5 resultados para Creative process. Dance. History. Body. Work in Progress

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It has been demonstrated previously that the mammalian heart cannot sustain physiologic levels of pressure-volume work if ketone bodies are the only substrates for respiration. In order to determine the metabolic derangement responsible for contractile failure in hearts utilizing ketone bodies, rat hearts were prefused at a near-physiologic workload in a working heart apparatus with acetoacetate and competing or alternate substrates including glucose, lactate, pyruvate, propionate, leucine, isoleucine, valine and acetate. While the pressure-volume work for hearts utilizing glucose was stable for 60 minutes of perfusion, performance fell by 30 minutes for hearts oxidizing acetoacetate as the sole substrate. The tissue content of 2-oxoglutarate and its transamination product, glutamate, were elevated in hearts utilizing acetoacetate while succinyl-CoA was decreased suggesting impaired flux through the citric acid cycle at the level of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase. Further studies indicated that the inhibition of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase developed prior to the onset of contractile failure and that the inhibition of the enzyme may be related to sequestration of the required cofactor, coenzyme A, as the thioesters acetoacetyl-CoA and acetyl-CoA. The contractile failure was not observed when glucose, lactate, pyruvate, propionate, valine or isoleucine were present together with acetoacetate, but the addition of acetate or leucine to acetoacetate did not improve performance indicating that improved performance is not mediated through the provision of additional acetyl-CoA. Furthermore, addition of competing substrates that improved function did not relieve the inhibition of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase and actually resulted in the further accumulation of citric acid cycle intermediates "upstream" of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (2-oxoglutarate, glutamate, citrate and malate). Studies with (1-$\sp{14}$C) pyruvate indicate that the utilization of ketone bodies is associated with activation of NADP$\sp+$dependent malic enzyme and enrichment of the C4 pool of the citric acid cycle. The results suggest that contractile failure induced by ketone bodies in rat heart results from inhibition of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase and that reversal of contractile failure is dissociated from relief of the inhibition, but rather is due to the entry of carbon units into the citric acid cycle as compounds other than acetyl-CoA. This mechanism of enrichment (anaplerosis) provides oxaloacetate for condensation with acetyl-CoA derived from ketone bodies allowing continued energy production by sustaining flux through a span of the citric acid cycle up to the point of inhibition at 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase for energy production thereby producing the reducing equivalents necessary to sustain oxidative phosphorylation. ^


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This is the first U.S. study to investigate the association between peer victimization and/or bullying perpetration and body image dissatisfaction in American elementary school students. The study used data collected from the Healthy Passages baseline cohort of 5152 ethnically diverse fifth grade students from Alabama, Texas, and California. The overall prevalence of body dissatisfaction in our fifth grade sample was 50%. Students who were dissatisfied with their bodies were 23% more likely to be involved in peer victimization than students who were satisfied with their bodies (OR = 1.23; 95% CI = 1.02, 1.48). No significant associations were found between bullying status or bully-victim status and body dissatisfaction. Other factors that contributed significantly to a student's body image status were BMI, level of self-worth, level of household income, gender, pubertal timing and support received from adults (other than parents). It is noteworthy that those who were dissatisfied were heavier, came from lower income homes and were more likely to be male. Additional longitudinal studies are needed to confirm these associations, especially among large ethnically and socio-economically diverse samples. ^


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Purpose. This project was designed to describe the association between wasting and CD4 cell counts in HIV-infected men in order to better understand the role of wasting in progression of HIV infection.^ Methods. Baseline and prevalence data were collected from a cross-sectional survey of 278 HIV-infected men seen at the Houston Veterans Affairs Medical Center Special Medicine Clinic, from June 1, 1991 to January 1, 1994. A follow-up study was conducted among those at risk, to investigate the incidence of wasting and the association between wasting and low CD4 cell counts. Wasting was described by four methods. Z-scores for age-, sex-, and height-adjusted weight; sex-, and age-adjusted mid-arm muscle circumference (MAMC); and fat-free mass; and the ratio of extra-cellular mass (ECM) to body-cell mass (BCM) $>$ 1.20. FFM, ECM, and BCM were estimated from bioelectrical impedance analysis. MAMC was calculated from triceps skinfold and mid-arm circumference. The relationship between wasting and covariates was examined with logistic regression in the cross-sectional study, and with Poisson regression in the follow-up study. The association between death and wasting was examined with Cox's regression.^ Results. The prevalence of wasting ranged from 5% (weight and ECM:BCM) to almost 14% (MAMC and FFM) among the 278 men examined. The odds of wasting, associated with baseline CD4 cell count $<$200, was significant for each method but weight, and ranged from 4.6 to 12.7. Use of antiviral therapy was significantly protective of MAMC, FFM and ECM:BCM (OR $\approx$ 0.2), whereas the need for antibacterial therapy was a risk (OR 3.1, 95% CI 1.1-8.7). The average incidence of wasting ranged from 4 to 16 per 100 person-years among the approximately 145 men followed for 160 person-years. Low CD4 cell count seemed to increase the risk of wasting, but statistical significance was not reached. The effect of the small sample size on the power to detect a significant association should be considered. Wasting, by MAMC and FFM, was significantly associated with death, after adjusting for baseline serum albumin concentration and CD4 cell count.^ Conclusions. Wasting by MAMC and FFM were strongly associated with baseline CD4 cell counts in both the prevalence and incidence study and strong predictors of death. Of the two methods, MAMC is convenient, has available reference population data, may be the most appropriate for assessing the nutritional status of HIV-infected men. ^


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The History of Pathology in Texas is the study of the changes of disease in Texas from the frontier days to the 1990s. Marilyn Miller Baker wrote the book for the Texas Society of Pathologists. The book was published in 1996 with a forward by Vernie A. Stembridge, MD, the Ashbel Smith Professor and Chairman Emeritus of Pathology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. The book covers the story of pathology from the "performance of crude autopsies" on the frontier through the emergence of bacteriology and immunology and beyond.