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Dental caries lead to children being less ready to learn and results in diminished productivity in the classroom. Tooth decay causes pain and infection, leading to impaired chewing, speech, and facial expression, in addition to a loss in self-esteem. There have been many studies supporting the safety and efficacy of community water fluoridation in reducing dental caries. Water fluoridation has been identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as one of 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century. The decline in the prevalence and severity of tooth decay in the United States during the past 60 years has been attributed largely to the increased use of fluoride; in particular, the widespread utilization of community water fluoridation. However, in the decades since fluoridation was first introduced, reductions in dental caries have declined, most likely due to the presence of other sources of fluoride. Questions have been raised regarding the need to continue to fluoridate community water supplies in the face of possible excessive exposure to fluoride. Nevertheless, dental caries continue to be a significant public health burden throughout the world, including the United States, especially among low-income and disadvantaged populations. Although many poor children receive their dental care through Medicaid, the percentage of Texas children with untreated dental caries continues to exceed the U.S. average and is well above Healthy People 2010 goals, even as state Medicaid expenditures continue to rise. The objective of this study is to determine the relationship between Medicaid dental expenditures and community water fluoridation levels in Texas counties. By examining this relationship, the cost-effectiveness of community water fluoridation in the Texas pediatric Medicaid beneficiary population, as measured by publicly financed dental care expenditures, may be ascertained.^


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Background. Not only has obesity played a role in Texas adults but it is also becoming a large issue among low-income Latino children. In Latino children between 2-5 years of age, the Pediatric Nutrition Surveillance data in 1997 found the prevalence of obesity was 12 percent, highest among all ethnic groups. Children learn what and how to eat from their environment. Despite many mothers being working mothers they are still the principal caregivers and source of influence on their toddler's diet. Self-efficacy, a concept created by Albert Bandura, one's belief that one is capable of performing a behavior needed to reach an intended goal, is increasingly becoming important in nutrition and health education. This study is important to understand the degree of impact that a mother's self-efficacy will have on a child's diet. This is useful knowing if influencing a mother's self-efficacy could improve a child's diet to prevent certain public health issues such as obesity and diabetes. The purpose of this study was to examine nutrition self-efficacy of Latina mothers, focusing on sweets and beverage and if their self-efficacy impacted their child's diet. Methods. The data was collected during July-September 2008. Mothers were recruited from two federally qualified San Antonio health centers. In order to qualify, participants had to be Hispanic with children of toddler age. Mothers were informed of incentives available upon completion. The interview consisted of demographic info, a set of five self-efficacy questions repeated at completion, testing reliability and a 24-hour food recall diary asked of the participant's child's diet. Results. There were 225 mothers who participated between both clinics. The Crohnbach alpha scores for the two different times the self-efficacy questions were asked were .44 corresponding to the first time and .49 for the second time. The three most common beverages reported were milk, juice, and water. The mothers who met or gave their child more milk than recommended by the scientific community, 800mg of calcium/3 cups (24oz) set, had a higher self-efficacy score than those who did not meet the standard at all. Mothers who gave their children more juice than the standard recommends, 4-6oz for children 1-6 years of age, had slightly higher self-efficacy scores than mother's who simply met the standard. In general, the lower the mother's self-efficacy, the more sweets they gave their child and vice versa. Conclusion. This study's Kappa values were adequate and this research showed that Latina mothers did in fact have high self-efficacy. In general some of the children's diets did not reflect the current scientific nutrition recommendations. In order to improve self-efficacy and have an impact on children's diets, the scientific community has a responsibility to make recommendations that are easily understood and can be put into practice. The public health community needs to ensure that we encourage those we serve to be more active in their health and educate them about what constitutes good health and nutrition for both themselves and their children.^


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Project MYTRI (Mobilizing Youth for Tobacco-Related Initiatives in India) was a large 2-year randomized school-based trial with a goal to reduce and prevent tobacco use among students in 6th and 8th grades in Delhi and Chennai in India (n=32 schools). Baseline analyses in 2004 showed that 6th grade students reported more tobacco use than 8 th grade students, opposite of what is typically observed in developed countries like the US. The present study aims to study differences in tobacco use and psychosocial risk factors between the 6th grade cohort and 8th grade cohort, in a compliant sub-sample of control students that were present at all 3 surveys from 2004-06. Both in 2004 and 2005, 6th grade cohort reported significantly greater prevalence of ever use of all tobacco products (cigarettes, bidis, chewing tobacco, any tobacco). These significant differences in ever use of any tobacco between cohorts were maintained by gender, city and socioeconomic status. The 6th grade cohort also reported significantly greater prevalence of current use of tobacco products (cigarettes, chewing tobacco, any tobacco) in 2004. Similar findings were observed for psychosocial risk factors for tobacco use, where the 6th grade cohort scored higher risk than 8th grade cohort on scales for intentions to smoke or chew tobacco and susceptibility to smoke or chew tobacco in 2004 and 2005, and for knowledge of health effects of tobacco in all three years.^ The evidence of early initiation of tobacco use in our 6th grade cohort in India indicates the need to target prevention programs and other tobacco control measures from a younger age in this setting. With increasing proportions of total deaths and lost DALYs in India being attributable to chronic diseases, addressing tobacco use among younger cohorts is even more critical. Increase in tobacco use among youth is a cause for concern with respect to future burden of chronic disease and tobacco-related mortality in many developing countries. Similarly, epidemiological studies that aim to predict future death and disease burden due to tobacco should address the early age at initiation and increasing prevalence rates among younger populations. ^


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High prevalence of overweight and obesity among preschool children in the low income population is consistently documented in research with one of every seven low-income, preschool-aged children classified as obese. Parental feeding practices have the potential to be contributing factors to the obesity epidemic. However, the impact of parental feeding practices on obesity in preschool age children has not been well explored. The purpose of this study was to determine relationships between the parental feeding practices of using dessert, sweets or candy as a reward for finishing foods, restricting dessert if the child does not finish their plate at dinner, asking the child to consume everything on their plate at dinner, and having family dinners to obesity in low income, preschool age children.^ A cross-sectional secondary data analysis was completed using the STATA 11 statistical software. Descriptive statistics were completed to summarize demographic and BMI data of participants, as well as parental feeding behavior variables. Pearson’s correlation was implemented to determine a correlation between parental feeding behavior variables and BMI z scores. Predictive relationships between the variables were explored through multivariable linear regression analysis. Regression analyses were also completed factoring in the confounders of gender, age, and ethnicity.^ Results revealed (1) no significant correlations or predictive trends between the use of rewards, forced consumption, or family dinner and BMI in low income preschool age children, and (2) a significant negative correlation and predictive trend between restriction of desserts and BMI in low income preschool age children. Since the analysis supported the null hypothesis for the practices of reward use, forced consumption, and family dinner, these practices are not considered risk factors for obese level BMIs. The inverse association found for practice of restriction and BMI suggests it is unnecessary to discourage parents from using restriction. Limitations of the study included the sample size, reliability of the answers provided on the Healthy Home Survey by participant guardians, and generalizability of the sample to the larger population.^


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Childhood obesity is a significant public health problem. Over 15 percent of children in the United States are obese, and about 25 percent of children in Texas are overweight (CDC NHANES). Furthermore, about 30 percent of elementary school aged children in Harris County, Texas are overweight or obese (Children at Risk Institute 2010). In addition to actions such as increasing physical activity, decreasing television watching and video game time, decreasing snacking on low nutrient calorie dense foods and sugar sweetened beverages, children need to consume more fruits and vegetables. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) from 2002, about 26 percent of U.S. children are meeting the recommendations for daily fruit intake and about 16 percent are meeting the recommendations for daily vegetable intake (CDC NHANES). In 2004, the average total intake of vegetables was 0.9 cups per day and 1.1 cups of fruit per day by children ages four to nine years old in the U.S. (CDC NHANES). Not only do children need effective nutrition education to learn about fruits and vegetables, they also need access and repeated exposure to fruits and vegetables (Anderson 2009, Briefel 2009). Nutrition education interventions that provide a structured, hands-on curriculum such as school gardens have produced significant changes in child fruit and vegetable intake (Blair 2009, McAleese 2007). To prevent childhood obesity from continuing into adolescence and adulthood, effective nutrition education interventions need to be implemented immediately and for the long-term. However, research has shown short-term nutrition education interventions such as summer camps to be effective for significant changes in child fruit and vegetable intake, preferences, and knowledge (Heim 2009). ^ A four week summer camp based on cooking and gardening was implemented at 6 Multi-Service centers in a large, urban city. The participants included children ranging in age from 7 to 14 years old (n=64). The purpose of the camp was to introduce children to their food from the seed to the plate through the utilization of gardening and culinary exercises. The summer camp activities were aimed at increasing the children's exposure, willingness to try, preferences, knowledge, and intake of fruits and vegetables. A survey was given on the first day of camp and again on the last day of camp that measured the pre- and post differences in knowledge, intake, willingness to try, and preferences of fruits and vegetables. The present study examined the short-term effectiveness of a cooking and garden-based nutrition education program on the knowledge, willingness, preferences, and intake among children aged 8 to 13 years old (n=40). The final sample of participants (n=40) was controlled for those who completed pre- and post-test surveys and who were in or above the third grade level. Results showed a statistically significant increase in the reported intake of vegetables and preferences for vegetables, specifically green beans, and fruits. There was also a significant increase in preferences for fruits among boys and participants ages 11 to 13 years. The results showed a change in the expected direction of willingness to try, preferences for vegetables, and intake of fruit, however these were not statistically significant. Interestingly, the results also showed a decrease in the intake of low nutrient calorie dense foods such as sweets and candy.^