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Embryonic stem cell research is a widely debated topic in modern politics and religion. Differing views on the fetal rights conflict with the rights of an embryo. Those who believe an embryo has the same human qualities as a fetus accordingly believe embryonic stem cell research is unethical because it destroys a potential human life. However, scientists advocate the embryo does not have human qualities and should be used for valuable research in the stem cell field. Stem cell research may lead to vast developments in medical treatments, including cancer and brain conditions and injuries that are currently incurable. ^ The current stem cell policy introduced by President Bush in 2001 in an attempt to balance the moral issues with the need for scientific research has broad negative implications on the furthering of stem cell research. There is a limited diversity of available stem cell lines, there may be constitutional issues, there is an increasing disparity between the public and private research spheres, and the U.S. is struggling to maintain its scientific community. The U.S. must develop a new stem cell research policy that will balance the interest of science and public health with the moral issues that concern the public. ^ The United Kingdom allows researchers great liberty in conducting research, permitting the creation of embryos for the sole purpose of research, while Germany is equally conservative in their laws, as their policies support the philosophy that all embryos deserve the protection of full life. The United States should adopt a policy that takes the "middle ground" approach and permit research on excess embryos created for IVF purposes, rather than simply discarding those potentially valuable research tools. ^
Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is an aggressive B-cell lymphoid malignancy representing 5-10% of all non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas. It is distinguished by the t(11;14)(q13;q32) chromosomal translocation that juxtaposes the proto-oncogene CCND1, which encodes cyclin D1 at 11q13 to the IgH gene at 14q32. MCL patients represent about 6% of all new cases of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas per year or about 3,500 new cases per year. MCL occurs more frequently in older adults – the average age at diagnosis is the mid-60s with a male-to-female ratio of 2-3:1. It is typically characterized by the proliferation of neoplastic B-lymphocytes in the mantle zone of the lymph node follicle that have a prominent inclination to disseminate to other lymphoid tissues, bone marrow, peripheral blood and other organs. MCL patients have a poor prognosis because they develop resistance/relapse to current non-specific therapeutic regimens. It is of note that the exact molecular mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of MCL are not completely known. It is reasonable to anticipate that better characterization of these mechanisms could lead to the development of specific and likely more effective therapeutics to treat this aggressive disease. The type I insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGF-IR) is thought to be a key player in several different solid malignancies such as those of the prostate, breast, lung, ovary, skin and soft tissue. In addition, recent studies in our lab showed evidence to support a pathogenic role of IGF-IR in some types of T-cell lymphomas and chronic myeloid leukemia. Constitutively active IGF-IR induces its oncogenic effects through the inhibition of apoptosis and induction of transformation, metastasis, and angiogenesis. Previous studies have shown that signaling through IGF-IR leads to the vi activation of multiple signaling transduction pathways mediated by the receptor-associated tyrosine kinase domain. These pathways include PI3K/Akt, MAP kinase, and Jak/Stat. In the present study, we tested the possible role of IGF-IR in MCL. Our results demonstrate that IGF-IR is over-expressed in mantle cell lymphoma cell lines compared with normal peripheral blood B- lymphocytes. Furthermore, inhibition of IGF-IR by the cyclolignan picropodophyllin (PPP) decreased cell viability and cell proliferation in addition to induction of apoptosis and G2/M cell cycle arrest. Screening of downstream oncogenes and apoptotic proteins that are involved in both IGF-IR and MCL signaling after treatment with PPP or IGF-IR siRNA showed significant alterations that are consistent with the cellular changes observed after PPP treatment. Therefore, our findings suggest that IGF-IR signaling contributes to the survival of MCL and thus may prove to be a legitimate therapeutic target in the future.
Treatment of metastatic melanoma with tumor reactive T cells (adoptive T cell therapy, ACT) is a promising approach associated with a high clinical response rate. However, further optimization of this treatment modality is required to increase the clinical response after this therapy. ACT in melanoma involves an initial phase (pre-REP) of tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) expansion ex vivo from tumor isolates followed by a second phase, “rapid expansion protocol” (REP) generating the billions of cells used as the TIL infusion product. The main question addressed in this thesis was how the currently used REP affected the responsiveness of the CD8+ T cells to defined melanoma antigens. We hypothesized that the REP drives the TIL to further differentiate and become hyporesponsive to antigen restimulation, therefore, proper cytokine treatment or other ways to expand TIL is required to improve upon this outcome. We evaluated the response of CD8+ TIL to melanoma antigen restimulation using MART-1 peptide-pulsed mature DC in vitro. Post-REP TILs were mostly hypo-responsive with poor proliferation and higher apoptosis. Phenotypic analysis revealed that the expression of CD28 was significantly reduced in post-REP TILs. By sorting experiment and microarray analysis, we confirmed that the few CD28+ post-REP TILs had superior survival capacity and proliferated after restimulation. We then went on to investigate methods to maintain CD28 expression during the REP and improve TIL responsiveness. Firstly, IL-15 and IL-21 were found to synergize in maintaining TIL CD28 expression and antigenic responsiveness during REP. Secondly, we found IL-15 was superior as compared to IL-2 in supporting the long-term expansion of antigen-specific CD8+ TIL after restimulation. These results suggest that current expansion protocols used for adoptive T-cell therapy in melanoma yield largely hyporesponsive products containing CD8+ T cells unable to respond in vivo to re-stimulation with antigen. A modification of our current approaches by using IL-15+IL-21 as supporting cytokines in the REP, or/and administration of IL-15 instead of IL-2 after TIL infusion, may enhance the anti-tumor efficacy and long-term persistence of infused T cells in vivo.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States. Current clinical therapy is focused on optimization of the acute/subacute intracerebral milieu, minimizing continued cell death, and subsequent intense rehabilitation to ameliorate the prolonged physical, cognitive, and psychosocial deficits that result from TBI. Adult progenitor (stem) cell therapies have shown promise in pre-clinical studies and remain a focus of intense scientific investigation. One of the fundamental challenges to successful translation of the large body of pre-clinical work is the delivery of progenitor cells to the target location/organ. Classically used vehicles such as intravenous and intra arterial infusion have shown low engraftment rates and risk of distal emboli. Novel delivery methods such as nanofiber scaffold implantation could provide the structural and nutritive support required for progenitor cell proliferation, engraftment, and differentiation. The focus of this review is to explore the current state of the art as it relates to current and novel progenitor cell delivery methods.
Respiratory diseases are a major cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Current treatments offer no prospect of cure or disease reversal. Transplantation of pulmonary progenitor cells derived from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) may provide a novel approach to regenerate endogenous lung cells destroyed by injury and disease. Here, we examine the therapeutic potential of alveolar type II epithelial cells derived from hESCs (hES-ATIICs) in a mouse model of acute lung injury. When transplanted into lungs of mice subjected to bleomycin (BLM)-induced acute lung injury, hES-ATIICs behaved as normal primary ATIICs, differentiating into cells expressing phenotypic markers of alveolar type I epithelial cells. Without experiencing tumorigenic side effects, lung injury was abrogated in mice transplanted with hES-ATIICs, demonstrated by recovery of body weight and arterial blood oxygen saturation, decreased collagen deposition, and increased survival. Therefore, transplantation of hES-ATIICs shows promise as an effective therapeutic to treat acute lung injury.
The place-specific activity of hippocampal cells provides downstream structures with information regarding an animal's position within an environment and, perhaps, the location of goals within that environment. In rodents, recent research has suggested that distal cues primarily set the orientation of the spatial representation, whereas the boundaries of the behavioral apparatus determine the locations of place activity. The current study was designed to address possible biases in some previous research that may have minimized the likelihood of observing place activity bound to distal cues. Hippocampal single-unit activity was recorded from six freely moving rats as they were trained to perform a tone-initiated place-preference task on an open-field platform. To investigate whether place activity was bound to the room- or platform-based coordinate frame (or both), the platform was translated within the room at an "early" and at a "late" phase of task acquisition (Shift 1 and Shift 2). At both time points, CA1 and CA3 place cells demonstrated room-associated and/or platform-associated activity, or remapped in response to the platform shift. Shift 1 revealed place activity that reflected an interaction between a dominant platform-based (proximal) coordinate frame and a weaker room-based (distal) frame because many CA1 and CA3 place fields shifted to a location intermediate to the two reference frames. Shift 2 resulted in place activity that became more strongly bound to either the platform- or room-based coordinate frame, suggesting the emergence of two independent spatial frames of reference (with many more cells participating in platform-based than in room-based representations).
Currently, there are no molecular biomarkers that guide treatment decisions for patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Several retrospective studies have evaluated TP53 in HNSCC, and results have suggested that specific mutations are associated with poor outcome. However, there exists heterogeneity among these studies in the site and stage of disease of the patients reviewed, the treatments rendered, and methods of evaluating TP53 mutation. Thus, it remains unclear as to which patients and in which clinical settings TP53 mutation is most useful in predicting treatment failure. In the current study, we reviewed the records of a cohort of patients with advanced, resectable HNSCC who received surgery and post-operative radiation (PORT) and had DNA isolated from fresh tumor tissue obtained at the time of surgery. TP53 mutations were identified using Sanger sequencing of exons 2-11 and the associated splice regions of the TP53 gene. We have found that the group of patients with either non-disruptive or disruptive TP53 mutations had decreased overall survival, disease-free survival, and an increased rate of distant metastasis. When examined as an independent factor, disruptive mutation was strongly associated with the development of distant metastasis. As a second aim of this project, we performed a pilot study examining the utility of the AmpliChip® p53 test as a practical method for TP53 sequencing in the clinical setting. AmpliChip® testing and Sanger sequencing was performed on a separate cohort of patients with HNSCC. Our study demonstrated the ablity of the AmpliChip® to call TP53 mutation from a single formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded slide. The results from AmpliChip® testing were identical with the Sanger method in 11 of 19 cases, with a higher rate of mutation calls using the AmpliChip® test. TP53 mutation is a potential prognostic biomarker among patients with advanced, resectable HNSCC treated with surgery and PORT. Whether this subgroup of patients could benefit from the addition of concurrent or induction chemotherapy remains to be evaluated in prospective clinical trials. Our pilot study of the p53 AmpliChip® suggests this could be a practical and reliable method of TP53 analysis in the clinical setting.
The tonotopic organization of the mammalian cochlea is accompanied by structural gradients which include the somatic lengths of outer hair cells (OHCs). These receptors rest upon the vibrating portion of the basilar membrane and have been reported to exhibit motile responses following chemical and electrical stimulation. These movements were examined in detail in this dissertation. It was found that isolated OHCs cultured in vitro respond to chemical depolarization with slow tonic movements, and to electrical waveforms with bi-directional, frequency following movements extending from DC to at least 10 kHz.^ Slow contractions were also elicited following electrical stimulation, bath incubation in carbachol (a cholinergic agonist), and increases in extracellular K+ concentration as little as 50 mM.^ Isolated OHCs display anatomical features which are remarkable when contrasted with those prepared from intact receptor organs. A complex structure located between the cuticular plate and the nuclear membrane was consistently observed and was examined by serial cross-sections which revealed a network of non-membrane bound densities. This corresponded to a granular complex seen at the light microscope level. The complex was composed of dense regions of organelles, striated structures embedded within the core, and a circumferential network of microtubules residing in the peri-nuclear portion of the cell. In cells which had lost their nuclear attachment to the terminal synaptic body, the granular complex could be made to contract without effecting any change in cellular length, implying that the complex may be the driving force behind certain aspects of the motile response.^ Most cells displayed movements which revealed asymmetries analogous to those reported for OHC receptor potentials in vivo. The contraction phase (for longer cells) was shown to have a small time constant (approximately 400 microseconds) and saturated with limited displacements. The expansion phase had time constants as large as 1.3 milliseconds but yielded displacements as much as 60 percent larger than those seen for contractions.^ Additional waveform characteristics seen in the in vivo response could be emulated either by biasing the cell's resting length with either direct current, triggering contractions via large electrical displacements, or incubation with depolarizing compounds.^ Alternatively, short (20-30 um) cells revealed more linear response characteristics to the probe stimulus. Partial saturation was achieved and revealed a DC component which was opposite in polarity to that seen in longer cells. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^
Inhibition of local host immune reactions is one mechanism contributing to tumor progression. To determine if alterations in local immune functioning occur during colon carcinogenesis, a model mucosal immune response, type I hypersensitivity against the intestinal parasite Trichinella spiralis, was first characterized in normal mice and then examined during experimental colon carcinogenesis. Segments of sensitized colon mounted in Ussing chambers and challenged with T. spiralis-derived antigen resulted in a rise in short-circuit current ($\rm\Delta I\sb{sc}$) that was antigen-specific and inhibited by furosemide, implicating epithelial Cl$\sp-$ secretion as the ionic mechanism. The immune-regulated Cl$\sp-$ secretion by colonic epithelial cells required the presence of mast cells with surface IgE. Inhibition of potential anaphylactic mediators with various pharmacological agents in vitro implicated prostaglandins and leukotrienes as the principal mediators of the antigen-induced $\rm\Delta I\sb{sc}$, with 5-hydroxytryptamine also playing a role. Distal colon from immune mice fed an aspirin-containing diet (800 mg/kg powdered diet) ad libitum for 6 wk had a decreased response to antigen, confirming the major role of prostaglandins in generating the colonic I$\sb{\rm sc}$. To determine the effects of early stages of colon carcinogenesis on this mucosal immune response, mice were immunized with T. spiralis 1 day after or 8 wk prior to the first of 6 weekly injections of the procarcinogen 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH). Responsiveness to antigenic challenge was suppressed in the distal colon 4-6 wk after the final injection of DMH. One injection of DMH was not sufficient to inhibit antigen responsiveness. The colonic epithelium remained sensitive to direct stimulation by exogenous Cl$\sp-$ secretagogues. Decreased antigen-induced $\rm\Delta I\sb{sc}$ in the distal colon was not due to systemic immune suppression by DMH, as the proximal colon and jejunum maintained responsiveness to antigen. Also, rejection of a secondary T. spiralis infection from the small intestine was not altered. Tumors eventually developed 25-30 wk after the final injection of DMH only in the distal portions of the colon. These results suggest that early stages of DMH-induced colon carcinogenesis manipulate the microenvironment such that mucosal immune function, as measured by immune-regulated Cl$\sp-$ secretion, is suppressed in the distal colon, but not in other regions of the gut. Future elucidation of the mechanisms by which this localized inhibition of immune-mediated ion transport occurs may provide possible clues to the microenvironmental changes necessary for tumor progression in the distal colon. ^
Heparan sulfate proteoglycans and their corresponding binding sites have been suggested to play an important role during the initial attachment of blastocysts to uterine epithelium and human trophoblastic cell lines to uterine epithelial cell lines. Previous studies on RL95 cells, a human uterine epithelial cell line, characterized a single class of cell surface heparin/heparan sulfate (HP/HS)-binding sites. Three major HP/HS-binding peptide fragments were isolated from RL95 cell surfaces by tryptic digestion and partial amino-terminal amino acid sequence from each peptide fragment was obtained. In the current study, using the approaches of reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and cDNA library screening, a novel cell surface $\rm\underline{H}$P/HS $\rm\underline{i}$nteracting $\rm\underline{p}$rotein (HIP) has been isolated from RL95 cells. The full-length cDNA of HIP encodes a protein of 259 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 17,754 Da and pI of 11.75. Transfection of HIP cDNA into NIH-3T3 cells demonstrated cell surface expression and a size similar to that of HIP expressed by human cells. Predicted amino acid sequence indicates that HIP lacks a membrane spanning region and has no consensus sites for glycosylation. Northern blot analysis detected a single transcript of 1.3 kb in both total RNA and poly(A$\sp+$) RNA. Examination of human cell lines and normal tissues using both Northern blot and Western blot analysis revealed that HIP is differentially expressed in a variety of human cell lines and normal tissues, but absent in some cell lines examined. HIP has about 80% homology, at the level of both mRNA and protein, to a rodent protein, designated as ribosomal protein L29. Thus, members of the L29 family may be displayed on cell surfaces where they participate in HP/HS binding events. Studies on a synthetic peptide derived from HIP demonstrate that HIP peptide binds HS/HP with high selectivity and has high affinity (Kd = 10 nM) for a subset of polysaccharides found in commercial HIP preparations. Moreover, HIP peptide also binds certain forms of cell surface, but not secreted or intracellular. HS expressed by RL95 and JAR cells. This peptide supports the attachment of several human trophoblastic cell lines and a variety of mammalian adherent cell lines in a HS-dependent fashion. Furthermore, studies on the subset of HP specifically recognized by HIP peptide indicate that this high-affinity HP (HA-HP) has a larger median MW and a greater negative charge density than bulk HP. The minimum size of oligosaccharide required to bind to HIP peptide with high affinity is a septa- or octasaccharide. HA-HP also quantitatively binds to antithrombin-III (AT-III) with high affinity, indicating that HIP peptide and AT-III may recognize the same or similar oligosaccharide structure(s). Furthermore, HIP peptide antagonizes HP action and promotes blood coagulation in both factor Xa- and thrombin-dependent assays. Finally, HA-HP recognized by HP peptide is highly enriched with anticoagulant activity relative to bulk HP. Collectively, these results demonstrate that HIP may play a role in the HP/HS-involved cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions and recognizes a motif in HP similar or identical to that recognized by AT-III and therefore, may modulate blood coagulation. ^
In the current model for bacterial cell division, the FtsZ protein forms a ring that marks the division plane, creating a cytoskeletal framework for the subsequent action of other essential division proteins such as FtsA and ZipA. The putative protein complex ultimately generates the division septum. The essential cell division protein FtsZ is a functional and structural homolog of eukaryotic tubulin, and like tubulin, FtsZ hydrolyzes GTP and self-assembles into protein filaments in a strictly GTP-dependent manner. FtsA shares sequence similarity with members of the ATPase superfamily that include actin, but its actual function remains unknown. To test the division model and elucidate functions of the division proteins, this dissertation primarily focuses on the analysis of FtsZ and FtsA in Escherichia coli. ^ By tagging with green fluorescent protein, we first demonstrated that FtsA also exhibits a ring-like structure at the potential division site. The localization of FtsA was dependent on functional FtsZ, suggesting that FtsA is recruited to the septum by the FtsZ ring. In support of this idea, we showed that FtsA and FtsZ directly interact. Using a novel E. coli in situ assay, we found that the FtsA-FtsZ interaction appears to be species-specific, although an interspecies interaction could occur between FtsA and FtsZ proteins from two closely related organisms. In addition, mutagenesis of FtsA revealed that no single domain is solely responsible for its septal localization or interaction with FtsZ. To explore the function of FtsA, we purified FtsA protein and demonstrated that it has ATPase activity. Furthermore, purified FtsA stimulates disassembly of FtsZ polymers in a sedimentation assay but does not affect GTP hydrolysis of FtsZ. This result suggests that in the cell, FtsA may function similarly in regulating dynamic instability of the FtsZ ring during the cell division process. ^ To elucidate the structure-function relationship of FtsZ, we carried out thorough genetic and functional analyses of the mutagenized FtsZ derivatives. Our results indicate that the conserved N-terminal domain of FtsZ is necessary and sufficient for FtsZ self-assembly and localization. Moreover, we discovered a critical role for an extreme C-terminal domain of FtsZ that consists of only 12 residues. Truncated FtsZ derivatives lacking this domain, though able to polymerize and localize, are defective in ring formation in vivo as well as interaction with FtsA and ZipA. Alanine scanning mutagenesis of this region pinpointed at least five residues necessary for the function of FtsZ. Studies of protein levels and protein-protein interactions suggested that these residues may be involved in regulating protein stability and/or FtsZ-FtsA interactions. Interestingly, two of the point mutants exhibited dominant-negative phenotypes. ^ In summary, results from this thesis work have provided additional support for the division machinery model and will contribute to a better understanding of the coordinate functions of FtsA and FtsZ in the cell division process. ^
Usual food choices during the past year, self-reported changes in consumption of three important food groups, and weight changes or stability were the questions addressed in this cross-sectional survey and retrospective review. The subjects were 141 patients with Hodgkin's disease or other B-cell types of lymphoma within their first three years following completion of initial treatments for lymphoma at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. ^ The previously validated Block-98 Food Frequency Questionnaire was used to estimate usual food choices during the past year. Supplementary questions asked about changes breads and cereals (white or whole grain) and relative amounts of fruits and vegetables compared with before diagnosis and treatment. Over half of the subjects reported consuming more whole grains, fruits, and/or vegetables and almost three quarters of those not reporting such changes had been consuming whole grains before diagnosis and treatment. ^ Various dietary patterns were defined in order to learn whether proportionately more patients who changed in healthy directions fulfilled recognized nutritional guidelines such as 5-A-day fruits and vegetables and Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIB) for selected nutrients. ^ Small sizes of dietary pattern sub-groups limited the power of this study to detect differences in meeting recommended dietary guidelines. Nevertheless, insufficient and excessive intakes were detected among individuals with respect to fruits and vegetables, fats, calcium, selenium, iron, folate, and Vitamin A. The prevalence of inadequate or excess intakes of foods or nutrients even among those who perceived that they had increased or continued to eat whole grains and/or fruits and vegetables is of concern because of recognized effects upon general health and potential cancer related effects. ^ Over half of the subjects were overweight or obese (by BMI category) on their first visit to this cancer center and that proportion increased to almost three-quarters by their last follow-up visits. Men were significantly heavier than women, but no other significant differences in BMI measures were found even after accounting for prescribed steroids and dietary patterns. ^
Lipid rafts are small laterally mobile cell membrane structures that are highly enriched in lymphocyte signaling molecules. Lipid rafts can form from the assembly of specialized lipids and proteins through hydrophobic associations from saturated acyl chains. GM1 gangliosides are a common lipid raft component and have been shown to be essential in many T cell functions. Current lipid raft theory hypothesizes that certain aspects of T cell signaling can be initiated from the coalescence of these signaling-enriched lipid rafts to sites of receptor engagement. We have described how the specific aggregation of GM1 lipid rafts can cause a reorganization of cell surface molecular associations which include dynamic associations of β1 integrins with GM1 lipid rafts. These associations had pronounced effects on T cell adhesive and migratory states. We show that GM1 lipid raft aggregation can dramatically inhibit T cell migration and chemotaxis on the extracellular matrix constituent fibronectin. This inhibition of migration function was shown to be dependent on the src kinase Lck and PKC-regulated F-actin polymerization to extending pseudopods. Furthermore, GM1 lipid raft clustering could activate T cell adhesion-strengthening mechanisms. These include an increase in cellular rigidity, the creation of polymerized cortical F-actin structures, the induction of high affinity integrin states, an increase in surface area and symmetry of the contact plane, and resistance to shear flow detachment while adherent to fibronectin. This indicates that GM1 lipid raft aggregation defines a novel stimulus to regulate lymphocyte motility and cellular adhesion which could have important implications in T cell homing mechanisms. ^
President George W. Bush's 2001 statement, which laid out guidelines for research that uses human embryonic stem cells to qualify for federal funding, intends to prevent new embryonic stem cell lines from being developed, by prohibiting the federal funding of research that uses embryonic stem cell lines other than those that existed at the time of the policy's inception and were approved by the National Institutes of Health. This policy raises questions of medical and technological ethics and the governments' role in making decisions regarding the advancement of science based on moral and political opinions. Federal stem cell usage policy directly affects scientific research efforts that are currently on the path to understanding the mechanisms of cell differentiation and could potentially offer answers and therapies for disabilities and many chronic diseases. By reviewing the current literature on the background information on human embryonic stem cells, including what they are, where they come from, how they are used for research purposes, and the ethical controversy surrounding their use, I have researched and reported the impact of the 2001 policy on medical research. ^ Both those who support the current policy on human embryonic stem cell research and those who are advocates for policy change have relevant arguments and varying opinions on human embryonic stem cell usage itself. The ethical implication of how embryonic stem cells are obtained has led to fierce debate. This paper presents many arguments for and against hESC research in addition to the policy governing their use. This analysis concludes that the current policy on federal funding of human embryonic stem cell research should be revised to allow research using new stem lines to be eligible for federal funding under specific guidelines. Supporting evidence for this recommendation is provided.^
The FUS1 tumor suppressor gene (TSG) has been found to be deficient in many human non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) tissue samples and cell lines (1,2,3). Studies have shown potent anti-tumor activity of FUS1 in animal models where FUS1 was delivered through a liposomal vector (4) and the use of FUS1 as a therapeutic agent is currently being studied in clinical human trials (5). Currently, the mechanisms of FUS1 activity are being investigated and my studies have shown that c-Abl tyrosine kinase is inhibited by the FUS1 TSG.^ Considering that many NSCLC cell lines are FUS1 deficient, my studies further identified that FUS1 deficient NSCLC cells have an activated c-Abl tyrosine kinase. C-Abl is a known proto-oncogene and while c-Abl kinase is tightly regulated in normal cells, constitutively active Abl kinase is known to contribute to the oncogenic phenotype in some types of hematopoietic cancers. My studies show that the active c-Abl kinase contributes to the oncogenicity of NSCLC cells, particularly in tumors that are deficient in FUS1, and that c-Abl may prove to be a viable target in NSCLC therapy.^ Current studies have shown that growth factor receptors play a role in NSCLC. Over-expression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) plays a significant role in aggressiveness of NSCLC. Current late stage treatments include EFGR tyrosine kinase inhibitors or EGFR antibodies. Platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR) also has been shown to play a role in NSCLC. Of note, both growth factor receptors are known upstream activators of c-Abl kinase. My studies indicate that growth factor receptor simulation along deficiency in FUS1 expression contributes to the activation of c-Abl kinase in NSCLC cells. ^