11 resultados para Complement C3

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Alveolar epithelial type II (ATII) cells are small, cuboidal cells that constitute approximately 60% of the pulmonary alveolar epithelium. These cells are crucial for repair of the injured alveolus by differentiating into alveolar epithelial type I cells. ATII cells derived from human ES (hES) cells are a promising source of cells that could be used therapeutically to treat distal lung diseases. We have developed a reliable transfection and culture procedure, which facilitates, via genetic selection, the differentiation of hES cells into an essentially pure (>99%) population of ATII cells (hES-ATII). Purity, as well as biological features and morphological characteristics of normal ATII cells, was demonstrated for the hES-ATII cells, including lamellar body formation, expression of surfactant proteins A, B, and C, alpha-1-antitrypsin, and the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance receptor, as well as the synthesis and secretion of complement proteins C3 and C5. Collectively, these data document the successful generation of a pure population of ATII cells derived from hES cells, providing a practical source of ATII cells to explore in disease models their potential in the regeneration and repair of the injured alveolus and in the therapeutic treatment of genetic diseases affecting the lung.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis, is a facultative intracellular pathogen that uses the host mononuclear phagocyte as a niche for survival and replication during infection. Complement component C3 has previously been shown to enhance the binding of M. tuberculosis to mononuclear phagocytes. Using a C3 ligand affinity blot protocol, we identified a 30 kDa C3-binding protein in M. tuberculosis as heparin-binding hemagglutinin (HbhA). HbhA was found to be a hydrophobic protein that localized to the cell membrane/cell wall fraction of M. tuberculosis, and this protein has previously been shown by others to be located on the surface of M. tuberculosis. The C3-binding activity of HbhA was localized to the C-terminus of the protein, which consists of lysine-alanine repeats. Full-length recombinant HbhA coated onto latex beads was shown to mediate the adherence of the beads to murine macrophage-like cells in both a C3-dependent and a C3-independent manner. An in-frame 576 by deletion in the hbhA gene was created in a virulent strain of M. tuberculosis using a PCR technique known as gene splicing by overlap extension (SOEing). Using the ΔhbhA mutant, HbhA was found not to be necessary for growth of M. tuberculosis in laboratory media or in macrophage-like cells, nor is HbhA required for adherence of M. tuberculosis to macrophage-like cells. HbhA is, however, required for infectivity of M. tuberculosis in mice. Mice infected with the ΔhbhA mutant show decreased growth in the lungs, liver, and spleen compared to mice infected with the wild-type strain. Using the ΔhbhA mutant strain, we were able to purify and identify a second 30-kDa C3-binding protein, HupB. These data demonstrate that HbhA is required for the in vivo but not the in vitro survival of M. tuberculosis and that HbhA is not necessary for the adherence of M. tuberculosis to the macrophage-like cells used in these studies. The expression of two proteins that bind human C3 may aid in the efficient binding of M. tuberculosis to complement receptors for uptake into mononuclear cells, or may influence other aspects of the host-parasite interaction. ^


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BACKGROUND: Variants in the complement cascade genes and the LOC387715/HTRA1, have been widely reported to associate with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the most common cause of visual impairment in industrialized countries. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We investigated the association between the LOC387715 A69S and complement component C3 R102G risk alleles in the Finnish case-control material and found a significant association with both variants (OR 2.98, p = 3.75 x 10(-9); non-AMD controls and OR 2.79, p = 2.78 x 10(-19), blood donor controls and OR 1.83, p = 0.008; non-AMD controls and OR 1.39, p = 0.039; blood donor controls), respectively. Previously, we have shown a strong association between complement factor H (CFH) Y402H and AMD in the Finnish population. A carrier of at least one risk allele in each of the three susceptibility loci (LOC387715, C3, CFH) had an 18-fold risk of AMD when compared to a non-carrier homozygote in all three loci. A tentative gene-gene interaction between the two major AMD-associated loci, LOC387715 and CFH, was found in this study using a multiplicative (logistic regression) model, a synergy index (departure-from-additivity model) and the mutual information method (MI), suggesting that a common causative pathway may exist for these genes. Smoking (ever vs. never) exerted an extra risk for AMD, but somewhat surprisingly, only in connection with other factors such as sex and the C3 genotype. Population attributable risks (PAR) for the CFH, LOC387715 and C3 variants were 58.2%, 51.4% and 5.8%, respectively, the summary PAR for the three variants being 65.4%. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Evidence for gene-gene interaction between two major AMD associated loci CFH and LOC387715 was obtained using three methods, logistic regression, a synergy index and the mutual information (MI) index.


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The complement system functions as a major effector for both the innate and adaptive immune response. Activation of the complement cascade by either the classical, alternative, or lectin pathway promotes the proteolysis of C3 and C5 thereby generating C3a and C5a. Referred to as anaphylatoxins, the C3a and C5a peptides mediate biological effects upon binding to their respective receptors; C3a binds to the C3a receptor (C3aR) while C5a binds to the C5a receptor (C5aR, CD88). Both C3a and C5a are known for their broad proinflammatory effects. Elevated levels of both peptides have been isolated from patients with a variety of inflammatory diseases such as COPD, asthma, RA, SLE, and sepsis. Recent studies suggest that C5a is a critical component in the acquired neutrophil dysfunction, coagulopathy, and progressive multi-organ dysfunction characteristic of sepsis. The primary hypothesis of this dissertation was that preventing C3a-C3aR and C5a-C5aR mediated pro-inflammatory effects would improve survival in endotoxic, bacteremic and septic shock. To test this hypothesis, the murine C3aR and C5aR genes were disrupted. Following disruption of both the C3aR and C5aR genes, no abnormalities were identified other than the absence of their respective mRNA and protein. In models of both endotoxic and bacteremic shock, C3aR deficient mice suffered increased mortality when compared to their wild type littermates. C3aR deficient mice also had elevated circulating IL-1β levels. Using a model of sepsis, C3aR deficient mice had a higher circulating concentration of IL-6 and decreased peritoneal inflammatory infiltration. While these results were unexpected, they support an emerging role for C3a in immunomodulation. In contrast, following endotoxic or bacteremic shock, C5aR deficient mice experienced increased survival, less hemoconcentration and less thrombocytopenia. It was later determined that C5a mediated histamine release significantly contributes to host morbidity and mortality in bacteremic shock. These studies provide evidence that C5a functions primarily as a proinflammatory molecule in models of endotoxic and bacteremic shock. In the same models, C3a-C3aR interactions suppress the inflammatory response and protect the host. Collectively, these results present in vivo evidence that C3a and C5a have divergent biological functions. ^


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The desire to promote efficient allocation of health resources and effective patient care has focused attention on home care as an alternative to acute hospital service. in particular, clinical home care is suggested as a substitute for the final days of hospital stay. This dissertation evaluates the relationship between hospital and home care services for residents of British Columbia, Canada beginning in 1993/94 using data from the British Columbia Linked Health database. ^ Lengths of stay for patients referred to home care following hospital discharge are compared to those for patients not referred to home care. Ordinary least squares regression analysis adjusts for age, gender, admission severity, comorbidity, complications, income, and other patient, physician, and hospital characteristics. Home care clients tend to have longer stays in hospital than patients not referred to home care (β = 2.54, p = 0.0001). Longer hospital stays are evident for all home care client groups as well as both older and younger patients. Sensitivity analysis for referral time to direct care and extreme lengths of stay are consistent with these findings. Two stage regression analysis indicates that selection bias is not significant.^ Patients referred to clinical home care also have different health service utilization following discharge compared to patients not referred to home care. Home care nursing clients use more medical services to complement home care. Rehabilitation clients initially substitute home care for physiotherapy services but later are more likely to be admitted to residential care. All home care clients are more likely to be readmitted to hospital during the one year follow-up period. There is also a strong complementary association between direct care referral and homemaker support. Rehabilitation clients have a greater risk of dying during the year following discharge. ^ These results suggest that home care is currently used as a complement rather than a substitute for some acute health services. Organizational and resource issues may contribute to the longer stays by home care clients. Program planning and policies are required if home care is to provide an effective substitute for acute hospital days. ^


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Carboxypeptidase N (CPN) is a plasma zinc metalloprotease, which consists of two enzymatically active small subunits and two large subunits that protect the protein from degradation. CPN cleaves carboxy-terminal arginines and lysines from peptides found in the bloodstream such as complement anaphylatoxins, kinins, and creatine kinase MM. In this study, the mouse CPN small subunit (CPN1) coding region, gene structure, and chromosomal location were characterized and the expression of CPN1 was investigated in mouse embryos at different stages of development. The CPN1 gene, which was approximately 29 kb in length, contained nine exons and localized to mouse chromosome 19D2. The fifth and sixth exons of CPN1 encoded the amino acids necessary for substrate binding and catalytic activity. CPN1 RNA was expressed predominately in adult liver and contained a 1371 bp open reading frame encoding 457 amino acids. In the mouse embryo, CPN1 RNA was observed at 8.5 days post coitus (dpc), while its protein was detected at 10.5 dpc. In situ hybridization of the fetal liver detected CPN1 RNA in erythroid progenitor cells at 10.5, 13.5, and 16.5 dpc and in hepatocytes at 16.5 dpc. This was compared to the expression of the complement component C3, the parent molecule of complement anaphylatoxin C3a. Consistently throughout the experiments, CPN1 message and protein preceded the expression of C3. To obtain a better understanding of the biological significance of CPN1 in vivo, studies were initiated to produce a genetically engineered mouse in which the CPN1 gene was ablated. To facilitate this project a targeting vector was constructed by removing the functionally important fifth and sixth exons of the CPN1 gene. Collectively, these studies have: (1) provided important detailed information regarding the structure and organization of the murine CPN1 gene, (2) yielded insights into the developmental expression of mouse CPN1 in relationship to C3 expression, and (3) set the stage for the generation of a CPN1 “knock-out” mouse, which can be used to determine the biological significance of CPN1 in both normal and diseased conditions. ^


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Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic pathogen that is a major health threat in the clinical and community settings. An interesting hallmark of patients infected with S. aureus is that they do not usually develop a protective immune response and are susceptible to reinfection, in part because of the ability of S. aureus to modulate host immunity. The ability to evade host immune responses is a key contributor to the infection process and is critical in S. aureus survival and pathogenesis. This study investigates the immunomodulatory effects of two secreted proteins produced by S. aureus, the MHC class II analog protein (Map) and the extracellular fibrinogen-binding protein (Efb). Map has been demonstrated to modulate host immunity by interfering with T cell function. Map has been shown to significantly reduce T cell proliferative responses and significantly reduce delayed-type hypersensitivity responses to challenge antigen. In addition, the effects of Map on the infection process were tested in a mouse model of infection. Mice infected with Map− S. aureus (Map deficient strain) presented with significantly reduced levels of arthritis, osteomyelitis and abscess formation compared to mice infected with the wild-type Map+S. aureus strain suggesting that Map−S. aureus is much less virulent than Map+S. aureus. Furthermore, Map−S. aureus-infected nude mice developed arthritis and osteomyelitis to a severity similar to Map +S. aureus-infected controls, suggesting that T cells can affect disease outcome following S. aureus infection and Map may attenuate cellular immunity against S. aureus. The extracellular fibrinogen-binding protein (Efb) was identified when cultured S. aureus supernatants were probed with the complement component C3. The binding of C3 to Efb resulted in studies investigating the effects of Efb on complement activation. We have demonstrated that Efb can inhibit both the classical and alternative complement pathways. Moreover, we have shown that Efb can inhibit complement mediated opsonophagocytosis. Further studies have characterized the Efb-C3 binding interaction and localized the C3-binding domain to the C-terminal region of Efb. In addition, we demonstrate that Efb binds specifically to a region within the C3d fragment of C3. This study demonstrates that Map and Efb can interfere with both the acquired and innate host immune pathways and that these proteins contribute to the success of S. aureus in evading host immunity and in establishing disease. ^


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Cancer is the most devastating disease that has tremendous impacts on public health. Many efforts have been devoted to fighting cancer through either translational or basic researches for years. Nowadays, it emerges the importance to converge these two research directions and complement to each other for battling with cancer. Thus, our study aims at both translational and basic research directions. The first goal of our study is focus on translational research to search for new agents targeting prevention and therapy of advanced prostate cancer. Hormone refractory prostate cancer is incurable and lethal. Androgen receptor (AR) mediates androgen's effect not only on the tumor initiation but also plays the major role in the relapse transition of prostate cancer. Here we demonstrate that emodin, a natural compound, can directly target AR to suppress prostate cancer cell growth in vitro and prolong the survival of C3(1)/SV40 transgenic mice in vivo. Emodin treatment resulted in repressing androgen-dependent transactivation of AR by inhibiting AR nuclear translocation. Emodin decreased the association of AR and heat shock protein 90 and increased the association of AR and MDM2, which in turn, induces AR degradation through a proteasome-mediated pathway in a ligand independent manner. Our work indicates a new mechanism for the emodin-mediated anticancer effect and justifies further investigation of emodin as a therapeutic and preventive agent for prostate cancer. The second goal of our study is try to elucidate the fundamental tumor biology of cancer progression then provide the rationale to develop more efficient therapeutic strategy. Enhancer of zeste homologue 2 (EZH2) plays an important role in many biological processes through its intrinsic methyltransferase activity to trimethylate lysine 27 in histone H3. Although overexpression of EZH2 has been shown to be involved in cancer progression, the detailed mechanisms are elusive. Here, we show that Akt phosphorylates EZH2 at serine 21 and suppresses its methyltransferase activity by impeding the binding to its substrate histone H3, resulting in a decrease of lysine 27 trimethylation and derepression of silenced genes, thus promotes cell proliferation and tumorigenicity. Our results also show that histone methylation is not permanent but regulated in a dynamic manner and that the Akt signaling pathway is involved in the regulation of this epigenetic modification through phosphorylation of EZH2, thus contributing to oncogenic processes. ^


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Tuberculosis is the leading cause of death in the world due to a single infectious agent, making it critical to investigate all aspects of the immune response mounted against the causative agent, Mycobacterium tuberculosis , in order to better treat and prevent disease. Previous observations show a disparity in the ability to control mycobacterial growth between mouse strains sufficient in C5, such as C57BL/6 and B10.D2/nSnJ, and those naturally deficient in C5, such as A/J and B10.D2/nSnJ, with C5 deficient mice being more susceptible. It has been shown that during M. tuberculosis infection, C5 deficient macrophages have a defect in production of interleukin (IL)-12, a cytokine involved in the cyclical activation between infected macrophages and effector T cells. T cells stimulated by IL-12 produce interferon (IFN)-γ, the signature cytokine of T helper type 1 (Th1) cells. It is known that a cell-mediated Th1 response is crucial for control of M. tuberculosis in the lungs of humans and mice. This study demonstrates that murine T cells express detectable levels of CD88, a receptor for C5a (C5aR), following antigen presentation by macrophages infected with mycobacteria. T cells from C5 deficient mice infected with M. tuberculosis were found to secrete less IFN-γ and had a reduced Th1 phenotype associated with fewer cells expressing the transcription factor, T-box expressed in T cells (T-bet). The altered Th1 phenotype in M. tuberculosis infected C5 deficient mice coincided with a rise in IL-4 and IL-10 secretion from Th2 cells and inducible regulatory T cells, respectively. It was found that the ineffective T cell response to mycobacteria in C5 deficient mice was due indirectly to a lack of C5a via poor priming by infected macrophages and possibly by a direct interaction between T cells and C5a peptide. Therefore, these studies show a link between the cells of the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system, macrophages and T cells respectively, that was mediated by C5a using a mouse model of M. tuberculosis infection. ^


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Allergic asthma is characterized by airflow obstruction, airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) and chronic airway inflammation. We and others have reported that complement component C3 and the anaphylatoxin C3a receptor promote while C5 protects against the development of the biological and physiological hallmarks of allergic lung disease in mice. In this study, we assessed if the protective responses could be mediated by C5a, an activation-induced C5 cleavage product. Mice with ablation of the C5a receptor (C5aR) either by genetic deletion or by pharmacological blockade exhibited significantly exacerbated AHR compared to allergen-challenged wild-type (WT) mice. However, there were no significant differences in many of the other hallmarks of asthma such as airway infiltration by eosinophils or lymphocytes, pulmonary IL-4-producing cell numbers, goblet cell metaplasia, mucus secretion or total serum IgE levels. In contrast to elevated AHR, numbers of IL-5 and IL-13 producing pulmonary cells, and IL-5 and IL-13 protein levels, were significantly reduced in allergen-challenged C5aR-/- mice compared to allergen-challenged WT mice. Administration of a specific cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1 (cysLT1R) antagonist before each allergen-challenge abolished AHR in C5aR-/- as well as in WT mice. Pretreatment with a C3aR antagonist dose-dependently reduced AHR in allergen-challenged WT and C5aR-/- mice. Additionally, allergen-induced upregulation of pulmonary C3aR expression was exaggerated in C5aR-/- mice compared to WT mice. In summary, deficiency or antagonism of C5aR in a mouse model of pulmonary allergy increased AHR, which was reversed or reduced by blockade of the cysLT1R and C3aR, respectively. In conclusion, this study suggests that C5a and C5aR mediate protection against AHR by suppressing cysLT and C3aR signaling pathways, which are known to promote AHR. This also supports important and opposing roles of complement components C3a/C3aR and C5a/C5aR in AHR. ^


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Anthrax outbreaks in the United States and Europe and its potential use as a bioweapon have made Bacillus anthracis an interest of study. Anthrax infections are caused by the entry of B. anthracis spores into the host via the respiratory system, the gastrointestinal tract, cuts or wounds in the skin, and injection. Among these four forms, inhalational anthrax has the highest lethality rate and persistence of spores in the lungs of animals following pulmonary exposure has been noted for decades. However, details or mechanisms of spore persistence were not known. In this study, we investigated spore persistence in a mouse model. The results suggest that B. anthracis spores have special properties that promote persistence in the lung, and that there may be multiple mechanisms contributing to spore persistence. Moreover, recent discoveries from our laboratory suggest that spores evolved a sophisticated mechanism to interact with the host complement system. The complement system is a crucial part of the host defense mechanism against foreign microorganisms. Knowledge of the specific interactions that occur between the complement system and B. anthracis was limited. Studies performed in our laboratory have suggested that spores of B. anthracis can target specific proteins, such as Factor H (fH) of the complement system. Spores of B. anthracis are enclosed by an exosporium, which consists of a basal layer surrounded by a nap of hair-like filaments. The major structural component of the filaments is called Bacillus collagen-like protein of anthracis (BclA), which comprises a central collagen-like region and a globular C-terminal domain. BclA is the first point of contact with the innate system of an infected host. In this study, we investigated the molecular details of BclA-fH interaction with respect to the specific binding mechanism and the functional significance of this interaction in a murine model of anthrax infection. We hypothesized that the recruitment of fH to the spore surface by BclA limits the extent of complement activation and promotes pathogen survival and persistence in the infected host. Findings from this study are significant to understanding how to treat post-exposure prophylaxis and improve our knowledge of spores with the host immune system.