genomic stability of developing lymphocytes, emphasizing its fundamental role in preventing tumorigenesis.^


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A population-based case-control study of risk factors for ectopic pregnancy has been conducted. The investigation includes 274 cases diagnosed in Rochester, Minnesota residents from 1935 through 1982, and 548 matched controls selected from live birth deliveries. Risk factor information documented prior to the last index menstrual period was obtained via medical record abstract for 22 potential risk factor variables.^ Univariate matched analyses revealed nine variables with significantly elevated odds ratios (ORs). Following conditional logistic regression for matched sets, four variables remained as significant risk factors for ectopic pregnancy. These risk factors with ORs and 95% confidence intervals (Cls) were: current intrauterine device use (OR = 13.7, Cl = 1.6 - 120.6), infertility (OR = 2.6, Cl = 1.6 - 4.2), pelvic inflammatory disease (OR = 3.3, Cl = 1.6 - 6.6), and tubal surgery (OR = 4.5, Cl = 1.5 - 13.9). After adjusting for these four major risk factors, the following variables did not have statistically significant ORs: abdominal/pelvic surgery (OR = 2.0), acute appendicitis (OR = 2.0), anovulation (OR = 1.2), clomiphene citrate use during the index conception (OR = 3.5), induced abortion (OR = 2.1), in utero exposure to diethylstilbestrol (OR = 1.6), myomas (OR = 0.7), ovarian cysts (OR = 1.0), and past intrauterine device use (OR = 1.2). ^